Forum logs for 17 Jul 2014

Sunday, 24 November, Year 11 d.Tr. | Author: Mircea Popescu
* gfest (5f700e2b@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-assets [00:02]
* bitcoinpete has quit (Quit: bitcoinpete) [00:03]
* assbot removes voice from gabriel_laddel [00:04]
* assbot removes voice from gabridome [00:04]
* andreas_ ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [00:05]
BingoBoingo !up SuchWow [00:06]
* assbot gives voice to SuchWow [00:06]
BingoBoingo !up gfest [00:06]
* assbot gives voice to gfest [00:06]
BingoBoingo !up andreas_ [00:06]
* assbot gives voice to andreas_ [00:06]
BingoBoingo ~up gabridome [00:06]
* daybyter has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [00:06]
BingoBoingo !up gabridome [00:06]
* assbot gives voice to gabridome [00:06]
BingoBoingo !up gabriel_laddel [00:06]
* assbot gives voice to gabriel_laddel [00:06]
BingoBoingo %t [00:06]
atcbot [X-BT] Bid: 210 Ask: 242 Last Price: 210 24h-Vol: 35k High: 210 Low: 210 VWAP: 210 [00:06]
gfest no one here ? [00:07]
kakobrekla no one here what [00:08]
rithm knock knock [00:08]
BingoBoingo ;;bc,stats [00:08]
gribble Current Blocks: 311052 | Current Difficulty: 1.733631697850783E10 | Next Difficulty At Block: 312479 | Next Difficulty In: 1427 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 1 week, 1 day, 19 hours, 24 minutes, and 26 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: 18078433137.9 | Estimated Percent Change: 4.2807 [00:08]
gfest !jd [00:10]
assbot Just-Dice stat: 19098 BTC profit, 0.0k BTC invested, 1269.21 mio bets, 5.32 mio BTC wagered [00:10]
* davout (~davout@unaffiliated/davout) has joined #bitcoin-assets [00:16]
mike_c !satoshidice [00:17]
* assbot gives voice to davout [00:18]
* blackwhite has quit (Quit: blackwhite) [00:18]
davout !s mpex coming back [00:19]
assbot 1 results for 'mpex coming back' : [00:19]
mircea_popescu whoa ? [00:19]
mircea_popescu gabriel_laddel so who are you ? [00:19]
mircea_popescu davout working on it1 [00:19]
gabriel_laddel mircea_popescu: No one terribly interesting. [00:20]
davout :) [00:20]
* damier (~damier@unaffiliated/damier) has joined #bitcoin-assets [00:21]
* assbot gives voice to damier [00:22]
danielpbarron cool, huh? [00:23]
* Guest87852 has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) [00:23]
damier very groovy [00:23]
* kermit has quit (Quit: Leaving.) [00:24]
* ThickAsThieves ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [00:25]
* ThickAsThieves is now known as Guest80054 [00:25]
mircea_popescu ;;ticker [00:25]
gribble Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 614.79, Best ask: 616.8, Bid-ask spread: 2.01000, Last trade: 616.8, 24 hour volume: 5281.88574680, 24 hour low: 610.01, 24 hour high: 625.0, 24 hour vwap: 617.737429346 [00:25]
fluffypony mircea_popescu: I may have missed this in the logs, but what's the timeline on mpex not being kaput? [00:26]
* kermit (unknown@pdpc/supporter/bronze/kermit) has joined #bitcoin-assets [00:27]
mircea_popescu i missed it in the logs too ;/ [00:27]
mircea_popescu it was supposed to be monday. since then, an ever endless list of various issues, which i am taking care of one at a time, at the rate of about six to ten a day. [00:27]
fluffypony aight [00:28]
mircea_popescu eventually it's gonna run out of issues, because i'm not running out of days. [00:28]
fluffypony all the best :) [00:28]
gfest !e [00:30]
* akstunt600 has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [00:31]
* ak_ has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [00:31]
mike_c !mpif [00:31]
assbot F.MPIF Tracker estimated NAV per share: 0.00021704 BTC (Total: 474.63 BTC). Last trade for F.MPIF on MPEX was at 0.00023849 BTC [+] [00:31]
* akstunt600 ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [00:31]
* ak_ ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [00:32]
mircea_popescu ouch who lost wha [00:34]
* mius has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) [00:35]
* assbot removes voice from SuchWow [00:36]
* assbot removes voice from gfest [00:36]
* assbot removes voice from andreas_ [00:36]
* assbot removes voice from gabridome [00:36]
* assbot removes voice from gabriel_laddel [00:36]
* andreas_ has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) [00:38]
* bitstein (48b66859@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-assets [00:39]
* assbot gives voice to bitstein [00:40]
* assbot has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [00:44]
* assbot (~assbot@unaffiliated/kakobrekla/bot/assbot) has joined #bitcoin-assets [00:44]
* ChanServ gives voice to assbot [00:44]
* ChanServ gives channel operator status to assbot [00:44]
mircea_popescu << harvard edu isn't what it used to be [00:44]
assbot Ccbill Bitcoin | Exchange Bitcoin For Real Money [00:44]
mike_c !mpif [00:45]
assbot F.MPIF Tracker estimated NAV per share: 0.00021704 B (Total: 474.63 B). Delta: -0.65 B. Last trade for F.MPIF on MPEX was at 0.00023849 BTC [+] [00:45]
BingoBoingo lol [00:45]
mike_c ^ now w/ delta [00:45]
mircea_popescu [00:49]
assbot Why I want Bitcoin to die in a fire - Charlie's Diary [00:49]
mircea_popescu "let me tell you what i read on trilema six months ago, in my own words". [00:49]
* mius (~mius@gateway/tor-sasl/mius) has joined #bitcoin-assets [00:50]
mircea_popescu sadly the words in question are pretty fucking retarded. [00:51]
* mike_c has quit () [00:55]
* Skirmant has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) [00:55]
* nubbins` ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [00:57]
* chax (~chax@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [01:00]
* nubbins` has quit (Quit: quit) [01:05]
* JonathanVaage (~jonvaage@2607:fb90:b0a:476:519d:7f8a:f068:4d08) has joined #bitcoin-assets [01:11]
* mius has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) [01:11]
mircea_popescu hmm, anyone willing to do a $5 cc payment for me ? [01:12]
kakobrekla i can prolly [01:13]
* jonvaage has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds) [01:14]
fluffypony I can too [01:14]
* go1111111 has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [01:15]
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* JonathanVaage (~jonvaage@2607:fb90:b0a:476:cb8a:589d:b199:9d31) has joined #bitcoin-assets [01:17]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 2000 @ 0.00254563 = 5.0913 BTC [-] {18} [01:19]
* mius (~mius@gateway/tor-sasl/mius) has joined #bitcoin-assets [01:20]
* JonathanVaage has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [01:21]
* Pucilowski has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [01:22]
danielpbarron mircea_popescu, for BTC? me me! [01:23]
danielpbarron heh probably too late [01:23]
mircea_popescu thanks fluffypony danielpbarron, i'll hit you up if this fails or next time. [01:24]
* gabriel_laddel has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [01:24]
* akstunt600 has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [01:24]
* jMyles ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [01:24]
asciilifeform mircea_popescu: re: charlie stross << imagine if cockroaches could write, and one penned an essay on the harm of DDT. [01:24]
* akstunt600 ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [01:25]
asciilifeform would it read any differently ? [01:25]
benkay lolfarm: [01:25]
assbot How to Design a Knockout Bitcoin Mobile App | [01:25]
mircea_popescu asciilifeform i love the inanity of "carbon footprint", "gini index" and all the rest of the idiocy. [01:26]
mircea_popescu just like the guy i linked the other day, going nuts over someone having mocked him for wearing a gown, these idiots are so trapped in self-referrentiality that they imagine their shit is somehow universal. [01:26]
* Pucilowski (~pucilowsk@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [01:26]
mircea_popescu i deeply care that someone fixated on how things should be pink and round dislikes my computer for being so unpink and nonround. [01:27]
asciilifeform mircea_popescu: don't forget: 'stable governance!' [01:27]
mircea_popescu asciilifeform even funnier, because well... stable is ambiguous. [01:27]
asciilifeform lol [01:27]
asciilifeform [01:28]
asciilifeform ^ stable governance [01:28]
mircea_popescu right ? [01:28]
* arij_ has quit (Changing host) [01:32]
* arij_ (~arij@unaffiliated/arij) has joined #bitcoin-assets [01:32]
* arij_ is now known as arij [01:32]
asciilifeform these folks will indeed 'upgrade' any computer they're left alone with to 'pink and round.' [01:33]
* jadne is now known as iluvfedoras [01:35]
asciilifeform 'progressive' algo: 1) infiltrate everything 2) ??? 3) profit 4) begin to get euchred out of the driver's seat 5) wreck it all from spite 6) blame wreckage on вредители. [01:36]
asciilifeform we're well into (5) but perhaps it remains possible to throw a wrench in (6) [01:36]
mircea_popescu !up iluvfedoras [01:39]
-assbot- You voiced iluvfedoras for 30 minutes. [01:39]
* assbot gives voice to iluvfedoras [01:39]
* moiety (~moiety@unaffiliated/moiety) has joined #bitcoin-assets [01:39]
mircea_popescu this idea that the progressive's in the driver seat is weird. [01:39]
mircea_popescu moiety where've you been! [01:39]
BingoBoingo !up moiety [01:39]
* assbot gives voice to moiety [01:39]
moiety :] [01:42]
moiety short version: life fucking ducks [01:42]
moiety sucks also [01:42]
mircea_popescu wha happened ? [01:42]
moiety i have been reading logs [01:42]
moiety i dunno, i have this condition where the rug cannot seem to be able to stay underneath me for any length of time. [01:43]
kakobrekla is that some metaphor or literal? [01:43]
moiety metaphor...i never get as far as having a real rug :P [01:44]
BingoBoingo ;;later tell nubbins` Do you print rugs? [01:45]
gribble The operation succeeded. [01:45]
mircea_popescu ok well, i need a bunch of secretarial stuff done. you game ? [01:45]
moiety lol BB [01:46]
moiety sure what you needing done mircea_popescu? [01:46]
kakobrekla there is this thing that you can put under the rug to make it non slippery [01:46]
kakobrekla saw it in IKEA. [01:47]
bitstein <+moiety> short version: life fucking ducks << Yikes. [01:48]
assbot Duck Rape | [01:48]
moiety i need it! lol i dont even care about the damn rug. i'm just trying to secure a spo for the rug to stay at.. if that makes sense [01:48]
moiety spot* [01:48]
kakobrekla oh you on the move again? [01:48]
moiety not if i can help it. i love the sex weeks flat [01:49]
mircea_popescu lol what the hell happened ther.e [01:49]
* gabriel_laddel (~user@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [01:49]
moiety bitstein: well... um.. thanks... i havent ever been frightened of ducks before... [01:49]
* princessnell ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [01:50]
* chax has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [01:50]
mthreat [01:50]
assbot Bitfuture Contract Platform [01:50]
* chax (~chax@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [01:51]
moiety life happened mircea_popescu ... just keeps happening. [01:51]
kakobrekla dat bastard. [01:52]
* princessnell has quit (Changing host) [01:52]
* princessnell (~princessn@unaffiliated/princessnell) has joined #bitcoin-assets [01:52]
mircea_popescu mthreat backed by ? [01:53]
kakobrekla Created by Jake Boggan and Tim Parilla [01:53]
kakobrekla [01:53]
assbot Bitfuture Contract Platform | About Us [01:53]
kakobrekla fail link to linkedin [01:53]
* assbot gives voice to princessnell [01:53]
kakobrekla for both [01:53]
mircea_popescu heh. [01:54]
BingoBoingo ;;8ball [01:54]
gribble Maybe... [01:54]
* chax has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [01:55]
BingoBoingo %ob [01:55]
atcbot 722@279 30k@278 43k@242 | 215k@210 200k@202 45k@201 [01:55]
BingoBoingo ;;google manul taking a poop [01:56]
gribble Nigger Owner's Manual: ; Taking that shit to the next level - Imgur: ; constipation - Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine: [01:56]
penguirker New blog post: [01:56]
dub wat [01:56]
mircea_popescu "Gail insinuates that Albert Bates is an environmentalist hypocrite because he flies a lot. Albert does travel a lot but goes to great personal effort to physically mitigate carbon from his travel footprint, and this is obvious from even a cursory glance at his website. Overall, he is very much carbon-negative, while Gail goes on aimless drives through the countryside in her gigantic, gas- [02:01]
mircea_popescu guzzling Toyota Landcruiser to look at dead leaves." [02:01]
mircea_popescu asciilifeform what the fuck is going on in this guy's head, engaging in a debate on these terms ? [02:01]
mircea_popescu what happened to "who the fuck even cares" already. [02:01]
mircea_popescu "Her blog's comments section is a sort of Land of the Lost: people who inhabit the comments sections of unmoderated blogs, and who are perpetually miffed that no half-decent blog will post their comments." [02:02]
mircea_popescu fuck him. the pretense that liars & scammers, which is without exception anyone who fucking "moderates" are somehow ethically superior to actual people is morally offensive. [02:02]
* Anon29486307 has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [02:04]
asciilifeform mircea_popescu: orlov is an incorrigible believer in an impending pollutionocalypse. [02:04]
mircea_popescu even if he were. [02:05]
mircea_popescu it's still not germane to the discussion. [02:05]
asciilifeform actually it is. he started censoring comments when noticed that 99 out of 100 are 'wake up, climatocalypse is a sham' [02:06]
mircea_popescu soo ? [02:07]
mircea_popescu of course he started censoring once he didn't like what he was hearing. [02:07]
asciilifeform right [02:07]
asciilifeform he's one of the folks who only like conversation on their own terms. [02:07]
mircea_popescu that can't be a matter of content. [02:09]
* assbot removes voice from iluvfedoras [02:09]
mircea_popescu This is why every successful community I've looked at knows how to exclude (shun, expel) people. Every successful community jealously safeguards its separateness from the surrounding society. This is critical to their survival and for achieving much better outcomes for their members than the surrounding society. [02:10]
mircea_popescu see, on some level he understands this. expel PEOPLE. [02:10]
mircea_popescu you can't fucking expel ideas. [02:10]
* assbot removes voice from moiety [02:10]
asciilifeform i'm not even 100% convinced that orlov actually believes in anthropogenic climatocalypse. what is more or less certain is that he wants industrial civilization off the gameboard, asap. and is willing to support just about any ideology which promises to help the process along. [02:10]
mircea_popescu kinda naive approach. there's nothing worse than winning with the wrong people for the wrong reasons. [02:11]
mircea_popescu that's how all the "worse than before" stories work. [02:11]
asciilifeform his 'collapse' writings are excellent in many ways, but one gets an inescapable feeling that the 'doctor' is not really interested in curing the 'patient.' instead, he would like to see the patient - and his children, and his children's children - croak asap. [02:11]
mircea_popescu you mean what, teh us ? [02:12]
BingoBoingo !Up moiety [02:12]
* assbot gives voice to moiety [02:12]
asciilifeform even with an incurable patient - the approach is rather irritating. [02:12]
asciilifeform orlov's 'patient' is all of technological civilization, roughly steam age and up [02:12]
mircea_popescu also kinda naive. [02:13]
penguirker New blog post: [02:14]
* assbot gives voice to moiety [02:16]
asciilifeform mircea_popescu: i suspect that orlov's personal wank fantasies have clouded his mind. e.g., he proclaimed, gleefully, that the uninhabitable wastelands of russia will become arable land due to warmocalypse, and the era of anglo-yoke will give way to a russian mega-hegemony [02:16]
* jMyles has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [02:17]
moiety thank you BB [02:17]
mircea_popescu dubious how arable uninhabited land can be. [02:17]
BingoBoingo Pollutionocalypse is possible, more likely than specific carbonacalypse [02:17]
mircea_popescu but sure, as the ice moves around we may get to various mineral riches in siberia, canda etc [02:17]
* akstunt600 has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [02:17]
* ak_ has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [02:17]
mircea_popescu BingoBoingo not nearly as sexy. it was possible based on pre-ww2 england style industrialisation. [02:18]
BingoBoingo yw moiety [02:18]
mircea_popescu modern industry... hardly. [02:18]
* akstunt600 ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [02:18]
asciilifeform people generally end up believing in the things they wish to see happen. [02:18]
mircea_popescu one needs to come up with very exotic avenues to realise it, now that simple coal soot isn't gonna cut it [02:18]
* ak_ ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [02:18]
* aegis has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [02:19]
BingoBoingo mircea_popescu: For sure. I imagine at somepoint biotech polution may fit the bill, but we are talking about the difference between getting a straight flush and a royal flush in a game of Blackjack. [02:20]
asciilifeform what's wrong with good old fashioned fallout ? [02:20]
mircea_popescu asciilifeform that it ain't gonna happen. [02:20]
mircea_popescu BingoBoingo as a lower bound. [02:20]
BingoBoingo asciilifeform: More possible, but I dunno I'd count that a pollutionacolypse. [02:22]
* penguirker has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [02:23]
BingoBoingo fallout prolly ought to get its own category for its inconvenience [02:24]
mircea_popescu what inconvenience exactly ? suppose the current level of radiation in japan becomes worldwide. [02:26]
mircea_popescu first off, that'd take very much fissile material. [02:26]
mircea_popescu second off, it's fucking difficulkt to achieve uniformity. most likely you'll have to get peaks and lows, needing even more fissiles. [02:26]
mircea_popescu and the result ? not even 1% culling of the herd ? [02:26]
mircea_popescu some of the weak and shitty die, life expectancy a little shorter ? [02:27]
mircea_popescu sounds hardly threatening. [02:27]
BingoBoingo I worry about radiation producing more stupid [02:27]
mircea_popescu radiation produces more random. [02:28]
asciilifeform BingoBoingo: except in extreme cases (fissiles concentrating up the foodchain, zapping anything more interesting than a slime mold) what you get is precisely 'more stupid' - that is, a population heavy on the young. [02:28]
mircea_popescu basically nuclear weapons, as well as tomahawks, aircraft carriers and so on are further elements in a class of weapons inaugurated by the byzantines, with their greek fire : [02:28]
mircea_popescu the weapons which the eventual loser uses. [02:29]
mircea_popescu asciilifeform a population heavy on the young is not more stupid, it's more strippers. [02:29]
BingoBoingo The eventual loser doesn't always allow the winners victory unscathed [02:29]
mircea_popescu and better strippers, at that. [02:29]
mircea_popescu BingoBoingo the winner wins specifically because doesn't care about scathing. [02:29]
asciilifeform mircea_popescu: mostly because they tend to get discovered close to an empire's peak complexity (i.e. collapse prelude) [02:29]
mircea_popescu that's what makes greek fire et all the weaponry of the losers. [02:30]
mircea_popescu asciilifeform debatable which is the chain of causality. imo it's just because they promote a wrong approach to fighting. [02:30]
mircea_popescu think of the young russki kids and their street culture. who is going to be respected who doesn't know to take a punch ? [02:30]
asciilifeform greek fire << interestingly, i recall that opponents captured siphons, couldn't figure out how to work them, threw them out [02:30]
mircea_popescu no matter how many he may throw. [02:30]
mircea_popescu "didn't care enough to use them" [02:31]
mircea_popescu germania and gaul are still fucking germanic, notwithstanding all the genocides cesar & co drove there. [02:31]
asciilifeform zulus, amerinds, etc eagerly picked up rifles, however. so this tells us something. [02:32]
mircea_popescu and the latin influence comes from the veterans that settled there, much like a us army guy retiring to vietnam [02:32]
mircea_popescu indeed. [02:32]
mircea_popescu it does. [02:32]
* Sebastan has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [02:32]
* CheckDavid has quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity) [02:34]
moiety BingoBoingo: i worry about stupid producing more stupid [02:35]
* Duffer1 ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [02:38]
BingoBoingo !up Duffer1 [02:39]
* assbot gives voice to Duffer1 [02:39]
* mike_c (~mike_c@unaffiliated/mike-c/x-9105598) has joined #bitcoin-assets [02:39]
BingoBoingo Duffer1: Get your stuff back yet? [02:39]
mircea_popescu asciilifeform to put this in a better perspective : i do not have dedicated tools to discipline my slaves. i use whatever i feel like using at the time, or nothing at all. i've used vacuum cleanning tubes, wire hangers, braided electric cord, belts, chunks of wook, rolled up newspaper, whatever. cooking spatulas. [02:39]
mircea_popescu some other dood somewhere has this truely ellaborate and complex punishment station, cost him 18`000 dollars [02:39]
mircea_popescu plus assorted tools and weaponry. [02:39]
Duffer1 bingoboingo they never got anything, just control of my email, new comp parts get here thursday and friday [02:40]
mircea_popescu the only problem is... well... in his 38 years of 'being a dom" so far, he's had a slave for a total of 3 years, if you add it all up. [02:40]
mircea_popescu hue hue. [02:40]
BingoBoingo mircea_popescu: Reading about "vacuum cleanning tubes" was life changing [02:40]
Duffer1 bingoboingo [02:40]
assbot Intel Core i5-4670K, Sapphire Radeon R9 290, Rosewill THOR V2 - System Build - PCPartPicker [02:40]
mircea_popescu BingoBoingo o was it ? [02:41]
mircea_popescu but anyway : the eventual winner doesn't quite have the same needs from his equipment as the eventual loser does. [02:41]
asciilifeform Duffer1: wintel, yuck [02:41]
mircea_popescu if teh muricans really just wanted "something that shoots and a bus ticker there", i'd have been really worried about the afghanistani. [02:42]
mircea_popescu as the situation is reversed however... no amount of derpage can possibly help. [02:42]
Duffer1 i'll be doing everything sensitive from my offline comp from now on [02:42]
Duffer1 new habits all that [02:43]
Duffer1 ubuntu [02:43]
BingoBoingo Duffer1: I might suggest playing around with something like this [02:43]
mircea_popescu Duffer1 wisdom comes to they who get burned :) [02:43]
assbot Sun Ultra 10 Workstation 333MHz 512MB RAM 40GB HD | eBay [02:43]
asciilifeform 'something that shoots and a bus ticker there' >> magical formula! described what i suspect every adult male alive really wants [02:43]
BingoBoingo Duffer1: You've been burned once, skip nigbuntu [02:43]
BingoBoingo mircea_popescu: Yeah, swing the thing as hard as you like and on a forgiving surface it has a maximum impact force. [02:44]
asciilifeform ;;google something that shoots and a bus ticket there [02:44]
gribble Las Vegas, NV - Hotel Deals, Things to Do - Downtown Bus Stop ...: ; Almost Bought a Guy a Bus Ticket | The Billfold: ; MTS - How To Ride - San Diego Metropolitan Transit System: [02:44]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 80 @ 0.00739622 = 0.5917 BTC [-] {7} [02:45]
mircea_popescu asciilifeform lmao las vegas. [02:45]
BingoBoingo Duffer if you really want a *nix for not very *nix'y people Scientific Linux is pretty good. [02:45]
* gabriel_laddel has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) [02:46]
Duffer1 nix? [02:46]
asciilifeform BingoBoingo: incidentally, good student project: msdos port of bitcoind. [02:46]
mircea_popescu its how they call unix inspired oses like linux when they're being cool. [02:46]
asciilifeform BingoBoingo: you'd have to diddle the NIC directly, i suspect, but what does that matter. [02:46]
Duffer1 ah hehe [02:47]
mircea_popescu asciilifeform looked into it. won't work : no good msdos db. [02:47]
mircea_popescu takes too long. [02:47]
asciilifeform no port of bdb ? [02:47]
asciilifeform too posixy? [02:47]
mircea_popescu want some novell ? [02:47]
asciilifeform lol [02:47]
* asciilifeform gags [02:47]
mircea_popescu no no, here. it even ha snetware. [02:48]
* asciilifeform diddled netware as a bad schoolboy [02:48]
mircea_popescu cp/m seems a better option [02:48]
BingoBoingo Duffer1: *nix basically refers to everything after AT&T Unix 7 [02:48]
asciilifeform hell, bare metal. [02:48]
Duffer1 thanks man, i'm reading about it now (scientific linux) [02:50]
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* assbot gives voice to mike_c [02:51]
BingoBoingo Duffer1: It is a RHEL clone so pushes a person to look towards general Unixy admining habits instead of very OS X type solutions like apt-get [02:52]
BingoBoingo Duffer1: As you ease yourself into unixy environments consider this advice if you decide to run a full desktop environment [02:54]
assbot Choosing A Linux Desktop Environment for Newbs and n00bs | Bingo Blog [02:54]
Duffer1 perfect [02:55]
BingoBoingo Death is seriously stomping some colons nao [02:55]
assbot Game 17 - Death 6075 Life 3925 Year 543 - War of Life [02:55]
mike_c i notice death sniped the last paid bomb :) [03:01]
* mikaeldice (~mikaeldic@unaffiliated/mikaeldice) has joined #bitcoin-assets [03:01]
BingoBoingo mike_c: If ther is anything to learn from the Atc games, bomb sniping is going to be "a thing" [03:03]
mike_c recommended strategy: which ever way the house is leaning on the pre-game bets, go the other way. [03:03]
mike_c BingoBoingo: yeah, i kind of like that. [03:03]
* gabriel_laddel (~user@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [03:04]
mircea_popescu mike_c does that actually do anything ? [03:04]
mike_c hm? [03:04]
mike_c oh, my strategy? no, just the house has been on the losing side the last couple games. [03:04]
mircea_popescu lol k [03:06]
* gabriel_laddel has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) [03:08]
mike_c btw, jurov, that mid-line on the history chart what you had in mind? [03:09]
* assbot removes voice from Duffer1 [03:09]
BingoBoingo !up Duffer1 [03:10]
* assbot gives voice to Duffer1 [03:10]
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moiety i know youve been missing it [03:11]
moiety dont try to deny it [03:11]
moiety MOTD [03:11]
BingoBoingo mike_c: I think giant orange arrows on both sides of the histogram would prolly be least obstructing [03:11]
moiety youre welcome [03:11]
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BingoBoingo So fuzzy [03:11]
moiety IKR! [03:12]
mike_c BingoBoingo: blinking arrows would be better :) [03:12]
moiety my ambition in lfe is to have a picture like mircea's pyramids, but with me on a giant manul instead [03:12]
BingoBoingo mike_c: Blinking should alway be opt in [03:12]
BingoBoingo moiety: Maybe some day you buy Monsanto? [03:13]
BingoBoingo Or breed Manul with various big cats until large enough? [03:14]
moiety BB: 2 is more appealing [03:14]
moiety WAIT [03:16]
moiety perhaps not [03:16]
moiety imagine having free reigh over mosanto [03:16]
moiety reign* [03:16]
* gabriel_laddel (~user@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [03:17]
BingoBoingo !up gabridome [03:18]
* assbot gives voice to gabridome [03:18]
BingoBoingo !up gabriel_laddel [03:18]
* assbot gives voice to gabriel_laddel [03:18]
BingoBoingo moiety: My concern is that it seems any cat of ridable size is probably going to be person eating. Now if you could get a horse with Manul hair... [03:19]
moiety what did yous think of that hand held checmical scanner? [03:19]
BingoBoingo looks like scam [03:19]
moiety BB, horses are bigger and they dont eat us.... [03:20]
BingoBoingo Well, they don't yet... [03:21]
moiety [03:21]
assbot Cravendale - Cats with Thumbs #CatsWithThumbs - YouTube [03:21]
moiety they are way ahead of you BB [03:21]
moiety HOLY SHIT did you just say a manul sized beast with manul fluff [03:22]
moiety kk... so... dying of happiness IS REAL! [03:22]
BingoBoingo lol [03:23]
moiety aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand now you can calculate why im support staff rather than a forerunner.... [03:24]
BingoBoingo I'm just wondering what happens if manul fluff could scale up to arbitrarily large beasts, like rhinocerous, elephant, or Tillikum [03:24]
moiety can tillikum really have the fluff and still retain it'[s social standing? [03:25]
BingoBoingo I'm more wondering if Tillikum can have fluff and still surface to breathe seeing that Tillikum is Sea World's resident maneater [03:25]
princessnell i am sorry to be the bearer of bad kitsch, but: [03:26]
assbot Bitcoin Girl Music Video (Official) - YouTube [03:26]
moiety i feel like i have an attachment to this thing that i thought you had made up enitrely! [03:26]
mircea_popescu princessnell no you're not [03:26]
moiety ohgod nell im frightened to click! [03:27]
BingoBoingo [03:27]
assbot Whale Kills Trainer at Sea World - YouTube [03:27]
BingoBoingo That was Tillikum's 4th confirmed kill of the revolution [03:27]
* belcher has quit (Quit: Leaving) [03:28]
princessnell i am expecting big things from this bitcoin girl. [03:28]
BingoBoingo [03:28]
* go1111111 (~go@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [03:29]
BingoBoingo !up go1111111 [03:29]
* assbot gives voice to go1111111 [03:29]
mircea_popescu princessnell the sense to not put her legs forth among them ? [03:29]
* aegis (~aegis@unaffiliated/aegis) has joined #bitcoin-assets [03:29]
BingoBoingo !up aegis [03:29]
* assbot gives voice to aegis [03:30]
princessnell i am happy to see that she is diversifying with doge [03:32]
moiety princessnell: what did you just do to me?! what did you just do yto me senses! [03:32]
* moiety just watched the bitcoingirl vid [03:33]
mircea_popescu we should have a groan-off. this vs the taleb vid. [03:33]
asciilifeform does anybody still use otc? [03:33]
moiety i went to otc once to tell then i was really me asciilifeform [03:34]
princessnell moiety, would you say this vid about sums your experience as a btc grrl? [03:35]
moiety mircea_popescu: lets make it fun... no money. all groans. [03:35]
moiety princessnell: now at all personally. what about you ? [03:35]
moiety not* [03:35]
BingoBoingo asciilifeform: I still use it occasionally [03:36]
asciilifeform ;;buy 1 "CNC x,y,z stage, any manufacturer, with motors and controller." at 2 BTC [03:37]
gribble Order id 21092 created. [03:37]
* asciilifeform doubts that anything will come of this, but tries anyway [03:39]
* Cory has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [03:40]
BingoBoingo You would prolly get a bunch of pm spam if you still accepted pm's off your whitelist [03:40]
mike_c princessnell: that video is hilarious [03:40]
* assbot removes voice from Duffer1 [03:40]
princessnell moiety no, i think this is pretty specific to american narcissists with girl-who-accepts-bitcoin-the-internet-syndrome. [03:41]
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moiety princessnell: so your reason for asking me being.....? [03:41]
princessnell i was kidding ;) [03:41]
* BingoBoingo remembers last order getting offers to buy the half bitcoin I put up for sale. Reminded parties I wanted to sell half a bitcoin for $5000 then they asked if I could do market minus X%. Said Fuck you $6000 nao. [03:41]
moiety noted ;] [03:42]
mircea_popescu asciilifeform i do yes. [03:42]
moiety princessnell: also...i'm not american hun [03:42]
mike_c we can't all be perfect [03:43]
asciilifeform anybody here buy physical objects -otc ? [03:43]
* Cory (Cory@unaffiliated/cory) has joined #bitcoin-assets [03:43]
mike_c pankkake has sold a few i believe [03:43]
moiety mike_c: the day you offer me a manul instead of a unicorn as national animal.. i'm in! [03:43]
princessnell didn't think you were, but noted! [03:43]
mike_c moiety: lol, i'll start a petition [03:44]
* asciilifeform shopping for object that is gathering dust in many a garage, but would cost 10x the offered price if bought new from reputable vendor. see logs, 'golden toilet.' [03:44]
moiety win! [03:44]
mike_c ;;view pankkake [03:46]
gribble Error: No orders found matching these criteria. [03:46]
mike_c well, he either sold or gave up [03:46]
moiety princessnell: i'm insignificant where im from.but if we can ever work together, we should :D [03:46]
mircea_popescu asciilifeform in fairness, im not so sure it works for non-bitcoin stuff. [03:47]
princessnell moiety always open to creating value with good people [03:47]
asciilifeform mircea_popescu: aye, suspected as much. but worth a shot. [03:47]
mircea_popescu indeed. [03:48]
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* mircea_popescu is now curious what the galz be up to. [03:48]
mike_c ;;view 20297 [03:48]
gribble Error: No orders found matching these criteria. [03:48]
moiety same, princessnell :] [03:49]
* assbot removes voice from gabridome [03:49]
* assbot removes voice from gabriel_laddel [03:49]
mike_c !up gabriel_laddel you should get in the wot [03:49]
* assbot gives voice to gabriel_laddel [03:49]
moiety mircea_popescu: prolly working on something to make you smile, no? [03:49]
mircea_popescu now thats a thought. [03:50]
moiety asciilifeform: please keep the typewriter til i can buy it XD [03:51]
kakobrekla ascii if youd only be in yurop. [03:51]
asciilifeform moiety: what made you think i still own a typewriter? [03:52]
mircea_popescu "Once cesareans are no longer available, we should expect a lot of those deaths will be in childbirth. " [03:52]
moiety well.. ok not typewriter... im just unsure what they called those things [03:52]
asciilifeform kakobrekla: why? you have an example of the item i posted ad for ? [03:52]
mircea_popescu somebody should tell orlov how caesarean section got to be called that. [03:52]
kakobrekla asciilifeform sort of. [03:53]
moiety "Once cesareans are no longer available....." << now thats intesreting [03:53]
asciilifeform kakobrekla: care to take a photo ? [03:53]
moiety interesting* [03:53]
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kakobrekla i thought i pasted em before? [03:54]
moiety hello bloctoc [03:54]
asciilifeform kakobrekla: i must've slept through it [03:54]
moiety GASP! [03:54]
asciilifeform mircea_popescu: someone should tell orlov who invented surgical forceps, and what they were originally for [03:54]
moiety you do not sleep... laser just shines slightly less birght green [03:54]
mircea_popescu and so on. [03:54]
* princessnell has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds) [03:55]
kakobrekla give me a moment. [03:55]
* assbot gives voice to nam-shub [03:55]
moiety phgod someeone please tell me im not still the only one on earth [03:56]
BingoBoingo lol [03:57]
nam-shub !ticker mpex s.mpoe [03:57]
assbot Um, shouldn't you be with your own tribe or somethin'? [03:57]
moiety oh werll fuck [03:57]
moiety butbut we are [03:58]
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* assbot removes voice from go1111111 [04:00]
* assbot removes voice from aegis [04:00]
BingoBoingo moiety: What if they know? [04:01]
kakobrekla asciilifeform i cant find more recent photos but basically x and y are functional, z is not finished yet but i have the materials. [04:02]
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asciilifeform kakobrekla: what was it meant to become ? [04:05]
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kakobrekla yeah the legs are also missing there. [04:05]
kakobrekla a general purpuse thing [04:06]
kakobrekla the Z axis should have something like 25cm of travel [04:06]
kakobrekla you could put anything on it really. [04:07]
kakobrekla spindle, laser, pencil, dildo [04:08]
* ericmuyser has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds) [04:08]
asciilifeform i was looking for something with ball screws & steel slides, i admit [04:08]
asciilifeform (need 0.1mm repeatability) [04:08]
kakobrekla hm i dont have that measured but the step is way smaller [04:09]
kakobrekla 0.025 iirc? [04:09]
kakobrekla i forgot. [04:09]
kakobrekla the ball screw is 4mm iirc [04:10]
asciilifeform kakobrekla: tried it with motors yet ? [04:11]
kakobrekla yea [04:11]
kakobrekla 12nm steppers i got. [04:11]
BingoBoingo [04:11]
asciilifeform if you go between (x, y) and (x', y') 10,000 times, what's the cumulative error ? [04:11]
kakobrekla i dont know and i cant test it now. due to lack of space its not in operational mode. [04:12]
mike_c wtf is that monstrosity. looks like a loom [04:12]
asciilifeform kakobrekla: let me guess - space is occupied by whatever you machined that thing with ? [04:13]
kakobrekla i thing me and my friend started to work some years ago. [04:13]
kakobrekla lol no asciilifeform [04:13]
kakobrekla i had some connections to people with the big machines to machine it for me [04:13]
kakobrekla but i mean if there was a real need i would prolly invest the time to assemble it again [04:14]
mircea_popescu mike_c kakobrekla was making a fucking machine then got carried away [04:15]
mircea_popescu (the boat part is not visible in the pics) [04:16]
kakobrekla actually that is the truth [04:16]
mike_c for a donkey? [04:16]
kakobrekla it started as a desktop version [04:16]
kakobrekla but then due to the small difference in prices and procedures to get a bigger one [04:16]
kakobrekla i opted for that. [04:16]
kakobrekla now i have nowhere to put it. [04:16]
kakobrekla :D [04:16]
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moiety which one of you did this? be honest now [04:27]
assbot Nobody ever accepts my invitation :( - Imgur [04:27]
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kakobrekla twas tradefortress [04:27]
moiety is h really free hugs now? [04:27]
moiety he* [04:27]
kakobrekla mhm [04:27]
* jborkl (~jborkl@unaffiliated/jborkl) has joined #bitcoin-assets [04:28]
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BingoBoingo [04:30]
assbot Terminal Lance - Terminal Lance “The Metal Donkey” [04:30]
moiety do scammers have day jobs too? [04:31]
moiety ive been trying to track how much this stuff would take. they need a dayfund or an undocumented skill [04:32]
benkay [04:33]
assbot The State of The American Dog - Esquire [04:33]
moiety kakobrekla: why did my hug fund not work?! is it because it wasnt free?! [04:34]
artifexd GSD's are the best dogs [04:34]
* nam-shub has quit () [04:34]
moiety artifexd: so true [04:34]
kakobrekla you have a hug fund? thats new to me. did it ipo? [04:34]
artifexd <- mine [04:34]
moiety mama-mo just acquired a new pooch - cocker spaniel tho [04:35]
moiety artifexd: beautiful! [04:35]
mircea_popescu artifexd aahahah that's a good dog. [04:36]
artifexd Other types of dogs have their place. But that place is not in my house. [04:36]
moiety kakobrekla: i think i failed by not having an ipo [04:36]
artifexd She's 7 months old in that 2 month old picture. [04:36]
mircea_popescu what's she begging for ? [04:36]
artifexd Nothing. She's just chilling. [04:36]
benkay she's a beaut [04:36]
moiety saw a gentleman out other day with 5 GSDs. all differing colourings. must have been a breeder [04:37]
artifexd Thanks. [04:37]
artifexd Can you believe that the AKC considers a white GSD a defect? [04:37]
moiety WUT [04:37]
artifexd Yup [04:37]
moiety how does that even [04:37]
moiety why? [04:37]
BingoBoingo Almost got a dog last week... [04:38]
moiety BB... i disappoint at the @almost@ [04:38]
artifexd [04:38]
artifexd I have no idea. They have some crazy ideas. [04:38]
* go1111111 ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [04:39]
moiety artifexd: the one i grew up with was incredibly nervous. perfect show lines aside from the fear so we got her as a pet. most wonderful creature [04:39]
artifexd Look at the bottom of that link. Under disqualifications, "White dogs" [04:39]
cazalla i don't know how anyone can have animals in their house tbh [04:39]
cazalla then again, i eat my pets [04:40]
BingoBoingo moiety: I was going for a walk at about 2 in the morning and some stranger yells "Is this your dog". The dog in question is a brown bull mastiff puppy about 24 inches tall at the withers. Dude has it leashed to his belt says it ran in front of his truck.... [04:40]
moiety @disqualifications: Any dog that attempts to bite the judge.<< lololololololol [04:40]
artifexd Different strokes for different folks. My wife feels the same way. She deals with it though. [04:40]
moiety cazalla: what pets do you eat?! [04:41]
cazalla rabbits, manuls, anything [04:41]
artifexd Manuls!?!?! [04:41]
artifexd lol [04:41]
moiety BingoBoingo: omg that man needs eaten imo [04:42]
moiety and not in thwe way he would like [04:42]
cazalla moiety: seriously though, rabbits [04:42]
moiety cazalla: GASP manuls would leave you bald bfore you had a mouthful! [04:42]
moiety rabbits really? [04:43]
artifexd When I was growing up, I had a pet rabbit named Ghost. One day I come home from school and we have soup for lunch. It was different. After dinner I asked what it was. My dad replied "Ghost soup". Sure enough. I had just eaten my pet. [04:43]
moiety theres nmillions round here but people just dont eat them anymore [04:43]
BingoBoingo moiety: Lol, I considered saying yes that's my dog, but... way too friendly for a bull mastiff. Such a dog allow some stranger to leash it with a belt without a fight. [04:43]
BingoBoingo rabbits are delicious [04:43]
cazalla artifexd: i can't wait to pull a similar joke on my son [04:43]
benkay artifexd: mine: [04:43]
assbot galileo - YouTube [04:43]
moiety BB this makes me so sad though, cus they are just more open to fighing breeding? [04:44]
moiety ITS POOCH! [04:44]
artifexd benkay: Did he give it back to you? My dog likes to run around with the ball (a green soccer ball) for a while before she brings it back. [04:45]
benkay 80 pounds of high-efficiency dog engine. [04:45]
benkay oh yeah. [04:45]
benkay lol i can't give g a soccer ball - he'd rather destroy it than anything else. [04:45]
artifexd Oh, the ball has a 100 punctures in it, but it is still her favorite. [04:45]
artifexd Is your dog 80 lbs in the video? [04:46]
BingoBoingo moiety: Well, it is a guard dog breed and I have nothing for such a dog to guard, especially while not being so friendly [04:46]
benkay this group of hipsters plays dodgeball in the tennis courts you can see behind me in that video every monday, and frequently leave deflated dogeballs behind. rubber sacks the miniature dragon in question would rather rip to shreds than chase. [04:46]
benkay artifexd: you bet. [04:46]
benkay maybe 75. [04:46]
benkay he oscillates, as do we all. [04:46]
artifexd Dense [04:46]
benkay yeah. there's not much by way of hair on the animal. [04:47]
artifexd Beautiful. Not a GSD. ;) But still beautiful. [04:47]
benkay that volume is all muscle and bone. [04:47]
benkay thanks! i'm enamored. [04:47]
moiety BingoBoingo: yes you do. you. [04:48]
artifexd I'm going to Ecuador for a week so I just dropped her off with our trainer to kennel her. I'm feeling a little... I don't know. But she's on my mind. Hence the discussion. [04:48]
moiety :] [04:49]
moiety she will have missed you just as much artifexd :] [04:49]
artifexd It'll be the first time she's ever been away from me for more than an hour since she was 8 weeks old. [04:50]
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BingoBoingo moiety: Maybe? I dunno... Loud dog that grows to that size as an adult, as opposed to one that's still a growing puppy at that size seems more practical to feed [04:51]
moiety i think that wiull be the biggest thing for her artifexd ... but she will manage and so will you :] and the cuddles after twill prove it :D [04:51]
moiety BB you thinking on epxanding ghr boinge family name?? [04:52]
moiety expanding the boingo family na,e* (sorry elvis on keyboard) [04:53]
moiety naMe [04:53]
BingoBoingo moiety: Maybe eventually [04:53]
BingoBoingo [04:55]
assbot Derek Jeter And Adam Wainwright Saved The All-Star Game [04:55]
* Rawted (~Rawted@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [04:56]
benkay grammae question [04:56]
benkay grammar* [04:56]
BingoBoingo !up Rawted [04:56]
* assbot gives voice to Rawted [04:56]
benkay "cost control on which , the least technical stakeholder relied in extremis" [04:56]
Rawted Hello Bingo [04:57]
benkay this is a correct use of "in extremis, correct?" [04:57]
Rawted ;;eauth rawted [04:57]
gribble Request successful for user rawted, hostmask Rawted!~Rawted@ Get your encrypted OTP from [04:57]
benkay "in extremis", correct? [04:57]
BingoBoingo Hello Rawted, what brings you around these parts? [04:57]
moiety BB but you have to. so like to conferences we can send you and the dog.. like..: yes this is dog... bingoboino's dog so Fuuuuuuuuuuuu - kinda thing [04:57]
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Rawted someone's nick squatting on my nick. its been long enough that i havent logged into otc that the enfore wore off [04:58]
Rawted so i am trying to remember how to do it again [04:58]
moiety it does not wear pff [04:58]
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BingoBoingo moiety: This is why I hang out with my brother's dog occasionally. So I don't have to do the heavy lifting. [04:58]
moiety you set it to on, it stays on [04:58]
Rawted michail told me after 10 weeks it falls off and i need to log back in. said someone was squatting on my nick today [04:58]
BingoBoingo moiety: Well, this is the freenode thing about the nicks [04:58]
moiety Rawted: what was your usual nick? [04:59]
Rawted that's me. you'll see michail's positive rating changed today because of it - [04:59]
assbot Rating Details for User 'Rawted' [04:59]
moiety BingoBoingo: whyyyyyyyyyyyyy is nothing siiiiimple? [04:59]
BingoBoingo moiety: Because Freenode is always the weakest link [04:59]
moiety and having strokes every third day [05:00]
* assbot gives voice to justusranvier [05:01]
Rawted verify message, right? [05:01]
Rawted in the new core distro [05:02]
mircea_popescu o look, Rawted [05:02]
moiety BingoBoingo: btw, you mentioned lucite g-blocks. i wondered about keyrings also? [05:02]
mircea_popescu ;;rated Rawted [05:02]
Rawted MP [05:02]
gribble You have not yet rated user Rawted [05:02]
Rawted long time [05:02]
mircea_popescu you go ;;eauth rawted then ;;everify [05:02]
BingoBoingo moiety: Wouldn't hurt... In what context did I mention those? [05:02]
Rawted yeah core is telling my it doesnt match when i try to verify [05:03]
Rawted positive i have original addy [05:03]
Rawted *telling me [05:03]
BingoBoingo -1 to Bitcoin signature's for shit other than tx signing [05:03]
moiety BingoBoingo: it was a random birthing of creativity on your part i think. [05:04]
Rawted ;;eauth rawted [05:04]
gribble Request successful for user rawted, hostmask Rawted!~Rawted@ Get your encrypted OTP from [05:04]
* gabriel_laddel (~user@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [05:04]
BingoBoingo Huh, well... Imma trying to remember what sort of lucite blocks I'd invented the idea of then... [05:04]
moiety BingoBoingo: HOW about the paperweitghts lit up though? as per transaction or confirmation? [05:04]
BingoBoingo Oh, those ones [05:04]
* chax_ has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [05:05]
moiety wtf what ones [05:05]
Rawted ;;everify ICSqGoHFAe/sqnnDOELuqmT4T1wsDY63WKblTySQoGJ4mPVWGwFAxhF+kAVQtkv/E41SyAvvzvfC1mV2OwWdf94= [05:05]
gribble Error: Incorrect one-time password. Try again. [05:05]
* chax ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [05:05]
Rawted the fuck [05:05]
* chax has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [05:05]
moiety i was thinking lucite cube avec neopixel stick [05:05]
BingoBoingo Rawted: ;;eauth is decrypt with GPG [05:06]
moiety Rawted: did you decrypt the thing given to you? [05:06]
Rawted whats the one for btc addy lo. been a while... [05:06]
BingoBoingo moiety: Blockchain as a collection of lucite bocks with the data engraved. Machine spits a new one out each time a new one is confirmed [05:06]
benkay bcauth, bcverify Rawted ? [05:07]
Rawted duh. thanks bud [05:07]
Rawted ;;bcauth [05:07]
gribble (bcauth ) -- Initiate authentication for user . You must have registered with the bot with a bitcoin address for this to work. You will be given a random passphrase to sign with your address, and submit to the bot with the 'bcverify' command. Your passphrase will expire within 10 minutes. [05:07]
Rawted ;;bcauth rawted [05:07]
gribble Request successful for user rawted, hostmask Rawted!~Rawted@ Your challenge string is: freenode:#bitcoin-otc:4b0e85c80194640f05fece026b398166bbbbacfa29240283791183b5 [05:07]
moiety [05:07]
assbot Bitcoin address authentication - bitcoin-otc wiki [05:07]
moiety also... gribble works in pm..cus.. other folk like to talk too sometimes n all that :] [05:07]
Rawted ;;bcverify H3nydUdT1oCchrdkEc67WtC9QaQXieVlZTsdtZmgJyl6cG9OuUXB4NtGvIJXNjrsH9JhNIWcrKFJEz0I0U2YHeQ= [05:07]
gribble You are now authenticated for user 'Rawted' with address 16JCobZmcPkLCVzi9G7rnf7mJgbbJd1DLT [05:08]
Rawted ;;voiceme [05:08]
benkay it's !up, i think that you want. [05:08]
Rawted so much has changed [05:08]
Rawted thanks [05:08]
BingoBoingo Rawted: You need to pm assbot !up [05:08]
* assbot gives voice to Rawted [05:08]
* shandid has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [05:09]
Rawted Thanks for the help everyone, hopefully that reenforces the nick [05:09]
Rawted have a great night [05:09]
* Rawted has quit (Quit: Leaving) [05:09]
benkay ciao [05:10]
benkay not that it'd be so hard to repurpose a botnet for utterly destroying twitter. // now there's a notion [05:11]
BingoBoingo ;;ticker [05:12]
gribble Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 613.9, Best ask: 616.89, Bid-ask spread: 2.99000, Last trade: 614.18, 24 hour volume: 5390.40583525, 24 hour low: 610.01, 24 hour high: 625.0, 24 hour vwap: 616.720660682 [05:12]
mircea_popescu benkay all it needs is a bunch of ips making accoutns and generating text. [05:13]
mircea_popescu by the time every human is surrounded by 100s of bots, it's dead. [05:14]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 11500 @ 0.00006689 = 0.7692 BTC [+] {2} [05:14]
benkay I FUCKING LOVE IT [05:14]
benkay i will bring ruination on all social everythings [05:14]
benkay why is griefing the platform not a thing? [05:14]
benkay griefing users is boring. grief the platform. [05:15]
moiety yeah [05:15]
benkay lol yeah moiety you know all about that huh [05:16]
moiety ofc i know everything about everything tho [05:16]
* bitcoinpete (~bitcoinpe@unaffiliated/bitcoinpete) has joined #bitcoin-assets [05:16]
* bitcoinpete has quit (Client Quit) [05:16]
moiety no wait im usually the platform being griefed! [05:16]
moiety can i just say tht ^ made sense in my head before aloudness?! [05:18]
BingoBoingo !b 2 [05:19]
assbot Last 2 lines bashed and pending review. ( ) [05:19]
benkay been drinkin, moiety ? [05:19]
moiety i was just about to ask you not to do that too [05:19]
* paxtoncamaro91 (~paxtoncam@unaffiliated/paxtoncamaro91) has joined #bitcoin-assets [05:20]
benkay reaction time [05:20]
BingoBoingo I've been drinking [05:20]
benkay i've had...a beer. [05:21]
moiety benkay, obv no. sort of. [05:21]
benkay we also split 2 bottles of prosecco to celebrate the new digs. [05:21]
BingoBoingo beer's not drinking, that's taking a hydration break [05:21]
moiety new digs? work or home? [05:21]
benkay lady v made a chocolate cake with raspberry compote and a chocolate ganache to boot [05:21]
benkay work [05:21]
benkay 352 ft^2 [05:22]
moiety lady v sounds cool, can you bring here here too? [05:22]
benkay in a sweaty sweaty warehouse [05:22]
benkay nah, she'd not get along with mircea_popescu [05:22]
BingoBoingo I watched Dr Strangelove again and fired up Fallout 3 this week so on a nuclear apocalypse kick. Drinking grain alcohol and distilled water [05:22]
BingoBoingo I keep forgetting distilled water gives me heartburn [05:23]
moiety distilled water?! [05:23]
benkay yeah whaty? [05:24]
moiety !up paxtoncamaro91 [05:24]
* assbot gives voice to paxtoncamaro91 [05:24]
paxtoncamaro91 thanks [05:24]
BingoBoingo What has no one talking nao ever seen Dr Strangelove? POE, Purity of Essence. [05:25]
moiety benkay: i cant see someone with you being rude, and neither is he, so problem being? [05:25]
BingoBoingo It's all the wise general ever drank. [05:25]
moiety yw paxtoncamaro91 :] what do you do? [05:25]
BingoBoingo !up VanCleef [05:26]
paxtoncamaro91 irl? auto tech lol [05:26]
* assbot gives voice to VanCleef [05:26]
BingoBoingo !up Ukyo [05:26]
* assbot gives voice to Ukyo [05:26]
BingoBoingo !up reeses [05:26]
* assbot gives voice to reeses [05:26]
moiety BB i have heard of one strangelove film...something to do with a bomb. how many are there? [05:26]
BingoBoingo moiety: Just one. Kubrick made it. [05:26]
moiety ah well that makes sense [05:27]
BingoBoingo It's all the plot left room for... [05:27]
* assbot gives voice to decimation [05:27]
moiety he took cwo ogff the shelves himself [05:27]
BingoBoingo !up Dimsler [05:27]
* assbot gives voice to Dimsler [05:27]
BingoBoingo !up davidlatapie [05:28]
* assbot gives voice to davidlatapie [05:28]
asciilifeform twitter... botnet << no 'captcha' ? [05:29]
decimation mircea: the chance of a random integer from 1 to x being prime is about 1/ln(x) [05:29]
davidlatapie Hi BingoBoingo I'll probably go to bed soon [05:29]
decimation so a number from 0 to 2^4096 has about 1 in 2900 chance of being prime [05:30]
BingoBoingo davidlatapie: Cool [05:30]
decimation so start rolling [05:30]
decimation asciilifeform: I actually have a set of casino quality dice [05:30]
decimation but I'm sure they 'wear' over time [05:30]
decimation they have very sharp edges and balanced numeral indicators [05:31]
BingoBoingo I have a few sets of dice for different uses [05:31]
decimation thinking about this last night, there's a limit to the number of dice you can roll simultaneously [05:32]
decimation in the limit you are not going to move a m^3 of dice at all [05:32]
asciilifeform with bare hands, sure. [05:32]
* benkay imagines an m3 of dice [05:32]
benkay that's the biggest damn boggle box ever! [05:33]
decimation one would require mechanical assistance [05:33]
asciilifeform decimation: such as: [05:33]
assbot #bitcoin-assets log [05:33]
benkay put a nice HD camera in there and you might capture...*some* entropy. [05:33]
decimation and if you are going to go through that trouble, might as well build a high bandwidth source of random values [05:33]
BingoBoingo ;;google Bitcoin drama timeline [05:34]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 26350 @ 0.00006699 = 1.7652 BTC [+] {3} [05:34]
gribble The Bitcoin Drama Timeline pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.: ; Runcible Doom pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.: ; Why S.MPOE is worth more than MtGox pe Trilema - Un blog de ...: [05:34]
benkay yeah but where's the fun in that, decimation. it's not like the thing'd be useful anyways [05:36]
benkay it's like a fuel-cooled methane regen engine [05:36]
benkay fucker's never going to fly, but it's a grand thing to build nevertheless [05:36]
decimation oh, I mean an electrical device [05:36]
mircea_popescu i will bring ruination on all social everythings < [05:37]
decimation not a chumpatron on nitrous [05:37]
mircea_popescu nah, she'd not get along with mircea_popescu << wait wut [05:37]
benkay [05:37]
assbot Rocket Moonlighting: Testing the New Chambers [05:37]
benkay now you get to prove me wrong [05:37]
mircea_popescu BingoBoingo you know f3 fucking sucks. i sometimes fire up 1 or 2... but 3mmeh [05:38]
benkay mircea_popescu: ^^ [05:38]
BingoBoingo mircea_popescu: But catching slaves. I spared megaton the bomb, because it deserves worse... [05:38]
* mike_c has quit () [05:39]
mircea_popescu twitter... botnet << no 'captcha' ? << trivial to bypass. [05:39]
* darlidada has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) [05:39]
mircea_popescu mircea: the chance of a random integer from 1 to x being prime is about 1/ln(x) << you just use the entropy to seed, much like pgp does. you don't actually roll the prime itself. [05:40]
decimation mircea of course that's how things are done today, but you are back in deterministic world at that point... [05:41]
mircea_popescu this is a correct use of "in extremis, correct?" << sure. [05:41]
mircea_popescu i must have missed a thread here. [05:43]
BingoBoingo ;;google mesmotron [05:43]
gribble Mesmetron - The Fallout wiki - Fallout: New Vegas and more: ; How to Use Slave Collars in Fallout 3 | eHow: ; Fallout 3 strange man and location - YouTube: [05:43]
mircea_popescu the idea was that you can replace the platform's rng, in extremis, by rolling dice. [05:43]
BingoBoingo ^ would make brewing biodeisel easier [05:44]
mircea_popescu someone said this isn't feasible. that someone is wrong : takes you about the same time to wait for gnupg to cook up a new keypair whether the source is dev/random or your dice. [05:44]
BingoBoingo Death's advance accelerates. Is this approaching extinction level again? [05:46]
assbot Game 17 - Death 6077 Life 3923 Year 560 - War of Life [05:46]
decimation I was echoing ascii's distinction between prng and rng [05:47]
benkay ;;google manul taking a poop [05:50]
benkay Nigger Owner's Manual: [05:50]
benkay ^^ awesome [05:50]
BingoBoingo ;;google manul taking a poop [05:50]
gribble Nigger Owner's Manual: ; Taking that shit to the next level - Imgur: ; constipation - Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine: [05:50]
benkay wtf is this anyways [05:50]
BingoBoingo I want to see if such a fuzzy animal gets dingleberries! [05:50]
moiety too many manuals and not enough manuls, i say [05:51]
* ak_ has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [05:51]
benkay god fuck web stack technologies [05:51]
* ak_ ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [05:51]
benkay this is what i get for waiting to do my deploy scripts [05:52]
moiety allow the curious beast some dignity ffs men! [05:52]
BingoBoingo benkay: Throw a latteral, and I say your blawg went 404 [05:52]
benkay yeah. sudo service nginx stop. [05:52]
benkay it'll be back sometime. [05:52]
benkay probably just a photo of my mug and a gpg key. [05:52]
benkay lateral you say? football season? [05:53]
BingoBoingo benkay: But all of the things you put effort into mocking! [05:53]
BingoBoingo benkay: I can't wait MIZ!!! [05:53]
benkay yeah fuck mockery, mircea_popescu beats me hands down any day. [05:53]
benkay motherfucker can do latin and shit - what do i have [05:54]
BingoBoingo Shame Mizzou dumped DGB over his punching people in the face problem [05:54]
BingoBoingo benkay: Clojure? [05:54]
benkay no, *nix. [05:54]
benkay clojure's great, boot time aside. [05:54]
benkay it's like lisp, but for cube-bound retards. [05:55]
* assbot removes voice from paxtoncamaro91 [05:55]
* jonvaage ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [05:55]
* RedStallion has quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity) [05:56]
* assbot removes voice from VanCleef [05:56]
BingoBoingo !up jonvaage [05:56]
* assbot gives voice to jonvaage [05:56]
* jborkl has quit () [05:56]
BingoBoingo benkay: You're a Mac person right? What was your favorite piece of iron they released? [05:57]
* assbot removes voice from Ukyo [05:57]
* assbot removes voice from reeses [05:57]
benkay what precisely do you mean by iron, BingoBoingo ? [05:57]
BingoBoingo benkay: Hardware [05:57]
* assbot removes voice from Dimsler [05:58]
benkay the macbook pro's are good, but i have to run aroud to client shops constantly. if you're stationary, well, why not a real nix? [05:58]
BingoBoingo benkay: That's what I wonder. You have dealt with more recent hardware from their ecosystem, any particular generations stand out? [05:58]
* assbot removes voice from davidlatapie [05:59]
benkay the most recent models have gorgeous screens and chassis' the rest of the industry can't match [05:59]
decimation ;;calc 2900*4096 [05:59]
gribble 11878400 [05:59]
benkay unlike the rest of the combudder world apful appears to take the notion of 'kaizen' seriously. this in my humble opinion is the only way to stay profitable as a manufacturing shop. [06:00]
benkay i use manufacturing loosely. obviously. [06:00]
BingoBoingo ;;ud kaizen [06:01]
gribble | Kaizen is an approach to total quality management which can be described as continuously improving by making small improvements, mainly in process,... [06:01]
benkay it's also not a strategy suited to any but the market leaders in quality. [06:01]
decimation apple doesn't "improve", they just go an buy 5 years supply of a part [06:02]
BingoBoingo If apple really does kaizen why no 9" B&W machines with over 9000 dpi monitors? [06:02]
decimation the rest of the industry accepts the scraps [06:02]
decimation but they are also the only game in town for the completely integrated unix laptop market [06:05]
BingoBoingo decimation: Nah, you can still find Tadpoles on Ebay [06:05]
decimation lol yeah what's the cpu speed? [06:06]
benkay apple doesn't "improve", they just go an buy 5 years supply of a part // neglecting the chassis and the irreplaceable battery... [06:07]
benkay If apple really does kaizen why no 9" B&W machines with over 9000 dpi monitors? // troll better [06:07]
decimation heh that's how they force you to buy more, like the flashlight [06:08]
benkay no, that'd be the OS 'upgrades' that slow machines to a crawl over time. [06:08]
decimation heh that too [06:08]
decimation if you want apple stuff, you have to think of it as a subscription plan [06:08]
benkay if you want nice things, you must pay for them. [06:11]
benkay the niceness on offer is dubious though. [06:11]
decimation as nice as mircea's flashlight... [06:13]
benkay must have missed that one. [06:13]
BingoBoingo From lulz farm: [06:15]
assbot Phinnaeus Gage aka ~Bruno Kucinskas where are you? [06:15]
assbot Where is Goat? (The scammer) [06:15]
assbot Anonibet is a SCAM! Cheated me in their world cup contest ! Proof Inside. [06:15]
dub my god I need a physio or some shit [06:15]
dub fist sized knot floating around my lower back [06:15]
benkay The eventual loser doesn't always allow the winners victory unscathed // been studying GoL? [06:15]
BingoBoingo benkay: Not studying, playing [06:16]
benkay good god man you think i don't know? [06:16]
benkay have you seen the above happen in GoL? [06:18]
benkay some other dood somewhere has this truely ellaborate and complex punishment station, cost him 18`000 dollars // lol sounds a lot like MPEx. [06:19]
benkay oh, my strategy? no, just the house has been on the losing side the last couple games. // am curious as to how you're deciding how to lay odds. [06:21]
* gfest has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) [06:22]
* assbot removes voice from jonvaage [06:26]
BingoBoingo ;;bc,stats [06:35]
gribble Current Blocks: 311093 | Current Difficulty: 1.733631697850783E10 | Next Difficulty At Block: 312479 | Next Difficulty In: 1386 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 1 week, 2 days, 11 hours, 50 minutes, and 8 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: 18093767874.3 | Estimated Percent Change: 4.36916 [06:35]
BingoBoingo %d [06:37]
atcbot [ATC Diff] Current Diff: 785138.67 Est. Next Diff: 508361.66 in 562 blocks (#40320) Est. % Change: -35.25 [06:37]
* RedStallion (uid35542@gateway/web/ has joined #bitcoin-assets [06:38]
* benkay has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [06:39]
BingoBoingo !up RedStallion [06:40]
* assbot gives voice to RedStallion [06:40]
asciilifeform mac battery << idk about the more recent machines, but the one on my (circa '09?) unit is replaceable. just need to pop 8 torx screws. [06:42]
* asciilifeform doesn't use that machine often, battery has probably rotted and ripe for replacement [06:42]
BingoBoingo Mac has been infatuated with torx for some time it seems [06:43]
asciilifeform BingoBoingo: do you know why 'torx' exists? [06:43]
* gabriel_laddel has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [06:43]
BingoBoingo Because phillips isn't hip? [06:43]
asciilifeform BingoBoingo: originally, 'phillips' screws caught on because a (motorized, factory) driver would slip automatically when the screw tightened [06:43]
asciilifeform when strain gauges and computers became a thing, this was no longer necessary [06:44]
asciilifeform so screws were cut to maximize grip [06:44]
asciilifeform torx is one such [06:44]
* ak_ has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [06:44]
* akstunt600 has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [06:44]
* benkay (~user@unaffiliated/benkay) has joined #bitcoin-assets [06:44]
* ak_ ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [06:44]
* akstunt600 ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [06:45]
asciilifeform nothing to do with 'hip'... [06:45]
BingoBoingo Ah, I thought torx was such because someone in Cupertino thought in 1999 it would be a swell idea to push Bingo to buy a $20 screwdriver from radioshack [06:45]
asciilifeform pediwikia has good illustration: [06:46]
assbot Torx - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia [06:46]
* csshih_ (~csshih@unaffiliated/csshih) has joined #bitcoin-assets [06:46]
* assbot gives voice to benkay [06:46]
asciilifeform BingoBoingo: buy a $20 screwdriver from radioshack << you're thinking of the infamous 'pentalobe' [06:48]
mircea_popescu benkay what , no more blog ? [06:48]
* csshih has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) [06:49]
BingoBoingo asciilifeform: No, this was me with an information deficit and RadioShack with an people buying shit deficit [06:49]
* twizt (18bc4613@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-assets [06:49]
BingoBoingo !up twizt [06:50]
* assbot gives voice to twizt [06:50]
decimation whenever I use a motorized phillips screw driver I find that it strips before it slips [06:50]
decimation but that's probably because the screw is cheap [06:50]
benkay no more blog. [06:50]
benkay mircea_popescu: [06:51]
BingoBoingo decimation: Not too cheap though. I've had screws weld. Fucking ChiBama and Chicoms [06:51]
benkay it's a distraction! the kid only has so much attention to go around, and the blog is a dilution of said. [06:51]
decimation yeah the world is awash in cheap chicom screws [06:51]
BingoBoingo It is a plague [06:52]
mircea_popescu lol goat's repute preceeds him [06:52]
* smidge ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [06:52]
BingoBoingo Chicom nails and rivets... fine. Screws I might need to use several times... fuck that. [06:53]
mircea_popescu ppl be aggro! [06:54]
assbot BitBet - Silk Road Coin Auction Extravaganza :: 2.15 B (29%) on Yes, 5.3 B (71%) on No | closed 2 weeks 6 days ago [06:54]
benkay i'm down with destructive fasteners, but not fasteners that self-destruct. [06:54]
mircea_popescu "There can't be 1 person that has a stake in this that can be happy with how it is proceeding. Bet Yes or No it doesn't matter. Anyone with a legitimate bet wants a statement from BitBet about what is happening with this bet. I'm not at the point where I assume the admins of BitBet place a lot of their own bets on their site, and a lot of the comments are also from the admins. No one in th [06:54]
mircea_popescu eir right mind would ever think the running of this site is tolerable, yet apparently somehow many commenters do." [06:54]
asciilifeform [06:54]
assbot Terminal Lance - Terminal Lance #317 “The Social Network IV” [06:54]
BingoBoingo Aggro because they imagined a good resolution source and Draper likes the cox [06:54]
mircea_popescu "i am now at a point where i'm so butthurt with the internets i'm going to think the whole of it is just this guy in 8th grade that doesn't like me" [06:55]
asciilifeform [06:55]
assbot Terminal Lance - Terminal Lance #316 “Dress Blue Alpha Male” [06:55]
mircea_popescu oh, my strategy? no, just the house has been on the losing side the last couple games. // am curious as to how you're deciding how to lay odds. << it's a rand. [06:56]
BingoBoingo asciilifeform: ~85 percent of my cousins took that career path. Was my motivation for going to college [06:56]
mircea_popescu benkay makes sense. [06:57]
BingoBoingo asciilifeform: Few make it past this phase unscathed [06:58]
decimation usg has been sending rednecks overseas for two generations at least [06:58]
assbot Terminal Lance - Terminal Lance “Revenge of the Dependapotamus” #1 [06:58]
BingoBoingo decimation: USG has been sending rednecks overseas since tripoli [07:00]
BingoBoingo Tripoli was prolly the West's last decisive victory over Abdullah [07:01]
* hanbot (~hanbot@unaffiliated/hanbot) has left #bitcoin-assets ("Leaving") [07:02]
decimation back then they had the sense to take them home at least [07:02]
BingoBoingo lol [07:03]
asciilifeform BingoBoingo: [07:03]
assbot Terminal Lance - Terminal Lance #302 “Pirate Sword” [07:03]
decimation lol [07:05]
BingoBoingo asciilifeform: Cousin actually after leaving broke his pirate sword testing it against a $15 Walmart machete on honeysuckle in the back yard [07:05]
decimation if augustus were transported into our time, he would wonder why the us spends blood & treasure to "occupy" lands without expecting tribute or gold mines [07:07]
BingoBoingo decimation: Well, it might have made sense if Blood for Oil was an actual thing and not a hippie chant [07:08]
BingoBoingo [07:08]
assbot Terminal Lance - Terminal Lance #328 “Avengers Assemble” [07:08]
decimation my point is ... why isn't iraq New Texas with Bush City as its capitol? [07:08]
BingoBoingo Cause suckitude. [07:09]
BingoBoingo Arabs could have been the new Mexicans, but... Progressivism [07:09]
* smidge has quit (Quit: sorry, but you've mistaken me for someone who gives a fuck...) [07:09]
benkay [07:10]
assbot AirBNB Logos. : Photo [07:10]
* assbot removes voice from RedStallion [07:10]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 6 @ 0.17800014 = 1.068 BTC [-] {3} [07:10]
benkay [07:10]
* kermit (unknown@pdpc/supporter/bronze/kermit) has joined #bitcoin-assets [07:11]
BingoBoingo benkay: Wait airBnB ignores fags nao? [07:11]
* paxtoncamaro91 has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds) [07:12]
benkay who's a what now? [07:13]
BingoBoingo benkay: Well, apparently airbnd is all about the pussy nao [07:13]
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benkay [07:14]
BingoBoingo danielpbarron: What is the BTC/Meat price? [07:15]
danielpbarron one sec, I'll put up some new orders [07:17]
* BingoBoingo digs KoL account out of the abyss [07:17]
danielpbarron it's about 3`180`927 MEAT per 1 XCP [07:19]
BingoBoingo danielpbarron: Translate that to BTC or ATC [07:19]
mircea_popescu my point is ... why isn't iraq New Texas with Bush City as its capitol? << same reason the eu didn't take on turkey when it had the chance. [07:19]
mircea_popescu idiots. [07:19]
BingoBoingo Or I'll comprehend XCP if you quote spectral pickles as the underlying [07:19]
danielpbarron my equation is {meat/mr. a}*{btc/xcp}*{usd/btc}/10 [07:20]
decimation turkey would be a much better deal than greece [07:20]
* assbot removes voice from twizt [07:20]
danielpbarron i get the btc/xcp price from which quotes the latest trade on the DEX (I think) [07:21]
BingoBoingo danielpbarron: WTF is this marketmaking based on precise calculations??? [07:21]
danielpbarron lol [07:21]
BingoBoingo No, seriously sounds like a way to lose a lot of money [07:22]
danielpbarron well, the market cap of MEAT is less than 10 XCP so I'm not too worried [07:24]
* Dimsler has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) [07:25]
BingoBoingo danielpbarron: How much ATC or BTC is 10 XCP? [07:25]
BingoBoingo Can't find a good quote [07:25]
danielpbarron 10 XCP is about 0.04127 BTC [07:27]
danielpbarron if the DEX is even accurate [07:27]
dub fuck is xcp [07:29]
danielpbarron counterparty money (it's like mastercoin) [07:30]
* chax ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [07:31]
* CheckDavid has quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity) [07:34]
BingoBoingo danielpbarron: So how many meat for 0.05 BTC? [07:34]
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danielpbarron BingoBoingo, 38`538`008 MEAT per 0.05 BTC [07:38]
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BingoBoingo danielpbarron: I'll take all the meat then, post address [07:38]
* Diablo-D3 has quit (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep) [07:39]
* chax has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [07:39]
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danielpbarron well I don't have that much meat; are you saying you'll pay extra for it? [07:39]
danielpbarron I wouldn't mind donating for some mr. a's to get that much meat for you [07:39]
danielpbarron thereby converting my USD into BTC :D [07:40]
BingoBoingo Well, I want to help put this thing out of its misery. [07:40]
BingoBoingo But avoiding putting BTC into USD [07:40]
BingoBoingo How many BTC to kill this asset? [07:40]
* mikaeldice has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [07:40]
* Diablo-D3 ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [07:40]
benkay aw now you've gone and hurt danielpbarron's feelings! [07:41]
danielpbarron 0.05 is more than enough to buy the 24`541`500 MEAT that I have ready to go [07:41]
* Poffertje has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [07:41]
BingoBoingo Well, Sounds like the cap on this then is well under 0.05 [07:42]
danielpbarron I'd rather do it on the DEX so it gets tracked on the top assets graph, but I'm not gonna turn down BTC if you send it here: 1MbPpiePrxuQLMeGZZJiYPbuta5farHyto [07:43]
danielpbarron I can send the MEAT to any BTC address, but it's probably best if you get an address from if you want to trade them easily [07:43]
danielpbarron unless you're already running counterparty on one of your machines [07:44]
BingoBoingo danielpbarron: Send the meat to Atruk 947952eaf8724b41837f490a6e8049810399651cb2725c383a28f822b2350929 I want the actual meat [07:44]
benkay How many BTC to kill this asset? // doesn't sound like there's much trading in MEAT's future. [07:44]
BingoBoingo All of it [07:44]
danielpbarron ... [07:45]
danielpbarron :p [07:45]
danielpbarron alright well i'm just gonna donate for some more meat to cover it again [07:45]
danielpbarron that's a deal if you want; I'll send you 27`000`000 actual KoL meat for 0.05 BTC [07:46]
benkay the misery persists! [07:46]
* shidan ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [07:47]
BingoBoingo Imma just spend it on spectral pickles anyways [07:49]
mircea_popescu btw [07:50]
assbot Guerrilla Mail - Disposable Temporary E-Mail Address [07:50]
danielpbarron BingoBoingo, Package sent. [07:51]
asciilifeform mircea_popescu: - ancient [07:51]
assbot Mailinator [07:51]
mircea_popescu asciilifeform the bitcoin part. [07:52]
asciilifeform aha [07:52]
BingoBoingo thank you danielpbarron [07:53]
* shidan ( has left #bitcoin-assets [07:53]
danielpbarron heh, just donated another 30 USD to jick for some mr. a's [07:54]
BingoBoingo !up VanCleef Ur welcome Dudebro [08:01]
* assbot gives voice to VanCleef [08:01]
VanCleef thanks bro [08:01]
VanCleef i miss this room [08:01]
benkay hey VanCleef how've you been [08:02]
VanCleef good thanks benkay bro, yourself? [08:02]
benkay casi casi [08:02]
benkay just successfully scripted a postgres install on ubuntu [08:02]
* chax has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [08:03]
benkay flopped out of bed last night and threw my back out too, huzzah [08:06]
* hanbot (~hanbot@unaffiliated/hanbot) has joined #bitcoin-assets [08:14]
BingoBoingo !up hanbot [08:15]
* assbot gives voice to hanbot [08:15]
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BingoBoingo Maybe number correlates to buttplug size? [08:23]
BingoBoingo Well, whoever is a size 21 [08:25]
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BingoBoingo !up VanCleef [08:34]
* assbot gives voice to VanCleef [08:34]
BingoBoingo VanCleef: Were you the NYDFS van cleef [08:34]
* chax has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) [08:36]
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* hanbot (~hanbot@unaffiliated/hanbot) has left #bitcoin-assets [08:55]
* assbot gives voice to kyuupichan [08:57]
kyuupichan So why does bitcoin-qt sit forever at some blocks whilst catching up? WTF is it doing? [08:58]
* chax ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [09:01]
* assbot removes voice from VanCleef [09:05]
* Now talking on #bitcoin-assets [15:52]
* Topic for #bitcoin-assets is: || || || [15:52]
* Topic for #bitcoin-assets set by kakobrekla!~kako@unaffiliated/kakobrekla at Wed Mar 5 21:58:12 2014 [15:52]
-assbot- Welcome to #bitcoin-assets. To get voice (ie, to be able to speak), first identify with gribble and then send "!up" to assbot in a private message. If you do not have a WoT account, try politely asking one of the voiced people for a temporary pass. [15:52]
diana_coman if it's of any interest to anyone, a bit of playing with the logs: [15:53]
assbot “Get one just like bitcoin people” in Ossasepia [15:53]
* RedStallion has quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity) [15:56]
* assbot gives voice to mircea_popescu [15:56]
mircea_popescu No better test to see text mining fail, it seems, than applying it to irc logs on bitcoin-assets: a careful calibration of state of the art tools yielded only a clear case of “by the time you figure out and implement everything needed to obtain even reasonable results, you surely did the “automated” work at least 5 times if not 10, if not 100.” [15:58]
mircea_popescu this is proof of intelligence i say [15:58]
mircea_popescu given the enthusiasm of text mining people << this is the enthusiasm of the doomed - it doesn't reflect anything on the direct avenue, but is merely the nervous laugh of someone who just got cut in half. [16:01]
* chax ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [16:01]
chetty well to mine anything you sort of need to know what you are looking for [16:02]
mircea_popescu text mining people are among the few who appreciate the problem of text deluge close to its actual size, which is another way to say they actually know we're surrounded by uncontrolled wildfire. that they pretend like you know, pissing on it works is more the result of their psychological need to fit in with the rest of the crowd, that blisfully ignores the problem, than anything else. [16:02]
mircea_popescu in any case the end of civilisation is here simply because we've lost control of text. [16:03]
mircea_popescu chetty yeah. it becomes problematic when you provably can't know, yet you still have to. this is a macroproblem of "nobody knows wtf the tax code says" [16:03]
* chax has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) [16:06]
* Duffer1 has quit (Quit: Duffer1) [16:08]
* daybyter ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [16:10]
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* davout (~davout@unaffiliated/davout) has joined #bitcoin-assets [16:12]
diana_coman mircea_popescu yeah, I kind of expected that, but as I said - it was more for the fun and getting to read all that + there is proof now out there [16:13]
* assbot gives voice to davout [16:13]
pankkake shouldn't common words be excluded? I used to do that to IRC stats [16:13]
* assbot gives voice to Shakespeare [16:13]
diana_coman pankkake, I excluded the most common ones [16:13]
* Shakespeare is now known as ThickAsThieves [16:14]
diana_coman I guess it depends on what you consider common [16:14]
* ThickAsThieves has quit (Changing host) [16:14]
* ThickAsThieves (~ThickAsTh@unaffiliated/thickasthieves) has joined #bitcoin-assets [16:14]
* gives voice to ThickAsThieves [16:14]
* ChanServ removes voice from ThickAsThieves [16:14]
diana_coman I excluded stuff like "the" "a" etc [16:14]
diana_coman obviously, excluding some more could make it a bit better, but from what I saw, it doesn't get it too far still [16:14]
pankkake right [16:14]
* assbot gives voice to ThickAsThieves [16:14]
ThickAsThieves as i read diana's post, it occurs to me how much this channel is like the Howard Stern show [16:15]
diana_coman simply because of the fact that the discussions really are pretty much about everything and in all forms and shapes [16:15]
ThickAsThieves mp is Stern, providing most content [16:15]
ThickAsThieves while friends like Robin and baba incite it [16:15]
ThickAsThieves nubbins, me, ascii, etc [16:15]
ThickAsThieves we even have the sexual bent [16:16]
ThickAsThieves in the content [16:16]
* chax ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [16:16]
* chax has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [16:16]
ThickAsThieves Stern also had similar standards for guests of the show [16:16]
* chax ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [16:17]
mircea_popescu ThickAsThieves what standards are those ? [16:17]
diana_coman ThickAsThieves it clearly is driven mainly by a few people [16:17]
mircea_popescu o nm, i misread [16:17]
ThickAsThieves like he'd try to get certain people on [16:17]
ThickAsThieves and wouldnt allow some [16:17]
ThickAsThieves and enjoyed company of sluts [16:17]
chetty haha the b-a reality show, comming soon [16:17]
mircea_popescu lol. and had wild hair. [16:17]
mircea_popescu ThickAsThieves can you summarize them standards ? [16:18]
ThickAsThieves shit i havent watched/listened in years [16:18]
ThickAsThieves surely google can help [16:18]
ThickAsThieves his movie is pretty good too, if you havent seen it [16:18]
* nam-shub ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [16:18]
mircea_popescu pankkake actually if i had to somehow do what she's trying to do, i'd cheat : get the words put into !s and ;;ud, look three lines prior for the sentence they appear in, build the sentence tree and then use that grammatical pattern on the whole log. [16:19]
mircea_popescu extract all words which work syntactically in the same manner as the searched terms. [16:19]
dub all I remember is the awful scene with that chick raping a woofer [16:19]
mircea_popescu because what the search does is it says "this is an important AND OBSCURE" term. [16:19]
mircea_popescu whereas you want to see important and anti-obscure words. [16:19]
ThickAsThieves dub it was indeed memorable [16:19]
mircea_popescu dub you know that's what i know of stern too ? [16:19]
mircea_popescu o wait, he also had a girl that fucked her mother on once ? or what was it ? [16:20]
ThickAsThieves he had all kindsa shit like that [16:20]
ThickAsThieves geez, Stern is 60? [16:21]
dub that and he's weird al's doppleganger [16:21]
* chax has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) [16:21]
diana_coman mircea_popescu uhm, the structures did not seem so uniform, but it could be worth a try [16:21]
mircea_popescu dub nah, weird al is all fat. stern looks more like zappa imo [16:21]
ThickAsThieves [16:22]
assbot FCC fines of The Howard Stern Show - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia [16:22]
ThickAsThieves !s diana_coman [16:23]
assbot 6 results for 'diana_coman' : [16:23]
mircea_popescu | [16:24]
ThickAsThieves what brings you here diana_coman? [16:24]
mircea_popescu lmao wait, wikipedia has a page dedicated to "fcc fines stern" ?! ahahah. [16:24]
ThickAsThieves you are behind MP, you need an SEC fine page [16:25]
diana_coman ThickAsThieves curiosity mainly; I've been around for a while, but I don't talk much [16:25]
ThickAsThieves or, hell, FCC too [16:25]
ThickAsThieves cool cool [16:25]
* andreas__ ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [16:25]
mircea_popescu !up andreas__ [16:25]
-assbot- You voiced andreas__ for 30 minutes. [16:25]
* assbot gives voice to andreas__ [16:25]
mircea_popescu ThickAsThieves nah, i don't. i'd much rather google spit out trilema than wikipedia. [16:25]
ThickAsThieves true, i guess we can always detail your exploits in the b-a wiki [16:26]
* daybyter has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds) [16:26]
mircea_popescu hm i guess this is actually open for some comparison. [16:26]
* andreas__ has quit (Client Quit) [16:27]
mircea_popescu hey everyone that is awake : please put in a list of five words that you'd estimate are the key terms for [your interest of] b-a [16:27]
mircea_popescu then we can actually score how well the computer did. [16:27]
* chris____ (c76b38de@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-assets [16:27]
* chris____ has quit (Client Quit) [16:27]
dub scam scam scam scam and scam [16:28]
chetty people have 'fixed' interests like that? [16:28]
ThickAsThieves i cant do it without losing context [16:29]
mircea_popescu chetty yeah, as i said that i was sitting here going wtf i have nfi what i should write now. [16:29]
mircea_popescu this is what i get for being impulsive. [16:29]
ThickAsThieves like i could just say bitcoin, or mircea_popescu [16:29]
pankkake surprising that scam wasn't one of the top words [16:29]
mircea_popescu i mean something like ipo ceo scam mpex bitbet i guess, but wtf. i have no idea i'll be interested in what ppl say BEFORE they say it. [16:29]
pankkake scam, troll, tits, slander, ? [16:29]
diana_coman ThickAsThieves that's what the computer said! [16:29]
pankkake scam, troll, tits, slander, AMAZING [16:29]
dub computer says no [16:29]
chetty thats the whole thing, data is nothing without context [16:30]
mircea_popescu AMAZING COMPANY! [16:30]
ThickAsThieves but really it's mor elike: bitcoin current affairs & discourse [16:30]
mircea_popescu someone should send dub a viking hat anyway. [16:30]
* assbot gives voice to los_pantalones [16:30]
* akstunt600 has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [16:31]
* ak_ has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [16:31]
dub it wouldnt fit over my batman mask [16:31]
mircea_popescu Viking-Batman Dub. [16:31]
mircea_popescu now that's a comic i'd check out. [16:31]
* akstunt600 ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [16:31]
* ak_ ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [16:31]
* chax ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [16:31]
los_pantalones repartee peers encyclopedic knowledge logs [16:33]
mircea_popescu !s repartee [16:33]
assbot 1 results for 'repartee' : [16:33]
mircea_popescu you lose :D [16:33]
los_pantalones damn! [16:34]
mircea_popescu <<< the most notable thing i see here is that "first" and "last" have the same motherfucking weight. [16:34]
mircea_popescu do that on twitter/reddit/btctalk/coindesk w/e, it's all FIRST and LARGEST and etc. [16:34]
mircea_popescu and wtf is "mbuy [16:35]
* chax has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [16:36]
los_pantalones why is "well" on here but not "welp" ? [16:37]
ThickAsThieves cuz no one says welp [16:37]
mircea_popescu << someone put this in the bitbet wail thread about the sr auction. [16:38]
mircea_popescu imo it's the best popcorn pic ON THE INTERNETS [16:38]
ThickAsThieves lol [16:38]
mircea_popescu los_pantalones you understand, this is based on the logs, it's not meta. [16:39]
* gabriel_laddel (~user@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [16:39]
mircea_popescu ;;gettrust assbot gabriel_laddel [16:39]
gribble WARNING: Currently not authenticated. Trust relationship from user assbot to user gabriel_laddel: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 0 via 0 connections. Graph: | WoT data: | Rated since: never [16:39]
mircea_popescu ;;rate gabriel_laddel 1 New blood [16:39]
gribble Error: User doesn't exist in the Rating or GPG databases. User must be GPG-registered to receive ratings. [16:39]
mircea_popescu !up gabriel_laddel [16:39]
-assbot- You voiced gabriel_laddel for 30 minutes. [16:39]
* assbot gives voice to gabriel_laddel [16:39]
mircea_popescu suppose you get to that hm ? [16:39]
gabriel_laddel Registering with gribble? [16:39]
gabriel_laddel Of course. [16:39]
mircea_popescu k [16:40]
gabriel_laddel I read logs+loper-os+trilema, I have not yet registered for my own reasons. [16:40]
cazalla lulz im porn.gif, wtf no img tags in comments? scam [16:43]
cazalla popcorn.gif i means [16:43]
mircea_popescu cause people would prolly put all sorts of huge pagebreaking shit [16:45]
* chax ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [16:46]
mircea_popescu diana_coman users-by-lines is already in users-by-words and per-user-mean-wordlength'd have been moar interesting. [16:48]
assbot #bitcoin-assets stats [16:48]
* adrrr has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) [16:49]
* chax has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds) [16:51]
mircea_popescu which also brings us to a disparity : "users by lines, last 12 months 2.) mircea_popescu 92547" according to kako [16:51]
mircea_popescu 's stats ; logs between 26 March 2013 and 12 June 2014. mircea_popescu 91479 according to diana_coman. well which is it ? cause these can't both be right [16:52]
chetty navel gazing [16:53]
mircea_popescu asciilifeform drops from 18964 in 12 months to 16627 in 15 months. [16:54]
mircea_popescu chetty hm ? [16:55]
chetty just noticing the self absorbtion of a channel mostly talking about itself, perhaps b-a is becoming enlightened? [16:56]
kakobrekla mircea_popescu at least one day got thrown out from the log data so there wont be 100% match [16:58]
mircea_popescu first, they mocked others, but i didn't say anything because they weren't mocking me. then they started talking about themselves but i didn't say anything because i wasn't there. and now there's nothing to talk about. [16:58]
mircea_popescu kakobrekla you mean cuz assbot didn't see it ? how did it put it in the stats then ? [16:58]
kakobrekla no, its in the logs it just that we couldnt make sense of it [16:59]
kakobrekla O_o [16:59]
mircea_popescu you are making sense right now. [16:59]
* chax ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [17:02]
kakobrekla on i side not, i figured it out now whats the problem but whatever doesnt matter. [17:02]
mircea_popescu x.x [17:02]
kakobrekla on a side note [17:02]
kakobrekla obv i need coffee. brb. [17:03]
jurov lul dotcoin is hungry [17:03]
assbot Bitcoin SARL: Nice, Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur, FR | [17:03]
fluffypony yeah wtf [17:04]
fluffypony "Markus Weiler has invited you to view Bitcoin SARL's fundraising details on their Crowdfunder Deal. Check out their Deal on" [17:04]
fluffypony just saw that mail [17:04]
fluffypony [17:04]
assbot Hi, this is Ben Lawsky at NYDFS. Here are the proposed BitLicense regulations. : Bitcoin [17:04]
mircea_popescu awww y no kickstarter [17:04]
fluffypony twizt spotted that [17:04]
fluffypony here's the proposed framework: [17:05]
mircea_popescu Section 200.15 Anti-money laundering program << stopped reading. [17:06]
* chax has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) [17:06]
mircea_popescu no-anti-money-laundering is not negotiable. [17:06]
ThickAsThieves [17:07]
assbot Hi, this is Ben Lawsky at NYDFS. Here are the proposed BitLicense regulations. : Bitcoin [17:07]
mircea_popescu ? [17:07]
ThickAsThieves [17:07]
jurov fluffypony can you request access to see what dotcoin derpage? [17:07]
fluffypony jurov: sure [17:07]
ThickAsThieves dunno wat the pay subdom is [17:07]
ThickAsThieves " No Person shall, without a license obtained from the superintendent as provided in [17:09]
ThickAsThieves this Part, engage in any Virtual Currency Business Activity." [17:09]
ThickAsThieves merchants and consumers that utilize Virtual Currency solely for the purchase or sale of goods or [17:10]
ThickAsThieves services are exempt [17:10]
* assbot removes voice from gabriel_laddel [17:10]
ThickAsThieves Each Licensee is prohibited from selling, transferring, assigning, lending, hypothecating, pledging, or [17:13]
ThickAsThieves otherwise using or encumbering assets, including Virtual Currency, held, stored, or maintained by, or under the custody or control of, such Licensee on behalf of another Person. [17:13]
mircea_popescu ahahahaha [17:14]
mircea_popescu wtf are these idiots. [17:14]
mircea_popescu it's a fucking fixed volume deflationary currency. it can't even jokingly contemplate such an arrangement. [17:14]
mircea_popescu so what, this is the strat, "prevent bitcoin from raping the usd by making it unable to work like a currency" ? lulz. people will just move to connecticut. [17:15]
mircea_popescu this is roughly the equivalent of a license to build boats provided they're oar powered and leak. [17:16]
pankkake re boats, this is what the French gov did to Uber [17:16]
ThickAsThieves When a Licensee is involved in a transaction or series of transactions for the receipt, exchange, conversion, purchase, sale, transfer, or transmission of Virtual Currency, in an aggregate amount exceeding the United States dollar value of $10,000 in one day, by one Person, the Licensee shall notify the Department, in a manner prescribed by the superintendent, within 24 hours. [17:17]
pankkake "you might do your thing but you have to wait 15 min" then "you might do your thing but you can't use geolocalization" [17:17]
mircea_popescu pankkake lmao [17:17]
ThickAsThieves Licensees are prohibited from maintaining relationships of any type in connection with their Virtual Currency Business Activity with entities that do not have a physical presence in any country. [17:19]
ThickAsThieves hmm [17:19]
mircea_popescu lmao [17:19]
* assbot gives voice to dignork [17:20]
mircea_popescu ah lanky guy behind a very short sixty dollar desk, how amusing you are. [17:20]
dignork Regulators might think of something like this: [17:21]
assbot 8 Million Vericoin Hack Prompts Hard Fork to Recover Funds [17:21]
pankkake I suppose reddit will say "but we were supposed to be friends" [17:21]
mircea_popescu "About FoxySoft. FoxySoft is founded by Alex Allen. Alex has been a professional game developer since 1997 when she began her career as an Art Director, transforming traditional board games into PC games. FoxySoft works with local businesses and startup foundations to create a solid business model and ensure stability in the company’s framework. FoxySoft’s combined talent and experience has produced such games as: [17:23]
mircea_popescu DC Universe Online Star Wars Galaxies PlanetSide 2 Magic the Gathering Everquest 2" [17:23]
diana_coman mircea_popescu re mismatch in number of lines - there are some missing in my data (part is what kakobrekla said earlier that I had to throw out one day due to funny things with the timestamps) [17:23]
* Poffertje_ (~name@ has joined #bitcoin-assets [17:23]
ThickAsThieves well Lawsky wants public comment, so be sure to make public comment mp [17:24]
mircea_popescu i have. [17:24]
ThickAsThieves reddit is so funny [17:24]
mircea_popescu lansky is not important enough just yet to pick his venue. [17:24]
diana_coman as for words and mean length, I'll be back with it in a few moments [17:24]
ThickAsThieves all the commenters dont want to read it or think for themselves [17:24]
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ThickAsThieves so they are all literally asking what to think [17:24]
mircea_popescu well it IS reddit... [17:24]
ThickAsThieves [17:24]
assbot Hi, this is Ben Lawsky at NYDFS. Here are the proposed BitLicense regulations. : Bitcoin [17:24]
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mircea_popescu ThickAsThieves i like the part where someone tipped him three fiddy [17:25]
mircea_popescu guy actually has to file paperwork for that, which i bet you he doesn't know about and doesn't do, [17:26]
mircea_popescu which i bet you will result in a criminal complaint cca 2015ish. [17:26]
ThickAsThieves lol [17:26]
pankkake [17:27]
assbot Survey Results | Bitcoin Survey : Bitcoin [17:27]
mircea_popescu that's the funny thing with the usg bureaucracy, the entire "make the laws too complex and then add regulation" thing used to work in their favour cca 1980-1990. but once that starts moving it doesn't stop, and now they're left behind. [17:27]
mircea_popescu i don't think i've ever had an encounter with any sort of govt employee where i couldn't have sued him into the dirt if so inclined. [17:27]
* samO (6d5dedf1@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-assets [17:28]
mthreat mircea_popescu: what a great "DOS" type attack - do things such as tip them small amounts, so they have to file paperwork or be guilty of something [17:28]
mircea_popescu mthreat this is the problem of half baked systems. just like sm sites are structurally vulnerable because they misimplement the wot, just like the phone corps & banks are vulnerable because they misimplement crypto, [17:29]
mircea_popescu everyone in the old world is very, very vulnerable to a long long list of new attacks. [17:30]
mircea_popescu stuff like goatse and rick rolling are merely playful swings around the margins of the gaping hole. [17:30]
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mircea_popescu take something as simple as swatting : nothing in the old world is designed or capable to handle distributed coordinated effort. [17:31]
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cazalla swatting a bitcoin conference [17:32]
chetty hmm wonder if you could swat an IRS office .. [17:32]
cazalla now that'd be lulzy [17:32]
chetty dragon should be occupied eating its own tail [17:33]
mthreat ya but swatting is presumably illegal. tipping is not, so thousands of people could conceivably do it without breaking any law [17:33]
mircea_popescu mthreat it only became illegal after they caught on. [17:33]
chetty plenty of stuff they havent gotten around to making illegal - yet [17:33]
mircea_popescu but before they caught on... it wasn't. so what is this, bayesian spam filtering ? [17:34]
mircea_popescu done by hand by people who never got past 9th grade math ? [17:34]
* miaoux has quit (Read error: No route to host) [17:35]
mircea_popescu ;;ticker [17:35]
gribble Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 616.93, Best ask: 618.9, Bid-ask spread: 1.97000, Last trade: 618.89, 24 hour volume: 5229.14362461, 24 hour low: 610.0, 24 hour high: 623.0, 24 hour vwap: 615.352893005 [17:35]
* dignork has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [17:35]
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ThickAsThieves china tried to rally but failed so far [17:37]
mircea_popescu i guess someone has to try and fail for the rest to get it. teaching without training is kinda dead in the water. [17:44]
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mircea_popescu !up indiancandy1 [17:46]
-assbot- You voiced indiancandy1 for 30 minutes. [17:46]
* assbot gives voice to indiancandy1 [17:46]
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mircea_popescu this thing keeps growing but remarkably the odds stay about the same [17:49]
assbot BitBet - BTC to top $800 before August :: 3.01 B (19%) on Yes, 12.92 B (81%) on No | closing in 1 week 4 days | weight: 72`228 (100`000 to 1) [17:49]
ThickAsThieves oh shit, read Lanksy's definition of Virtual Currency [17:50]
ThickAsThieves it includes centralized [17:50]
diana_coman mircea_popescu updated the post with users by words and mean wordlength per user (per line), is that what you meant? [17:50]
ThickAsThieves so does AmazonCoin and such have to comply now? [17:50]
ThickAsThieves what about video game currencies? [17:50]
* chax has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds) [17:51]
ThickAsThieves nevermind [17:51]
ThickAsThieves he excludes gaming platforms [17:51]
mircea_popescu << 11 ? [17:51]
mircea_popescu does that count url as words ? [17:51]
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ThickAsThieves also excludes reward programs and such [17:52]
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kakobrekla so what you are saying is that im barely readable? [17:57]
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mircea_popescu kakobrekla [17:58]
kakobrekla hehe [17:58]
fluffypony where is nap hex? he's disappeared :( [18:00]
fluffypony *naphex [18:00]
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indiancandy1 wassuo bitches [18:08]
indiancandy1 wassup [18:08]
indiancandy1 who wants 2 buy me a ticket 2 india [18:08]
indiancandy1 il do anything [18:08]
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* Guest82968 is now known as asciilifeform [18:09]
* assbot gives voice to diana_coman [18:09]
diana_coman mircea_popescu yes, it counts urls, but that's not the top by wordlength, the title was misleading I guess; updated now [18:09]
* assbot gives voice to asciilifeform [18:10]
* assbot gives voice to princessnell [18:10]
diana_coman it's a bit of a hack so not terribly precise - I count non-words and then add 1 - I've used basic string processing rather than all the text mining shit [18:10]
mircea_popescu ah words per line. okay. also meant letters per word i guess [18:10]
diana_coman uhm, think that would be of interest? [18:10]
diana_coman kind of who uses the longest words or what? [18:11]
mircea_popescu yea [18:11]
diana_coman can be calculated though, not big deal [18:11]
mircea_popescu !s hisb0hla [18:11]
assbot 9 results for 'hisb0hla' : [18:11]
mircea_popescu wow i had no idea. [18:11]
diana_coman that's the problem with the mean just like that [18:11]
diana_coman if you throw a wall of text once, that's it [18:11]
mircea_popescu !s omu [18:12]
assbot 3 results for 'omu' : [18:12]
mircea_popescu lol i guess so yeah [18:12]
mircea_popescu awell [18:12]
diana_coman yeah, that's why I did not put the top 10 initially [18:12]
diana_coman it's mainly spammers at the top based on pure length of line [18:12]
mircea_popescu can it be "out of the top 100 by lines" ? [18:12]
diana_coman sure, I've put now out of the top 10 by lines [18:13]
diana_coman can extend that, np [18:13]
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* assbot removes voice from indiancandy1 [18:17]
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asciilifeform !up indiancandy1 [18:20]
* assbot gives voice to indiancandy1 [18:20]
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* assbot gives voice to nubbins` [18:22]
nubbins` so if i'm understanding correctly, that text mining blog post is recommending that people pay attention to what i have to say? [18:22]
* nubbins` chuckles softly [18:22]
* mike_c (~mike_c@unaffiliated/mike-c/x-9105598) has joined #bitcoin-assets [18:22]
* assbot gives voice to mike_c [18:23]
nubbins` ;;dict "fait accompli" [18:23]
gribble wn: fait accompli n 1: an irreversible accomplishment [syn: {fait accompli}, {accomplished fact}] [18:23]
diana_coman mircea_popescu updated with those in top 100 considered [18:24]
mircea_popescu ;;dict "faire minette" [18:24]
gribble No definition for "faire minette" could be found in wn [18:24]
diana_coman I've limited it to at least 12 words per line though [18:24]
mircea_popescu well i guess wn is anti woman then, innit. [18:24]
nubbins` always suspected [18:25]
nubbins` just printed a short run of these: [18:25]
assbot imgur: the simple image sharer [18:25]
pankkake wn? [18:25]
nubbins` webster's new? [18:25]
pankkake otherwise, [18:26]
assbot faire minette - Wiktionary [18:26]
nubbins` :o [18:26]
nubbins` hm. [18:27]
nubbins` lit: make kitty? [18:27]
BingoBoingo Oh, today is textual analysis day, but no hermeneutics or historicity? [18:27]
pankkake ;;dict "glouglouter le poireau" [18:27]
gribble No definition for "glouglouter le poireau" could be found in wn [18:27]
pankkake nubbins`: yes [18:27]
* nubbins` nods slowly [18:28]
diana_coman nubbins` more to when you say something than to what :p [18:28]
nubbins` diana_coman: i feel like i should dig a "beware" sign into the soil somewhere 8) [18:28]
diana_coman see, that's why: 'cause you care :D [18:29]
mircea_popescu so apparently a passenger plane got shot down in ukraina [18:30]
indiancandy1 seriosly [18:30]
indiancandy1 though [18:30]
indiancandy1 buy me a ticket to india [18:30]
indiancandy1 :( [18:30]
mircea_popescu why ? [18:31]
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pankkake indian beggar and romanian scammer, could you guys be less stereotypical [18:32]
pankkake wait, I'm the French complainer [18:32]
mike_c HAHAH. (loud american) [18:33]
* nubbins` coughs, rubs eyes [18:33]
mike_c sickly canadian? [18:34]
indiancandy1 becazuse [18:34]
indiancandy1 i need 2 get to india [18:34]
indiancandy1 and i cant afford it [18:34]
indiancandy1 so [18:34]
mircea_popescu indiancandy1 forget your needs. focus on mine. [18:34]
nubbins` mike_c: sure, why not [18:34]
indiancandy1 okay [18:34]
indiancandy1 trade [18:34]
indiancandy1 get me a ticket [18:34]
indiancandy1 il do dirty things 4 u [18:34]
indiancandy1 if u like [18:34]
mike_c omg. more than one word per line please. [18:34]
indiancandy1 sorry dear [18:34]
mircea_popescu well, thing is... i don't really need you to do dirty things. [18:35]
indiancandy1 im not only talking to you every other man in here [18:35]
mircea_popescu it's mostly women. [18:35]
nubbins` what has this place become [18:35]
indiancandy1 im super hot and sexxy and horny LMAO and i need a one way ticket to india so [18:35]
indiancandy1 who wants to trade ? [18:35]
mircea_popescu you done the begging video yet ? [18:35]
pankkake well, I need women to do dirty things for me, but I can't afford it [18:36]
* jakethesnake (ae77980c@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-assets [18:36]
mircea_popescu !up jakethesnake [18:36]
-assbot- You voiced jakethesnake for 30 minutes. [18:36]
* assbot gives voice to jakethesnake [18:36]
* chax has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) [18:36]
nubbins` pankkake: i need to send someone to india, but i'm a prude [18:36]
indiancandy1 ur offering me 60bucks my ticket is 500gbp [18:36]
mircea_popescu pankkake if you find a whore, bring her here and then fuck her i'll pay for it. [18:36]
jakethesnake first time here -how does this wokr [18:37]
asciilifeform never understood folks who beg for airplane tickets. what do they intend to eat at the destination ? [18:37]
jakethesnake is this a bitcoin chat or what [18:37]
pankkake free food in airplanes! [18:37]
nubbins` asciilifeform: shit [18:37]
nubbins` :D [18:37]
pankkake this is the bitcoin chat [18:37]
nubbins` with apologies to gabriel garcia marquez [18:38]
jakethesnake where you from pankkake [18:38]
pankkake France [18:38]
chetty hello jakethesnake welcome, and its pretty much a free for all most of the time [18:38]
nubbins` jakethesnake: it is a bitcoin chat, after a fashion [18:38]
indiancandy1 well i can pay for my accomodation is you buy my ticket [18:38]
indiancandy1 if i buy my ticket i cant afford accomodation [18:38]
jakethesnake is anyone working on bitcoin initiatives in africa right now? [18:38]
indiancandy1 i have 750 gbp til the 10th of aug [18:38]
jakethesnake i've got a few investors interested in starting something but am looking for some bitcoin expertise to assist [18:39]
BingoBoingo jakethesnake: A what sort of thing? [18:39]
mike_c fluffypony is in SA. [18:39]
mircea_popescu jakethesnake you could start by reading the logs. [18:39]
mircea_popescu ;;topic [18:39]
gribble || || || [18:39]
indiancandy1 mircea il do u a beg video for a tricket :P [18:39]
pankkake and [18:39]
indiancandy1 ticket [18:39]
nubbins` indiancandy1 ah get out [18:39]
jakethesnake mircea - where would i find those... sorry for being such a n00b haha [18:39]
mircea_popescu a tricket lol [18:39]
indiancandy1 baby dont laugh at me im upset right now [18:40]
BingoBoingo ;;ticker [18:40]
gribble Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 624.2, Best ask: 625.0, Bid-ask spread: 0.80000, Last trade: 624.2, 24 hour volume: 6238.53812135, 24 hour low: 610.0, 24 hour high: 629.0, 24 hour vwap: 616.889309913 [18:40]
* KRS-1 has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [18:40]
BingoBoingo %t [18:41]
atcbot [X-BT] Bid: 210 Ask: 242 Last Price: 210 24h-Vol: 15k High: 210 Low: 210 VWAP: 210 [18:41]
pankkake %diff [18:41]
atcbot [ATC Diff] Current Diff: 785138.67 Est. Next Diff: 503232.97 in 525 blocks (#40320) Est. % Change: -35.91 [18:41]
BingoBoingo ;;bc,stats [18:41]
* Sebastan has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [18:41]
gribble Current Blocks: 311181 | Current Difficulty: 1.733631697850783E10 | Next Difficulty At Block: 312479 | Next Difficulty In: 1298 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 1 week, 1 day, 5 hours, 9 minutes, and 52 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: 18420013228.1 | Estimated Percent Change: 6.25102 [18:41]
BingoBoingo Both coins holding steady [18:41]
* jakethesnake has quit (Quit: Page closed) [18:41]
indiancandy1 mp u have all that money come on whats 50 gbp 2 u [18:42]
indiancandy1 500* [18:42]
mircea_popescu !down indiancandy1 [18:42]
* assbot removes voice from indiancandy1 [18:42]
nubbins` i was just checking to see when the half hour was up [18:42]
nubbins` 8 minutes short ;D [18:42]
mircea_popescu [18:43]
assbot Monty Python - Airplane Hijack - YouTube [18:43]
chetty 20 rockets were found Wednesday in a school in Gaza operated by the United Nations Relief and Works Agency [18:44]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 1001 @ 0.00269901 = 2.7017 BTC [-] {2} [18:44]
asciilifeform nubbins`: marquez << lol! that was my favourite line in the entire book! [18:45]
nubbins` such a summation, hey :D [18:45]
* indiancandy1 has quit (Quit: Leaving) [18:45]
asciilifeform '—Y mientras tanto qué comemos —preguntó, y agarró al coronel por el cuello de la franela. Lo sacudió con energía—. Dime, qué comemos. El coronel necesitó setenta y cinco años —los setenta y cinco años de su vida, minuto a minuto— para llegar a ese instante. Se sintió puro, explícito, invencible, en el momento de responder. — Mierda.' [18:45]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 312 @ 0.00271381 = 0.8467 BTC [+] {2} [18:45]
* KRS-1 ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [18:46]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 1460 @ 0.00270981 = 3.9563 BTC [-] {2} [18:47]
mike_c hanbot: The betting closes ~20 blocks early because otherwise the very end game presents situations that I think are non-healthy. same kind of reasons for bitbet closing bets early. the last open year is 979 because the last paid bomb goes off on year 980. [18:55]
mike_c ;;later tell hanbot [18:55]
gribble The operation succeeded. [18:55]
assbot #bitcoin-assets log [18:55]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] [PAID] 1.79196920 BTC to 12`355 shares, 14504 satoshi per share [19:00]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] [PAID] 25.13873768 BTC to 1`149`988 shares, 2186 satoshi per share [19:01]
* CoalPowerGorilla has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [19:02]
mthreat mircea_popescu: I read about your flashlight woes. Here's one to consider: [19:02]
assbot Classics [19:02]
* chax ( has joined #bitcoin-assets [19:02]
* CheckDavid has quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity) [19:04]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 65 @ 0.01634999 = 1.0627 BTC [+] {3} [19:05]
mike_c this feels the same as "bitbet is a scam" flamewars: "[FCC levies huge fine on Stern] Clear Channel responded by dropping The Howard Stern Show permanently on its six stations. Stern's audience increased by 23% in Chicago and 22% in New York, and he regained the morning top spot in Los Angeles amongst listeners aged 25-54 for the first time since 1995." [19:07]
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BingoBoingo [19:29]
assbot White Wednesday - TheKolWiki [19:29]
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assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 198 @ 0.00270999 = 0.5366 BTC [-] [20:23]
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danielpbarron 12:29:10 <+BingoBoingo> << that's not the only time something like that happened [20:38]
assbot White Wednesday - TheKolWiki [20:38]
danielpbarron but Jick has a brilliant way of dealing with massive f-ups [20:38]
danielpbarron he just writes up a new storyline that connects the loose ends [20:39]
danielpbarron adds a new meat-sinking plot line [20:39]
danielpbarron like the time a bug was discovered that let any user create endless amounts of meat [20:40]
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FabianB $status [20:45]
empyex FabianB: Proxies: MPEx-Status: Error reaching trade engine (change: $proxies ) [20:45]
assbot 401 Authorization Required [20:45]
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assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 381 @ 0.00270999 = 1.0325 BTC [-] {3} [20:59]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 305 @ 0.00271491 = 0.828 BTC [+] {7} [21:01]
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[]bot Bet placed: 1 BTC for Yes on "Microsoft stock to close at over $45 in 2014" Odds: 89(Y):11(N) by coin, 87(Y):13(N) by weight. Total bet: 1.49894723 BTC. Current weight: 85,448. [21:13]
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assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 301 @ 0.00271999 = 0.8187 BTC [-] {2} [21:24]
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assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 290 @ 0.002725 = 0.7903 BTC [+] [21:26]
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mircea_popescu mthreat better yet, you know of a place in ba that sells that cheap inflatable furniture ? [22:13]
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* assbot gives voice to Namworld [22:16]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 239 @ 0.002735 = 0.6537 BTC [-] [22:20]
mircea_popescu holy shit now they've done it. fuckable lcd screen, seriously ? [22:26]
mircea_popescu no wonder yahoo is making less and less selling clicks. [22:27]
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Namworld At that point, why not just go for full sized, fully 3-dimensional sexbots you can print designs on with a 3d printer? [22:33]
Namworld Guess we just haven't got good enough 3d printing technology and realistic human behavior/movement for robots. Yet. [22:33]
mircea_popescu Namworld because as it turns out, nobody actually wants the woman. [22:35]
asciilifeform mircea_popescu: japanese robodog has not replaced biodog. similar case here. [22:35]
mircea_popescu i beg to differ. [22:36]
mircea_popescu lcd displays + internet connection HAVE been steadily replacing dating all over the parts of the world that have cheap broadband. [22:36]
mircea_popescu add polyurethane foam in that mix, it's the end. [22:36]
asciilifeform dating - sure. end product - no [22:36]
asciilifeform not that it is impossible in principle - the tech simply isn't there yet. [22:37]
mircea_popescu feminists better yell loudly right now, because i can almost feel the volume button turning. [22:37]
asciilifeform herr mocsny spent most of a decade discussing this very subject on usenet. [22:37]
mircea_popescu asciilifeform this tech is called "derp not giving a shit". this tech is here yet. [22:37]
asciilifeform replacement tech for bio 'product' has an almost inescapable attribute - very little resemblance to the original, in the end. 'airplanes are also birds, they merely don't flap their wings...' (russian, forget who) [22:38]
mircea_popescu it's the sad fact of the matter than if you do the nude math, a tube is actually a better girlfriend than whatever random town dweller may run into. that's roughly a third (of western women) of a fifth (western world). [22:38]
mircea_popescu confronted to this fact, women balk at exactly how fucking expensive it'd be to try and compete. "what, be fucking pleasant ?" [22:39]
asciilifeform ;;google danimal sexbots [22:39]
gribble Pictured: The giant 6ft cow that is as big as a small elephant | Mail ...: ; Urban Dictionary: killbot: ; Cows to be led to slaughter as a euphamism for the current SMP | M3: [22:39]
asciilifeform fail [22:39]
mircea_popescu all that "lol at sexist women ads from the 50s" obliquely misses the point that "honey, that was then. i wouldn 't settle for a carbureter today, and i wouldn't settle for a 50s housewife only. do more. MUCH more." [22:39]
asciilifeform [22:40]
assbot Danimal Archive [22:40]
asciilifeform ^ grep for 'sexbot' [22:40]
mircea_popescu "Most present-day women would not be able to compete with future sexbots any more than most present-day women could compete with Halle Berry, if Halle Berry were throwing herself at you." [22:40]
mircea_popescu there you go. [22:40]
asciilifeform moscny was, admittedly, thinking of androids, rather than tubes. [22:40]
mircea_popescu because he was naive, and let his own mind guide him. [22:41]
mircea_popescu the average kid today doesn't understand why i'd have bothered with a fixed cabled phone at any point [22:41]
mircea_popescu and so he privately wonders why the fuck would i bother with a stable of slaves. "isn't it hard work ?!" [22:42]
mircea_popescu i am generally forced to admit that yes, "especially for you, it would be." [22:42]
chetty well I can't see why a woman would want a derp that is happy with a tube, let him go have his 'fun'. [22:42]
mircea_popescu "The real trouble was that the planners and accountants had failed to make provision for this work. The free women workers employed in the kitchen refused to do it: they were paid only to cook. The administration tried to foist it on to the guards in their off-duty hours when they would otherwise have been playing dominoes in the guardroom. The guards were all healthy young men, chosen for their toughness. But in their [22:42]
mircea_popescu years of service they had forgotten how to work. They were soon doubled up with back-ache, and they missed their dominoes." [22:42]
jurov no need for dolls [22:43]
assbot Autoblow 2 Blowjob Machine | Male Sex Toys | Sex Toys For Men [22:43]
mircea_popescu chetty because most engineers are men, and most bitcoin will be made by engineers (understood broadly). [22:43]
chetty I thought we were talking about sex, money is a different issue :P [22:44]
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mircea_popescu you think ? [22:44]
mircea_popescu money and sex can not be different issues. [22:44]
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chetty sure they can, not for most tho I guess [22:44]
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mircea_popescu how would they be different issues ? they're both functions of knowledge and power. f(k,p) and h(k,p) aren't gonna be all that different. [22:46]
mircea_popescu (in the purely math sense : i'm probably going to be able to write a simple transform) [22:47]
chetty sad [22:47]
mircea_popescu "Look at how the Internet has overwhelmed opponents of pornography. Back in the 1970's, the conservatives who ruled some towns were able to wipe out pornographic bookstores and theaters. Depending on what town you lived in, pornography might have been hard to come by. [22:48]
mircea_popescu Today, the Internet brings every imaginable form of pornography to every home. The Internet is too valuable for too many things to just ban, and we can't even regulate spam that nobody wants, much less a product such as porn for which enormous demand exists." [22:48]
mircea_popescu ok, asciilifeform's link above is pretty sweet. [22:48]
mircea_popescu who is this guy again ? [22:48]
asciilifeform daniel mocsny aka 'danimal' [22:48]
mircea_popescu why isn't he here ? [22:49]
asciilifeform retired chemist (afaik), was a kind of mircea_popescu in the sense of playing designated torturer to a long-dead derp reservation on usenet [22:49]
asciilifeform vanished mostly without a trace some time in the mid '00s [22:49]
mircea_popescu odd. [22:50]
mircea_popescu "If marriage constituted more than a hypothetical risk of getting raped, I would expect women to learn to avoid it as women have learned to avoid walking around alone at night, or at least show some reluctance to get married, as women often show reluctance to put themselves into positions of vulnerability with men they just met or men they have gotten to know and decided they don't want to have sex with." << this is ac [22:50]
mircea_popescu tually verified in practice. indian women are more than a little reluctant to get married. [22:50]
asciilifeform accidentally inspired (long after his disappearance) the 'manosphere' people [22:50]
asciilifeform [22:50]
assbot » Danimal Archive [22:50]
asciilifeform !s danimal [22:50]
assbot 2 results for 'danimal' : [22:50]
asciilifeform ^ i linked him here a few times, long ago [22:51]
asciilifeform (his surviving works, rather) [22:51]
asciilifeform !up Diablo-D3 [22:51]
* assbot gives voice to Diablo-D3 [22:51]
mircea_popescu Face it, movies are eye candy trash. If people want intellectual stimulation they read books. There's nothing funnier than a pseudo-intellectual trying to get pompous about "film." << fucking hater o noes. [22:52]
mircea_popescu if people REALLY wanted intellectual stimulation, they wouldn't read books, they'd listen to music. [22:52]
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fluffypony or masturbate [22:52]
mircea_popescu and walk around talking to other bearded men in sarafans [22:52]
mike_c 99.9% of the books that get read provide no more intellectual stimulation than an episode of family guy. [22:53]
asciilifeform mocsny wasn't a god. just an apex predator in his niche. naggum, al schwartz, mocsny, 7 or 8 other people - they each had a kingdom. [22:53]
mircea_popescu mike_c going by what, the nytimes lists ? [22:53]
mike_c empirical evidence only. what people tell me they are reading. [22:53]
asciilifeform mike_c: when someone makes an observation like this, usually they mean books that would still exist if they had to be hand-copied [22:54]
mircea_popescu i think less than 1% of the books i ever read were published after my birth. [22:54]
asciilifeform if ThickAsThieves is here: 'material that would make it past the mathic wall' [22:54]
mircea_popescu i suspect this is a good rule of thumb. and equally good in 1700 for that matter. [22:54]
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mike_c percentage should perhaps be a smidge higher for an engineer, but i like it as a rule of thumb. [22:55]
mircea_popescu well you won't count looseleaf documentations as "books" would you ? [22:55]
mircea_popescu wtf engineer actually reads [22:55]
jurov certain bestseller endorsed by Governor of Canada comes to mind [22:55]
mircea_popescu THE BOOK. [22:55]
asciilifeform (for those who haven't read neal stephenson's tale 'anathem' - in it, there lived folks in specially designated reservations who were permitted only to think and study, and were let out to wander around for a few weeks once in a decade, century, or millenium - depending on what order they belonged to) [22:55]
mircea_popescu and if you do read the book, its prolly going to be something like knuth or whatever other exceptionally well systhematising works, which are again well in the past. [22:56]
mike_c stephen hawking is worth reading. [22:56]
mike_c i can't think of anyone else. you're right, 1% is good. [22:57]
* mircea_popescu roughly speaking despises all us style fiction, to the point of not actually liking most sf. [22:57]
mircea_popescu but that's probably just me being a pompous ass. [22:57]
asciilifeform mircea_popescu: that 1 book (mentioned above) is probably the only truly interesting piece of sf produced in usa in... 30? yrs [22:58]
asciilifeform one of those things that screams from every page 'this was written by an encyclopaedist who gnawed through the leather straps' [22:59]
mircea_popescu my problem with sf is more personal i guess. i think i have a very finnicky suspension of disbelief, makes the mayo cut extremely easy for me. [22:59]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 65 @ 0.01532306 = 0.996 BTC [-] {9} [22:59]
* smidge has quit (Quit: sorry, but you've mistaken me for someone who gives a fuck...) [23:00]
mircea_popescu (the mayonnaise cutting, for the readers that never made mayo, is this absolutely catastrophic event from hell. [23:00]
asciilifeform stephenson's piece is about a parallel universe where philosophy actually took off (in the sense of massive 'sharashkas' being built sometime during what corresponds to our 'roman' period) [23:00]
mircea_popescu here you are going nicely along, making this fluffy uniform complex sauce, when suddenly... boom. for "no fucking reason". it's bits. can't be saved.) [23:00]
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assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.SELL] 88 @ 0.01268579 = 1.1163 BTC [+] {5} [23:01]
asciilifeform i used to real quite a bit of (mostly vintage) sf. 'anathem' mostly killed my brain receptors for this. because now nothing stands up, ends up giving me exactly the kind of indigestion mircea_popescu describes above. [23:02]
asciilifeform *read [23:02]
mthreat holy shit now they've done it. fuckable lcd screen, seriously ? << gotta love the internet [23:02]
asciilifeform mthreat: the japs got there first. [23:03]
asciilifeform ;;google japanese sperm donation robot [23:03]
gribble Chinese Hospitals Introduce Hands-Free Automatic Sperm Extractor ...: ; Sperm Donation Goes Hands-Free With the Automatic Sperm ...: ; Hands-Free Sperm Extractor: Zhengzhou Central Hospital In China ...: [23:03]
asciilifeform (or was it the chicoms?) [23:03]
mircea_popescu asciilifeform this thing costs fiddy bux. [23:03]
asciilifeform trabambourghini. [23:03]
mircea_popescu you know ? fiddy bux. less than any conceivable bar tag. [23:03]
mircea_popescu allow me to belabour the point. here's "stoya". [23:04]
assbot Stoya Fleshlight | Fleshlight Girls [23:04]
mircea_popescu "DESTROYA Upon entry, three small rings of bumps will grasp you tightly, followed by the ultra piercing pleasure dome that will give you 360 degrees of unmatched bliss. The next chamber starts with a small row of teeth and fangs that delightfully rub and pull at you. Finally, one row of large bumps leads into a super ribbed texture that narrows the farther you get inside." [23:04]
asciilifeform rich man gets a tank; ordinary man - kalash; poor man - sharp stick. this is normal. [23:04]
mircea_popescu now tell me there's anyone in existence who's not rendered at the very least slightly curious. [23:04]
* assbot gives voice to punkman1 [23:06]
mircea_popescu A whole musical genre---the blues---showcases life failure. "Singing the blues" is figuratively what sexually worthless nerds do on Usenet, except it doesn't fly with women as unembellished prose. << o that's fucking bullshit. [23:07]
mircea_popescu the blues is the common man's understanding of the doomed human condition, has nothing to do with fucking failure. [23:08]
punkman1 relevant [23:08]
assbot Long Distance Relationships | Sex Toy for Men | RealTouch [23:08]
mircea_popescu one doesn't get the blues because he can't figure out how to remove the delco cap. [23:08]
mircea_popescu one gets the blues because he worked ten years to make enough money to marry this girl that he really really loves, and she loves him, and now they're married and YET. [23:09]
mircea_popescu itch still unscratched. [23:09]
asciilifeform 'anger without enthusiasm' [23:09]
mircea_popescu in fact, sitting there whining about the delco cap is so unlike the blues they made a new word for it. it's emo. [23:09]
punkman1 what's a delco cap? [23:10]
mircea_popescu punkman1 look at that, " You'll feel the wetness during penetration and orgasm, thanks to a lube reservoir that knows when and how much to release." they made bubblejet printing do something useful ? [23:10]
mircea_popescu punkman1 you know what a mechanical alternator is ? [23:11]
mircea_popescu << this thing. [23:11]
mircea_popescu under it some metal blades turn in step with the engine closing contacts to fire the spark plugs. [23:11]
mircea_popescu pre-digital mechanical computer as it were. [23:11]
punkman1 didn't the blues start after the slaves became without a master? [23:17]
punkman1 guess it wasn't as great as they imagined [23:18]
mircea_popescu lol nah, it existed prior im pretty sure. [23:21]
* assbot removes voice from Diablo-D3 [23:22]
mircea_popescu "Of course I hesitate to argue as I am doing here for fear of encouraging xtians to have even more children and raising them to believe in Noah's Flood." << ironically, that's in all likelihood an actual event. [23:22]
asciilifeform mircea_popescu: moscny lived in usa. 'flood' is to be understood here to be the 'fundamentalist' one, complete with mandatory drowning dinosaurs. [23:23]
mircea_popescu o. [23:23]
asciilifeform m grew up in a 'fundie' church, and stayed in for some years after he no longer believed - to pick up chicks. [23:24]
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chetty drowning dinos? never heard that one [23:27]
asciilifeform chetty: this, afaik, is the 'official' position of the various u.s. protestant churches. [23:28]
punkman1 I liked this soundtrack so then I binge-watched the series, not bad [23:28]
assbot Utopia Cristobal Tapia De Veer (full album 320 Kbps) HD - YouTube [23:28]
assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 20 @ 0.02890175 = 0.578 BTC [-] [23:29]
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mircea_popescu asciilifeform to what ?! [23:36]
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asciilifeform it was explained in his posts, somewhere [23:37]
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mircea_popescu who the fuck picks up chicks in weirdo usxtian church [23:39]
BingoBoingo under it some metal blades turn in step with the engine closing contacts to fire the spark plugs. << Distributor cap [23:39]
mircea_popescu what, cause the teenagers there are really really frustrated ? [23:39]
asciilifeform the fellow who grows up there. until escapes. [23:39]
mircea_popescu i guess. where was this ? [23:40]
asciilifeform ohio, i think. [23:40]
mircea_popescu i guess i could see that. [23:41]
chetty A French judge has ruled against a blogger because her scathing restaurant review was too prominent in Google search results [23:42]
mircea_popescu ahaha this is rich, because succession : "Social skills will decline markedly after the advent of sex robots, much like the way electronic calculators degraded arithmetic skills." "People often cope with an unsolvable problem by convincing themselves that somehow there is some purpose or need for the problem. Like it builds character or something. But when technology eliminates a problem, people soon forget about all t [23:43]
mircea_popescu he past headgames people had to play to cope with the problem. And nobody misses the supposed "benefits" of the problem they once dreamed up excuses for." [23:43]
mircea_popescu well which the fuck is it ? [23:43]
mircea_popescu chetty what a country... [23:43]
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lobbes [23:44]
mircea_popescu lobbes i had it first :D [23:45]
assbot #bitcoin-assets log [23:45]
lobbes lol, and I thought I had thoroughly searched the logs [23:45]
BingoBoingo I think Malaysia is just disappearing and selling these planes for BTC... [23:45]
mircea_popescu << methinks buzzfeed is missing the point. [23:45]
assbot Slicing Crosswise Vs. Lengthwise Explained In Pictures [23:46]
asciilifeform the 777 was almost certainly carrying u.s. 'consultants.' [23:46]
mircea_popescu BingoBoingo sometime in 2005 they made the mistake to promise senior pilots payment "in kind" [23:46]
mircea_popescu so now as the public retirement schemes are collapsing... [23:46]
asciilifeform (normally, passenger routes avoid spots where people are shooting SAMs) [23:46]
mircea_popescu asciilifeform of course. [23:46]
mircea_popescu this is a rehash of that miserable rms lusitania bullshit. [23:47]
mircea_popescu "o the evil german submarines sunk a passenger ship kiling everyone on board [23:47]
asciilifeform classic example of u.s. armies scoring own goal for (somehow) good pr. [23:47]
mircea_popescu [which was loaded full of fulmicotton and tons of ammo, we're not saying this part]) [23:47]
asciilifeform the 'consultants' could have trivially been delivered in some other way [23:47]
asciilifeform but no. load them into a passenger tub, so it can be shot. [23:48]
mircea_popescu the only difference here is that germany didn't have a bound border. russia does. [23:48]
asciilifeform see also 'tonkin bay incident' etc [23:48]
mircea_popescu but i guess "tactical" isn't a word anymore, and so strategy is a lost art. [23:48]
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asciilifeform except this... is. the anglo strategy. [23:49]
asciilifeform 'what the beast until it bites, then shoot it' [23:49]
asciilifeform *whack [23:50]
mircea_popescu i guess england is the only major player to not have tried yet huh. [23:50]
mircea_popescu germany and france are satisfied. [23:50]
asciilifeform fdr on japan, etc [23:50]
asciilifeform just how 'democracy' rolls. [23:51]
BingoBoingo I suppose this is when I start digging expedient backyard shelter... [23:52]
chetty [23:53]
assbot Overstock CEO Patrick Byrne’s Warning: America Approaching the Place ‘Where Republics Go to Die’ | Video | [23:53]
mircea_popescu guy has a point. [23:54]
* blackwhite has quit (Quit: blackwhite) [23:54]
asciilifeform the interesting part is that we can infer that the organization fielding the 'consultants' (now cremated) is considered 'safe' [23:54]
asciilifeform that is, will not take matters into own hands in response. [23:54]
chetty well he is wrong about wall street controling gubermint, actually they are the same thing [23:54]
asciilifeform (by, say, making the folks who sent their men to a certain death answer for it) [23:55]
BingoBoingo [23:55]
mircea_popescu asciilifeform how are they gonna do that ? [23:55]
mircea_popescu any "consultants" organisation of a decent size can fill an airplane with people who are costing it more than they're worth. [23:55]
mircea_popescu win-win, as they say. [23:56]
* toddf has quit (Quit: upgrade,brb) [23:56]
asciilifeform shtrafbat. [23:56]
mircea_popescu at some point cca 2012 any consultant with anything inside the skull started answering the "o hey, we want to promote you" with "o yeah ? who else is going ?" [23:56]
asciilifeform then we can infer that: either org is 'safe' (gelded) or the folks in command knew for a fact where the plane would end. [23:57]
mircea_popescu "in the interest of santa clause we can't say" "sorry, not interesed." [23:57]
mircea_popescu asciilifeform the only thing we can infer is that the whole org is made out of people motivated through income, which means it's not really a threat to anyone (other than perhaps its employer) [23:59]
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