Forum logs for 16 Feb 2012
Saturday, 23 November, Year 11 d.Tr. | Author: Mircea Popescu
M4v3R | Panic! | [00:00] |
helo | Don't Panic! | [00:00] |
phraust | :O | [00:00] |
phraust | byawww. | [00:01] |
Myhatstoosmall | 135 BTC @ 4.3 | [00:01] |
benjamindees | anyone offer home depot gift cards? | [00:01] |
* | tbage has quit (Quit: Leaving.) | [00:03] |
* | hngryhngryhippo ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [00:03] |
* | jscinoz ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [00:07] |
* | Shaded has quit (Quit: Shaded) | [00:09] |
benjamindees | "PayPal is expanding its point-of-sale trial at Home Depot" | [00:11] |
* | Myhatstoosmall has quit (Quit: Page closed) | [00:12] |
kakobrekla | !fraud | [00:13] |
phantomcircuit | benjamindees, that's not gonna end well | [00:14] |
benjamindees | for whom? | [00:14] |
Cory | | [00:15] |
phraust | hey Cory, would you vouch for Myhatstoosmall? | [00:17] |
* | DingoRabiit (60327aa7@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc | [00:18] |
Cory | I would give him a trust rating of 1. | [00:19] |
* | BTCH (83b7007a@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc | [00:19] |
phraust | danke ;) | [00:19] |
mcorlett | "The server at can't be found, because the DNS lookup failed." | [00:19] |
mcorlett | At least they have a sense of humor. | [00:19] |
Cory | Did you make a deal? | [00:19] |
BTCH | 4.47 what did you guys do? | [00:20] |
* | Shaded (~Shaded@unaffiliated/shaded) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [00:20] |
M4v3R | BTCH: pirateat40 farted | [00:20] |
sonba | I sold 1% of my Bitcoins and prices dropped | [00:20] |
BTCH | makes sense | [00:20] |
sonba | (I wish this was true *g*) | [00:20] |
DingoRabiit | Need to BUY 7PPusd via btc! | [00:22] |
DingoRabiit | ;;auth DingoRabiit | [00:22] |
* | dserrano5 has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) | [00:24] |
* | gribble gives voice to DingoRabiit | [00:24] |
DingoRabiit | Theere we go, Now im authnticated, Oh look someones talking to me | [00:24] |
* | sonba has quit (Quit: Page closed) | [00:24] |
* | BTCH has quit (Quit: Page closed) | [00:26] |
phraust | ;;sell 500 USD @ 500 MTGOXUSD MoneyPak | [00:27] |
gribble | Order id 6818 created. | [00:27] |
phraust | ;;sell 500 USD @ 500/{mtgoxlast} BTC MoneyPak | [00:28] |
gribble | Order id 6819 created. | [00:28] |
* | mrsy has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) | [00:30] |
* | bbr0wn has quit () | [00:30] |
* | [speed_it_up] (~speed_it_@ has joined #bitcoin-otc | [00:30] |
* | [speed_it_up] has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | [00:31] |
mcorlett | ;;rate | [00:34] |
* | mcorlett-bot (~mcorlett-@ has joined #bitcoin-otc | [00:35] |
* | mcorlett-bot has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | [00:35] |
* | mcorlett-bot (~mcorlett-@ has joined #bitcoin-otc | [00:36] |
mcorlett-bot | ;;rate thisUserDoesntExist 1 Automated rating. | [00:36] |
* | DingoRabiit has quit (Quit: Page closed) | [00:36] |
* | [speed_it_up] (~speed_it_@ has joined #bitcoin-otc | [00:37] |
napkin_ | ;;ticker | [00:37] |
napkin_ | looking to buy 145 btcs from moneypack | [00:37] |
* | [speed_it_up] has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | [00:37] |
* | [speed_it_up] (~speed_it_@ has joined #bitcoin-otc | [00:38] |
* | baby_ghost has quit () | [00:38] |
* | [speed_it_up] has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | [00:38] |
* | [speed_it_up] (~speed_it_@ has joined #bitcoin-otc | [00:38] |
* | vinhpk (~khacvinhp@ has joined #bitcoin-otc | [00:38] |
* | [speed_it_up] has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | [00:38] |
* | [speed_it_up] (~speed_it_@ has joined #bitcoin-otc | [00:41] |
* | [speed_it_up] has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | [00:41] |
* | brookie_ (62df3884@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc | [00:43] |
* | [speed_it_up] (~speed_it_@ has joined #bitcoin-otc | [00:43] |
* | mcorlett-bot has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | [00:44] |
* | mcorlett-bot (~mcorlett-@ has joined #bitcoin-otc | [00:44] |
mcorlett-bot | ;;rate thisUserDoesntExist 1 Automated rating. | [00:44] |
* | [speed_it_up] has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | [00:44] |
* | kakobreklaa ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [00:44] |
* | gribble gives voice to kakobreklaa | [00:44] |
celeste | ne1watching is a very good trader thank you once again | [00:45] |
* | splatster (a6934d45@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc | [00:45] |
splatster | Hey guys I'm on my phone so I can't auth | [00:46] |
* | gheorghe has quit (Quit: Leaving) | [00:46] |
* | mcorlett-bot has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | [00:46] |
* | benjamindees has quit (Quit: Leaving) | [00:46] |
* | mcorlett-bot (~mcorlett-@ has joined #bitcoin-otc | [00:46] |
mcorlett-bot | ;;rate thisUserDoesntExist 1 Automated rating. | [00:46] |
* | mcorlett-bot has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | [00:46] |
* | vigilyn ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [00:47] |
napkin_ | whats good splatster | [00:47] |
napkin_ | celeste: sup dude | [00:47] |
mcorlett | splatster: Just don't tell us you want to trade... | [00:47] |
* | vigilyn2 has quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) | [00:47] |
napkin_ | lol trading on your iphone | [00:47] |
napkin_ | so legit | [00:47] |
celeste | How are you? napkin | [00:47] |
napkin_ | not bad you? | [00:48] |
celeste | Good thank you | [00:48] |
* | Gaglia ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [00:48] |
napkin_ | word | [00:48] |
splatster | Nap | [00:49] |
splatster | crap | [00:50] |
napkin_ | ye? | [00:50] |
splatster | Phone keyboard | [00:50] |
splatster | Napkin: life is good. Among other things | [00:50] |
napkin_ | sweet | [00:51] |
* | brookie_ has quit (Quit: Page closed) | [00:51] |
splatster | Mcorlet: (idk if I spelled that right) | [00:52] |
splatster | I'm not going to try and trade from my phone | [00:52] |
splatster | Because I make too many mistakes typing | [00:52] |
splatster | Mistakes such as trying to send a message to some one and then pressing Go instead of backspace | [00:53] |
* | splatster has quit (Quit: Page closed) | [00:55] |
* | Maged has quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.88 [Firefox 9.0.1/20111220165912]) | [00:55] |
* | ne1watching has quit (Quit: Page closed) | [00:55] |
* | [speed_it_up] (~speed_it_@ has joined #bitcoin-otc | [00:57] |
* | [speed_it_up] has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | [00:57] |
* | bigwig48 (~bigwig48@gateway/tor-sasl/bigwig48) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [00:59] |
* | agricocb has quit (Quit: Leaving.) | [00:59] |
* | F0SSIL has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) | [01:00] |
malkauns | lol | [01:00] |
* | jjjrmy-m has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) | [01:00] |
helo | if there was a lone abusive person that gave everyone multiple -10 ratings using a few spam accounts, would nanotube intervene by deleting the ratings? | [01:02] |
celeste | Hi i have a two $25 email gift cards for sale for CVS pharmacy. i have allready sold a $50 egiftcard to BTCtrader and a $300 egift card to DBordello's and a $50 one to ne1watching with no problems thank you.PM ME | [01:02] |
* | att (~att@ has joined #bitcoin-otc | [01:05] |
* | smickles is now known as smickles|idle | [01:05] |
mcorlett | helo: I don't think there's a need to. You need to be in the web of trust to be able to rate someone. | [01:06] |
* | [speed_it_up] (~speed_it_@ has joined #bitcoin-otc | [01:06] |
* | [speed_it_up] has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | [01:06] |
* | [speed_it_up] (~speed_it_@ has joined #bitcoin-otc | [01:07] |
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* | pingdrive (~pingdrive@gateway/tor-sasl/pingdrive) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [01:07] |
* | bigwig48 has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) | [01:09] |
* | JohnGlas has quit () | [01:09] |
* | JohnGlas ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [01:09] |
* | Zarutian has quit (Quit: Zarutian) | [01:10] |
* | dx has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) | [01:14] |
* | dx ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [01:15] |
* | [speed_it_up] (~speed_it_@ has joined #bitcoin-otc | [01:17] |
* | [speed_it_up] has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | [01:17] |
* | bigwig48 (~bigwig48@gateway/tor-sasl/bigwig48) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [01:18] |
* | smickles|idle is now known as smickles | [01:19] |
paulzag | what's happening #bitcoin-otc | [01:20] |
paulzag | ;;ticker | [01:20] |
gribble | Best bid: 4.37379, Best ask: 4.39985, Bid-ask spread: 0.02606, Last trade: 4.37379, 24 hour volume: 150035, 24 hour low: 4.31, 24 hour high: 4.88 | [01:20] |
M4v3R | paulzag: just going down hard | [01:20] |
pigeons | insert your momma joke | [01:21] |
* | [speed_it_up] (~speed_it_@ has joined #bitcoin-otc | [01:21] |
* | [speed_it_up] has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | [01:21] |
mircea_popescu | oddly enough calls are still selling. | [01:21] |
* | napkin_ has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) | [01:25] |
paulzag | MTgox slow for anybody - especially the API? | [01:27] |
phraust | anyone interested in moneypak? | [01:27] |
* | Valalvax has quit () | [01:28] |
M4v3R | Crash imminent | [01:30] |
* | smickles is now known as smickles|idle | [01:33] |
* | smickles|idle is now known as smickles | [01:33] |
paulzag | Why M4v3R ? | [01:33] |
pigeons | his magic charts | [01:33] |
M4v3R | We broke 4.4 | [01:33] |
paulzag | several times in the last 48 hours | [01:34] |
imsaguy | uh | [01:34] |
imsaguy | the fact that we hit 4.4 off 6 is a crash | [01:34] |
imsaguy | to say 'crash imminent' is like saying its raining after you're already wet | [01:35] |
* | james777 (602dbd51@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc | [01:35] |
paulzag | more like "hurricane B imminent" in the as we clean up after hurricane A | [01:35] |
* | james777 has quit (Client Quit) | [01:36] |
M4v3R | ok, call it echo crash then | [01:37] |
M4v3R | still, I see dumps up in the sky | [01:37] |
novusordo | buying btc at $5 ea, via moneypak | [01:38] |
* | Shaded has quit (Quit: Shaded) | [01:39] |
pirateat40 | novusordo, how many? | [01:40] |
novusordo | 5 | [01:41] |
pirateat40 | ah | [01:41] |
novusordo | lemme guess, you only sell in large quantities | [01:41] |
* | pR_ (d5baf2c2@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc | [01:41] |
pirateat40 | :( | [01:41] |
novusordo | just like every other person for the past 4 days... | [01:41] |
babbler | buying w/MP | [01:42] |
* | Clonedead ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [01:44] |
* | Woundead has quit (Disconnected by services) | [01:44] |
novusordo | i don't quite get it... i'm buying at almost $0.70 higher than market price, and even though it's in a small quantity, someone could easily go and buy 5.8 BTC with the money they'd get from selling 5 to me... | [01:45] |
smickles | novusordo: it's not easy to buy with paypal | [01:46] |
novusordo | moneypak | [01:46] |
smickles | yeah, MP turns into PP | [01:46] |
novusordo | true, however there's no danger of chargeback | [01:47] |
imsaguy | not true | [01:47] |
smickles | and anyway, i'll take you up on your offer, PM me, we'll sort out the details | [01:47] |
pigeons | i'd help you novusordo but moneypaks are no good to me, paypal won't let me fund with them and none of the debit cards I got for it do either, well i stopped trying those cause they have a monthly fee | [01:47] |
pigeons | i knew smickles would come through for ya | [01:47] |
* | teslacoil404 has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) | [01:47] |
* | pR_ has quit (Quit: Page closed) | [01:48] |
* | malkauns has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | [01:49] |
paulzag | pirateat40, how many BTC are you looking to sell? | [01:49] |
pirateat40 | 1.2million | [01:49] |
pirateat40 | ish | [01:49] |
paulzag | :) :} :{ :( :o | [01:49] |
M4v3R | wall at 4.2 dissapeared | [01:50] |
M4v3R | just from him saying this | [01:50] |
M4v3R | ;p | [01:50] |
celeste | Hi i have a two $25 email gift cards for sale for CVS pharmacy. i have allready sold a $50 egiftcard to BTCtrader and a $300 egift card to DBordello's and a $50 one to ne1watching with no problems thank you.PM ME | [01:51] |
* | agricocb (~agricolc@unaffiliated/agricocb) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [01:51] |
* | RaoulDuke has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | [01:51] |
M4v3R | 4.2 | [01:51] |
* | RaoulDuke ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [01:52] |
* | EvanR has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) | [01:52] |
phraust | ;;rate Pirateat40 4 Another great trade. | [01:53] |
gribble | Rating entry successful. Your rating for user Pirateat40 has changed from 2 to 4. | [01:53] |
* | malkauns (~neil@ has joined #bitcoin-otc | [01:54] |
smickles | ;;ticker | [01:54] |
gribble | Best bid: 4.24747, Best ask: 4.32, Bid-ask spread: 0.07253, Last trade: 4.25, 24 hour volume: 162040, 24 hour low: 4.2001, 24 hour high: 4.88 | [01:54] |
babbler | buying w/ 100usd MP @ 4.50 | [01:54] |
phraust | ;;remove 6818 | [01:54] |
gribble | Order 6818 removed. | [01:54] |
phraust | ;;remove 6819 | [01:54] |
gribble | Order 6819 removed. | [01:54] |
* | Vaerros ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [01:57] |
* | danieldaniel_ (~danieldan@unaffiliated/danieldaniel) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [02:02] |
* | Swanboy (462c0e20@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc | [02:03] |
* | trisdan (59f6a65e@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc | [02:04] |
vragnaroda | celeste: Post it on the order book and quit spamming the channel so often. | [02:05] |
celeste | vragnaroda how do i do that | [02:06] |
danieldaniel_ | anyone selling any youtube channels? | [02:06] |
danieldaniel_ | ;;eauth danieldaniel | [02:06] |
vragnaroda | ;;tell celeste [guide] | [02:06] |
* | gribble gives voice to danieldaniel_ | [02:06] |
Cam | Will anyone sell 27BTC for $120? | [02:06] |
celeste | vragnaroda do you want any CVS email gif cards | [02:07] |
* | emmanuelux has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | [02:07] |
* | vinhpk has quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) | [02:07] |
* | ChanServ gives channel operator status to vragnaroda | [02:08] |
* | vragnaroda has kicked celeste from #bitcoin-otc (spam) | [02:08] |
* | vragnaroda removes channel operator status from vragnaroda | [02:08] |
* | vinhpk (~khacvinhp@ has joined #bitcoin-otc | [02:08] |
* | emmanuelux (~emmanuel@2a01:e35:2e4d:9010:21d:60ff:fe0e:b818) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [02:08] |
* | celeste (56001573@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc | [02:09] |
imsaguy | celeste: do you have any cvs gift cards? | [02:09] |
vragnaroda | If I tell you to quit spamming the channel so often, don't fucking hilight me in the next one! | [02:09] |
vragnaroda | Jesus. | [02:09] |
Gaglia | lol | [02:09] |
celeste | +imsaguy yes | [02:09] |
imsaguy | celeste: my nick is imsaguy | [02:09] |
imsaguy | the + is extraneous | [02:10] |
celeste | sorry +vragnaroda | [02:10] |
babbler | buying 22.22222222222 BTC for 100 usd moneypak | [02:10] |
kakobrekla | lol | [02:10] |
vragnaroda | <+ imsaguy>: LOL | [02:10] |
imsaguy | [2012/02/15 18:10:11] <+vragnaroda>: no u | [02:10] |
* | ne1watching (629a321d@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc | [02:11] |
ne1watching | ;;gpg eauth ne1watching | [02:11] |
imsaguy | ;;ticker | [02:11] |
gribble | Best bid: 4.31383, Best ask: 4.35999, Bid-ask spread: 0.04616, Last trade: 4.27, 24 hour volume: 161009, 24 hour low: 4.2001, 24 hour high: 4.88 | [02:11] |
imsaguy | yay! | [02:11] |
imsaguy | only .31383 more until I'm rich! | [02:11] |
imsaguy | has anyone gone short on bitcoinica? | [02:12] |
* | CallumA (2ed040b0@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc | [02:13] |
CallumA | Hi | [02:13] |
CallumA | ;;guide | [02:14] |
vragnaroda | ;;guide | [02:14] |
celeste | Hi CallumA | [02:14] |
gribble | Guide to using #bitcoin-otc: | [02:14] |
pigeons | i was short today imsaguy but i am out now, too chicken to take it any further, but nice profits both today and yesterday for a change | [02:14] |
imsaguy | I'm gonna short on bitcoinica | [02:14] |
imsaguy | even though i've sworn it off. | [02:14] |
imsaguy | Its the surefire way of stopping this slide. | [02:15] |
pigeons | :) | [02:15] |
vragnaroda | [19:14] <+ amphipod> | Feb16 00:14:35 mtgox x17 10.9431 @ 4.31139943 USD | [02:15] |
vragnaroda | [19:15] <+ amphipod> | Feb16 00:15:11 btcde 2.0000 @ 4.94 EUR | [02:15] |
vragnaroda | lol @ difference there | [02:15] |
kakobrekla | i see that all the time | [02:16] |
imsaguy | not many people seem to have gox eur accounts | [02:16] |
imsaguy | oh, thats btcde | [02:16] |
kakobrekla | island exchanges | [02:16] |
imsaguy | the volume isn't there | [02:16] |
imsaguy | so you sold 2 btc at .60 more.. | [02:16] |
imsaguy | big deal | [02:16] |
imsaguy | a whole 1.2 | [02:16] |
imsaguy | how long did you have to wait to get it? | [02:16] |
vragnaroda | Well, that's the first time I've heard of that exchange. | [02:17] |
* | MBS is now known as SCO | [02:18] |
vragnaroda | But, yeah, Gox has issues with EUR transfers fairly often. | [02:18] |
* | SCO sues imsaguy | [02:18] |
* | SCO is now known as MBS | [02:18] |
pigeons | it's kind of like, you have to manually find a counterparty | [02:18] |
CallumA | ;;buy 2 BTC at 2.80 GBP with PayPal | [02:18] |
pigeons | hmm my account is locked. i think it is, haven't used it in months, they have an english site now too | [02:19] |
* | fridgee6 ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [02:20] |
* | StrangeCharm (~StrangeCh@gateway/tor-sasl/strangecharm) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [02:20] |
pigeons | who would like to explain swaps in the context of the new bitcoinica feature for dummies | [02:21] |
MBS | pigeons, wait is bitcoinica using swaps? | [02:22] |
MBS | thought they were just using fees | [02:22] |
* | danieldaniel_ has quit (Quit: danieldaniel_) | [02:24] |
* | fridgee6 has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | [02:24] |
pigeons | I don't know, but "We will only start settling "swaps" for BTC/USD positions after February 16" | [02:25] |
M4v3R | Wow, 4.20 | [02:25] |
* | AcidicChip ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [02:25] |
pigeons | There is also a new column "Unrealized Swap $0.00" | [02:25] |
paulzag | babbler, got anyone to take it? | [02:26] |
* | plato has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | [02:26] |
* | plato (~plato@unaffiliated/therealplato) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [02:27] |
babbler | nope still open | [02:27] |
CallumA | Is there any way I can swap without having to make a GPG signature? I only need 1 BTC | [02:28] |
rawrmage | how low, how low can we go | [02:28] |
MBS | well since bitcoin doesnt have an interest rate, i believe it should pay you fed interest rate on how many USD you have from a sell order, and then charge you for how many usd you have in a buy order | [02:29] |
MBS | or maybe i have it backwards, lol | [02:29] |
pigeons | CallumA: if you find someone willing, sure | [02:29] |
CallumA | Is anyone willing? | [02:29] |
MBS | oh wait | [02:30] |
CallumA | BTW, I'll pay with GBP | [02:30] |
MBS | they are using some ghetto ass method | [02:30] |
MBS | | [02:30] |
pigeons | "fed interest rate"? isn't US pegged to the barrel of oil now ;) | [02:30] |
MBS | pay you if you have the currency bitcoinica needs, lol | [02:30] |
paulzag | CallumA, I'll sell you 1 btc - but you'll need pay the exchange fees | [02:30] |
CallumA | How much would that be? | [02:31] |
CallumA | How many USD would you sell for? | [02:31] |
vragnaroda | CallumA: If you're paying with PayPal and have no history tied to a GPG key, the likelihood that someone'll take your GBP is almost zero. | [02:31] |
pigeons | cool, thanks for the link | [02:31] |
paulzag | CallumA, see pm - I'm in AUS | [02:32] |
M4v3R | 4.18 ;o | [02:33] |
rawrmage | you mean 4.16 | [02:33] |
MBS | buying prepaid debit/gift cards, 10% fee off remaining value | [02:34] |
* | nelisky (~nelisky@unaffiliated/nelisky-/x-0749711) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [02:34] |
* | napkin_ (4b490109@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc | [02:36] |
MBS | wow those are some...interesting interest rates | [02:37] |
imsaguy | one of those is wrong | [02:38] |
imsaguy | Long BTC/USD position | [02:38] |
imsaguy | We charge you USD Sell interest, and pay you BTC Buy interest every hour. | [02:38] |
imsaguy | Short BTC/USD position | [02:38] |
imsaguy | We charge you BTC Sell interest, and pay you USD Buy interest every hour. | [02:38] |
imsaguy | one should be reversed from the other. | [02:38] |
MBS | wait what, seems right to me | [02:38] |
* | MBS deposits $1000000 into bitcoinica to get 7.28% interest | [02:39] |
* | napkin_ has quit (Client Quit) | [02:39] |
MBS | lol | [02:39] |
M4v3R | shit | [02:39] |
M4v3R | 10k dump | [02:39] |
Keefe | cory | [02:40] |
Keefe | 's going to lose :P | [02:40] |
imsaguy | ;;ticker | [02:40] |
gribble | Best bid: 4.02414, Best ask: 4.2, Bid-ask spread: 0.17586, Last trade: 4.02414, 24 hour volume: 176633, 24 hour low: 4.02414, 24 hour high: 4.88 | [02:40] |
rawrmage | holy f | [02:40] |
rawrmage | wow | [02:40] |
imsaguy | anyone want to get in a pool for when 3.5 hits? | [02:40] |
pigeons | imsaguy: did you short? | [02:40] |
imsaguy | no, I will not get fucked on spread and pay interst | [02:40] |
M4v3R | PANIC | [02:41] |
imsaguy | they get one or the other, but not both | [02:41] |
kakobreklaa | no mo 4 usd support | [02:41] |
imsaguy | we're already under | [02:41] |
imsaguy | 3.95 now | [02:41] |
imsaguy | ;;ticker | [02:41] |
gribble | Best bid: 4.02414, Best ask: 4.2, Bid-ask spread: 0.17586, Last trade: 4.02414, 24 hour volume: 176633, 24 hour low: 4.02414, 24 hour high: 4.88 | [02:41] |
* | ovidiusoft has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) | [02:41] |
MBS | going to be hard to sell shit with these crappy bitcoin prices :( | [02:41] |
imsaguy | well, this will push some miners out | [02:42] |
imsaguy | for sure | [02:42] |
MBS | someone buy some servers from me before your bitcoins are (relatively) worthless | [02:42] |
imsaguy | Feb16 00:42:00 mtgox x3 56.6031 @ 3.92869 USD | [02:42] |
MBS | imsaguy, probably not many though | [02:42] |
imsaguy | ;;ticker | [02:42] |
gribble | Best bid: 3.93, Best ask: 4, Bid-ask spread: 0.07, Last trade: 3.93101, 24 hour volume: 192222, 24 hour low: 3.93, 24 hour high: 4.88 | [02:42] |
* | stamit (~stamit@pdpc/supporter/active/stamit) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [02:42] |
stamit | hello there -otcers | [02:42] |
Keefe | $35K to 3.80 | [02:42] |
babbler | im glad i didnt buy @ 4.50 | [02:43] |
Keefe | hi stamit | [02:43] |
stamit | hey, Keefe!1 | [02:43] |
MBS | 70 BTC/year for a kimsufi celeron/atom or better dedicated server | [02:43] |
stamit | i bought my first bitcoins from you! | [02:43] |
chsados | the sky is falling!!!!!!!!! | [02:43] |
* | Gaglia has quit (Quit: Gaglia) | [02:43] |
Keefe | nice | [02:43] |
MBS | buy buy buy dedicated servers | [02:43] |
stamit | now we're crashing again | [02:43] |
MBS | you should buy servers, because they wont crash ;) | [02:44] |
Keefe | i called this a couple days ago | [02:44] |
MBS | so how much are you shorting? | [02:44] |
Keefe | but i only believed my hunch enough for a 4 btc bet | [02:44] |
stamit | i sold everything at $5, because i couldn't take any more losses | [02:45] |
imsaguy | Feb16 00:46:06 mtgox 100.0000 @ 4.26 USD | [02:46] |
imsaguy | we're bouncing | [02:46] |
* | primax (~primax@ has joined #bitcoin-otc | [02:46] |
MBS | hurry and buy some servers before it goes back down | [02:47] |
* | stamit (~stamit@pdpc/supporter/active/stamit) has left #bitcoin-otc ("gtg") | [02:48] |
* | stamit (~stamit@pdpc/supporter/active/stamit) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [02:49] |
stamit | even the big 10K bidder moved down | [02:49] |
rawrmage | this is so bucking weird | [02:49] |
stamit | all this must be because of the latest exchange stories | [02:50] |
gfinn | exchange stories? | [02:50] |
stamit | exchanger | [02:50] |
imsaguy | ;;ticker | [02:50] |
babbler | microsoft exchange crashed? | [02:50] |
gribble | Best bid: 4.14706, Best ask: 4.18999, Bid-ask spread: 0.04293, Last trade: 4.25138, 24 hour volume: 198075, 24 hour low: 3.878, 24 hour high: 4.88 | [02:50] |
* | ne1watching has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) | [02:50] |
* | primax has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) | [02:50] |
gfinn | what stories? | [02:51] |
stamit | i mean bitcoin exchangers. another "bitcoin is hacked! bitcoin is hacked!" thing | [02:51] |
* | contingo has quit (Quit: NULL) | [02:51] |
celeste | Hi i have two $25 email gift cards for sale for CVS pharmacy. i have allready sold a $50 egiftcard to BTCtrader and a $300 egift card to DBordello's and a $50 one to ne1watching with no problems thank you.PM ME | [02:51] |
rawrmage | back down to 4 agains | [02:51] |
stamit | slightly below $4 | [02:52] |
imsaguy | quit name dropping | [02:53] |
imsaguy | if you want credibility, sign up for otc | [02:53] |
babbler | ;;getrating celeste | [02:53] |
EasyAt | Is this crash a repercussion of tradehill going down? | [02:53] |
paulzag | celeste, you've been told how to do it, those peeps expect you to register or leave | [02:54] |
stamit | i have a message board too, imsaguy... | [02:54] |
pigeons | EasyAt: I doubt it | [02:54] |
paulzag | nah EasyAt - I think it's more Manipulator and bitcoinica games | [02:54] |
celeste | This is the internet not the paulzagnet | [02:54] |
imsaguy | stamit? | [02:54] |
EasyAt | I thought bitcoinica took out the insane leverage | [02:54] |
imsaguy | celeste: he's right. | [02:55] |
celeste | this place is for trading | [02:55] |
imsaguy | yes | [02:55] |
imsaguy | thats why we have an orer book | [02:55] |
imsaguy | so asshats don't spam their shit | [02:55] |
celeste | thats wot im doing | [02:55] |
pigeons | ;;ident celeste | [02:55] |
gribble | Nick 'celeste', with hostmask 'celeste!56001573@gateway/web/freenode/ip.', is not identified. | [02:55] |
paulzag | oh no she didn't! | [02:55] |
celeste | big deal | [02:55] |
imsaguy | celeste: put it in the order book. | [02:55] |
stamit | all machines are administered by somebody | [02:55] |
imsaguy | vragnaroda: how about 30 minutes of +m? :) | [02:55] |
imsaguy | make all the bishes have to auth | [02:56] |
stamit | the important thing is that the somebody is honest | [02:56] |
paulzag | it's not paulzagnet but we have guidelines | [02:56] |
paulzag | and it'll be soon | [02:56] |
celeste | ;;getrating babbler | [02:56] |
* | pingdrive has quit (Quit: Leaving) | [02:57] |
stamit | a more fun thing for -otc is that idea about making the "order book" and the "reputation system" be distributed | [02:57] |
stamit | someone said that would be dangerous | [02:57] |
imsaguy | stamit: see #bitcoin-wot | [02:57] |
stamit | when was that proposed? | [02:58] |
* | trisdan has quit (Quit: Page closed) | [02:58] |
stamit | i remember talking about something like that here months ago | [02:58] |
* | da2ce7 has quit (Quit: KVIrc 4.1.3 Equilibrium | [02:58] |
stamit | just a simple protocol is good, imo | [02:58] |
stamit | a simple query protocol | [02:58] |
stamit | like the way you query gribble | [02:58] |
stamit | since everybody here gets the message when we talk "in public" everybody's "bot" can reply to the inquirer | [02:59] |
stamit | it's just a matter of syntax | [02:59] |
stamit | replies in private, of course | [02:59] |
stamit | only problem is that not everybody can be on IRC 24 hours | [03:00] |
* | bitcoinstreet has quit (Quit: Textual IRC Client: | [03:01] |
* | kall has quit (Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.) | [03:02] |
* | ChanServ gives channel operator status to vragnaroda | [03:02] |
sgornick | Some old coins got spent: | [03:03] |
imsaguy | nice | [03:03] |
imsaguy | vragnaroda: nice little hat you've got there, hiding the bald spot? | [03:03] |
* | bitcoinstreet (~textual@ has joined #bitcoin-otc | [03:04] |
EasyAt | Oh man, we dropped down to ~3.85 today | [03:05] |
EasyAt | this is exciting | [03:05] |
vragnaroda | I was going to +q celeste but I've heard he has a habit of unsolicited PMs. | [03:05] |
paulzag | sgornick, what is days destroyed mean | [03:05] |
* | vragnaroda sets ban on *!*@gateway/web/freenode/ip. | [03:05] |
EasyAt | whats +q again? | [03:05] |
EasyAt | mute? | [03:05] |
imsaguy | quiet | [03:05] |
EasyAt | ah ty | [03:05] |
stamit | ;;query stamit | [03:06] |
vragnaroda | It would mean gribble would have to voice him for him to talk but he doesn't seem interested in that. | [03:06] |
* | kakobreklaaa ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [03:06] |
stamit | (gribble complains) | [03:06] |
imsaguy | kakobreklaa: you broke the price :( | [03:06] |
stamit | !about stamit | [03:06] |
kakobreklaa | lets fix it! | [03:07] |
sgornick | paulzag: 1 BitcoinDay is a day that you hoard a BTC without spending it. | [03:07] |
* | kakobreklaa buys 1btc | [03:07] |
sgornick | That chart shows only coins that were unspent for the past year. | [03:07] |
sgornick | But then were spent (transferred) on the day charted. | [03:08] |
* | danieldaniel_ (~danieldan@unaffiliated/danieldaniel) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [03:08] |
danieldaniel_ | I need a 1600 MSP code from the UK | [03:09] |
* | BTCTrader (~aaa@unaffiliated/btctrader) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [03:09] |
* | kakobrekla has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) | [03:09] |
danieldaniel_ | ;;eauth danieldaniel | [03:09] |
* | EasyAt is now known as EasyAt| | [03:09] |
* | gribble gives voice to danieldaniel_ | [03:09] |
danieldaniel_ | can anyone buy one? | [03:10] |
danieldaniel_ | i will pay $2 more | [03:10] |
* | zmoney ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [03:10] |
zmoney | anyone want to buy btc? i got 50 for sale | [03:10] |
* | Buglouse has quit (Quit: #WeeChat #Mises #emacs) | [03:10] |
* | trisdan (59f6a65e@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc | [03:11] |
* | da2ce7 (~da2ce7@gateway/tor-sasl/da2ce7) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [03:11] |
vragnaroda | ;;ident zmoney | [03:12] |
gribble | Nick 'zmoney', with hostmask 'zmoney!', is not identified. | [03:12] |
* | trisdan has quit (Client Quit) | [03:13] |
* | stamit has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | [03:13] |
* | bigwig48 has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | [03:13] |
* | bigwig48 (~bigwig48@gateway/tor-sasl/bigwig48) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [03:14] |
* | stamit (~stamit@pdpc/supporter/active/stamit) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [03:14] |
* | EPiSKiNG-- has quit () | [03:14] |
danieldaniel_ | anyone? D" | [03:15] |
danieldaniel_ | D: | [03:15] |
* | BTCHero ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [03:17] |
babbler | buying 23 BTC for 100 usd moneypak | [03:17] |
* | gribble gives voice to BTCHero | [03:17] |
* | Snapman has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | [03:17] |
paulzag | oh wow I am now the proud owner of 1.9ish btc. | [03:18] |
paulzag | Spare a btc Guv'nor? | [03:18] |
paulzag | someone just bought all my BTC for 15% above market | [03:19] |
malkauns | lol | [03:19] |
paulzag | noone here - on an exchange | [03:19] |
imsaguy | vragnaroda: zmoney is ready for a punt. | [03:19] |
zmoney | why? | [03:20] |
zmoney | i dont understand? | [03:20] |
imsaguy | [2012/02/15 19:19:17] |
[03:20] |
imsaguy | [2012/02/15 19:19:21] |
[03:20] |
babbler | lol | [03:20] |
zmoney | why not paste the whole conversation? | [03:20] |
zmoney | want my facebook, ebay account? | [03:21] |
imsaguy | I thought you said irc doesn't matter? | [03:21] |
vragnaroda | zmoney: Would you like to provide a pastebin of it? | [03:21] |
zmoney | i said to me an irc history doesnt matter | [03:21] |
zmoney | i know no one in here | [03:21] |
imsaguy | | [03:22] |
imsaguy | you've still not answered my question | [03:22] |
zmoney | what question? | [03:22] |
imsaguy | the very first one, the one that I asked again later | [03:22] |
zmoney | oh my price? | [03:23] |
imsaguy | what is your rate? | [03:23] |
zmoney | 5.25 each all 50 throw an offer | [03:23] |
vragnaroda | Ooh, nice. | [03:23] |
imsaguy | so you want someone to just send you 262.50 on your word? | [03:23] |
zmoney | no i dont | [03:24] |
zmoney | you came on pretty strong | [03:24] |
imsaguy | thats what you said a minute ago | [03:24] |
imsaguy | I didn't | [03:24] |
imsaguy | I asked oyu a question twice and you ignored it | [03:24] |
imsaguy | instead you gave me a lesson in contracts and trust. | [03:24] |
imsaguy | of which, I don't want/need. | [03:24] |
zmoney | no you tried to force me to trust you and your "rating" | [03:24] |
* | Turingi has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | [03:25] |
imsaguy | I didn't. I asked why I am supposed to trust you. | [03:25] |
vragnaroda | > force | [03:25] |
vragnaroda | lolwut | [03:25] |
zmoney | you basically implied that i would have to send you stuff first because you had hundreds of good ratings | [03:25] |
imsaguy | you demanded that I go first | [03:25] |
zmoney | i said that was an option | [03:26] |
imsaguy | so you forced me to trust you, no? | [03:26] |
* | Snapman ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [03:26] |
zmoney | if you wanted to send a check i would want to wait for it to clear | [03:26] |
Cam | imsaguy: hi | [03:26] |
imsaguy | hiya Cam | [03:26] |
imsaguy | what's up? | [03:26] |
Cam | PM? | [03:26] |
imsaguy | sure | [03:27] |
Cam | I messaged imsaguy2 -.- | [03:27] |
vragnaroda | zmoney: That's demanding an awful lot of trust from him. | [03:27] |
dwon | zmoney, imsaguy: What you guys need is an escrow service. | [03:27] |
zmoney | i was giving him an option | [03:27] |
zmoney | and a check is a legal document | [03:27] |
dwon | Both of you just send me everything, and I'll ensure they get to the other person. | [03:27] |
zmoney | have a way of escrow? | [03:27] |
zmoney | escrow is fine with me | [03:27] |
imsaguy | lol dwon | [03:27] |
dwon | I'll even sign a document. | [03:28] |
imsaguy | #bitcoin-escrow FTW | [03:28] |
imsaguy | dwon: LOL | [03:28] |
zmoney | real escrow | [03:28] |
zmoney | i dont trust anything in an irc chat | [03:28] |
imsaguy | that is real escrow | [03:28] |
zmoney | or anybody | [03:28] |
vragnaroda | zmoney: Then GTFO | [03:28] |
zmoney | oh its a company? | [03:28] |
* | malkauns has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) | [03:28] |
imsaguy | just because somethings 'a company' doesnt mean you can trust it | [03:28] |
imsaguy | n00b | [03:28] |
vragnaroda | How do you come into an IRC chat *for trading* and then say you don't trust anything in an IRC chat? | [03:29] |
zmoney | no but its easier to go after an established company than it is to a person | [03:29] |
imsaguy | no it isnt | [03:29] |
vragnaroda | No, it isn't. | [03:29] |
imsaguy | shell corps are formed all the time | [03:29] |
imsaguy | just a pobox with no body | [03:29] |
* | vragnaroda sets ban on *!* | [03:29] |
imsaguy | good luck with that. | [03:29] |
* | vragnaroda has kicked zmoney from #bitcoin-otc ([2012/02/15 19:19:41] |
[03:29] |
dwon | lol, nice quote | [03:29] |
* | danieldaniel_ has quit (Quit: danieldaniel_) | [03:30] |
vragnaroda | Yes, I liked it. | [03:30] |
* | ineededausername (600af633@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc | [03:36] |
ineededausername | ;;ticker | [03:37] |
rawrmage | ;;tocker | [03:37] |
gribble | I do not know about 'tocker', but I do know about these similar topics: 'ticker' | [03:37] |
rawrmage | lol | [03:37] |
ineededausername | lol | [03:37] |
ineededausername | ;;gribble | [03:37] |
vragnaroda | ;;gribble | [03:37] |
ineededausername | ^^most awesome command | [03:37] |
gribble | yes I am gribble. why do you keep bothering me? | [03:37] |
* | benjamindees ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [03:37] |
vragnaroda | ;;gribble | [03:37] |
ineededausername | xD | [03:37] |
gribble | yes I am gribble. why do you keep bothering me? | [03:37] |
vragnaroda | ;;grobble | [03:37] |
ineededausername | ;;plugin gribble | [03:38] |
ineededausername | heh | [03:38] |
ineededausername | ;;nanotube | [03:38] |
ineededausername | damn, that one doesn't work | [03:38] |
vragnaroda | ;;botsnack | [03:38] |
gribble | Forget the snack, just send me some bitcoins at 1MgD6rah5zUgEGYZnNmdpnXMaDR3itKYzU :) | [03:38] |
ineededausername | hahahaha | [03:38] |
ineededausername | ;;withdraw 1MgD6rah5zUgEGYZnNmdpnXMaDR3itKYzU 1000 | [03:39] |
* | Valalvax ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [03:39] |
* | Valalvax has quit (Client Quit) | [03:39] |
ineededausername | ;;seen pirateat40 | [03:39] |
rawrmage | vragnaroda: 'yes I am gribble' makes me think of the hello yes this is dog picture, but with "hello yes this is gribble" | [03:40] |
* | Valalvax ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [03:40] |
paulzag | ;;rate CallumA 1 sold him 1 BTC for PPGBP quick & easy | [03:41] |
gribble | Rating entry successful. Your rating of 1 for user CallumA has been recorded. | [03:41] |
* | bitcoinbulletin has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) | [03:41] |
CallumA | ;;rate paulzag 1 Bought BTC for PPGBP, quick and easy, recommended! | [03:42] |
gribble | Rating entry successful. Your rating of 1 for user paulzag has been recorded. | [03:42] |
* | Maged ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [03:44] |
* | ne1watching (629a321d@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc | [03:51] |
* | Buglouse (~Buglouse@ has joined #bitcoin-otc | [03:52] |
* | celeste has quit (Quit: Page closed) | [03:52] |
* | shlnvxaca ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [03:53] |
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* | vinhpk (~khacvinhp@ has joined #bitcoin-otc | [03:56] |
* | NASDAQEnema has quit (Read error: Operation timed out) | [03:57] |
* | Myhatstoosmall (ad12fe78@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc | [03:58] |
smickles | gwaa | [03:59] |
Myhatstoosmall | Would anybody like to purchase coins at 4 per? It's negotiable too ;) | [03:59] |
paulzag | celeste has quit (Quit: Page closed) <-- I thought s/he was banned? | [03:59] |
* | smickles just found an 'if' where there should have been an 'elif' | [04:00] |
paulzag | Myhatstoosmall acceptable payment methods? | [04:00] |
Myhatstoosmall | Mp please :D | [04:00] |
* | bitcoinbulletin ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [04:00] |
* | vinhpk has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) | [04:00] |
* | darkmethod ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [04:00] |
vragnaroda | paulzag: Banned but not kicked. celeste cannot rejoin the channel, (s)he could stay as long as (s)he wanted (until the spam bullshit picked up again). | [04:00] |
* | vragnaroda removes channel operator status from vragnaroda | [04:00] |
* | vinhpk (~khacvinhp@ has joined #bitcoin-otc | [04:00] |
paulzag | ah - never noticed that was possible | [04:01] |
* | SomeoneWeirdzzzz is now known as SomeoneWeird | [04:02] |
* | jjjrmy (~jjjrmy@ has joined #bitcoin-otc | [04:02] |
smickles | you know paulzag, i could possible get you a MP | [04:02] |
* | smickles is thinking that paulzag is not in 'merica | [04:03] |
* | M4v3R has quit (Quit: M4v3R) | [04:04] |
pigeons | furreners get the internet too now? | [04:04] |
vragnaroda | fucking Al Gore! | [04:04] |
smickles | it's those damn liberals, given' our shit away | [04:04] |
* | vinhpk has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) | [04:05] |
* | Buglouse has quit (Quit: #WeeChat #Mises #emacs) | [04:05] |
* | vinhpk (~khacvinhp@ has joined #bitcoin-otc | [04:06] |
* | Guest40890 has quit (Quit: leaving) | [04:07] |
* | Cusipzzz (~root@unaffiliated/cusipzzz) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [04:08] |
* | sfantu has quit (Quit: Leaving.) | [04:08] |
* | ChanServ gives channel operator status to Cusipzzz | [04:08] |
* | NASDAQEnema ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [04:08] |
* | CallumA is now known as CallumA_WEB | [04:09] |
* | CallumA (~CallumA@ has joined #bitcoin-otc | [04:09] |
* | benjamindees has quit (Quit: Leaving) | [04:10] |
CallumA | ;;fraud | [04:10] |
Valalvax | I really need to check into moneypak when I'm at work | [04:11] |
Valalvax | I always forget | [04:11] |
CallumA | Yay! Got an IRC client and it works. | [04:11] |
shades | what the fuck happened?? | [04:13] |
rawrmage | stuff | [04:13] |
vragnaroda | Too much lactose. | [04:14] |
* | Myhatstoosmall has quit (Quit: Page closed) | [04:14] |
shades | I just woke up | [04:14] |
shades | tell me!! | [04:14] |
vragnaroda | I did tell you! Too much lactose. | [04:15] |
shades | i took a long shower.. hope i didn't piss anyone off | [04:15] |
paulzag | ;;rated myhatstoosmall | [04:16] |
paulzag | For the record... I am a F!cking ID10T | [04:18] |
smickles | noted | [04:19] |
vragnaroda | You're that guy and evading a ban psychology-and-psychiatry-100x100.jpg psychology-and-psychiatry-560x315.jpg psychology-and-psychiatry.jpg telling everyone about it? :p | [04:19] |
paulzag | I'm open to it smickles | [04:19] |
smickles | the MP thing? How would you pay? | [04:19] |
* | idnar has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) | [04:20] |
* | vragnaroda writes in diary that paulzag is a F!cking ID10T. | [04:20] |
paulzag | nope I'm in Oz where it is a sunny 25 degrees celcius (work it out merkins) | [04:20] |
* | lunks (~lunks@ has joined #bitcoin-otc | [04:20] |
BTCHero | must be chilly | [04:20] |
vragnaroda | BTCHero: Go fuck yourself with a fire hydrant, m'kay? | [04:20] |
smickles | wow | [04:21] |
* | BTCHero returns to hiding | [04:21] |
smickles | the image of that | [04:21] |
paulzag | :p vragnaroda | [04:21] |
* | kakobreklaa has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | [04:21] |
BTCHero | everyone in here is worth less today and is on edge | [04:22] |
paulzag | I haven't been ripped off - But pop quiz kiddies 0.1BTC to first correct answer | [04:22] |
paulzag | ready? | [04:22] |
vragnaroda | paulzag: Despite BTCHero's nonsensical statement to the contrary, Americans are *not* the ones that uprooted industrial standards because they couldn't/wouldn't math. | [04:22] |
shades | 25 degrees s chilly copared t my 45degree summer... | [04:22] |
* | kakobreklaaa has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | [04:22] |
* | mcorlett has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) | [04:22] |
paulzag | 45C is too hot for me | [04:22] |
paulzag | I shaved my head last summer when it hit 42C | [04:23] |
vragnaroda | Oh, fuck that. | [04:23] |
paulzag | okay pop quiz question... | [04:23] |
vragnaroda | Don't shave your head in the summer. | [04:23] |
paulzag | What is rule #1 of trading on #bitcoin-OTC | [04:23] |
BTCHero | no paypal | [04:23] |
vragnaroda | (Unless you're already used to it.) | [04:23] |
smickles | ident | [04:23] |
* | jjjrmy has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) | [04:24] |
paulzag | smickles wins! | [04:24] |
BTCHero | if it sounds too good to be true it is | [04:24] |
smickles | :D | [04:24] |
* | idnar (~quassel@unaffiliated/idnar) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [04:24] |
* | jklJ has quit () | [04:24] |
* | gribble gives voice to dwon | [04:24] |
smickles | 1KR9R1qVrEL48THxjAgrpNBc7PogNUyTQe | [04:24] |
luke-jr | I don't like under 4 Tp | [04:24] |
BTCHero | why does this rule pertain to you? | [04:24] |
BTCHero | tonal ? | [04:25] |
paulzag | I just did a deal for 80BTC and forgot to check if Myhatstoosmall had auth'd this session. Luckily it was him | [04:25] |
BTCHero | whats the p | [04:25] |
luke-jr | BTCHero: yes, tonal temps | [04:25] |
* | ne1watching has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) | [04:25] |
smickles | paulzag: whoa | [04:25] |
BTCHero | I thought you couldn't get mp? | [04:25] |
vragnaroda | I dislike below 500 degrees Rankine. | [04:26] |
paulzag | I did a really late trade via another ummm space. and ended up with 320 worth of MP's | [04:26] |
* | adsfasd (65a6005d@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc | [04:27] |
Valalvax | 25 celsius = somewhere around 77 | [04:27] |
Valalvax | Holy fuck... | [04:27] |
BTCHero | but how many kelvin | [04:27] |
paulzag | yep smickles when I realised I'd just sent $320USD over the interwebs just because we'd chatted before, but testicles shrank | [04:27] |
Valalvax | I just did the math... >.> | [04:27] |
BTCHero | all your units suck | [04:27] |
njstein | -273*C = 0 K | [04:28] |
njstein | so 25 = 298K | [04:28] |
BTCHero | You got more moneypaks paulzag? | [04:28] |
smickles | paulzag: it's good to get your heartrate up sometimes tho ;) | [04:28] |
paulzag | 25C is warm but not hot. You can go swimming. Hotel room temperature 19C (cool) to 22C | [04:28] |
paulzag | had my workout for the day | [04:28] |
paulzag | I'm sharing the experience so I NEVER DO THAT A-FUCKING-GAIN | [04:29] |
* | Hunterbunter (~hunterbun@ has joined #bitcoin-otc | [04:29] |
* | vinhpk has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) | [04:29] |
* | BTCHero is now known as Mydickistoosmall | [04:29] |
Mydickistoosmall | Wanna send me moneypak paulzag? | [04:29] |
paulzag | BTCHero, you sticking to old imperial units of measure there? | [04:29] |
* | AdamSeabrook ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [04:29] |
* | silvercoin (47442431@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc | [04:29] |
paulzag | my point exactly | [04:30] |
* | vinhpk (~khacvinhp@ has joined #bitcoin-otc | [04:30] |
paulzag | [04:30] | |
* | vragnaroda smacks njstein around with a broken thermometer. | [04:30] |
shlnvxaca | its raining packs up in herea | [04:30] |
vragnaroda | paulzag: NO FUCKING IMPERIAL SHIT | [04:30] |
* | Buglouse (~Buglouse@ has joined #bitcoin-otc | [04:30] |
* | Mydickistoosmall is now known as BTCHero | [04:31] |
BTCHero | So seriously though, who has a moneypak | [04:31] |
BTCHero | I want it | [04:31] |
BTCHero | as long as it is a little tiny one | [04:31] |
silvercoin | in the butt? | [04:31] |
njstein | ow | [04:31] |
njstein | why the hate vragnaroda | [04:31] |
silvercoin | sexual frustration? | [04:31] |
BTCHero | <+BTCHero> everyone in here is worth less today and is on edge | [04:31] |
paulzag | The more you squeeze the more starsystems... oh wrong empire | [04:32] |
vragnaroda | njstein: The U.S. has never used any Imperial unit commonly. | [04:32] |
paulzag | zactly BTCHero | [04:32] |
njstein | caue i know kelvin? | [04:32] |
paulzag | what do y'all think feet and inches are? Roman? | [04:32] |
vragnaroda | paulzag: Imperial measures didn't fucking exist until 1814. | [04:33] |
vragnaroda | Learn some fucking history. | [04:33] |
Graet | i'm worth the same and am sitting comfortable in the middle of my chair :P | [04:33] |
Graet | toughen up princesses :D | [04:33] |
paulzag | they might not have been called imperial (standards) but... you get the point. | [04:33] |
njstein | Imperial measures? like the death star as a negotiationg device? | [04:34] |
silvercoin | Yes. | [04:34] |
vragnaroda | paulzag: They came into being and were standardized with no empire. There's nothing imperial about them. | [04:34] |
smickles | i thought the were made up by Imperi | [04:35] |
Hunterbunter | I have a 30.48cm penis...doesn't sound as cool | [04:35] |
vragnaroda | Hunterbunter: Next time, measure in µm. | [04:35] |
CallumA_WEB | You could round it to 30cm and it might soind better | [04:35] |
paulzag | standardized in 1824 or so | [04:35] |
CallumA_WEB | *sound | [04:35] |
Hunterbunter | inches are the apple to the PC's metric | [04:36] |
vragnaroda | paulzag: No. | [04:36] |
* | Buglouse has quit (Quit: #WeeChat #Mises #emacs) | [04:36] |
smickles | we're at an impass! | [04:36] |
smickles | er | [04:36] |
paulzag | And whose history should I learn vragnaroda ? British? US? Chinese? German (post 1888) Italian (post Garibaldi)? Indonesian? Spanish? Russian | [04:37] |
smickles | hurr durr........... ha durk a dur | [04:37] |
paulzag | smickles, impasser-er-er | [04:37] |
paulzag | ? | [04:37] |
vragnaroda | Sorry, Imperial was 1824, not 1814. | [04:37] |
vigilyn | roman empire history | [04:37] |
silvercoin | You guys have nothing better to do? | [04:38] |
silvercoin | Jesus | [04:38] |
* | silvercoin has quit (Quit: Page closed) | [04:38] |
vragnaroda | paulzag: Are you fucking serious? You must be high and fucking retarded. Learn the history of things you're going to pick arguments about. | [04:38] |
paulzag | well in 1972 my teacher said I could rule a 1inch margin any more I had to do a 2.5cm margin coz we'd "gone metric" | [04:38] |
* | Myhatstoosmall (ad12fe78@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc | [04:38] |
vragnaroda | That would be a start. | [04:38] |
BTCHero | ;;buy 1 "XBL 12 month card" @ 1 btc Will buy xbox live card for bitcoins | [04:39] |
gribble | Order id 6823 created. | [04:39] |
paulzag | anybody wanna trade? | [04:39] |
Myhatstoosmall | I've got 44 coins to sell please :D | [04:39] |
* | Buglouse (~Buglouse@ has joined #bitcoin-otc | [04:39] |
shlnvxaca | babaganuj | [04:41] |
BTCHero | ;;buy 1 "COD Xbox Game" @ 1 btc Want to buy that new call of duty game whatever it is called with bitcoins | [04:41] |
gribble | Order id 6824 created. | [04:41] |
* | Buglouse has quit (Client Quit) | [04:42] |
* | nelisky has quit (Quit: nelisky) | [04:44] |
mircea_popescu | hey copumpkin, were we discussing pricing yest ? | [04:44] |
mircea_popescu | as you can see price is 4.44 4.5 Puts are .25 to sell, so i was right, about .20 in time value. | [04:44] |
smickles | ;;rate novusordo 1 2 good MP txns | [04:46] |
* | lunks has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | [04:46] |
gribble | Rating entry successful. Your rating for user novusordo has changed from 1 to 1. | [04:46] |
Myhatstoosmall | Anybody wanna get paulzag a mp? :D | [04:47] |
* | lunks (~lunks@ has joined #bitcoin-otc | [04:47] |
novusordo | ;;rate smickles 1 Bought btc with moneypak. | [04:48] |
gribble | Rating entry successful. Your rating for user smickles has changed from 1 to 1. | [04:48] |
babbler | buying 22.22222222222 BTC for 100 usd moneypak | [04:48] |
BTCHero | ;;view | [04:48] |
gribble | #6823 Wed Feb 15 18:39:01 2012 BTCHero BUY 1.0 XBL 12 month card @ 1 btc (Will buy xbox live card for bitcoins) | [04:48] |
gribble | #6824 Wed Feb 15 18:41:28 2012 BTCHero BUY 1.0 COD Xbox Game @ 1 btc (Want to buy that new call of duty game whatever it is called with bitcoins) | [04:48] |
Hunterbunter | ;;getrating | [04:48] |
BTCHero | Sweet new spam method | [04:48] |
* | wodbdj (~wodbdj@ has joined #bitcoin-otc | [04:49] |
paulzag | smickles, you offered me a MP lets talk | [04:49] |
Hunterbunter | how does one authenticate? | [04:49] |
babbler | hunterbunter type ;;guide | [04:49] |
Hunterbunter | ;;guide | [04:49] |
smickles | paulzag: i actually can't now. my wife is going to bed and i have to hold watch over the baby :( | [04:49] |
Hunterbunter | oo k | [04:49] |
Myhatstoosmall | :( | [04:50] |
smickles | i suppose i could go to bed with her... but who would want that @.@ | [04:51] |
BTCHero | not her | [04:51] |
gmaxwell | don't go to bed with the baby, weirdo. | [04:51] |
BTCHero | I asked my gf to do it with me and she said no. WTF | [04:52] |
paulzag | go to bed with the wife - let the baby take care of itself - give it a .45 and a bottle | [04:52] |
BTCHero | It only takes a few seconds | [04:52] |
* | pingdrive (~pingdrive@gateway/tor-sasl/pingdrive) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [04:52] |
paulzag | ;;getrating [ident Myhatstoosmall ] | [04:52] |
* | arvicco_ ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [04:53] |
* | wodbdj has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) | [04:53] |
paulzag | ;;view | [04:53] |
* | WP_50948 (~WP_50948@ has joined #bitcoin-otc | [04:54] |
BTCHero | Our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy will go into effect February 22, 2012. | [04:54] |
* | gribble gives voice to paulzag | [04:54] |
BTCHero | What is mtgox doing to us? | [04:54] |
BTCHero | I can't read long text blocks | [04:54] |
paulzag | not allowed on a family channel that's what BTCHero | [04:54] |
paulzag | those are very very long text blocks - I fell asleep reading them last night | [04:55] |
* | arvicco has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) | [04:55] |
* | arvicco_ is now known as arvicco | [04:55] |
* | StrangeCharm (~StrangeCh@gateway/tor-sasl/strangecharm) has left #bitcoin-otc | [04:56] |
BTCHero | someone without add please come to the rescue | [04:56] |
* | WP_50948 (~WP_50948@ has left #bitcoin-otc | [04:57] |
phraust | | [04:59] |
phraust | there ya go... ;) | [04:59] |
* | WP_50948 (~WP_50948@ has joined #bitcoin-otc | [04:59] |
* | pingdrive_ (~pingdrive@gateway/tor-sasl/pingdrive) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [05:00] |
BTCHero | Thanks, much more manageable | [05:00] |
BTCHero | no big deal | [05:00] |
* | Shaded (~Shaded@unaffiliated/shaded) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [05:00] |
BTCHero | if they get hacked we lose our shit. I already treat them like that | [05:00] |
* | WP_50948 has quit (Client Quit) | [05:01] |
* | Sil ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [05:01] |
* | pingdrive has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) | [05:03] |
* | Silberfuchs has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) | [05:03] |
* | Blitzboom has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | [05:05] |
* | Blitzboom ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [05:05] |
babbler | ;;rate paulzag 5 easy mp to btc | [05:06] |
gribble | Rating entry successful. Your rating of 5 for user paulzag has been recorded. | [05:06] |
* | Myhatstoosmall has quit (Quit: Page closed) | [05:08] |
* | lunks has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | [05:08] |
* | splatster (~splatster@unaffiliated/splatster) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [05:08] |
* | gribble gives voice to splatster | [05:08] |
splatster | Well this really sucks ass | [05:09] |
paulzag | babbler, 5 is too much - 1 or 2 for first transaction | [05:09] |
* | lunks (~lunks@ has joined #bitcoin-otc | [05:09] |
paulzag | ;;getrating babbler | [05:09] |
gribble | User babbler, created on Tue Nov 29 08:02:30 2011. Cumulative rating 6, from 3 total ratings. Received ratings: 3 positive, 0 negative. Sent ratings: 5 positive, 0 negative. Details: Currently authenticated from hostmask babbler!~Owner@ | [05:09] |
splatster | ccccccbcgvfjigtndnvncceindfghjjldkcvbcrnfcre | [05:10] |
babbler | i know i was warned multiple times , i just feel silly leaving a low rating but OK | [05:10] |
splatster | oops | [05:10] |
paulzag | low is -10 | [05:10] |
paulzag | -1 is poor | [05:11] |
paulzag | 1 or 2 is good - people actually check if you practice rating inflation | [05:11] |
babbler | alright sounds good | [05:11] |
paulzag | if we do lots of deals it will get to 5 soon enough | [05:11] |
babbler | i honestly learned by watching others | [05:11] |
babbler | i hear ya | [05:12] |
* | MoPac (~MoPac@gateway/tor-sasl/mopac) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [05:12] |
paulzag | ;;rate babbler 1 sold him BTC for MP quick & very easy | [05:12] |
gribble | Rating entry successful. Your rating of 1 for user babbler has been recorded. | [05:12] |
* | minimoose ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [05:13] |
paulzag | The guy I rated 5 has trusted me with thousands of dollars and I've made him a fortune | [05:13] |
paulzag | small fortune | [05:14] |
paulzag | lunch money | [05:14] |
* | DareC (~dare@unaffiliated/darec) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [05:15] |
* | EasyAt| has quit () | [05:15] |
paulzag | quitters gotta quit | [05:15] |
* | Buglouse (~Buglouse@ has joined #bitcoin-otc | [05:15] |
amiller | someone bought me lunch once, i didn't rate them a 5 | [05:15] |
BTCHero | ;;getrating btchero | [05:16] |
gribble | User BTChero, created on Wed Nov 16 21:49:42 2011. Cumulative rating 48, from 34 total ratings. Received ratings: 34 positive, 0 negative. Sent ratings: 36 positive, 2 negative. Details: Currently authenticated from hostmask BTCHero! | [05:16] |
paulzag | he did trust me with thousands. I've save him enough for a good lunch | [05:16] |
BTCHero | I was going to say I never rated anyone a 5 but I did. But that guy is cool as hell and I do hundreds a week with him | [05:16] |
* | traviscj ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [05:17] |
paulzag | yeah he's a rockstar | [05:17] |
* | Shaded has quit (Quit: Shaded) | [05:17] |
BTCHero | I set mirc to flash and beep when he speaks :) | [05:18] |
* | EPiSKiNG- has quit () | [05:19] |
babbler | ;;rate paulzag 1 easy mp to btc - he gave me a bonus! | [05:20] |
gribble | Rating entry successful. Your rating for user paulzag has changed from 5 to 1. | [05:20] |
paulzag | I wish I could get Xchat to beep and flash | [05:20] |
paulzag | much better babbler | [05:20] |
smickles | ;;rate smickles -3 what an asshole | [05:20] |
smickles | oops | [05:20] |
smickles | ;;rate smickles -4 a lazy fuck who doddles away his time on irc | [05:21] |
rawrmage | lol | [05:22] |
* | fizzisist has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | [05:22] |
Graet | settings ->preferences -> sound and alerts | [05:22] |
Graet | you can!! | [05:22] |
Graet | i turn all that off paulzag | [05:22] |
smickles | i don't have to | [05:23] |
smickles | i fucked pulseaudio | [05:23] |
smickles | and she won't call me back | [05:23] |
Graet | silly | [05:23] |
paulzag | Graet, try it again please | [05:23] |
Graet | paulzag ? | [05:23] |
* | idnar has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) | [05:24] |
paulzag | nope no beep ;( | [05:25] |
paulzag | I'm beepless - which explains why I don't see a lot of PM's | [05:27] |
* | Myhatstoosmall (ad12fe78@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc | [05:28] |
* | napkin_ ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [05:28] |
splatster | ;;rate a5m0 2 Bought a YubiKey from him | [05:28] |
gribble | Rating entry successful. Your rating of 2 for user a5m0 has been recorded. | [05:28] |
napkin_ | howdy folks | [05:29] |
Myhatstoosmall | Anybody wanna buy 20 btc? :P | [05:29] |
napkin_ | Myhatstoosmall, did you not sell all of those you wanted? | [05:30] |
Myhatstoosmall | Huh? | [05:30] |
* | Snapman_ ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [05:31] |
* | idnar (~quassel@unaffiliated/idnar) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [05:32] |
* | Snapman has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) | [05:33] |
* | Snapman_ is now known as Snapman | [05:33] |
Myhatstoosmall | 20.28 btc for $40 mp or pp :) | [05:36] |
* | spawn- i got $330 amazonUSD i need PPUSD or BTC | [05:37] |
Myhatstoosmall | Amazon gift card or amazon payments? | [05:37] |
spawn- | amazon payments | [05:37] |
Myhatstoosmall | Wanna buy 20.28? | [05:37] |
Myhatstoosmall | It'll be my amazon payments test run :D | [05:38] |
* | DareC has quit (Quit: Leaving) | [05:38] |
BTCHero | wait what, you are selling coins at 2 per for paypal? | [05:38] |
* | vinhpk has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) | [05:38] |
* | vinhpk (~khacvinhp@ has joined #bitcoin-otc | [05:38] |
napkin_ | yeah i'll buy that insta if that's the case | [05:39] |
napkin_ | lol | [05:39] |
BTCHero | yeah, i will go all the way to 3 :) | [05:39] |
* | pyrofallout (~pyrofallo@pdpc/supporter/student/pyrofallout) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [05:40] |
Myhatstoosmall | Woah lol sorry bout that $80USD | [05:42] |
BTCHero | Well that is much to reasonable for me | [05:42] |
* | lunks has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | [05:42] |
BTCHero | too | [05:42] |
* | lunks (~lunks@ has joined #bitcoin-otc | [05:43] |
njstein | lol | [05:43] |
* | spawn- i got $330 amazonUSD i need PPUSD or BTC | [05:44] |
BTCHero | Yes we know | [05:44] |
* | BTCHero has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | [05:47] |
* | afgdgvc (~Foobar@ has joined #bitcoin-otc | [05:48] |
* | lunks has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | [05:48] |
afgdgvc | ;;guide | [05:49] |
* | afgdgvc has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | [05:51] |
* | brojistan (3cf13d62@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc | [05:51] |
* | lunks (~lunks@ has joined #bitcoin-otc | [05:52] |
* | EPiSKiNG- (~EPiSKiNG@ has joined #bitcoin-otc | [05:52] |
* | DareC (~dare@unaffiliated/darec) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [05:53] |
* | emmanuelux has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) | [05:53] |
* | afgdgvc (~afgdgvc@ has joined #bitcoin-otc | [05:53] |
afgdgvc | ;;guide | [05:55] |
* | afgdgvc has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | [05:56] |
* | wodbdj (~wodbdj@ has joined #bitcoin-otc | [05:56] |
* | splatster has quit (Quit: Linkinus - | [05:56] |
* | splatster (~splatster@ has joined #bitcoin-otc | [05:57] |
* | gribble gives voice to splatster | [05:57] |
* | splatster has quit (Changing host) | [05:57] |
* | splatster (~splatster@unaffiliated/splatster) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [05:57] |
* | gives voice to splatster | [05:57] |
* | vinhpk has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) | [05:57] |
* | vinhpk (~khacvinhp@ has joined #bitcoin-otc | [05:57] |
paulzag | spawn-, I'll make another call | [05:58] |
* | jamescarr ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [05:59] |
* | rnd1223 (random@ has joined #bitcoin-otc | [05:59] |
rnd1223 | ;;guide | [06:00] |
paulzag | Myhatstoosmall, I'll buy em | [06:00] |
* | wodbdj has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) | [06:01] |
* | Transisto has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | [06:01] |
* | Transisto ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [06:02] |
* | brojistan has quit (Quit: Page closed) | [06:02] |
CallumA | Anyone know how to get mIRC to auth me when I join? I've made a batch script to generate every command for me but I have to baste them into gribble. | [06:02] |
CallumA | *paste | [06:03] |
Someguy123 | CallumA easy =_= | [06:05] |
* | lunks has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | [06:05] |
CallumA | Thanks, I did all that batch script for nothing. | [06:05] |
Someguy123 | CallumA | [06:06] |
Someguy123 | yeah you did ^ | [06:06] |
Someguy123 | there's a great plugin that I use right there ^ | [06:06] |
Someguy123 | its even on the gpg auth page on the wiki | [06:06] |
* | DBordello (~DB@unaffiliated/dbordello) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [06:06] |
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Someguy123 | CallumA | [06:06] |
CallumA | Ah | [06:07] |
CallumA | Should'ev looked it up | [06:07] |
CallumA | Thanks | [06:07] |
* | adsfasd has quit (Quit: Page closed) | [06:11] |
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* | CallumA slaps CallumA around a bit with a large trout | [06:16] |
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* | bill_stickers (~skaro@2001:0:53aa:64c:3089:7c9b:b945:457f) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [06:16] |
* | Shaded ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [06:17] |
* | Shaded has quit (Changing host) | [06:17] |
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* | Rektis ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [06:22] |
* | pingdrive_ has quit (Quit: Leaving) | [06:22] |
splatster | Can someone loan me 1.2 BTC? | [06:24] |
* | lunks has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | [06:24] |
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* | Sil has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) | [06:25] |
paulzag | how long for splatster? | [06:26] |
paulzag | ;;rated splatster | [06:26] |
* | ChanServ gives channel operator status to vragnaroda | [06:26] |
splatster | about a week | [06:26] |
* | vragnaroda removes ban on *!*@gateway/web/freenode/ip. | [06:26] |
* | vragnaroda removes ban on *!* | [06:27] |
splatster | but nanotube jumped at it first | [06:27] |
* | Blitzboom has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | [06:27] |
* | Maged has quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.88 [Firefox 10.0.1/20120208060813]) | [06:27] |
* | lunks (~lunks@ has joined #bitcoin-otc | [06:27] |
paulzag | go with nanotube | [06:27] |
* | rnd1223 (rnd1223@ has joined #bitcoin-otc | [06:29] |
* | lunks has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | [06:29] |
* | lunks (~lunks@ has joined #bitcoin-otc | [06:30] |
smickles | ;;ticker | [06:31] |
gribble | Best bid: 4.2776, Best ask: 4.31916, Bid-ask spread: 0.04156, Last trade: 4.319, 24 hour volume: 219303, 24 hour low: 3.878, 24 hour high: 4.88 | [06:31] |
* | rnd1223 has quit (Client Quit) | [06:31] |
* | hngryhngryhippo has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) | [06:31] |
mircea_popescu | next stop 3.x ? | [06:32] |
* | llanox (46839b8a@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc | [06:32] |
* | shlnvxaca has quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) | [06:32] |
smickles | ;;buy 0.824944 btc @ 4.5 usd probably paypal :( | [06:32] |
gribble | Order id 6825 created. | [06:32] |
* | nicolejade ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [06:33] |
paulzag | why such a shitty order smickles ? | [06:33] |
smickles | lol | [06:33] |
llanox | Hey is Phungus on? | [06:33] |
* | Blitzboom ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [06:34] |
smickles | paulzag: i did some number crunching and i want that btc, but i don't want to use gox right now | [06:34] |
* | hexTech has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) | [06:34] |
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* | nicolejade is now known as njstein | [06:35] |
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* | Shaded (~Shaded@unaffiliated/shaded) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [06:36] |
* | lunks has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | [06:36] |
smickles | paulzag: it's actually an attempt at recovering gox fees | [06:37] |
paulzag | I can't say I understand - but I'll sell them to you | [06:37] |
* | abba (65a6005d@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc | [06:37] |
* | abba is now known as abbayar | [06:38] |
paulzag | it? part? what's the pronoun of <1btc? | [06:38] |
smickles | them sounds right to me | [06:39] |
smickles | like if you said .75 dollars | [06:39] |
smickles | same principle | [06:39] |
* | lunks (~lunks@ has joined #bitcoin-otc | [06:40] |
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smickles | so where am i sending this 3.712248 usd paulzag? | [06:40] |
* | h4ckm3th32nd ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [06:41] |
smickles | er 3.71 i suppose | [06:41] |
Woofcat | ;;seen mbs | [06:41] |
gribble | mbs was last seen in #bitcoin-otc 3 hours, 54 minutes, and 46 seconds ago: |
[06:41] |
* | JizzBeard ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [06:43] |
JizzBeard | ;;guide | [06:43] |
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* | JizzBeard is now known as SimonGreen | [06:45] |
* | lunks has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | [06:45] |
a5m0 | ;;ident a5m0 | [06:45] |
SimonGreen | ;;ident SimonGreen | [06:45] |
SimonGreen | hmmm | [06:46] |
CallumA | I'm probably a bit late but I fount the pronouns: | [06:46] |
* | lunks (~lunks@ has joined #bitcoin-otc | [06:46] |
smickles | not a bit late CallumA | [06:46] |
smickles | CallumA: but i think you missed a finer point of the exchange | [06:47] |
smickles | for ex: | [06:47] |
smickles | i don't want to say 75 cents | [06:47] |
* | detrate is now known as literal_lol1 | [06:48] |
* | literal_lol1 is now known as detrate | [06:48] |
CallumA | You mean 75 Bit Coin cents? That's 75cBTC | [06:48] |
CallumA | *Bitcoin | [06:48] |
smickles | i want to say .75 |
[06:49] |
smickles | so bitcoins | [06:49] |
* | Shaded has quit (Quit: Shaded) | [06:49] |
* | malkauns ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [06:49] |
mircea_popescu | it is plural. | [06:49] |
* | spawn- i got $330 amazon payments i need PPUSD or BTC | [06:49] |
* | bigwig48 has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) | [06:49] |
CallumA | 75 Centi-Bitcoins? | [06:50] |
malkauns | spawn-, how much? | [06:52] |
* | lunks has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | [06:52] |
SimonGreen | ;;buy 12 btc at 4.50 USD moneypak | [06:52] |
SimonGreen | dud i do it right | [06:52] |
SimonGreen | did* | [06:52] |
* | Swanboy has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) | [06:52] |
* | DeLorean719 ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [06:53] |
* | gribble gives voice to DeLorean719 | [06:53] |
paulzag | SimonGreen, doesn't the MP cost nearly 5bucks? | [06:54] |
SimonGreen | yes | [06:54] |
paulzag | oh ! | [06:54] |
* | DareC has quit (Quit: Leaving) | [06:54] |
* | lunks (~lunks@ has joined #bitcoin-otc | [06:54] |
paulzag | 4.5 1line.txt derp-100x100.png derp-560x207.png derp.png dork-100x100.jpg dork-560x302.jpg dork.jpg logs2.txt logs3.txt logstory.txt logs.txt mysql psychology-and-psychiatry-100x100.jpg psychology-and-psychiatry-560x315.jpg psychology-and-psychiatry.jpg tangent-maybe-100x100.jpg tangent-maybe-560x242.jpg tangent-maybe.jpg tara-tara-10-560px.jpg tara-tara-10.jpg tara-tara-11-560px.jpg tara-tara-11.jpg tara-tara-12-560px.jpg tara-tara-12.jpg tara-tara-13-560px.jpg tara-tara-13.jpg tara-tara-14-560px.jpg tara-tara-14.jpg tara-tara-15-560px.jpg tara-tara-1-560px.jpg tara-tara-15.jpg tara-tara-16-560px.jpg tara-tara-16.jpg tara-tara-17-560px.jpg tara-tara-17.jpg tara-tara-18-560px.jpg tara-tara-18.jpg tara-tara-19-560px.jpg tara-tara-19.jpg tara-tara-1.jpg tara-tara-20-560px.jpg tara-tara-20.jpg tara-tara-21-560px.jpg tara-tara-21.jpg tara-tara-22-560px.jpg tara-tara-22.jpg tara-tara-23-560px.jpg tara-tara-23.jpg tara-tara-24-560px.jpg tara-tara-24.jpg tara-tara-25-560px.jpg 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titdeck-92-100px.jpg titdeck-92-1024px.jpg titdeck-93-100px.jpg titdeck-93-1024px.jpg titdeck-94-100px.jpg titdeck-94-1024px.jpg titdeck-95-100px.jpg titdeck-95-1024px.jpg titdeck-96-100px.jpg titdeck-96-1024px.jpg titdeck-97-100px.jpg titdeck-97-1024px.jpg titdeck-98-100px.jpg titdeck-98-1024px.jpg titdeck-99-100px.jpg titdeck-99-1024px.jpg 12 = 54USD MP | [06:54] |
SimonGreen | so someone gets a free dollar i guess :D | [06:55] |
SimonGreen | also, Error: No outstanding encryption-based request found. :( | [06:55] |
SimonGreen | what am I doing wrong? | [06:55] |
nanotube | SimonGreen: you need to start authentication. | [06:56] |
nanotube | did you register? | [06:56] |
SimonGreen | yes | [06:56] |
SimonGreen | i may have done it wrong | [06:56] |
SimonGreen | oh i think i see what i did wrong | [06:57] |
smickles | the greet nanotube graces us with a nanopresence :D | [06:58] |
* | smickles is slaphappy | [06:58] |
splatster | s/greet/great/ | [06:59] |
nanotube | smickles: hehe | [06:59] |
SimonGreen | yay i've done it | [06:59] |
splatster | YAY! | [07:00] |
SimonGreen | is 12 btc for a $55 usd moneypak a fair traide? | [07:00] |
splatster | Can #bitcoin-otc count to ten? Lets see... | [07:00] |
splatster | 1 | [07:00] |
amiller | the great nanotube greases us with his presence | [07:00] |
splatster | amiller: You messed it up | [07:00] |
splatster | Can #bitcoin-otc count to ten? Lets see... | [07:00] |
splatster | 1 | [07:00] |
SimonGreen | ;;buy 12.22 btc at 4.50 USD moneypak | [07:01] |
gribble | Order id 6826 created. | [07:01] |
SimonGreen | yay | [07:01] |
amiller | ;;roulette | [07:01] |
splatster | Damnit! | [07:01] |
nanotube | SimonGreen: good work :) | [07:01] |
* | DeLorean719 has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds) | [07:01] |
splatster | Count to 10! | [07:01] |
splatster | 1 | [07:01] |
* | nanotube greases amiller's palm. | [07:01] |
smickles | 2 | [07:01] |
splatster | nanotube: NOOO! | [07:01] |
splatster | Count to 10! | [07:01] |
splatster | 1 | [07:01] |
smickles | 7 | [07:01] |
nanotube | you don't have to count without interruptions | [07:01] |
smickles | lol | [07:01] |
nanotube | 1 bla bla 2 ... works just fine :) | [07:02] |
splatster | nanotube: Yes we do, because clearly, we are RETARDED! | [07:02] |
nanotube | haha | [07:02] |
SimonGreen | cheers nanotube :) | [07:02] |
nanotube | you'll probably have much better luck doing this on -foyer, splatster :) | [07:02] |
nanotube | SimonGreen: ;) | [07:02] |
* | smickles is now known as durk_a_dur | [07:02] |
splatster | what if "bla blah" = 72346232423126753723 | [07:02] |
splatster | 1 182531625876158276817624386421654712653 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 | [07:03] |
* | stamit has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) | [07:04] |
durk_a_dur | ad01e41508b6e3b85450c03d8b1c40e0a3a929ca8fd6189f1a5f2e58a38a78f2 | [07:04] |
nanotube | splatster: btw, re -foyer, you may have to do all the counting yourself. ;) | [07:04] |
durk_a_dur | -foyer will rocket when being voiced counts for 'something' | [07:05] |
splatster | But, obviously, I can't count to ten. | [07:05] |
SimonGreen | how do i know if someone wants to buy my moneypak? | [07:05] |
durk_a_dur | s/rocket/rock-it/ | [07:05] |
nanotube | durk_a_dur: heh well, as it did before, yes. | [07:05] |
SimonGreen | will i get a pm from the bot? | [07:05] |
nanotube | SimonGreen: no, someone will contact you directly | [07:06] |
nanotube | either by sending you a pm, or an email to your gpg email addr, etc. | [07:06] |
SimonGreen | okay cool | [07:06] |
splatster | everyone go to #bitcoin-otc-foyer and -help- me count to 10! | [07:06] |
durk_a_dur | ;;tell nanotube it could come from the bot | [07:06] |
SimonGreen | I'll hang round for a while then | [07:06] |
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shlnvxaca | dinoso | [07:07] |
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CallumA | I didn't add an email to my GPG, can I remove my GPG and use a different one? | [07:07] |
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nanotube | ;;tell durk_a_dur who what could come from the bot? :P | [07:10] |
Cam | Is anyone selling? | [07:10] |
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SimonGreen | i am selling moneypak | [07:18] |
SimonGreen | :D | [07:18] |
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durk_a_dur | ok, for a new service i'm developing, i need a TOS. | [07:19] |
durk_a_dur | my first draft is "Fuck you. Pay me." | [07:20] |
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durk_a_dur | does that work? | [07:20] |
* | Woofcat has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | [07:21] |
durk_a_dur | nice SimonGreen, welcome to the community :D | [07:21] |
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* | durk_a_dur is now known as smickles | [07:21] |
SimonGreen | thanks :D | [07:21] |
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MBS | Woofcat | [07:22] |
smickles | ;;last shatoshi | [07:24] |
malkauns | ;;last satoshi | [07:24] |
shlnvxaca | dinoso | [07:25] |
smickles | ;;last from shatoshi | [07:25] |
smickles | :( | [07:25] |
smickles | ;;last --from shatoshi | [07:25] |
smickles | ;;last --from shatoshi --nolimit | [07:26] |
smickles | mwhahaha | [07:26] |
smickles | ;;last --with pu | [07:26] |
smickles | ;;last --with put | [07:27] |
smickles | ;;last --with call | [07:27] |
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* | gribble gives voice to Joric | [07:27] |
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rnd1223 | ;;guide | [07:30] |
* | lunks has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | [07:30] |
Joric | i made 20% on the recent diving is that it? is it going to rise now? | [07:31] |
* | lunks (~lunks@ has joined #bitcoin-otc | [07:31] |
malkauns | how'd u make 20%? | [07:31] |
Joric | 5->4.x | [07:31] |
* | CallumA has quit () | [07:32] |
Joric | well, 20-ish | [07:32] |
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shlnvxaca | sup bro dwag | [07:35] |
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rg | woot!!!!! | [07:36] |
rg | bitvps's new node | [07:36] |
rg | is solidstate | [07:36] |
shlnvxaca | sweet bro | [07:36] |
* | MBS turns rg's node into solidcoins | [07:37] |
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shlnvxaca | hypercoin | [07:38] |
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shlnvxaca | :_D] | [07:40] |
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shlnvxaca | its rainin coin up in heah | [07:41] |
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shlnvxaca | :k | [07:41] |
SimonGreen | who wants to sell me bitcoin :D | [07:42] |
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shlnvxaca | let the party commence | [07:43] |
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Joric | mother of god | [07:48] |
* | MoPac has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) | [07:48] |
Joric | it's diving sub 4 | [07:48] |
shlnvxaca | batton down the hatches | [07:50] |
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shlnvxaca | periscope down | [07:50] |
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shlnvxaca | 300 meters | [07:51] |
shlnvxaca | 400 meters | [07:52] |
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Joric | what was that? it sounded like... an explosion? | [07:54] |
Blitzboom | when will the free market make bitcoin a good store of value? | [07:54] |
shlnvxaca | theyre dropping depth charges | [07:54] |
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rg | so i leave for 8 hours | [07:55] |
rg | and you guys crash bitcoin | [07:55] |
rg | good job | [07:55] |
Joric | it's not a crash but an opportunity to make good money | [07:57] |
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rg | Joric, not when you run a business | [07:59] |
rg | and you dont buy btc | [07:59] |
Blitzboom | buy the dips | [07:59] |
* | AdamSeabrook is now known as TheRubberChicken | [07:59] |
Blitzboom | and then go broke | [07:59] |
* | lunks (~lunks@ has joined #bitcoin-otc | [07:59] |
Blitzboom | Cusipzzz, when will the bubble have finished popping? | [07:59] |
rg | itll go lower | [08:00] |
rg | cause every person holding bitcoins right now seems to be a moron | [08:00] |
rg | this is all due to panic selling | [08:00] |
rg | if you rea teh forums | [08:00] |
rg | all it is is panic | [08:00] |
Blitzboom | the rise was all due to panic buying too | [08:00] |
Blitzboom | so what | [08:00] |
rg | no it wasnt.. | [08:00] |
TheRubberChicken | $0.99 here we come | [08:00] |
Joric | if only it'll make gpu prices smaller as well | [08:00] |
rg | theres no such thing as panic buying | [08:00] |
Blitzboom | there is | [08:00] |
Joric | ppl love to sell hiend gpus for btc | [08:01] |
Blitzboom | you didn’t see the spring rally | [08:01] |
* | Joric has quit () | [08:02] |
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* | gribble gives voice to Joric | [08:05] |
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shlnvxaca | bubblistic | [08:08] |
njstein | bitcoin price was fair when it was 10 cent per | [08:08] |
* | spawn- i got $330 amazon payments i need PPUSD or BTC | [08:09] |
* | FrauFx ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [08:09] |
* | UNOE227 (~mmc@unaffiliated/unoe227) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [08:10] |
MILF | so | [08:10] |
MILF | did mining difficulty drop off yet? | [08:10] |
njstein | LOL | [08:10] |
MILF | i suspect that'll happen | [08:10] |
* | frauf has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | [08:10] |
MILF | everyone's shitting bricks right now | [08:10] |
MILF | heh | [08:10] |
njstein | Difficulty 1379647 | [08:10] |
njstein | Estimated 1389903 in 320 blks | [08:10] |
Joric | what's the next geek holiday after the ny eve? | [08:10] |
amiller | it was the most _fun_ when it was $1 in my opinion | [08:11] |
* | DBordelo is now known as DBordello | [08:11] |
* | DBordello has quit (Changing host) | [08:11] |
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amiller | the news articles were all cheeky and optimistic | [08:11] |
Joric | i made some investigations price getting bigger on holidays | [08:11] |
MILF | imo, it's still got a hell of a long ways to go | [08:11] |
MILF | it's gonna jump back up | [08:11] |
* | lunks (~lunks@ has joined #bitcoin-otc | [08:11] |
MILF | it's just gonna take some time | [08:11] |
MILF | hell, it recovered from that shitstorm with mtgox | [08:12] |
MILF | i knew this shit was gonna happen again...heh | [08:12] |
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Joric | it's not done yet we're entering 3-4 area | [08:13] |
Blitzboom | Joric: are you mastah trader? | [08:13] |
MILF | i suspect it very well may drop down to around a buck or so | [08:13] |
MILF | then start bouncing back...slowly | [08:13] |
Joric | Blitzboom, i just made 20% | [08:13] |
Blitzboom | not bad | [08:13] |
Blitzboom | enjoy the bitcoinica | [08:13] |
Joric | ...without leveraging :( | [08:14] |
Blitzboom | i hope you leverage up well | [08:14] |
Joric | with 5:1 leverage i'd make 100% | [08:14] |
Blitzboom | you need to be zhoutonged you know | [08:14] |
Blitzboom | lolk, guess you are safe | [08:14] |
Joric | i made some investigations, he's not 17 yo | [08:15] |
Blitzboom | hahahaha | [08:15] |
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spawn- | anyone selling btc here that accept amazon payments? | [08:16] |
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Joric | i hold | [08:16] |
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cyphur | hey guys | [08:19] |
* | spawn- i got $330 amazon payments i need PPUSD or BTC | [08:20] |
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_napkin | anyone selling btcs? | [08:29] |
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Joric | mtgox got new Terms of Service and Privacy Policy | [08:33] |
Joric | tl;;dr is there anything essential | [08:33] |
* | smickles is now known as smickles|idle | [08:34] |
* | darkmethod has quit (Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.) | [08:35] |
shlnvxaca | new tos? | [08:35] |
Joric | 'Our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy will go into effect February 22, 2012. | [08:35] |
shlnvxaca | whats in it | [08:36] |
Joric | many chars | [08:36] |
MILF | i'd think even strings | [08:37] |
MILF | heh | [08:37] |
Joric | Members agree to provide Mt.Gox with accurate, current and complete information about themselves as prompted by the registration process, and keep such information updated. | [08:37] |
cyphur | hey Joric :) | [08:37] |
MILF | oh fuck that. | [08:37] |
MILF | lol | [08:37] |
Joric | Members may only have one Account at any one time and may not create or use any Account other than their own. | [08:38] |
Joric | The creation or use of Accounts without obtaining such prior express permission from the Platform will lead to the immediate suspension of all said Accounts | [08:38] |
MILF | that's somewhat reasonable | [08:38] |
Joric | except anyone here has a 2-3 accounts, at least | [08:39] |
MILF | not me | [08:39] |
MILF | i only have 1....but i'm also not fucking updating my info indefinately | [08:40] |
mod6 | i think its insane that you can't trade a bitcoin on their exchange in a more anonymous fashion. someone needs to build torxchange. | [08:40] |
* | yongjhen_ (~yongjhen@gateway/tor-sasl/yongjhen) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [08:40] |
Joric | fuck anonymity, what if u used two accounts, am i screwed now? time to withdraw everything? | [08:41] |
MILF | somewhere with less insane banking laws anyways | [08:41] |
Joric | was it stated in the old tos aswell? | [08:42] |
* | DBordelo ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [08:42] |
Blitzboom | there was no TOS | [08:42] |
shlnvxaca | gox=ciahoneypot | [08:42] |
Blitzboom | there was just magic the gathering online exchange | [08:42] |
* | bently1406 (442caf06@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc | [08:42] |
Blitzboom | wtf do you expect | [08:42] |
paulzag | ;;rate seco 1 nice fast and easy transaction | [08:45] |
gribble | Rating entry successful. Your rating of 1 for user seco has been recorded. | [08:45] |
* | DBordello has quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) | [08:46] |
seco | ;;rate paulzag 1 smooth transaction without any problems! | [08:46] |
gribble | Rating entry successful. Your rating of 1 for user paulzag has been recorded. | [08:46] |
seco | :) | [08:46] |
* | spawn- i got $330 amazon payments i need PPUSD or BTC | [08:47] |
bently1406 | looking to trade a 950 moneypak for bitcoins | [08:47] |
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Tril | satanists > stoners I want 6.66 bitcoins not 4.20 bitcoins | [08:50] |
shlnvxaca | sroos bragh | [08:52] |
* | Joric_ (~joric@ has joined #bitcoin-otc | [08:52] |
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Joric_ | how will you like 3.33? it looks more 6.66-sh | [08:52] |
shlnvxaca | !bc,mtgox | [08:52] |
Joric_ | guess we'll see 3.33 tomorrow | [08:53] |
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paulzag | _napkin, what do you want? | [08:53] |
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_napkin | ;;ticker | [08:53] |
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_napkin | paulzag, 42 BTCs | [08:54] |
cyphur | wow this price is not fun :) | [08:54] |
Tril | Joric_ upside-down 6.66 is 99.9. true story | [08:55] |
* | Joric has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) | [08:55] |
* | Joric_ is now known as Joric | [08:55] |
_napkin | and wow it keeps dipping | [08:55] |
cyphur | yeah | [08:55] |
cyphur | bloody tradehill fallout | [08:55] |
MBS | its going straight to -$1 | [08:55] |
cyphur | and people that dont understand securities laws saying compatilibity is impossible | [08:56] |
cyphur | which is absolute shite | [08:56] |
rg | for it to go to $1 | [08:56] |
Joric | MBS, with FBI's help it may go up to -$6.66 | [08:56] |
rg | over a milliuon dollars of btc would have to be sold | [08:56] |
_napkin | the fbi is helpin this tomorrow? | [08:57] |
MBS | anyone have any prepaid credit cards that are partially used or w/e and just want to turn remaining amount into cash? | [08:57] |
Joric | _napkin, well MasterCard forced tradehill to close | [08:57] |
cyphur | not actually mastercard | [08:58] |
cyphur | it was banks | [08:58] |
cyphur | that story got the facts muddled | [08:58] |
shlnvxaca | damn those banksters | [08:58] |
Joric | MBS, if you had paxum they cancelled all bitcoin-related accounts yesterday | [08:59] |
mircea_popescu | wait, paxum AND tradehill ? | [08:59] |
mod6 | yah. | [08:59] |
MBS | uhh why did you highlight me? | [08:59] |
mircea_popescu | TradeHill is suspending trading and returning all client funds. Please see for details. | [08:59] |
mircea_popescu | o wow | [08:59] |
rg | thats why they should create 100 small exchanges | [09:00] |
mircea_popescu | nah, that's bs rg. | [09:00] |
rg | that way they wont deal with high amounts of $ | [09:00] |
magnetron | "they" | [09:00] |
magnetron | or we | [09:00] |
amiller | did paxum return all the funds when they shut off the accounts? | [09:00] |
amiller | i didn't read anything about how that went down, i don't suppose they have a blog post on it | [09:00] |
Joric | | [09:00] |
* | coldhardmetal (~IceChat77@ has joined #bitcoin-otc | [09:01] |
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Joric | also btce and bitscalper got compromized in the same day | [09:02] |
amiller | that doesn't go much into the details | [09:02] |
cyphur | when did that happen? | [09:02] |
cyphur | I wondered why I couldnt login to bitscalper | [09:02] |
cyphur | and some pwd logging script came up | [09:03] |
cyphur | I just logged in recently and allt he mulah is there | [09:03] |
cyphur | but no interest has been generated in a while | [09:03] |
rg | you should withdraw all your funds | [09:03] |
rg | ASAP | [09:03] |
cyphur | perhaps but atm Ill let them play with them | [09:04] |
Joric | cyphur, they're using plaintext passwords / no ssl | [09:04] |
cyphur | yeah i saw that | [09:04] |
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* | stamit has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | [09:05] |
cyphur | I wrote them an email asking about that | [09:05] |
* | stamit (~stamit@pdpc/supporter/active/stamit) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [09:05] |
cyphur | seemed a little like tempting fate! | [09:06] |
MILF | wtf is wrong with all these places i always hear about storing shit in plain text :/ | [09:06] |
Joric | plaintext passwords are handy if customer forgets it you may send them by email | [09:06] |
MILF | they aint the first ones either | [09:06] |
MILF | no | [09:06] |
MILF | you reset it to something else | [09:06] |
MILF | randomly generated | [09:07] |
cyphur | no reason for plaintext storage at all | [09:07] |
cyphur | except too lazy to use encrypt | [09:07] |
shlnvxaca | "Bitcoins: a new anonymous digital currency and a potential vehicle for criminals to transfer money" says canadian financial agency | [09:07] |
MILF | gets spit out in email, hashed, and never stored | [09:07] |
cyphur | oh well 50 free bitcoins isnt a bad deal | [09:07] |
cyphur | for a month of leaving stuff with them | [09:07] |
cyphur | I guess ill pull most of it out now | [09:07] |
Joric | shlnvxaca, at least 'potential' | [09:08] |
cyphur | *done | [09:08] |
MILF | and seriously? too lazy to run one function against incoming data? | [09:08] |
MILF | are you shitting me? | [09:08] |
MILF | you sha-1 the shit as it's coming in | [09:08] |
magnetron | too "incompetent" | [09:08] |
MILF | compare it against a sha-1 stored value in your database | [09:08] |
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cyphur | fucking stupid article | [09:08] |
cyphur | *the one by the ca gov | [09:09] |
MILF | or hell, even md5 is probably sufficient enough for the most part | [09:09] |
cyphur | I love they way they quote shit like | [09:09] |
cyphur | the times says its untraceable and then goes on to assume that its true | [09:09] |
cyphur | so fuckign retarded | [09:09] |
MILF | oh, untracable eh? | [09:09] |
MILF | guess they never seen blockexplorer | [09:09] |
MILF | heh | [09:09] |
cyphur | my mum said santa clause is real, so I should still assume that? | [09:10] |
cyphur | sheez | [09:10] |
MILF | you can see exactly where the hell EVERYTHING'S going | [09:10] |
Joric | MILF, there was an investigation a shitload of companies still will send you plaintext password by email if you request it | [09:10] |
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MILF | Joric, that's fucking scary | [09:10] |
MILF | seriously. | [09:10] |
MILF | :/ | [09:10] |
MILF | any company that stores their shit plain text should be sued to hell and back | [09:11] |
cyphur | any of you guys using the block chain wallet site? | [09:11] |
MILF | for imporper management of secure data. | [09:11] |
MILF | er.. | [09:11] |
MILF | sensitive data | [09:11] |
MILF | rather | [09:11] |
shlnvxaca | plaintext | [09:12] |
shlnvxaca | raingorp | [09:12] |
Joric | cyphur, takes 0.01 per every transaction | [09:12] |
MILF | granted, i just finished up with my bachelors degree | [09:12] |
MILF | but even i've known for a long time | [09:12] |
MILF | that it's a fucking dumb idea to store ANYTHING plaintext | [09:12] |
MILF | unless it's something that a hacker wouldn't want/need | [09:12] |
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cyphur | Joric thats not really a big deal | [09:13] |
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cyphur | I dont want like 10k coins in one bloody place | [09:13] |
cyphur | even if its 100% secure | [09:13] |
cyphur | spread shit all over the place | [09:13] |
MILF | only way it's 100 percent secure | [09:14] |
MILF | is if said place is offline | [09:14] |
Joric | cyphur, i'd not store my privkeys on, just in cause | [09:14] |
MILF | and even then, there's chance of hardware failure, etc | [09:14] |
MILF | lol | [09:14] |
cyphur | yeap | [09:14] |
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cyphur | well the print out and store method is the most secure | [09:14] |
MILF | but offline is about the closest fucking thing you can get | [09:14] |
MILF | to secure. | [09:15] |
MILF | lol | [09:15] |
cyphur | but what a fpain in the ass | [09:15] |
cyphur | Im not that bothered haha :) | [09:15] |
cyphur | still I would really like it if someone could shoot the bear | [09:15] |
qasim99 | Hi, any idea where i can buy some bitcoin in exchange for South African Rands? | [09:15] |
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MILF | second closest = back up your wallet.dat directly | [09:15] |
Joric | i'm just memorizing long passphrases and generating privkeys from them | [09:15] |
MILF | and compress it with an encryption | [09:15] |
MILF | then email it to yourself | [09:16] |
MILF | or store on a usb drive/cdr/whatever | [09:16] |
magnetron | store it on the net! | [09:16] |
MILF | or ideally a couple of these things | [09:16] |
cyphur | i have some on my tablet ina wallet | [09:16] |
Joric | i store it only in my head | [09:16] |
cyphur | some on my phone | [09:16] |
shlnvxaca | 12 graps | [09:16] |
MILF | well email really probably isn't a bad idea | [09:16] |
cyphur | some on a wallet on my pc | [09:16] |
cyphur | quite a few in exchanges | [09:16] |
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cyphur | and 2 wallet services | [09:17] |
magnetron | gpg encrypt ALL the things | [09:17] |
cyphur | the likelhood of them all going down together | [09:17] |
MILF | because it's pretty doubtful that an email provider will go after and wipe something called LOL.ZIP | [09:17] |
cyphur | is negligible and its fine | [09:17] |
shlnvxaca | what about strongcoin | [09:17] |
cyphur | why use gpg if your by urself | [09:17] |
cyphur | just use AES | [09:17] |
magnetron | because key management | [09:17] |
Joric | though i afraid after 50 years won't be able to remember them, alzheimer and shit ) poor descendants | [09:18] |
_napkin | ;;ticker | [09:18] |
MILF | truecrypt a usb drive.. | [09:18] |
MILF | though you still have the chance of the drive failing. | [09:18] |
MILF | heh | [09:18] |
Cory | You guys broke Bitcoin. :( | [09:18] |
rg | =/ | [09:18] |
Joric | how much do you think bitcoin will cost in 2050? | [09:18] |
rg | people will probably lose interest by then | [09:19] |
cyphur | well its going to go one of two ways | [09:19] |
cyphur | nothing or fuck loads | [09:19] |
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paulzag | ;;ticker | [09:20] |
gribble | Best bid: 4.1513, Best ask: 4.16, Bid-ask spread: 0.0087, Last trade: 4.18601, 24 hour volume: 215356, 24 hour low: 3.878, 24 hour high: 4.88 | [09:20] |
shlnvxaca | brostoke | [09:21] |
cyphur | righteo Im going to go do something usefull with my day off instead of watching money pissed into the wind :) | [09:21] |
cyphur | laters! | [09:21] |
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qasim99 | Hi, any idea where i can buy some bitcoin in exchange for South African Rands? | [09:22] |
rg | hmm good question | [09:23] |
paulzag | shit how do I pay by credit card with paypal USA account. | [09:23] |
paulzag | can't I co-pay? | [09:23] |
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seco | paypal always wants you to link credit-card info to your acount, until you can pay with pp using creditcard-paymentmethod; or did i understand your question wrong? | [09:24] |
MBS | wtf | [09:25] |
MBS | "thanks for taking the steps to restore your account access" | [09:25] |
MBS | :| | [09:25] |
MBS | got that on paypal login just now | [09:25] |
paulzag | that's what AUS accounts do too. Just my USA account wants a bank account not my credit card | [09:25] |
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paulzag | that's not a good sign MBS | [09:25] |
MBS | yeah i know, lol | [09:25] |
NASDAQEnema | how do I tell gribble to use a diff keyserver | [09:26] |
MBS | maybe they did a semi automated review of my account or something | [09:26] |
MBS | so, when paying from a bank and having a card as back up funding source, does it do a authorization on card? | [09:26] |
seco | maybe one if your past trades mentioned someonwhere on a little memo "ty for btcs" :x | [09:26] |
MBS | cuz i just noticed capital one card avalaible credit is like 1-something less than it should be | [09:26] |
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paulzag | i don't think PP automatically bans BTC transactions, | [09:28] |
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MBS | probably just these suspicous bitcoin transactions, lol | [09:29] |
MBS | doubt they would ban my account though, too old and make them too much money | [09:29] |
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rg | you know what | [09:35] |
shlnvxaca | spbr | [09:35] |
rg | my next girlfriend is gonna be named Jamie | [09:35] |
rg | so it'll be James & Jamie | [09:35] |
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SimonGreen | anyone selling BTC? | [09:36] |
SimonGreen | have moneypak | [09:36] |
shlnvxaca | pakrak | [09:36] |
Joric | after a thousand years | [09:36] |
SimonGreen | i just need like 12 | [09:37] |
SimonGreen | someone hook me upppp | [09:37] |
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shlnvxaca | xi jinping | [09:38] |
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Joric | | [09:40] |
Joric | 'bitscapler' | [09:40] |
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Joric | | [09:40] |
shlnvxaca | it was the auditor | [09:41] |
Joric | what's scapler? | [09:41] |
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rg | i wonder when my bitbrew will get here | [09:43] |
rg | im excite to try this coffee | [09:43] |
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* | Topic for #bitcoin-otc is: OTC marketplace for Bitcoin trading and exchange. || || Bot's control sequence is ';;'. || Start with the ;;guide || Before you trade, talk to people, and check user ratings. || Beware the FRAUDSTERS. ;;fraud || Trade Options: || Bitcoin VPS: || Support bitcoin-otc! 1F1dPZxdxVVigpGdsafnZ3cFBdMGDADFDe | [18:07] |
* | Topic for #bitcoin-otc set by nanotube at Mon Dec 19 23:38:55 2011 | [18:07] |
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Blitzboom | pirateat40, i knew you were the manipulator all along | [18:17] |
pirateat40 | did not | [18:17] |
Blitzboom | can you set up a bid wall or two in the 4s? | [18:17] |
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pirateat40 | I came to you early on and you said I wasn't trustworthy. | [18:18] |
Blitzboom | you are pissed because i didn’t want to lend coins? | [18:19] |
pirateat40 | lol | [18:19] |
Blitzboom | i remember, i think you had too few ratings | [18:19] |
pirateat40 | im just messing with you | [18:19] |
Blitzboom | i don’t do lending anymore … it’s not worth it | [18:19] |
Blitzboom | i wonder what you do the huge vol. for | [18:20] |
Blitzboom | early adopter trading to minimize USD risk? | [18:20] |
pirateat40 | I went from owning a single bitcoin to many in a very short time by lending coins and dealing locally with my buyers/sellers. | [18:21] |
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Blitzboom | well, colour me impressed | [18:25] |
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pirateat40 | Are you watching the depth now? | [18:25] |
pirateat40 | pick a spot anywhere between 3.95-4.10 | [18:25] |
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vragnaroda | [11:20] < Blitzboom> | i wonder what you do the huge vol. for <-- Clearly, it's drugs and human trafficking. | [18:27] |
Blitzboom | pirateat40: 4.1 is good | [18:27] |
pirateat40 | ok watch | [18:27] |
Blitzboom | well, i have to manually refresh, but ok | [18:27] |
Blitzboom | go on :P | [18:28] |
pigeons | Blitzboom: carbon offsets too | [18:28] |
Blitzboom | nice pirateat40 | [18:28] |
rawrmage | nice | [18:28] |
Blitzboom | we can have a rally now | [18:28] |
Blitzboom | shorts, prepare | [18:28] |
rawrmage | lol | [18:28] |
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pirateat40 | no im sorry, not yet | [18:29] |
Blitzboom | too bad | [18:29] |
Blitzboom | but good to know you are lurking | [18:29] |
Blitzboom | :D | [18:29] |
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pirateat40 | im always watching ;) | [18:30] |
Blitzboom | ok, i will consult you before i put any money into bitcoin | [18:30] |
* | vragnaroda closes the blinds. | [18:30] |
Blitzboom | pirateat40: are you subscribed to S3052? | [18:31] |
pirateat40 | no | [18:31] |
vragnaroda | lol | [18:31] |
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Blitzboom | you should be. you might be able to trick his subscribers who are waiting to buy in the low 3s | [18:32] |
goldpunk | pirateat40: dealing locally? major metro area I presume? | [18:32] |
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pirateat40 | Dallas | [18:32] |
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pirateat40 | This is my turf, so stay out. | [18:33] |
Blitzboom | pirateat40: here is his projection | [18:33] |
mircea_popescu | fair warning to all : end of month price will prolly be 5.0 | [18:33] |
mircea_popescu | judging by max pain criterion | [18:33] |
goldpunk | pirateat40: gladly ;) | [18:33] |
Blitzboom | you can try and own all the subscribers waiting for the low | [18:33] |
Blitzboom | just do it cleverly | [18:33] |
Joric | pirateat40, he posted this in todays mailing list | [18:33] |
imsaguy2 | I would hardly say 14,590 residents is major metro | [18:34] |
Joric | and i got liquidated | [18:34] |
imsaguy2 | | [18:34] |
Joric | forced liquidated! | [18:34] |
Blitzboom | i propose pirateat40 validate the epic 61.8% retracement from 2/7.2 to 3.8 and lead us into a new rally | [18:35] |
Blitzboom | :D | [18:35] |
Blitzboom | there are people who have lots of faith in the manipulator, if you read edward50’s posts. aaahahaha | [18:35] |
pirateat40 | I love watching the speculation board. | [18:36] |
Blitzboom | i’m sure you do. thumbs up for your disclosure | [18:36] |
Blitzboom | i think the speculation forum needs a mandatory disclosed position | [18:36] |
mircea_popescu | why ? | [18:37] |
Blitzboom | it would be manipulated, sure, but would be fun | [18:37] |
OneFixt | nobody would tell the truth anyway | [18:37] |
Blitzboom | yeah | [18:37] |
goldpunk | pirateat40: how did you advertise as a local exchanger in your area? just on the forums? | [18:37] |
Joric | because nobody knows it | [18:37] |
pirateat40 | goldpunk, I meet two of them at an e-cig group I go to and it blew up from there. | [18:38] |
goldpunk | huh, cool. | [18:38] |
pigeons | goldpunk: i get calls frequently from some bitcoinmap I signed up on and forget about | [18:38] |
goldpunk | I've considered doing some local exchanging to promote it around here but god dammit, 70 hour weeks | [18:38] |
goldpunk | pigeons: I've seen a couple of those | [18:39] |
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Joric | i have a bad feeling about Edward50 | [18:40] |
Blitzboom | edward50 advised to buy above 5 because the manipulator is on our side | [18:41] |
mircea_popescu | i considered doing in person stuff but frankly i don't have the time. | [18:41] |
Joric | the speculation board has 50/50 bears/bulls | [18:41] |
Blitzboom | now he advises to sell because the manipulator is no longer on our side | [18:41] |
mircea_popescu | pity they don't have a "in person for hot chicks that swallow" option | [18:41] |
Blitzboom | and because we are going to 1$ | [18:41] |
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Blitzboom | without the manipulator, all is lost | [18:41] |
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goldpunk | The phrase "the manipulator" reminds me of the phrase "the great attractor" | [18:41] |
goldpunk | probably because i just woke up | [18:42] |
Blitzboom | has anyone ever seen something like "The Manipulator" lore on other markets? | [18:42] |
pirateat40 | Im not the only one doing all the swings. | [18:42] |
Blitzboom | i think this is a unique bitcoin thing | [18:42] |
pirateat40 | But when others show up I try to make them pay for their actions. | [18:42] |
goldpunk | well, BTC is pretty uniquely suceptible right now because the 'market cap' is so small. | [18:42] |
goldpunk | this 'crash' post-tradehill was quite well attenuated though. I was surprised. | [18:43] |
Joric | The Manipulator gets angry being written in lower case | [18:43] |
Blitzboom |,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb&fp=5955a03ab8673caa&biw=982&bih=1043 | [18:44] |
Blitzboom | first result is bitcointalk | [18:44] |
goldpunk | LMAO | [18:44] |
Blitzboom | it’s a unique bitcoin thing | [18:44] |
Blitzboom | so we got our own meme now | [18:45] |
Blitzboom | i guess | [18:45] |
Joric | i got his portrait | [18:45] |
Joric | from this thread | [18:45] |
Blitzboom | the speculation forum is the best one on bitcointalk | [18:46] |
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Blitzboom | nothing remotely as entertaining | [18:46] |
Blitzboom | i feel like it should even cost money to read this stuff | [18:46] |
goldpunk | The Manipulator, clearly | [18:46] |
Blitzboom | it’s that good entertainment | [18:46] |
Joric | carefull, now he's trying to convince you there's no manipulator | [18:48] |
pirateat40 | Blitzboom, my charts look like this | [18:48] |
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Blitzboom | post it in my tea leaf analysis thread | [18:48] |
Blitzboom | i need to do more of that stuff anyway | [18:48] |
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Blitzboom | so you trade on the bitcoinica? | [18:49] |
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pirateat40 | yep | [18:49] |
Blitzboom | why? | [18:50] |
Blitzboom | don’t get raped when bitcoinica implodes | [18:50] |
pirateat40 | hedging trades | [18:50] |
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Blitzboom | i would not want to hold large money there for a long time | [18:51] |
pirateat40 | Thanks for the advise. :) | [18:51] |
pirateat40 | advice | [18:51] |
Blitzboom | it could die either due to abuse of the leverage or a legal problem | [18:51] |
Blitzboom | main problems i see | [18:51] |
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maxxie_ | paraipan: available? | [19:00] |
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smickles | damn | [19:03] |
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smickles | mircea_popescu: damn, how did you like filling that 3k order? | [19:05] |
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maxxie_ | bigwig48: are you available | [19:11] |
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silvercoin | Looks like bitcoin is going back into the $3 today. | [19:14] |
M4v3R | yeah | [19:15] |
silvercoin | where do you think it'll bottom out | [19:16] |
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M4v3R | $3.5 - 3.6 | [19:16] |
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mcorlett | nanotube: So I finally decided to write the rating bot in Python, and when searching for a GPG module I recognized a familiar name in the credits: | [19:17] |
* | smickles is interested :D | [19:18] |
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silvercoin | simcity 4 has to be the best game ever | [19:18] |
mircea_popescu | smickles well... it's not actually the biggest tyhis month | [19:18] |
mircea_popescu | i think | [19:18] |
mircea_popescu | lolz mcorlett | [19:19] |
mircea_popescu | best game ever is heroes 2, silvercoin. | [19:19] |
smickles | mircea_popescu: well, not that i have a firm grasp of it, but it does seem to be larger than average | [19:19] |
M4v3R | mircea_popescu: Chrono Trigger | [19:19] |
M4v3R | obviously | [19:19] |
silvercoin | yea chrono was good, so was xenogears | [19:20] |
mircea_popescu | smickles you're thinking by contracts, which is a way to look at it, but 1k contracts for calls @10 aren't the same as 100 for calls@1 see ? | [19:20] |
silvercoin | i liked chrono cross better than trigger, the heroes series was always great too | [19:20] |
M4v3R | brb | [19:20] |
mircea_popescu | 0.01006122 vs 3.37273006 $ each. | [19:20] |
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silvercoin | but sim city 4 has lasted on my computer longer than any | [19:20] |
mircea_popescu | i dun care so much about these sf things | [19:21] |
mircea_popescu | and i still play h2, it's been what, 15 years ? | [19:21] |
silvercoin | halo 2? halflife? | [19:21] |
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silvercoin | I try to lose track of how old I am | [19:21] |
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Graet | lol my kids remind me regularly | [19:22] |
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Joric | 'Couple more via reddit' where's the reddit thread? | [19:23] |
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area_ | | [19:24] |
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Joric | 'we are afraid to tell you that some hacker gained access to our server and was able to empty out the wallet containing all our Bitcoins' | [19:26] |
extor | haha | [19:26] |
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mod6 | f | [19:27] |
mod6 | 419.60440356 BTC | [19:27] |
extor | Whether it's mining clowns who buy customized fpga rigs with no resale value, coders who store their exchange's user passwords unhashed in plaintext or people who "invest" in btc as if it's a commodity... | [19:27] |
extor | ...the community always has these clusterfuck prone people in key positions | [19:28] |
extor | why? | [19:28] |
imsaguy2 | lol | [19:29] |
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helo | because if it succeeds they will make a lot of money | [19:32] |
helo | the assumption should be that all of those people know the risk they are exposing their investment to | [19:33] |
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helo | not "omg bitcoin has ruined all of these people's lives!" | [19:33] |
vragnaroda | extor: As it is a commodity by any meaningful sense of the term as it relates to economics and particularly to finance, your use of the indicative is right. However, I believe you were attempting to express a supposed counterfactual, which would have required the subjunctive. | [19:33] |
helo | that doesn't address the security idiocy | [19:33] |
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helo | that's probably just security status quo. but with bitcoin, security holes lead to direct theft of money more often than just defacement or spam | [19:35] |
helo | so there are a lot more attackers | [19:35] |
helo | and a lot more tangible loss | [19:35] |
extor | And which counterfactual in particular were you making a reference to, vragnaroda ? | [19:35] |
nanotube | mcorlett: :) | [19:35] |
vragnaroda | "as if it's a commodity" | [19:35] |
helo | hah, 420 bitcoin was all of | [19:36] |
vragnaroda | I believe you meant that to be counterfactual. | [19:36] |
vragnaroda | (,hich I already said) | [19:36] |
extor | It's not a commodity it's a mere token of exchange with an intangible value | [19:36] |
vragnaroda | s/,/w/ | [19:36] |
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vragnaroda | OK, if that's what you meant, you meant to purport it as a counterfactual, which requires the subjunctive mood. | [19:37] |
vragnaroda | Also, you're wrong. | [19:37] |
extor | Since' it's not pegged to a commodity or even another fiat currency I fail to see how I am wrong | [19:37] |
vragnaroda | Pegging has nothing to do with the meaning of a commodity. | [19:38] |
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Joric | whoa my bitcoinica position went positive | [19:39] |
Joric | if only i was using 5:1 from the very beginning (instead of force liquidated 10:1) | [19:39] |
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Joric | go bitcoin, dive sub 4 | [19:41] |
[eval] | extor: according to prof. george selgin, it's a "quasi-commodity" | [19:42] |
EvanR | why does bitcoinica sound like a casino game | [19:43] |
EvanR | where you are mathematically proven to lose in the long run | [19:43] |
vragnaroda | .wik bucket shop | [19:43] |
markac | "Bucket shop (heraldry)" - | [19:43] |
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vragnaroda | :o | [19:43] |
vragnaroda | .wik bucket shop (finance) | [19:44] |
extor | technically speaking a bucketshop can make a loss at times too right | [19:44] |
markac | "As defined by the U.S. Supreme Court a Bucket shop is '[a]n establishment, nominally for the transaction of a stock exchange business, or business of similar character, but really for the registration of bets, or wagers, usually for small amounts, on the rise or fall [...]" - | [19:44] |
extor | Like if the value of bitcoins dropped to 20 cents in 12 hours? | [19:44] |
EvanR | yes and the casino loses money sometimes | [19:44] |
EvanR | lol | [19:44] |
EvanR | no | [19:44] |
extor | but bitcoinica just acts as an intermediary between users and mtgox and adds leverage | [19:45] |
extor | It's not a casino since it plays all sides in theory, and hedges against them | [19:46] |
Joric | not really, all bitcoinica trades are local not related to mtgox | [19:46] |
EvanR | extor: yeah but from what i hear, everyone is losing all the time ;) | [19:47] |
midnightmagic | amazing.. people are so skittish, it's no wonder the people with large numbers of bitcoins can accumulate vast stores of it. | [19:47] |
imsaguy2 | EvanR: because anyone that makes money is afraid to declare their profits | [19:47] |
EvanR | ah | [19:47] |
extor | SOmeone told me they have money in their hdfs bank account in there a way they can buy bitcoins with it? | [19:47] |
extor | Not sure if they're trying to scam me like nigerian bankers lawl | [19:48] |
gmaxwell | "extor> but bitcoinica just acts as an intermediary between users and mtgox and adds leverage" < THIS IS NOT TRUE. | [19:48] |
Joric | i made a bitcoinica alternative | [19:48] |
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tit4tat | hi | [19:48] |
tit4tat | or know where and how i can purchase bitcoins | [19:49] |
gmaxwell | Bitcoinica is betting house where you make side bets. Your bittonica orders do not result in trades on mtgox, except in so far as the house trades there to hedge against your position (or to manipulate the price). | [19:49] |
extor | What are the different ways someone can get money out of hdfs bank in India so it becomes LR or BTC or even Alertpay? | [19:49] |
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Dark_Apostrophe | tit4tat: The best is probably an exchange like MtGox | [19:52] |
Dark_Apostrophe | Though it takes a few days to get money into it | [19:52] |
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midnightmagic | vragnaroda: Hah.. Your comment about the subjunctive set me off looking through my grammar "books," until I realised that what you were really saying was that his grammar was incorrect. | [19:53] |
Joric | full disclosure! | [19:54] |
Joric | i'm making big money here | [19:54] |
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Joric | M4v3R, trying to recoup after the forced liquidation | [19:56] |
M4v3R | heh | [19:57] |
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Joric | it's 0.07 BTC leveraged 5:1 | [19:57] |
pirateat40 | nice | [19:58] |
mircea_popescu | who the fuck says that extor | [19:59] |
extor | says what | [19:59] |
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mircea_popescu | the "clusterfuck" clusterfuck of a sentence | [19:59] |
mircea_popescu | for once i feel vindicated by vragnaroda's purism | [19:59] |
midnightmagic | mircea_popescu: I've been sitting here puzzling about it since he said it. | [20:00] |
extor | getting your entire wallet emptied and passing it on to 100 clients is not a clusterfuck then I guess | [20:02] |
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samlander | i dont understand people who want to trade in leveraged bitcoin | [20:02] |
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samlander | if you want to trade leveraged currency why not just go forex? | [20:02] |
extor | forex may be harder to win at | [20:02] |
M4v3R | samlander: one word | [20:02] |
M4v3R | volatility | [20:02] |
extor | fewer amateurs playing that game | [20:03] |
M4v3R | or maybe two: volatility and probability | [20:03] |
samlander | ? | [20:03] |
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samlander | are you kidding me? | [20:03] |
M4v3R | Bitcoin can be predicted much easier than forex | [20:03] |
extor | smaller proportion of amateurs | [20:03] |
Joric | i just like the geekiness | [20:03] |
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dyce | ;;guide | [20:04] |
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rg | stupid computer | [20:05] |
rg | i guess my disks are going bad | [20:05] |
Joric | breaking bad | [20:06] |
rg | =/ | [20:06] |
rg | i just spent a shitload of time moving my home directory from one disk to another | [20:07] |
rg | now i have to move it BACK | [20:07] |
midnightmagic | .. vragnaroda, so.. what exactly is that, anyway? A present subjunctive subordinate clause, plus an indicative? | [20:07] |
vragnaroda | Well, it's indicative, but it *should* be subjunctive to mean what he meant. (But what he meant was wrong, so it's just awkwardly worded, not wrong. :p_ | [20:08] |
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midnightmagic | vragnaroda: The second (main) part is indicative, but it looks like the "whether blah, or blah, or blah as if it's blah" is a present subjunctive isn't it? | [20:10] |
vragnaroda | It *should* be for what he meant. He didn't use the subjunctive, though. | [20:10] |
vragnaroda | [12:27] < extor> | Whether it's mining clowns who buy customized fpga rigs with no resale value, coders who store their exchange's user passwords unhashed in plaintext or people who "invest" in btc as if it's a commodity... | [20:11] |
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extor | Say what? | [20:12] |
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vragnaroda | If he had actually mean that it is, in fact, a commodity (perhaps a bit sarcastically), "it's" is fine. "it were" is what he should have used, though, because he was trying to express a purported counterfactual. | [20:12] |
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extor | There's an inferred reference to a characterized group in there | [20:13] |
extor | If you make the implicit connection then it makes perfect sense | [20:13] |
vragnaroda | That's irrelevant. We're not talking about that. | [20:13] |
midnightmagic | vragnaroda: Ah, because he's using "is" rather than the indefinite forms.. | [20:13] |
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vragnaroda | Yes. | [20:13] |
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extor | Oh its rather than it's | [20:14] |
vragnaroda | No. | [20:14] |
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vragnaroda | s/it's/it were/ | [20:14] |
midnightmagic | vragnaroda: I know the forms intuitively and I know what something should be, but sadly the school systems here stopped teaching people the specific names and forms of English grammar just as I was going through middle school. | [20:15] |
extor | "the community always has..." + "whether it is..." | [20:15] |
vragnaroda | midnightmagic: And for extra credit, the 'thou' form of the subjunctive is 'wert' but the simple past indicative is 'wast' ;) | [20:15] |
midnightmagic | lol | [20:16] |
Joric | i'm neither mining nor investing (i'm not buying digital things) nor storing passwords in plaintext :( | [20:16] |
vragnaroda | extor: "as if it's" is what was wrong. "as if it were" is what you should have said. | [20:16] |
Joric | well i bought a couple of domains if that counts | [20:16] |
rg | vragnaroda: bitvps needs $2100 | [20:17] |
extor | the were is implicit | [20:17] |
rg | dig deep | [20:17] |
rg | $2100 is vragnarodas rent for like 4 years | [20:17] |
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vragnaroda | midnightmagic: We really ought to bring thou/thee back. | [20:17] |
extor | plus the first line should have actually been the second line | [20:18] |
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rg | we need to bring back dueling | [20:18] |
Joric | cans't thou not speak by usual way, as decent people do? | [20:18] |
extor | I copy pasted my own lines and by mistake the first line was posted first | [20:18] |
extor | so, I tried to make sense out of it after the fact | [20:18] |
midnightmagic | vragnaroda: As I understand it, "you" was once the more formal. | [20:18] |
mircea_popescu | lol this was a clusterfuck of a gramamr convo :D we are pleased. | [20:18] |
vragnaroda | midnightmagic: Well, the formal you came later; it was originally just plural. It became the formal by analogy with French tu/vous (fucking frogs) and displaced thou. Also, 'you' was usually just the object form while most of that was going on and ye was the subject form. | [20:20] |
vragnaroda | midnightmagic: If you go back a bit further, git (the g was pronounced like /j/ (or modern English y), though) was the dual form. There were singular, dual, and plural (3+) first- and second-person pronouns in English. | [20:21] |
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midnightmagic | "yit"? Ha ha.. I never knew that. | [20:22] |
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vragnaroda | Another thing English needs to bring back is the four-form yes/no: | [20:22] |
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midnightmagic | Yea and nay! | [20:23] |
mircea_popescu | so is there a stock exchange for btc denominated stocks ? | [20:23] |
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midnightmagic | gblse or icmbit.. maybe. | [20:24] |
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midnightmagic | extor: Thanks for wasting an hour of my morning. :-) | [20:25] |
midnightmagic | j/k | [20:26] |
Joric | M4v3R, i went from profit to loss again, are you still waiting 3.6-3.8? | [20:26] |
extor | What are the different ways someone can get money out of hdfs bank in India so it becomes LR or BTC or even Alertpay? | [20:26] |
mircea_popescu | and thanks to vrag, inspired me a blog article | [20:26] |
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M4v3R | Joric: yep | [20:26] |
mircea_popescu | had totally forgot moore's confutation. | [20:27] |
mircea_popescu | more* | [20:27] |
* | FuriousRage (~FuriousRa@pdpc/supporter/student/furiousrage) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [20:27] |
rg | i doubt i could raise $2100 on those | [20:27] |
rg | (bitcoin stocks) | [20:27] |
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midnightmagic | mircea_popescu: What's your blog? | [20:28] |
mircea_popescu | trilema | [20:28] |
mircea_popescu | or google me :D | [20:29] |
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mircea_popescu | prolly bank wire extor | [20:30] |
extor | cheapness matters | [20:31] |
rg | some banks have really low wire fees | [20:32] |
rg | some really high | [20:32] |
rg | the varience is funy | [20:32] |
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extor | something like ach would be good. ie free | [20:33] |
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napkin_ | ;;ticker | [20:33] |
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Myhatstoosmall | Anybody buying? | [20:34] |
Myhatstoosmall | Im selling at 4 | [20:35] |
Joric | what do you think will happen with bitcoins in next 10 years? i'm thinking of stockpiling todays turnaround | [20:36] |
extor | obsolescence | [20:37] |
Myhatstoosmall | You really think humans will even still be around then? | [20:37] |
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Myhatstoosmall | Lol | [20:37] |
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Joric | Myhatstoosmall, guess robots would love them | [20:39] |
mircea_popescu | im guessing anuywhere between 100 and 1k $ per btc in 10 years. | [20:39] |
mircea_popescu | course exactly how much milk that buys is up for debate. | [20:39] |
mircea_popescu | ;;ident |
[20:39] |
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rg | leave me alone you big bully | [20:45] |
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NASDAQEnema | vragnaroda: if you can explain four form yea, yes, nay, no so my head doesn't explode | [20:46] |
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[eval] | what's the difference between wallet import format privkeys that start with 9 and those that start with 5? | [20:48] |
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vragnaroda | NASDAQEnema: Standard yes/no questions asked in the affirmative (i.e., not negative) are answered with yea or nay. Negatively-phrased questions are answered with yes or no. | [20:49] |
[eval] | i can't seem to find anything on the ones that start with 9, yet bitcoinspinner's privkey export seems to output one like that... and it actually imports correctly into bitcoind! | [20:49] |
* | vragnaroda bullies rg. | [20:49] |
NASDAQEnema | vragnaroda: why do negatively phrased questions imply ever and never? there's a dynamic there i'm not picking although i can almost touch it | [20:51] |
[eval] | looks like when i import the one that starts with 9 and dump it, i get one that starts with 5 but looks totally different | [20:51] |
[eval] | weird | [20:51] |
vragnaroda | They don't. | [20:51] |
vragnaroda | Etymology is just what the words come from, not what they mean. | [20:52] |
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rg | i need tungsten to live | [20:53] |
rg | tungstennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn | [20:53] |
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rg | mr queerius! | [20:54] |
Myhatstoosmall | 83.07 BTC for $330 MP :D | [20:56] |
Myhatstoosmall | Anybody? | [20:56] |
rg | you you buying or selling | [20:57] |
rg | it helps to specify | [20:57] |
rg | are* | [20:57] |
Myhatstoosmall | Sorry lol selling | [21:00] |
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* | [eval] is now known as aakselrod | [21:04] |
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ageis | etymology includes study of changing meanings over time IMO | [21:04] |
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Myhatstoosmall | Nobody buying? | [21:05] |
aakselrod | Myhatstoosmall: i'll buy 25 BTC for $100 PPUSD :) | [21:05] |
aakselrod | i'm rated on WoT and just identified; check my ident/rating if you want | [21:05] |
aakselrod | you must send BTC first since you're not on WoT and i haven't seen anyone vouch for you yet | [21:06] |
aakselrod | let me know if you're interested | [21:06] |
* | Myhatstoosmall_ (ad12fe78@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc | [21:07] |
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aakselrod | Myhatstoosmall: see what i just typed? | [21:07] |
Myhatstoosmall_ | I'll sell at 3.8 :D | [21:07] |
Myhatstoosmall_ | No sorry | [21:07] |
Myhatstoosmall_ | I got dced | [21:07] |
aakselrod | Myhatstoosmall: i was offering to buy for PPUSD if you send first | [21:08] |
aakselrod | i'm rated on WoT and identified but you have to send first as you aren't on WoT (and last time i sent MP, i got screwed) | [21:08] |
Myhatstoosmall_ | I need mp :/ | [21:08] |
aakselrod | k, no deal then. thanks. | [21:08] |
Myhatstoosmall_ | Thank you | [21:08] |
* | aakselrod is now known as [eval] | [21:08] |
* | Shaded (~Shaded@unaffiliated/shaded) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [21:09] |
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mircea_popescu | wait, you're trying to sell w/o auting ?! | [21:09] |
* | Myhatstoosmall (ad12fe78@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc | [21:10] |
Myhatstoosmall | I don't know why I keep getting disconnected :/ | [21:10] |
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Myhatstoosmall | Ill sell for 3.6 :D 83.07 BTC for $300 MP | [21:12] |
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vinhpk | ;;guide | [21:12] |
* | Greed ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [21:13] |
Myhatstoosmall | Jeez nobodys buyin at all :( | [21:16] |
* | milf|phone (~milf|phon@ has joined #bitcoin-otc | [21:17] |
midnightmagic | they're waiting for the bottom. | [21:17] |
milf|phone | ;;ticker | [21:17] |
midnightmagic | and then there'll be a big rush, and everybody will pile on | [21:17] |
Myhatstoosmall | Well im already selling at 3.6 lol | [21:17] |
mod6 | ;; ticker | [21:17] |
gribble | Best bid: 4.2789, Best ask: 4.2791, Bid-ask spread: 0.0002, Last trade: 4.2789, 24 hour volume: 207463, 24 hour low: 3.878, 24 hour high: 4.62099 | [21:17] |
milf|phone | God....sitting at the oil change place bored as hell | [21:18] |
milf|phone | :( | [21:18] |
Myhatstoosmall | Buy some coins while you're waitin milf! :D | [21:18] |
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milf|phone | Figured I would jump on their interwebs | [21:19] |
Graet | thats what its for | [21:19] |
milf|phone | Indeed | [21:19] |
milf|phone | Probably not really intend for orchestra...but whatever | [21:20] |
Myhatstoosmall | How do I fill a bid on the books? | [21:20] |
milf|phone | ....Irc | [21:20] |
Myhatstoosmall | Im selling at 3.6, somebodys gotta be buyin | [21:21] |
* | milf|phone1 (~milf|phon@ has joined #bitcoin-otc | [21:22] |
milf|phone1 | Fucking unstable internet | [21:22] |
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milf|phone1 | Lol this fails | [21:22] |
Myhatstoosmall | Lol insane! What if I drop to 3.4... any takers now? | [21:24] |
EvanR | ill buy | [21:24] |
EvanR | 3.4 | [21:24] |
Myhatstoosmall | Okay lol finally | [21:24] |
EvanR | i just walked in ;) | [21:24] |
EvanR | whats going on a crash? | [21:24] |
Myhatstoosmall | I need a mp though, is that possible for you? | [21:24] |
EvanR | theres no where nearby selling them | [21:25] |
EvanR | afaik | [21:25] |
EvanR | and im at work | [21:25] |
Myhatstoosmall | :( | [21:25] |
EvanR | why are you selling so low is something happening? | [21:25] |
EvanR | ;;ticker | [21:25] |
Myhatstoosmall | You dont have a walmart cvs or walgreens nearby at all? | [21:25] |
EvanR | lol | [21:25] |
Joric | Myhatstoosmall, i have 5:1 leveraged position, 3.4 would be niiice | [21:25] |
EvanR | Myhatstoosmall: nope | [21:25] |
EvanR | new orleans ;) | [21:25] |
Myhatstoosmall | Or 7-11? | [21:25] |
Joric | please god make it 3.4 by tomorrow | [21:26] |
Myhatstoosmall | :( I give up lol | [21:26] |
Myhatstoosmall | this is nuts | [21:26] |
Myhatstoosmall | I'm nearly a dollar under market and still cannot find a buyer | [21:26] |
mircea_popescu | your problem is that you're not on wot, myhat. | [21:27] |
Myhatstoosmall | On what? | [21:27] |
mircea_popescu | web of trust. this. | [21:27] |
Myhatstoosmall | Oh lol yea I've never gotten around to it | [21:27] |
milf|phone1 | Sell it on tradehill X_X | [21:27] |
Myhatstoosmall | But theres a few people in here that will vouch for me | [21:27] |
EvanR | oh yeah | [21:28] |
EvanR | im not dealing with you until you register | [21:28] |
Graet | if they are at thier keyboard ;) | [21:28] |
Myhatstoosmall | I will send first lol | [21:28] |
milf|phone1 | Rofl | [21:28] |
Myhatstoosmall | I have no problem with it | [21:28] |
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mircea_popescu | uhm | [21:29] |
Myhatstoosmall | I trade with imsaguy, cory, copumpkin, resees on a regulare basis | [21:29] |
mircea_popescu | you'll send btc first and want paypal and will take $1 under market ? how much btc you got there ? | [21:29] |
Myhatstoosmall | and always send first for them | [21:29] |
Myhatstoosmall | I need moneypack :. | [21:29] |
Myhatstoosmall | :/ | [21:29] |
mircea_popescu | ah | [21:29] |
Myhatstoosmall | and I have 83.07 to sell | [21:29] |
mircea_popescu | well shucks, i don't have moneypack | [21:30] |
Myhatstoosmall | No access to one? | [21:30] |
mircea_popescu | isnt this that thing where you gotta go to a store/paypoint etc ? | [21:31] |
Myhatstoosmall | Yea, lol a Walmart, CVS, Walgreens or 7-11 | [21:31] |
midnightmagic | btc first, and you take moneypak? | [21:31] |
mircea_popescu | well its 9pm here sadly. | [21:31] |
Myhatstoosmall | I haven't heard from you much on here midnight so I may ask a higher up to act as an escrow | [21:32] |
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Myhatstoosmall | Lol those are all 24-7 arent they? | [21:32] |
mircea_popescu | you really got to get on wot. | [21:32] |
midnightmagic | Myhatstoosmall: Well I'm just surprised is all. :) I live kind of out in the boonies, so it's tough for me to get to a place like walmart. | [21:32] |
mircea_popescu | the stuff local not rly, no. | [21:32] |
milf|phone | Heh.... | [21:32] |
Myhatstoosmall | :( | [21:33] |
Myhatstoosmall | I give up then | [21:33] |
midnightmagic | sorry man. :-( I'm a miner primarily. | [21:33] |
mircea_popescu | haha don't give up. | [21:33] |
Myhatstoosmall | You know you wanna go grab a mp for this sweet deal though ;D | [21:33] |
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milf|phone | Good price for sure.... | [21:34] |
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Myhatstoosmall | Jesus 3.3! Somebodys gotta take it! | [21:34] |
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mircea_popescu | grrr this is pissing me off :( | [21:35] |
Myhatstoosmall | I gotta leave for work in 30 mins and need to get these sold | [21:35] |
milf|phone | I give up...this connection is WAY too unstable | [21:35] |
* | milf|phone has quit (Client Quit) | [21:35] |
Myhatstoosmall | Walk somewhere and grap a mp milf ;D | [21:35] |
Myhatstoosmall | Shoot | [21:36] |
Myhatstoosmall | *sigh*... see you guys later | [21:37] |
Myhatstoosmall | :( | [21:37] |
rawrmage | bye | [21:37] |
Myhatstoosmall | Lol not interested mage? | [21:37] |
rawrmage | moneypak only? | [21:38] |
Myhatstoosmall | Yea :( | [21:38] |
Myhatstoosmall | But a dollar below market :D | [21:38] |
rawrmage | couldn't really get a moneypak in under 30 min | [21:38] |
Myhatstoosmall | Well you could email me the mp code and I could check it on my phone | [21:38] |
Myhatstoosmall | ;;getrating rawrmage | [21:39] |
EvanR | Myhatstoosmall: ffs | [21:39] |
EvanR | why would you sell so cheap? | [21:39] |
EvanR | you could just sell on mtgox then sell mtgox usd for 1:! | [21:39] |
EvanR | 1:! | [21:39] |
EvanR | 1:1 | [21:39] |
Myhatstoosmall | Because I don't have mtgox :( | [21:39] |
EvanR | its free >_> | [21:39] |
rawrmage | EvanR: because his hat is too small | [21:39] |
Myhatstoosmall | And I leave for vacation tomorrow night and my bank deposits take to long to show up | [21:39] |
Myhatstoosmall | I need extra cash for the trip :( | [21:40] |
EvanR | bullshit | [21:40] |
[eval] | Myhatstoosmall: i'll buy $100 worth if you send BTC first and i e-mail you MP when i buy it later | [21:40] |
Myhatstoosmall | bullshit what evan | [21:40] |
NASDAQEnema | life happens | [21:40] |
NASDAQEnema | for example it so happens I don't have a car therefore I have no life | [21:40] |
NASDAQEnema | life happens | [21:40] |
NASDAQEnema | point is I wouldn't be able to find a moneypak for miles | [21:40] |
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Myhatstoosmall | I would accept paypal but it takes almost 5 days everytime to show up in my account :/ | [21:41] |
[eval] | i can get it within walking distance, but BTC first only unless you're trusted (and i don't know you, therefore i don't trust you) | [21:41] |
rawrmage | and moneypaks show up faster, how? | [21:41] |
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Myhatstoosmall | Lol how do they not? | [21:41] |
NASDAQEnema | rawrmage: paypal accepts moneypaks | [21:42] |
Myhatstoosmall | I call in the number and have the funds instantly | [21:42] |
Myhatstoosmall | No I use the MPs with my greendot card :P | [21:42] |
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[eval] | Myhatstoosmall: take offer? BTC first, i get you $100 MP? | [21:42] |
Myhatstoosmall | I'd like to sell them all together :/ | [21:42] |
rawrmage | NASDAQEnema: yes, but if his problem is the pp -> bank route, that won't help | [21:43] |
Myhatstoosmall | I can use the card to instantly add funds to my greendot card | [21:43] |
NASDAQEnema | rawrmage: he doesn't have a paypal debit card? | [21:43] |
Myhatstoosmall | and go straight to the atm with that | [21:43] |
[eval] | Myhatstoosmall: you're killing yourself on fees | [21:43] |
NASDAQEnema | Myhatstoosmall: no pp debit card? | [21:44] |
EvanR | if you have no reputation, no preparation, | [21:44] |
EvanR | then you cant 'super quick omg trade with me noooooow' | [21:44] |
EvanR | sorry | [21:44] |
[eval] | is Myhatstoosmall GammaG? :P | [21:44] |
Myhatstoosmall | I've said numerous times I trade with Cory, copumpkin, imsaguy, resees on a daily basis... | [21:44] |
Myhatstoosmall | And I have no problem sending first... :/ | [21:44] |
[eval] | Myhatstoosmall: ok, i haven't seen them confirm this | [21:44] |
rawrmage | re gi st er | [21:44] |
[eval] | ok, if you can send first... what was your best price again? | [21:45] |
Myhatstoosmall | 83.07 for $280 MP | [21:45] |
a5m0 | anyone in here have a membership to wpmu dev? | [21:45] |
[eval] | but you absolutely won't split that up? | [21:47] |
Myhatstoosmall | Like I said I'd rather sell them all together :/ | [21:47] |
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[eval] | mmkay :/ | [21:48] |
Myhatstoosmall | I'm sorry :( | [21:48] |
[eval] | no worries. if you're willing to send first, it'll probably make it easier for you to trade with MP considering you have no rep... but i can't swing 280 right now. | [21:49] |
Myhatstoosmall | What's the most you could do at the moment? | [21:49] |
[eval] | 150 | [21:50] |
Myhatstoosmall | Hmm | [21:50] |
Myhatstoosmall | I'll settle with that :D | [21:50] |
[eval] | how many for 150? :P | [21:51] |
EasyAt | Someone needs 280? | [21:51] |
Myhatstoosmall | Me | [21:51] |
[eval] | EasyAt: Myhatstoosmall does, in MP form | [21:51] |
[eval] | i offered 150 for part, but s/he would rather sell all at once | [21:51] |
EasyAt | Wait, are you selling or buying btc | [21:51] |
Myhatstoosmall | Selling | [21:51] |
EasyAt | oh nvm | [21:51] |
Myhatstoosmall | ok :P | [21:51] |
EasyAt | hehe | [21:51] |
Myhatstoosmall | Eval you got a deal it looks like | [21:52] |
[eval] | Myhatstoosmall: how many for 150? :) | [21:52] |
Myhatstoosmall | 41? | [21:52] |
[eval] | ok. i'm identified, you can check using ;;getrating [ident "[eval]"] | [21:53] |
[eval] | query me and i'll give you BTC address and i'll need a way to get you the MP number | [21:53] |
Myhatstoosmall | Pm me your address and I'll send now :D | [21:53] |
Myhatstoosmall | ;;getrating [eval] | [21:56] |
* | onEm__ has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) | [21:56] |
[eval] | try ;;getrating [ident "[eval]"] | [21:56] |
[eval] | my actual WoT name is aakselrod | [21:56] |
Myhatstoosmall | ;;getrating [ident "[eval]"] | [21:56] |
* | Vual is now known as vual_is_AWAY | [21:57] |
[eval] | see PM for a sec... are you staying till i go get the MP, or should i e-mail? | [21:57] |
[eval] | btw to all concerned, i received 41BTC from Myhatstoosmall | [21:57] |
[eval] | i'm going to get MP right now | [21:58] |
[eval] | Myhatstoosmall: you should reg so i can rate you positively :) | [21:58] |
Myhatstoosmall | I'll see if I can figure it out | [21:58] |
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Joric | damn! it looks like an ascending line | [21:59] |
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Joric | how is that possible, S3025 told it'll sink | [22:00] |
rawrmage | lol | [22:00] |
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Joric | looks like when the whole speculation thread is convinced to sell The Manipulator buys everything and changes the course | [22:02] |
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midnightmagic | Joric: because when everyone is convinced they should sell, that is a good time to buy. | [22:09] |
Myhatstoosmall | Now is a great time to buy :P | [22:09] |
helo | nah, i'm waiting for $3.50 | [22:10] |
Joric | 4 points up in two hours | [22:10] |
helo | that will be epic | [22:10] |
bently1406 | im looking to trade $950 moneypak for bitcoins | [22:10] |
Myhatstoosmall | Lol I sold at 3.3 a second ago | [22:10] |
Joric | it's fucking going up i can't believe it | [22:10] |
Framedragger | Um, does anyone know, can one have a bogus reverse for a (WAN) IP? (e.g. reverse-lookup -> some.bogus.domain) Will that screw up anything, in terms of accessing the machine? | [22:10] |
M4v3R | Joric: no it's not | [22:10] |
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Myhatstoosmall | Helo I'll sell to you for 3.5 :D | [22:11] |
helo | do you take moneypak? | [22:11] |
Myhatstoosmall | Yes, I prefer it actually :D | [22:11] |
EasyAt | I am interested | [22:12] |
EasyAt | bently1406: what rate/ | [22:12] |
bently1406 | make a offer | [22:15] |
* | detrate is now known as meatcat | [22:16] |
* | meatcat is now known as detrate | [22:16] |
vragnaroda | *an | [22:18] |
[eval] | did he leave an e-mail? | [22:19] |
[eval] | dammit | [22:19] |
[eval] | i have an MP but he's gone and didn't leave an e-mail in PM | [22:19] |
[eval] | oh there he is | [22:19] |
Myhatstoosmall | :D | [22:20] |
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Joric | | [22:24] |
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Myhatstoosmall | I have a few more coins to sell at 3.4 | [22:25] |
Zillow | hey | [22:26] |
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Myhatstoosmall | Query me if you'd like to buy at 3.4 i'm stepping away from my computer for a moment | [22:27] |
smickles | [eval]: what's the pgp email of this user? | [22:27] |
Myhatstoosmall | He already got ahold of me :D | [22:27] |
[eval] | smickles: no PGP; he sent first (it's Myhatstoosmall) | [22:27] |
smickles | oh ok ;) | [22:28] |
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Myhatstoosmall | Wanna buy some coins smickles? | [22:29] |
smickles | i guess reading the very next line is too much to expect of me @_@ | [22:29] |
smickles | Myhatstoosmall: maybe | [22:30] |
smickles | what price in usd? | [22:30] |
Myhatstoosmall | 3.5 | [22:30] |
smickles | really? you're just throwing them away huh? | [22:30] |
smickles | do you take PP? | [22:30] |
Myhatstoosmall | Only MP at the moment :( | [22:31] |
Myhatstoosmall | Sorry | [22:31] |
Myhatstoosmall | Paypal takes 5 days almost every time to withdraw to my bank | [22:31] |
smickles | yeah, it sucks :( | [22:31] |
Myhatstoosmall | No access to a MP? | [22:32] |
midnightmagic | it would be interesting to see the graph of those bitcoins :) | [22:32] |
Myhatstoosmall | How do I do that? | [22:32] |
midnightmagic | i wonder if I mined any of them.. | [22:32] |
midnightmagic | ... come back to papa, little ones.. | [22:32] |
smickles | I have access to MP, ... lemme check something | [22:33] |
* | localhost has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | [22:33] |
rawrmage | midnightmagic: lol | [22:33] |
Myhatstoosmall | Ok :D | [22:33] |
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bently1406 | $950 moneypak for bitcoins ? | [22:42] |
Myhatstoosmall | Is there any way to split a moneypack up? | [22:43] |
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Myhatstoosmall | Like to only take a certain amount off and leave the rest? | [22:43] |
dyce | also try amazon payments, no fee | [22:43] |
safra | ;;guide | [22:44] |
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safra | ;; guide | [22:45] |
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safra | ;;fraud | [22:46] |
nanotube | Myhatstoosmall: yes it's possible. but you'd need to trust the guy you're giving it to to only take the agreed-upon amount. | [22:46] |
nanotube | once he has the code, he /could/ empty it out if he wants to. | [22:47] |
nanotube | at least afaaik | [22:47] |
Myhatstoosmall | How do I do that? | [22:47] |
BTCHero | If you are talking about moneypak then no you don't need to use the whole thing | [22:48] |
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Myhatstoosmall | Well Bentley wanted to buy some coins from me but he only has a $950 MP | [22:48] |
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Myhatstoosmall | How would I go about selling him coins but only take off the amount he owes me? | [22:49] |
* | att has quit (Quit: Leaving) | [22:49] |
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[eval] | Myhatstoosmall: when you withdrew to your greendot card, did it ask you how much of the balance to transfer? | [22:52] |
Myhatstoosmall | I'm looking to get into mining, if I dropped about 5k into equip what kind of monthly turnouts could I expect? | [22:52] |
Myhatstoosmall | I didn't pay attention :/ | [22:52] |
[eval] | then no idea :( i think it does that when you withdraw into paypal | [22:52] |
BTCHero | Myhatstoosmall it automatically fills in the full amount when you type in the code and you just change it | [22:53] |
BTCHero | If you need help splitting the mp i can help | [22:53] |
BTCHero | ;;view | [22:53] |
gribble | #6823 Wed Feb 15 18:39:01 2012 BTCHero BUY 1.0 XBL 12 month card @ 1 btc (Will buy xbox live card for bitcoins) | [22:53] |
gribble | #6827 Thu Feb 16 12:51:51 2012 BTCHero SELL 60.0 BTC @ 4.35 Moneypak (Selling up to 60 coins @ 4.35 via moneypak) | [22:53] |
extor | How does google checkout work, any input? | [22:54] |
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M4v3R | S3052 report | [22:55] |
M4v3R | Everybody take cover! | [22:55] |
BTCHero | whats it say | [22:55] |
BTCHero | might go up might go down? | [22:55] |
M4v3R | "conclusion for today is that there will be at least one more pop down before a reversal" | [22:55] |
[eval] | so "will go down some more, but will go back up sometime later" | [22:56] |
M4v3R | yep | [22:56] |
extor | In 2006 eBay, which owns PayPal, added Google Checkout to its banned payment methods list, forbidding the use of Google Checkout to pay for eBay transactions.[5][6][7][8] | [22:56] |
extor | After 3 years of launching, Google checkout still does not offer phone or email support[9][10]. This is a widely criticized aspect of Google checkout particularly in the forum, which is the only source of any help for the merchants. The forum is a community of merchants helping each other with occasional answers from Google employees. It is widely criticized that the answers from the Google employees are "canned answers" and | [22:57] |
extor | do not provide required help. Also, many cases were reported on the forum about accounts being suspended without a warning or explanation and without any recourse | [22:57] |
midnightmagic | whoah.. peer1 can delegate reverse authority without cname tricks O.O | [22:57] |
BTCHero | So google checkout might suck so bad that chargebacks aren't possible? | [22:58] |
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extor | Im going to have to get it | [22:58] |
extor | funny thing is they raised their rates as high as paypal, yet dont offer phone support | [22:59] |
extor | must be making bank | [22:59] |
midnightmagic | chargebacks come from the origin, not from the merchant. how could chargebacks not be possible? | [22:59] |
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BTCHero | if there is a way to have google checkout money without using your cc? | [23:01] |
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* | nyuszika7h (nyuszika7h@TouchLay/Member/nyuszika7h) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [23:03] |
vinhpk | does someone want to sell BTC? | [23:03] |
BTCHero | Via what? | [23:04] |
vinhpk | ppusd? | [23:04] |
BTCHero | Nope | [23:04] |
nyuszika7h | Hi | [23:04] |
extor | haha | [23:04] |
nyuszika7h | ;;ident | [23:04] |
gribble | You are identified as user nyuszika7h, with GPG key id B66865933B0308D8, and key fingerprint 7D3C68F16E9CF4F564522564B66865933B0308D8. | [23:04] |
nyuszika7h | :) | [23:04] |
Myhatstoosmall | Maybe if you had a MP vinhpk | [23:04] |
* | Tykling has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | [23:04] |
vinhpk | what is MP? | [23:04] |
Myhatstoosmall | Moneypack | [23:04] |
extor | ;;ident | [23:04] |
BTCHero | Cash, WU, Moneygram, Moneypak | [23:04] |
BTCHero | all acceptable | [23:04] |
vinhpk | how about AP or LR? | [23:05] |
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BTCHero | what is ap? | [23:05] |
extor | AP can potentially be charged with CCs | [23:05] |
vinhpk | Alertpay | [23:05] |
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vinhpk | diff increase again | [23:07] |
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Joric | lol it badly won't go sub 4 | [23:08] |
nyuszika7h | What is rpcpassword for bitcoind? | [23:08] |
Joric | and it's not volatile anymore | [23:08] |
* | smickles is now known as smickles|idle | [23:09] |
BTCHero | whatever you want nyuszika7h | [23:09] |
Joric | nyuszika7h, you should create bitcoin.conf | [23:09] |
nyuszika7h | Ok | [23:09] |
nyuszika7h | I have to go to sleep now anyway... I'll experiment with Bitcoin tomorrow | [23:09] |
nyuszika7h | Night | [23:09] |
vinhpk | g9 | [23:09] |
helo | ;;bc,diffchange | [23:09] |
* | Tykling ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [23:10] |
* | unclemantis (~unclemant@ has joined #bitcoin-otc | [23:10] |
BTCHero | Seriously diff went up? Why don't some of you assholes shut off your miners please? | [23:10] |
BTCHero | I mean look at the price | [23:10] |
* | vuce ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [23:10] |
unclemantis | how do i trade amazon gift codes for bitcoin in here? | [23:11] |
helo | when did it change? | [23:11] |
BTCHero | Dunno I don't keep track | [23:11] |
helo | looks like it should go down in 244 blocks | [23:12] |
* | ovidiusoft (~ovidiusof@ has joined #bitcoin-otc | [23:12] |
helo | heh, by .2% | [23:13] |
nanotube | unclemantis: say "have amazon gift codes, want btc" :) (and you can post orders on the book) | [23:13] |
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BTCHero | Well, I will try one more time before I quit IRC for a while | [23:15] |
BTCHero | Making these trades | [23:15] |
BTCHero | ;;view | [23:15] |
gribble | #6823 Wed Feb 15 18:39:01 2012 BTCHero BUY 1.0 XBL 12 month card @ 1 btc (Will buy xbox live card for bitcoins) | [23:15] |
gribble | #6827 Thu Feb 16 12:51:51 2012 BTCHero SELL 60.0 BTC @ 4.35 Moneypak (Selling up to 60 coins @ 4.35 via moneypak) | [23:15] |
unclemantis | @nanotube how do i post to the book? | [23:16] |
unclemantis | could you point me to the dummies guide? | [23:16] |
nanotube | unclemantis: see the ,,guide :) | [23:16] |
gribble | Guide to using #bitcoin-otc: | [23:16] |
nanotube | unclemantis: ^ this is the guide, for both dummies and not-so-dummies ;) | [23:17] |
* | Dark_Apostrophe has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | [23:17] |
unclemantis | ;;view | [23:18] |
BTCHero | That only gives you your orders | [23:18] |
unclemantis | right | [23:19] |
BTCHero | oh ok | [23:19] |
nanotube | you have to be authenticated to post orders, too. | [23:19] |
* | Myhatstoosmall (ad12fe78@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc | [23:19] |
nanotube | ;;ident unclemantis | [23:19] |
unclemantis | heading over to #bitcoin-otc-foyer | [23:19] |
gribble | Nick 'unclemantis', with hostmask 'unclemantis!~unclemant@', is not identified. | [23:19] |
nanotube | unclemantis: ok :) | [23:19] |
nanotube | see you there | [23:19] |
* | bela26 (5403b2f1@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc | [23:20] |
unclemantis | cool, downloading gpg right now | [23:20] |
unclemantis | probably a good thing to have either way | [23:20] |
nanotube | indeed | [23:20] |
bela26 | hello everyone :) | [23:20] |
nanotube | hi bela26 | [23:21] |
nanotube | unclemantis: and by the way, be sure to make backups of your gpg key, and safeguard your pw. wouldn't want to lose them. :) | [23:21] |
bela26 | i need helps | [23:21] |
bela26 | how my open account Bitcoin Address | [23:22] |
nanotube | i don't understand your question. | [23:22] |
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bela26 | how it works Bitcoin | [23:24] |
* | DBordello (827ef020@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc | [23:24] |
bela26 | I want to open an account with Bitcoin | [23:25] |
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unclemantis | wonderful | [23:25] |
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unclemantis | are you here for the free toaster? | [23:26] |
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helo | i just ran out of toasters :( | [23:29] |
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nyuszika7h | Is it possible to mine bitcoins without an X server? | [23:34] |
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unclemantis | this eregister thing is a pain in the ass | [23:35] |
benjamindees | probably not, but it's probably possible to use a headless X server | [23:35] |
nyuszika7h | eregister didn't work for me | [23:35] |
nyuszika7h | register did | [23:35] |
nyuszika7h | benjamindees: VNC? | [23:36] |
benjamindees | or that one | [23:36] |
unclemantis | geting the error is not a valid GPG key id. | [23:36] |
* | chsados has quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) | [23:36] |
nyuszika7h | I don't see your nick. What ID are you trying? | [23:37] |
unclemantis | 87AC20D5 | [23:37] |
nyuszika7h | unclemantis: ^^ | [23:37] |
nyuszika7h | That's the problem. | [23:37] |
nyuszika7h | You should use the "long", 16 character format. | [23:38] |
unclemantis | i am using the windows gui | [23:38] |
unclemantis | gnu privacy assistant - key manager | [23:38] |
nyuszika7h | If you use GnuPG, the manual page tells you. | [23:38] |
nyuszika7h | Oh -.- | [23:38] |
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nyuszika7h | Sorry, no idea then. | [23:38] |
* | Shaded (~Shaded@unaffiliated/shaded) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [23:38] |
nyuszika7h | s/ -.-// | [23:39] |
unclemantis | are you guys talking about the FINGERPRINT? | [23:41] |
* | yo (bcc30112@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc | [23:41] |
yo | si | [23:41] |
nyuszika7h | I'm noot sure | [23:41] |
nyuszika7h | not* | [23:41] |
yo | im sure | [23:41] |
unclemantis | this is bullshit | [23:42] |
yo | what does it mean "mining" | [23:42] |
yo | ? | [23:42] |
unclemantis | until someone comes up with a SIMPLER way, bitcoin will never get off the ground past the geek level | [23:42] |
yo | mining | [23:42] |
Cory | bitcoin-otc is not Bitcoin, unclemantis. | [23:43] |
nyuszika7h | unclemantis: It's actually very easy to do this if you use Linux and you read the GnuPG manual page. | [23:43] |
unclemantis | i really do not have the patience today it appears | [23:43] |
gmaxwell | unclemantis: what the heck does the hardness of dealing with some online trading community have to do wit _bitcoin_? | [23:43] |
nyuszika7h | I did it in a few minutes with only a little gpg experience. ,,ident | [23:44] |
gribble | You are identified as user nyuszika7h, with GPG key id B66865933B0308D8, and key fingerprint 7D3C68F16E9CF4F564522564B66865933B0308D8. | [23:44] |
yo | how long takes to get the right bitcoin with mining | [23:44] |
yo | ? | [23:44] |
nyuszika7h | No, fingerprint is different, unclemantis as you can see | [23:44] |
nyuszika7h | What you need is key ID. But a longer form. | [23:44] |
unclemantis | all i see is user-id, private key, fingerprint, etc... | [23:44] |
unclemantis | right now i am using kleopatra | [23:45] |
nyuszika7h | How about key ID? | [23:45] |
unclemantis | 87AC20D5 is the key id | [23:45] |
nyuszika7h | I could maybe help with Seahorse, but I have no experience with Kleopatra. | [23:45] |
unclemantis | i am sure it is the same | [23:46] |
nyuszika7h | ;;lucky gpg how to get 16 character key ID | [23:46] |
gribble | | [23:46] |
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unclemantis | says i am already registered | [23:48] |
unclemantis | wtf | [23:48] |
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nyuszika7h | Then ,,(help eauth) | [23:49] |
gribble | (eauth |
[23:49] |
napkin_ | howdy | [23:49] |
nyuszika7h | Hi | [23:49] |
yo | does anyone got experience with bitcoins mining? | [23:50] |
unclemantis | ok i got this pgp message now | [23:50] |
yo | ? | [23:51] |
yo | ?????????? | [23:51] |
yo | ?? | [23:51] |
yo | ?????????? | [23:51] |
yo | ??? | [23:51] |
yo | ???????? | [23:51] |
yo | ?? | [23:51] |
yo | ???????? | [23:51] |
* | Turingi has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | [23:51] |
unclemantis | do i post this in a text file and import? | [23:51] |
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nyuszika7h | | [23:51] |
nyuszika7h | Then ;;everify url | [23:52] |
benjamindees | yo, /join #bitcoin-mining after you get kicked... | [23:52] |
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* | ChanServ gives channel operator status to vragnaroda | [23:52] |
imsaguy | lol benjamindees | [23:52] |
* | vragnaroda has kicked yo from #bitcoin-otc (???????????????) | [23:52] |
Mqrius | !!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) | [23:52] |
imsaguy | yo dawg | [23:53] |
* | vragnaroda removes channel operator status from vragnaroda | [23:53] |
* | smickles|idle is now known as smickles | [23:53] |
unclemantis | Error: Incorrect one-time password. Try again. | [23:53] |
nyuszika7h | Hmm | [23:53] |
nyuszika7h | ;;help everify | [23:54] |
gribble | (everify |
[23:54] |
nyuszika7h | Oh | [23:54] |
unclemantis | i took what was given to me at and pasted it in a pastebin and then took the url and pasted it into the everify thingy | [23:54] |
unclemantis | decrypted | [23:54] |
unclemantis | it is asking me for a friggin passphrase | [23:55] |
unclemantis | i set up this thing like last year around june | [23:55] |
unclemantis | and the one i usualy use is not the passphrase | [23:55] |
Joric | 'trustno1' | [23:55] |
Joric | download mtgox leaked passwords list maybe it's there | [23:56] |
rawrmage | lol | [23:56] |
* | mcorlett (~milton@unaffiliated/mcorlett) has joined #bitcoin-otc | [23:57] |
vragnaroda | Try 'whiskey' :p (That's a reference to the btcserv idiots; if that's your actual passphrase, just shoot yourself.) | [23:57] |
* | ForSale ( has joined #bitcoin-otc | [23:58] |
mod6 | ;; ticker | [23:58] |
gribble | Best bid: 4.2803, Best ask: 4.2878, Bid-ask spread: 0.0075, Last trade: 4.289, 24 hour volume: 190222, 24 hour low: 3.878, 24 hour high: 4.53469 | [23:58] |
[eval] | Myhatstoosmall: thanks again for the BTC, hope you have a good vacation! | [23:58] |
Myhatstoosmall | Thank you :D | [23:58] |
* | mcorlett_ (~milton@ has joined #bitcoin-otc | [23:58] |
* | [eval] goes off to upgrade some firewalls | [23:58] |
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ForSale | Imsaguy2 did thay voucher work? | [23:59] |
Category: Logs