Forum logs for 25 Mar 2012
Saturday, 23 November, Year 11 d.Tr. | Author: Mircea Popescu
splatster | ya | [00:00] |
Joric | ~/.bitcoin | [00:00] |
cheebydi | rg, thanks! everything went better (and faster) than expected | [00:00] |
draco49 | ~/.bitcoin/ | [00:00] |
* | nik (52d49e5b@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc | [00:00] |
draco49 | You can change it using -conf and -datadir if you want | [00:00] |
splatster | ya | [00:00] |
* | Kagemonster (535b59ba@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc | [00:00] |
* | nik is now known as Guest67388 | [00:00] |
rg | cheebydi: so you got it humming? | [00:01] |
cheebydi | aye | [00:01] |
draco49 | I run bitcoind as a daemon and the config in /etc/bitcoind/ and the data in /etc/bitcoind/data/ | [00:01] |
Guest67388 | hey how can i start rading? | [00:01] |
draco49 | How rad do you want to be? | [00:01] |
Cusipzzz | raiding? join a raiding guild ldo | [00:01] |
draco49 | Are we talking "Cru Jones" Rad? | [00:02] |
draco49 | Cuz that was pretty rad. | [00:02] |
Guest67388 | i know | [00:02] |
Cusipzzz | oh, thought it was like leroy jenkins raiding | [00:02] |
rg | nope he didnt buy it | [00:02] |
Guest67388 | trading i mean | [00:02] |
rg | lame | [00:02] |
rg | now im the dick | [00:02] |
draco49 | oh Trading! | [00:02] |
Cusipzzz | rg: he'll prob flame you on the forums ;) | [00:02] |
Guest67388 | i need som btc fast | [00:02] |
rg | well, the name he signed up with and the name he emaield me from | [00:03] |
rg | dont match | [00:03] |
rg | at all | [00:03] |
rg | so thats good, thats against the rules. | [00:03] |
* | _chsados_ has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) | [00:03] |
rg | might've dodged a bullet | [00:03] |
draco49 | If those rotating promo images on the homepage are static, you might want to change that rg. | [00:03] |
rg | and not even knew it | [00:03] |
* | fimpfimp has quit (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep) | [00:03] |
Guest67388 | hgj | [00:04] |
* | chsados ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [00:04] |
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* | chsados (~chsados@unaffiliated/chsados) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [00:04] |
* | Guest67388 has quit (Client Quit) | [00:05] |
draco49 | For example, the Dedicated Servers splash image says "as low as 20.00 BTC/m"... but that doesn't match the prices listed for dedicated servers. | [00:05] |
rg | hehe | [00:06] |
rg | it does sometimes | [00:06] |
draco49 | lol | [00:06] |
rg | just depends on the rate | [00:06] |
draco49 | It doesn't personally bother me, but I can see some people being a dick about it. | [00:06] |
rg | ill just put a 20 btc server up | [00:10] |
rg | ;;ticker --user | [00:11] |
gribble | (ticker [--bid|--ask|--last|--high|--low]) -- Return pretty-printed mtgox ticker. If one of the options is given, returns only that numeric result (useful for nesting in calculations). | [00:11] |
rg | ;;ticker --eur | [00:11] |
gribble | (ticker [--bid|--ask|--last|--high|--low]) -- Return pretty-printed mtgox ticker. If one of the options is given, returns only that numeric result (useful for nesting in calculations). | [00:11] |
rg | d o stuff! | [00:11] |
draco49 | Or you could create those images on the fly with real-time conversion. | [00:11] |
mcorlett | draco49: Now we're talkin'! | [00:12] |
rawrmage | or you could just watch some ponies | [00:12] |
draco49 | clop clop | [00:12] |
draco49 | ponytroll | [00:12] |
rawrmage | | [00:13] |
vragnaroda | .title | [00:13] |
pebbles | vragnaroda: MLP Fighting is Magic - Twilight Sparkle Stage Theme - YouTube | [00:13] |
* | rory1 (b2ee8ef3@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc | [00:13] |
terry | shut up pebbles | [00:13] |
terry | hi pebbles | [00:13] |
pebbles | Hello terry | [00:13] |
vragnaroda | Hmm… | [00:13] |
* | ChanServ removes voice from pebbles | [00:14] |
terry | and i ain't even authd bro | [00:14] |
vragnaroda | That's better. :p | [00:14] |
* | jacks0 ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [00:14] |
splatster | ;;ident terry | [00:14] |
vragnaroda | ;;unauth | [00:14] |
* | jacks0 ( has left #bitcoin-otc | [00:15] |
* | minimoose ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [00:15] |
* | fimpfimp ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [00:15] |
splatster | ;;ident | [00:15] |
gribble | You are identified as user splatster, with GPG key id 3B99C220301F7227, and key fingerprint F47A44D018B33EE39650E6C53B99C220301F7227. | [00:15] |
splatster | okay | [00:15] |
vragnaroda | ;;ident | [00:15] |
gribble | You are identified as user vragnaroda, with GPG key id B594FD658613B519, and key fingerprint 394512AECFD3673C7EE829AEB594FD658613B519. | [00:15] |
splatster | .title | [00:15] |
pebbles | splatster: MLP Fighting is Magic - Twilight Sparkle Stage Theme - YouTube | [00:15] |
terry | hi pebbles | [00:15] |
pebbles | Hello terry! | [00:15] |
rory1 | Hi again were do i download there block chain for bitcoin wallet? | [00:15] |
vragnaroda | pebbles: STFU | [00:15] |
splatster | FYI, it caches someone's auth for about an hour, as per nano's request | [00:15] |
rawrmage | ;;ident | [00:15] |
gribble | You are identified as user rawrmage, with GPG key id 677F1EBC1EA5A6A7, and key fingerprint D1B8F11EE3D551A64100055A677F1EBC1EA5A6A7. | [00:15] |
rawrmage | ;;ident ponymage | [00:15] |
splatster | if you ran a command and were authed in the last hour, it runs | [00:16] |
BTC_Bear | pebbles: Where is BamBam? | [00:16] |
rawrmage | ;;ident cmaxiha_ | [00:16] |
gribble | Nick 'cmaxiha_', with hostmask 'cmaxiha_!', is not identified. | [00:16] |
vragnaroda | splatster: I don't give a shit. | [00:16] |
cmaxiha_ | .title | [00:16] |
terry | i don't even have a otc account | [00:16] |
* | cmaxiha_ is now known as ponymage | [00:16] |
vragnaroda | rory1: You don't need to download it separately. The bitcoin client will do that. | [00:16] |
BTC_Bear | splatster: give pebbles a bambam | [00:16] |
terry | rory1: | [00:16] |
rg | | [00:17] |
rory1 | thankyou terry | [00:17] |
terry | you are very much welcome rory1 | [00:17] |
* | Lolcust (twoohnine@ has joined #bitcoin-otc | [00:17] |
vragnaroda | I just cleaned up about 200 GB from what I had been seeding. | [00:17] |
rory1 | terry is that the officall web page | [00:18] |
terry | rory1: there is no official page | [00:18] |
Joric | wow 'this page is irish. would you like to translate it' | [00:18] |
terry | the official method is to let your client download and verify the integrity of the blockchain | [00:18] |
Joric | irish blockchain | [00:18] |
terry | but i can vouch for the owner of that page | [00:19] |
rory1 | terry thank you | [00:19] |
rg | vragnaroda: no more hentai? | [00:19] |
rg | gay tentacle spider hentai | [00:19] |
draco49 | lol | [00:19] |
vragnaroda | rg: No, I don't torrent that stuff; you just DCC it to me. | [00:20] |
* | Shaded (~Shaded@unaffiliated/shaded) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [00:21] |
* | sgornick (~steve@unaffiliated/sgornick) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [00:21] |
* | ChanServ gives voice to sgornick | [00:21] |
* | tcatm (~quassel@2001:4dd0:fb22::2) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [00:25] |
* | tcatm has quit (Changing host) | [00:25] |
* | tcatm (~quassel@unaffiliated/tcatm) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [00:25] |
rory1 | Hi again how do i save my bitcoin program i realy dont no please help? | [00:27] |
rory1 | pm me | [00:28] |
* | DeLorean719 ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [00:30] |
rg | that is true | [00:30] |
rg | vrag and i j/o on webcam to eachother | [00:30] |
* | gribble gives voice to DeLorean719 | [00:30] |
mircea_popescu | so you're a camho ? | [00:31] |
* | fimpfimp has quit (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep) | [00:32] |
* | AcidicChip has quit () | [00:35] |
Framedragger | Anyone selling a wee bit of bitcoins for PPUSD/PPEUR? | [00:37] |
BTC_Bear | A wee bit? | [00:37] |
cheebydi | ;;getrating Framedragger | [00:37] |
gribble | User Framedragger, created on Thu Jun 23 11:15:47 2011. Cumulative rating 15, from 11 total ratings. Received ratings: 11 positive, 0 negative. Sent ratings: 11 positive, 0 negative. Details: Currently authenticated from hostmask Framedragger! | [00:37] |
Framedragger | <10 :) | [00:37] |
Framedragger | basically, would seek to accommodate seller's proposed amount. | [00:38] |
* | Kagemonster has quit (Quit: Page closed) | [00:38] |
* | fimpfimp ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [00:39] |
* | benjamindees has quit (Quit: Leaving) | [00:41] |
Framedragger | ;;rate Cusipzzz 1 I bought some BTC for PPUSD. Nice, flawless TX. | [00:45] |
gribble | Rating entry successful. Your rating of 1 for user Cusipzzz has been recorded. | [00:45] |
* | james777 (602dbd51@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc | [00:47] |
charlierlee | anyone want to buy a $100 moneypak? | [00:47] |
* | minimoose has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) | [00:47] |
* | da2ce7 (~da2ce7@gateway/tor-sasl/da2ce7) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [00:48] |
Cusipzzz | charlierlee: how many ya want for it ? | [00:48] |
charlierlee | ({mtgoxask} + {mtgoxbid}) / 2 | [00:49] |
* | JWU42 has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) | [00:49] |
* | DIGISHELLS has quit (Quit: changing servers) | [00:49] |
* | smoothie has quit (Quit: changing servers) | [00:50] |
* | DIGISHELLS (~goofy@Optimus.PakiShell.Net) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [00:50] |
* | smoothie ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [00:51] |
netxshare | damn | [00:51] |
* | gribble gives voice to draco49 | [00:52] |
* | PaulZag has quit (Quit: changing servers) | [00:53] |
* | rory1 has quit (Quit: Page closed) | [00:54] |
* | PaulZag (~paul@Optimus.PakiShell.Net) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [00:54] |
* | Judgement51 (45cc6ab7@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc | [00:56] |
* | smoothie has quit (Quit: changing servers) | [00:57] |
* | lethu (~Naskingar@ has joined #bitcoin-otc | [00:57] |
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* | smoothie ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [00:58] |
* | smoothie has quit (Max SendQ exceeded) | [00:58] |
Mad7Scientist | I'm giving away 1 BTC to someone who can tell me how to change the voltage on my Sapphire 5830 | [00:58] |
Mad7Scientist | Linux debian | [00:59] |
Mad7Scientist | From the command line. No screens are connected to the machine | [00:59] |
draco49 | what miner? | [00:59] |
Mad7Scientist | poclbm | [00:59] |
Mad7Scientist | and underclock below 800, 1.5 BTC | [00:59] |
* | smoothie ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [01:00] |
BTC_Bear | Mad7Scientist: Put a potentiometer and/or rheostat in serious and adjust to suit. :) | [01:00] |
Mad7Scientist | right now they are stock voltage 875MHz (from 800) | [01:00] |
pigeons | radeonvolt --device 0 --vcore 1.0800 | [01:00] |
BTC_Bear | series | [01:00] |
Cory | Yay GLBSE 2.0 | [01:00] |
* | Mad7Scientist takes 1/2 BTC away from BTC_Bear | [01:00] |
BTC_Bear | :( | [01:01] |
Mad7Scientist | pigeons, I'll keep you in mind | [01:01] |
Mad7Scientist | if that command installs and works | [01:01] |
Mad7Scientist | I have radeontool. It says cannot find ctrl region | [01:02] |
Joric | charts look very, very optimistic lately | [01:02] |
* | GreenLion (6d9151a1@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc | [01:02] |
pigeons | do you have AMDOverdriveCtrl? Ask in #bitcoin-mining | [01:03] |
* | darkfur93 ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [01:03] |
Mad7Scientist | pigeons, it's GUI | [01:03] |
pigeons | oh itsnt there aticonfig --device 0 --odgc or something | [01:04] |
draco49 | Mad7Scientist, this might help you -->;topic=10228.0 | [01:04] |
* | specular has quit () | [01:06] |
Mad7Scientist | thanks | [01:06] |
Joric | i think this is an uptrending line from november 2011, definitely this is it | [01:09] |
Joric | ;;eightball will i lose everything tomorrow | [01:10] |
gribble | NO. | [01:10] |
rawrmage | ;;eightball Will I lose the game | [01:11] |
gribble | The answer is def-- oooh! shiny thing! | [01:11] |
* | aparigraha has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | [01:12] |
* | DeLorean719 has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) | [01:19] |
* | GreenLion (6d9151a1@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has left #bitcoin-otc | [01:19] |
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* | Judgement51 has quit (Quit: Page closed) | [01:24] |
mircea_popescu | anyone with a torrent in the background willing to search an old book for me ? | [01:25] |
* | Judge51 (45cc6ab7@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc | [01:25] |
mircea_popescu | Low down on Calamity Jane, by D.Dee / Dora DuFran | [01:25] |
* | DeLorean719 ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [01:25] |
* | gribble gives voice to DeLorean719 | [01:25] |
* | Tick-Tock has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) | [01:25] |
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* | james777 has quit (Quit: Page closed) | [01:38] |
Greed | Almost all of the results are porn related, mircea_popescu | [01:39] |
mircea_popescu | sucks ;/ | [01:39] |
mircea_popescu | this is the trouble with the internet, it's the bane of culture. | [01:39] |
* | trustyha_ has quit (Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.) | [01:39] |
mircea_popescu | if it wasn't in the current sitcom or in the previous one it might as well not exist. | [01:39] |
* | Judge51 has quit (Quit: Page closed) | [01:40] |
* | subpar (~JW@unaffiliated/subpar) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [01:41] |
* | Judge51 (45cc6ab7@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc | [01:42] |
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* | subpar_ ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [01:49] |
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* | indiabtc (ca869075@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc | [01:55] |
indiabtc | Hello, greetings from India | [01:55] |
indiabtc | Can anyone guide me how to buy bitcoins using paypal or my credit card? | [01:56] |
rawrmage | no because ,,paypal | [01:56] |
gribble | Many popular forms of payment, such as PayPal and credit cards, allow the sender to claw back the money via a 'chargeback'. This is very undesirable for the seller of bitcoins, so you'll often have trouble convincing people to trade on these. See for comparison of payment methods. | [01:57] |
* | EasyAt ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [01:58] |
EasyAt | tl;dr for the new gox TOS? | [01:58] |
BTC_Bear | Another new TOS or the old new TOS? | [01:59] |
luke-jr | EasyAt: I found it reasonable, unlike Dwolla's | [01:59] |
indiabtc | Yes but I am a verified buyer | [01:59] |
indiabtc | and can also agree for smaller transactions | [02:00] |
rawrmage | ;;ident indiabtc | [02:00] |
gribble | Nick 'indiabtc', with hostmask 'indiabtc!ca869075@gateway/web/freenode/ip.', is not identified. | [02:00] |
BTC_Bear | ;;getrating indiabtc | [02:00] |
indiabtc | how do i get a rating | [02:00] |
indiabtc | I'm new here | [02:00] |
draco49 | spawn- might deal with you | [02:00] |
indiabtc | Hi spawn | [02:00] |
draco49 | He's probably not here right now. | [02:01] |
indiabtc | Who else u think can help me | [02:01] |
draco49 | dunno... ppl don't like PP and you're not auth'd and you've got no ratings | [02:02] |
rg | ;;tell indiabtc [guide] | [02:03] |
* | Judge51 has quit (Quit: Page closed) | [02:03] |
indiabtc | hmm | [02:05] |
* | DeLorean719 has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) | [02:08] |
indiabtc | gpg eregister | [02:09] |
Joric | ;;eightball Is paypal a good payment option? | [02:10] |
gribble | _I_ don't know. | [02:10] |
draco49 | gribble's a shill | [02:10] |
indiabtc | How do I register on gpg | [02:11] |
indiabtc | I have created a key for myself | [02:11] |
Joric | looks like there's a wall at 4.60 | [02:12] |
Joric | invisible wall! | [02:12] |
Joric | like, a mobile wall | [02:13] |
Cusipzzz | mr gorbachev, tear down that wall | [02:13] |
imsaguy | Cusipzzz: who are you? Where are we? Did I just crap myself? | [02:13] |
* | james777 (602dbd51@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc | [02:13] |
indiabtc | can anyone help me on how to register on gpg | [02:13] |
* | james777 has quit (Client Quit) | [02:14] |
draco49 | | [02:14] |
* | subpar_ is now known as JWU42 | [02:15] |
* | JWU42 has quit (Changing host) | [02:15] |
* | JWU42 (~JW@unaffiliated/subpar) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [02:15] |
indiabtc | Thanks draco, but where could I put the command to register | [02:16] |
rg | i need to figure out how much money bitvps makes | [02:20] |
rg | a month | [02:20] |
word | go go gadget spreadsheets | [02:20] |
Greed | Why didn't you already know that | [02:21] |
* | gheorghe has quit (Quit: Leaving) | [02:21] |
bruzum | rg: incomes minus expenses | [02:21] |
Cory | He has a hard time with the unstable value of a bitcoin. :P | [02:21] |
bruzum | or are you doing your taxes and shit? | [02:21] |
indiabtc | gribble | [02:21] |
indiabtc | how do I message gribble | [02:22] |
charlierlee | type: /query gribble view | [02:23] |
bruzum | | [02:23] |
* | summerseve (4c65dfd6@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc | [02:24] |
bruzum | oops | [02:24] |
indiabtc | ;;tell indiabtc [guide] | [02:24] |
* | subpar (~JW@unaffiliated/subpar) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [02:25] |
* | JWU42 has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) | [02:25] |
* | Woundead ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [02:27] |
rg | yeah | [02:27] |
rg | we can accept 10 btc at 4.70 | [02:27] |
rg | and then 20 at 5.00 | [02:27] |
rg | 3 dollars difference every day + 1 month = seriously fucked numbers | [02:28] |
MBS | i believe price it was at during sale would count as a sale, anything it gained after that is a capital gain, but probably cant write off losses if it drops but not sure | [02:30] |
* | indiabtc has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) | [02:30] |
* | Clonedead has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) | [02:31] |
* | nelisky ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [02:31] |
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* | indiabtc (ca869075@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc | [02:31] |
indiabtc | grible | [02:31] |
ne0futur | indiabtc: if you ned more help with gribble /join #gribble | [02:32] |
* | Testerosterone ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [02:32] |
indiabtc | Hi | [02:33] |
* | subpar is now known as JWU42 | [02:34] |
* | localhost has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | [02:35] |
EasyAt | luke-jr: What has dwolla changed? | [02:36] |
luke-jr | EasyAt: nothing, Dwolla's ToS have always been bad | [02:36] |
luke-jr | well | [02:36] |
luke-jr | I guess they've made it worse, but it was already bad before | [02:36] |
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* | Cablesaurus ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [02:39] |
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* | Cablesaurus (~IceChat77@unaffiliated/cablesaurus) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [02:39] |
EasyAt | ah | [02:39] |
* | summerseve has quit (Quit: Page closed) | [02:39] |
EasyAt | I thought they had gotten worse without me noticing | [02:39] |
mod6 | Hey all, buying BTC for MP :) | [02:41] |
mod6 | ;;view | [02:41] |
gribble | #7371 Sat Mar 24 17:38:20 2012 mod6 BUY 7.5 BTC @ 40 USD (I have $40.00 USD MoneyPak, want to trade for BTC. Auth/Rating required on OTC. Thanks!) | [02:41] |
* | nelisky has quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) | [02:41] |
luke-jr | EasyAt: I heard they added chargebacks to it | [02:42] |
* | h4ckm3 is now known as h4ckm3_ | [02:43] |
* | h4ckm3_ is now known as h4ckm3 | [02:44] |
EasyAt | Ah, there was a thinkg with tradehill about that | [02:44] |
* | indiabtc_ (ca869075@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc | [02:46] |
indiabtc_ | Hi | [02:47] |
rg | ;;ticker | [02:47] |
gribble | Best bid: 4.65, Best ask: 4.65003, Bid-ask spread: 2.99999999998e-05, Last trade: 4.65, 24 hour volume: 38185, 24 hour low: 4.59595, 24 hour high: 4.72899 | [02:47] |
rg | ;;calc 200 / 4.65 | [02:47] |
gribble | 43.0107526882 | [02:47] |
indiabtc_ | Anyone willing to sell BTC's to me via credit card or paypal | [02:47] |
Joric | i go to sleep, make it 5 when i'll come back | [02:47] |
rg | anyone wanna sell me 43 BTC for ppusd? | [02:47] |
rg | ;;ident rg | [02:47] |
gribble | Nick 'rg', with hostmask 'rg!', is identified as user rg, with GPG key id F3035DFA1D149C84, and key fingerprint 58EB24DBC867E706F4599CD3F3035DFA1D149C84. | [02:47] |
indiabtc_ | nick 'indiabtc_' | [02:48] |
Joric | or 5.50, even better | [02:48] |
rg | india: no one is going to sell your btc for credit card /paypal | [02:48] |
indiabtc_ | how else could I pay? | [02:48] |
rg | the only reason im asking is cause i have perfect feedback | [02:48] |
rg | and people are likely to do it | [02:48] |
rg | ;;getrating rg | [02:48] |
gribble | User rg, created on Sun Jun 5 10:39:49 2011. Cumulative rating 149, from 76 total ratings. Received ratings: 76 positive, 0 negative. Sent ratings: 73 positive, 3 negative. Details: Currently authenticated from hostmask rg! | [02:48] |
Cusipzzz | rg: i'd normally do it, but i'm actually lookin for 65ish btc for a friend of mine, lol | [02:49] |
Joric | speaks for itself | [02:49] |
rg | Cusipzzz: heh yeah this is from a friend too | [02:49] |
* | indiabtc has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) | [02:49] |
rg | he owes me $200 | [02:49] |
indiabtc_ | I need about 500 | [02:49] |
rg | and i dont have ID | [02:49] |
rg | so i cant get a check/moneypak | [02:49] |
indiabtc_ | I can pay using any method | [02:49] |
rg | bitcoin to the rescue | [02:49] |
indiabtc_ | I am from India | [02:49] |
Cusipzzz | rg: haha | [02:49] |
Joric | can you pay in elephants | [02:49] |
indiabtc_ | sorry? | [02:50] |
* | Buglouse (~Buglouse@ has joined #bitcoin-otc | [02:50] |
Joric | nevermind, good night everybody | [02:50] |
* | Joric has quit () | [02:50] |
* | JZavala ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [02:50] |
* | Cory has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) | [02:50] |
Cusipzzz | where in india...if you can pay a friend in pune cash i will give you btc | [02:51] |
indiabtc_ | I am from Mumbai.. | [02:51] |
* | Buglouse has quit (Client Quit) | [02:52] |
indiabtc_ | anyone from India or Indian origin.. | [02:53] |
* | Shaded has quit (Quit: Shaded) | [02:53] |
indiabtc_ | Cusipzzz...where in Pune can I pay, and how much? | [02:54] |
bruzum | indiabtc_: hi | [02:54] |
indiabtc_ | hi bruzum | [02:54] |
bruzum | how can you pay? | [02:54] |
indiabtc_ | cash in India (bank a/c) , credit card, paypal | [02:55] |
* | Cory ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [02:56] |
* | Cory has quit (Changing host) | [02:56] |
* | Cory (~Cory@unaffiliated/cory) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [02:56] |
* | gribble gives voice to Cory | [02:56] |
bruzum | ;;ticker | [02:56] |
* | JZavala has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) | [02:56] |
indiabtc_ | bruzum...let me know how u want to be paid | [02:57] |
bruzum | ok | [02:57] |
rg | ok | [02:57] |
rg | have $200 moneypak now | [02:57] |
rg | looking for 43 BTC | [02:57] |
bruzum | maybe you is a scammer | [02:57] |
rg | yeah | [02:57] |
rg | totally | [02:57] |
EasyAt | iz* | [02:57] |
indiabtc_ | who? | [02:57] |
* | Naypam ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [02:58] |
bruzum | monaypack scammers | [02:58] |
EasyAt | no skamz hre | [02:58] |
bruzum | beware indiabtc_ | [02:58] |
indiabtc_ | yeah.. | [02:58] |
rg | bruzum, hes new | [02:58] |
rg | be nice | [02:58] |
bruzum | rg: i am | [02:58] |
Naypam | want to buy 15BTC! | [02:58] |
bruzum | i will sell him btc | [02:58] |
EasyAt | 200 BTC for 4.2 u pay frst | [02:58] |
amiller | i wanna see a trade denominated in elephants | [02:58] |
indiabtc_ | so how do I get BTC's bruzum | [02:58] |
EasyAt | no skm prmise ^^ | [02:58] |
bruzum | from me | [02:58] |
bruzum | when it has gone up | [02:58] |
bruzum | a few pennies more | [02:58] |
indiabtc_ | ok how do I pay u | [02:58] |
bruzum | anyway you like | [02:59] |
Naypam | ;;guide | [02:59] |
bruzum | except creditcard and paypal | [02:59] |
indiabtc_ | cash transfer to a bank a/c? | [02:59] |
bruzum | yes | [02:59] |
indiabtc_ | in India? | [02:59] |
bruzum | then i need to open an account in india | [02:59] |
bruzum | can you help me with that? | [02:59] |
indiabtc_ | lol | [02:59] |
indiabtc_ | where u from | [02:59] |
bruzum | sweden | [04:00] |
bruzum | i will pay good btc for it | [04:00] |
indiabtc_ | Then CC or PP is the only way I guy.. | [04:00] |
draco49 | What's the elephant:BTC exchange rate? | [04:00] |
Cusipzzz | anyone with high ratings: paying 4.75ish ea paypal for 67btc. tonight only | [04:00] |
bruzum | ok | [04:00] |
indiabtc_ | its not easy to open an a/c in India | [04:00] |
bruzum | you can buy me a eve 60 day time card | [04:00] |
Cusipzzz | lol out for the anctions on ivory | [04:00] |
Cusipzzz | sanctions* | [04:01] |
bruzum | and i will give you 5 btc | [04:01] |
* | Testerosterone_ ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [04:01] |
indiabtc_ | I can sell stuff in exchange of BTC's...anything from India | [04:01] |
indiabtc_ | from medicines to local stuff.. | [04:01] |
indiabtc_ | can ship first too. | [04:01] |
* | Testerosterone has quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) | [04:01] |
mircea_popescu | how much for 16yo female twins ? | [04:02] |
* | JimmyHo2 ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [04:02] |
mcorlett | mircea_popescu: Don't. | [04:02] |
indiabtc_ | priceess | [04:02] |
draco49 | In elephants? | [04:02] |
indiabtc_ | priceless | [04:02] |
* | Buglouse (~Buglouse@ has joined #bitcoin-otc | [04:02] |
mircea_popescu | mk, any diamonds over 144 carats ? | [04:02] |
indiabtc_ | U get good stuff in India | [04:03] |
mircea_popescu | nobody ever wants to export the good stuff ;/ | [04:03] |
EasyAt | I want 300 pounds of paneer | [04:03] |
* | benjamindees ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [04:03] |
EasyAt | how much BTC | [04:03] |
Cusipzzz | now i'm hungry...could go for some lamb vindaloo | [04:04] |
indiabtc_ | Yes Easyat I can... | [04:04] |
indiabtc_ | medicines are cheaper and i can ship | [04:04] |
EasyAt | yum | [04:04] |
EasyAt | I might have to go get indian food | [04:05] |
mircea_popescu | Cusipzzz lamb vandaloo is easily my fav thing of indian cuisine | [04:05] |
EasyAt | Indian roomates ftw | [04:05] |
draco49 | Enjoy diarrhea . | [04:05] |
Cusipzzz | mircea_popescu: ya, it's great stuff | [04:05] |
EasyAt | No more diarrhea | [04:05] |
EasyAt | just burning ass all day | [04:05] |
draco49 | Indian food = ring of fire | [04:05] |
mircea_popescu | it doesn't have to be spicy. | [04:06] |
EasyAt | hahahahaha | [04:06] |
EasyAt | yes | [04:06] |
EasyAt | But i have to make it happy : | [04:06] |
indiabtc_ | i can ship anything from India, seriously | [04:06] |
mircea_popescu | i have mine made special for my eastern yurpean sensibilities. | [04:06] |
EasyAt | spice* not happy haha | [04:06] |
mircea_popescu | about 3% as hot as normal. | [04:06] |
* | Buglouse has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | [04:06] |
draco49 | I can't eat spicy food. | [04:06] |
Cusipzzz | the pain is part of the pleasure | [04:07] |
draco49 | Yeah no. | [04:07] |
EasyAt | I want a Kaamwali | [04:07] |
EasyAt | can you overnight? | [04:07] |
indiabtc_ | Easyat...u seem to be an Indian.. | [04:07] |
draco49 | I can eat wasabi and horseradish, but no peppers. | [04:07] |
* | Testerosterone_ has quit (Quit: ChatZilla [XULRunner]) | [04:07] |
EasyAt | ew | [04:07] |
mircea_popescu | im exactly the same way draco49 | [04:07] |
mircea_popescu | you from europe ? | [04:07] |
EasyAt | wasabi and horseradish make me sick | [04:07] |
indiabtc_ | can give u viagra.. | [04:08] |
draco49 | Not personally but I am of Eastern-European descent. | [04:08] |
mircea_popescu | yeah. | [04:08] |
* | Buglouse (~Buglouse@ has joined #bitcoin-otc | [04:08] |
bruzum | indiabtc_: can you get the anonymous blotter ? | [04:08] |
mircea_popescu | pretty much an ethnic marker | [04:08] |
draco49 | Ukranian, German, and English | [04:08] |
EasyAt | bruzum: what is that?? | [04:09] |
mircea_popescu | whenever i eat japanese i always get double wasabi. i can eat that thing like a cracker spread | [04:09] |
draco49 | lol I love wasabi | [04:09] |
Cusipzzz | clears the ol sinuses | [04:10] |
* | jscinoz ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [04:10] |
mircea_popescu | o ya. | [04:10] |
mod6 | have you ever had those wasabi snack peas? they're bomb, try 'em. | [04:10] |
mircea_popescu | also great for pleasuring a lady. | [04:10] |
* | Judge51 (45cc6ab7@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc | [04:10] |
draco49 | One seed from a pepper will close my throat. | [04:10] |
mod6 | | [04:11] |
* | Buglouse has quit (Client Quit) | [04:11] |
indiabtc_ | I am looking for 50 BTC's...can buy any online service, gift card in lieu | [04:11] |
bruzum | EasyAt: LSD | [04:13] |
* | Buglouse (~Buglouse@ has joined #bitcoin-otc | [04:13] |
* | jothan has quit (Quit: Leaving.) | [04:15] |
imsaguy | ;;seen evanr | [04:16] |
gribble | evanr was last seen in #bitcoin-otc 1 day, 10 hours, 25 minutes, and 13 seconds ago: |
[04:16] |
* | draco49 (~draco49@unaffiliated/draco49) has left #bitcoin-otc ("Ex-Chat") | [04:16] |
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* | jothan (~joe@2607:f2c0:f00e:3100:21c:c0ff:fefa:d452) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [04:16] |
indiabtc_ | ;;ident bruzum | [04:18] |
* | gribble gives voice to draco49 | [04:19] |
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indiabtc_ | I am selling XANAX (alprazolam) and other medicines....I can ship in advance (if u r verified with feedback) ..good prices..can ship worldwide | [04:22] |
bruzum | lol | [04:22] |
indiabtc_ | LOL | [04:23] |
* | Buglouse has quit (Quit: #WeeChat #Mises #emacs) | [04:25] |
indiabtc_ | I can ship anything from medicines, to tobacco etc form India | [04:26] |
* | why_i_aorta (4ad6bf91@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc | [04:26] |
why_i_aorta | hey anyone here? | [04:27] |
why_i_aorta | im trying to figure out how to use this | [04:27] |
Cory | :) | [04:27] |
why_i_aorta | looking to buy some bitcoin but i have no idea what im doing | [04:27] |
mod6 | start with some reading, that will bring you up to speed on the basics. check out all the links in /topic | [04:28] |
why_i_aorta | i have a moneypak | [04:28] |
* | Buglouse (~Buglouse@ has joined #bitcoin-otc | [04:30] |
* | [phraust] is now known as phraust | [04:31] |
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grubles | indiabtc_: #bitcoin-drugs | [04:33] |
* | Buglouse has quit (Client Quit) | [04:34] |
indiabtc_ | thanks | [04:34] |
indiabtc_ | rg need help in registering my ID | [04:34] |
* | Judge51_ (45cc6ab7@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc | [04:34] |
indiabtc_ | i have a key, can u guide me pls | [04:34] |
* | Judge51_ has quit (Client Quit) | [04:34] |
indiabtc_ | i am really new and don't understand much | [04:34] |
bruzum | yeah he's new | [04:35] |
bruzum | im gonna do an exhange for 5 btc with indiabtc_ | [04:35] |
* | imsaguy is now known as imsabot | [04:36] |
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h4ckm3 | is gribble broken? he won't verify me? | [04:44] |
BTC_Bear | ;;ident h4ckm3 | [04:45] |
gribble | Nick 'h4ckm3', with hostmask 'h4ckm3!', is identified as user h4ckm3, with GPG key id D9178E78B8436AEA, and key fingerprint 9098F9995E92D2850F21D81AD9178E78B8436AEA. | [04:45] |
h4ckm3 | he was taking for ever | [04:45] |
phraust | Poop. Imma have to start packing up all my puters soon. | [04:46] |
* | tbage (~kx@ has joined #bitcoin-otc | [04:46] |
h4ckm3 | that sucks | [04:46] |
phraust | Moving. Gonna be mobile for like two or three weeks. | [04:46] |
h4ckm3 | I hate moving.. | [04:47] |
h4ckm3 | you got a lot of stuff? | [04:47] |
phraust | And I haven't herd anything back from bfl in regards to changing my ship address. | [04:47] |
phraust | We are using this as an excuse to trash anything we don't need | [04:47] |
phraust | Right now there are 12 of us in a 7 br house. 5 of us are leaving to Hawaii to live in a 2 br. Fuck Utah. | [04:50] |
imsabot | mormon? | [04:50] |
phraust | Kinda. I was never religious, but my wife and her brother are exmormon. | [04:51] |
BTC_Bear | Utah to Hawaii... good luck. | [04:51] |
imsabot | at least they got out when they could. | [04:51] |
* | imsabot is now known as imsaguy | [04:51] |
phraust | Yeah. Buncha weirdos. I thought they'd give us more static living here. | [04:51] |
imsaguy | why hawaii? | [04:51] |
imsaguy | are you flying your stuff out or taking a boat? | [04:52] |
phraust | In-laws have an empty house they don't mind letting us use. | [04:52] |
phraust | Flying out there. Limiting our moving to 500lbs of freight, plus our car. | [04:52] |
imsaguy | wow | [04:53] |
imsaguy | what about your rigs? | [04:53] |
imsaguy | that'd be a large % of that. | [04:53] |
phraust | well, and our suitcases. | [04:53] |
phraust | Yeah, im gettin rid of my pos towers. Just taking a Mac mini for the fpga farm, and a small dock star I bought from mbs. | [04:54] |
* | UNOE227 (~mmc@unaffiliated/unoe227) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [04:54] |
phraust | My rigs were hardly generating anything. If you could even call them that. Lol | [04:55] |
imsaguy | ah | [04:55] |
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* | JimmyHo2 has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | [04:55] |
phraust | There is very little sign of anyone in Hawaii using bitcoin. I hope to change that. | [04:55] |
imsaguy | ok jesus | [04:56] |
phraust | haha. | [04:56] |
* | JimmyHo2 ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [04:59] |
splatster | There're three people who I really need to talk to right now. They're all idle. FML. | [04:59] |
splatster | s/there're/there are/ | [05:00] |
benjamindees | sigfault | [05:01] |
bruzum | splatster: talk to me | [05:01] |
bruzum | splatster: what can i get you? | [05:01] |
bruzum | im in a good mood | [05:01] |
splatster | bruzum: Umm, you probably won't be of much help. | [05:02] |
splatster | TBH | [05:02] |
bruzum | fuck you | [05:03] |
bruzum | too | [05:03] |
bruzum | !! | [05:03] |
splatster | ? | [05:03] |
* | phraust is feeling old. | [05:03] |
phraust | Four beers and Im buzzing. | [05:03] |
splatster | bruzum: You can't help me as you aren't my GLBSE fund partner, nor are you one of the people said fund will invest in, nor are you an investment fund trader IRL. | [05:04] |
* | james777 (602dbd51@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc | [05:04] |
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splatster | bruzum: You can't help me because you aren't any of the people I need to talk to. | [05:06] |
* | tbage has quit (Quit: Leaving.) | [05:08] |
smickles | luke-jr: well, i mine on ars b/c i had an account there and i don't keep up on ther reasons why not to mine there. perhaps you coule help me out. | [05:12] |
rg | umm | [05:13] |
rg | someone buy this $200 | [05:13] |
rg | and give me btc | [05:13] |
bruzum | moneypak bah | [05:14] |
bruzum | it's like expecting someone to take your ppusd | [05:14] |
rg | i have paypal | [05:14] |
bruzum | paypal :/ | [05:14] |
bruzum | dont use that shit | [05:15] |
rg | bruzum: the difference is that my ratings basically say "its ok to accept paypal from this guy" | [05:15] |
bruzum | i know | [05:15] |
benjamindees | is moneypak bad now? | [05:15] |
bruzum | yes | [05:15] |
NASDAQEnema | wai is mp bad nao? | [05:16] |
bruzum | mhm | [05:16] |
bruzum | .. | [05:16] |
bruzum | ask rg | [05:16] |
bruzum | for example | [05:16] |
bruzum | he will tell you why | [05:16] |
luke-jr | smickles: BurningToad abandoned Ars a long time ago, they've had a huge extra credit backlog (over 1000 BTC) for months now, and recently BT just shut off changing info cuz it was hacked or something; finally, it doesn't support BIP 30 or 16, so it's potentially producing invalid blocks | [05:17] |
luke-jr | smickles: if you don't want to make an account, just mine on Eligius; | [05:18] |
luke-jr | smickles: where YourUsernameGoesHere is your Bitcoin address | [05:18] |
smickles | luke-jr: so it's | [05:19] |
BTC_Bear | splatster: Does one of your investors start with a C ? | [05:19] |
luke-jr | smickles: yeah | [05:19] |
BTCHero | Hey guys just got a great idea maybe... | [05:20] |
splatster | BTC_Bear: Who do you have in mind? | [05:20] |
BTCHero | Someone gives you a moneypak, you call and report it stolen, they give you new number, not possible to chargeback? | [05:20] |
splatster | BTCHero: That was in response to the message you highlighted me in :) | [05:20] |
BTC_Bear | Well I thought you needed to talk to one of three people? If not urgent, np | [05:21] |
luke-jr | in case anyone cares, coderrr's Coin Control will be in tonight's next-test | [05:21] |
luke-jr | assuming it builds for Win32… | [05:22] |
imsaguy | coin control? | [05:22] |
* | tbage (~kx@ has joined #bitcoin-otc | [05:23] |
* | phraust is now known as [phraust] | [05:23] |
rg | luke-jr | [05:25] |
rg | buy $200 ppusd | [05:25] |
rg | and send me btc | [05:25] |
rg | [05:25] | |
rg | moneypak is easily reversed | [05:26] |
rg | you just have to lie | [05:26] |
* | Lolcust has quit (Quit: Nap time) | [05:26] |
BTCHero | rg you only get 8 btc if you buy from luke | [05:26] |
Cusipzzz | lol | [05:26] |
rg | thats true | [05:26] |
rg | luke is the most jewish catholic i know | [05:26] |
smickles | luke-jr: if i'm going to work that into gpumax's form, (url, username, pwd), how would I format that? | [05:26] |
grubles | 25 a pop thats the luke-jr way | [05:27] |
luke-jr | smickles: I don't know gpumax's form. It's my understanding that Eligius is a "supported" pool or something | [05:27] |
* | Now talking on #bitcoin-otc | [14:40] |
* | Topic for #bitcoin-otc is: OTC marketplace for Bitcoin trading and exchange. || || || Start with the ;;guide || Before you trade, talk to people, and check user ratings. || Beware the FRAUDSTERS. ;;fraud || Trade Options: || Bitcoin VPS: || Support bitcoin-otc! 1F1dPZxdxVVigpGdsafnZ3cFBdMGDADFDe | [14:40] |
* | Topic for #bitcoin-otc set by nanotube!~nanotube@unaffiliated/nanotube at Sun Feb 26 06:25:27 2012 | [14:40] |
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PaulZag | ;;ticker | [15:07] |
* | gribble gives voice to PaulZag | [15:11] |
* | Silverado ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [15:13] |
coingenuity | sup ziggyzag | [15:14] |
mircea_popescu | ahh, good morning bitcoinppl. | [15:17] |
Blitzboom | good shorting mircea_popescu | [15:17] |
Blitzboom | :D | [15:18] |
mircea_popescu | lol i wasn't shorting | [15:18] |
Blitzboom | yeah, just messing with you | [15:18] |
PaulZag | hi coingenuity - just getting my laptop back on the net... battery life on this sucker has shrunk badly | [15:18] |
mircea_popescu | y o y u mess with mee! | [15:18] |
Silverado | because someone wrote on the back of your tshirt 'mess with me' | [15:19] |
mircea_popescu | i haven't worn a tshirt in like 20 years now. | [15:19] |
mircea_popescu | but good try. | [15:19] |
BTCHero | you go naked too? | [15:19] |
Silverado | what do you do in summer then | [15:19] |
mircea_popescu | i wear shirts. being a man and all that | [15:19] |
mircea_popescu | tshirts are for womenz and chitlins | [15:20] |
coingenuity | heh, i feel ya | [15:20] |
coingenuity | my phone gets like 0 batt now | [15:20] |
Silverado | well, if you see someone with a tshirt and two boobs, it could be a bloke, just saying | [15:20] |
mircea_popescu | what if boobcount > 2 ? | [15:20] |
Silverado | thats even more reason to be careful | [15:21] |
PaulZag | I finally retired my old iPhone - whichever model was the first 3g iphone... it's battery it like 12 hours standby | [15:21] |
* | selingitunesgc (d03627ce@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc | [15:24] |
mircea_popescu | btctalk down again ? | [15:24] |
mircea_popescu | o nm it came up. | [15:24] |
mcorlett | mircea_popescu: It's just you. | [15:24] |
mircea_popescu | jus a little slow | [15:24] |
selingitunesgc | anyone need itunes gc? | [15:24] |
selingitunesgc | or live by a whole foods in usa? | [15:24] |
coingenuity | lol PaulZag i am lucky to get 5hr standby on my phone | [15:25] |
mircea_popescu | mcorlett o yea ? :D | [15:25] |
PaulZag | :( | [15:25] |
coingenuity | PaulZag: actually, i'm supposed to get a new one delivered on monday | [15:25] |
coingenuity | so it's all good :) | [15:25] |
* | da2ce7 (~da2ce7@gateway/tor-sasl/da2ce7) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [15:25] |
mircea_popescu | for the record, i bought a new phone ~3 days ago, i haven' chqarged it yet. | [15:25] |
mircea_popescu | nokia 100. | [15:25] |
PaulZag | I got my new iPhone 4S 2 weeks ago... I'm in love | [15:25] |
selingitunesgc | bitcoin trading anyone up? | [15:25] |
coingenuity | ah, i dont really like iphones tbh | [15:26] |
coingenuity | the user interface is too...obfuscating | [15:26] |
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PaulZag | funny - I'm a long time IT nerd, but having used android, blackberry, and other phones, I find the jesus phone brilliant | [15:29] |
coingenuity | it doesn't float my boat lol | [15:30] |
coingenuity | standard android doesnt work well for me either, but modified with some nice cyan goodness it does the trick | [15:30] |
selingitunesgc | guys? | [15:32] |
coingenuity | selingitunesgc: what | [15:32] |
selingitunesgc | anyone in ny? | [15:33] |
mircea_popescu | ny ? wasn;'t that abandoned like 3 years ago after the floods ? | [15:34] |
selingitunesgc | lol | [15:34] |
mircea_popescu | hehehe | [15:35] |
* | occulta (~occulta@gateway/tor-sasl/occulta) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [15:36] |
selingitunesgc | really tho peoples i needs some btc | [15:36] |
coingenuity | selingitunesgc: put your card up for auction in #bitcoin-auctions | [15:38] |
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selingitunesgc | thnx bro will try to find sm1 | [15:39] |
JWU42 | broke 4.60 | [15:40] |
JWU42 | 4.52 and .... | [15:40] |
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BTCHero | dude you are going to have a hard time selling | [15:45] |
BTCHero | prices tanked and no one wants i tunes | [15:45] |
JWU42 | 4.43 | [15:45] |
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selingitunesgc | @info 17 | [15:48] |
selingitunesgc | damnit | [15:48] |
BTCHero | ;;buy 10000 | [15:48] |
gribble | (buy [--long] |
[15:48] |
BTCHero | errr | [15:48] |
selingitunesgc | glooboy u there? | [15:48] |
ternit | any1 leasing hashing power or hosting GPUs with cheap power? | [15:48] |
BTCHero | ;;asks 4.75 | [15:48] |
gribble | There are currently 6496.6103 bitcoins offered at or under 4.75 USD, worth 30476.0471666 USD in total. | [15:48] |
BTCHero | no big deal | [15:49] |
GlooBoy | y | [15:49] |
selingitunesgc | so wat wud i have to sell a 50$ itunes card for? | [15:49] |
BTCHero | someone will want 30k worth of drugs soon im sure :) | [15:49] |
selingitunesgc | wanted to discuss some stuff if ur up for it aw ur info in the books | [15:49] |
selingitunesgc | saw* | [15:50] |
* | yongjhen has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | [15:50] |
BTCHero | ask your questions | [15:50] |
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GlooBoy | ;;ticker | [16:06] |
gribble | Best bid: 4.46536, Best ask: 4.54999, Bid-ask spread: 0.08463, Last trade: 4.55, 24 hour volume: 52859, 24 hour low: 4.42, 24 hour high: 4.70673 | [16:06] |
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sellingitunesgc | any1 here? | [16:26] |
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* | Bigpiggy01Mining is now known as Igorina | [16:32] |
finway | ;;ticker | [16:33] |
sellingitunesgc | ne1 like dan marino | [16:33] |
brute | ;;getrating brute | [16:34] |
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PaulZag | ;;ticker | [16:40] |
occulta | wth? | [16:41] |
occulta | wish i had some funds! | [16:41] |
occulta | 80% on amazon give cards if anyone wants to cash out some btc! | [16:42] |
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* | Igorina is now known as Bigpiggy01Mining | [16:43] |
Joric | 'an accelerated rally leading to at leat a test of the all-time-high at 32 $' -- S3052 | [16:45] |
Joric | 4.35 | [16:45] |
Cusipzzz | lol | [16:46] |
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Blitzboom | Joric: please | [16:47] |
Blitzboom | stop talking about this "analyst" | [16:47] |
Blitzboom | would you | [16:47] |
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finway | 1BTC bet can't break $4 | [16:49] |
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_99percent_ | wtf | [17:00] |
_99percent_ | Get the E-cialis liquid and be the super stud ! This is a favourite with people who are looking to negate a health hazard caused by nicotine: Vasoconstriction. Nicotine constricts arteries and blood vessels, slightly elevating blood pressure and heart rate. Cialis is a vasodialator. That's how it works its magic. More blood flow, more ... ha ha go figure it out ! | [17:01] |
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gigavps | | [17:07] |
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merlin1234 | ;;ticker | [17:09] |
merlin1234 | ;;seen seco | [17:10] |
mircea_popescu | 4.4 whoa nelly | [17:10] |
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Cusipzzz | mircea_popescu: tanking | [17:14] |
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Blitzboom | Cusipzzz: did you sell your bubble coins yet? | [17:18] |
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Blitzboom | short 10:1 nao | [17:19] |
merlin1234 | . | [17:20] |
Cusipzzz | Blitzboom: confirmed bubble | [17:20] |
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mircea_popescu | lmao | [17:33] |
bitcoinTrader1 | hi | [17:34] |
mircea_popescu | << real bitcoiners & bubblegum | [17:35] |
rg | lol | [17:36] |
rg | splatster beleived me twhen i said i had ops | [17:36] |
rg | the other da | [17:36] |
rg | splatster believed me when i said i had ops* | [17:36] |
rg | an he got all pissy last night when i wouldnt op him | [17:36] |
mircea_popescu | also on topic : | [17:37] |
Cusipzzz | 1,2 | [17:37] |
* | loume (4406b710@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc | [17:39] |
loume | who here has the best bitcoin selling ratings? | [17:40] |
mircea_popescu | THIS IS BITCOIN | [17:40] |
brute | ;;getrating brute | [17:40] |
* | SomeoneWeird is now known as SomeoneWeirdzzzz | [17:40] |
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mircea_popescu | apparently our bitcoin selling ratings were not good enough for him. | [17:42] |
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bitcoinTrader1 | lol | [17:44] |
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pigeons | I rate you all AAA | [17:45] |
Cusipzzz | A+++++ GREAT OTC-ER. Would scam again | [17:46] |
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Blitzboom | hahahahah | [17:46] |
Blitzboom | yeah, we need a credit rating agency | [17:46] |
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Blitzboom | Nakamoto & Poors | [17:48] |
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bitcoinTrader1 | ;;getrating brute | [17:52] |
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jjjrmy-m | rg: are you here? | [17:59] |
rg | omg | [18:05] |
rg | we have a Sun Ultra 10 spotting | [18:05] |
rg | in Enemy of the State | [18:05] |
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payward | ;;gpg eauth payward | [18:10] |
zveda | I want to buy an ak47 | [18:11] |
imsaguy | wrong channel | [18:12] |
rg | yes jj | [18:13] |
rg | clearly | [18:13] |
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tHEqUADsQUAD | WTB 26 Bitcoins | [18:21] |
sturles | tHEqUADsQUAD: How can you pay? | [18:22] |
rg | hey sturles: wouyld you sell me $200 of btc | [18:22] |
rg | for ppusd? | [18:22] |
rg | would* | [18:22] |
tHEqUADsQUAD | PPaypal? | [18:22] |
rg | ;;ident tHEqUADsQUAD | [18:22] |
gribble | Nick 'tHEqUADsQUAD', with hostmask 'tHEqUADsQUAD!8da18540@gateway/web/freenode/ip.', is not identified. | [18:22] |
rg | tHEqUADsQUAD: you cant buy with paypal usually | [18:23] |
rg | you have no feedback | [18:23] |
rg | ;;getrating rg | [18:23] |
gribble | User rg, created on Sun Jun 5 10:39:49 2011. Cumulative rating 149, from 76 total ratings. Received ratings: 76 positive, 0 negative. Sent ratings: 73 positive, 3 negative. Details: Currently authenticated from hostmask rg! | [18:23] |
sturles | rg: With your rating, at my normal price, sure. | [18:24] |
Cusipzzz | what is your normal price? 25? :) | [18:24] |
sturles | | [18:25] |
* | tHEqUADsQUAD has quit (Quit: Page closed) | [18:27] |
Cusipzzz | that didnt really clear it up, lol | [18:28] |
sturles | I have a SELL order for PPUSD there. | [18:29] |
bruzum | buying btc for blowjob. pm only | [18:29] |
Cusipzzz | oh, the 4.93 | [18:29] |
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sturles | 4.917 now. | [18:29] |
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rg | sturles: whats the normal price | [18:31] |
rg | sorry im not woken up yet | [18:31] |
vragnaroda | rg: WAKE UP | [18:32] |
sturles | | [18:32] |
Cusipzzz | lol ^^ | [18:32] |
vragnaroda | ;;view 3563 | [18:32] |
gribble | #3563 Sun Mar 25 08:31:30 2012 sturles SELL 1.0 BTC @ 4.917 PPUSD (Selling single bitcoins for PayPal to unrated users to help you to a rating. Must be registered.) | [18:32] |
vragnaroda | ;;ident sturles | [18:32] |
gribble | Nick 'sturles', with hostmask 'sturles!~sturles@unaffiliated/sturles', is identified as user sturles, with GPG key id EE6880F512F5590F, and key fingerprint DEFF29B442C2F94DF6BB09E0EE6880F512F5590F. | [18:32] |
vragnaroda | sturles: You can just ;;view it in-channel if you're authenticated and want to spam the channel with it :D (Just not too often) | [18:33] |
* | chaan-noi is now known as chaang-noi | [18:33] |
imsaguy | ;;view | [18:34] |
gribble | #7202 Thu Mar 15 15:13:08 2012 imsaguy SELL 1.0 virginity @ 10 btc (Pretty straight forward I think. Title says it all.) | [18:34] |
vragnaroda | lolwut | [18:34] |
vragnaroda | imsaguy: You're pimping danieldaniel now? | [18:34] |
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rg | ;;calc 200 / 4.91 | [18:35] |
gribble | 40.733197556 | [18:35] |
rg | ;;ticker | [18:35] |
gribble | Best bid: 4.46947, Best ask: 4.47, Bid-ask spread: 0.000529999999999, Last trade: 4.47, 24 hour volume: 71903, 24 hour low: 4.3, 24 hour high: 4.70673 | [18:35] |
rg | holy hsit | [18:35] |
rg | ;;asks 5.00 | [18:35] |
gribble | There are currently 39732.482 bitcoins offered at or under 5.0 USD, worth 192308.046454 USD in total. | [18:35] |
* | vragnaroda shits communion wafers. | [18:35] |
* | chaang-noi has quit (Disconnected by services) | [18:35] |
rg | we're real low but the volume hasnt changed much | [18:35] |
rg | sturles: thanks for the offer but no thanks | [18:36] |
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rg | anyone else who isnt charging 0.50 over market? | [18:36] |
* | SteinerC (48bdd6c0@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc | [18:37] |
SteinerC | Selling 2.76701136 BTC 13.30 PPUSD | [18:37] |
sturles | The sunday action normally starts in twho hours. Could take off in both directions, but if it really takes off my bet is on up. | [18:37] |
* | bitcoinTrader (~Adium@ has joined #bitcoin-otc | [18:38] |
* | copumpkin has quit (Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.) | [18:38] |
sturles | rg: Only my PayPal offer is that high, because I don't trust PayPal at all. My NOK offer is just 2% over market price. | [18:38] |
imsaguy | ;;calc 13.30 / 2.76701136 | [18:38] |
gribble | 4.80663069283 | [18:38] |
imsaguy | ;;ticker | [18:38] |
gribble | Best bid: 4.4401, Best ask: 4.44271, Bid-ask spread: 0.00261, Last trade: 4.44271, 24 hour volume: 71913, 24 hour low: 4.3, 24 hour high: 4.70673 | [18:38] |
rg | sturles: you are under no obligation to explain your rates to me | [18:39] |
rg | i understand | [18:39] |
rg | im just not going to partake, thats all | [18:39] |
* | SteinerC has quit (Client Quit) | [18:40] |
mcorlett | rg: You buying or selling? | [18:41] |
rg | im trying to sell $200 for btc | [18:41] |
mcorlett | What rate are you looking for? | [18:41] |
rg | a friend of mine owes me $200 | [18:41] |
rg | and id rather him just use it to get btc | [18:41] |
rg | i dunno, apparently im at the sellers mercy | [18:41] |
mcorlett | The funds will be coming directly from your friend? | [18:42] |
rg | yeah, hes not awake right now tho | [18:42] |
rg | let me prod him | [18:42] |
rg | (03:44:45 AM) aaron: morning | [18:42] |
rg | ^^ lol | [18:42] |
* | bitcoinTrader has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) | [18:43] |
mcorlett | mircea_popescu: How would a brokerage firm working on top of mpex work? | [18:44] |
Cusipzzz | mcorlett: you want paypal? i want to get rid of 300$ish paypal | [18:44] |
rg | get outta here cusi | [18:44] |
rg | hes mine | [18:44] |
rg | i had him first | [18:44] |
Cusipzzz | rg: lol | [18:44] |
mcorlett | I'm only interested if you can give me a crazy rate, and sturles can do the same from what I can tell. | [18:45] |
rg | i cant believe this | [18:46] |
rg | i always sell at market | [18:46] |
Cusipzzz | nah, not desperate, would give 10centsish over mtgox just to save me the trouble of moving the money next few days | [18:46] |
mircea_popescu | mcorlett well, you'd need the entire user interface, and then whenever you have orders to execute just gpg/curl your order to mpex, | [18:46] |
rg | eh fuckit | [18:46] |
mircea_popescu | decode the response and that's it. | [18:46] |
rg | im just gonna have him fedex me the cash | [18:46] |
mcorlett | mircea_popescu: Every order would be going through the broker's account? | [18:47] |
mircea_popescu | well yes ? how else ? | [18:47] |
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mircea_popescu | i think the classical stock exchange is an apt comparison. | [18:48] |
mircea_popescu | customer tells his broker what he wants, broker goes down in the pit executes. | [18:48] |
mircea_popescu | far as the exchange knows, it's dealing with the broker. | [18:49] |
mircea_popescu | he's responsible for it etc. | [18:49] |
mcorlett | Right. | [18:49] |
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mircea_popescu | and speakling of which : still need more testers | [18:50] |
mircea_popescu | | [18:50] |
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mircea_popescu | go trade some stuffs help me check those graphs out | [18:50] |
PaulZag | Doesn't that just create another layer of middlement that btc and the internet disrupted? | [18:50] |
vragnaroda | No. | [18:51] |
PaulZag | okay then | [18:51] |
mircea_popescu | why do you say PaulZag ? | [18:51] |
PaulZag | brokers on top of mpex... seems a step back unless the brokers are actually market makers | [18:51] |
mircea_popescu | why tho ? they provide rthe service of catering to the client | [18:52] |
mircea_popescu | maybe they take usd orders. maybe they take phone orders. maybe they advise on execution strategy | [18:52] |
mircea_popescu | there's plenty of room for a broker to squeeze value in, if he wants to. | [18:52] |
rg | how much do you think it would cost to buy an abandoned factory | [18:52] |
mircea_popescu | rg depends on the factory dood. | [18:53] |
vragnaroda | There are so many other factors to that question. | [18:53] |
rg | i need an old, creepy, still structure sound | [18:53] |
PaulZag | totally yes to all of them... but the traditional stock market model existed as a way to standardize aand overcome counterparty risk (among other reasons like conomies of scale, marketing etc | [18:53] |
mircea_popescu | maybe 1 to 10 dollars per square foot. | [18:53] |
rg | im going to build one secret room in there | [18:53] |
vragnaroda | Why a factory? | [18:53] |
rg | cause its big | [18:53] |
rg | can see them coming | [18:53] |
mircea_popescu | PaulZag well see, it's an open system, so anyone can just be their own broker if they feel like it. | [18:53] |
mircea_popescu | they're not required to use a broker. | [18:54] |
vragnaroda | So a warehouse would be as good for you? | [18:54] |
bruzum | | [18:54] |
rg | definitely | [18:54] |
mircea_popescu | i dont think he distinguishes the two conceptually vragnaroda | [18:54] |
rg | same thing | [18:54] |
rg | big | [18:54] |
rg | ugly | [18:54] |
rg | scary | [18:54] |
mircea_popescu | lol | [18:54] |
vragnaroda | Well, I do. ;p | [18:54] |
mircea_popescu | you into bdsm nao rg ? | [18:54] |
vragnaroda | rg: Drug auctions. | [18:54] |
rg | mp | [18:54] |
rg | no | [18:54] |
rg | and no | [18:54] |
vragnaroda | No, that's how you get a large building like that cheap. | [18:54] |
rg | ohh | [18:55] |
rg | i see | [18:55] |
rg | mhmm | [18:55] |
mircea_popescu | in the current economy... | [18:55] |
mircea_popescu | all you need is some cash up front | [18:55] |
rg | ill be rich soon | [18:55] |
rg | then im gonna setup a secret room, generator powered | [18:56] |
rg | completely off the grid | [18:56] |
rg | with some 4g internets | [18:56] |
mircea_popescu | lol you're not "off the grid" in an abandoned warehouse | [18:56] |
mircea_popescu | jesus kids today. | [18:56] |
rg | ehm | [18:56] |
rg | perhaps you dont understand english | [18:56] |
rg | 'off the grid' meaning off the power grid | [18:56] |
mircea_popescu | you're NOT ALLOWED TO | [18:57] |
rg | please | [18:57] |
mircea_popescu | ever heard of building code ? | [18:57] |
rg | yes | [18:57] |
mircea_popescu | you'll get your secret room condemned and thorn up. | [18:57] |
bruzum | will take mp for blowjob | [18:57] |
bruzum | 200 USD | [18:57] |
rg | not in an abandoned building that no one cares about | [18:57] |
mircea_popescu | ... | [18:57] |
mircea_popescu | then just squat. | [18:57] |
rg | maybe not forever | [18:57] |
rg | yeah | [18:57] |
rg | that seems much better | [18:57] |
rg | but | [18:57] |
vragnaroda | bruzum: Not in this channel. | [18:58] |
rg | some of those old buildings are a death trap | [18:58] |
rg | but some will stand for 100's of years | [18:58] |
rg | hopefully til the aliens come | [18:58] |
BTCHero | your gnereated power would cost more than the power you buy | [18:58] |
bruzum | wtf is building code ? | [18:58] |
rg | BTChero: cost is not the issue | [18:58] |
bruzum | is it some type of regulation? | [18:58] |
rg | all the gas will be stolen | [18:58] |
bruzum | rg: can i invest in your secret room | [18:59] |
BTCHero | just pay your power bills for your dope house, you will be fine | [18:59] |
rg | no | [18:59] |
bruzum | :/ | [18:59] |
rg | its not going to be very dope | [18:59] |
bruzum | i will take your 200 mp | [18:59] |
rg | it is an abandoned building afterall | [18:59] |
bruzum | i will make it dope | [18:59] |
vragnaroda | If you want to build it yourself out in the middle of nowhere, you can be off-grid. You're not going to be off-grid in an existing old warehouse or factory, though. | [18:59] |
rg | why not? i know lots of old buildings around here | [18:59] |
rg | roads dont even go there anymore | [19:00] |
vragnaroda | … | [19:00] |
bruzum | im think aeroplanes | [19:00] |
rg | building a random shack would be awesome tho | [19:00] |
vragnaroda | Perhaps off-grid means something completely different to you than what it means to others. | [19:00] |
bruzum | or trains | [19:00] |
BTCHero | and they are probably condemned and not salealble | [19:00] |
rg | i already said what off grid is | [19:00] |
rg | off the power grid | [19:00] |
bruzum | wifi + umts | [19:00] |
vragnaroda | BTCHero: You can still sell condemned buildings. | [19:00] |
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* | ChanServ gives voice to copumpkin | [19:00] |
BTCHero | yeah, but you can't live in them | [19:00] |
rg | you cant sell the buiuldings | [19:00] |
rg | you can sell the land | [19:01] |
rg | and the buildings come with the land | [19:01] |
vragnaroda | rg: That's a misconception. | [19:01] |
rg | stop hitting on me | [19:01] |
BTCHero | why would you want to be off the power grid with your secret room? | [19:01] |
BTCHero | to grow marijuana? | [19:01] |
rg | no dont be an idiot | [19:01] |
BTCHero | lol | [19:01] |
BTCHero | I'm the idiot here? | [19:02] |
rg | why the hell would i grow pot | [19:02] |
bruzum | why not | [19:02] |
rg | pot is for losers | [19:02] |
bruzum | true | [19:02] |
BTCHero | hmmm. Why do poeople do that? | [19:02] |
imsaguy | why do pot when you can do ecstasy? | [19:04] |
rg | or heroin | [19:04] |
rg | im quite partial to heroin | [19:04] |
imsaguy | I'm too much of a sissy | [19:05] |
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imsaguy | I can stick myself if need be, but not on a repeated basis | [19:05] |
rg | nah you dont have to needle | [19:05] |
rg | yu can snort it | [19:05] |
rg | needles are scary | [19:05] |
imsaguy | oh yeah? | [19:05] |
imsaguy | I'll have to try that | [19:05] |
vragnaroda | Needles aren't scary. | [19:07] |
rg | ive alwas hated needles | [19:07] |
rg | when they stick the one in your arm to take blood, the one that bubbles up | [19:07] |
rg | one time i passed out | [19:07] |
rg | not due to blood loss, ive just never seen real blood bubble | [19:08] |
imsaguy | I don't mind needles | [19:08] |
imsaguy | for my paramedic class we had to practice on each other | [19:08] |
rg | i woke up in a hospital room with a plate of cookies | [19:08] |
vragnaroda | you fucking pussy | [19:08] |
imsaguy | its more the sticking into an already damaged/bruised site | [19:08] |
nanotube | cookies o/ | [19:08] |
vragnaroda | imsaguy: Yeah, that's harder. | [19:08] |
imsaguy | I was giving blood once and the bitch had a hard time finding my veins | [19:09] |
imsaguy | which is a joke, because my veins poke out | [19:09] |
imsaguy | so she just sucked | [19:09] |
imsaguy | anyway, she was basically digging around in there | [19:09] |
imsaguy | I can't handle that | [19:09] |
vragnaroda | rg: Giving yourself an IV is just about the best thing you can do when you're hungover. | [19:09] |
imsaguy | but a straight stick is fine | [19:09] |
rg | vragnaroda: IVE HAD ONE!! | [19:09] |
imsaguy | god bless banana bags | [19:10] |
rg | my friend lauren is a nursing student | [19:10] |
rg | well jeez shes probably a nurse by now | [19:10] |
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BTCHero | I like to grind my weed up really fine and IV it | [19:11] |
BTCHero | lot better rush than smoking | [19:11] |
imsaguy | you should try sticking it in your ass, it absorbs pretty well | [19:11] |
BTCHero | i do that too | [19:11] |
BTCHero | but only when i can't borrow my buddies needles | [19:12] |
vragnaroda | Well, I've seen someone get stuck between his toes and that one bothered me. | [19:13] |
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BTCHero | can't have tracks, ya know? | [19:13] |
imsaguy | use your belly button | [19:13] |
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imsaguy | its already scarred up | [19:13] |
vragnaroda | BTCHero: No, guy doing it was pissed off at the guy that was getting the IV. | [19:14] |
vragnaroda | (This was in the Army.) | [19:14] |
imsaguy | its even more fun to see a guy get an iv when he lacks skin | [19:14] |
BTCHero | oh, i assume that all stories are somehow relatable to my life | [19:15] |
BTCHero | most of my "friends" are on pills or heroin it seems | [19:15] |
vragnaroda | imsaguy: Well, if they lack skin, they need more attention than I can get them. | [19:16] |
vragnaroda | BTCHero: Your friends are losers. | [19:16] |
BTCHero | yeah | [19:16] |
* | vragnaroda afk to get food. | [19:16] |
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BTCHero | They used to be cool when we were in highschool, then i don't know what happened | [19:16] |
coderrr | i got 87$ MtGoxUSD, looking for LRUSD, anyone ? | [19:17] |
BTCHero | Everytime you see them they are about to fall asleep mid sentence | [19:17] |
brute | bitcoinTrader: im authed | [19:20] |
bitcoinTrader | brute: I will auth in some time and rate you | [19:20] |
bitcoinTrader | sure thing | [19:20] |
bitcoinTrader | dont worry :) | [19:20] |
rg | GET .. OFF .. MY PLANE! | [19:21] |
zveda | ;;fraud | [19:21] |
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coderrr | nanotube, are you selling lrusd ? | [19:26] |
nanotube | coderrr: yea i don't have very much atm though. i could spot you about 15 :) | [19:27] |
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coderrr | 15 will work, you want mtgoxusd or btc? | [19:27] |
mircea_popescu | nanotube is outta btc ?! | [19:27] |
nanotube | mircea_popescu: LR, not btc. | [19:28] |
Cusipzzz | mircea_popescu: no, lr | [19:28] |
mircea_popescu | :p | [19:28] |
nanotube | coderrr: i'll take btc. :) | [19:28] |
mircea_popescu | also, the future is orange. | [19:28] |
rg | is anyone here looking for a european dedicated server? | [19:29] |
rg | i think BitVPS is gonna start selling them | [19:29] |
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mircea_popescu | also, ruger isn't taking new orders anymore. full capacity. | [19:34] |
rg | dude | [19:35] |
rg | i got my first handjob in school | [19:35] |
rg | in the AV room | [19:35] |
rg | i wouldnt fire the teacher, mrs gould, i think about her all the time | [19:35] |
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* | gribble gives voice to splatster | [19:36] |
rg | oh wow | [19:36] |
* | gribble gives voice to DeLorean719 | [19:36] |
rg | they updated my towns website | [19:36] |
rg | another chance to own | [19:36] |
rg | i hacked it once, when DCOM came out | [19:36] |
rg | they host the public access computer on the same subnet | [19:36] |
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rg | if i was able to get in, id be able to change what it says on public access channel | [19:37] |
rg | :) | [19:37] |
rg | aw lame | [19:38] |
rg | theyre not even hosting their own site anymore | [19:38] |
rg | =/ | [19:38] |
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AcidicChip | holy hell | [19:40] |
rg | whats up | [19:41] |
rg | holy helling @ the btc->usd | [19:41] |
* | gribble gives voice to AcidicChip | [19:41] |
rg | ;;ticker | [19:41] |
gribble | Best bid: 4.44, Best ask: 4.44001, Bid-ask spread: 9.99999999962e-06, Last trade: 4.44, 24 hour volume: 74015, 24 hour low: 4.3, 24 hour high: 4.70673 | [19:41] |
AcidicChip | Yea man | [19:41] |
rg | ;;asks 5.00 | [19:41] |
gribble | There are currently 45884.579 bitcoins offered at or under 5.0 USD, worth 220102.595695 USD in total. | [19:41] |
rg | wow | [19:41] |
rg | someone piled on another 40k | [19:41] |
bruzum | cool | [19:41] |
bruzum | need to buy | [19:42] |
bruzum | i have an offer | [19:42] |
bruzum | but i've lost the charger for my laptop | [19:42] |
AcidicChip | I had a shitload setup to buy @ 4.5, i woke up and I had it all, and the price is @ 4.44 | [19:42] |
AcidicChip | I hate mornings like this, lol | [19:42] |
rg | thats ok | [19:42] |
rg | its not like it broke your trade | [19:42] |
rg | 6 cents isnt the difference between profit/no profit | [19:43] |
rg | besides, its not a loss til you sell :> | [19:43] |
AcidicChip | Meh, the profit gap I was hoping for isn't there in the other exchanges | [19:43] |
grubles | ;;getrating bruzum | [19:43] |
gribble | This user has not yet been rated. Currently not authenticated. | [19:43] |
AcidicChip | I can still pull 7%, but I was hoping for closer to 15%-18% | [19:43] |
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AcidicChip | If I had my bot running on auto, I would have gotten the 15%, but I don't trust it well enough yet, lol. Still some tweaks to be made on monitoring the volume on the exchanges so it'll only purchase the amount that can be flowed through immediately, prevent overstocking | [19:45] |
gamambel | i really expected btc rate to go up after okpay announced full support. weird. | [19:45] |
Cusipzzz | okpay ? | [19:48] |
AcidicChip | With all the up and down going on the lat couple days, I half expected the dramatic drop | [19:48] |
Cusipzzz | there are a lot of stolen coins left to sell probably | [19:49] |
bruzum | :D | [19:49] |
bruzum | yes | [19:49] |
bruzum | flip that shit, put 'em back | [19:49] |
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jjjrmy | *cough* *cough* | [19:51] |
jjjrmy | Now accepting Pre-Orders! | [19:51] |
* | copumpkin constructs a preorder category | [19:52] |
AcidicChip | There's no FAQ | [19:52] |
jjjrmy | AcidicChip: shhhh | [19:52] |
copumpkin | how about a partial order though? | [19:52] |
AcidicChip | How does ths work? | [19:52] |
copumpkin | perhaps we should just get a total order | [19:52] |
AcidicChip | I'll take 3 | [19:52] |
jjjrmy | I fixed the damn links, so shuddap! | [19:56] |
AcidicChip | So, I gotta ask... what's gonna go in the "Physical" category? | [19:57] |
AcidicChip | I see you already have a sports | [19:57] |
AcidicChip | Can we buy sex? | [19:57] |
Joric | any media events lately? | [19:58] |
AcidicChip | You should put "Physical" and "Services" right next to each other. | [19:58] |
AcidicChip | and "Resale" just before that | [19:58] |
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AcidicChip | Joric, gamambel mentioned something about okpay supporting BTC, but I haven't heard anything | [19:59] |
AcidicChip | If you hear anything, lemme know hehe | [20:00] |
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gamambel | AcidicChip: | [20:01] |
Joric | forbes published another article today | [20:02] |
gamambel | AcidicChip: | [20:02] |
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mcorlett | What a fucking mess in the shakaru thread. | [20:08] |
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copumpkin | mcorlett: yeah | [20:11] |
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draco49 | Doesn't he still owe a bunch of ppl money? | [20:12] |
mcorlett | draco49: Grab a bowl of popcorn and read the thread. It's worth it. | [20:12] |
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rg | Joric: /date | [20:13] |
rg | mcorlett: the shakaru thread pisses me off | [20:13] |
rg | *big time* | [20:13] |
draco49 | mcorlett, you got the thread link? | [20:13] |
mcorlett | Coming up. | [20:13] |
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mcorlett | | [20:14] |
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rg | draco49: you will realize really quick what this shakaru guy was pulling | [20:16] |
rg | exploiting kindness of the community | [20:16] |
rg | and its trusting nature | [20:16] |
mcorlett | I'd be more inclined to believe the guy if he didn't try to constantly sweep shit under the rug. | [20:16] |
rg | mcorlett: he took thousands of dollars | [20:17] |
rg | and has little to NOTHING to show for it | [20:17] |
draco49 | I had read some of this earlier, and I know about his shit with Astana... | [20:17] |
rg | that doesnt matter | [20:17] |
rg | even if astana ripped him off $1k | [20:17] |
rg | it shouldnt matter | [20:17] |
draco49 | I agree | [20:17] |
rg | its his fault for maintaining it all in pypal | [20:17] |
rg | we keep a very little amount in our paypal | [20:18] |
rg | just to pay server bills | [20:18] |
rg | well, thats a lie there was $1400 in it the other day but that was cause it was bill day | [20:18] |
draco49 | The whole thing is ridiculous. It seems like more and more ppl are coming out of the woodwork that he owes. | [20:18] |
rg | draco49: every day that happens | [20:18] |
rg | and the story is always | [20:18] |
rg | the same | [20:18] |
rg | 'i paid this guy for xxx he told me yyyy and i recieved $0' | [20:18] |
mcorlett | Exactly. | [20:18] |
rg | the amounts are always different and the services | [20:19] |
rg | but in the end the recieved amount is always $0 | [20:19] |
draco49 | Isn't Smickles involved with him in that trading bot? | [20:19] |
rg | the trading bot that only loses money | [20:19] |
rg | yes | [20:19] |
bruzum | okpay sounds hawt | [20:19] |
bruzum | now | [20:19] |
draco49 | Yeah I thought so. | [20:19] |
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mcorlett | Also, how does one manage to misspell "Dwolla" and somehow make it "Dwalla"? | [20:20] |
draco49 | He seems to have a LOT of problems with the mail... | [20:20] |
mcorlett | How old is the kid? | [20:21] |
draco49 | Probably early 20's | [20:21] |
splatster | Are you guys ready for the big announcement ?!?!?! | [20:22] |
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bitinstant | heya | [20:22] |
draco49 | Apparently he burns out hardware faster than a book of cheap matches too. | [20:22] |
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rg | ;;calc 6.30 * 4.40 | [20:22] |
gribble | 27.72 | [20:22] |
chwergy | !ticker | [20:23] |
gribble | Best bid: 4.41555, Best ask: 4.4399, Bid-ask spread: 0.02435, Last trade: 4.41555, 24 hour volume: 73993, 24 hour low: 4.3, 24 hour high: 4.69924 | [20:23] |
* | draco49 is waiting impatiently for splatster's big announcement | [20:23] |
mircea_popescu | o wow under 4.5 huh | [20:24] |
mircea_popescu | is it going to 3 ? | [20:24] |
* | chk2 is now known as chk | [20:24] |
rg | no | [20:24] |
chk | rg!!!!! | [20:24] |
rg | abut 10000 people are tyring to get money into mtgox | [20:24] |
rg | people keep ordering from buggy prices on bitvps | [20:25] |
rg | the currency conversion script is out of wack | [20:25] |
rg | someone just put in an order and paid | [20:25] |
rg | for a server that normally costs $170 | [20:25] |
rg | for 5 btc | [20:25] |
draco49 | lmao | [20:25] |
rg | like.. wouldnt you realize | [20:25] |
rg | a dual quad core server isnt going to be $30 | [20:25] |
draco49 | I shoulda snagged that deal :P | [20:25] |
rg | no point | [20:28] |
rg | it wont get filled | [20:28] |
rg | we wouldnt ven have enough money in our account t order it | [20:28] |
rg | this guy is nice though | [20:28] |
rg | he just let me credit his account | [20:28] |
rg | i gave him his second month free aswell | [20:28] |
rg | since its my fuckup | [20:28] |
copumpkin | what are these price bugs? | [20:29] |
rg | nice! he got a NL server | [20:29] |
copumpkin | you've mentioned it a few times | [20:29] |
rg | i cant wait to load this box | [20:29] |
rg | copumpkin: i wrote a script to change prices manually | [20:29] |
rg | but ive since gotten rid of it | [20:29] |
chk | rg hello from russia | [20:29] |
rg | and am using WHMCS's in-built functions to do it | [20:29] |
Cusipzzz | rg: the ol bait and switch works again eh | [20:29] |
rg | and they suck | [20:29] |
rg | its not designed for BTC | [20:30] |
rg | its working now | [20:30] |
copumpkin | rg: what price are you using? last? 24h average? I usually recommend that people use min(last, 24h average) | [20:31] |
rg | im using the 24hr average | [20:31] |
copumpkin | or rather, max in your case | [20:31] |
arij | can some one send me .51 LR ? | [20:31] |
copumpkin | whichever is more favorable to you :P | [20:31] |
mircea_popescu | that doesn't sound fair at all | [20:31] |
* | copumpkin confuses himself into a corner | [20:31] |
mircea_popescu | pick either last or average and stick with it. | [20:31] |
copumpkin | mircea_popescu: why? | [20:31] |
rg | i use average | [20:31] |
rg | not last | [20:31] |
rg | not current | [20:32] |
draco49 | btw, the NL server sends hits dmesg with annoying msgs re: "IPv6 addrconf: prefix with wrong length 56" | [20:32] |
mircea_popescu | copumpkin why doesn't "we'll just take and pick and choose the one that shafts you the most" seem fair ? | [20:32] |
rg | draco49: you dont even have ipv6 configured | [20:32] |
rg | do you? | [20:32] |
copumpkin | mircea_popescu: if last is significantly below average, it might signal that average is moving down and someone's trying to take advantage of the lagging prices. And using straight-up last is unstable as hell. You want the average in there, but you want to respond quickly to crashes | [20:33] |
draco49 | It's enabled by default, but is what I added to sysctl.conf to fix it. | [20:33] |
copumpkin | mircea_popescu: it's not shafting. You pick your prices, and your customers are free not to buy | [20:33] |
mircea_popescu | tell you what, if mpoe can live w.o the minmax deal, so can a hoster. | [20:33] |
vragnaroda | copumpkin: He's already said that BTC payers pay something like 20% less than USD payers. | [20:33] |
rg | its not 20% anymore | [20:34] |
rg | but its clse | [20:34] |
* | Cablesaurus has quit (Quit: REALITY.SYS Corrupted: Re-boot universe? (Y/N/Q)) | [20:34] |
vragnaroda | I do think he should post prices in BTC and adjust them periodically, without doing it formulaically, though. | [20:34] |
rg | 2012-03-25 13:35:33 (27.7 MB/s) - “CentOS-6.2-x86_64-netinstall.iso” saved [238026752/238026752] | [20:34] |
rg | thank you internet! | [20:34] |
copumpkin | mircea_popescu: so if some early adopter came along and sold 400k coins and took us down to $1, you'd let me jump in and buy thousands of options at $4.5? | [20:34] |
rawrmage | < internet> you're welcome, rg | [20:35] |
copumpkin | puts, obviously | [20:35] |
mircea_popescu | yes. | [20:35] |
copumpkin | I'll keep that in mind :) | [20:35] |
mircea_popescu | hey :) | [20:35] |
copumpkin | that way I can make twice the profit when I sell all my coins :D | [20:35] |
mircea_popescu | so you think :) | [20:35] |
draco49 | copumpkin, careful, or you'll get Popescued :P | [20:36] |
mircea_popescu | lol | [20:36] |
mircea_popescu | i thought he had some puts as it is. | [20:36] |
copumpkin | ;;market sell 400000 | [20:36] |
gribble | A market order to sell 400000 bitcoins right now would net 920446.1427 USD and would take the last price down to 1.1500 USD. | [20:36] |
mircea_popescu | which are actually doing pretty good business atm | [20:36] |
copumpkin | nah, I have no options right now | [20:36] |
mircea_popescu | well someone bought 100 puts is making a killing. | [20:37] |
mircea_popescu | good for them. | [20:37] |
copumpkin | don't have much coin in my wallet at this point | [20:37] |
mircea_popescu | well you either have 400k or not much ? which is it ? :D | [20:37] |
copumpkin | :( | [20:37] |
* | EasyAt ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [20:37] |
mircea_popescu | sad | [20:37] |
copumpkin | can I buy special discount options? | [20:38] |
* | dolphone (bdb5da8a@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc | [20:38] |
mcorlett | copumpkin: You do still have some in the hands of your borrowers, right? | [20:38] |
copumpkin | you might say so | [20:38] |
* | pho| (~pho@unaffiliated/pho/x-6551342) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [20:39] |
mircea_popescu | yes you can copumpkin! by owning stock you get kickbacks every time you lose money! | [20:39] |
netxshare | damn it | [20:39] |
copumpkin | luckily I own stock! | [20:39] |
netxshare | I had 32 btc left to sell last night | [20:39] |
netxshare | and major crash | [20:39] |
mircea_popescu | awww | [20:39] |
mircea_popescu | don't worry, | [20:39] |
mircea_popescu | it will get worse. | [20:39] |
netxshare | tell it to stop falling | [20:39] |
mircea_popescu | options expire at max pain. they always do. still a little to go. | [20:40] |
mcorlett | Hopefully this little drop will prevent the difficulty from rising too much in the coming months. | [20:40] |
* | bitfoo (~bitfoo@unaffiliated/bitfoo) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [20:41] |
* | Cory has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | [20:42] |
mircea_popescu | possibly. | [20:42] |
* | Cory ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [20:42] |
mircea_popescu | depends on the fpga output really | [20:42] |
* | Cory has quit (Changing host) | [20:42] |
* | Cory (~Cory@unaffiliated/cory) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [20:42] |
* | gribble gives voice to Cory | [20:42] |
Cusipzzz | mtgox x97 4,497.0000 @ 4.49062702 USD | [20:42] |
Cusipzzz | O.o | [20:43] |
Blitzboom | Cusipzzz: what’s that | [20:43] |
* | dolphone has quit (Quit: Page closed) | [20:43] |
Cusipzzz | someone just stepped in to stop the fall, lol | [20:43] |
Blitzboom | a trade or an ask? | [20:43] |
Blitzboom | also, what is x97? | [20:43] |
Cusipzzz | trade eating the ask wall | [20:43] |
Blitzboom | then what about the 97 | [20:43] |
Cusipzzz | itis the sum of 97 trades | [20:44] |
mcorlett | mircea_popescu: Well, a lot of BFL FPGAs are already on the way, but I'm hoping the price declines to a level where it pushes out some of the less profitable miners so as to keep the difficulty at its current level. | [20:44] |
Blitzboom | gotcha | [20:44] |
mircea_popescu | maybe, maybe. | [20:44] |
mircea_popescu | most of the us amateur rigs are underwater atm from what i gather. | [20:44] |
dizzler | eek | [20:44] |
* | gheorghe has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | [20:45] |
draco49 | wow shakuru is a total ass-hat... what a fiasco | [20:45] |
mcorlett | draco49: Finish reading? | [20:45] |
* | gheorghe (gheorghe@ has joined #bitcoin-otc | [20:45] |
draco49 | On page 9... | [20:45] |
draco49 | I had already read up to page 6 | [20:46] |
draco49 | previously | [20:46] |
* | dvide ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [20:46] |
mcorlett | And it only gets better from thereon out. | [20:46] |
rg | god damn you CentOS | [20:46] |
* | Dark_ is now known as DarkBE | [20:46] |
rg | i told it to load the text installer and it did not do so | [20:46] |
* | DarkBE has quit (Changing host) | [20:47] |
* | DarkBE (~Dark@unaffiliated/darkbe) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [20:47] |
mircea_popescu | what happened now draco49 ? | [20:49] |
mircea_popescu | o, just the old history ? lol. yeah. | [20:50] |
draco49 | ya i'm catching up on that thread | [20:50] |
draco49 | I can't believe how many people have been sucked into his BS. | [20:51] |
* | nitetrader (628f0bf4@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc | [20:53] |
nitetrader | hi guys | [20:53] |
mcorlett | It's pretty insane indeed. | [20:53] |
nitetrader | mcorlett | [20:53] |
BTCHero | why all the doom and gloom guys, we all know it is going to be 100 by christmas | [20:53] |
nitetrader | how are you my friend | [20:53] |
nitetrader | i have 3 x $100 Amazon GC to trade for your $85 current rate BTC. | [20:53] |
* | splatster has quit (Quit: splatster) | [20:54] |
nitetrader | I have a few $100 Amazon GC codes I am needing to trade for BTC. 16 BTC for 1 customer I will go first if you have feedback. | [20:56] |
AndrewNTH | how do i encrypt text with another persons public key so only they can read it? | [20:56] |
AndrewNTH | i'm using ubuntu server | [20:56] |
* | GlooBoy has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) | [20:57] |
* | torsthaldo ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [20:58] |
nanotube | AndrewNTH: run 'gpg --encrypt' | [20:59] |
nanotube | it'll ask you for user to whom you want to encrypt | [20:59] |
BTCHero | can someone tell me what the difference between like 22 24 14 karat gold is? | [20:59] |
nanotube | BTCHero: yes, google can. :) | [20:59] |
nanotube | it's about the percentage of gold in the alloy | [20:59] |
mircea_popescu | btchero : purity. | [20:59] |
BTCHero | whats the best, and is the rest just cut with some other metal? | [20:59] |
nanotube | the higher the number, the greater precentage of gold | [20:59] |
nanotube | yes, the rest is just other crap | [20:59] |
mircea_popescu | 22/24 14/24 24/24 pure | [20:59] |
BTCHero | ok cool thanks | [21:00] |
* | Cablesaurus ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [21:00] |
* | Cablesaurus has quit (Changing host) | [21:00] |
* | Cablesaurus (~IceChat77@unaffiliated/cablesaurus) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [21:00] |
BTCHero | Who needs google | [21:00] |
mircea_popescu | gold is sorta like chocolate naturally | [21:00] |
nanotube | BTCHero: lol | [21:00] |
mircea_popescu | so without an alloy it kinda makes a mess on your hands | [21:00] |
mircea_popescu | which is why it usually gets some copper/nicklel/whatever | [21:00] |
nitetrader | I have a few $100 Amazon GC codes I am needing to trade for BTC. 16 BTC each I will go first if you have feedback | [21:00] |
* | GlooBoy (48948d9a@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc | [21:01] |
jjjrmy | Anyone buying one of the giftcards? | [21:01] |
* | cyphase (~cyphase@unaffiliated/cyphase) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [21:02] |
nitetrader | 1st customer gets for 15 if they vouch in the thread | [21:02] |
* | yossarian_ has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) | [21:03] |
nitetrader | wow slow in here today guys. lets do some sunday trading | [21:04] |
nitetrader | I have a few $100 Amazon GC codes I am needing to trade for BTC. 16 BTC each. ONLY 15BTC for 1st vouching customer! I will go first if you have feedback | [21:04] |
imsaguy | ;;calc 100/15 | [21:06] |
gribble | 6.66666666667 | [21:06] |
imsaguy | ;;calc 15 * [ticker --last] | [21:06] |
gribble | 67.6623 | [21:07] |
mircea_popescu | mk, re-registered with nickserv. hope this time it's not as annoying as last time | [21:07] |
imsaguy | ;;ident nitetrader | [21:07] |
gribble | Nick 'nitetrader', with hostmask 'nitetrader!628f0bf4@gateway/web/freenode/ip.', is not identified. | [21:07] |
-NickServ- | Invalid set command. Use /msg NickServ HELP SET for a command listing. | [21:07] |
nitetrader | I am not registered but there may be someone in here that can vouvh also look at the link I have had several GC transactions before. | [21:07] |
nitetrader | I have a few $100 Amazon GC codes I am needing to trade for BTC. 16 BTC each. ONLY 15BTC for 1st vouching customer! I will go first if you have feedback | [21:08] |
-NickServ- | ***** NickServ Help ***** | [21:08] |
-NickServ- | Help for SET: | [21:08] |
-NickServ- | [21:08] | |
-NickServ- | SET allows you to set various control flags | [21:08] |
-NickServ- | for nicknames that change the way certain | [21:08] |
-NickServ- | operations are performed on them. | [21:08] |
-NickServ- | [21:08] | |
-NickServ- | The following subcommands are available: | [21:08] |
-NickServ- | EMAIL Changes your e-mail address. | [21:08] |
-NickServ- | EMAILMEMOS Forwards incoming memos to your e-mail address. | [21:08] |
-NickServ- | HIDEMAIL Hides your e-mail address. | [21:08] |
-NickServ- | QUIETCHG Allows you to opt-out of channel change messages. | [21:08] |
-NickServ- | NOMEMO Disables the ability to receive memos. | [21:08] |
-NickServ- | NOOP Prevents services from setting modes upon you automatically. | [21:08] |
-NickServ- | NEVEROP Prevents you from being added to access lists. | [21:08] |
-NickServ- | PASSWORD Changes the password associated with your account. | [21:08] |
-NickServ- | PROPERTY Manipulates metadata entries associated with an account. | [21:08] |
-NickServ- | LANGUAGE Changes the language services uses to talk to you. | [21:08] |
-NickServ- | ACCOUNTNAME Changes your account name. | [21:08] |
-NickServ- | PRIVATE Hides information about you from other users. | [21:08] |
-NickServ- | ENFORCE Enables or disables automatic protection of a nickname. | [21:08] |
-NickServ- | [21:08] | |
-NickServ- | For more information, use /msg NickServ HELP SET command. | [21:08] |
-NickServ- | ***** End of Help ***** | [21:08] |
* | a5m0 has quit (Disconnected by services) | [21:08] |
* | You are now known as blabla | [21:08] |
-NickServ- | This nickname is registered. Please choose a different nickname, or identify via /msg NickServ identify
[21:08] |
rg | lol i so jinxed myself | [21:08] |
* | You are now known as mircea_popescu | [21:08] |
rg | always complaining about being bored | [21:09] |
* | Arc_ ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [21:09] |
rg | now its a Sunday and i have more work than i know how to handle | [21:09] |
* | Disconnected (). | [21:09] |
* | Now talking on #bitcoin-otc | [21:09] |
* | Topic for #bitcoin-otc is: OTC marketplace for Bitcoin trading and exchange. || || || Start with the ;;guide || Before you trade, talk to people, and check user ratings. || Beware the FRAUDSTERS. ;;fraud || Trade Options: || Bitcoin VPS: || Support bitcoin-otc! 1F1dPZxdxVVigpGdsafnZ3cFBdMGDADFDe | [21:09] |
* | Topic for #bitcoin-otc set by nanotube!~nanotube@unaffiliated/nanotube at Sun Feb 26 06:25:27 2012 | [21:09] |
BTCHero | work as in heroin right | [21:09] |
BTCHero | since we all know you are a heroin afficianado | [21:09] |
-NickServ- | You failed to identify in time for the nickname mircea_popescu | [21:09] |
* | You are now known as Guest18642 | [21:09] |
nitetrader | lol | [21:10] |
Guest18642 | grr | [21:10] |
imsaguy | he only uses heroin to tame his hemorrhoids | [21:10] |
jjjrmy | BUY BUY BUY | [21:10] |
* | arij has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) | [21:10] |
jjjrmy | | [21:10] |
BTCHero | grr what? | [21:10] |
-NickServ- | Information on mircea_popescu (account mircea_popescu): | [21:10] |
-NickServ- | Registered : Mar 25 18:04:05 2012 (6 minutes, 39 seconds ago) | [21:10] |
-NickServ- | Last addr : ~Mircea@ | [21:10] |
-NickServ- | Last seen : Mar 25 18:09:11 2012 (1 minute, 33 seconds ago) | [21:10] |
-NickServ- | Flags : HideMail | [21:10] |
-NickServ- | mircea_popescu has enabled nick protection | [21:10] |
-NickServ- | *** End of Info *** | [21:10] |
BTCHero | heroin would be hell for hemorrhoids | [21:10] |
BTCHero | worst medicine ever | [21:11] |
imsaguy | jjjrmy: what are the security features? | [21:11] |
imsaguy | BTCHero: thats why he uses MOAR | [21:11] |
* | BTC_Bear is now known as BTC_Bear|hbrntng | [21:11] |
nitetrader | Guys can someone help me out? I have a great deal on Amazon GC. Only 15 BTC. And I will go first!! | [21:11] |
BTCHero | oh | [21:11] |
nitetrader | I am needing desperation is your gain | [21:11] |
jjjrmy | imsaguy: a similar method to caucasius coins. | [21:12] |
nitetrader | $100 Amazon GC for 15BTC | [21:12] |
draco49 | I think heroin would work just fine for hemorrhoids... the pain at least. Although you might get a little itchy. | [21:12] |
nickserv | release mircea_popescu ati290pp | [21:12] |
-NickServ- | mircea_popescu has been released. | [21:12] |
jjjrmy | imsaguy: lemme take a picture | [21:12] |
* | You are now known as mircea_popescu | [21:12] |
-NickServ- | This nickname is registered. Please choose a different nickname, or identify via /msg NickServ identify
[21:12] |
-NickServ- | You have 30 seconds to identify to your nickname before it is changed. | [21:12] |
nickserv | identify **** | [21:13] |
-NickServ- | You are now identified for mircea_popescu. | [21:13] |
mircea_popescu | ok. | [21:13] |
mircea_popescu | this 30 seconds stuff ;/ i can't think on a timer. | [21:13] |
imsaguy | twss | [21:13] |
draco49 | :P | [21:13] |
mircea_popescu | who said ? | [21:13] |
jjjrmy | imsaguy: | [21:14] |
imsaguy | are you making them on your hp? | [21:14] |
* | james777 (602dbd51@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc | [21:15] |
Cusipzzz | mtgox x97 4,497.0000 @ 4.49062702 USD | [21:15] |
Cusipzzz | oops, that was old one | [21:15] |
* | copumpkin has quit (Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.) | [21:16] |
jjjrmy | imsaguy: on my what? | [21:16] |
Dark_Apostrophe | | [21:16] |
BTCHero | Cusipzzz I had to buy a ton of viagra on the SR | [21:16] |
Cusipzzz | makes sense | [21:16] |
* | Testerosterone ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [21:17] |
smickles | 21:19 <+draco49> Isn't Smickles involved with him in that trading bot? << yes, I gave him license to sell that thing before all this crap came to light :/ | [21:17] |
draco49 | dude, you should revoke that license | [21:17] |
draco49 | kick that deadbeat to the curb | [21:18] |
smickles | I've been considering it | [21:18] |
vragnaroda | Dark_Apostrophe: Mmm… I love me some clean money. | [21:18] |
dizzler | HI GUYS | [21:18] |
BTCHero | which deadbeat | [21:18] |
vragnaroda | smickles, draco49: “revoke?” wtf | [21:18] |
* | mircea_popescu goes reading the piece | [21:18] |
Dark_Apostrophe | vragnaroda: Tide, naturally. | [21:18] |
draco49 | This forum thread is like watching a slow-motion trainwreck. | [21:18] |
* | yossarian_ ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [21:19] |
smickles | vragnaroda: according to the terms of the license i gave him, I can take away his permission to sell the bot | [21:19] |
nitetrader | $100 Amazon for only $75 BTC! | [21:19] |
vragnaroda | Dark_Apostrophe: No, I use Tide for buying crack. I use generics for cleaning cash. | [21:19] |
vragnaroda | Dark_Apostrophe: | [21:19] |
* | tbage (~kx@ has joined #bitcoin-otc | [21:20] |
Dark_Apostrophe | ah, cool. | [21:20] |
vragnaroda | smickles: Under what circumstances? | [21:20] |
nitetrader | $100 Amazon GC code for only 15 BTC! | [21:20] |
nitetrader | | [21:21] |
smickles | vragnaroda: any that I can think of. he doesn't have hardly any rights under the terms of his license | [21:21] |
* | bitcoinTrader1 (~Adium@ has joined #bitcoin-otc | [21:22] |
vragnaroda | So he paid you for the privilege of using your bot and redistributing it until you change your mind without that tied to pricing even? :o | [21:22] |
vragnaroda | That's despicable. | [21:22] |
smickles | vragnaroda: it was his idea | [21:23] |
vragnaroda | Oh, well, he's not going to follow it anyway. :p | [21:23] |
bitcoinTrader1 | selling btc | [21:24] |
nitetrader | I have $100 Amazon for 15 BTC | [21:24] |
smickles | vragnaroda: aslo, pricing is completely up to him, and yes, I expect that he's not going to follow any of it any way, and I think that he's actually broken the terms many times :/ | [21:24] |
mircea_popescu | sounds about right. | [21:24] |
vragnaroda | Yeah, I don't think he's made any agreement we know about and kept it. ;p | [21:25] |
* | BTC_Bear|hbrntng is now known as BTC_Bear | [21:26] |
rg | a customer actually requested OpenBSD | [21:27] |
rg | i cant believe people still use this shit | [21:27] |
* | smickles plans to sign up with rg an request OS/2 | [21:28] |
mcorlett | BSD is nice. | [21:28] |
bruzum | did you tell him to fuck off? | [21:28] |
* | hngryhngryhippo ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [21:30] |
chk | OpenBSD9 now with 100% more 0days | [21:30] |
draco49 | <-- What a magical and well-written story... | [21:30] |
bitcoinTrader1 | ;;seen ocmner | [21:31] |
bitcoinTrader1 | ;;seen ocminer | [21:31] |
terry | i have terrible diarrhea | [21:32] |
nitetrader | $100 Amazon GC e-code for only 15 BTC I will go first. | [21:32] |
AcidicChip | I wish Ihad more spare time to work on my exchange tools | [21:35] |
terry | chk: they aren't 0-days in the maya calendar | [21:35] |
mircea_popescu | Freeway would have to be the mother of my ex roommate. | [21:36] |
mircea_popescu | jesus. | [21:36] |
draco49 | lmao | [21:36] |
mcorlett | mircea_popescu: Clusterfuck level: extreme | [21:36] |
mircea_popescu | it certainly is worth 20k usd of other people's money for me to be able to read this novella. | [21:36] |
draco49 | This is just insane. | [21:36] |
mircea_popescu | shakaru is kinda like the government in my eyes. | [21:36] |
mcorlett | Andrew Nollan for president! | [21:37] |
draco49 | i just don't understand why people continue saying that he's a good guy and that he's just down on his luck... | [21:37] |
terry | put that man in charge of the treasury | [21:37] |
mircea_popescu | The situation was that her daughter and her boyfriend got kicked out of a home we were living in because the son of the people we all sublet from, came back from Arizona as a meth head. | [21:37] |
* | splatster (~splatster@unaffiliated/splatster) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [21:37] |
mircea_popescu | he's the next bernanke | [21:37] |
mircea_popescu | also, is he part of a menage a trois with another dude ? | [21:38] |
smickles | ok, I i just asked him for a list of sales, price charged and his commision (which should be 10% of the sale price) ... and he went offline | [21:38] |
terry | mircea_popescu: he'd probably make a better job at being bernanke than bernanke himself | [21:38] |
nitetrader | Wow next minutes $100 Amazon GC code for ONLY $70 BTC | [21:38] |
draco49 | He must have over 1000 VGA cables and misc. PSUs... | [21:38] |
terry | make->do | [21:38] |
terry | nitetrader: that's scamtastic! | [21:38] |
mircea_popescu | ;;ident nitetrader | [21:39] |
nitetrader | I will go first | [21:39] |
smickles | (that last bet about shakaru anyway | [21:39] |
bitfoo | lol, I think I met Freeway's daughter :P | [21:39] |
terry | nitetrader: will you go last with the chargeback? | [21:39] |
mircea_popescu | is she hot any ? | [21:39] |
nitetrader | | [21:39] |
bitfoo | not particularly | [21:39] |
* | gribble gives voice to splatster | [21:39] |
mircea_popescu | have you noticed how all cases when menage a trois is two blokes the girl is kinda ugly | [21:39] |
smickles | ;;ticker | [21:39] |
bitfoo | lol | [21:39] |
mircea_popescu | whereas the other way around the chicks are always hawt ? | [21:39] |
draco49 | It's a rare girl who will take the train... | [21:39] |
mircea_popescu | not that rare. | [21:40] |
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mircea_popescu | or did you mean rare as in, well done vs rare ? | [21:40] |
mcorlett | How much is an average cup of coffee in the US? | [21:40] |
chwergy | Buying BTC monies for PPUSD monies... | [21:40] |
chwergy | about 1 BTC! | [21:41] |
mircea_popescu | ~3 bux ? | [21:41] |
draco49 | I meant 'not as plentiful as a women who will get down with just one person'. | [21:41] |
chwergy | oh, well for good coffee anyway.. | [21:41] |
mircea_popescu | just messin with ya drac. | [21:41] |
draco49 | :P | [21:41] |
mcorlett | mircea_popescu: You sure about that? | [21:41] |
mircea_popescu | that ? | [21:42] |
draco49 | lol | [21:42] |
Blitzboom | mircea_popescu: you must be fairly new to bitcoin | [21:43] |
mircea_popescu | since july 22th | [21:43] |
* | gribble gives voice to smickles | [21:43] |
mircea_popescu | orwas it 27th | [21:43] |
Blitzboom | BTC = drama | [21:43] |
* | nintyfive (4ade6fdb@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc | [21:43] |
chk | lol Blitzboom | [21:43] |
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chk | so true | [21:43] |
mircea_popescu | well ya, seeing how it's on the internets and all. | [21:43] |
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Dark_Apostrophe | mircea_popescu: Thoughts on the article? Bitcoin applies as well, naturally | [21:45] |
mircea_popescu | Dark_Apostrophe you mean the mises article ? i actually wrote the guy | [21:45] |
* | jk9357 ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [21:45] |
nitetrader | [Trade] $100 Amazon GC for your 15 BTC!($75) Will go first! | [21:46] |
Dark_Apostrophe | mircea_popescu: Oh, what'd you say? | [21:46] |
jk9357 | Hi! | [21:46] |
bitfoo | nitetrader: I'll do it, but only if you register first | [21:46] |
bitcoinTrader1 | hi | [21:46] |
mircea_popescu | discovered that earthlink is blocking my mail !? am threatening them with all sorts of goodies, and so on | [21:46] |
nitetrader | lol | [21:46] |
jk9357 | I'm looking for someone who can exchange paypal to bitcoins | [21:46] |
nitetrader | hey bitfoo | [21:46] |
nitetrader | I am trying | [21:46] |
mircea_popescu | i said lemme find it (but don't copy/paste it please, guy will get the wriong ideea) | [21:46] |
mcorlett | jk9357: Won't happen. ,,paypal | [21:46] |
gribble | Many popular forms of payment, such as PayPal and credit cards, allow the sender to claw back the money via a 'chargeback'. This is very undesirable for the seller of bitcoins, so you'll often have trouble convincing people to trade on these. See for comparison of payment methods. | [21:46] |
bitfoo | nitetrader: but you're not able to? | [21:46] |
mircea_popescu | It might interest you to find (if you haven't found already) that there's | [21:46] |
mircea_popescu | already a stable currency substitute emerging at the other end of the | [21:46] |
mircea_popescu | spectrum (affluent, educated, tech savvy as opposed to | [21:46] |
mircea_popescu | rural/impoverished). | [21:46] |
mircea_popescu | It's called bitcoin, and it's a noninflationary currency built atop a peer | [21:46] |
mircea_popescu | to peer network exchanging asymetrically encrypted information. | [21:46] |
mircea_popescu | All the best, | [21:46] |
mircea_popescu | Mircea Popescu | [21:46] |
jk9357 | What about ukash/paysafe card? | [21:47] |
mcorlett | jk9357: Somewhat easier, ask in #bitcoin-otc-eu. | [21:47] |
Dark_Apostrophe | mircea_popescu: Nice, though assuming he doesn't know about it already, some more explanation of what that means might have been warranted - still, not bad. :) | [21:47] |
mircea_popescu | well you want to keep these things s hort | [21:47] |
Dark_Apostrophe | true | [21:48] |
mircea_popescu | he's a grown up now, can do his own resaerch. | [21:48] |
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smickles | mircea_popescu: it's not 'noninflationary' yet | [21:49] |
mircea_popescu | i'd argue it is structurally noninflationary but atm displays uncharacteristic inflation | [21:50] |
mcorlett | smickles: You can just assume the 21 million bitcoins already exist. | [21:50] |
mircea_popescu | something like that. | [21:50] |
Cusipzzz | they exist, satoshi just hasn't given them out yet.... | [21:50] |
mcorlett | Exactly. You can say they already exist but are still being distributed. | [21:51] |
mircea_popescu | it'd be kinda cool if someone made a satoshi shrine somewhere | [21:51] |
smickles | what would it look like? | [21:51] |
smickles | a hydra? | [21:51] |
mircea_popescu | mcorlett : this argument is weak tho, cause prices emerge from ACTUAL currency in circulation and the play of it's rarity | [21:51] |
mircea_popescu | not out of some abstract act of representation | [21:52] |
mircea_popescu | smickles i have no ideea... maybe a fat guy with a beard | [21:52] |
smickles | *neck beard | [21:52] |
mircea_popescu | a fat hydra with many neckbeards ? | [21:52] |
smickles | yes :D | [21:52] |
mircea_popescu | i like this :D | [21:52] |
mircea_popescu | and wires sticking out | [21:52] |
Cusipzzz | i prefer to think of satoshi as kate upton with nerd glasses | [21:52] |
* | gribble gives voice to bitfoo | [21:52] |
draco49 | hydra --> | [21:52] |
mircea_popescu | but she's a slut | [21:53] |
mircea_popescu | she could be the mascot of a very, and i do mean very | [21:53] |
smickles | yeah, a hydra, each head represents a node | [21:53] |
mircea_popescu | inflationary currency | [21:53] |
mircea_popescu | but why the teeth draco ? | [21:53] |
smickles | cut(shut) one off, another one pops up | [21:53] |
mircea_popescu | our hydra should be a lot friendlier | [21:53] |
draco49 | I didn't draw the damn thing... | [21:54] |
Cusipzzz | the ditz / act is the perfect cover. nobody would suspect kate upton is satoshi | [21:54] |
smickles | ;;lucky 'kate upton with nerd glasses' | [21:54] |
gribble | | [21:54] |
draco49 | better? --> | [21:54] |
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Cusipzzz | lol ty smickles | [21:55] |
mircea_popescu | lmao | [21:55] |
smickles | I try ;) | [21:55] |
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* | gribble gives voice to ineededausername | [21:57] |
smickles | oh lol | [21:57] |
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smickles | shakaru got back to me | [21:57] |
smickles | RE: the list of sales, prices, and his comission. "Ill figure out based on memory. It may take me a while though. I have NO time at all for a few days" | [21:58] |
bitcoinTrader1 | lol | [21:58] |
bitcoinTrader1 | :) | [21:58] |
nitetrader | does it take time for the certificate to upload to key server | [21:58] |
mircea_popescu | quoth pr girl : "i have like vicarious stress just from reading that shakaru guy's posts" | [21:58] |
bitfoo | I had a feeling he was running his mining operation also based on "memory" ;) | [21:58] |
nitetrader | I am getting Could not retrieve your key from keyserver. Either it isn't there, or it is invalid. | [21:59] |
smickles | nitetrader: it could be on another server | [21:59] |
bitfoo | nitetrader: did you upload the key to the server at all? | [21:59] |
bitcoinTrader1 | selling btc | [21:59] |
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ineededausername | lol vicarious stress | [21:59] |
ineededausername | that's one way to put it... | [21:59] |
smickles | anyone want to give me the chance to short shakaru's bitarb thing? | [22:00] |
smickles | or would that be insider trading? | [22:00] |
smickles | does this community look down on insider trading? | [22:00] |
bitfoo | is bitarb based on your bot smickles? | [22:01] |
smickles | yes | [22:01] |
CaptainDDL | wasn't shakaru the guy who has to pay back thousands of BTC to other people? | [22:01] |
smickles | yes | [22:01] |
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draco49 | LMAO I just finished that damn thread | [22:01] |
CaptainDDL | it's a reasonable assumption that anything he does will likely fail, I wouldn't say that's insider trading, just common sense :P | [22:02] |
draco49 | copumpkin get's the nod for best post with that animated MJ image :P | [22:02] |
mircea_popescu | i dont think anyone can short shakaru atm | [22:02] |
mircea_popescu | there's no counterparties. | [22:02] |
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mircea_popescu | you can't make a bet that the sun comes out tomorrow. | [22:02] |
draco49 | Seriously, someone should take out a BitContract on him. | [22:02] |
smickles | mircea_popescu: so all thos investors in bitarb? none of them want to loan out the shares? | [22:03] |
ineededausername | lol | [22:03] |
mcorlett | mircea_popescu: You still haven't told me about your PR girl. | [22:03] |
mircea_popescu | mcorlett what didn't i tell ? | [22:04] |
mircea_popescu | smickles o, i thought you meant short his debt | [22:04] |
mircea_popescu | not go against your own bot. | [22:04] |
draco49 | smickles, for your own good, run away from shakuru and don't look back. Maintaining ties to someone like that can only lead to bad things. | [22:04] |
splatster | GLBSE's teething troubles are become really annoying. | [22:04] |
mircea_popescu | it would be funny smickles if you deployed your own version of the same thing and it gave him a beating lol | [22:04] |
mcorlett | mircea_popescu: I want to know everything. Hair color, eye color, tall, short, scars... | [22:04] |
ineededausername | pr girl? | [22:04] |
mircea_popescu | mcorlett she's actually quite tall. | [22:04] |
ineededausername | I thought that was just some google images picture | [22:04] |
mircea_popescu | nah, it's her mug. | [22:05] |
draco49 | I think that's a pic of the girl from Weeds. | [22:05] |
mircea_popescu | and i agree with draco49's advice smickles. | [22:05] |
draco49 | Mary Louise Parker | [22:05] |
mircea_popescu | nah. | [22:05] |
mircea_popescu | hey that's a nice butt | [22:06] |
mircea_popescu | if it weren't a drawing... | [22:06] |
* | EasyAt has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds) | [22:06] |
draco49 | Take back your bot and cast Shakuru back to the bowels of the Earth from whence he came. | [22:06] |
smickles | ug, | [22:07] |
mircea_popescu | at this point any attempt to "take back" shit would only result in drama increase. | [22:07] |
mircea_popescu | so no, not rly that part. | [22:07] |
mcorlett | mircea_popescu: She's pretty hot for a 40-something-year-old woman. | [22:07] |
Joric | she's 47 years old | [22:07] |
smickles | draco49: best I can do is tell him to stop selling it and stop giving him updates | [22:07] |
mircea_popescu | she's like twenty something, what 40 ?! | [22:07] |
Joric | | [22:08] |
mircea_popescu | o o o | [22:08] |
mcorlett | mircea_popescu: As Joric said, she's fucking 47. | [22:08] |
mircea_popescu | i was talking about the pr girl lol; | [22:08] |
mcorlett | lol | [22:08] |
draco49 | smickles, Make a clean break. If that's what you can do to get away from him, I think you should do it. | [22:08] |
* | bitcoinTrader1 is now known as bitcoinTraer | [22:09] |
bitfoo | ;;ident nitetrader | [22:09] |
gribble | Nick 'nitetrader', with hostmask 'nitetrader!628f0bf4@gateway/web/freenode/ip.', is identified as user nitetrader, with GPG key id D110C51525D201F9, and key fingerprint 505A883FF30CF054BA6AFC3DD110C51525D201F9. | [22:09] |
draco49 | gigavps was one of his supporters in getting this debt paid back and now he's trying to sell off his debt. | [22:09] |
* | bitcoinTraer is now known as bitcoinTrader | [22:09] |
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smickles | damn, I had my hopes that I'd get another 80 btc or so b/f I had to end this | [22:10] |
Joric | mircea_popescu, did you buy out from some squatter or it wasn't registered at all? | [22:10] |
rg | topic | [22:10] |
rg | stay on it | [22:10] |
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mircea_popescu | it wasnt registered. | [22:10] |
Joric | wow i thought it's almost impossible to find a free 4-char domain | [22:11] |
mircea_popescu | well... | [22:11] |
nitetrader | thanks to Bitfoo for helping me register!! | [22:11] |
mcorlett | .com is impossible. | [22:11] |
mircea_popescu | i don't imagine it matters so much anyway. | [22:12] |
nitetrader | I am now registered and have 2 Amazon GC Codes left!! $100 for 15 BTC each!! | [22:12] |
mircea_popescu | ok, so im getting her to change her avatar. | [22:13] |
smickles | ;;calc 15*[ticker --bid] | [22:14] |
* | omniflow (58729d40@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc | [22:14] |
gribble | 67.86255 | [22:14] |
bitfoo | ;;rate nitetrader 1 Smooth trade, sold me Amazon GC for BTC | [22:14] |
gribble | Rating entry successful. Your rating of 1 for user nitetrader has been recorded. | [22:14] |
Joric | mircea_popescu, it does, i can't open now i just don't remember that weird url | [22:14] |
mircea_popescu | o wow, so you're getting charged per sale now smickles ? | [22:14] |
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* | DandoReal_ITA (5d3a5106@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc | [22:14] |
smickles | mircea_popescu: it's the new way of GLBSE | [22:15] |
nitetrader | ;;voiceme | [22:15] |
mircea_popescu | yes joric, but you do recall "mpoe" and what google is, right ? or, mircea popescu. or, otc | [22:15] |
mircea_popescu | there's just no way to get lost like that anymore. | [22:15] |
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terry | mircea_popescu: why is your sexy mug on that page | [22:15] |
mircea_popescu | cause the *minority* shareholders insisted | [22:15] |
mircea_popescu | it will boost the share value. | [22:15] |
rg | ;;ticker | [22:16] |
gribble | Best bid: 4.52417, Best ask: 4.54017, Bid-ask spread: 0.016, Last trade: 4.52417, 24 hour volume: 69145, 24 hour low: 4.3, 24 hour high: 4.68294 | [22:16] |
rg | ;;asks 5.00 | [22:16] |
terry | shareholders man... | [22:16] |
gribble | There are currently 39074.818 bitcoins offered at or under 5.0 USD, worth 189510.272473 USD in total. | [22:16] |
terry | they'll make you do anything | [22:16] |
rg | wow | [22:16] |
rg | someone did some buying | [22:16] |
mircea_popescu | isn't that the truth | [22:16] |
draco49 | that's racist | [22:16] |
rg | or a wall disappeared | [22:16] |
mircea_popescu | now srs;y, someone go trade on | [22:16] |
terry | draco49: you're racist | [22:16] |
rg | lol i was just going to call draco49 a nigger after he said racist | [22:16] |
mircea_popescu | i need trade data omg | [22:16] |
rg | but i figured in this channel | [22:16] |
draco49 | lol | [22:16] |
rg | it might be misconstrued | [22:16] |
splatster | GLBSE is having teething troubles. FML. | [22:16] |
terry | rg: it's fine | [22:16] |
terry | vragnaroda isn't around | [22:16] |
rg | terry: no its not | [22:16] |
rg | vrag doesnt care | [22:16] |
rg | its the other ops | [22:16] |
rg | i can do no wrong by vragnaroda | [22:17] |
* | terry is now known as black_rg | [22:17] |
rg | just like he cant by me | [22:17] |
mircea_popescu | what if you find him one day in your house sleeping with your fishes ? | [22:17] |
rg | id say wow you look even more goofy in person | [22:17] |
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draco49 | That would be disturbing. | [22:17] |
mircea_popescu | perv. | [22:17] |
black_rg | rg has a picture of vragnaroda hanging on his wall | [22:18] |
black_rg | it would make for quite the conversation starter | [22:18] |
draco49 | a vragnaroda coffee-table book? | [22:18] |
Cusipzzz | a coffee table book about coffee tables | [22:19] |
mircea_popescu | hey, bitcoin ideea : sell urinals with known scammer pics on them | [22:19] |
draco49 | And it has little legs that kick out and it becoms a min coffee-table | [22:19] |
nitetrader | ;;rate bitfoo 1 Thanks so much for helping me register! And the GC purchase. | [22:19] |
gribble | Rating entry successful. Your rating of 1 for user bitfoo has been recorded. | [22:19] |
draco49 | *mini | [22:19] |
* | bitcoinTrader has quit (Quit: Leaving.) | [22:19] |
black_rg | mircea_popescu: there would only be one model: the shakaru 3000 | [22:19] |
Cusipzzz | draco49: indeed | [22:19] |
rg | we're about to break our monthly sales record | [22:20] |
draco49 | The Shakuru 3000, never loses suction. Not even a tiddly bit. | [22:20] |
rg | 7 days still left in the month | [22:20] |
rg | we are gonna do it | [22:20] |
rg | we're almost to accepting 300 BTC/mo | [22:20] |
mcorlett | rg: Congrats! I also noticed you managed to get some funding going. | [22:20] |
* | mircea_popescu grins at rg | [22:20] |
rg | mcorlett: nah, im just gonna do it myself | [22:21] |
rg | through savings and wise investments | [22:21] |
mircea_popescu | if the btc closes the month at 4.5 im prolly going to show 300 bitcoins in income i think | [22:21] |
rg | if btc closes at 5, we';d still be near it | [22:21] |
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bluemoon23 | hey | [22:21] |
bluemoon23 | can I purchase bitcoins with a moneypak? | [22:21] |
mcorlett | rg: | [22:21] |
rg | yes you can | [22:21] |
mcorlett | See rating ID 9890. | [22:22] |
rg | oh | [22:22] |
rg | mcorlett: yeah different meaning | [22:22] |
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rg | he fronted me $300 for a day | [22:22] |
rg | so i could buy the new Euro bitvps server | [22:22] |
rg | grubles was M.I.A. and i wanted a new toy | [22:22] |
rg | so i gave him an extra $5 for doing it | [22:22] |
mcorlett | Oh, ok. Keep looking, though. | [22:23] |
rg | he was actually extremely non-confronting about it, like not enough | [22:23] |
mircea_popescu | o boy. the part where maged goes "Interesting... I heard the exact opposite. For your sake, I won't elaborate." is awesome | [22:23] |
rg | when i owed him $300 | [22:23] |
mircea_popescu | so is shakaru doing meth ? | [22:23] |
rg | he wasnt on IRC like where is my money! | [22:23] |
nitetrader | [Trade] $100 Amazon GC for your 16 BTC!($80) [2 Codes Left] Will go first | [22:23] |
rg | he just popped on at one time, was like 'sup?' and i paid him | [22:23] |
rg | mircea: i dont know about meth | [22:23] |
rg | but i *definitely* suspect drugs | [22:23] |
rg | or too much bitjack | [22:23] |
bluemoon23 | mcorlett so i paypal him some money and how long would it take for the BC to arrive in my wallet? | [22:23] |
rg | bluemoon23: no | [22:24] |
rg | dont paypal | [22:24] |
mircea_popescu | btc transactions happen in a few minutes. | [22:24] |
rg | MoneyPak is fine | [22:24] |
bluemoon23 | how do i send him moneypak | [22:24] |
bitfoo | interesting fact: his address had been flagged in a crime report for a "marijuana grow op". of course, it could have been anyone who lived there before... | [22:24] |
bluemoon23 | how do i send him moneypak to his bc? | [22:24] |
mcorlett | bluemoon23: Whom are you going to send PayPal dollas to? | [22:25] |
mircea_popescu | so apparently that finway person was trying to warn the community for months about shakaru | [22:25] |
bluemoon23 | no one | [22:25] |
* | yossarian_ has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) | [22:25] |
bluemoon23 | i have amoneypak i want to get bc | [22:25] |
rg | mircea_popescu: shoulda coulda woulda | [22:25] |
bluemoon23 | who's address has been flagged? | [22:25] |
bitfoo | shakaru | [22:25] |
black_rg | woulda coulda shoulda | [22:25] |
bluemoon23 | ah | [22:25] |
bluemoon23 | so this guy is legit | [22:26] |
rg | lol | [22:26] |
rg | dude | [22:26] |
rg | you have no idea whats going on here huh | [22:26] |
black_rg | he's definitely on one psychoactive substance or another | [22:26] |
mircea_popescu | | [22:26] |
mircea_popescu | how abouyt that rg ? | [22:26] |
rg | bluemoon23: we are talking about something completely different | [22:26] |
rg | than what youre talking about | [22:26] |
rg | so anything we say = not related to you | [22:26] |
nitetrader | [Trade] $100 Amazon GC for your 15 BTC!($75) [2 Codes Left] Will go first | [22:26] |
rg | ;;tell bluemoon23 [guide] | [22:26] |
rg | read that | [22:26] |
rg | ;;ident bluemoon23 | [22:26] |
gribble | Nick 'bluemoon23', with hostmask 'bluemoon23!', is not identified. | [22:26] |
rg | you have to sign up | [22:26] |
bluemoon23 | yeah im not talking to you | [22:27] |
rg | and authorize yourself to the bot, gribble | [22:27] |
bluemoon23 | i was talkinga bout something else | [22:27] |
rg | once youre signed up and logged in | [22:27] |
mircea_popescu | "He took all of the rent money from his roommates and spent it at the bar. He used my debit card fraudenly to pay for the internet service." | [22:27] |
bluemoon23 | GC? | [22:27] |
rg | people will consider trading with you | [22:27] |
neofutur | +1 | [22:27] |
mircea_popescu | basically bitcoin is where the destitute and urban poor meets the yuppies and ivy league kids | [22:27] |
vraa | gc = gift card | [22:27] |
nitetrader | [Trade] $100 Amazon Gift card code for your 15 BTC!($75) [2 Codes Left] Will go first | [22:27] |
zveda | urban poor use bitcoin ? | [22:28] |
nitetrader | come guys 100 for 75? | [22:28] |
bluemoon23 | damn | [22:28] |
nitetrader | :) | [22:28] |
rg | nitetrader: its not that its a bad deal | [22:28] |
zveda | who has more than 1000 bitcoins ? | [22:28] |
rg | no one wants it | [22:28] |
bluemoon23 | thats 100$ gift card for 15 what a jip | [22:28] |
rg | zveda: more than a few people here. | [22:28] |
black_rg | zveda: you'd have to be stupid to answer that question | [22:28] |
zveda | why? | [22:28] |
rg | ;;calc 15 * 4.50 | [22:28] |
gribble | 67.5 | [22:28] |
bluemoon23 | should be more like 20-25 bitcoins for that mnay giftcards | [22:28] |
nitetrader | yes why> | [22:28] |
rg | his deal is great | [22:29] |
bluemoon23 | yeah but not for him | [22:29] |
nitetrader | thanks^ | [22:29] |
nitetrader | I need BTC | [22:29] |
black_rg | zveda: i don't want anyone to know how wealthy i am because that opens me up to attacks | [22:29] |
rg | its $67.5 for $100 amazon gift card | [22:29] |
dizzler | now take my paypal and give me your bitcoins | [22:29] |
nitetrader | my desperation is your gain | [22:29] |
rg | how is that a jip? | [22:29] |
rg | lol | [22:29] |
* | bodom (~quassel@2001:1418:100:84a3::2) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [22:29] |
bluemoon23 | im saying he's getting jipped | [22:29] |
bluemoon23 | but o well | [22:29] |
jk9357 | I have a question, is it possible to fake somebodys rating here? | [22:29] |
zveda | man 1000 bitcoins is not exactly wealthy | [22:29] |
mircea_popescu | nope jk9357 | [22:29] |
rg | bluemoon23: anyone here selling a gift card | [22:29] |
rg | most likely got it for free | [22:29] |
dizzler | where can i buy 1000 blippityblipcoins | [22:29] |
rg | so its 100%profit | [22:29] |
luke-jr | jk9357: only for nanotube | [22:29] |
bluemoon23 | trye | [22:29] |
rg | hence hte price drop | [22:29] |
jk9357 | and 3 good and 0 negative is reliable? | [22:29] |
luke-jr | jk9357: not necessarily | [22:29] |
rg | people can offer that cause they just .. dont give a fuck:> | [22:29] |
zveda | who has more than 10,000 bitcoins? | [22:30] |
luke-jr | jk9357: but you get to make that call | [22:30] |
mircea_popescu | jk9357 somewhat, uyes. look there | [22:30] |
nitetrader | yea people usually get gift cards as gifts lol | [22:30] |
rg | zveda: umm | [22:30] |
rg | more than 5 people | [22:30] |
rg | a lot of the old guys arent here anymore though | [22:30] |
zveda | damn I wish I had that many | [22:30] |
rg | the ones with obscene amounts | [22:30] |
zveda | where did the old guys go? | [22:30] |
mircea_popescu | yes they are here. always watching. | [22:30] |
rg | life | [22:30] |
luke-jr | we just won't sell under $25 per BTC | [22:30] |
luke-jr | <.< | [22:30] |
zveda | they died? | [22:30] |
rg | life after IRC: the luke-jr story | [22:30] |
rg | on lifetime | [22:30] |
black_rg | typical luke-jr | [22:31] |
zveda | wow what happen to their bitcoins.. | [22:31] |
zveda | if they died | [22:31] |
rg | nothing | [22:31] |
rg | absoutely nothing | [22:31] |
luke-jr | zveda: you want to get their computer then | [22:31] |
* | payward has quit () | [22:31] |
zveda | man need to set up a bitcoin will | [22:31] |
rg | im a chump | [22:31] |
rg | i never have more than .. 240btc | [22:31] |
zveda | after 20 years I want my bitcoins transferred to a charity | [22:31] |
dizzler | i'll leave my flippidycoins to my child independantly thanks | [22:31] |
zveda | that 'solves' the problem of lost bitcoins | [22:31] |
luke-jr | new scamcoin? | [22:31] |
dizzler | all the rage | [22:32] |
zveda | yea if a bitcoin is not transferred for 10 years.. so it is idle.. it gets transferred to my account | [22:32] |
zveda | let's add that to the protocol | [22:32] |
mircea_popescu | ill admit it, he did pay back. I just didnt have a choice to use it to survive on the 1st of feb. These days I am not the most happy guy, and Im doing what I can to survive right now while take care of this. Thats why Ive been asking for anyone to help me get another job, thats why Im asking anyone with a way to help that still means I have to work (no free rides). | [22:33] |
zveda | no? | [22:33] |
mircea_popescu | no zveda. | [22:33] |
* | lyspooner (~chatzilla@unaffiliated/mpkomara) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [22:33] |
GlooBoy | ;;guiude | [22:33] |
gribble | I do not know about 'guiude', but I do know about these similar topics: 'guide' | [22:33] |
dizzler | pi coins are generated every log (sin x) seconds in flippidycoin | [22:34] |
dizzler | it's grounbreaking | [22:34] |
GlooBoy | ;;guide | [22:34] |
gribble | Guide to using #bitcoin-otc: | [22:34] |
rg | you know whats tubular | [22:35] |
rg | since i got USD working properly in WHMCS | [22:35] |
rg | i can add the USD customers to it now | [22:35] |
rg | and get a better grasp on teh company financies | [22:35] |
rg | financials* | [22:35] |
dizzler | seems legit | [22:35] |
black_rg | zveda: don't want to show too much: | [22:35] |
zveda | holy shit | [22:36] |
mircea_popescu | eee nice. | [22:36] |
omniflow | could anyone let me purchase a single bitcoin with paypal so I can get my first rating? | [22:36] |
rg | | [22:36] |
rg | ;;title | [22:36] |
gribble | (title |
[22:36] |
rg | ;;title | [22:36] |
gribble | Vanessa Williams - Save The Best For Last - YouTube | [22:36] |
rg | sometimes the sun goes round the mooooon | [22:36] |
rg | i see the passion in your eyes | [22:36] |
rg | some times its all a big surprise | [22:37] |
mircea_popescu | try sturles omniflow | [22:37] |
zveda | you are mining pretty slowly tho | [22:37] |
* | DandoReal_ITA has quit (Quit: Page closed) | [22:37] |
nitetrader | [Trade] $100 Amazon GC for your 15 BTC! [2 Codes Left] Will go first | [22:37] |
omniflow | I tried messaging him but he seems to be afk | [22:37] |
zveda | this must be a really really old pic | [22:37] |
black_rg | zveda: screenshot is from 2010 lol | [22:37] |
black_rg | it's in cold storage now | [22:37] |
dizzler | ;;calc 4.55*371,000 | [22:37] |
dizzler | ;;calc 4.55*371000 | [22:37] |
gribble | 1688050 | [22:37] |
dizzler | gribble read my commans | [22:38] |
omniflow | anyone else? I'll pay some extra over the market rate | [22:38] |
rg | ;;ticker | [22:38] |
gribble | Best bid: 4.53304, Best ask: 4.55857, Bid-ask spread: 0.02553, Last trade: 4.55857, 24 hour volume: 68725, 24 hour low: 4.3, 24 hour high: 4.68294 | [22:38] |
zveda | whatcha gonna do with it | [22:38] |
rg | dont answer that | [22:38] |
rg | what rate omni? | [22:38] |
rg | message me | [22:38] |
dizzler | yeah that's a screenshot with a usd value of 1.68 mil | [22:39] |
dizzler | i'd blur some shit too | [22:39] |
zveda | do u have as much outside of bitcoins ? | [22:39] |
bluemoon23 | ;;calc 4.55*12.20 | [22:39] |
dizzler | SEEMS KINDA PRIVATE zveda | [22:39] |
zveda | would be odd to keep such a large portion in btc | [22:39] |
zveda | iono | [22:39] |
* | yossarian_ ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [22:39] |
nitetrader | [Trade] $100 Amazon Gift Card for your 15 BTC! [2 Codes Left] Will go first | [22:40] |
dizzler | i am buying btc with paypal | [22:40] |
zveda | altho I have heard bitcoin advertised as "your own private swiss bank" so from that point of view it makes sense | [22:40] |
splatster | GLBSE better get its shit together. | [22:40] |
rg | ;;market sell 371000 | [22:41] |
gribble | A market order to sell 371000 bitcoins right now would net 895904.4190 USD and would take the last price down to 1.1500 USD. | [22:41] |
splatster | ;;market sell 21000000 | [22:41] |
zveda | damn | [22:41] |
gribble | A market order to sell 21000000 bitcoins right now would net 1141531.3394 USD and would take the last price down to 0.0000 USD. | [22:41] |
rg | ;;rate omniflow 1 first trade, i sent him 1 btc, he sent me USD | [22:42] |
gribble | Rating entry successful. Your rating of 1 for user omniflow has been recorded. | [22:42] |
zveda | I would have thought a lot of the early adopters sold a lot of their btc by now no? | [22:43] |
zveda | it'd be nice perhaps if the btc were more spread out | [22:43] |
CaptainDDL | I wonder how many cashed out when BTC was at $30+ | [22:43] |
zveda | but the top 100 wallets list doesnt seem to be showing that | [22:43] |
bluemoon23 | how many post do u have to have to start a thread in the marketplace? | [22:43] |
* | bodom has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | [22:44] |
omniflow | ;;rate rg 1 helped me with my first trade, I sent him 5 usd, he sent me 1 btc | [22:44] |
gribble | Rating entry successful. Your rating of 1 for user rg has been recorded. | [22:44] |
rg | [22:45] | |
rg | doubtful | [22:45] |
rg | the early adopters understand that their selling the btc would bankrupt btc | [22:45] |
pigeons | zveda: I cashed out 30,000 BTC for .50 usd, cause i thought it was a fluke that it was over .01 | [22:46] |
zveda | well it would bring the price down.. why bankrupt? | [22:46] |
Blitzboom | pigeons: oh man | [22:46] |
Blitzboom | did you have some left? | [22:46] |
pigeons | no, but i needed the money | [22:46] |
nitetrader | [Trade] $100 Amazon Gift Card for your 15 BTC! | [22:46] |
* | EasyAt has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) | [22:47] |
lyspooner | why did you need the money | [22:47] |
mcorlett | pigeons: How were you feeling last June? | [22:47] |
Cusipzzz | .50 was a bubble... went back to .17-.22 for a while | [22:48] |
pigeons | mcorlett: i'm over it now | [22:48] |
omniflow | wonder how much reputation I need until I can buy like 100 bitcoins at a time o_O | [22:48] |
Blitzboom | Cusipzzz: LOL | [22:48] |
omniflow | this chat-like market is really cool though | [22:48] |
pigeons | lyspooner: i needed the money because i preferred selling bitcoins to working | [22:48] |
Blitzboom | this bubble thing is quite funny | [22:48] |
Blitzboom | hey lyspooner | [22:48] |
rg | ;;calc 30000 * .50 | [22:48] |
gribble | 15000 | [22:48] |
bruzum | omniflow: hi, welcome | [22:48] |
omniflow | feels so much more human than the automatic exchanges | [22:48] |
dizzler | you mean this inseder trading | [22:48] |
nitetrader | [Trade] $100 Amazon Gift Card for your 15 BTC! [2 Codes Left] Will go first | [22:48] |
Blitzboom | lyspooner: how is it going | [22:48] |
rg | bet you hate your life now pigeons | [22:48] |
Cusipzzz | Blitzboom: it was...all 5 people in the channel agreed that .22 was an insanely high price. :) | [22:48] |
CaptainDDL | ;;tell bluemoon23 [guide] | [22:48] |
rg | llcakc 30000 * 5.00 | [22:48] |
rg | you coulda cashed out $1k/wk | [22:49] |
Joric | buying frenzy | [22:49] |
rg | ;;ticker | [22:49] |
gribble | Best bid: 4.55157, Best ask: 4.57915, Bid-ask spread: 0.02758, Last trade: 4.57915, 24 hour volume: 69856, 24 hour low: 4.3, 24 hour high: 4.68294 | [22:49] |
Blitzboom | Cusipzzz: that’s because they sold their bitcoins | [22:49] |
pigeons | well, i'll be back one day, smarter and stronger | [22:49] |
lyspooner | Hello Blitboom and friends | [22:49] |
Cusipzzz | lol | [22:49] |
lyspooner | blitzboom | [22:49] |
* | Clipse-b has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) | [22:49] |
Joric | almost nobody sells | [22:49] |
Blitzboom | and hoped for lower prices | [22:49] |
black_rg | pigeons: there is a huge black hole in your posting history between march 20, 2010, and march 21, 2011 | [22:49] |
Blitzboom | Joric: orly. had a look at volumes recently? | [22:49] |
rg | we all fall down | [22:49] |
rg | like | [22:49] |
rg | toy soldiers | [22:49] |
Cusipzzz | pretty sure there is a seller for each buy, i may be wrong however | [22:50] |
pigeons | black_rg: yep, i gave up on bitcoins then | [22:50] |
splatster | Hey! I've got an idea! STOP SELLING BELOW $5! | [22:50] |
* | yossarian_ has quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) | [22:50] |
nitetrader | [Trade] $100 Amazon GC for your 15 BTC!($75) [2 Codes Left] Will go first | [22:50] |
Joric | Blitzboom, i'm watching this it's mostly buys | [22:50] |
nitetrader | | [22:50] |
lyspooner | If anyone wants to sell bitcoins for cash, I will help. PM for details. 1000 BTC minimum | [22:50] |
mcorlett | ;;getrating [ident lyspooner] | [22:50] |
gribble | This user has not yet been rated. Currently not authenticated. | [22:50] |
mcorlett | Sounds legit. | [22:51] |
Blitzboom | lyspooner accumulating as always | [22:51] |
grubles | rg: did you need me for something? | [22:51] |
Blitzboom | mcorlett: he is legit | [22:51] |
rg | yes | [22:51] |
rg | talk on aim | [22:51] |
lyspooner | do i have to be authenticated now for others to see my rating? | [22:51] |
mircea_popescu | lyspooner is legit. | [22:51] |
lyspooner | oh hello there buna sera | [22:51] |
mircea_popescu | no, but you have to be authenticated fo others to see its really you. | [22:51] |
rg | hey draco49 | [22:52] |
rg | you here matey? | [22:52] |
dizzler | ;;ident dizzler | [22:52] |
gribble | Nick 'dizzler', with hostmask 'dizzler!~dirkdizzl@unaffiliated/aeon/x-3095533', is identified as user jcpham, with GPG key id C71FB5ED6ACE04AF, and key fingerprint F7299BD73879E866613EAB24C71FB5ED6ACE04AF. | [22:52] |
nitetrader | how do you authenticate? | [22:52] |
dizzler | ^ | [22:52] |
rg | ;;tell nitetrader [guide] | [22:52] |
bitfoo | ;;ident nitetrader | [22:52] |
gribble | Nick 'nitetrader', with hostmask 'nitetrader!628f0bf4@gateway/web/freenode/ip.', is identified as user nitetrader, with GPG key id D110C51525D201F9, and key fingerprint 505A883FF30CF054BA6AFC3DD110C51525D201F9. | [22:52] |
occulta | ;;ticker | [22:52] |
rg | we didnt start the fire | [22:52] |
lyspooner | what is the Wild West analog of authenticating during the Gold Rush? | [22:52] |
bitfoo | nitetrader: you're already authenticated | [22:52] |
* | dwon (~dwon@ has joined #bitcoin-otc | [22:52] |
* | [phraust] is now known as phraust | [22:53] |
mircea_popescu | showing your face ? | [22:53] |
nitetrader | ok | [22:53] |
lyspooner | showing your posse | [22:53] |
lyspooner | ? | [22:53] |
phraust | Signing "x" on a line. | [22:53] |
mircea_popescu | well not every banker went around with a posse | [22:53] |
ne0futur | showing your gun and killing natives ? | [22:53] |
bluemoon23 | gpg --gen-key | [22:53] |
ne0futur | bluemoon23: noy here, in a shell | [22:54] |
phraust | Branding your initials on your cattle? | [22:54] |
* | copumpkin (~copumpkin@unaffiliated/copumpkin) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [22:54] |
* | ChanServ gives voice to copumpkin | [22:54] |
splatster | I cut my neck shaving this morning. I hate it when you just can't get it to stop bleeding :/ | [22:55] |
zveda | surely the price was manipulated at $5 tho | [22:55] |
* | comboy has quit (Quit: No Ping reply in 180 seconds.) | [22:55] |
zveda | i assumed some btc fairy godmother did it | [22:55] |
zveda | just before that long period of stability, it was extremely volatile | [22:56] |
splatster | Hey, I think I got this damn SSD to stop being possessed! | [22:56] |
splatster | I thought I was going to be out a couple hundred dollars. | [22:57] |
rg | draco40 | [22:57] |
rg | draco49 | [22:57] |
rg | i command you as your VPS provider to come alive | [22:57] |
rg | now | [22:57] |
bluemoon23 | hey | [22:58] |
omniflow | anyone want to sell me a number (<20) of bitcoins, via paypal? I'll pay preferably with EUR (3.6€/BTC) but USD okay too (4.7$ / BTC). I have now one positive rating thanks to rg :) | [22:58] |
bluemoon23 | how do i register here | [22:58] |
bluemoon23 | i read the henkery | [22:58] |
rg | bluemoon23: i already showed you the guide | [22:58] |
bluemoon23 | i read the guide | [22:59] |
rg | do you need the URL again? | [22:59] |
bluemoon23 | i typed what it said | [22:59] |
Graet | splatster, - now you know why neckbeards are so popular :P | [22:59] |
gamambel | i sell up to 200 btc for ukash/paysafecard at 4€/BTC | [22:59] |
bluemoon23 | Error: The "GPG" plugin is loaded, but there is no command named "---list" in it. Try "list GPG" to see the commands in the "GPG" plugin. | [22:59] |
rg | you dont type it into IRC man | [22:59] |
splatster | heh | [22:59] |
draco49 | rg: yo! | [22:59] |
bluemoon23 | the gribble bot | [22:59] |
bluemoon23 | is where i typed | [22:59] |
rg | draco49: i would like to pay you back | [22:59] |
rg | and make another purchase | [22:59] |
draco49 | lol sure | [22:59] |
chwergy | anyone played bitcoin minefield? | [23:00] |
bruzum | no | [23:00] |
bruzum | what is it | [23:00] |
chwergy | | [23:00] |
* | Cablesaurus has quit (Quit: Few women admit their age. Few men act theirs.) | [23:00] |
omniflow | nobody wants to sell via paypal because the transactions are reversable, right? | [23:00] |
chwergy | ^^ my referral link :3 | [23:01] |
chwergy | not *nobody* but yes | [23:01] |
rg | ;;ticker | [23:01] |
gribble | Best bid: 4.55303, Best ask: 4.5876, Bid-ask spread: 0.03457, Last trade: 4.56999, 24 hour volume: 70459, 24 hour low: 4.3, 24 hour high: 4.68294 | [23:01] |
rg | ;;calc 16.00 / 4.55 | [23:01] |
gribble | 3.51648351648 | [23:01] |
bluemoon23 | you cant register in irc? | [23:01] |
* | payward ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [23:01] |
bluemoon23 | where? | [23:02] |
neofutur | bluemoon23: /join #greibble for help | [23:02] |
payward | anyone have like 300 NMC they want to sell for 2 BTC? | [23:02] |
neofutur | oups #gribble | [23:02] |
* | Clipse ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [23:02] |
* | pho| has quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) | [23:02] |
bluemoon23 | im there | [23:03] |
* | ineededausername has quit (Quit: Page closed) | [23:03] |
omniflow | Okay. Buying 10 bitcoins via paypal, I'm offering you a little over the market rate, 5$/BTC to compensate for paypal's sucky return policies :] | [23:03] |
Graet | ;;getrating payward | [23:03] |
gribble | This user has not yet been rated. Currently not authenticated. | [23:03] |
chwergy | ;;getrating omniflow | [23:03] |
gribble | User omniflow, created on Sun Mar 25 12:42:04 2012. Cumulative rating 1, from 1 total ratings. Received ratings: 1 positive, 0 negative. Sent ratings: 1 positive, 0 negative. Details: Currently authenticated from hostmask omniflow!58729d40@gateway/web/freenode/ip. | [23:03] |
* | Arc_ is now known as a5m0 | [23:04] |
* | a5m0 has quit (Changing host) | [23:04] |
* | a5m0 (~Arc@unaffiliated/a5m0) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [23:04] |
* | yossarian_ ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [23:04] |
chwergy | bitcoin minefield is a sort of bitcoin betting game, you could probably win a lot if you use hedging. | [23:05] |
* | phraust is now known as [phraust] | [23:05] |
* | emmanuelux (~emmanuel@2a01:e35:2e4d:9010:21d:60ff:fe0e:b818) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [23:05] |
bluemoon23 | rhg | [23:07] |
bluemoon23 | rg | [23:07] |
Raccoon | chwergy: how many blocks need to be cleared to win? | [23:07] |
dizzler | ;;ticker | [23:08] |
gribble | Best bid: 4.54308, Best ask: 4.59292, Bid-ask spread: 0.04984, Last trade: 4.59292, 24 hour volume: 70722, 24 hour low: 4.3, 24 hour high: 4.68294 | [23:08] |
omniflow | ;;buy 5 BTC at 5 USD paypal | [23:09] |
gribble | Order id 7374 created. | [23:09] |
mircea_popescu | wow price already popped back to 4.6 | [23:09] |
mircea_popescu | incredibly elastic this bitcoin | [23:09] |
rg | someone help bluemoon sign up | [23:10] |
rg | i have too much work to do to help him | [23:10] |
lyspooner | mircea_popescu, elastic in what way | [23:10] |
CaptainDDL | bluemoon23, here's a video tutorial | [23:10] |
mircea_popescu | pops right back up | [23:11] |
chwergy | none, you can cash out whenever you want to | [23:11] |
rg | ;;ticker | [23:11] |
gribble | Best bid: 4.54302, Best ask: 4.56, Bid-ask spread: 0.01698, Last trade: 4.57292, 24 hour volume: 70625, 24 hour low: 4.3, 24 hour high: 4.68294 | [23:11] |
chwergy | and choose amount of mines | [23:11] |
dwon | mircea_popescu: I know. Over the last few months, the price has actually been pretty stable. It's much different from how I remember it being in November-January. | [23:11] |
mircea_popescu | options ftw :D | [23:12] |
imsaguy | rg, you were buying btc? | [23:12] |
* | ovidiusoft has quit (Quit: Ex-Chat) | [23:12] |
draco49 | ;;rate rg 2 Bought some burgers with BTC. A+++++ | [23:14] |
gribble | Rating entry successful. Your rating of 2 for user rg has been recorded. | [23:14] |
* | androSnake (~jhfkmuzj@unaffiliated/androsnake) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [23:16] |
nitetrader | I have a $100 Amazon Gift Code for 15 BTC | [23:16] |
* | wazzootieman has quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) | [23:17] |
* | androSnake has quit (Client Quit) | [23:17] |
Graet | payward, if you arent in too much of as hurry and ident with the bot i will in a few hours when i wake up :) | [23:17] |
dizzler | WTB MTGOXUSD/bitcoin for Paypal | [23:18] |
* | wazzootieman (~wazzootie@ has joined #bitcoin-otc | [23:18] |
rg | imsaguy | [23:19] |
rg | yeah | [23:19] |
rg | $200 worth | [23:19] |
imsaguy | oh good, grubles wants to sell some | [23:19] |
grubles | yeah, not $200 worth though | [23:19] |
grubles | ;;ident grubles | [23:19] |
gribble | Nick 'grubles', with hostmask 'grubles!~grubles@unaffiliated/grubles', is identified as user grubles, with GPG key id 56B7AB94A71EA99F, and key fingerprint 7B0D607C91ADB1E9DCDEE50556B7AB94A71EA99F. | [23:19] |
grubles | wheres my dang ol +v | [23:19] |
rg | yeah i dunno, i havent really been looking for people | [23:20] |
rg | cause its a friend who owes me $200 | [23:20] |
rg | i fig ured id just have him get btc | [23:20] |
rg | but its been a ballache | [23:20] |
dizzler | grubles should sell it to me then | [23:20] |
rg | my balls literally ache from trying to buy btc here | [23:20] |
imsaguy | yeah, blueballs can suck | [23:20] |
grubles | lol | [23:20] |
grubles | you can always rub one out and feel better though | [23:20] |
grubles | ;;voiceme | [23:21] |
* | gribble gives voice to grubles | [23:21] |
Blitzboom | rg: haha | [23:21] |
rg | we need some new blood | [23:21] |
rg | people with a million btc | [23:21] |
grubles | dizzler: how many are you buying | [23:21] |
rg | who wanna sell | [23:21] |
rg | constantly | [23:21] |
rg | like gigavps used to be | [23:21] |
dizzler | whatever is for sale really | [23:21] |
rg | he used to buy/sell ALWAYS | [23:21] |
rg | any time of day | [23:21] |
dizzler | obviously less than 200 | [23:21] |
rg | he would buy or sell btc to you | [23:21] |
rg | ;;getrating gigavps | [23:21] |
gribble | User gigavps, created on Fri Nov 11 11:47:27 2011. Cumulative rating 205, from 81 total ratings. Received ratings: 81 positive, 0 negative. Sent ratings: 84 positive, 0 negative. Details: Currently not authenticated. | [23:21] |
grubles | yeah giga was the bossman | [23:22] |
rg | sounds about right | [23:22] |
grubles | until his pp was deactivated | [23:22] |
rg | he was more active than the other guy | [23:22] |
rg | umm | [23:22] |
grubles | and im not talking about his ding dong | [23:22] |
rg | ahkhan08 | [23:22] |
rg | that dude put his life savings into btc | [23:22] |
rg | he uh ... doesnt come round much anymore;> | [23:22] |
mircea_popescu | i thought blueballs weren't sucked enough, imsaguy | [23:22] |
grubles | mircea_popescu: hiyoooo | [23:23] |
imsaguy | lack of suckage can cause blueballs, having blueballs can suck | [23:23] |
mircea_popescu | heya. | [23:23] |
rg | getting your balls sucked while having blueballs would probably kill | [23:23] |
rg | like really bad | [23:23] |
mircea_popescu | rg some people like it i hear | [23:23] |
draco49 | That's correct mircea_popescu. Blueballs is the result of testicular neglect. | [23:23] |
grubles | ill have to wait until pirate comes back to sell my coins | [23:23] |
dizzler | 10/4 | [23:24] |
* | pho| (~pho@unaffiliated/pho/x-6551342) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [23:25] |
mircea_popescu | anyway, rg, the trouble's the price. i used to always buy back when it was 2.x | [23:25] |
mircea_popescu | at 4.x... meh. not so much. | [23:26] |
nitetrader | $100 USD Amazon Gift Card for 15 BTC will go first | [23:26] |
* | jk9357 has quit (Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.) | [23:27] |
mircea_popescu | 0.0 | [23:27] |
mircea_popescu | wtf is that. | [23:27] |
draco49 | wtfiw? | [23:28] |
rg | no one wants your romanian funny money | [23:28] |
rg | :) | [23:28] |
rg | colored money... what a scam | [23:28] |
draco49 | It's all shiny with foil holograms on it... | [23:29] |
mircea_popescu | actually romanian money is some seriousl;y top of the line stuff | [23:29] |
mircea_popescu | 1st country in the world to use plastic iirc | [23:29] |
mcorlett | mircea_popescu: I call BS. | [23:30] |
rg | cause theres so many scammers | [23:30] |
mircea_popescu | i am serious. | [23:30] |
draco49 | | [23:30] |
draco49 | lol | [23:30] |
mcorlett | mircea_popescu: When are you returning to the US and A? | [23:30] |
rg | lol | [23:31] |
rg | when you searc hfor new romanian money | [23:31] |
* | pierreghz ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [23:31] |
rg | pictures of machine guns and shit come up | [23:31] |
mircea_popescu | once the liberals get deported to outer space | [23:31] |
vragnaroda | rg: lol | [23:31] |
vragnaroda | mircea_popescu: By liberal, you mean illiberal, right? | [23:31] |
mircea_popescu | | [23:31] |
* | ageis has quit (Quit: | [23:31] |
rg | not even kidding | [23:31] |
mircea_popescu | that's the romanian natl bank | [23:31] |
rg |,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.,cf.osb&fp=ad0f123769cd5ea2&biw=1402&bih=836 | [23:31] |
* | jjjrmy (84aad8e7@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc | [23:31] |
dwon | Canada's $100 bills are plastic: | [23:31] |
rg | canada is the man | [23:31] |
jjjrmy | | [23:32] |
mircea_popescu | that's the complete list | [23:32] |
mircea_popescu | yes dwobn, but romania uses all plastic since iirc 2003 | [23:32] |
* | ageis ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [23:32] |
dwon | mircea_popescu: oh, wow | [23:32] |
mircea_popescu | and literally, was 1st country to try the polimer instead of paper | [23:32] |
draco49 | The US doesn't use paper. | [23:32] |
nitetrader | $100 USD Amazon Gift Card for 15 BTC will go first | [23:32] |
* | gribble gives voice to ageis | [23:32] |
draco49 | It's a fabric. | [23:33] |
mircea_popescu | it uses a linen papery thing | [23:33] |
draco49 | They call it rag. | [23:33] |
rg | its paper-cotton | [23:33] |
rg | and i think its A OK | [23:33] |
vragnaroda | [20:32] <+ draco49> | The US doesn't use paper. <-- Bullshit. | [23:33] |
draco49 | Thank you for your input vragnaroda. | [23:34] |
vragnaroda | Just because it comes from cotton doesn't mean it isn't plant fiber. | [23:34] |
jjjrmy | rg: you should buy some of our cards :) | [23:34] |
rg | i hope they bring ketchup | [23:34] |
rg | with my food | [23:34] |
rg | we has none | [23:34] |
mircea_popescu | make some | [23:34] |
* | easystevey (48e715d4@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc | [23:34] |
vragnaroda | Wood pulp paper is not the only paper. | [23:34] |
rg | dont patronize me | [23:34] |
lyspooner | mircea_popescu: is that a new banner ad you're running? | [23:34] |
nitetrader | $100 USD Amazon Gift Card for 15 BTC will go first | [23:34] |
mircea_popescu | which "that" lyspooner ? | [23:34] |
dwon | jjjrmy: Why would it have an expiry date? | [23:34] |
draco49 | So at where's the line between paper and fabric? | [23:35] |
lyspooner | M.P.O.E. Options Trading. | [23:35] |
jjjrmy | dwon: it doesn't. It's only for companies that want that. | [23:35] |
mircea_popescu | that's been there since last month :p | [23:35] |
lyspooner | your arbitrary placement of periods displeases me | [23:35] |
* | vraa has quit (Quit: Leaving) | [23:35] |
dwon | jjjrmy: so, it's not the private key underneath the seal? | [23:35] |
vragnaroda | draco49: The notion that there's a line between them is flawed. | [23:35] |
mircea_popescu | vragnaroda goes around dressed in paper all the time :D | [23:35] |
jjjrmy | dwon: no, it's al ink ot our site where you redeem. | [23:35] |
vragnaroda | All paper is fabric. Not all fabric is paper. | [23:36] |
jjjrmy | dwon: you don't have to redeem all that's on the card, just like a moneypak | [23:36] |
draco49 | vragnaroda, So yours is an existential argument... | [23:36] |
mircea_popescu | lmao arbitrary rules! | [23:36] |
lyspooner | and it doesn't say bitcoin anywhere in the ad | [23:36] |
nitetrader | $100 USD Amazon Gift Card for 15 BTC will go first | [23:37] |
jjjrmy | ;;calc 15btc | [23:37] |
vragnaroda | draco49: Paper is any sheet material made by draining cellulose fiber from a water/fiber suspension. | [23:37] |
* | weex has quit (Quit: leaving) | [23:37] |
dwon | jjjrmy: I think if I were buying a "gift card" with bitcoins on it, I'd use bitbills, not something that disappears if you go out of business | [23:37] |
jjjrmy | dwon: we'll be here FOREVER | [23:37] |
nitetrader | I am selling an Amazon Gift Code for 15 BTC | [23:38] |
dwon | jjjrmy: hahahaha, sure you will. Just like everyone else. | [23:38] |
* | hngryhngryhippo has quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) | [23:38] |
Graet | inmcluding bitbills.... | [23:38] |
mcorlett | dwon: I agree. | [23:38] |
mircea_popescu | what if the water is drained instead vragnaroda ? | [23:38] |
draco49 | So a 'material' that is 75% cotton and 25% linen is 'paper' to you? | [23:38] |
dwon | jjjrmy: I mean I hope so, but the stats aren't great on that for any new business | [23:38] |
mircea_popescu | lyspooner it is a bitcoin site tho. | [23:38] |
bluemoon23 | ;;getrating bluemoon23 | [23:38] |
* | Arc_ ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [23:39] |
* | a5m0 has quit (Disconnected by services) | [23:39] |
CaptainDDL | jjjrmy, will you be having someone sell your cards for USD/paypal, ie the casascius coins? | [23:39] |
vragnaroda | mircea_popescu: I don't see a semantic difference there. Draining water from something and draining something from the water mean the same activity (separating the solid from the liquid). | [23:39] |
jjjrmy | CaptainDDL: eventually | [23:39] |
lyspooner | well for over a year, all the ads were about Forex trading | [23:40] |
lyspooner | so i see an add about options, i figure they are forex options | [23:40] |
lyspooner | *ad | [23:40] |
mircea_popescu | lyspooner forex options ?! | [23:40] |
vragnaroda | mircea_popescu: The only possibility I can see for a semantic difference there is if you're talking about using the water instead of the cellulose fiber for the production of paper. | [23:40] |
Cusipzzz | wait so the bitcoin giftcards are not real bitcoin keys? | [23:40] |
vragnaroda | (which seems counterreality :p) | [23:40] |
mircea_popescu | vragnaroda still :p | [23:40] |
* | weex (~weex@fsf/member/weex) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [23:40] |
CaptainDDL | jjjrmy: cool. so I assume that the card has the private key on it, so will somebody be able to redeem your giftcards independently, ie through mtgox? | [23:41] |
* | Arc_ is now known as a5m0 | [23:41] |
* | a5m0 has quit (Changing host) | [23:41] |
* | a5m0 (~Arc@unaffiliated/a5m0) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [23:41] |
mircea_popescu | yeah... i guess maybe that confusion could be made lyspooner. a well, better ad next time | [23:41] |
jjjrmy | Cusipzzz: No, the privatekey is on our site | [23:41] |
mircea_popescu | (ofcourse if you look closely there's a btc/usd in the background) | [23:41] |
draco49 | I think it's neither paper nor textile, but instead a 'wet-laid nonwoven'. | [23:41] |
Cusipzzz | jjjrmy: ah, ok. no thanks. | [23:41] |
nitetrader | I have a $100 USD Amazon Gift Card for 15 BTC will go first | [23:41] |
jjjrmy | Cusipzzz: Imageine it like a moneypak | [23:42] |
CaptainDDL | ah, so if you got hacked everybodys cards would be worthless | [23:42] |
CaptainDDL | damn :( | [23:42] |
jjjrmy | CaptainDDL: no, because the coins are hidden ;) | [23:42] |
Cusipzzz | jjri get it, but not very comforting that it's just a db entry, you can bernake as many as you want :) | [23:42] |
smickles | mircea_popescu: is your next mpoe offering beginning on April fools day? | [23:42] |
jjjrmy | Cusipzzz: no, it is backed. So we will have the coins in stock. | [23:42] |
mircea_popescu | no, friday the 30th, ends april 6 | [23:43] |
jjjrmy | we have a large supply of coins to back these | [23:43] |
a5m0 | if the privkey was on it, mtgox has a "enter privkey" option | [23:43] |
CaptainDDL | jjjrmy, please consider having a version where people get the private keys, that would be the only way I would ever buy one | [23:43] |
jjjrmy | okay | [23:43] |
a5m0 | CaptainDDL, that seems safer, but if someone else still has the privkey... they can still spend it too | [23:43] |
Cusipzzz | jjjrmy: i believe you, others may not so easily. at least with casascious, anyone can redeem independently | [23:43] |
jjjrmy | Cusipzzz: correct. But the reason why we don't want to include the pub/priv address is so that you can't reload them | [23:44] |
mircea_popescu | i still don't understand why would i be wanting these. | [23:45] |
Cusipzzz | jjjrmy: good luck with it. i imagine it will go over as well as redeemable codes | [23:45] |
Cusipzzz | mircea_popescu: exactly | [23:45] |
jjjrmy | Cusipzzz: I wouldn't destroy my trust like that. | [23:45] |
* | Cablesaurus ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [23:45] |
* | Cablesaurus has quit (Changing host) | [23:45] |
* | Cablesaurus (~IceChat77@unaffiliated/cablesaurus) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [23:45] |
Cusipzzz | jjjrmy: i may believe you, others, not so much | [23:45] |
dwon | jjjrmy: Sure, but shit happens. You're unnecessarily making us all trust you not to get hacked, etc. | [23:45] |
Cusipzzz | jacked, run over, airplane crash, etc | [23:46] |
CaptainDDL | a5m0: yeah, the trust of the seller is a judgement call, my biggest concern would be him going bankrupt and my coins going with it | [23:46] |
Graet | he's not making anyone do anything, he is offering a service | [23:46] |
Graet | ppl are free to use it or not... | [23:46] |
jjjrmy | i have a contract with dhw that he will take over if I die | [23:46] |
mcorlett | You could just make them redeemable without the need for a third party. | [23:46] |
Graet | gl with it jjjrmy bitcoin needs more ppl doing stuff to promote it rather than pull down ppls efforts :) | [23:47] |
gamambel | selling up to 200 btc for ukash/paysafecard at 4€/BTC | [23:47] |
nitetrader | I have a $100 USD Amazon Gift Card for 16 BTC will go first | [23:47] |
a5m0 | CaptainDDL, can you update your rating of me to 'received' ? | [23:47] |
bluemoon23 | when i type gpg --gen-key dos it says "GPG --gen-key is not recognized as an internal or extrenal command, operable program or batch file. | [23:47] |
jjjrmy | gamambel: you should buy some of my cards :) | [23:48] |
CaptainDDL | oh yeah, forgot to update it, lemme authenticate | [23:48] |
omniflow | ;;rate sturles 1 sent me 2 BTC, I sent him 10.09 USD via paypal, without me having barely any rating. Very smooth, a++ | [23:48] |
gribble | Rating entry successful. Your rating of 1 for user sturles has been recorded. | [23:48] |
a5m0 | bluemoon23, are you on windows? | [23:48] |
mircea_popescu | bluemoon23 you need to install gpg | [23:49] |
mircea_popescu | glad it worked out omniflow | [23:49] |
dwon | jjjrmy: You should consider reselling bitbills, at least in addition to your gift cards, and make it clear that the latter do not contain the actual private keys. | [23:49] |
* | btcindia (ca869075@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc | [23:49] |
jjjrmy | dwon: no, Bitbills suck | [23:49] |
* | Dragonai (~dragonai@unaffiliated/dragonai) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [23:49] |
dwon | jjjrmy: the way you have it now, "Redeem at any bitcoin-accepting business", it seems kinda scammy, which I'm sure was not your intent. | [23:50] |
omniflow | mircea_popescu: yeah, I'm pretty excited with this bitcoin business right now :D | [23:50] |
dwon | jjjrmy: what's wrong with Bitbills? | [23:50] |
btcindia | Hi...I am from India...anyone can sell me BTC's | [23:50] |
jjjrmy | dwon: how is that scammy. BitBills shut down for like a long time. And they've offered to sell us their stuff too. | [23:50] |
neofutur | anyone here using windows ? bluemoon need to add the path to gnupg binary to use it in command prompt | [23:50] |
CaptainDDL | hostile takeover of -politics? | [23:50] |
neofutur | /join #gribble to help me helping him | [23:51] |
* | gribble gives voice to CaptainDDL | [23:51] |
bluemoon23 | a | [23:51] |
dwon | jjjrmy: It's scammy because it suggests that you're doing the same thing that Bitbills and Casascius did---selling actual bitcoin private keys---but you're not. It's also blatently not true: not every "bitcoin-accepting business" is going to accept your gift cards. | [23:51] |
* | wazzootieman has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) | [23:51] |
* | occulta has quit (Quit: KVIrc 4.1.1 Equilibrium | [23:51] |
jjjrmy | dwon: okay, I'll take your suggestions. But I'm not the only one running this | [23:52] |
nitetrader | $100 Amazon Gift Card for 16 btc | [23:52] |
draco49 | :/ | [23:52] |
* | JZavala ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [23:52] |
draco49 | it was 15BTC 2 screens ago... | [23:52] |
jjjrmy | nitetrader: 10 and we have a deal ;) | [23:52] |
nitetrader | jjjrmy:lol | [23:53] |
btcindia | I too can offer 10$ for the amazon gift card | [23:53] |
* | wazzootieman (~wazzootie@ has joined #bitcoin-otc | [23:53] |
draco49 | $10 for a $100 gift card is a good deal | [23:53] |
btcindia | I am selling medicines, at very good prices.....let me know | [23:53] |
btcindia | not 10$, sorry 10 BTC | [23:54] |
nitetrader | no its not $10 or 10 BTC its 16 BTC | [23:54] |
jjjrmy | nitetrader: why not have a bidding war in auctions? | [23:54] |
draco49 | got to #bitcoin-auctions | [23:54] |
nitetrader | because I cant wait for an auction to end I need coin badley to pay a debt I have 2 | [23:55] |
* | wut2 has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) | [23:55] |
nitetrader | I will let someone get both for 30 BTC | [23:55] |
nitetrader | or 16 each for $100 USD | [23:55] |
mircea_popescu | | [23:55] |
* | Shaded (~Shaded@unaffiliated/shaded) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [23:57] |
btcindia | Anyone can sell me BTC's...I am from India | [23:58] |
Category: Logs