Forum logs for 06 Dec 2019

Monday, 16 March, Year 12 d.Tr. | Author:
spyked: <-- tyvm dorion_road! yup, I'll add uefi study to saturday's plan, the first step I have in mind is providing some context/rationale and making an estimate of how much the study and mapping process is going to take. [09:10]
ossabot: Logged on 2019-12-05 11:45:25 dorion_road: << thank you for the update, sorry to hear you're under the weather. I hope you're able to rest up and recover. I look forward to the discussion! [09:10]
spyked: <-- it was part of a study on (or rather using) qemu, to figure out how whatever software runs in SMM interacts with the OS at boot/run-time. unfortunately it got piled under a bunch of other work and I never got it published. [09:13]
ossabot: Logged on 2019-12-05 11:46:51 dorion_road: << interesting to know on the SeaBIOS experience, what'd you do with that ? [09:13]
spyked: <-- so the idea here is that whoever wants to tmsrize their box can also get help replacing their heathen bios/firmware with a V-ified coreboot? this is the business proposition that I'm seeing atm. [09:16]
ossabot: Logged on 2019-12-05 12:01:38 dorion_road: With that being said, BIOS auditability and integrity is a key piece of the pie and someone owning it and adding configs for the set of supported boards would be a win to my eye. [09:16]
feedbot: << Ossa Sepia -- Cutting through the Tangles (Notes on Graphics in Eulora, VII) [12:15]
BingoBoingo: !!up dorion_road [16:51]
deedbot: dorion_road voiced for 30 minutes. [16:51]
dorion_road: ty BingoBoingo. [16:52]
dorion_road: << cool, sounds like a good first step. [16:52]
ossabot: Logged on 2019-12-06 05:14:46 spyked: <-- tyvm dorion_road! yup, I'll add uefi study to saturday's plan, the first step I have in mind is providing some context/rationale and making an estimate of how much the study and mapping process is going to take. [16:52]
dorion_road: << the SMM interaction with OS is an important branch of study/understanding to my eye. publishing what you have may become a priority down the line, so it's good to know you have that experience. [16:54]
ossabot: Logged on 2019-12-06 05:17:15 spyked: <-- it was part of a study on (or rather using) qemu, to figure out how whatever software runs in SMM interacts with the OS at boot/run-time. unfortunately it got piled under a bunch of other work and I never got it published. [16:54]
dorion_road: In my brush up of, now wtf again is SMM ? this morning, I referred to an old article by robert. r. collins on the topic. He's new to me, but CV looks impressive, anyone here come across him ? [16:55]
dorion_road: << there are a couple layers to my thinking. the idea started from the basis that I'm compiling and installing the bios on whatever hardware I'm using using for a trb node, tmsr-pgp, etc. [16:56]
ossabot: Logged on 2019-12-06 05:20:08 spyked: <-- so the idea here is that whoever wants to tmsrize their box can also get help replacing their heathen bios/firmware with a V-ified coreboot? this is the business proposition that I'm seeing atm. [16:56]
dorion_road: I'm sure many people here are doing that as well, these logs are where I first learned about it, afterall. [16:56]
dorion_road: If a full process insurance business can be derived from tmsr.os in the longer term, I'd expect the bios to be included (assuming bios as it's now referred is part of the end process). [16:58]
dorion_road: In the immediate term, Corebootable machines are part of the consulting package jfw and I are offering clients. [16:58]
dorion_road: a V-ified cooreboot will provide more leverage in increasing hardware coverage. if a patron wants to sponsor the owner (or anyone else from his WoT) to expand the hardware coverage, having it V-ified forms a good foundation as I see it. [17:00]
dorion_road: With that being said, the operator ought not ~have~ to use coreboot to run tmsr.os since so much extant hardware has yet to be liberated from vendor control of the bios. [17:02]
dorion_road: to summarize then, having coreboot owned, even with minimal hardware coverage to start, provides a long term incentive to have this key piece well covered. [17:07]
dorion_road: am I making sense or missing any important points ? [17:08]
dorion_road: << on the one hand, there is other work to be done aside from writting code, but on the other hand, portage/emerge/ebuild system is python. [17:12]
ossabot: Logged on 2019-12-04 22:32:39 lobbes: though tbh, this whole experience makes me think that maybe computers just ain't my thing. Perhaps I ought to think about BingoBoingo's writing for Qntra course a little more instead of this TMSR OS project [17:12]
ossabot: Logged on 2019-12-04 22:49:59 lobbes: and even then, it has always been 'soft computering' like reporting, sql queries, excel jockying, etc. The only programming language I really know is python (and that I've only ever used here in tmsr) [17:12]
dorion_road: while I understand you wanted to the logging project to go smoother, but you were also picking up a new langauge for the job. [17:14]
BingoBoingo: !!up dorion_road [17:46]
deedbot: dorion_road voiced for 30 minutes. [17:46]
feedbot: << Qntra -- Oracle Sues US Department Of Labor Over Existence Of "Administrative Courts" [19:05]
feedbot: << Trilema -- Digging through archives yields... lulz, shall we call it ? [19:26]
lobbes: << this is true. I've given it some reflection, and I'm going to go ahead and commit to diving into the ebuilds. [23:38]
ossabot: Logged on 2019-12-06 13:16:27 dorion_road: << on the one hand, there is other work to be done aside from writting code, but on the other hand, portage/emerge/ebuild system is python. [23:38]
lobbes: My root issue is really that I haven't been optimizing for the best case in general. Completely separate from that is the issue of my general computer illiteracy. Both of these I can work to cure via diving into ebuilds, so I'll hold steady on this course I reckon [23:38]
ossabot: Logged on 2019-12-04 23:02:02 mircea_popescu: it's this sorta thing that gets you bloody. [23:38]
Category: Logs
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