Forum logs for 03 Feb 2020

Monday, 16 March, Year 12 d.Tr. | Author:
feedbot: << Qntra -- Montana GOP Disavows State Senator Over Strong Anti-Socialist Position [17:30]
mod6: !!deed [21:08]
deedbot: accepted: 1 [21:08]
mod6: Ladies and Gentlemen, I have posted the monthly report for The Foundation in deedbot ^ and here: [21:09]
feedbot: << Qntra -- Desperate Hoaxtoshi Craig Wright Tries To Patent Everything Bitcoin [21:32]
jfw: mod6: glad to see progress on the keccak tree. I intend to take a look at the patches and try a build, might not be for a while though. What I'm not seeing though: what is the status of asciilifeform_aggressive_pushgetblocks, mod6_excise_hash_truncation, asciilifeform_whogaveblox and mod6_phexdigit_fix ? [23:03]
jfw: Re item 4, why is a bot needed for vpatch submission? Don't blogs already cover all the aspects - publishing, commentary, discussion, referencing, notification? (Perhaps your article will clarify, in which case don't mind me.) [23:11]
mod6: Hi there jfw, thanks for the questions. [23:33]
jfw: oh sorry, asciilifeform_aggressive_pushgetblocks is in there, just the other three then. [23:34]
mod6: Let me work through these here. Glad you're going to try out a build. Please do let me know how it goes. I did just find three 'gotchas' on CentOS (6.10) whereby 'bison', 'flex' and 'patch' all need to be installed manually. Apparently these are not a part of the default system. [23:35]
mod6: I've updated the How-To document to reflect that, but otherwise, have had good luck on my own with building. Am interested to hear how it goes for others, though. [23:35]
mod6: (23:28) <+jfw> oh sorry, asciilifeform_aggressive_pushgetblocks is in there, just the other three then. << correct. [23:35]
mod6: mod6_excise_hash_truncation << This one in particular is nice, and I've been using it in my test environments for a while. I'm fine at this point with adding it in, it just needs a regrind (again). Can work on that this month. [23:36]
jfw: ^ yep, complete non-starter to debug "I'm having trouble with block 00000000...1<snipped>" [23:37]
mod6: asciilifeform_whogaveblox << I'm more open to comments on this one too, I don't see a big issue with it being in the tree. I'm also using this one in a test environment (for quite some time now). Haven't seen any issues with it at this time. It would need a simple regrind. Can do it this month as well. [23:38]
mod6: mod6_phexdigit_fix << This one I'd like to put in for sure, as it seems, at least according to my own analysis that this is a legit bug (does anyone disagree with this analysis?). Just would need a simple regrind at this point. Can do this month as well. [23:41]
mod6: Regarding your question re IRC bot for vpatch submission: I've thought about this quite a bit. And I struggle with this. [23:43]
mod6: For me, I've always liked the mailing list. It's cumbersome, and it's had it's pain points in the past. Everyone, at one time or another, has had a problem getting things stuck in its queue, etc. However, when it works, it does work pretty well. I like how it checks the WoT on submission, has an archive, and we can all go back and look at it years and years later. [23:44]
mod6: I find it fairly easy to go and dig stuff up in there if I need to do so. I tried to stand it back up, several times, in fact, since it's home on Pizarro went down. But I haven't been successful there. Upon speaking to jurov about it, he suggested instead that we create a bot for this purpose instead. [23:46]
mod6: Now, I've thought that over a bit the first thing that came to mind was deedbot. However, I think that deedbot probably isn't the right place for developer doodles. Plus, each one costs actual money. [23:47]
mod6: TMSR Lords and others seem to publish all their code on their blogs, which, I think is fine. But my hang-up with allowing people to post TRB patches/seals on their blogs instead of sending them in is two-fold: 1) It puts it on me to chase these down. 2) Then I have to place them somewhere for long-term keeping anyway. As we've seen, people's blogs get rather large, hard to find things, or disappear complet [23:49]
mod6: ely. [23:49]
mod6: Not that I love having a centralized bot, either. It's just, I'm not 100% sure what the best way to go is on this. The mailing list was centralized, it worked fine. [23:50]
mod6: I dunno, anyway, I thought it could be good for people to go ahead and submit a vpatch, and seal to the bot, where it can be checked for L1/L2, and stored for the future, all in one place, making less work for the gardener. [23:51]
BingoBoingo: The biggest problem with the mailing list is the mail part. [23:58]
mod6: lmao [23:58]
mod6: yes. a bot that would do this over irc, is basically what I've been thinking about. [23:58]
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