Forum logs for 21 Sep 2019
asciilifeform: | meanwhile in asciilifeform's www comments. | [00:10] |
asciilifeform: | ( accompanying thrd in #a, if anyone gives shit ) | [00:45] |
mircea_popescu: | << this is exactly right. fucktarded protestants, protested the papacy for being too inept and corrupt built themselves a derpier, more inept papacy in its place. | [07:38] |
snsabot: | Logged on 2019-09-20 16:40:46 BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: Not an army so much as a clergy | [07:38] |
mircea_popescu: | FUCKING TYPICAL. | [07:38] |
feedbot: | << Bimbo Club -- Landscape with the fall of Icarus. | [09:05] |
BingoBoingo: | Lots of dumpster fires today. Uncertain if they were politically motivated or futbol related. | [22:19] |
BingoBoingo: | Also lots of drumming somewhere, un "paro general de taxistas", and Pepe Mujica agitating for pichi rights on the rambla | [22:24] |
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