Forum logs for 27 Nov 2019
bvt: | mircea_popescu: published & answered | [00:04] |
mircea_popescu: | BingoBoingo, sounds like a plan. also don't get oneitis. | [01:08] |
BingoBoingo: | mircea_popescu: Right. The sweep continues. | [01:15] |
BingoBoingo: | In unlikely local headlines seen today, ~10 million USD worth of "contraband" went from Uruguay to Paraguay contrary to everything I understand about smuggling between the Guays. | [01:19] |
BingoBoingo: | jfw dorion_road: Do you know anything about an operation calling itself Of particular interest, is Panama a small enough place you maybe ran into their last Customer service and support manager? | [01:53] |
BingoBoingo: | Apartment rents in their neighborhood appear to be ~150% to 175% of similarly situated Montevideo rents, and they opened the conversation with a request for my salary expectations. I appreciated they replied, even with an opportunity other than what I approached them about... but I'd like to avoid the situation where I end up in the wrong job *and* underpaid for taking on the extra risk. | [02:00] |
* BingoBoingo | understands that datacenter tech is a sorta trade while customer service manager is in many cases is a sort of fall guy. | [02:02] |
BingoBoingo: | To put the contrast differently. As a trade, datacenter tech is portable. A datacenter tech does his work and follows opportunities like an oilfield roughneck. A customer service manager enters a carrera in the Latino sense of it being a race. It's a race to either move up in the organization of move from organization to organization while staying in front of rot that accumulates in other aspects of the business. | [03:04] |
mircea_popescu: | bvt, aite, i think we're good there. | [11:50] |
* mircea_popescu | keeps sitting down to write trilema articles, ends up producing full featured articles for people's blogs' comments sections. | [11:51] |
diana_coman: | heh, what are comments if not articles-to-be, really. | [11:53] |
mircea_popescu: | true enough | [11:54] |
mircea_popescu: | i don't mind, that's for sure. | [11:54] |
mircea_popescu: | diana_coman, << from your latest trackaback list. | [11:55] |
diana_coman: | heh, got back to that due to a need to change direction . | [12:00] |
ossabot: | (ossasepia) 2019-11-25 diana_coman: jfw: here's for you to change direction then, courtesy of Kafka himself. | [12:00] |
diana_coman: | mircea_popescu: do you know where in db are trackback's contents ? I replaced in posts and in comments, apparently not in trackbacks, hm. | [12:00] |
mircea_popescu: | update mpwp_comments set comment_author_url = whatever where comment_author_url = whatever else. | [12:04] |
diana_coman: | ah, it's comment_author for trackback, makes sense. | [12:22] |
* diana_coman | adds to the list for later today. | [12:23] |
mircea_popescu: | meanwhile in "stupid old women with no sense of humour" news, it turns out the uppity old women lobby in our failed new world colonies change what there passes for "laws" so that nobody under 21 can buy tobacco (used to be 18), and that there's dedicated tobacco-alcohol shops. which are these places wherein nobody under 21 AND OVER 12 can go in. even if accompanied. | [14:14] |
mircea_popescu: | so in practice it's like... "hey, now you're old enough to be forbidden this great palace where all the cool shit is" | [14:15] |
diana_coman: | well, on the bright side, there's nothing better than "forbidden!!!" to make it interesting to youth. | [14:23] |
mircea_popescu: | ikr | [14:36] |
BingoBoingo: | In local weather, no rioting yet. Trend this week seems to be attacks on various sorts of police functionaries in and around their homes | [16:19] |
diana_coman: | !!up dorion_road | [18:39] |
deedbot: | dorion_road voiced for 30 minutes. | [18:39] |
dorion_road: | ty diana_coman | [18:40] |
dorion_road: | << hey ave1, how goes ? has there been a delivery date set on this ? | [18:40] |
ossabot: | Logged on 2019-11-17 12:42:50 ave1: I was genesing it, and will continue to do so. But with feedback in the loop. So, for example, gcc comes with an old STL html documentation tree, can this be dropped? (I would say yes) | [18:40] |
dorion_road: | how about you publish a review of the current status and plan moving forward on you blog ? That'll help us shorten the feedback loop. | [18:41] |
dorion_road: | bvt, I've been reading your kernal and tmsr os articles I must say they are a pleasure. I'm integrating many of the points you've made in the article I'm writing to clarify the plan here. | [18:43] |
dorion_road: | jfw in your Gales Linux articles, please address bvt's question in his tmsr os article about the mb weight and contents of the bootstrapping/package management/developments tools. | [18:46] |
dorion_road: | trinque, bvt highlighted you there as well, your input would be appreciated. | [18:47] |
dorion_road: | bvt What is the status of the last vpatch for the RNG series? | [18:48] |
dorion_road: | when is your estimated date of delivery ? | [18:48] |
dorion_road: | << cool. | [18:49] |
ossabot: | Logged on 2019-11-26 19:03:23 lobbes: << indeed still outstanding. I'll aim to get a proper estimation in hours for that work out by Saturday | [18:49] |
ericbot: | Logged on 2019-11-26 19:26:28 dorion_road: lobbes Reading your latest plan, looks like auctionbot work remains outstanding useful. How much work/time do you estimate for the auctionbot updates ? | [18:49] |
dorion_road: | << sounds good. gobble, gobble. | [18:50] |
ossabot: | Logged on 2019-11-26 19:03:31 lobbes: << sounds good to me. The mp-wp bot needs to be completed/delivered this week (which I will have some extra time to do so due to upcoming US holidays). Once I get that and the auctionbot work estimation complete, I will propose a deadline for my ebuild 101 homework. | [18:50] |
ericbot: | Logged on 2019-11-26 19:49:58 dorion_road: lobbes the understanding ebuilds self-assignment is a good starting point in the meantime as the strategy clarifies. How about you explain them to yourself in the form of a blog article(s) ? | [18:50] |
dorion_road: | On the ownership front, so far we have bvt on the kernel, ave1 on gcc and lobbes on ebuilds/package management. | [18:52] |
dorion_road: | The other priority areas of ownership to clarify : c library, boot process (bios, bootloader, init), userland, install process, process supervision and logging and package management options beyond ebuilds. | [18:54] |
dorion_road: | spyked what area(s) most interest you and you think you're a best fit for ? | [18:55] |
dorion_road: | jfw I know you've spent a good deal of time with musl in the process of getting Gales statically linked , do you think owning the c library is a good fit for you ? | [18:57] |
dorion_road: | To expand what I'm thinking re userland, the choice as far as I see is between stage3 via Cuntoo or Busybox a la Gales + whatever addons are not included in Busybox. | [19:06] |
ossabot: | Logged on 2019-11-06 23:08:07 trinque: and you have fewer men than you'd like, and I'm not going to pretend to be 20, and then cry when I fail at it. that's why I said I'm looking at kernel + busybox for my own stack. even it isn't human-sized, but it's about two orders of magnitude less twine and shit than "standard linux distro" | [19:06] |
ossabot: | Logged on 2019-11-12 16:57:31 jfw: It's a Linux distro I put together, in a couple stages, based on gcc 4.7, musl, busybox userland, exclusively static linking | [19:06] |
bvt: | dorion_road: the kernel rng vpatch will be finished on this weekend (i have all the components in the benchmarking blogpost, just need to clean things up). | [19:06] |
dorion_road: | bvt nice, sounds good. | [19:08] |
diana_coman: | !!up dorion_road | [19:10] |
deedbot: | dorion_road voiced for 30 minutes. | [19:10] |
dorion_road: | << I don't know that datacenter in particular. I can ask around though, Panama is small. I'd offer to pay a visit to their office if I was in town. | [19:13] |
ossabot: | Logged on 2019-11-26 21:56:33 BingoBoingo: jfw dorion_road: Do you know anything about an operation calling itself Of particular interest, is Panama a small enough place you maybe ran into their last Customer service and support manager? | [19:13] |
dorion_road: | << this is an initial list and probably needs to be extended. additions encouraged. | [19:14] |
ossabot: | Logged on 2019-11-27 14:58:06 dorion_road: The other priority areas of ownership to clarify : c library, boot process (bios, bootloader, init), userland, install process, process supervision and logging and package management options beyond ebuilds. | [19:14] |
diana_coman: | BingoBoingo: fwiw that panamaservers thing failed my very initial filtering hence I didn't even bother jfw or dorion_road about it and the thing with customer service and support doesn't sound that great to me either. | [19:17] |
jfw: | BingoBoingp, guessing that's , looks like a parked domain. I'm not familiar with them. | [19:20] |
jfw: | - will do | [19:21] |
ossabot: | Logged on 2019-11-27 14:50:04 dorion_road: jfw in your Gales Linux articles, please address bvt's question in his tmsr os article about the mb weight and contents of the bootstrapping/package management/developments tools. | [19:21] |
jfw: | - Could be. There's a decision that will be needed between glibc, dynamic musl, static musl, some mixture or framework with multiple options, or what. This is a part of the server vs. graphics split that bvt mentioned, or work vs. play if that's a fair characterization of | [19:29] |
jfw: | MP's affirmation of it. | [19:29] |
ossabot: | Logged on 2019-11-27 15:01:28 dorion_road: jfw I know you've spent a good deal of time with musl in the process of getting Gales statically linked , do you think owning the c library is a good fit for you ? | [19:29] |
jfw: | My view of musl is that it's substantially smaller and cleaner than glibc, but still has a substantial rate of bugfixes mixed in with feature additions. My sense is that many of these are in the area of threading / concurrency, for which they wrote a new implementation of the userspace part, and also an area I'm less familiar with though wouldn't mind improving on. | [19:34] |
diana_coman: | !!up dorion_road | [19:40] |
deedbot: | dorion_road voiced for 30 minutes. | [19:40] |
jfw: | Besides proprietary GPU drivers there are other "traditional Linux" things not likely to run on musl with any amount of futzing, such as compiled non-static binaries (proprietary apps, the Adacore GNAT distribution) and "enterprisey" thinks like authentication plugins I can't speak to whether we should care about these. | [19:40] |
diana_coman: | jfw: ave1 has GNAT running on musl, no need for the frozen Adacore version really. | [19:41] |
jfw: | cool, if we gotta trust a binary anyway, probably no reason to prefer theirs to his. | [19:42] |
jfw: | Confidence built through WoT and all. | [19:43] |
mircea_popescu: | << happens to be the correct strategy for the antisocial struggle. first you disable the "police", it's why hiv is the only infectious disease of any consequence. | [19:43] |
ossabot: | Logged on 2019-11-27 12:23:32 BingoBoingo: In local weather, no rioting yet. Trend this week seems to be attacks on various sorts of police functionaries in and around their homes | [19:43] |
BingoBoingo: | mircea_popescu: Well the chorros had been taking guns off of girly gops walking the beat for at least a year. Now the dudes get beat. Interesting to see where this'll lead. | [19:45] |
mircea_popescu: | ~nowhere | [19:46] |
mircea_popescu: | << what's the difference between "gcc" and "c library" contemplated here ? | [19:47] |
ossabot: | Logged on 2019-11-27 14:58:06 dorion_road: The other priority areas of ownership to clarify : c library, boot process (bios, bootloader, init), userland, install process, process supervision and logging and package management options beyond ebuilds. | [19:47] |
diana_coman: | !!up dorion_road | [19:51] |
deedbot: | dorion_road voiced for 30 minutes. | [19:51] |
dorion_road: | mircea_popescu gcc refers to c compiler, ave1 said he's working on a genesis based on version 4.9.4. By c library I mean the choice essentially between glibc and musl and dynamic and static linking, e.g. | [19:55] |
ossabot: | Logged on 2019-11-27 15:33:20 jfw: - Could be. There's a decision that will be needed between glibc, dynamic musl, static musl, some mixture or framework with multiple options, or what. This is a part of the server vs. graphics split that bvt mentioned, or work vs. play if that's a fair characterization of | [19:55] |
dorion_road: | so I am expecting whoever owns that to genesis what is chosen. | [19:57] |
dorion_road: | mircea_popescu is that a rational cut of the work in your view ? | [19:58] |
jfw: | The split existed historically in that they developed as separate projects gcc works with multiple c libraries as musl works with multiple compilers. Perhaps mircea_popescu is inquiring into a deeper question of whether it's right to maintain the split (presently - I've no idea) | [20:09] |
jfw: | there is ugly complexity in gcc to support this multitude of systems, such as 'fixincludes' and of course autoconf | [20:12] |
dorion_road: | thanks for expanding there jfw. | [20:15] |
* dorion_road | back in 30 mins. | [20:15] |
jfw: | ah, much of 'libiberty' is another thing that comes to mind there has old and buggy implementations of things like regexp from before they were widely provided by vendors. | [20:19] |
BingoBoingo: | !!up dorion_road | [20:21] |
deedbot: | dorion_road voiced for 30 minutes. | [20:21] |
mircea_popescu: | jfw, moreover, whoever makes the compiler probably has first choice. | [20:24] |
mircea_popescu: | i'm not about to pile up compatibility hell atop that already mountaineous task, you know ? | [20:24] |
jfw: | makes sense to me. | [20:27] |
feedbot: | << Qntra -- Apple Recognizes Russian Claim To Crimea, Still Hasn't Bought Russia | [20:51] |
feedbot: | << Loper OS -- Thank you, first 'Dulap' Subscriber! | [23:47] |
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