Wild is the Wind

Tuesday, 19 February, Year 11 d.Tr. | Author: Mircea Popescu

Wild is the Windi is yet another run-of-the-mill Tennessee Williams play (this time written by a certain Arnold Schulban or Schultan or whatever). It sports the usual whack-a-mole portable Universal Story Board, including the family fortune, the loose woman, the assortment of holes she could go into -- much like you'd expect a pinball machine include the three flags and the four bumpers, or how you'd expect a highschool chemistry set include flashpaper and whatnot. Writers, these people, like Zuleika Dobson's an "enchantress".

Nevertheless, the assembly line product's not without its charm -- even assembly lines must live out of some kind of reality, and somehow fit within finite energy footprint. This means in practice ever so often some reality makes it in, not molested beyond all possible recognition. The usual ham, for instance, produces a character that's quite coincidentally authentic, as the literary character of Gigi Becaliii would most humorously, across the oceans confirm. A shepherd's a shepherd, at least if taken out of his environment and caged at the city zoo. Have you seen, by the way, that all fish have epilepsy ? It's just in the fish nature, what can you do.

The product makes in passing the obvious point that our North American colony spent its formative years importing A-class women and breeding D-class men locally... but then again that's not the sort of point an audience's expected, or even intended, to notice. Unless you're a scholar studying these disgraziati I can't imagine what could possibly impel you to watch this thing.

Boredom, I guess, the listless sort of boredom that gets one started smoking.

  1. 1957, by George Cuckor, with Anna Magnani, Anthony Quinn. []
  2. Somewhat famous Romanian TV personality of the 90s -- perhaps the most important thing that could be said about the fellow would be to point out that

    mysql> select id, post_title, post_category from tril_posts where post_status="Publish" and post_content LIKE "%Gigi%" and post_content Like "%Becali%";
    | id | post_title | post_category |
    | 909 | Twitter, sau placerea de-a ciripi. | 0 |
    | 24965 | Wikileaks - MDCXVIII | 18 |
    | 24872 | Wikileaks - MDXXV | 18 |
    | 24868 | Wikileaks - MDXXI | 18 |
    | 24862 | Wikileaks - MDXV | 18 |
    | 24719 | Wikileaks - MCCCLXXII | 18 |
    | 24674 | Wikileaks - MCCCXXVII | 18 |
    | 24550 | Wikileaks - MCCIII | 18 |
    | 24242 | Wikileaks - DCCCXCV | 18 |
    | 24235 | Wikileaks - DCCCLXXXVIII | 18 |
    | 24228 | Wikileaks - DCCCLXXXI | 18 |
    | 24163 | Wikileaks - DCCCXVI | 18 |
    | 24101 | Wikileaks - DCCLIV | 18 |
    | 24094 | Wikileaks - DCCXLVII | 18 |
    | 24069 | Wikileaks - DCCXXII | 18 |
    | 24068 | Wikileaks - DCCXXI | 18 |
    | 24030 | Wikileaks - DCLXXXIII | 18 |
    | 24017 | Wikileaks - DCLXX | 18 |
    | 23970 | Wikileaks - DCXXIII | 18 |
    | 23892 | Wikileaks - DXLV | 18 |
    | 23873 | Wikileaks - DXXVI | 18 |
    | 23822 | Wikileaks - CDLXXV | 18 |
    | 23785 | Wikileaks - CDXXXVIII | 18 |
    | 23755 | Wikileaks - CDVIII | 18 |
    | 23494 | Wikileaks - CXLVII | 18 |
    | 23725 | Wikileaks - CCCLXXVIII | 18 |
    | 23726 | Wikileaks - CCCLXXIX | 18 |
    | 34089 | C-asa-i romanu' cind se sumeteste... | 0 |
    | 35089 | I'm in a transitional phase right now | 0 |
    29 rows in set (0.14 sec)

    Twenty-six out of twenty-nine references to the character on Trilema coming from my inaugural leak of USG.Blue "encrypted" cables that you've come to know later as "wikileaks" should make it plain enough who constructed it as part of "the conversation" (constructed out of an extant, physically existing fool, of course, captured in the environment live, of course, yet nevertheless) and perhaps even why. []

Category: Trilematograf
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3 Responses

  1. This thing was pretty much the Spaghetti version of Taylor's 1956 Giant; import dame, watch her struggle with established hausfrauen, watch her try not to get entangled with localyokel, and meanwhile a fuckton of spurious horse/sheep/mountain shots.

    Pretty sure Giant featured live bovine, rather than ovine, birth footage, however.

  2. Mircea Popescu`s avatar
    Mircea Popescu 
    Tuesday, 19 February 2019

    That thing at least had life in its body.

  3. Mircea Popescu`s avatar
    Mircea Popescu 
    Tuesday, 23 March 2021

    I reviewed this recently, and... well, there's a certain inescapable charm in the woman's struggle, as bare life, as an animal, between the birthgiving sheep and the deathmarked horse. There's a certain boko haram beauty to the daughterless woman telling the motherless girl not to cry, because... well... There's indisputedly a frank yet warm, warmly forcible rendition of the strings of female flesh. Tres recherche, of course, but then again how's one to make films otherwise ?

    And Bene loves her, and she's not ashamed, and...

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