Forum logs for 27 Jul 2013

Sunday, 24 November, Year 11 d.Tr. | Author: Mircea Popescu
* Now talking on #bitcoin-assets [04:08]
* Topic for #bitcoin-assets is: || - most days worth reading, I heard. [04:08]
* Topic for #bitcoin-assets set by kakobrekla!~kako@unaffiliated/kakobrekla at Tue May 14 16:38:49 2013 [04:08]
assbot [BTCTC] [KENILWORTH] 40 @ 0.001771 = 0.0708 BTC [-] [04:10]
mircea_popescu hollywoodundead lol [04:11]
assbot [BTCTC] [COG.F] 1 @ 8 BTC [-] [04:12]
mircea_popescu Namworld lol #2 [04:12]
mircea_popescu ahh this chan's such a riot. [04:12]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 20 @ 0.005261 = 0.1052 BTC [-] [04:14]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.SELLING] 83 @ 0.0205 = 1.7015 BTC [+] [04:15]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.SELLING] 29 @ 0.0205 = 0.5945 BTC [+] [04:15]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.SELLING] 24 @ 0.02052 = 0.4925 BTC [+] [04:15]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.SELLING] 51 @ 0.02089 = 1.0654 BTC [+] [04:15]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 11 @ 0.04463 = 0.4909 BTC [-] [04:15]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 40 @ 0.04455 = 1.782 BTC [-] [04:16]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.00547 = 0.1368 BTC [+] [04:17]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 37 @ 0.005471 = 0.2024 BTC [+] [04:18]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.005473 = 0.2737 BTC [+] [04:18]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SMG] 336 @ 0.0002699 = 0.0907 BTC [-] [04:18]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 34 @ 0.005478 = 0.1863 BTC [+] [04:19]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 44 @ 0.005478 = 0.241 BTC [+] [04:21]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 6 @ 0.005479 = 0.0329 BTC [+] [04:21]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 44 @ 0.005479 = 0.2411 BTC [+] [04:21]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 18 @ 0.00548 = 0.0986 BTC [+] [04:22]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 100 @ 0.005489 = 0.5489 BTC [+] [04:22]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 57 @ 0.00549 = 0.3129 BTC [+] [04:23]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.55 BTC [-] [04:24]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 5 @ 0.04339968 = 0.217 BTC [-] [04:30]
* AusBitBank_ ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [04:34]
* AusBitBank has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) [04:34]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 5 @ 0.042501 = 0.2125 BTC [-] [04:35]
* rdponticelli (~rdpontice@gateway/tor-sasl/rdponticelli) has joined #bitcoin-assets [04:36]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.005381 = 0.1345 BTC [-] [04:37]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.005382 = 0.1346 BTC [+] [04:38]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.005382 = 0.1346 BTC [+] [04:38]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 15 @ 0.042501 = 0.6375 BTC [-] [04:39]
* toffoo has quit () [04:43]
mircea_popescu [04:44]
ozbot MPOE, July 2013 Statement pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. [04:44]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.542 BTC [-] [04:44]
* CheckDavid has quit (Quit: Leaving) [04:45]
hollywoodundead wow very nice month mircea [04:46]
mircea_popescu hollywoodundead yeah a good one [04:47]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SDSTM] 5 @ 0.009 = 0.045 BTC [-] [04:48]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SDSTM] 1 @ 0.0088 BTC [-] [04:49]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.005397 = 0.1349 BTC [+] [04:53]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 5 @ 0.04469 = 0.2235 BTC [+] [04:53]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 3 @ 0.04469 = 0.1341 BTC [+] [04:53]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.005481 = 0.137 BTC [+] [04:54]
VanCleef go sandstorm wooooooooo [04:57]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 3 @ 0.0425 = 0.1275 BTC [-] [04:57]
mircea_popescu which way are you wanting it to go ? [04:58]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.SELLING] 126 @ 0.0209 = 2.6334 BTC [+] [05:02]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11300 @ 0.00079584 = 8.993 BTC [+] [05:02]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4850 @ 0.00079828 = 3.8717 BTC [+] [05:02]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SDSTM] 2 @ 0.00948898 = 0.019 BTC [+] [05:03]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 75 @ 0.04469 = 3.3518 BTC [+] [05:03]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 150 @ 0.005487 = 0.8231 BTC [+] [05:04]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 24 @ 0.005486 = 0.1317 BTC [-] [05:04]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1 @ 0.005486 BTC [-] [05:06]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 24 @ 0.005486 = 0.1317 BTC [-] [05:07]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 24 @ 0.005487 = 0.1317 BTC [+] [05:07]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 10 @ 0.005488 = 0.0549 BTC [+] [05:07]
Vbs ;;baratio [05:16]
gribble Total bids: 13200792 USD. Total asks: 113891 BTC. Ratio: 115.90710 USD/BTC. | Data vintage: 0.0062 seconds [05:16]
* Vbs has quit (Quit: Leaving) [05:16]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 101 @ 0.005489 = 0.5544 BTC [+] [05:18]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SDSTM] 1 @ 0.00948898 BTC [+] [05:19]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 134 @ 0.005488 = 0.7354 BTC [-] [05:19]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 210 @ 0.005489 = 1.1527 BTC [+] [05:19]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 28 @ 0.005492 = 0.1538 BTC [+] [05:19]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 143 @ 0.005495 = 0.7858 BTC [+] [05:19]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SDSTM] 1 @ 0.0088 BTC [-] [05:19]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 100 @ 0.005499 = 0.5499 BTC [+] [05:19]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 200 @ 0.0055 = 1.1 BTC [+] [05:19]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 125 @ 0.005509 = 0.6886 BTC [+] [05:19]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 250 @ 0.00551 = 1.3775 BTC [+] [05:19]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 125 @ 0.005519 = 0.6899 BTC [+] [05:19]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 250 @ 0.00552 = 1.38 BTC [+] [05:19]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 150 @ 0.005529 = 0.8294 BTC [+] [05:19]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 300 @ 0.00553 = 1.659 BTC [+] [05:19]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 310 @ 0.005555 = 1.7221 BTC [+] [05:19]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 277 @ 0.0056 = 1.5512 BTC [+] [05:19]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 4 @ 0.04339888 = 0.1736 BTC [+] [05:20]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.005599 = 0.14 BTC [-] [05:23]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 33 @ 0.0056 = 0.1848 BTC [+] [05:23]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 9 @ 0.005692 = 0.0512 BTC [+] [05:23]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 9 @ 0.005695 = 0.0513 BTC [+] [05:23]
* jbjbjb has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) [05:23]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.005698 = 0.2849 BTC [+] [05:24]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.005698 = 0.1425 BTC [+] [05:25]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.005698 = 0.1425 BTC [+] [05:25]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 100 @ 0.005698 = 0.5698 BTC [+] [05:26]
* AusBitBank_ has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) [05:26]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.005601 = 0.14 BTC [-] [05:27]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 175 @ 0.0056 = 0.98 BTC [-] [05:27]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.005699 = 0.1425 BTC [+] [05:27]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 23 @ 0.0057 = 0.1311 BTC [+] [05:27]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 2 @ 0.0057 = 0.0114 BTC [+] [05:29]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 72 @ 0.0057 = 0.4104 BTC [+] [05:29]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 19 @ 0.00573 = 0.1089 BTC [+] [05:29]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 240 @ 0.005739 = 1.3774 BTC [+] [05:29]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.005739 = 0.1435 BTC [+] [05:29]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 444 @ 0.00575 = 2.553 BTC [+] [05:29]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 289 @ 0.00575 = 1.6618 BTC [+] [05:30]
assbot [BTCTC] [KENILWORTH] 1877 @ 0.0018 = 3.3786 BTC [+] [05:31]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 200 @ 0.00576 = 1.152 BTC [+] [05:31]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 500 @ 0.0058 = 2.9 BTC [+] [05:36]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.005808 = 0.2904 BTC [+] [05:38]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.005808 = 0.2904 BTC [+] [05:38]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 126 @ 0.005835 = 0.7352 BTC [+] [05:38]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 49 @ 0.00585 = 0.2867 BTC [+] [05:38]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.00588 = 0.294 BTC [+] [05:38]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1500 @ 0.0059 = 8.85 BTC [+] [05:38]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 300 @ 0.005901 = 1.7703 BTC [+] [05:38]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 5 @ 0.005804 = 0.029 BTC [-] [05:39]
assbot [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 1 @ 0.5373 BTC [+] [05:44]
* alecpap (~alecpap@unaffiliated/alecpap) has joined #bitcoin-assets [05:46]
* kidkrypto ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [05:47]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.005607 = 0.1402 BTC [-] [05:50]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.005608 = 0.2804 BTC [+] [05:50]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.005751 = 0.1438 BTC [+] [05:54]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.005751 = 0.1438 BTC [+] [05:54]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.005801 = 0.145 BTC [+] [05:55]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 29 @ 0.0058 = 0.1682 BTC [-] [05:55]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1 @ 0.005945 BTC [+] [05:55]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.005752 = 0.2876 BTC [-] [05:55]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 2750 @ 0.00575 = 15.8125 BTC [-] [05:56]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 728 @ 0.00565 = 4.1132 BTC [-] [05:56]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 492 @ 0.00565 = 2.7798 BTC [-] [05:56]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.005649 = 0.1412 BTC [-] [06:00]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.005649 = 0.1412 BTC [-] [06:01]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 728 @ 0.00565 = 4.1132 BTC [+] [06:01]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 4 @ 0.21 = 0.84 BTC [+] [06:03]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 27 @ 0.04469 = 1.2066 BTC [+] [06:03]
assbot [BTCTC] [BFMINES] 60 @ 0.003021 = 0.1813 BTC [-] [06:04]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 12 @ 0.0447 = 0.5364 BTC [+] [06:04]
assbot [BTCTC] [BFMINES] 1 @ 0.00302 BTC [-] [06:04]
assbot [BTCTC] [BFMINES] 4 @ 0.003 = 0.012 BTC [-] [06:04]
* PsychoticBoy has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [06:06]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1 @ 0.005943 BTC [+] [06:07]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 17 @ 0.005942 = 0.101 BTC [-] [06:13]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.005942 = 0.1486 BTC [-] [06:15]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 14 @ 0.005943 = 0.0832 BTC [+] [06:16]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5400 @ 0.00080079 = 4.3243 BTC [+] [06:16]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 200 @ 0.005947 = 1.1894 BTC [+] [06:18]
assbot [BTCTC] [KENILWORTH] 300 @ 0.0018 = 0.54 BTC [+] [06:19]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1 @ 0.005948 BTC [+] [06:19]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.MINIGAME] 36 @ 0.000275 = 0.0099 BTC [+] [06:21]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.569 BTC [+] [06:27]
* Chilca ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [06:28]
* rulother-gs ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [06:29]
Namworld PT dividend paid [06:31]
assbot [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 5 @ 0.5001 = 2.5005 BTC [-] [06:31]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.005947 = 0.2974 BTC [-] [06:32]
* Chilca has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [06:34]
* AusBitBank_ ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [06:35]
assbot [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 3 @ 0.5 = 1.5 BTC [-] [06:36]
assbot [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 2 @ 0.5 = 1 BTC [-] [06:38]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 36 @ 0.005943 = 0.2139 BTC [-] [06:39]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 47 @ 0.005944 = 0.2794 BTC [+] [06:39]
* San1ty has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) [06:41]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 11 @ 0.005943 = 0.0654 BTC [-] [06:41]
* kingofsports (47b3dd29@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-assets [06:43]
* LainZ has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) [06:43]
* kingofsports has quit (Client Quit) [06:44]
* dexX7_ ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [06:47]
* TheSeven has quit (Disconnected by services) [06:48]
* [7] (~quassel@rockbox/developer/TheSeven) has joined #bitcoin-assets [06:48]
* benkay ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [06:48]
* dexX7 has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) [06:49]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 116 @ 0.005942 = 0.6893 BTC [-] [06:51]
* dexX7_ has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) [06:51]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.005851 = 0.1463 BTC [-] [06:51]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.00585 = 0.1463 BTC [-] [06:51]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.005851 = 0.1463 BTC [+] [06:53]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.00585 = 0.1463 BTC [-] [06:53]
* AusBitBank__ ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [06:54]
* AusBitBank_ has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [06:55]
* Chilca ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [06:55]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.005853 = 0.1463 BTC [+] [06:56]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 37 @ 0.005852 = 0.2165 BTC [-] [06:56]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1750 @ 0.00080004 = 1.4001 BTC [-] [06:56]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6100 @ 0.00079803 = 4.868 BTC [-] [06:56]
* rulother ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [06:57]
* rulother-gs has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [06:57]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 227 @ 0.005851 = 1.3282 BTC [-] [06:58]
* Chilca has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [07:01]
* baron_von_DGC is now known as cosmo [07:04]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 500 @ 0.0059 = 2.95 BTC [+] [07:06]
* benkay has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) [07:06]
* Chilca ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [07:07]
* Chilca has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [07:09]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 37 @ 0.005928 = 0.2193 BTC [+] [07:10]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1000 @ 0.0059 = 5.9 BTC [-] [07:11]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1000 @ 0.00593 = 5.93 BTC [+] [07:11]
* toffoo (~tof@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [07:13]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.005857 = 0.1464 BTC [-] [07:14]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 12 @ 0.005856 = 0.0703 BTC [-] [07:14]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 75 @ 0.005855 = 0.4391 BTC [-] [07:14]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 100 @ 0.005854 = 0.5854 BTC [-] [07:14]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.00585 = 0.2925 BTC [-] [07:14]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 9 @ 0.005799 = 0.0522 BTC [-] [07:18]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 38 @ 0.0058 = 0.2204 BTC [+] [07:18]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 353 @ 0.0059 = 2.0827 BTC [+] [07:18]
* kingofsports (47b3dd29@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-assets [07:19]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.005775 = 0.2888 BTC [-] [07:21]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 76 @ 0.0447 = 3.3972 BTC [+] [07:24]
* sky_king_ ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [07:25]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5916 @ 0.0007941 = 4.6979 BTC [-] [07:26]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 10 @ 0.0447 = 0.447 BTC [+] [07:26]
* AusBitBank__ has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) [07:27]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 340 @ 0.005776 = 1.9638 BTC [+] [07:27]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 100 @ 0.005776 = 0.5776 BTC [+] [07:27]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.SELLING] 63 @ 0.02098 = 1.3217 BTC [+] [07:28]
* jbjb ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [07:28]
thestringpuller ThickAsThieves: oompa [07:29]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 500 @ 0.005775 = 2.8875 BTC [-] [07:29]
hollywoodundead loompa [07:30]
* San1ty ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [07:32]
* poggy (uid4184@gateway/web/ has left #bitcoin-assets [07:34]
* AusBitBank__ ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [07:34]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 3 @ 0.005774 = 0.0173 BTC [-] [07:35]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 34 @ 0.005774 = 0.1963 BTC [-] [07:35]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.005884 = 0.1471 BTC [+] [07:39]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.005885 = 0.2943 BTC [+] [07:39]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 95 @ 0.005887 = 0.5593 BTC [+] [07:39]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3434 @ 0.0007941 = 2.7269 BTC [-] [07:40]
* benkay ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [07:42]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 7 @ 0.0125 = 0.0875 BTC [-] [07:45]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 9 @ 0.0125 = 0.1125 BTC [-] [07:46]
* benkay has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) [07:51]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.005783 = 0.1446 BTC [-] [07:53]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 37 @ 0.005782 = 0.2139 BTC [-] [07:53]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 41 @ 0.005777 = 0.2369 BTC [-] [07:53]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.005776 = 0.2888 BTC [-] [07:54]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 6 @ 0.005773 = 0.0346 BTC [-] [07:54]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.005701 = 0.2851 BTC [-] [07:54]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 300 @ 0.0057 = 1.71 BTC [-] [07:54]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 45 @ 0.005651 = 0.2543 BTC [-] [07:54]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 90 @ 0.00565 = 0.5085 BTC [-] [07:54]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 38 @ 0.005408 = 0.2055 BTC [-] [07:54]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 73 @ 0.005407 = 0.3947 BTC [-] [07:54]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 3 @ 0.005405 = 0.0162 BTC [-] [07:54]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.005403 = 0.2702 BTC [-] [07:54]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.005402 = 0.2701 BTC [-] [07:54]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.0054 = 0.27 BTC [-] [07:54]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 446 @ 0.005395 = 2.4062 BTC [-] [07:54]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 647 @ 0.005394 = 3.4899 BTC [-] [07:54]
* dexX7 (dexX7@unaffiliated/dexx7) has joined #bitcoin-assets [07:55]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 1 @ 0.00316 BTC [+] [07:56]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 344 @ 0.003298 = 1.1345 BTC [+] [07:56]
* DeLorean719 ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [07:57]
* DeLorean719 has quit (Changing host) [07:57]
* DeLorean719 (~DeLorean7@unaffiliated/delorean719) has joined #bitcoin-assets [07:57]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 472 @ 0.003309 = 1.5618 BTC [+] [07:58]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 300 @ 0.00331 = 0.993 BTC [+] [07:58]
* kidkrypto has quit () [07:59]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 193 @ 0.003334 = 0.6435 BTC [+] [08:01]
assbot [BTCTC] [GSDPT] 934 @ 0.00338 = 3.1569 BTC [-] [08:01]
assbot [BTCTC] [GSDPT] 5407 @ 0.003312 = 17.908 BTC [-] [08:01]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.0054 = 0.27 BTC [+] [08:01]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 122 @ 0.005397 = 0.6584 BTC [-] [08:01]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.005397 = 0.2699 BTC [-] [08:01]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 245 @ 0.005394 = 1.3215 BTC [-] [08:02]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 250 @ 0.005351 = 1.3378 BTC [-] [08:03]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 4.55 = 9.1 BTC [-] [08:03]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 500 @ 0.00535 = 2.675 BTC [-] [08:03]
* benkay ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [08:03]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 100 @ 0.003333 = 0.3333 BTC [-] [08:04]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 207 @ 0.003334 = 0.6901 BTC [+] [08:04]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 4000 @ 0.0053 = 21.2 BTC [-] [08:04]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 100 @ 0.003334 = 0.3334 BTC [+] [08:05]
* San1ty has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) [08:07]
assbot [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 2 @ 0.5101 = 1.0202 BTC [+] [08:08]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 5 @ 0.0433899 = 0.2169 BTC [-] [08:15]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 125 @ 0.005625 = 0.7031 BTC [+] [08:16]
kingofsports [WTB] 5.6 BTC for $500 moneypak. [08:16]
* rulother-gs ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [08:17]
* rulother has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [08:17]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 10 @ 0.01289 = 0.1289 BTC [+] [08:19]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SDSTM] 1 @ 0.00948898 BTC [+] [08:19]
* asset (73f2e849@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-assets [08:20]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 20 @ 0.0433899 = 0.8678 BTC [-] [08:20]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SMG] 400 @ 0.0002699 = 0.108 BTC [-] [08:22]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SDSTM] 4 @ 0.00948898 = 0.038 BTC [+] [08:23]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SDSTM] 1 @ 0.0096 BTC [+] [08:23]
* asset has quit (Quit: Page closed) [08:26]
* rulother-gs has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [08:26]
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assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 3 @ 0.0447 = 0.1341 BTC [+] [08:26]
assbot [BTCTC] [GSDPT] 1 @ 0.00348 BTC [+] [08:27]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SDSTM] 1 @ 0.0096 BTC [+] [08:28]
assbot [BTCTC] [GSDPT] 8 @ 0.00348 = 0.0278 BTC [+] [08:28]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SMG] 350 @ 0.00026999 = 0.0945 BTC [+] [08:29]
assbot [BTCTC] [BITVPS] 45 @ 0.001995 = 0.0898 BTC [+] [08:31]
assbot [BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 1 @ 0.7099 BTC [+] [08:32]
* San1ty ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [08:33]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 5 @ 4.55 = 22.75 BTC [-] [08:33]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 4.542 = 9.084 BTC [-] [08:34]
sky_king_ Cusipzzz why? [08:34]
* cosmo has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) [08:35]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.53 BTC [-] [08:35]
* benkay has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) [08:35]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.516 BTC [-] [08:35]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 3 @ 4.515 = 13.545 BTC [-] [08:35]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.512 BTC [-] [08:35]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.511 BTC [-] [08:35]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.51 BTC [-] [08:35]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 4.503 = 9.006 BTC [-] [08:36]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 4 @ 4.502 = 18.008 BTC [-] [08:36]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 4.5 = 9 BTC [-] [08:36]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.5 BTC [-] [08:36]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 4.5 = 9 BTC [-] [08:36]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 2 @ 0.005587 = 0.0112 BTC [-] [08:36]
* coinflow has quit (Quit: KeyboardInterrupt) [08:38]
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assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.48 BTC [-] [08:38]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 5 @ 4.48 = 22.4 BTC [-] [08:38]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 11 @ 0.0447 = 0.4917 BTC [+] [08:39]
* dexX7 has quit () [08:39]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.MINIGAME] 1 @ 0.000275 BTC [+] [08:39]
* parseval has quit (Quit: Leaving) [08:39]
assbot [BTCTC] [KENILWORTH] 1870 @ 0.0018 = 3.366 BTC [+] [08:41]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 5 @ 4.471 = 22.355 BTC [-] [08:42]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.452 BTC [-] [08:42]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.451 BTC [-] [08:42]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.451 BTC [-] [08:42]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 3 @ 4.45 = 13.35 BTC [-] [08:42]
rulother What makes you say that [08:44]
rulother I see [08:44]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.549 BTC [+] [08:47]
assbot [BTCTC] [BFMINES] 1 @ 0.003883 BTC [+] [08:48]
assbot [BTCTC] [BFMINES] 81 @ 0.003884 = 0.3146 BTC [+] [08:48]
* parseval ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [08:49]
rulother Well I sold off all my am at 5 sometime ago to buy into AMC [08:51]
assbot [BTCTC] [BMF] 3 @ 0.041 = 0.123 BTC [+] [08:53]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 60 @ 0.005322 = 0.3193 BTC [-] [08:56]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.005312 = 0.2656 BTC [-] [08:56]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 270 @ 0.005311 = 1.434 BTC [-] [08:56]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 540 @ 0.00531 = 2.8674 BTC [-] [08:56]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 52 @ 0.00531 = 0.2761 BTC [-] [08:56]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 5 @ 0.005305 = 0.0265 BTC [-] [08:56]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 150 @ 0.005301 = 0.7952 BTC [-] [08:56]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 300 @ 0.0053 = 1.59 BTC [-] [08:56]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 100 @ 0.00527 = 0.527 BTC [-] [08:56]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 10 @ 0.005262 = 0.0526 BTC [-] [08:56]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.005261 = 0.2631 BTC [-] [08:56]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 10 @ 0.0052 = 0.052 BTC [-] [08:56]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1050 @ 0.0052 = 5.46 BTC [-] [08:56]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 20 @ 0.005165 = 0.1033 BTC [-] [08:56]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.005102 = 0.2551 BTC [-] [08:56]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.005101 = 0.2551 BTC [-] [08:56]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.0051 = 0.1275 BTC [-] [08:56]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.0051 = 0.1275 BTC [-] [08:56]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.00506 = 0.253 BTC [-] [08:56]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 388 @ 0.005052 = 1.9602 BTC [-] [08:56]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 70 @ 0.005001 = 0.3501 BTC [-] [08:56]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.005 = 0.125 BTC [-] [08:56]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 24 @ 0.005 = 0.12 BTC [-] [08:56]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 198 @ 0.005 = 0.99 BTC [-] [08:56]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 40 @ 0.005 = 0.2 BTC [-] [08:56]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 15 @ 0.005 = 0.075 BTC [-] [08:56]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 873 @ 0.005 = 4.365 BTC [-] [08:56]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1127 @ 0.005 = 5.635 BTC [-] [08:57]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 3 @ 0.003334 = 0.01 BTC [+] [08:59]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 38 @ 0.0447 = 1.6986 BTC [+] [08:59]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 35 @ 0.045 = 1.575 BTC [+] [08:59]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 2 @ 0.0452 = 0.0904 BTC [+] [08:59]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 5 @ 0.04526 = 0.2263 BTC [+] [08:59]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 1 @ 0.04526 BTC [+] [08:59]
* kingofsports has quit (Quit: Page closed) [09:05]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 78 @ 0.003334 = 0.2601 BTC [+] [09:07]
* San1ty has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) [09:07]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SMG] 120 @ 0.00026999 = 0.0324 BTC [+] [09:08]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 19 @ 0.003335 = 0.0634 BTC [+] [09:09]
assbot [BTCTC] [LTC-ATF.B2] 1 @ 0.01015 BTC [-] [09:09]
assbot [BTCTC] [BTC-BOND] 1 @ 0.00993 BTC [-] [09:10]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SMG] 264 @ 0.00026999 = 0.0713 BTC [+] [09:14]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 5 @ 0.04526 = 0.2263 BTC [+] [09:15]
* DeLorean719 has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) [09:16]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.437 BTC [-] [09:17]
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* oizotov (~x@gateway/tor-sasl/oizotov) has joined #bitcoin-assets [09:20]
assbot [BTCTC] [BMF] 5 @ 0.0391 = 0.1955 BTC [-] [09:24]
assbot [BTCTC] [BMF] 10 @ 0.039 = 0.39 BTC [-] [09:24]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SDSTM] 3 @ 0.0096 = 0.0288 BTC [+] [09:28]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SDSTM] 5 @ 0.0097 = 0.0485 BTC [+] [09:28]
* GordonG3kko has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [09:28]
* GordonG3kko (~GordonG3k@gateway/tor-sasl/gordong3kko) has joined #bitcoin-assets [09:29]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SDSTM] 2 @ 0.00948898 = 0.019 BTC [-] [09:29]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SMG] 4 @ 0.0002699 = 0.0011 BTC [-] [09:31]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.536 BTC [+] [09:31]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 9 @ 4.539 = 40.851 BTC [+] [09:31]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 20 @ 4.54 = 90.8 BTC [+] [09:32]
* San1ty ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [09:34]
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assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 1 @ 0.04499 BTC [-] [09:40]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 10 @ 4.57 = 45.7 BTC [+] [09:42]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.6 BTC [+] [09:42]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.608 BTC [+] [09:42]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 18 @ 4.609 = 82.962 BTC [+] [09:42]
* Now talking on #bitcoin-assets [17:04]
* Topic for #bitcoin-assets is: || - most days worth reading, I heard. [17:04]
* Topic for #bitcoin-assets set by kakobrekla!~kako@unaffiliated/kakobrekla at Tue May 14 16:38:49 2013 [17:04]
mircea_popescu sooo, what's new. [17:05]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 6 @ 0.005684 = 0.0341 BTC [-] [17:08]
Diablo-D3 pankkake: 391 hours [17:08]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 5 @ 0.04473 = 0.2237 BTC [-] [17:08]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 5 @ 0.04462 = 0.2231 BTC [-] [17:08]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 20 @ 0.04456 = 0.8912 BTC [-] [17:08]
Diablo-D3 still, only 16 days =/ [17:08]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 7 @ 0.04456 = 0.3119 BTC [-] [17:08]
pankkake of music? [17:08]
Diablo-D3 yeah [17:08]
pankkake DB Play Time: 301 days, 19:37:12 [17:08]
FabianB mircea_popescu: "Revenue from other fees" is wrong satoshi digits again? [17:08]
pankkake needless to say, I haven't listened to it all [17:08]
mircea_popescu FabianB nope, that's a different caption [17:09]
Diablo-D3 pankkake: ha ha damnit [17:09]
* PsychoticBoy__ has quit (Quit: Colloquy for iPhone - [17:09]
mircea_popescu actually you can verify it in the address too [17:09]
FabianB ic [17:09]
mircea_popescu these are basically consulting. [17:09]
FabianB ah [17:10]
assbot [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 1 @ 0.527 BTC [-] [17:11]
* rdponticelli has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [17:12]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 20 @ 0.005682 = 0.1136 BTC [-] [17:12]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.005575 = 0.1394 BTC [-] [17:13]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1 @ 0.005575 BTC [-] [17:13]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 4 @ 0.005574 = 0.0223 BTC [-] [17:13]
mircea_popescu;all [17:14]
ozbot vdragon Erupter-Groupbuy-Scam : Task Force [17:14]
mircea_popescu tl;dr : bunch of forum noobs gave hundreds of btc to random forum noob [17:14]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.005575 = 0.1394 BTC [+] [17:14]
mircea_popescu now they wish for "someone to do something" [17:14]
mircea_popescu and also are internet detectiving, ips and whatnot. [17:15]
Diablo-D3 I forgot to move some music into my music dir [17:15]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.005575 = 0.1394 BTC [+] [17:15]
Diablo-D3 433 hours [17:15]
Scrat Diablo-D3: like what [17:16]
mircea_popescu Diablo-D3 what difference does it make ? [17:16]
assbot [BTCTC] [BTC-BOND] 30 @ 0.009998 = 0.2999 BTC [+] [17:16]
Diablo-D3 mircea_popescu: it doesnt [17:16]
Diablo-D3 I just wish I had an entire month of music [17:16]
mircea_popescu a cool then :D [17:16]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.005575 = 0.1394 BTC [+] [17:16]
mircea_popescu dude, i don't think an entire month of music has been made. [17:16]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 5 @ 0.005678 = 0.0284 BTC [+] [17:16]
mircea_popescu come back in 2750 or something [17:16]
Diablo-D3 mircea_popescu: lol [17:16]
Diablo-D3 that much music does infact exist [17:16]
mircea_popescu well... "music". [17:16]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 46 @ 0.005574 = 0.2564 BTC [-] [17:17]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1 @ 0.005574 BTC [-] [17:17]
pankkake some artists probably made more than a month by themselves [17:17]
* dexX7_ has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) [17:17]
mircea_popescu pankkake who, zappa ? [17:18]
* rdponticelli (~rdpontice@gateway/tor-sasl/rdponticelli) has joined #bitcoin-assets [17:18]
pankkake I was thinking Merzbow ;) [17:18]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 5 @ 0.005573 = 0.0279 BTC [-] [17:18]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 5 @ 0.005572 = 0.0279 BTC [-] [17:18]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 11 @ 0.005568 = 0.0612 BTC [-] [17:18]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1 @ 0.005567 BTC [-] [17:18]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1 @ 0.005563 BTC [-] [17:18]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1 @ 0.005562 BTC [-] [17:18]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1 @ 0.005561 BTC [-] [17:18]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1 @ 0.00556 BTC [-] [17:18]
* louong has quit (Quit: louong) [17:23]
mircea_popescu omg trolling me. [17:24]
* San1ty_ ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [17:25]
mircea_popescu [17:26]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 28 @ 0.005301 = 0.1484 BTC [-] [17:26]
mircea_popescu awww and nobody cares. [17:26]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 100 @ 0.005301 = 0.5301 BTC [-] [17:26]
ozbot BitBet - The Winklevoss Bitcoin ETF to be open for public investment before December 1st 2013 [17:26]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1 @ 0.0053 BTC [-] [17:26]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 100 @ 0.0053 = 0.53 BTC [-] [17:26]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.005212 = 0.1303 BTC [-] [17:26]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1 @ 0.005212 BTC [-] [17:26]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 200 @ 0.005211 = 1.0422 BTC [-] [17:27]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1000 @ 0.00521 = 5.21 BTC [-] [17:27]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1 @ 0.00521 BTC [-] [17:27]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 300 @ 0.005201 = 1.5603 BTC [-] [17:27]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 100 @ 0.0052 = 0.52 BTC [-] [17:27]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.005185 = 0.2593 BTC [-] [17:27]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.005181 = 0.1295 BTC [-] [17:27]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 2 @ 0.00517 = 0.0103 BTC [-] [17:27]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1067 @ 0.00513 = 5.4737 BTC [-] [17:27]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.005569 = 0.1392 BTC [+] [17:27]
* San1ty has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) [17:27]
ThickAsThieves get the twins to see that bet, could be a great publicity stunt for all parties if they make a play [17:27]
mircea_popescu well... i put it on tweeter [17:28]
pankkake I like that one [17:28]
pankkake though I think it's unlikely, it would make me happy… [17:29]
mircea_popescu it does seem unlikely. [17:30]
ThickAsThieves Winklevoss Twins Bet $100,000 on Bitcoin WTF Approval in Bitcoin Prediction Market [17:30]
mircea_popescu what with the deluge of freshly minted dollars , no us stock is going low ever again [17:30]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 12 @ 0.01287 = 0.1544 BTC [+] [17:30]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 21 @ 0.01287 = 0.2703 BTC [+] [17:30]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 50 @ 0.01288 = 0.644 BTC [+] [17:30]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 10 @ 0.0129 = 0.129 BTC [+] [17:30]
Scrat [17:31]
Scrat hrm [17:31]
pankkake well, I see AAPL going down, and all the stock market going down, eventually - if both happen at the same time maybe. but it seems too soon [17:31]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 35 @ 0.01299 = 0.4547 BTC [+] [17:32]
mircea_popescu Scrat does explain why the marauding forum noob army seems to be born in may. [17:32]
Scrat i was born in december. makes me an oldfag [17:33]
ThickAsThieves they bought all the cheap bitcoins and now they wanna play [17:33]
assbot [BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 1 @ 0.631 BTC [-] [17:33]
assbot [BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 1 @ 0.631 BTC [-] [17:34]
assbot [BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 10 @ 0.63 = 6.3 BTC [-] [17:34]
Scrat i'd never expect downloads to reach january levels though [17:34]
ThickAsThieves be careful reading too much into that stats methinks [17:34]
mircea_popescu ^ [17:34]
pankkake I never downloaded bitcoin from sourceforge [17:34]
ThickAsThieves who the fuck downloads it anymore [17:34]
Scrat even if you factor in the popularity of [17:35]
Scrat (which is mainly used by noobs to hold their 0.0001 btc) [17:35]
mircea_popescu Scrat you'd be surprised. [17:35]
assbot [BTCTC] [CRYPTO-TRADE] 8 @ 0.1999 = 1.5992 BTC [+] [17:36]
assbot [BTCTC] [CRYPTO-TRADE] 31 @ 0.2 = 6.2 BTC [+] [17:36]
mircea_popescu here's the major blockchain usecase : person makes deal for in person exchange. shows up with blockchain wallet loaded to the sum. he's just made this, and it will get discarded after deal. [17:37]
Scrat yeah, I've probably made 30 throwaway wallets myself [17:38]
mircea_popescu yea. so because of this, you see 100s, even ks there. [17:40]
pankkake and now there's which, I don't understand why, seems popular [17:41]
mircea_popescu pankkake because tf spends a lot of time chatting up noobs. [17:41]
pankkake with dubious "security" claims [17:42]
mircea_popescu he is kind of hit and miss [17:42]
mircea_popescu but he does ocasionally hit pretty well. [17:42]
mircea_popescu self taught kid. you should have seen the sort of code he was penning a year ago. [17:43]
* cosmo (~cosmo@unaffiliated/cosmo) has joined #bitcoin-assets [17:46]
thestringpuller ;;calc 18.75 / 12 [17:47]
gribble 1.5625 [17:47]
thestringpuller!*@* added to ignore list. [17:48]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 1 @ 0.04543 BTC [+] [17:48]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.005534 = 0.1384 BTC [-] [17:51]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.005532 = 0.1383 BTC [-] [17:52]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 40 @ 0.005533 = 0.2213 BTC [+] [17:52]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 17 @ 0.04473 = 0.7604 BTC [-] [17:53]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1 @ 0.005532 BTC [-] [17:53]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 12 @ 0.0034 = 0.0408 BTC [+] [17:58]
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assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 5 @ 0.005499 = 0.0275 BTC [-] [17:59]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 20 @ 0.0034 = 0.068 BTC [+] [18:00]
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assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 7 @ 0.005399 = 0.0378 BTC [-] [18:03]
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assbot [BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 3 @ 0.66 = 1.98 BTC [+] [18:06]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 1 @ 0.04542 BTC [+] [18:08]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 7 @ 0.005399 = 0.0378 BTC [-] [18:14]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 10 @ 0.01244 = 0.1244 BTC [-] [18:17]
assbot [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 7 @ 0.53 = 3.71 BTC [+] [18:19]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 1 @ 0.04525 BTC [-] [18:20]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 22 @ 0.005397 = 0.1187 BTC [-] [18:21]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 3 @ 0.04524 = 0.1357 BTC [-] [18:25]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SMG] 8 @ 0.00027 = 0.0022 BTC [+] [18:25]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 2 @ 0.005397 = 0.0108 BTC [-] [18:25]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 1 @ 0.0447 BTC [-] [18:26]
assbot [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 10 @ 0.529 = 5.29 BTC [-] [18:26]
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assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1 @ 0.005397 BTC [-] [18:28]
mircea_popescu [18:28]
ozbot Live music must be permitted by Homeland Security - [18:28]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 4 @ 0.04339885 = 0.1736 BTC [+] [18:29]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 2 @ 0.04339885 = 0.0868 BTC [+] [18:29]
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assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 5 @ 4.644 = 23.22 BTC [+] [18:32]
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assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 10 @ 0.005395 = 0.054 BTC [-] [18:33]
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assbot [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 4 @ 0.5398 = 2.1592 BTC [+] [18:34]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SMG] 5 @ 0.00027 = 0.0014 BTC [+] [18:41]
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assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 1 @ 0.04523 BTC [+] [18:42]
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ThickAsThieves "Help Nick Carter make his first horror film and pick up a signed copy of a Backstreet Boys CD! Nick will also personally thank you on Twitter!" [18:50]
ThickAsThieves some icky marketing right there [18:51]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 100 @ 0.005396 = 0.5396 BTC [+] [18:54]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 2 @ 0.005399 = 0.0108 BTC [+] [18:54]
mircea_popescu o ya. [18:55]
assbot [BTCTC] [BMF] 3 @ 0.04 = 0.12 BTC [+] [18:56]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 3 @ 0.005399 = 0.0162 BTC [+] [18:57]
ThickAsThieves The Trail of Beers [18:57]
ThickAsThieves how could they miss a headline like that [18:57]
ThickAsThieves [18:58]
mircea_popescu eq [18:59]
mircea_popescu ew* [19:00]
assbot [BTCTC] [BTC-BOND] 95 @ 0.009998 = 0.9498 BTC [+] [19:00]
frb lol [19:01]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 20 @ 0.005396 = 0.1079 BTC [-] [19:03]
assbot [BTCTC] [FIMB] 1 @ 0.0105 BTC [+] [19:06]
* benkay (~benkay@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [19:07]
ThickAsThieves [19:08]
ozbot Barnaby Jack, respected hacker of ATMs and medical devices, found dead in San Francisco | The Verge [19:08]
ThickAsThieves "Jack had been due to speak at the 2013 Black Hat cyber security conference in Las Vegas next Thursday, August 1st. He was allegedly going to present a method of wirelessly hacking a pacemaker" [19:08]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 1 @ 0.01288 BTC [+] [19:09]
assbot [BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 13 @ 0.654 = 8.502 BTC [-] [19:09]
assbot [BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 8 @ 0.655 = 5.24 BTC [+] [19:09]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.005399 = 0.27 BTC [+] [19:09]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 100 @ 0.0054 = 0.54 BTC [+] [19:09]
mircea_popescu testing gone bad. [19:10]
ThickAsThieves [19:10]
ozbot imgur: the simple image sharer [19:10]
assbot [BTCTC] [B.YABMC] 10 @ 0.0028 = 0.028 BTC [-] [19:11]
assbot [BTCTC] [LTC-ATF.B2] 5 @ 0.01026 = 0.0513 BTC [+] [19:11]
ThickAsThieves "Naked Juice Co. agreed to pay $9 million to settle the suit, which was brought by a group of consumers who alleged the juices and smoothies could not be called natural and GMO-free. Under the terms of the settlement, Naked Juice can continue to deny that they misled the public, but they are changing the labels nonetheless." [19:12]
assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 4.6 BTC [-] [19:12]
assbot [BTCTC] [GSDPT] 5 @ 0.00335 = 0.0168 BTC [-] [19:13]
rulother-gs Damn I didn't hear about that, not too surprised. [19:13]
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Diablo-D3 ThickAsThieves: yeah Ive been following that [19:13]
Diablo-D3 the case was largely bullshit [19:14]
mircea_popescu ThickAsThieves i see your fish and i give you whale : [19:14]
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ThickAsThieves lol [19:14]
Diablo-D3 ThickAsThieves: basically it boils down to they use ingredients that have been known to be commercially GMO'ed, and due to the spread of GMO unchecked you can no longer call those foods non-GMO at all [19:14]
Apocalyptic mircea_popescu, regarding the MPex july statement, are "Revenue from new accounts" the 30 btc registration fees ? [19:14]
Diablo-D3 and for the foods that are organic labeled, not all foods have organic guidelines yet, yet they were labeling them as organic [19:14]
mircea_popescu Apocalyptic yes. [19:15]
Diablo-D3 ThickAsThieves: so basically, it was a battle of the lawyers, and the consumer loses [19:15]
assbot [BTCTC] [PAJKA.BOND] 1 @ 0.04499 BTC [+] [19:15]
Diablo-D3 not that Im recommending Naked products, btw [19:15]
* AndChat|52500 (~AndChat52@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [19:15]
Apocalyptic mircea, then how come the number is not divisible by 30 ? [19:15]
ThickAsThieves well they lose no matter how you swing it [19:15]
Diablo-D3 they're better than everything else on the shelf, but it contains unsafe ingrediants [19:16]
ThickAsThieves some accoutns have discounts [19:16]
ThickAsThieves which I forgot to do [19:16]
Apocalyptic really ? how so [19:16]
ThickAsThieves refer [19:16]
mircea_popescu Apocalyptic you can get a referral, in which case mpex only makes 20 [19:16]
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Diablo-D3 ThickAsThieves: so yeah, I think its good that people are trying to make foods safer [19:17]
Diablo-D3 but the only way to do that is eradicate weeds like corn, wheat, soy, and rice [19:17]
mircea_popescu Diablo-D3 here's a little story : i randomly ran into the obituary of this guy. born in kansas in 46, dead this spring. pancreatic cancer. meanwhile his wife of 35 years had ms. [19:17]
mircea_popescu these are us 60 yos. [19:17]
ThickAsThieves paleo or die! [19:17]
mircea_popescu romanian villagesd are filled with dudes aged 90 [19:17]
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mircea_popescu married some chick in like 1847 [19:18]
mircea_popescu and she's still there feedin' the cows. [19:18]
Diablo-D3 ThickAsThieves: exactly. [19:18]
pankkake americans have the worst diets imaginable [19:18]
Diablo-D3 pankkake: not me [19:18]
pankkake yeah I know you're a paleo nazi :p [19:18]
Diablo-D3 I have become ubermensch. [19:18]
* Diablo-D3 flexes the muscles. [19:18]
mircea_popescu pankkake i recently found out about easy cheese. [19:18]
pankkake easy cheese? [19:18]
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Diablo-D3 You are now reading what I say in bad german accent. Yeah. [19:19]
Diablo-D3 mircea_popescu: the spray shit in a can? [19:19]
assbot [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 5 @ 0.5399 = 2.6995 BTC [+] [19:19]
mircea_popescu yes. comes out of a spray can [19:19]
pankkake lol [19:19]
rulother-gs The only weakness I have with paleo is beer, I love beer and gluten free beer is generally awful [19:19]
Diablo-D3 its DISGUSTING [19:19]
Diablo-D3 I bought a can once [19:19]
Diablo-D3 its HORRID [19:19]
Diablo-D3 rulother-gs: seeing as you need wheat/rye/barley/whatever it is for beer, you cant have actually gluten free beer [19:19]
pankkake I'm in France, so I doubt you could even find that kind of cheese there [19:19]
mircea_popescu im not sure what paleo is. what is it ? [19:20]
Diablo-D3 pankkake: you're in france where they grow REAL CHEESE. so. [19:20]
mircea_popescu most of europe has great cheese. [19:20]
assbot [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 3 @ 0.54 = 1.62 BTC [+] [19:20]
ThickAsThieves it's cavemen saying people should eat like cavemen, i think [19:20]
rulother-gs True [19:20]
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mircea_popescu maasdam is like dutch. the romanians have tons of grand cheezes too [19:20]
Diablo-D3 mircea_popescu: no grains (corn, wheat, rice, soy), no seed oils (canola, corn, "vegetable"), no refined sugars (hfcs, sugar), high in fruits and vegs and meats [19:20]
Diablo-D3 mircea_popescu: and no legumes [19:20]
Diablo-D3 ThickAsThieves: its not really that [19:20]
rulother-gs Are you strict paleo or do you allow some dairy or some rice? [19:20]
mircea_popescu well that's not sounding too appealing. [19:20]
mircea_popescu no potatoes ? no bread ? wtf. [19:21]
Diablo-D3 mircea_popescu: potatoes are fine [19:21]
Diablo-D3 but yes, no bread and no pasta [19:21]
mircea_popescu potatoes are solanaceeae > legumes [19:21]
mircea_popescu well fuck that, i love pasta. in white butter sauce!!! [19:21]
pankkake bread and pasta is pretty much the only thing I miss [19:21]
Diablo-D3 potatoes and tomatoes are nightshades, but still okay [19:21]
pankkake I didn't change my diet much otherwise [19:21]
mircea_popescu and i like my girls shaved. you ubermensch you [19:21]
Diablo-D3 pankkake: I dont miss them to be honest [19:21]
pankkake just some rebalancing [19:21]
Diablo-D3 mircea_popescu: eh, I dont like them completely bald [19:21]
pankkake well, most bread people eat (especially outside of France :p) sucks [19:21]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.SELLING] 255 @ 0.02098 = 5.3499 BTC [+] [19:21]
Diablo-D3 mircea_popescu: trimmed nicely is fine [19:22]
Diablo-D3 pankkake: yes thats the problem [19:22]
mircea_popescu pankkake aactually italy has better bread than you ppl! [19:22]
Diablo-D3 pankkake: like, homemade bread and pasta is yummy [19:22]
pankkake mircea_popescu: could be [19:22]
pankkake I eat bread at restaurants [19:22]
Diablo-D3 pankkake: if I want that commercially I'd have to live in nyc and go to the corner jewish deli (every corner in nyc has one) [19:22]
mircea_popescu Diablo-D3 totally. my girls must know how to make bread as a condition. [19:22]
pankkake as long as they can handle my big baguette [19:23]
Diablo-D3 but yeah, pretty much, not eating paleo means you'll die 20 years earlier than you should have [19:23]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 20 @ 0.0034 = 0.068 BTC [+] [19:23]
Diablo-D3 maybe even 30 depending on genetics [19:23]
Diablo-D3 like, if cancer, diabetes, heart attacks, or strokes run in your family, paleo is the only way to live past 60. [19:24]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.005493 = 0.1373 BTC [+] [19:24]
pankkake according to my genetics, I'm headed for cancer. the same one has taken two members of my family already [19:24]
pankkake if my teeth don't kill me before that [19:24]
pankkake :| [19:24]
Diablo-D3 pankkake: then I suggest paleo and maybe you'll have a chance [19:24]
assbot [BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 4 @ 0.63 = 2.52 BTC [-] [19:24]
Diablo-D3 pankkake: paleo improves teeth too [19:24]
Diablo-D3 refined sugars _destroy_ enamel [19:25]
pankkake maybe, but it's too late [19:25]
pankkake I never ate much sugars [19:25]
pankkake (too late for the teeth. 1 year of continuous issues without end) [19:25]
Diablo-D3 and flouridated toothpaste may actually be hurting teeth instead of strengthening them [19:25]
assbot [BTCTC] [S.MPOE-PT] 5 @ 0.000945 = 0.0047 BTC [+] [19:25]
pankkake I was doing everything wrong [19:25]
mircea_popescu Diablo-D3 i've been not touching flouridated anything since a decade ago [19:26]
Diablo-D3 mircea_popescu: yeah, Ive been thinking about just making my own toothpaste [19:26]
mircea_popescu shit's horrible. [19:26]
mircea_popescu well here you can buy non-F toothpaste. i guess not so easy in the us [19:26]
Diablo-D3 calcium, baking soda, olive oil, and peppermint extract, give or take [19:26]
Diablo-D3 mircea_popescu: you can here but you have to look around [19:26]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.SELLING] 45 @ 0.02098 = 0.9441 BTC [+] [19:27]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.SELLING] 175 @ 0.02099 = 3.6733 BTC [+] [19:27]
Diablo-D3 mircea_popescu: the problem is, most of them dont have added calcium [19:27]
pankkake my dentist made me use [19:27]
assbot [BTCTC] [CRYPTO-TRADE] 38 @ 0.2 = 7.6 BTC [+] [19:27]
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pankkake at least my gum is much better now [19:27]
pankkake I was bleeding every time [19:28]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.SELLING] 9 @ 0.02099 = 0.1889 BTC [+] [19:28]
Diablo-D3 pankkake: yeah, thats bad [19:28]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.SELLING] 3 @ 0.02099 = 0.063 BTC [+] [19:28]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.SELLING] 158 @ 0.021 = 3.318 BTC [+] [19:28]
Diablo-D3 pankkake: usually the sign of a shitty diet [19:28]
Diablo-D3 or brushing too hard in some people [19:28]
pankkake shitty way of cleaning mostly - I had loads of dental plaque [19:28]
Diablo-D3 like here in america we sell soft, medium, and hard bristles [19:28]
pankkake it was black little rocks under my gum [19:29]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.SELLING] 5 @ 0.021 = 0.105 BTC [+] [19:29]
Diablo-D3 you should ONLY ever buy soft ones [19:29]
Diablo-D3 and all the expensive electric toothbrushes come in soft only [19:29]
pankkake yeah, I changed that too [19:29]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 51 @ 0.005493 = 0.2801 BTC [+] [19:29]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 102 @ 0.005496 = 0.5606 BTC [+] [19:29]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 47 @ 0.005499 = 0.2585 BTC [+] [19:29]
pankkake again, too late :( [19:29]
pankkake If only I listened to what dentists told me [19:30]
Diablo-D3 like, I actually recommend this: [19:30]
pankkake instead I said fuck it and didn't go to a dentist for years [19:30]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 26 @ 0.005499 = 0.143 BTC [+] [19:30]
pankkake anyway, the amount of sugar people eat is horrible [19:31]
Apocalyptic true [19:31]
* metabyte has quit () [19:31]
pankkake sometimes I look up drink labels [19:31]
pankkake it's like only sugar [19:31]
Diablo-D3 pankkake: I recommend cutting it all out [19:31]
Apocalyptic that's why i stopped drinking these shitty drinks [19:31]
pankkake never drank them actually [19:31]
Diablo-D3 I used to drink pepsi every day [19:31]
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Diablo-D3 like, a case of it every other day [19:31]
pankkake I'm not much of a sugar adept [19:31]
Apocalyptic Diablo-D3, damn [19:31]
Diablo-D3 the worst its done to my teeth is stain them [19:32]
pankkake coffee without sugar [19:32]
Diablo-D3 and the stain is slowly being lifted off [19:32]
pankkake 90%+ chocolate etc. [19:32]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 5 @ 0.005499 = 0.0275 BTC [+] [19:32]
Diablo-D3 pankkake: I do not drink coffee or eat chocolate, although some paleo do [19:32]
benkay [19:32]
ozbot Swedish farmer puts a turbo engine into his tractor... [VIDEO] [19:32]
Apocalyptic Diablo-D3, are vegetables allowed in paleo diet ? [19:33]
Diablo-D3 Apocalyptic: they are a cornerstone of it [19:33]
assbot [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 1 @ 0.5398 BTC [-] [19:33]
pankkake well coffee is bad for teeth. my dentist recognized me as a coffee drinker right after I opened my mouth [19:33]
Diablo-D3 pankkake: yeah it stains it [19:33]
Diablo-D3 I recommend giving it up anyhow [19:33]
pankkake at least I discovered many new things to eat [19:33]
Diablo-D3 caffiene doesnt work [19:34]
* oizotov (~x@gateway/tor-sasl/oizotov) has joined #bitcoin-assets [19:34]
pankkake I am/was addicted [19:34]
Diablo-D3 I never was [19:34]
Diablo-D3 like, people are like HOW DID YOU GO COLD TURKEY THAT IS IMPOSSIBLE [19:34]
pankkake I'm an easy addict [19:34]
* Manny (4b4a3940@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-assets [19:34]
Diablo-D3 its because I drank it for so long I became immune to it [19:34]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.005402 = 0.1351 BTC [-] [19:34]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 13 @ 0.005401 = 0.0702 BTC [-] [19:34]
pankkake I got addicted to water [19:34]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.005399 = 0.135 BTC [-] [19:34]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 937 @ 0.005396 = 5.0561 BTC [-] [19:34]
Stardust I got addicted to water // that's a nice addiction to have [19:35]
pankkake Stardust: not when it's 10 liters per day [19:35]
Diablo-D3 thats not even an addiciton though [19:36]
pankkake well I always liked to drink water, where most people don't really enjoy it [19:36]
Diablo-D3 not to _water_ though [19:36]
assbot [BTCTC] [CRYPTO-TRADE] 1 @ 0.2 BTC [+] [19:36]
pankkake trust me, it really was :) [19:36]
pankkake well it was more of a habit [19:36]
Diablo-D3 theres an addicition to being healthy [19:36]
Diablo-D3 whats 10 liters in gallons? [19:36]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SMG] 10 @ 0.00026 = 0.0026 BTC [-] [19:36]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SMG] 80 @ 0.00026 = 0.0208 BTC [-] [19:36]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SMG] 62 @ 0.000259 = 0.0161 BTC [-] [19:37]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SMG] 3 @ 0.0002567 = 0.0008 BTC [-] [19:37]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SMG] 100 @ 0.000256 = 0.0256 BTC [-] [19:37]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SMG] 300 @ 0.000256 = 0.0768 BTC [-] [19:37]
Diablo-D3 about 2.6 right? [19:37]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SMG] 445 @ 0.0002555 = 0.1137 BTC [-] [19:37]
pankkake no idea but drinking more than 5 isn't recommended [19:37]
assbot [BTCTC] [S.MPOE-PT] 217 @ 0.000945 = 0.2051 BTC [+] [19:37]
pankkake I couldn't go for an hour without drinking [19:37]
Diablo-D3 pankkake: yeah see [19:37]
Diablo-D3 I drink 64 ounces of water a day at least [19:37]
Diablo-D3 which is half a gallon [19:37]
Diablo-D3 so almost 2 liters [19:38]
Diablo-D3 (why 64? I own color matched 32 ounce bottles to keep track of water intake) [19:38]
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Diablo-D3 portal colored :D [19:38]
Diablo-D3 one blue one orange [19:38]
pankkake well 2 liters is fine [19:38]
assbot [BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 1 @ 0.63 BTC [-] [19:39]
Diablo-D3 what I drink is pretty much the minimum most people should drink [19:39]
Stardust i'm kinda doomed i think [19:39]
pankkake I did a 24h pee exam and the bottle they gave me, which was huge, wasn't enough [19:39]
Diablo-D3 pankkake: yeah, they're never big enough [19:39]
Stardust when i was young my parents fed me exclusively on oversugared shit [19:39]
pankkake I think it started the time I had a pee infection - I said NEVER AGAIN and always drinked more and more [19:39]
Diablo-D3 Stardust: its never too late [19:39]
Diablo-D3 Stardust: the harder you paleo, the longer you'll live [19:40]
pankkake lol [19:40]
Stardust drank like only pepsi/fanta, shit was hard [19:40]
Diablo-D3 Stardust: seriously, do it. [19:40]
Stardust i've begun [19:40]
Stardust but i fear it's too late [19:40]
pankkake being young you can certainly handle more shit [19:40]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.005493 = 0.1373 BTC [+] [19:40]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 37 @ 0.005494 = 0.2033 BTC [+] [19:40]
Diablo-D3 Stardust: in a few months I will be 30. [19:41]
Diablo-D3 hell, 3 months [19:41]
Stardust i'm more like 21, but still [19:41]
Diablo-D3 Im almost an old man :< [19:41]
Diablo-D3 I ate badly my entire life [19:41]
Diablo-D3 Ive been doing paleo for less than a year [19:41]
Diablo-D3 Ive gone from 340 to 248 and havent stopped losing weight [19:41]
pankkake wait that's 112 kg? [19:42]
pankkake silly americans! [19:42]
Diablo-D3 154 to 112 [19:42]
Diablo-D3 silly the rest of the world [19:42]
pankkake I can't even beging to imagine 154 ;) [19:42]
Apocalyptic my weight is not a prob, but i often feel tired [19:43]
Apocalyptic same here pankkake [19:43]
* rulother-gs has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) [19:43]
Diablo-D3 Apocalyptic: paleo would fix that [19:43]
pankkake though I had an overweight friend for whom paleo did wonders [19:43]
Diablo-D3 Apocalyptic: plus, start taking 5000 IU of vitamin D every day [19:43]
Apocalyptic i'm 80kg for 1m95, a decent weight i believe [19:43]
Diablo-D3 Apocalyptic: and go to bed soon as the sun goes down and sleep until you wake up, NO ALARMS [19:43]
pankkake paleo certainly fixed tiredness [19:43]
pankkake and digestive issues [19:43]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 53 @ 0.005499 = 0.2914 BTC [+] [19:43]
Diablo-D3 Im 6 foot even and should be around 180 pounds plus or minus [19:44]
Diablo-D3 Im a very big framed german build [19:44]
Diablo-D3 so Ill probably never hit that [19:44]
* GordonG3kko has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [19:44]
Diablo-D3 and plus, I plan on working out like all the time [19:46]
* GordonG3kko (~GordonG3k@gateway/tor-sasl/gordong3kko) has joined #bitcoin-assets [19:46]
Diablo-D3 Im going to veer into douchebag-at-the-gym territory [19:46]
VanCleef bitcoiner going to the gym? good one [19:47]
Diablo-D3 well, Im not going to go to a gym for real [19:47]
Diablo-D3 I can just build one at home. [19:48]
VanCleef or just download a game called gym and do a virtual workout [19:48]
Diablo-D3 that doesnt give you giant muscles [19:49]
pankkake then I'll create a program to play the game for me [19:49]
VanCleef lol [19:51]
Manny MYMINER anyone? [19:51]
VanCleef just thinking of a device you could strap to your muscles that vibrates [19:52]
* benkay has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [19:52]
Diablo-D3 VanCleef: yeah they invented that in the 50s [19:52]
Diablo-D3 it doesnt work [19:52]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 4 @ 0.005499 = 0.022 BTC [+] [19:52]
VanCleef i mean like a ps3 device [19:53]
pankkake a dildo? [19:53]
VanCleef possibly [19:53]
Diablo-D3 well [19:53]
Diablo-D3 the ps2 had that device for rez or whatever that game was [19:53]
* Exocyst ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [19:54]
VanCleef sitting here in a sling and messed up back and damn i want a new body that works again, something robotic [19:54]
* deadweasel has quit (Quit: leaving) [19:57]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.005402 = 0.1351 BTC [-] [19:57]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 26 @ 0.005401 = 0.1404 BTC [-] [19:57]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 100 @ 0.005399 = 0.5399 BTC [-] [19:57]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 182 @ 0.005396 = 0.9821 BTC [-] [19:57]
* deadweasel (~DeadWease@unaffiliated/deadweasel) has joined #bitcoin-assets [19:57]
assbot [MPEX] [S.MG] 1 @ 0.00025 BTC [+] [20:01]
* Manny has quit (Quit: Page closed) [20:06]
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* deadweasel has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [20:09]
* lippoper ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [20:10]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.005399 = 0.135 BTC [+] [20:11]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 100 @ 0.005398 = 0.5398 BTC [-] [20:11]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 178 @ 0.005396 = 0.9605 BTC [-] [20:11]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 1 @ 0.0034 BTC [+] [20:12]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 27 @ 0.005494 = 0.1483 BTC [+] [20:21]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 33 @ 0.0055 = 0.1815 BTC [+] [20:21]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 350 @ 0.0055 = 1.925 BTC [+] [20:24]
assbot [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 1 @ 0.543 BTC [+] [20:24]
assbot [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 4 @ 0.544 = 2.176 BTC [+] [20:24]
* lippoper has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [20:28]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.005499 = 0.1375 BTC [-] [20:29]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1010 @ 0.005323 = 5.3762 BTC [-] [20:29]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 13 @ 0.005497 = 0.0715 BTC [+] [20:29]
* lippoper ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [20:31]
assbot [BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 1 @ 0.63 BTC [-] [20:33]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 50 @ 0.04453 = 2.2265 BTC [-] [20:35]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 25 @ 0.0445 = 1.1125 BTC [-] [20:35]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 1 @ 0.04339 BTC [-] [20:35]
* daybyter has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) [20:36]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 250 @ 0.04339885 = 10.8497 BTC [+] [20:36]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 1 @ 0.208 BTC [-] [20:40]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 20 @ 0.209 = 4.18 BTC [+] [20:40]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 5 @ 0.2101 = 1.0505 BTC [+] [20:40]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 6 @ 0.2102 = 1.2612 BTC [+] [20:40]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 15 @ 0.2103 = 3.1545 BTC [+] [20:40]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 3 @ 0.2138 = 0.6414 BTC [+] [20:40]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 2 @ 0.2138 = 0.4276 BTC [+] [20:41]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 1 @ 0.21849 BTC [+] [20:41]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 12 @ 0.22 = 2.64 BTC [+] [20:41]
* CheckDavid has quit (Quit: Leaving) [20:41]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 5 @ 0.005447 = 0.0272 BTC [-] [20:41]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 2 @ 0.01288 = 0.0258 BTC [+] [20:42]
* CheckDavid (~david@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [20:44]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.005445 = 0.1361 BTC [-] [20:44]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 34 @ 0.005446 = 0.1852 BTC [+] [20:45]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 92 @ 0.005446 = 0.501 BTC [+] [20:45]
assbot [BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 4 @ 0.63 = 2.52 BTC [-] [20:46]
assbot [BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 1 @ 0.63 BTC [-] [20:46]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.SELLING] 19 @ 0.0203 = 0.3857 BTC [-] [20:47]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 328 @ 0.005499 = 1.8037 BTC [+] [20:47]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 11 @ 0.005446 = 0.0599 BTC [-] [20:47]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 781 @ 0.005446 = 4.2533 BTC [-] [20:48]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 300 @ 0.00545 = 1.635 BTC [+] [20:48]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1162 @ 0.005446 = 6.3283 BTC [-] [20:48]
* Exocyst has quit (Quit: has miniaturized him self and fallen into his keyboard) [20:48]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1 @ 0.005445 BTC [-] [20:49]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 3 @ 0.005444 = 0.0163 BTC [-] [20:52]
* metabyte (~metabyte@unaffiliated/metabyte) has joined #bitcoin-assets [20:54]
Diablo-D3 usagi: so guess what [20:57]
Diablo-D3 usagi: the forum randomly doesnt email me. [20:57]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 17 @ 0.005438 = 0.0924 BTC [-] [21:03]
* Duffer1 ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [21:07]
* Apocaly ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [21:08]
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assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.SELLING] 1 @ 0.021 BTC [+] [21:12]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 1 @ 0.04499 BTC [+] [21:18]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 1 @ 0.04499 BTC [+] [21:23]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 36 @ 0.005432 = 0.1956 BTC [-] [21:27]
* rulother-gs ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [21:35]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 2 @ 0.045 = 0.09 BTC [+] [21:35]
* Chilca ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [21:39]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 35 @ 0.005425 = 0.1899 BTC [-] [21:44]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.005426 = 0.2713 BTC [+] [21:44]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 20 @ 0.005429 = 0.1086 BTC [+] [21:44]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 115 @ 0.005438 = 0.6254 BTC [+] [21:44]
* dexX7 (dexX7@unaffiliated/dexx7) has joined #bitcoin-assets [21:47]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 27 @ 0.04473 = 1.2077 BTC [-] [21:49]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.005437 = 0.2719 BTC [-] [21:50]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 32 @ 0.005438 = 0.174 BTC [+] [21:50]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 400 @ 0.005439 = 2.1756 BTC [+] [21:51]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.005315 = 0.1329 BTC [-] [21:51]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 14 @ 0.005315 = 0.0744 BTC [-] [21:52]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.005438 = 0.136 BTC [+] [21:52]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.005436 = 0.1359 BTC [-] [21:52]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 45 @ 0.005437 = 0.2447 BTC [+] [21:52]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 2 @ 0.005437 = 0.0109 BTC [+] [21:54]
Duffer1 How do I get BTC out of Bitfunder? wtf is this... [21:54]
rulother-gs The best way I found, is to never put money into bf. [21:55]
rulother-gs But [21:55]
kakobrekla lol [21:55]
rulother-gs Don't they have their payment processor? [21:55]
Duffer1 weexchange [21:55]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 113 @ 0.0430001 = 4.859 BTC [-] [21:56]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 257 @ 0.04300001 = 11.051 BTC [-] [21:56]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 30 @ 0.043 = 1.29 BTC [-] [21:56]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 19 @ 0.043 = 0.817 BTC [-] [21:56]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 5 @ 0.0428 = 0.214 BTC [-] [21:56]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 2 @ 0.04275 = 0.0855 BTC [-] [21:57]
rulother-gs I'm kinda curious as to how much btc btct makes off fees a day [21:58]
Duffer1 at this point i wouldn't care if it was 10% [21:59]
Duffer1 fckin bitfunder was there ever a more counterintuitive website design? [21:59]
* Apocaly has quit (Quit: Leaving) [21:59]
* Chilca has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [22:00]
dexX7 rulother-gs:,551.msg35456.html#msg35456 [22:01]
rulother-gs Wish I could help ya [22:01]
Scrat Duffer1: because BOOTSTRAP YO [22:01]
Duffer1 lul [22:01]
* Chilca ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [22:02]
rulother-gs Shit that's a hefty amount. [22:02]
Scrat wow, forum admin has the decency to actually run 21st century forum software [22:02]
Scrat unlike theymos [22:02]
dexX7 ^^xD [22:03]
Duffer1 burnside = freddie mercury? [22:04]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.SELLING] 7 @ 0.021 = 0.147 BTC [+] [22:07]
* mjoiii ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [22:07]
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assbot [BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 6 @ 0.62 = 3.72 BTC [-] [22:11]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 16 @ 0.005499 = 0.088 BTC [+] [22:14]
* mjoiii has quit (Quit: Bye) [22:15]
* mjoiii ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [22:15]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1054 @ 0.005499 = 5.7959 BTC [+] [22:16]
* daybyter ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [22:16]
* JimJones ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [22:16]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.005369 = 0.1342 BTC [-] [22:18]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 50 @ 0.005368 = 0.2684 BTC [-] [22:18]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 35 @ 0.005367 = 0.1878 BTC [-] [22:18]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 10 @ 0.0055 = 0.055 BTC [+] [22:18]
* rulother-gs has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) [22:22]
* Chilca has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [22:22]
assbot [BTCTC] [B.YABMC] 1 @ 0.002401 BTC [-] [22:25]
assbot [BTCTC] [B.YABMC] 12 @ 0.002383 = 0.0286 BTC [-] [22:25]
assbot [BTCTC] [COG.F] 1 @ 8.5 BTC [+] [22:27]
assbot [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 5 @ 0.5398 = 2.699 BTC [-] [22:28]
kakobrekla hm [22:28]
* Namworld ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [22:28]
kakobrekla !t bt cog.f [22:28]
assbot [BTCT:COG.F] 1D: 8 / 8 / 8 (1 shares, 8 BTC), 7D: 8 / 10.11333 / 11.84 (3 shares, 30.3 BTC), 30D: 3.8 / 6.69142 / 12 (19 shares, 127.1 BTC) [22:28]
kakobrekla hrm? [22:29]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.SELLING] 206 @ 0.021 = 4.326 BTC [+] [22:29]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.SELLING] 44 @ 0.021 = 0.924 BTC [+] [22:29]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.SELLING] 100 @ 0.02124 = 2.124 BTC [+] [22:29]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 5 @ 0.04529 = 0.2265 BTC [+] [22:30]
* daybyter has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) [22:31]
assbot [BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 2 @ 0.6685 = 1.337 BTC [+] [22:32]
* rulother-gs ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [22:33]
mircea_popescu just another cog in the f [22:35]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 10 @ 0.005489 = 0.0549 BTC [-] [22:35]
* dexX7 has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) [22:36]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1303 @ 0.005499 = 7.1652 BTC [+] [22:36]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 607 @ 0.0055 = 3.3385 BTC [+] [22:36]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1943 @ 0.0055 = 10.6865 BTC [+] [22:36]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 57 @ 0.0055 = 0.3135 BTC [+] [22:37]
pankkake that's pretty cheap [22:38]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 350 @ 0.005509 = 1.9282 BTC [+] [22:40]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 700 @ 0.00551 = 3.857 BTC [+] [22:41]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 11 @ 0.005565 = 0.0612 BTC [+] [22:42]
ThickAsThieves "I understand this message is vague, but I want to gauge your interest before putting more time and energy into this" [22:43]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 20 @ 0.005566 = 0.1113 BTC [+] [22:43]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 2 @ 0.0034 = 0.0068 BTC [+] [22:43]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 2 @ 0.005569 = 0.0111 BTC [+] [22:43]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 58 @ 0.005699 = 0.3305 BTC [+] [22:45]
pankkake :o [22:46]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 117 @ 0.0057 = 0.6669 BTC [+] [22:46]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 12 @ 0.005699 = 0.0684 BTC [-] [22:46]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 38 @ 0.005699 = 0.2166 BTC [-] [22:47]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 12 @ 0.005768 = 0.0692 BTC [+] [22:48]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 10 @ 0.005769 = 0.0577 BTC [+] [22:48]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 15 @ 0.005769 = 0.0865 BTC [+] [22:48]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1282 @ 0.005774 = 7.4023 BTC [+] [22:49]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 200 @ 0.005775 = 1.155 BTC [+] [22:49]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 2365 @ 0.005777 = 13.6626 BTC [+] [22:50]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 166 @ 0.005779 = 0.9593 BTC [+] [22:50]
Diablo-D3 usagi: jesus, thats so 80s it hurts [22:51]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 58 @ 0.00578 = 0.3352 BTC [+] [22:51]
* benkay ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [22:51]
Diablo-D3 wtf -_-` [22:52]
Diablo-D3 no, bgc [22:52]
Diablo-D3 dunno [22:52]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 10 @ 0.005779 = 0.0578 BTC [-] [22:53]
rulother-gs kinda have an urge to watch American Psycho [22:54]
Diablo-D3 usagi: whatever happened to 80s hair [22:54]
Duffer1 does assbot not track bitfunder? [22:56]
Diablo-D3 it doesnt [22:56]
Namworld It should [22:57]
* AndChat|52500 (~AndChat52@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [22:58]
ThickAsThieves kako and Ukyo are still arm-wrestling over it [22:58]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 1 @ 0.0127 BTC [-] [22:59]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.SELLING] 16 @ 0.02035 = 0.3256 BTC [-] [22:59]
* mjoiii has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [23:00]
* FlyingLeap_ is now known as FlyingLeap [23:00]
* rulother-gs has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) [23:05]
Diablo-D3 usagi: lol computers from 80s anime [23:06]
assbot [BTCTC] [RSM] 25 @ 0.0154 = 0.385 BTC [-] [23:06]
Diablo-D3 usagi: so, a band that also is a mercenary force [23:07]
Diablo-D3 where have I seen this plot before [23:07]
* asa1024 (~asa@unaffiliated/asa1024) has joined #bitcoin-assets [23:09]
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assbot [BTCTC] [CRYPTO-TRADE] 10 @ 0.2 = 2 BTC [+] [23:14]
* rulother-gs has quit (Client Quit) [23:15]
* Chaaang-Noi (~j@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [23:21]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 1 @ 0.005779 BTC [-] [23:22]
assbot [BTCTC] [B.YABMC] 1 @ 0.0028 BTC [+] [23:22]
* mjoiii ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [23:23]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 8 @ 0.005702 = 0.0456 BTC [-] [23:23]
* Chaaaang-Noi has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) [23:24]
* AndChat|52500 has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) [23:25]
* error47311 has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) [23:27]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 385 @ 0.005699 = 2.1941 BTC [-] [23:30]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 25 @ 0.005778 = 0.1445 BTC [+] [23:34]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 2 @ 0.005414 = 0.0108 BTC [-] [23:36]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 2 @ 0.005416 = 0.0108 BTC [+] [23:37]
* copumpkin has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) [23:40]
* copumpkin (~copumpkin@unaffiliated/copumpkin) has joined #bitcoin-assets [23:40]
assbot [BTCTC] [BMF] 3 @ 0.04479 = 0.1344 BTC [+] [23:41]
* mjoiii_ ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [23:41]
assbot [BTCTC] [LTC-ATF.B2] 2 @ 0.01026 = 0.0205 BTC [+] [23:42]
* toffoo (~tof@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [23:44]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 7 @ 0.0034 = 0.0238 BTC [+] [23:44]
assbot [BTCTC] [S.BBET-PT] 29 @ 0.002 = 0.058 BTC [+] [23:44]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 2 @ 0.0126 = 0.0252 BTC [-] [23:44]
assbot [BTCTC] [ACTIVEMINING] 8 @ 0.005774 = 0.0462 BTC [+] [23:44]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.ASICMINER] 1 @ 0.04531 BTC [+] [23:45]
assbot [BTCTC] [BTC-BOND] 1 @ 0.009998 BTC [+] [23:49]
* mjoiii_ has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [23:50]
assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 56 @ 0.0126 = 0.7056 BTC [-] [23:54]
assbot [BTCTC] [TAT.VIRTUALMINE] 481 @ 0.003436 = 1.6527 BTC [+] [23:56]
* jcpham has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [23:58]
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