French toast -- the making, the eating, and the fucking of.
I'm sitting here bespokedly relaxed, thoroughly satisfied, and also spent. This is because we just fingertrapped Hannah, but before going into excruciating detail on that topic (it's an in joke, you'll get it later) let's start with the actual French toast.
That'd be the item in question, depicted above. It's what I call "New World"-style French toast. To make it, you will need (besides the usual eggs, milk and homemade bread, which all go without saying) very good quality molasses infused with ging-seng, carao & cuculmeca (no, I'm not even kidding, that's what I fucking use), cold-extracted almond oil, preserved maranon fruits (you probably know the cashew nut ; but those cashew nuts come in an eminently edible fruit!), cinnamon flowers (yes, I know you "just get the powder", but...) and a splash of the world's best sipping rum. The requisites once providedi you mix them in with the egg and the milk, you soak the bread and cook it on a very hot plate as per usual, then once it's done and you're taking the slices off the heat you finely grate the world's greatest chocolate upon them ; and serve.
Which'd be why it's "New World"-style : the particular balance of flavours I effortlessly manage evokes to my own, most discerning palate the distal continent better than any written word. Because I'm a pigglet, what can I say.
Hey, remember -de-frisco/>Crumb ?
Think he'd like my gal ?
Yes, that's right, those'd be her Crumb socks on her Chinese Imperial Court servant slippers, because what the fuck are we doing here if not exactly that!
Which said, it's time for an etude en bimbo (also French pronounciation -- try it outloud by the way, it's loads o' fun!)
Nodoby'll ever bevile me, but these aren't posed shots. They're candids. Because yes, that's right, this is how she looks when she cooks. Not all the time, of course, I mean she's got other geddups, what the hell, the majority of theatrical companies currently active in this world have less costumery & assorted gear in their trunks.ii
I run the world's foremostly equipped theatrical trouppe, and it's all private shows!iii
Oh right, speaking of geckos : they've had babies. The whole house is full of these tiny fnas now, because the gloriously great big ducks are back, and everything's back with them -- the enchanting lights, the rivers of food, the glorious glory of gloriousness... oh, happy days!
Oh, only to be a gecko ; and only to live, once more, those happy days.
A little bit of shopping, also. We're pretty much the only ones left keeping these poor wrecks in business. I don't mean one shop or another, I mean literally and unquestionably the whole god damned country. Nobody goes out anymore, nobody buys anything anymore, this poor little country, terra pobre chei di amor, is going to have such a hard time of it this year...
Check out Paseo Colon all empty in the distance. This is a rare sight indeed.
And speaking of paseos and colons : after the French toast was made, and after the girls ate it, as you no doubt expect and imagine it dwelled inside them for a little while.
Then, as we were riding back home, they proposed "once we're back, we're going to shower together and put buttplugs in..."
I found this a marvelous idea ; and further contributed that after they're done with all that, Nicole can put her pink cock on (she's got this fabulous insertable, fit for hurting a porn queeniv) and Hannah can suck on it while I fuck her ass.
So we played with buttplugs a while, turning the bathroom floor into a lake, and then I fucked the tiny holed slut while the other one was choking her on a good three pounds of molded silicone, and as I was saying... bespokedly relaxed, thoroughly satisfied, and also spent. As you can see, the (New World-style) French toast had a time of it!
PS. No hannahs were hurt in the making of this intricate adventure, there's no blood anywhere, she's just a natural born fingertrap is all. Well, not exactly for fingers, but that's okay.
Doesn't that look like a (quite very public, of course, of course) wardrobe malfunction just waiting to happen ?
———- I added blue macha just to mess with the (captive) audience, because of course I would.
I also left cloves out on the counter so they'd just assume cloves went in there -- but in fact they did not. Too Indian for this particular new world, we're not doing West Indies (pronounced as the port official says it in To Have And Have Not, "le French Ouest Ondiez"), we're doing New World, get your racisms straight, you know ? [↩]
- You think I'm kidding ?! Besides the octopus hats and the swastika mirrors, you've got another thing coming. [↩]
- To get a further glimpse of this enchanted, purely intangible world (intangible if you're not me, I mean) -- this very morning Nicole was discussing Hannah's sleep in a certain, particular context. "She makes those little moany yelps, you know ?" she inquired with me ; but as she was asking that I was already enroute, delivering a beautiful metallic blue beetle to her exposed bosom. The bug's crawling on bare skin elicited these particular moany yelps out of her, answering the question seamlessly just as it had been asked. So we laughed and we laughed and... even the geckos joined in the hysterics!
Because it's funny, what. The problem films, plays, movies, music videos etcetera all share is that their peaks tend to come in below our average. Not so much a problem for me & mine, obviously ; but definitely a problem for them & theirs. [↩]
- Like a virgin... touched for the very first time... Like a vi-i-i-i-r-gin... [↩]