Forum logs for 28 Oct 2019

Monday, 16 March, Year 12 d.Tr. | Author:
BingoBoingo: At this point nothing is final, but I am looking to be more right than the BBC. [00:44]
BingoBoingo: The Colorados and other minor parties are pledging allegiance to the White Nationalist party in their concesion speeches. Fat Forehead sitting under 40% [00:47]
BingoBoingo: brb, going to it the streets in search of commie tears [00:53]
BingoBoingo: So far quiet. some youth without obvious affiliation gathered on the Rambla as they tend to do, tomando mate. Some fireworks (not a metaphor) on the beach. A *very* few cars with flags of varying sizes making rounds. [02:03]
BingoBoingo: First meme found in local noise holes [02:07]
BingoBoingo: << Raw incoming results 31.2 White Nationalists 36.2 Fat Forehead with 38.4 percent of the ballots counted. The projections the lcoal media is running because they won't show anything other than "projections" are 29 White Nationalist 38 Fat Forehead. [02:25]
BingoBoingo: Across the river 61/65 official versus 72.5/75.5 blue [03:46]
BingoBoingo: << lol, shitheels [04:29]
mp_en_viaje: afaik that was always the case, argentines couldn't buy dollars but then again it was there mostly for their own psyche wound protection -- they COULDNT buy more anyway. they just love to pretend. [09:30]
mp_en_viaje: and in other news /me shall be going to budapest soon, plan to catch up with logs &all in the car. [09:30]
mp_en_viaje: diana_coman, why is it just so hard for theses folks ? check this shit out : [09:43]
mp_en_viaje: now, i can't take out the old style js-select, because i have a bunch of these that haven't been altered out yet but why the hell do they not use the new style, and why the hell do they create monsters when told to ? [09:43]
mp_en_viaje: !1 help [09:44]
feedbot: [09:44]
mp_en_viaje: 9s lag holy crap [11:37]
mp_en_viaje: << alright, well, i guess we're just talking talks here, coulda said you were gonna be stupid from the get go saved everyone the hassle. [11:38]
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-27 19:16:12 asciilifeform: diana_coman: as i specifically wish to operate with no external capital, this is the only possible scheme. [11:38]
mp_en_viaje: i expect the batch with include the s.nsa closing statement asciilifeform an inventory of whatever hardware / items said corp still has in your hands will therefore be helpful to have on hand then for liquidation. [11:41]
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-13 18:03:01 mp_en_viaje: anyway, unrelatedly : for the folk awaiting trilema publication of divers reports, as were implicitly due for q3 sometime early october : i had every intention of doing them, if not by the 5th day as trad. absolute value at least sorta by 15th (as scaled value, 3x the months, 3x5 days) or something. but then, whole pizaro debacle, adding to the fact that i'm traveling and that's never so fixed a schedule (for inst [11:41]
mp_en_viaje: normally i'd recommend either a lord take you in or, in the case of more retarded, that they themselves find a lord to take them in. in your case though, i don't tjhink there's any point in wasting anyone's time, you're just getting washed out and that'sthat. [11:42]
asciilifeform: hm thought already 'washed out' in june ? [13:01]
asciilifeform: << i dunget: per mp's lights it was shoddy isp. but he wanted to buy it ? [13:03]
snsabot: Logged on 2019-10-28 11:35:44 mp_en_viaje: << alright, well, i guess we're just talking talks here, coulda said you were gonna be stupid from the get go saved everyone the hassle. [13:03]
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-27 19:16:12 asciilifeform: diana_coman: as i specifically wish to operate with no external capital, this is the only possible scheme. [13:03]
asciilifeform: mp_en_viaje: why not detail what you had in mind, before we do the mutual -10 / declaring each other traitors thing. [13:36]
asciilifeform: mp_en_viaje: fwiw, afaik all of the iron that's actually on the books, with the exception of 4 very worn 256G ssd (~50 $ if were new) that i had BingoBoingo mail , is at piz. so you can liquidate even nao if you like. [13:39]
asciilifeform: ftr asciilifeform does not know how to build (and in usa no less!) an isp that reliably brings in, ~from l1/l2~, and on top of other expenses, the 1-1.5btc/mo that would be req'd to feed asciilifeform. and refuse to scam anyone into thinking that i know how. if ~this~ is hard requirement, then yes, asciilifeform oughta be drummed out. [14:37]
snsabot: Logged on 2019-10-18 16:25:05 asciilifeform: mp_en_viaje: there's 2 separate qs.: a) whether it is possible to run a comfortably +ev miniature isp for use of l1/l2. b) is how to run large isp, hosting 1000 heathens, to make 100k's. presently it would be a lie if asciilifeform said that knows how to (b) , and suicidal if tried to (a) + (b) simultaneously right off . [14:37]
asciilifeform: would req literally 1000+ subscribers. ( are there even 1000 total ~people~ in l2 ? ) [14:47]
asciilifeform: not many dc can even ~house~ 1000+. was mp also proposing to build a dc ?! ( if so, why specced 'rack' ? ) [15:01]
asciilifeform: 'make me a can opener.' 'here's a can opener, mp' 'fuck you tard, where's the steel mill and coal, iron mines, to go with that!?' [15:02]
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: Even the most independent "muh seeds, muh land, muh guns" farmers know they can't completely cut themselves off from outside capital. They might not like taking debt, but they gotta be open to the possibility. If the neighbor's farm fall due to low commodity prices, as a farmer you have to at least try to buy his fields for the scale as your position isn't much better without growing. [15:20]
BingoBoingo: No outside capital until the hereto unmapped phase 5 is one thing. No outside capital ever... that position will trap your operation at hobby shop scale. [15:23]
BingoBoingo: Now "I refuse to take outside capital until the rack's current cost basis is covered and a conversion engine is running" is a different position. [15:28]
BingoBoingo: Going from one occupied rack operating in the black to the next phase, 5 in you chart is going to be an expensive jump but if there is an outreach engine running investors or creditors may be interested in something like hiring lobbes to make camp in Iberia and service the racks you rent at all of the cable landing points. [15:33]
mp_en_viaje: << we're back at this etc [15:34]
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-28 10:04:55 asciilifeform: << i dunget: per mp's lights it was shoddy isp. but he wanted to buy it ? [15:34]
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-18 12:02:14 mp_en_viaje: <mp_en_viaje> if you're just looking for a coupla week's amateur entertainment, i got a whole line of hookers looking for same pounding down my door. [15:34]
snsabot: Logged on 2019-10-28 11:35:44 mp_en_viaje: << alright, well, i guess we're just talking talks here, coulda said you were gonna be stupid from the get go saved everyone the hassle. [15:34]
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-23 13:39:53 mp_en_viaje: ~this~ is the discriminant it's not a matter of how great you can do at the hobby of this, when "real life" permits. it's not how impressive, or above-others, or anything else your amateur effort might come to be. [15:34]
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-27 19:16:12 asciilifeform: diana_coman: as i specifically wish to operate with no external capital, this is the only possible scheme. [15:34]
mp_en_viaje: half dozen fucking statements of ~same~ thing within the past ~two weeks. [15:35]
mp_en_viaje: << i'm not interested in "patching over", it'll just be another version of ye perennial "what's the absolute minimum i can do so as to just barely squeak by the standard without actually doing it". [15:37]
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-28 12:30:42 BingoBoingo: Now "I refuse to take outside capital until the rack's current cost basis is covered and a conversion engine is running" is a different position. [15:37]
mp_en_viaje: tyvm, five years of it are good enough. asciilifeform can do whatever the fuck he feels like while waiting for his real life to really begin, dun need me or anyone else for any of that. [15:37]
BingoBoingo: mp_en_viaje: With the level of repeating involved I had suspicions. [15:37]
mp_en_viaje: which, after all, is the point. [15:37]
mp_en_viaje: "phase 5", help me rwanda. if you buy 5 it'll be 5 and if not it'll be 625 or 32598049853049 phases. just as long as it dun involve any eh what the hell's the point, its been talked to death already. [15:39]
asciilifeform: ohai mp_en_viaje [15:42]
mp_en_viaje: hi [15:42]
asciilifeform: mp_en_viaje: didja barf before or after reading ( as promised ) 2nd ed of #s ? [15:43]
snsabot: Logged on 2019-10-23 16:57:34 mp_en_viaje: << /me shall read this sunday, then. [15:43]
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-23 10:56:24 asciilifeform: << atm writing lengthy piece re subj (expecting to post fri/sat) and would rather not clutter the log w/ figures until then [15:43]
snsabot: Logged on 2019-10-23 07:54:52 spyked: <-- from my (most likely naive, since I've got 0-experience on the business side of things) the concerns seems to be rather re. your expectations of staying afloat, i.e. sales, revenue, how many clients you expect to get in what timeframe and how that'll cover your expenses. there might be some of that info in the logz, but imho this is worth includi [15:43]
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-22 11:13:46 asciilifeform: the 'solvent' part imho is satisfied by even draft 1. the 'expand' i think deserves more space. [15:43]
mp_en_viaje: i barfed at the line quoted the loper-os page is still loaded in the browser but i guess ima get to it in a year or w/e. like with newspapers, you know, antiquarian interest. [15:45]
asciilifeform: mp_en_viaje: can persuade to read ? can then barf correctly. ( the #s dun lie, in fact show what intake can expect per subscriber, etc. ) even if you build own isp, the ~same mechanics will apply. [15:48]
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: The lesson of this month is that the non-performance of the derps in the basement didn't have to be a fatal blow to Pizarro. Our failures to sell and find some leverage in the selling by expanding the l2, created the conditions that turned into into a coup de grace. [15:52]
mp_en_viaje: i'll read it eventually but there's no interest now, as there was no interest then, in following your amateur exertions, so assumed. [15:52]
mp_en_viaje: nor is there much cause to keep up the s.nsa pretense, it is, by your own words now completing your own actions, a hollow shell. [15:52]
asciilifeform: mp_en_viaje: might want to let diana_coman know, to 'stop follow the amateur exertions', she's been assigning e.g. '' as homework. [15:53]
mp_en_viaje: to whom ? [15:53]
* asciilifeform remembers that mp_en_viaje dun read #o [15:53]
asciilifeform: to students. [15:53]
mp_en_viaje: she conceivably assigns demosthenes of rhodes to some children, doesn't now mean ima partnership in geometry with early greeks [15:54]
asciilifeform: mp_en_viaje: re snsa, it was always yours to do with as you wanted, was structured in such a way (w/ the e.g. 'mpex fee' exponential growth) that asciilifeform was guaranteed never to see a bitcent from it. ( and knew this worked w/ mp_en_viaje strictly outta principle. ) [16:02]
mp_en_viaje: right right. [16:03]
mp_en_viaje: now make that inventory and be done with it. [16:04]
asciilifeform: mp_en_viaje: the inventory's in piz. [16:04]
mp_en_viaje: to put it plainly, apparently your ferrocranium's particularly truculent this evening : if you do not fucking produce it, i will simply say you ran off with the gear. are we clear or wtf ? [16:05]
asciilifeform: mp_en_viaje: explain what diff it oughta make to asciilifeform whether gets fraudulent '-10 : ran off with the gear' or '-10 : ferrocranium refused to go on isp suicide mission' from mp_en_viaje ? [16:08]
asciilifeform: that being said, let's make it faster , iirc mp_en_viaje valued the snsa gear at piz at 0.9. invoice asciilifeform for 0.9, i'm already warming up cold wallet to pay mp_en_viaje the earlier 0.3 invoice . [16:10]
asciilifeform: mp_en_viaje: also plox to generate an addr where you want it, and sign. ( i dunno if will be able to operate deedbot after we're through and asciilifeform is unplugged in #t. ) [16:14]
asciilifeform: as for this -- can read nao, or never, or year later, will still be there, when asciilifeform operating the only 'gossip' hosting backbone-sitting isp, and mp_en_viaje excommunicated 5 moar people for failing to lay atlantic fibers for him, and still has none. [16:18]
snsabot: Logged on 2019-10-28 15:42:42 mp_en_viaje: i barfed at the line quoted the loper-os page is still loaded in the browser but i guess ima get to it in a year or w/e. like with newspapers, you know, antiquarian interest. [16:18]
mp_en_viaje: yeah, that'll be a sight to behold, the only gossipd node. [16:19]
mp_en_viaje: at least it'll keep good time with itself. [16:19]
asciilifeform: lol [16:19]
mp_en_viaje: now lay of le dramatique, and go back to waiting for your real life to begin, i've no further interest. [16:19]
asciilifeform: 'real life to begin' ? [16:20]
* BingoBoingo will get an inventory published today. [16:23]
asciilifeform: moar alive nao than ever. as for mp_en_viaje , plox to post the signed addr. piz liquidators, plox to take proceedings to #p. folx who intend to continue to crib off asciilifeform's work, which continues, or want functioning hosting : to #a. (which i'ma take is no longer official mp castle, i'ma take off the sign shortly.) next gen of FG will still be produced, on asciilifeform's dime ( and i'ma respect mp_en_viaje's wishes if he wan [16:23]
asciilifeform: ts it renamed ) , all other asciilifeform agenda items will continue even if errybody joins in the firing squad. [16:23]
mp_en_viaje: alright, so all the better then, unfettered soar and there you go. [16:28]
* BingoBoingo has been so occupied with cleanup that forgot Qntra crossed into 5 years of, not interupted, operation on the second of this month. [16:33]
asciilifeform: mp_en_viaje: plox to gen an' sign that addr. otherwise if there aint a hole into which asciilifeform can pay, i suspect even the still-hypnotized folx won't buy then 'ran off!111' . [16:38]
mp_en_viaje: look, you either produce an inventory or don't produce an inventory. stop whining about it. [16:44]
asciilifeform: mp_en_viaje: there are 4 FG here 12 spare analogue boards. at piz there is a , a , and 34 FG (that were sold to piz, and i have still nfi whether mp_en_viaje wanted'em back physically or as coin.) there also were 4 x 256GB mostly spent ssds, they are in the mail and i've nfi whether will see'em again, neither [17:01]
asciilifeform: nor usps seem to know where they are [17:01]
snsabot: Logged on 2018-02-05 19:42:57 asciilifeform: (1) 2.3GHz x 32core (Opteron 6376) RAM Installed: 256G RAM Max: 256G [17:01]
snsabot: Logged on 2018-02-05 19:43:20 asciilifeform: (3) 1.9GHz x 24core (Opteron 6168) RAM Installed: 24G RAM Max: 256G [17:01]
asciilifeform: all pre-april2017 inventory, mp had written off . [17:01]
asciilifeform: this afaik completes the list. [17:01]
mp_en_viaje: the logs is your venue ? [17:02]
asciilifeform: mp_en_viaje: do you want this as a signed text ? [17:02]
mp_en_viaje: you could publish the damned thing on your own blog, like a sane person. [17:02]
asciilifeform: the blog mp_en_viaje dun read? lol [17:02]
mp_en_viaje: why the hell does everything with you haver to be done soddily, half way, ill considered, as best fits immanture momentary convenience and so on ? [17:02]
mp_en_viaje: do you aim to become the avatar of earthy laziness or something ? [17:02]
asciilifeform: i could ask same of mp_en_viaje [17:03]
mp_en_viaje: write an item, "this is what s.nsa owns in my hands as things stand", puybluish it , in one piece, somewhere you can answer for being accesdsible in a few weeks and there you go. [17:03]
mp_en_viaje: why's none of this self-obvious ? [17:03]
asciilifeform: asciilifeform worx 14h+ days. mp_en_viaje sits in cabaret and smokes 100$ bills. but somehow the former is 'avatar of lazy', eh. [17:03]
mp_en_viaje: yes. [17:04]
asciilifeform: anyways after BingoBoingo counts , i'ma post signed text where mp_en_viaje asked, so long as he gives his word that will actually read it. [17:04]
asciilifeform: i am unable to physically count objects in uy from desk. [17:04]
mp_en_viaje: certainly, i'll be in the closing papers. [17:04]
mp_en_viaje: i'd much rather not have to link a logline -- or five. [17:05]
asciilifeform: y'know, link to multi lines worx fine. but will put in what format you like. [17:08]
ericbot: Logged on 2019-10-28 17:01:31 asciilifeform: this afaik completes the list. [17:08]
mp_en_viaje: your kneejerk responses take ammendments six cases of seven or thereabouts also. [17:11]
mp_en_viaje: now take all that effort wasted in the protection of a futile self-image, and put it in the making of a proper thing you can live with for years to come, namely the closing inventory of s.nsa [17:12]
mp_en_viaje: because, like everything else, once i sit down to write it, it's written. [17:12]
asciilifeform: mp_en_viaje: the only missing piece is BingoBoingo's count of the items currently in his flat. after it matches mine, will sign. [17:13]
asciilifeform: also i hate to piss on mp_en_viaje's freudian parade, but i haven't got 'self image' or whatever other nonsense phlogistons tlp et al persuaded mp_en_viaje of existing. [17:14]
mp_en_viaje: then what are we talking about here ? [17:14]
mp_en_viaje: a derpy "corporation' that's been trying to rest on laurels for 50 months ? some child's inept toyplay "parents & school permitting", we'll play datacenter this fri after school ? [17:15]
asciilifeform: inventories of old gear, i thought, is what we were talking about. [17:15]
asciilifeform: something i've no objection to, the gear belongs to the people to whom it belongs. [17:15]
mp_en_viaje: aite, so then that's done. [17:16]
asciilifeform: re 'play dc', asciilifeform's 'evil, useless dc' will be there 1y, 2y, from nao. and open to anyone of asciilifeform's l1 who wants, even mp_en_viaje. [17:19]
asciilifeform: mp_en_viaje: if you intend to fatwa all properly orthodox folx from subscribing, plox to let diana_coman know, give her time to find new blog host. [17:21]
asciilifeform: last i knew, she agreed on the price and was intending to pay. [17:21]
mp_en_viaje: are you so ahead in the management of your own affairs you now wish to undertake a portion of mine, or what exactly is it ? [17:27]
asciilifeform: mp_en_viaje: i'm hosting a demo box for diana_coman , so it aint purely 'your' . [17:28]
asciilifeform: fwiw mp_en_viaje made it quite clear in june '19 that he intends to close snsa. and this was part of the reason why i set up private rack, it will host phuctor in-exile, asciilifeform's www, and anyone else who has the courage and dun insist on marionette control of the entire thing simply as condition of hosting a box or 2. [17:28]
mp_en_viaje: not exactly what happened, but w/e. [17:29]
asciilifeform: was q of when, not if. [17:29]
mp_en_viaje: if the father tells his drunkard son that he's getting cut off unless he stops drinking, the father's not telling the moron he's getting cut off. [17:29]
mp_en_viaje: even if the moron's decided he will drink self to death. [17:30]
asciilifeform: 'drinking' == made it clear that can't live off tree bark ? [17:30]
mp_en_viaje: you're not at liberty to remove my ifs as to best serve, again, your self-image. [17:30]
mp_en_viaje: now stop hussling me, it ain't gonna deliver any kind of payoff. [17:31]
asciilifeform: again with the phlogistons eh. [17:31]
asciilifeform: aite. when BingoBoingo returns w/ his count, will talk. [17:31]
diana_coman: - oh boy because he didn't read properly how the thing works, obviously at any rate, he'll fix it, read the manual and stop doing the shit, yes. [18:46]
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-28 06:44:58 mp_en_viaje: diana_coman, why is it just so hard for theses folks ? check this shit out : [18:46]
BingoBoingo: Apologies for the delay. I had to step away from the inventorying task to pick up a telegram at the Cowork. Dated Friday 18:16 hours... They want money and they want it on a schedule incompatible with the contract they've breached to hell! This is going to be very fun! [19:02]
BingoBoingo: diana_coman: I suspect the lack of pings is a shortcoming of the way I set up the LAMP on the lifeboat. I will investigate it, probably later this week. [19:03]
diana_coman: - oh hey, happy belated bday qntra! and congrats BingoBoingo on it! [19:04]
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-28 13:34:53 BingoBoingo: has been so occupied with cleanup that forgot Qntra crossed into 5 years of, not interupted, operation on the second of this month. [19:04]
mp_en_viaje: man what a day. [19:47]
mp_en_viaje: breakfast in prague, lunch in vienna, and in time for coffee & deserts in budapest. [19:47]
mp_en_viaje: truly an european existence. [19:47]
diana_coman: mp_en_viaje: I went to make child's passport - also a sort of ..european experience!! [19:47]
mp_en_viaje: haha. how did that go ? [19:48]
diana_coman: it's a romanian example of applying eu rules I suppose I guess I'll have to write-it up as it's too surreal, only the old italian-embassy experience beats it. [19:51]
mp_en_viaje: o, you got it in romania ?! [19:51]
diana_coman: mp_en_viaje: no, in london but the romanian consulate is 200% a piece of romania indeed [19:52]
mp_en_viaje: kid's not uk citizen ? [19:52]
diana_coman: if one is nostalgic about anything, they should go there [19:52]
diana_coman: mp_en_viaje: no, he's not because neither parent is uk citizen [19:52]
mp_en_viaje: not born there tho ? or that's no longer the criteria. [19:52]
mp_en_viaje: neways, the rotards are something the fuck else. i had to sick my people on them, because otherwise they have this nominally "passport in 2 weeks, no need of ye olde expediency fees", to be in line with the eu but then... waiting lists for the 2 week term to start, stretching like 3 months. [19:53]
diana_coman: mp_en_viaje: not the criteria by itself anymore at the time he was born,no it was some additional years [19:53]
mp_en_viaje: magically got the "appointment to apply" or w/e the fuck the next day, but in general... [19:54]
mp_en_viaje: working really hard at earning a bad name for romania, what. [19:54]
diana_coman: aha and here appointment online but then queue anyway... outside the building too and a guy giving frantic directions, it was something. [19:55]
mp_en_viaje: in unrelated news, after week+ of cluelesness i finally comprehended the fucking intended usage of my new cam (as it happens, by watching teeny monkey at work) -- the rabatable viewport IS THERE SO YOU CAN TAKE YOUR OWN PICTURE [20:12]
mp_en_viaje: would prolly not have occured to me in another six months [20:13]
mp_en_viaje: << lol wait, you got served meanwhile ? was it by the very auditioning firm for maxlulz ? [22:27]
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-28 16:04:39 BingoBoingo: Apologies for the delay. I had to step away from the inventorying task to pick up a telegram at the Cowork. Dated Friday 18:16 hours... They want money and they want it on a schedule incompatible with the contract they've breached to hell! This is going to be very fun! [22:27]
BingoBoingo: mp_en_viaje: Not service. Bluster of the "do what we say" flavor. [22:31]
mp_en_viaje: so extralegal telegram, like happy bday ? [22:31]
BingoBoingo: Basically. Bluster, threats, etc [22:32]
diana_coman: possibly they expect it's scary enough if it's "telegram!!!" [22:32]
mp_en_viaje: so post it. [22:34]
BingoBoingo: Will do [22:36]
BingoBoingo: "Rechazamos el TCCPC recibido el 22/10/19 y las imputaciones alli realizadas. Asimismo, intimamos pago de pago de precio convenido segun clausula 8 y anexos del contrato marco de servicios de technologia,"... Wank, wank, wank they want paid on a schedule now FASTER than spec'd in the contract for not doing what they promised in the contract. [22:45]
mp_en_viaje: i meant take a pic of the artefact [22:45]
mp_en_viaje: you know, like a sort of contemporaneous archeology. [22:46]
BingoBoingo: Will do and append to the inventory post. [22:46]
BingoBoingo: Or give it a post of its own [22:46]
mp_en_viaje: wtf's a TCCPC anyways [22:46]
BingoBoingo: It's apparently how Antel refers to certified telegrams. Derps had to use Antel for this because they apparently aren't a sufficiently complete telecom to have their own telegraph service. [22:47]
mp_en_viaje: meanwhile in other lulz, << the syndicate of housewives, consumers an' users of the oriental republic has complex rules an' notions. [22:52]
BingoBoingo: lol, there's a bunch of these piled up derpations [22:54]
mp_en_viaje: who the fuck in his right mind would report this, what the fuck. what next, register your mistresses with the national prostitution... orifice ? [22:54]
BingoBoingo: No one does outside of some retards. There's a whole bunch of cancer that made it in print that might as well come off because... Really? [22:57]
BingoBoingo: What seemed to have happened after that turd got passed was a lot of live in domestic servants got kicked into the street if their employer wasn't fucking them. Derps who could afford it instead went to cleaning agencies. A handful of folks who aren't braindamaged simply have more girlfriends. Overall the number of bipeds getting compensation for doing something dropped. [23:07]
mp_en_viaje: as usual. [23:10]
BingoBoingo: "No nos vamos a perder lo mejor" was the losing campaign slogan. [23:11]
BingoBoingo: Because the meddling commies destroying opportunity to make the poor poorer was "lo mejor" [23:12]
Category: Logs
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