Forum logs for 08 Aug 2014
Sunday, 24 November, Year 11 d.Tr. | Author: Mircea Popescu
mircea_popescu | mike_c what's a k to me. | [00:01] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3700 @ 0.00091242 = 3.376 BTC [+] | [00:05] |
* | diatonic has quit (Quit: Leaving) | [00:08] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 41880 @ 0.00091199 = 38.1941 BTC [-] {2} | [00:08] |
* | TheNewDeal (18748681@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ has joined #bitcoin-assets | [00:10] |
* | daybyter has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) | [00:13] |
* | assbot gives voice to TheNewDeal | [00:13] |
mircea_popescu | and in other news, | [00:13] |
TheNewDeal | nice | [00:14] |
TheNewDeal | was that thermo picture really a bra? | [00:14] |
mircea_popescu | yup | [00:14] |
mike_c | TheNewDeal: weren't you the one who liked late easy money bets on bitbet? you should check out the current game of the week on WoL. | [00:16] |
mike_c | definitely some late game opportunities brewing. | [00:16] |
TheNewDeal | i have no atc | [00:16] |
mike_c | i meant the btc game | [00:17] |
* | KRS1 has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) | [00:17] |
TheNewDeal | i didnt know yall supported that yet | [00:17] |
mike_c | indeed. full featured. | [00:17] |
TheNewDeal | game of the week you say? | [00:18] |
* | mircea_popescu looks | [00:18] |
mike_c | yeah. | [00:18] |
assbot | Game 22 - Death 9300 Life 700 Year 930 - War of Life | [00:18] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16950 @ 0.00091077 = 15.4376 BTC [-] | [00:18] |
mircea_popescu | 0.80000000 0.4911 -0.7595 ouch | [00:19] |
TheNewDeal | lol | [00:19] |
TheNewDeal | that's what one gets for betting on life | [00:19] |
mircea_popescu | mike_c here's something i dont get | [00:20] |
mircea_popescu | 570 1 0.1084 -0.7710 | [00:21] |
mircea_popescu | so the 1 buying at .1 lost 77%, whereas the .8 buying at 49 lost 90% | [00:21] |
* | CHRIX ( has joined #bitcoin-assets | [00:21] |
mircea_popescu | shouldn't the difference between .1 and .5 count for more than .23 to .1 ? | [00:21] |
* | CHRIX is now known as KRS1 | [00:21] |
mike_c | absolutely, and it would/will. | [00:22] |
mircea_popescu | ? | [00:22] |
mike_c | the thing is, there is currently a bunch of free money on the table. | [00:22] |
mircea_popescu | so ? | [00:22] |
mircea_popescu | "shouldn't the difference between .1 and .5 count for more than .23 to .1 in any and all circumstances" ? i guess | [00:23] |
mike_c | so when it gets picked up it will increase the worth of life shares, and the guy who bought at .1 won't be so hurt. | [00:23] |
* | AlexWkz has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) | [00:23] |
mircea_popescu | but that's really besides the point | [00:23] |
mike_c | ;;calc 0.7595 / 0.8 | [00:23] |
gribble | 0.949375 | [00:23] |
mike_c | ;;calc 0.77 / 1 | [00:23] |
gribble | 0.77 | [00:23] |
mircea_popescu | oh i see | [00:23] |
mircea_popescu | ;;calc (.23 / .0507) | [00:24] |
gribble | 4.53648915187 | [00:24] |
mircea_popescu | same proportion roughly huh. | [00:24] |
mircea_popescu | nm, rounding was playing a number on me. | [00:24] |
TheNewDeal | speaking of free money, tesla made me some good money today | [00:24] |
mircea_popescu | but was it free. | [00:24] |
TheNewDeal | yes? | [00:25] |
mircea_popescu | cool then | [00:26] |
TheNewDeal | well technically the stock could have dropped 1.50 in the last hour, so there was *some* risk | [00:26] |
* | AlexWkz ( has joined #bitcoin-assets | [00:27] |
* | AlexWkz has quit (Changing host) | [00:27] |
* | AlexWkz (~olo@unaffiliated/alexwkz) has joined #bitcoin-assets | [00:27] |
mircea_popescu | stocks peak all the time. | [00:27] |
mike_c | no way, stocks can't peak in bezzle world. | [00:27] |
TheNewDeal | yes indeed, it peaked at 256 something earlier in the day | [00:27] |
* | ADutchGamer has quit (Quit: Exit stage left) | [00:29] |
* | miaoux has quit (Read error: No route to host) | [00:37] |
* | miaoux ( has joined #bitcoin-assets | [00:37] |
* | Swadq has quit (Quit: Swadq) | [00:42] |
* | EvelynNova (48b100f4@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-assets | [00:48] |
* | EvelynNova has quit (Client Quit) | [00:50] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 26300 @ 0.00091049 = 23.9459 BTC [-] {2} | [00:54] |
TheNewDeal | mike_c, which side am i supposed to buy shares upon? | [00:57] |
mike_c | death. you know, if you think it's a good idea. | [00:58] |
* | Anon29486307 has quit (Quit: Default Quit Message) | [01:01] |
* | Anon29486307 ( has joined #bitcoin-assets | [01:02] |
mircea_popescu | there should be a new constitutional amendment. "no one may run for elected office, be it presidential, as member of congress or senate or any other, who can not recite the entirety of all laws, regulations etc" | [01:08] |
* | TheNewDeal has quit (Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client) | [01:08] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12700 @ 0.00091227 = 11.5858 BTC [+] | [01:09] |
* | CheckDavid has quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity) | [01:11] |
* | ADutchGamer ( has joined #bitcoin-assets | [01:13] |
* | Duffer1 ( has joined #bitcoin-assets | [01:18] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 30483 @ 0.00091066 = 27.7596 BTC [-] {2} | [01:22] |
* | toffoo (~tof@ has joined #bitcoin-assets | [01:27] |
* | assbot gives voice to toffoo | [01:28] |
* | AlexWkz has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) | [01:29] |
* | mjr_ has quit (Quit: mjr_) | [01:35] |
asciilifeform | << 'terrorist identities datamart environment' >> parody horizon ? | [01:35] |
* | Quanttek has quit (Remote host closed the connection) | [02:00] |
penguirker | New blog post: | [02:01] |
kakobrekla | here is a random pic | [02:06] |
kakobrekla | it looks nicer in rl though. | [02:07] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9021 @ 0.00091043 = 8.213 BTC [-] | [02:08] |
mike_c | cool, what's the screen from? | [02:10] |
* | Quanttek (~quassel@2a02:8108:d00:870:75ac:90e2:5dc:c383) has joined #bitcoin-assets | [02:11] |
mike_c | you should make the text run vertically with lines in columns instead of rows. then do your best matrix impression. | [02:12] |
kakobrekla | not what but where. china. | [02:12] |
kakobrekla | it has a built in matrix thingy, if you misaddress the pointer to the screen line it will automatrix. | [02:13] |
mike_c | heh | [02:13] |
kakobrekla | the purpose of this gadget is not irc. what is it? not tellin. do what i want. | [02:20] |
lobbes | [02:21] | |
mike_c | lobbes: or.. there shouldn't be migratory bird treaties. it's like flat tax. simple, yet insufficient. | [02:22] |
lobbes | yeah, it is pretty ridiculous | [02:25] |
* | Dimsler has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) | [02:31] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9700 @ 0.0009142 = 8.8677 BTC [+] | [02:32] |
* | Dimsler ( has joined #bitcoin-assets | [02:34] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7768 @ 0.00091019 = 7.0704 BTC [-] | [02:46] |
* | RagnarDanneskjol (~ragnardan@ has joined #bitcoin-assets | [02:55] |
* | Quanttek has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) | [02:56] |
* | yamaka_ has quit (Quit: yamaka_) | [03:01] |
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* | Duffer1 has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) | [03:03] |
asciilifeform | kakobrekla: i've one quite like this. | [03:06] |
kakobrekla | at this point, i would be surprised if you didnt! | [03:07] |
asciilifeform | kakobrekla: unsurprisingly, i've an embarrassingly large collection of these | [03:08] |
kakobrekla | :D | [03:08] |
asciilifeform | and is that a beheaded model m ? | [03:08] |
kakobrekla | so called 'space saver' | [03:09] |
asciilifeform | aha guessed as much. | [03:09] |
* | asciilifeform never understood the need to save 'space' by abolishing numbers pad - unless living in a ship, manned capsule of some other variety | [03:10] |
kakobrekla | i use a mouse. | [03:10] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK] [RENT] 253 @ 0.00407389 = 1.0307 BTC [+] {5} | [03:10] |
asciilifeform | for numbers ?! | [03:10] |
kakobrekla | lol no, but numpad get in the way and im not much into numerical data entry. | [03:11] |
asciilifeform | kakobrekla: lathe coordinates ? | [03:12] |
kakobrekla | not in a long time. | [03:12] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 24317 @ 0.00091545 = 22.261 BTC [+] {3} | [03:12] |
* | asciilifeform recently bought a 'proper' lathe - no coordinates, just cranks... | [03:14] |
kakobrekla | the only thing i miss is that far right enter for some reason but i have a programmable hw ps2 to usb converter and remaped keys / macros | [03:14] |
* | asciilifeform has pretty much the entire numpad programmed as emacs knobs of one kind or another | [03:15] |
kakobrekla | mhm | [03:15] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7500 @ 0.00091599 = 6.8699 BTC [+] | [03:21] |
* | Duffer1 ( has joined #bitcoin-assets | [03:21] |
* | ADutchGamer has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) | [03:24] |
* | pete_dushenski (~pete_dush@unaffiliated/pete-dushenski/x-8158685) has joined #bitcoin-assets | [03:24] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4789 @ 0.00091019 = 4.3589 BTC [-] | [03:27] |
* | twizt (18bc4613@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-assets | [03:27] |
decimation | asciilifeform: I have found the extra function keys on my unicomp "model m like" keyboard to be extremely useful for emacs | [03:36] |
kakobrekla | fyi you can remap any key to act as a layer switch so have n of different full layouts | [03:38] |
decimation | re: keyboards in space capsules: spacex went with a touchscreen with "emergency keys" > | [03:38] |
assbot | SpaceX shows off Dragon V2, its brand new manned space capsule | Ars Technica | [03:38] |
decimation | kakbrekla: do you mean something beyond the usual ctrl-meta combinations? | [03:39] |
kakobrekla | yea | [03:39] |
kakobrekla | theres a number of ways to achieve that, currently im using | [03:41] |
assbot | tmk/tmk_keyboard GitHub | [03:41] |
* | peterl ( has joined #bitcoin-assets | [03:44] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12500 @ 0.00090935 = 11.3669 BTC [-] | [03:45] |
* | assbot gives voice to peterl | [03:46] |
kakobrekla | you can do most if not all of those tricks in os instead but ps2 is becoming a rarity anyway. | [03:48] |
asciilifeform | kakobrekla: what i thought you had: | [03:49] |
assbot | Happy Buckling Keyboard | [03:49] |
kakobrekla | it is such | [03:50] |
kakobrekla | restored, bolt modded. | [03:50] |
asciilifeform | bolt? | [03:50] |
decimation | huh do they have a unicomp controller gizmo? I assume it's a clone of the model m with usb gadget | [03:51] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5600 @ 0.00090834 = 5.0867 BTC [-] | [03:51] |
kakobrekla | well you need to do that if you take it apart and put it together ... or what | [03:51] |
kakobrekla | | [03:51] |
assbot | Nut Bolt Mod for IBM Model M - Imgur | [03:51] |
kakobrekla | decimation who has what? | [03:53] |
* | asciilifeform wants a stainless steel 'model m', will probably end up making it personally at some point | [03:54] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14500 @ 0.00090834 = 13.1709 BTC [-] | [03:54] |
decimation | replacement firmware for the unicomp keyboard: | [03:55] |
assbot | Unicomp, Inc.: Spacesaver M / Mac OS X | [03:55] |
kakobrekla | what is it that you want to achieve? | [03:55] |
decimation | so this layer hack is a function of the firmware on the keyboard? | [03:56] |
kakobrekla | my setup takes in ps2 signal, but you can hook it up directly to the keyboard matrix | [03:56] |
decimation | ah I see, so it's hardware "matrix switch"? | [03:57] |
kakobrekla | you can hook it up to something like | [03:57] |
assbot | Teensy USB Development Board | [03:57] |
kakobrekla | decimation scroll down that github page it should be clear | [04:02] |
asciilifeform | 'What bothers me is that you are saying what the agency wants us to believe -- they used to be great, but these days they have trouble reading the newspaper, the Internet is too complicated for them, there is so much traffic and they can't find what they want. It may be true, but it is what they have been 'saying' for years. It's convenient for N.S.A. to have its targets believe it is in trouble.' | [04:07] |
asciilifeform | (attributed to... Whitfield Diffie. circa 1999. | [04:08] |
asciilifeform | (linked piece, otherwise is tedious crud) | [04:08] |
* | mike_c (~mike_c@unaffiliated/mike-c/x-9105598) has joined #bitcoin-assets | [04:09] |
decimation | asciilifeform it seems that the meta-nsa doesn't exist in reality | [04:09] |
decimation | Hayden emphasized that the personnel problems are far less significant than the technological ones: "The issue is not people but external changes. For the N.S.A., technology is a two-edged sword. If technology in the outside world races away from us -- at breakneck speed -- our mission is more difficult. It can be our enemy." | [04:10] |
asciilifeform | decimation: | [04:11] |
assbot | #bitcoin-assets log | [04:11] |
* | TheNewDeal (46c5c89f@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ has joined #bitcoin-assets | [04:11] |
decimation | yeah I think you are probably right | [04:12] |
decimation | at any rate it's not clear to me that clowns like Hayden or Alexander would even recognize skills if they saw them | [04:12] |
asciilifeform | decimation: no actual need for this | [04:12] |
asciilifeform | the real, long-term decisions are made at the level below political appointee | [04:13] |
asciilifeform | (that is, by folks who have lifetime careers in the service) | [04:13] |
decimation | if such people exist, they are probably pretty sad these days, given the point made a few weeks ago about how they would have to live as paupers | [04:14] |
asciilifeform | paupers? you ever meet u.s. civil service folks? | [04:14] |
decimation | well, it depends where they are on the pay scale I guess | [04:15] |
asciilifeform | they aren't rich, in the customary sense (they must work, and are expected to follow a variety of curious social rituals, including living in very particular places) - but not paupers. | [04:15] |
* | assbot gives voice to TheNewDeal | [04:16] |
decimation | | [04:17] |
assbot | Washington-Baltimore-Northern Virginia, DC-MD-VA-WV-PA - Annual Rates by Grade and Step | [04:17] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11919 @ 0.00090834 = 10.8265 BTC [-] | [04:17] |
decimation | I wonder how many young technical folks joining the civil service are offered more than $60k? | [04:17] |
asciilifeform | decimation: nsa, cia, nga - not subject to the traditional 'gs' ranks system | [04:18] |
asciilifeform | they have their own | [04:18] |
asciilifeform | what it is - i've no idea, but it was supposedly leaked not long ago; if you care, find it | [04:19] |
peterl | who sells just one share of and s.nsa? | [04:19] |
decimation | | [04:20] |
decimation | " Salary is commensurate with education and experience. Salary range: $52,146 to $116,90" | [04:21] |
* | assbot gives voice to mike_c | [04:21] |
asciilifeform | no longer seekrit, apparently. | [04:21] |
* | asciilifeform actually applied for that same job once | [04:21] |
decimation | Come live in Maryland, pay $500k for house with schools, get paid $80k per year - for your country | [04:22] |
decimation | this goes back to Mircea's point - USG "wants" things, but it can't really afford them - it's running on the "fumes" of past memories | [04:24] |
kakobrekla | peterl: jimmothy | [04:27] |
asciilifeform | ;;google senior executive service pay | [04:27] |
gribble | Senior Executive Service Compensation - Office of Personnel ...: | [04:27] |
asciilifeform | there's about 10,000 of them. | [04:28] |
peterl | kakobrekla: You think he has enough money to afford that much? | [04:28] |
asciilifeform | | [04:28] |
assbot | Facts & Figures | [04:28] |
asciilifeform | ^ interestingly, no data post-2010. | [04:28] |
kakobrekla | peterl i imagine faucets still paying out | [04:29] |
asciilifeform | 'ses' are the people who actually run usg. | [04:29] |
decimation | asciilifeform: Below are entry-level salaries (including locality pay) for several different skill fields. (Entry-level is defined as having a Bachelor's Degree or equivalent work experience.) Language Analysis & Intelligence Analysis $42,209 Computer Science $55,293 * Mathematics $51,894 * Computer/Electrical Engineering $56,375* | [04:30] |
assbot | Frequently Asked Questions about the National Security Agency (NSA) | [04:30] |
mike_c | peterl: it looked like fabian was testing mpex tools. | [04:38] |
* | Duffer1 has quit (Quit: Duffer1) | [04:45] |
* | AndChat|679296 (~AndChat67@2607:fb90:505:2e63:ab15:b48b:a325:51f8) has joined #bitcoin-assets | [04:47] |
* | RagnarsBitch has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) | [04:50] |
decimation | ah the model M terminal keyboard to usb hack is cool | [04:57] |
decimation | I still don't understand why serial terminals went out of style, seems like the perfect solution to point of sale units, etc | [04:57] |
asciilifeform | decimation: because microshit decreed it | [04:57] |
asciilifeform | can't run winblows on a serial term. | [04:57] |
decimation | that's pretty much the equivalent of breaking windows, replacing them with more expensive (yet worse) windows (heh), and counting the whole project as a net positive GDP | [05:03] |
BingoBoingo | ;;bc,stats | [05:04] |
gribble | Current Blocks: 314484 | Current Difficulty: 1.8736441558310238E10 | Next Difficulty At Block: 314495 | Next Difficulty In: 11 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 1 hour, 39 minutes, and 37 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: 19724887807.2 | Estimated Percent Change: 5.27553 | [05:04] |
BingoBoingo | %d | [05:04] |
atcbot | [ATC Diff] Current Diff: 687182.56 Est. Next Diff: 415114.30 in 66 blocks (#42336) Est. % Change: -39.59 | [05:05] |
decimation | this fellow sells already modded model m F1 | [05:06] |
assbot | IBM Model M F1 122 Key Vintage Terminal Keyboard Cleaned Bolt Mod USB Converted | eBay | [05:06] |
decimation | probably worth the price if you are in a hurry | [05:06] |
asciilifeform | decimation: these, if i recall, suck | [05:07] |
asciilifeform | the keys don't send 'break' codes | [05:07] |
asciilifeform | i have a (stock) 122, gathering dust | [05:07] |
decimation | so this means the controller must poll? | [05:07] |
asciilifeform | 'soarer's' converter is, if i recall, closed-source. | [05:07] |
asciilifeform | this could mean - anything... | [05:08] |
decimation | ah, yeah that sucks | [05:08] |
* | asciilifeform has this keyboard and really wants to turn it into a useful thing | [05:08] |
asciilifeform | but that means replacing all the silicon with something. and retrofitting leds. | [05:08] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10850 @ 0.00090945 = 9.8675 BTC [+] {2} | [05:09] |
* | peterl has quit (Quit: peterl) | [05:12] |
BingoBoingo | decimation: it will be interesting to see what happens to the bitcoin price when the COIN ETF turns on << "Paper" BTC sell | [05:15] |
* | BingoBoingo has quit (Quit: Leaving) | [05:17] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 35231 @ 0.00090819 = 31.9964 BTC [-] {3} | [05:23] |
* | AndrewJackson has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds) | [05:26] |
* | BingoBoingo (~BingoBoin@unaffiliated/bingoboingo) has joined #bitcoin-assets | [05:29] |
* | assbot gives voice to BingoBoingo | [05:31] |
* | AndrewJackson ( has joined #bitcoin-assets | [05:32] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 34781 @ 0.00090319 = 31.4139 BTC [-] {2} | [05:32] |
* | Shakespeare ( has joined #bitcoin-assets | [05:37] |
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* | RagnarsBitch ( has joined #bitcoin-assets | [05:42] |
* | RagnarsBitch is now known as Guest13263 | [05:43] |
BingoBoingo | !up Shakespeare | [05:46] |
* | assbot gives voice to Shakespeare | [05:46] |
* | AndChat|679296 has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) | [05:46] |
* | ColinT ( has joined #bitcoin-assets | [05:47] |
* | astRocre1p (~nez@unaffiliated/nezzario) has joined #bitcoin-assets | [05:53] |
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mircea_popescu | ;;ticker | [05:55] |
gribble | Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 592.9, Best ask: 592.99, Bid-ask spread: 0.09000, Last trade: 592.99, 24 hour volume: 5334.71653921, 24 hour low: 579.0, 24 hour high: 595.0, 24 hour vwap: 0 | [05:55] |
mircea_popescu | all these noobs going join/part are kinda lulzy by now | [05:55] |
TheNewDeal | provides some visual excitement | [05:59] |
mircea_popescu | kakobrekla you're doing it wrong. kbd should be in front of monitor not behind | [05:59] |
mircea_popescu | TheNewDeal have some more then | [05:59] |
ben_vulpes | mircea_popescu: what's the deal with lordosis? | [06:00] |
mircea_popescu | hm ? | [06:00] |
TheNewDeal | currently on the search for a % base graph of bitcoin days destroyed | [06:00] |
TheNewDeal | lordosis shows party girl vs mommy status | [06:00] |
TheNewDeal | at least, that was the word yesterday | [06:00] |
mircea_popescu | lobbes yes, it does. | [06:00] |
ben_vulpes | well, wife status was the word. | [06:00] |
mircea_popescu | ben_vulpes if you mean the lordosis ~behaviour~ it's this female mammal response to being hawt. | [06:01] |
fluffypony | I thought bird was the word | [06:01] |
mircea_popescu | nono, the word is bird | [06:02] |
mircea_popescu | stop mixing the codebooks fluff. | [06:02] |
mircea_popescu | step 1. set down bottle without looking. part 2. set it down on usb stick. step 3. bottle overturns and falls over, exactly cork down. part 4. nothing further happens. | [06:03] |
mircea_popescu | go me. | [06:03] |
ben_vulpes | mircea_popescu: in that picture you said you could tell who was wifed, as they weren't displaying lordosis | [06:05] |
ben_vulpes | is that a function of having borne young or not feeling hawt? | [06:05] |
mircea_popescu | dude. lordosis just like that is usually a pathologic curvature of the spine. teh lordosis ~behaviour~ is different. | [06:06] |
mircea_popescu | and the idea was only boring women get married anyway. | [06:06] |
ben_vulpes | a hm | [06:06] |
* | ben_vulpes goes back to work | [06:07] |
BingoBoingo | New worst Kickstarter | [06:08] |
assbot | Saving The NYC Egg Sandwich by JoeyScoops — Kickstarter | [06:08] |
BingoBoingo | New worst Kickstarter | [06:09] |
assbot | Saving The NYC Egg Sandwich by JoeyScoops — Kickstarter | [06:09] |
mircea_popescu | decimation: Hayden emphasized that the personnel problems are far less significant than the technological ones << well, i disagree. now, from a bureaucrat pov, sure, they generally can fill any jobs they want filled, according to their selection process. this however does not mean they are gaining any sort of valuable human capital. | [06:09] |
fluffypony | argh | [06:09] |
mircea_popescu | on the contrary. | [06:09] |
mircea_popescu | decimation: at any rate it's not clear to me that clowns like Hayden or Alexander would even recognize skills if they saw them << precisely. suppose they DO recognise them, like, "this chick looks like she could suck a golfball through a gardenhose." now what ? the last guy that recognised that skill lost his job. | [06:10] |
mircea_popescu | it's the easiest skill to recognise, too. so... not much hope. they're hiring people, sure, but people only google/microsoft/apple/amazon would hire if they didn't. | [06:10] |
* | yamaka (~yamaka@ has joined #bitcoin-assets | [06:11] |
TheNewDeal | MP, whered you get the idea for the brk-a bet? | [06:11] |
mircea_popescu | asciilifeform:they aren't rich, in the customary sense - but not paupers. << compare what'd happen to the us bureaucrat pauper vs the russian bureaucrat once someone in a hostile nation put the kaibosh on them. they're paupers. | [06:11] |
mircea_popescu | TheNewDeal | [06:12] |
assbot | An era ends today. A new era starts today. pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. | [06:12] |
mircea_popescu | gotta show the world who's boss. | [06:12] |
mircea_popescu | more importantly, gotta show the kids what it means to be the boss and what a boss does. | [06:12] |
mircea_popescu | otherwise they may end up bamboozled by the nonsense fetishism of pseudo-power the ycombinator swamp is pusing, "in order to interact with power acceptably you must give it away in exchange for the trappings of it". tlp discusses the matter extensively and well. | [06:13] |
mircea_popescu | asciilifeform: ;;google senior executive service pay << these folk get options. whole different story, as bubbles happen 3-5 times in a lifetime. | [06:14] |
* | assbot removes voice from Shakespeare | [06:16] |
TheNewDeal | just curious. I was trying to make a bet on MMM on a BTC basis in the past, and it kept on getting rejected. The brk-a bet surfaced not too long after | [06:17] |
mircea_popescu | the russian scam ?! | [06:17] |
mircea_popescu | well, the brk bet had the major advantage of 1k zeroconf. that has ~0% chances of being rejected. | [06:18] |
TheNewDeal | no doubt. I think it's a great bet, and a somewhat ballsy one as well | [06:19] |
mircea_popescu | it already paid lulz in spades. buffett held his yearly meet, supposedly "couldn't find any short". just the embarassment of that... | [06:20] |
TheNewDeal | couldnt find any short? | [06:21] |
TheNewDeal | what do you mean? | [06:21] |
mircea_popescu | yes. i mean they claimed to want to invite someone who's short their thing, but to not be able to find one. | [06:21] |
mircea_popescu | as far as i'm concerned, when the luminaries of the previous generation are careful to avoid playing you, more recognition is not really needed. it'll come, of course, but it's moot. | [06:22] |
TheNewDeal | I am curious to see how confident investors are after his death. | [06:23] |
* | darlidada has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) | [06:23] |
TheNewDeal | I don't know how much he actually does for the company, but he is quite the figure head | [06:23] |
mircea_popescu | i imagine about as much as i do for mpif | [06:24] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4400 @ 0.00088024 = 3.8731 BTC [-] | [06:24] |
TheNewDeal | or f.derp :D | [06:24] |
mircea_popescu | prolly not that much lol | [06:25] |
* | cipi has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) | [06:25] |
TheNewDeal | bet also presents a decent hedging opportunity. Speaking of which, I'm loving all these active price bets lately | [06:27] |
mircea_popescu | something tells me you're not the only one lol | [06:29] |
mircea_popescu | but yeah, kinda surpriosed not more people are trying to arbitrage it, short brk bet on no sorta thing | [06:29] |
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assbot | [MPEX] [FT] [X.EUR] 281 @ 0.00229033 = 0.6436 BTC [-] | [06:51] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10600 @ 0.00087258 = 9.2493 BTC [-] | [06:55] |
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* | Newar ( has joined #bitcoin-assets | [06:57] |
* | TheNewDeal has quit (Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client) | [06:58] |
mircea_popescu | !up Newar | [06:59] |
-assbot- | You voiced Newar for 30 minutes. | [06:59] |
* | assbot gives voice to Newar | [06:59] |
* | Guest13263 is now known as RagnarsBitch | [07:02] |
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* | assbot removes voice from Newar | [07:29] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18429 @ 0.0008654 = 15.9485 BTC [-] | [07:29] |
BingoBoingo | %d | [07:31] |
atcbot | [ATC Diff] Current Diff: 687182.56 Est. Next Diff: 410974.74 in 61 blocks (#42336) Est. % Change: -40.19 | [07:31] |
BingoBoingo | %p | [07:31] |
atcbot | [CoinMiner Hashrate]: 0.03 TH/s [PityThePool Hashrate]: 3737.96 GH/s | [07:31] |
BingoBoingo | !mpif | [07:41] |
assbot | F.MPIF Tracker estimated NAV per share: 0.00021697 B (Total: 474.46 B). Delta: -0.06 B. Last trade for F.MPIF on MPEX was at 0.00021999 BTC [+] | [07:41] |
* | yamaka (~yamaka@ has joined #bitcoin-assets | [07:43] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 1111 @ 0.00194866 = 2.165 BTC [+] {4} | [07:44] |
* | pete_dushenski has quit (Quit: pete_dushenski) | [07:50] |
mircea_popescu | !up steven-__ | [07:56] |
-assbot- | You voiced steven-__ for 30 minutes. | [07:56] |
* | assbot gives voice to steven-__ | [07:56] |
* | Dimsler has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) | [07:57] |
steven-__ | thanks, mircea_popescu any thoughts on the no agenda show? searched on trilema but couldn't find anything. | [08:06] |
mircea_popescu | what's this ? | [08:07] |
steven-__ | its a news / comedy show but it also has a strong fan base that sends in tips they broke that bo birddog? story pretty much the house it happened | [08:08] |
steven-__ | they | [08:08] |
steven-__ | facebook exec on todays show | [08:09] |
assbot | No Agenda Player | [08:09] |
mircea_popescu | is this related to noagendamarket ? | [08:09] |
steven-__ | no it has nothing to do with bitcoin | [08:10] |
mircea_popescu | ah cool. well it's the first time i see this thing, seems it appeared sometime last week. what's it, like some sort of internet radio show basically ? | [08:10] |
steven-__ | they have been doing 2 shows a week for almost 600 eps | [08:10] |
mircea_popescu | oh. then an ignorance is me. | [08:11] |
steven-__ | in the same way b-a is sort of a internet chat room | [08:11] |
mircea_popescu | so do you know them ? | [08:11] |
steven-__ | no | [08:11] |
mircea_popescu | aite, well, makes two of us. | [08:11] |
* | The20YearIRCloud has quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity) | [08:15] |
steven-__ | | [08:23] |
assbot | Richard Quest, CNN Reporter, Arrested On Drug Charges [Printable] | [08:23] |
* | jordandotdev (uid7502@gateway/web/ has joined #bitcoin-assets | [08:23] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 700 @ 0.00195 = 1.365 BTC [-] | [08:24] |
* | assbot removes voice from steven-__ | [08:26] |
* | AlexWkz ( has joined #bitcoin-assets | [08:31] |
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assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2700 @ 0.00087233 = 2.3553 BTC [+] | [08:38] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10198 @ 0.00087233 = 8.896 BTC [+] | [08:41] |
* | Newar has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) | [08:42] |
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assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 28800 @ 0.00086946 = 25.0404 BTC [-] {3} | [09:00] |
BingoBoingo | %d | [09:11] |
atcbot | [ATC Diff] Current Diff: 687182.56 Est. Next Diff: 410190.41 in 60 blocks (#42336) Est. % Change: -40.31 | [09:11] |
mircea_popescu | maybe not quite as stable yet as all that. | [09:12] |
* | adrrr (c1fc9d31@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-assets | [09:22] |
BingoBoingo | ;;bc,stats | [09:28] |
gribble | Current Blocks: 314514 | Current Difficulty: 1.9729645940577133E10 | Next Difficulty At Block: 316511 | Next Difficulty In: 1997 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 1 week, 5 days, 11 hours, 33 minutes, and 0 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: 23740552664.0 | Estimated Percent Change: 20.32934 | [09:28] |
BingoBoingo | !up adrrr | [09:30] |
* | assbot gives voice to adrrr | [09:30] |
BingoBoingo | And coinfire went retarded | [09:33] |
adrrr | hi | [09:33] |
assbot | Fund Coin Fire on Bitcoin Starter! - Coin Fire | [09:33] |
BingoBoingo | Hi adrrr | [09:34] |
adrrr | | [09:34] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4801 @ 0.0008724 = 4.1884 BTC [+] {2} | [09:37] |
* | ChanServ removes voice from adrrr | [09:41] |
* | assbot gives voice to adrrr | [09:41] |
BingoBoingo | * ChanServ removes voice from adrrr * assbot gives voice to adrrr << Can't Chanserv and assbot learn to get along? | [09:42] |
mircea_popescu | chanserv is evil | [09:48] |
mircea_popescu | "Mike (Executive Editor) - Mike has been following Bitcoin for the last several months and got fed up of sites that are full of advertisements and didn’t provide the latest news" | [09:49] |
mircea_popescu | what a bio. | [09:49] |
mircea_popescu | last several months by now. looking forward to convergence towards "two weeks" | [09:49] |
mircea_popescu | Sponsors : earn bitcoin for clicking ads, win bitcoins today etc. so much win. | [09:50] |
mircea_popescu | "The fund which received regulator approval from the Isle of Jersey back in back in July and was set to launch this month has joined The Bitcoin Foundation as a Silver Member." | [09:52] |
mircea_popescu | clearly not a pr piece. | [09:52] |
BingoBoingo | Yeah, So the solution requesting money kickstarter style with... Ads as compensation... but no adult ads please (paraphrasing their crowdfunding page) | [09:52] |
mircea_popescu | meanwhile in my inbox, "Hemant.Gupta.d 1:58 am 70 million Email list @ 199$ limited period offer." | [09:52] |
mircea_popescu | prolly not this guy, but... dribble ?! | [09:54] |
assbot | Dribbble - Hemant Gupta | [09:54] |
mircea_popescu | "Here we are just a few short months later and we’ve heard from various people in the industry that we are quickly creating one of the most reliable cryptocurrency news sites and we’ve gathered up a team of kick ass volunteers to help us grow this madness out." | [09:54] |
mircea_popescu | who the fuck "in the industry" | [09:54] |
mircea_popescu | 0 backers pledged 0.00090000 Ƀ 38 days to go << how the fuck does that work. | [09:55] |
BingoBoingo | "Here we are just a few short months later and we’ve heard from various people in the industry that we are quickly creating one of the most reliable cryptocurrency news sites and we’ve gathered up a team of kick ass volunteers to help us grow this madness out." << Is this in reference to the pats on the back for making a phone call and finding out "insured wallet" wasn't insured? | [09:55] |
mircea_popescu | ;;seen coinfire | [09:55] |
gribble | coinfire was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 2 weeks, 6 days, 14 hours, 45 minutes, and 32 seconds ago: |
[09:55] |
mircea_popescu | ;;later tell coinfire how about i give you a bitcoin in exchange for not being retarded anymore. | [09:56] |
gribble | The operation succeeded. | [09:56] |
mircea_popescu | BingoBoingo nfi. smh. etc. | [09:56] |
mircea_popescu | i have no fucking idea how all these murican types mange to get through college. seems to me the most, the BY FAR MOST difficult thing for them is sitting the fuck down, keeping quiet and paying attention. | [09:57] |
mircea_popescu | o no, gotta express oneself. here we are after just a few short month on the campus, with something to say on all topics and we always wanted to try the swamp out! | [09:57] |
BingoBoingo | Hangovers? Easy way to sit the fuck down and keep quiet. | [09:58] |
BingoBoingo | Not so good for paying attention though | [09:59] |
mircea_popescu | must be. | [09:59] |
BingoBoingo | Then the self expressing sort pass because the professors hangovers mercifully keep them from paying attention to self expression | [10:00] |
BingoBoingo | Will collapse eventually because the snake can't grow faster than it can eat itself | [10:00] |
* | DreadKnight (~DreadKnig@unaffiliated/dreadknight) has joined #bitcoin-assets | [10:03] |
mircea_popescu | DreadKnight do you get your gribble pms ? | [10:05] |
BingoBoingo | !up DreadKnight | [10:06] |
* | assbot gives voice to DreadKnight | [10:06] |
BingoBoingo | ;;seen DreadKnight | [10:06] |
gribble | DreadKnight was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 5 days, 22 hours, 56 minutes, and 49 seconds ago: |
[10:06] |
DreadKnight | mircea_popescu, yes | [10:06] |
mircea_popescu | aok | [10:06] |
BingoBoingo | | [10:08] |
assbot | Vat of eggnog flavoring explodes at lab; 2 hurt | [10:08] |
DreadKnight | a bit caught up with silly freelancing atm; and the heat doesn't help xD | [10:08] |
mircea_popescu | BingoBoingo lemme tell you a joke. | [10:08] |
mircea_popescu | DreadKnight you should be in ba. it's like 18 here. | [10:08] |
BingoBoingo | mircea_popescu: Shoot | [10:09] |
mircea_popescu | BingoBoingo so, accident at the distillery in edinburgh. one dead. work safety inspection follows. inspector interviews eyewitness workers | [10:09] |
mircea_popescu | "so how did it happen ?" "well, billy mcglurgh was balancing above the main vat when he fell in" | [10:10] |
mircea_popescu | "that must have killed him instantly" | [10:10] |
mircea_popescu | "oh, no, he came out for olives six or seven times" | [10:10] |
BingoBoingo | !b 4 | [10:10] |
assbot | Last 4 lines bashed and pending review. ( ) | [10:10] |
BingoBoingo | lol, That's a way to go out | [10:11] |
BingoBoingo | | [10:13] |
assbot | [SCAM IPO] AcoinL.L.C; Smack_That_Ace; [SCAM IPO] | [10:13] |
mircea_popescu | SCIPO | [10:14] |
BingoBoingo | I just love the people calling scams now are people advertising and soliciting IPO help | [10:15] |
DreadKnight | mircea_popescu, sounds good, compared to 32 degrees here (I'm more of a winter / cold person) | [10:15] |
mircea_popescu | lol "a professional" ==== "someone who gave |
[10:15] |
BingoBoingo | | [10:16] |
assbot | Smack That Ace is using a ring of accounts to create scams! | [10:16] |
mircea_popescu | heh | [10:16] |
DreadKnight | I got so many PM offers on bitcointalk to sell my account | [10:16] |
DreadKnight | most annoying forum to get on | [10:17] |
mircea_popescu | BingoBoingo bonus joke, found in teh archives. | [10:18] |
assbot | Stiinta si pseudostiinta pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. | [10:18] |
mircea_popescu | DreadKnight it's an absolute cesspool. i doubt 4chan could make a worse one if they tried. | [10:18] |
BingoBoingo | mircea_popescu: That's a great one | [10:18] |
BingoBoingo | "Through there passes the hand of job and speaks:" << This needs used more. | [10:19] |
mircea_popescu | it's almost perfect nonsense | [10:20] |
* | colintulloch ( has joined #bitcoin-assets | [10:20] |
mircea_popescu | DreadKnight what freelancing do you do anyway ? | [10:21] |
DreadKnight | mircea_popescu, I agree regarding the forum; will check some of alternatives as well | [10:22] |
DreadKnight | regarding freelancing, mainly graphics (2d / 3d) and various computer stuff (helping people with crowd funding for example) | [10:22] |
mircea_popescu | i want someone to do romanian to english translation. | [10:23] |
DreadKnight | Internet is full of that so I didn't bothered with it, but I could do | [10:24] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14800 @ 0.00087206 = 12.9065 BTC [-] {2} | [10:24] |
* | ColinT has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) | [10:25] |
* | colintulloch has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) | [10:25] |
mircea_popescu | << superobnoxious romanian chick. | [10:25] |
assbot | London Film and Comic Con 2014 - YouTube | [10:25] |
DreadKnight | mircea_popescu, are you looking to get your older blog posts translated or only write in romanian and get constant conversion? | [10:25] |
mircea_popescu | older, and not even mine. | [10:26] |
BingoBoingo | Oh poker sockpuppeteer scamzor dude posts on PeterL's thread | [10:26] |
assbot | MPEx securities discussion thread | [10:26] |
mircea_popescu | i don't think mine are even translatable in the first place. maybe by someone that's mentally ill and quite drunk. | [10:26] |
DreadKnight | that chick has less views on the video than her number of subscribers, that's really bad | [10:27] |
DreadKnight | mircea_popescu, yeah, would be wanting to translate your blog posts for sure lol | [10:28] |
BingoBoingo | [10:28] | |
mircea_popescu | BingoBoingo lol | [10:28] |
BingoBoingo | True story | [10:28] |
mircea_popescu | i knew i should have put "who gets lucky" in there too | [10:28] |
BingoBoingo | !b 7 | [10:29] |
assbot | Last 7 lines bashed and pending review. ( ) | [10:29] |
* | ADutchGamer ( has joined #bitcoin-assets | [10:31] |
mircea_popescu | " I would rather trust my funds with Cryptostocks than MPEx" well that's a winning proposition for sure. i would say he should, and that'll be punishment enough. | [10:31] |
DreadKnight | my badly rushed grammar got stucked in that bash xD | [10:31] |
mircea_popescu | never rush grammar for one never knows when the amber's droplet's about to drop. | [10:32] |
mircea_popescu | minus a 's in there. | [10:32] |
DreadKnight | so I found this awesome commenting system / forum a while ago, but the devs stick with a manifest to not allow editing posts for too long; and even the devs make no sense in posts at times xD | [10:33] |
mircea_popescu | ask them if they want bitcoin advertising ? | [10:33] |
mircea_popescu | im paying 10 bux a day for the rest of the month. | [10:33] |
mircea_popescu | who's pummle ? | [10:34] |
mircea_popescu | monthold acct, tryin to fight the good fight among the nuts, it's one of you gais isn;'t it | [10:35] |
DreadKnight | they don't seem to be accepting bitcoins yet | [10:35] |
mircea_popescu | "WoT is a gimmick just like GPG. 99.9% of bitcoin businesses don't take it seriously." o the win in that. lmao. | [10:35] |
mircea_popescu | DreadKnight do they seem to be making 10 bux a day yet ? | [10:35] |
DreadKnight | mircea_popescu, they seem to be making more, nice SaaS business plan compared to disqus, but I don't like not being able to edit posts, so will keep my distance | [10:36] |
DreadKnight | haven't seen ads on their website | [10:36] |
mircea_popescu | you can't edit lines in here... | [10:36] |
* | assbot removes voice from DreadKnight | [10:36] |
mircea_popescu | lol sec. | [10:37] |
mircea_popescu | !up DreadKnight | [10:37] |
-assbot- | You voiced DreadKnight for 30 minutes. | [10:37] |
* | assbot gives voice to DreadKnight | [10:37] |
DreadKnight | this is IRC, perfectly fine | [10:37] |
BingoBoingo | who's pummle ? << peterl's new account | [10:37] |
mircea_popescu | ah | [10:37] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK] [RENT] 120 @ 0.00431082 = 0.5173 BTC [+] {3} | [10:37] |
mircea_popescu | "Why do you think no real stock exchanges use gpg?" | [10:38] |
mircea_popescu | lmao that guy is going to be so much fun in a decade or so. i r hope someone's saving jjmothy's derpage, just in case he goes all goat later on | [10:38] |
BingoBoingo | Maybe if .lk guy show up again we can see if he'll put a bow on that package | [10:41] |
mircea_popescu | a right, there's the auto lk proxy | [10:41] |
DreadKnight | regarding listing something on MPEx etc, only the IPO brings in money overall, so would rather buy part of the stocks myself for cheap and sell them later? or advertise the IPO to a lot of people? | [10:42] |
mircea_popescu | << check out this guy's page. old school. | [10:44] |
assbot | Daniel P. Barron | [10:44] |
mircea_popescu | DreadKnight come again ? | [10:44] |
DreadKnight | mircea_popescu, still trying to figure out the whole listing business, most articles are about buying stock, not listing | [10:45] |
mircea_popescu | okay, but what specifically are you trying to do ? | [10:45] |
DreadKnight | if I were to list Ancient Beast to get funding for it | [10:46] |
mircea_popescu | problem there would be that your putative investors would have relatively little reason to believe you won't simply walk after the listing. | [10:47] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19600 @ 0.00086897 = 17.0318 BTC [-] | [10:48] |
* | toffoo has quit () | [10:48] |
* | aabtc has quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity) | [10:48] |
* | CheckDavid (uid14990@gateway/web/ has joined #bitcoin-assets | [10:50] |
DreadKnight | that applies to most things online | [10:51] |
mircea_popescu | not really. | [10:52] |
BingoBoingo | Safest option would be prolly one where Ancient Beast comes into the S.MG fold | [10:52] |
mircea_popescu | maybe, but i was kinda planning on eulora having an in-game card game, in the style of arcomage in mm6/7 | [10:54] |
mircea_popescu | except better. | [10:54] |
mircea_popescu | (obviously. for the record, any "like" i do re eulora must be prepended with "Except better". and appended too, for safety) | [10:54] |
DreadKnight | mircea_popescu, are you designing Eulora? | [10:56] |
mircea_popescu | yes. | [10:57] |
DreadKnight | | [11:02] |
DreadKnight | is that Minigames artwork? a bit confused | [11:02] |
mircea_popescu | yes, it is. | [11:03] |
mircea_popescu | splash screen | [11:03] |
mircea_popescu | well, one of. | [11:03] |
DreadKnight | by Jason Jute, who does a lot of Wizards of the Coast cards | [11:04] |
mircea_popescu | yes. | [11:05] |
* | assbot removes voice from DreadKnight | [11:07] |
BingoBoingo | !up DreadKnight | [11:08] |
* | assbot gives voice to DreadKnight | [11:08] |
mircea_popescu | an' that's all for me. | [11:09] |
mircea_popescu | take it ezzy good ppl of teh cryptos. | [11:09] |
* | Now talking on #bitcoin-assets | [18:23] |
* | Topic for #bitcoin-assets is: || || || | [18:23] |
* | Topic for #bitcoin-assets set by kakobrekla!~kako@unaffiliated/kakobrekla at Wed Mar 5 21:58:12 2014 | [18:23] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10600 @ 0.00087322 = 9.2561 BTC [+] | [18:23] |
-assbot- | Welcome to #bitcoin-assets. To get voice (ie, to be able to speak), first identify with gribble and then send "!up" to assbot in a private message. If you do not have a WoT account, try politely asking one of the voiced people for a temporary pass. | [18:23] |
* | assbot gives voice to mircea_popescu | [18:24] |
mircea_popescu | ;;later tell moiety unsure what to do with the phone line? << iirc it was prepaid for a year, did a btc's worth of call answering run out already ? | [18:25] |
gribble | The operation succeeded. | [18:25] |
mircea_popescu | DreadKnight yeah solforge is one of these tablet/steam only types of things. a lot of people are (stupidly) going that way these days. | [18:25] |
BingoBoingo | %d | [18:25] |
atcbot | [ATC Diff] Current Diff: 687182.56 Est. Next Diff: 404777.01 in 45 blocks (#42336) Est. % Change: -41.10 | [18:25] |
* | Sebastan has quit (Quit: Leaving.) | [19:40] |
mircea_popescu | hey bb. | [19:42] |
* | xanthyos has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) | [19:42] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 69 @ 0.01491943 = 1.0294 BTC [+] {3} | [19:44] |
BingoBoingo | Finally under 50 blocks until we find out what diff does next | [19:44] |
* | xanthyos ( has joined #bitcoin-assets | [19:45] |
moiety | It's been three months. It's been extremely quiet for the past two. I did say at the time, should we not do a month or three to see how it went is what i mean mircea_popescu. | [19:47] |
* | kdomanski has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!) | [19:48] |
* | kdomanski ( has joined #bitcoin-assets | [19:48] |
* | belcher has quit (Quit: Leaving) | [19:49] |
* | assbot removes voice from moiety | [19:49] |
BingoBoingo | !up moiety | [19:50] |
* | assbot gives voice to moiety | [19:50] |
moiety | ty | [19:51] |
* | hdbuck (53ca1b74@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-assets | [19:52] |
* | Guest24099 has quit (Quit: ZNC - | [19:55] |
* | damier (~damier@unaffiliated/damier) has joined #bitcoin-assets | [19:56] |
* | DreadKnight (~DreadKnig@unaffiliated/dreadknight) has left #bitcoin-assets | [19:56] |
* | DreadKnight (~DreadKnig@unaffiliated/dreadknight) has joined #bitcoin-assets | [19:56] |
BingoBoingo | asciilifeform: | [19:59] |
assbot | How to Use Your Cat to Hack Your Neighbor’s Wi-Fi | Threat Level | WIRED | [19:59] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 33497 @ 0.00086805 = 29.0771 BTC [-] {3} | [19:59] |
BingoBoingo | ^ In your neck of the woods | [20:00] |
mircea_popescu | moiety kinda good to have in the background sort of thing imo. that's kinda the idea, i never expected any significant sort of volume. | [20:03] |
* | assbot gives voice to DreadKnight | [20:04] |
DreadKnight | mircea_popescu, really find that way stupid as well; wasn't very excited about steam coming to linux in the first place, but maybe someday SteamOS consoles will be popular, like OUYA was somewhat expected, but until then, steam is an extra layer, just to get more ads and see a ton of "your friend is not playing dota2" | [20:06] |
DreadKnight | got a medium range tablet and it's still crappy thing compared to a pc | [20:06] |
mircea_popescu | i really don't like these walled garden bullshits. | [20:08] |
DreadKnight | s/not/now* | [20:08] |
mircea_popescu | maybe i'm not quite as radical as pankkake about it, but i defo don't like em. | [20:08] |
DreadKnight | the web was supposed to be "the thing" imo, not packaged apps for more linux based distros each having their own store | [20:08] |
pankkake | Steam seems popular with Windows users, it seems to be one of the less intrusive "stores" | [20:09] |
pankkake | and IIRC not all games from Steam come with DRM | [20:09] |
* | assbot gives voice to xanthyos | [20:09] |
mircea_popescu | well for windows users rape in an alley is an improvement. | [20:09] |
chetty | DreadKnight, to answer your earlier question, no I am not running gentoo | [20:09] |
DreadKnight | chetty, oh, no +1 for being nerdy stat then xD | [20:09] |
BingoBoingo | This thing with steam is you can sandbox it somewhere, as opposed to iOS | [20:10] |
mircea_popescu | DreadKnight join #eulora | [20:10] |
BingoBoingo | Windows steam runs fine on Linux | [20:11] |
BingoBoingo | Linux steam runs fine on some linuxes | [20:11] |
mircea_popescu | ahahah DreadKnight that' slulz.y | [20:13] |
pankkake | Steam is Linux's Bitpay | [20:13] |
* | Sebastan ( has joined #bitcoin-assets | [20:14] |
BingoBoingo | Steam's its own kind of evil, but... | [20:15] |
ben_vulpes | to the dylan song, and re centos: "everything must run as root!" | [20:15] |
BingoBoingo | Even the installer shouldn't run as root | [20:17] |
BingoBoingo | dd instead | [20:17] |
DreadKnight | mircea_popescu, when my wordpress got hacked, I didn't get such a nice page left in place T_T | [20:19] |
mircea_popescu | lol | [20:20] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4200 @ 0.00086612 = 3.6377 BTC [-] | [20:20] |
mircea_popescu | << now they're just dead. | [20:20] |
assbot | Database Error | [20:20] |
mircea_popescu | that didn't look like a wp hack, incidentally. they lost root. | [20:20] |
* | assbot removes voice from moiety | [20:21] |
BingoBoingo | !up moiety | [20:21] |
* | assbot gives voice to moiety | [20:21] |
mircea_popescu | << here's a lulzy example of the exploit failfully injected in the wild. from | [20:23] |
assbot | dpaste: 29H78RP | [20:23] |
assbot | Untitled Prezi by Donovan Rosales on Prezi | [20:23] |
* | assbot gives voice to moiety | [20:23] |
moiety | sorry BB | [20:23] |
mircea_popescu | basically computer hacking and viral/bacterial infection are by now so very similar... | [20:23] |
ben_vulpes | lulzotron: | [20:23] |
assbot | IMSafer Angel Round | [20:23] |
BingoBoingo | moiety: It happens | [20:24] |
* | Skirmant has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) | [20:24] |
* | Kushedout is now known as Kushed | [20:28] |
* | jborkl has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) | [20:33] |
* | PoUpA ( has joined #bitcoin-assets | [20:34] |
* | thatguy (acf51e68@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-assets | [20:34] |
* | thatguy is now known as esrunuk | [20:34] |
mircea_popescu | !up esrunuk | [20:34] |
-assbot- | You voiced esrunuk for 30 minutes. | [20:34] |
* | assbot gives voice to esrunuk | [20:34] |
esrunuk | cheers | [20:34] |
mircea_popescu | hey there. | [20:35] |
[]bot | Bet created: "Crude Oil WTI over $110 this year" | [20:43] |
* | Sebastan has quit (Quit: Leaving.) | [20:47] |
mircea_popescu | ;;ticker | [20:48] |
gribble | Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 590.06, Best ask: 591.41, Bid-ask spread: 1.35000, Last trade: 590.04, 24 hour volume: 4967.44468410, 24 hour low: 583.93, 24 hour high: 595.0, 24 hour vwap: 0 | [20:48] |
[]bot | Bet created: "Dogecoin to keep sinking" | [20:50] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 28200 @ 0.00087061 = 24.5512 BTC [+] {2} | [20:51] |
BingoBoingo | verification link no worky on bet doge drop | [20:52] |
BingoBoingo | %d | [20:54] |
atcbot | [ATC Diff] Current Diff: 687182.56 Est. Next Diff: 404777.01 in 45 blocks (#42336) Est. % Change: -41.10 | [20:54] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 41 @ 0.01492 = 0.6117 BTC [+] | [20:57] |
mircea_popescu | kakobrekla << seems bitbet mangles urls with stuff ? |
[20:58] |
assbot | BitBet - Dogecoin to keep sinking :: 0.08 B (80%) on Yes, 0.02 B (20%) on No | closing in 3 months 1 week| weight: 99`993 (100`000 to 1) | [20:58] |
* | samO_ (6d5dedf1@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-assets | [20:59] |
* | samO is now known as Guest61679 | [20:59] |
* | samO_ is now known as samO | [20:59] |
BingoBoingo | ;;seen dotcoin | [21:01] |
gribble | dotcoin was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 12 weeks, 5 days, 18 hours, 18 minutes, and 5 seconds ago: |
[21:01] |
mircea_popescu | wow wait, the guy was here ? | [21:01] |
mircea_popescu | how did i miss that. | [21:01] |
BingoBoingo | ;;later tell dotcoin No come lately here around, why? | [21:02] |
gribble | The operation succeeded. | [21:02] |
BingoBoingo | mircea_popescu: It's been a while | [21:02] |
* | Guest61679 has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) | [21:02] |
* | esrunuk has quit (Quit: bounce) | [21:02] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11984 @ 0.00087233 = 10.454 BTC [+] | [21:02] |
* | hdbuck has quit (Quit: Page closed) | [21:07] |
kakobrekla | mircea_popescu seems people have trouble following instructions ! | [21:08] |
* | JoshG has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) | [21:10] |
mircea_popescu | hm | [21:10] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19100 @ 0.00087233 = 16.6615 BTC [+] | [21:17] |
* | FabianB_ (~fabian@unaffiliated/fabianb) has joined #bitcoin-assets | [21:17] |
* | FabianB has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) | [21:20] |
BingoBoingo | How did I miss more dank | [21:23] |
assbot | Am about to go homeless, could use some help | [21:23] |
BingoBoingo | | [21:24] |
assbot | dankcoin | [21:24] |
mircea_popescu | probably, you blinked. | [21:27] |
DreadKnight | mircea_popescu:DreadKnight do you get your gribble pms ? <-- oh actually no, got confused; I looked through the log | [21:29] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 41 @ 0.0149351 = 0.6123 BTC [+] | [21:30] |
fluffypony | every time I try and have a rational discussion with Jimmothy I want to stab him in the face. | [21:31] |
fluffypony | I give up | [21:31] |
BingoBoingo | fluffypony: Giving up restraint? | [21:31] |
fluffypony | why he is such a stupid fuckface? | [21:32] |
chetty | fluffypony, the world is full of em | [21:32] |
pankkake | the thread lacks a funny factor | [21:33] |
BingoBoingo | fluffypony: But if you stab Jimmothy in the face suddenly everyone will buy MPEx seats! | [21:33] |
fluffypony | stupid fucker | [21:33] |
fluffypony | "A seat would mean there are a limited amount and you can sell your own seat. On mpex you can buy a "seat" and sell unlimited seats to other naive investonomers." | [21:33] |
* | belcher ( has joined #bitcoin-assets | [21:33] |
* | belcher has quit (Changing host) | [21:33] |
* | belcher (~belcher-s@unaffiliated/belcher) has joined #bitcoin-assets | [21:33] |
* | DreadKnight was thinking about stabbing people in the face and smiling | [21:33] |
pankkake | I read his last posts, just sad hardcore bagholding | [21:33] |
fluffypony | by definition, unless MPEX drops it's 30 BTC fee it will become progressively more expensive | [21:34] |
fluffypony | until it is so cost-prohibitive that basically nobody can afford one | [21:34] |
fluffypony | so there you go, there's a limited amount | [21:34] |
mike_c | who cares semantics? call it a membership. | [21:35] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 40 @ 0.0149499 = 0.598 BTC [+] {2} | [21:35] |
fluffypony | Jimbo cares | [21:35] |
pankkake | if you want more scam sadness | [21:36] |
assbot | Stocks - 18740 (worth 0.001 each) for 5BTC | [21:36] |
chetty | folks enjoy arguing over anything but the substance of what is | [21:36] |
pankkake | | [21:37] |
assbot | [ActiveMining] Official Shareholder Discussion Thread [Moderated] | [21:37] |
pankkake | there's really nothing left to salvage | [21:37] |
kakobrekla | >There are numerous reports saying bitbet scammed users. | [21:40] |
* | Sebastan ( has joined #bitcoin-assets | [21:41] |
kakobrekla | fuck you i report your report to reporter of the reporting reportuity | [21:41] |
mod6 | tell 'em! | [21:42] |
kakobrekla | just did! | [21:42] |
mod6 | :D | [21:42] |
pankkake | anyone active on ? (and there's actually a coinbr subforum) | [21:43] |
assbot | Bitcoin Forum - The Unofficial Bitcoin Forum | [21:43] |
mircea_popescu | fluffypony> I give up << do you know the guy ? | [21:45] |
fluffypony | mircea_popescu: no, not apart from the occasional frustrating interaction on Bitcointalk | [21:46] |
fluffypony | every time it makes me want to stab him a little more | [21:46] |
mircea_popescu | he's been on this bash mpex for nonsensical reason for much too long by now. | [21:46] |
* | DoctorBTC has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) | [21:46] |
mircea_popescu | there's no possibility of any sort of rational process involved, he's some guy who figures he's going to "do damage" to mpex by being stupid online. | [21:47] |
* | aegis has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) | [21:47] |
mircea_popescu | not bothering to consider that if THAT'S how things worked it'd have been lights out a long time ago. | [21:47] |
DreadKnight | haters gonna hate | [21:48] |
fluffypony | yeah | [21:48] |
mircea_popescu | to some degree he's educated tho, he displays about the same low level sophisms in general use by th population of online libtards | [21:48] |
fluffypony | and hatters gonna hat | [21:48] |
* | BingoBoingo has quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) | [21:48] |
BigBitz | I'd love a new hat. | [21:48] |
mircea_popescu | i could be ron paul for the same money. | [21:48] |
BigBitz | fluffypony plz2bai new hat. | [21:49] |
mircea_popescu | pankkake that is pretty sad. | [21:49] |
mike_c | it doesn't seem he's just on a bash mpex kick. he bashes everything. | [21:49] |
DreadKnight | he's probably poor and jelly | [21:50] |
BigBitz | I am poor. | [21:50] |
mircea_popescu | mike_c ah ok. well i only see the occasional snippets people post @me once they're going all rage-y. | [21:50] |
DreadKnight | and jelly? | [21:50] |
BigBitz | not jelly :D | [21:50] |
BigBitz | Just poor. | [21:50] |
mircea_popescu | BigBitz how can you be poor, you been mining for long enough | [21:50] |
BigBitz | me? | [21:50] |
mircea_popescu | yes you | [21:50] |
BigBitz | you must be mistaking me, mircea_popescu. | [21:50] |
DreadKnight | I am poor too, trying to not be jelly on simple games that made lots of money | [21:51] |
BigBitz | I mined for about a month... | [21:51] |
BigBitz | then sold my BFLs. | [21:51] |
mircea_popescu | oh | [21:51] |
mircea_popescu | i missed that part. | [21:51] |
BigBitz | but I didn't get into Bitcoin for some time. April 2013. | [21:51] |
* | BingoBoingo (~BingoBoin@unaffiliated/bingoboingo) has joined #bitcoin-assets | [21:51] |
BigBitz | So I didn't amass much. Such a shame, really, I first 'found' Bitcoin in Summer 2009... Sigh... what could have been mircea_popescu :) | [21:51] |
DreadKnight | mircea_popescu, so if you still need freelancer or whatever, lol *cough* | [21:51] |
DreadKnight | translator* | [21:51] |
BigBitz | I could have been half as rich as you mircea_popescu ;) | [21:51] |
mircea_popescu | or twice. | [21:52] |
DreadKnight | people who don't have the rich mentality get back to being poor in no time | [21:52] |
BigBitz | twice would have made me as rich o/ | [21:52] |
BigBitz | DreadKnight it's a state of mind :) | [21:52] |
DreadKnight | yeah | [21:52] |
BigBitz | It's OK; I can cope. | [21:52] |
mircea_popescu | DreadKnight what, him ? but he don't speakz romanians. | [21:52] |
DreadKnight | I used to think I need to know a lot of nerdy stuff and work hard to earn, then I started seeing people playing games and making way more with less work xD | [21:53] |
* | Mantrid (~mexicans@ has joined #bitcoin-assets | [21:53] |
mircea_popescu | [21:53] | |
mircea_popescu | that's not how things work. | [21:53] |
DreadKnight | mircea_popescu, meant me regarding translation :P | [21:54] |
DreadKnight | but yeah, I'm still figuring out things regarding mentality | [21:54] |
mircea_popescu | uh. im still trying to pin down exactly what it was you do. originally figured some coder guy, then you wanted to do 3d models, now you want to translate | [21:54] |
mircea_popescu | you know you gotta pick something. | [21:54] |
BigBitz | He's a 3D modelling coder. | [21:55] |
BigBitz | Duh. | [21:55] |
BigBitz | He can juggle as well... | [21:55] |
DreadKnight | true, I spend a lot of time on computer usually, told you before, jack of all trades atm, hopefully will specialize and stick with one thing, but sounds boring | [21:55] |
kakobrekla | translating the code into 3d. | [21:55] |
kakobrekla | doh | [21:55] |
mircea_popescu | lol meanies. | [21:56] |
mircea_popescu | "Hi, my name is Sean Martin. I have been active on these forums for three years now. I am an aspiring guitarist that has an important message to share with the world and a unique style and huge potential to make it big." << dank is incredibly fixated on his guitar stuff. | [21:56] |
BigBitz | 3D Coding. While rock climbing. | [21:56] |
DreadKnight | haha; nah just computer stuff | [21:56] |
kakobrekla | BigBitz ascii prolly didit. | [21:56] |
mircea_popescu | 3d coding while climbing a 3d version of a mountain. | [21:56] |
chetty | perfecto | [21:56] |
BigBitz | Bang on mircea_popescu. | [21:57] |
mircea_popescu | "My struggle is that due to my honesty and adamancy to share what I learned through my journeys, many have come to judge me rather than seek to understand me." | [21:57] |
mircea_popescu | ahahaha wtf. | [21:57] |
mike_c | | [21:57] |
assbot | Guitar guy at the party - YouTube | [21:57] |
BigBitz | | [21:57] |
DreadKnight | non-understood teenager | [21:57] |
mircea_popescu | dem hippies need daily beatings. | [21:57] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14548 @ 0.00087607 = 12.7451 BTC [+] | [21:57] |
chetty | [21:58] | |
DreadKnight | that image goes to my "cute or funny" collection | [21:58] |
mircea_popescu | chetty no. but they still have needs. | [21:58] |
chetty | wes all got needs, pppfftt | [21:58] |
DreadKnight | violence is the universal language :3 | [21:58] |
mircea_popescu | lol mike_c | [21:59] |
mircea_popescu | can only imagine what tom green'd have done with that one | [22:00] |
mike_c | likely more fingers in the ass. | [22:01] |
mircea_popescu | deer lady fingers. | [22:02] |
mircea_popescu | don't ask. | [22:02] |
*dignork* | currently i'm stuck on dissemination, it can be bought, for example webkit vector that i mentioned before, but it's unelegant | [22:07] |
* | Guest70944 (~aegis@ has joined #bitcoin-assets | [22:08] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19347 @ 0.00087207 = 16.8719 BTC [-] {3} | [22:11] |
mircea_popescu | look at this. the shit's so sad, by now people with minimally adequate social skills are counted to have a profession out of it. | [22:12] |
assbot | Mike Birbiglia: What I Should Have Said, Was Nothing - YouTube | [22:12] |
mircea_popescu | "i'm one of the like 50k us people that can tell a story. i got my own website and seminars." | [22:12] |
kakobrekla | bitcointalk made me dig up | [22:17] |
assbot | people - YouTube | [22:17] |
DreadKnight | "This video is not available in your country." sigh right | [22:18] |
kakobrekla | uh | [22:18] |
DreadKnight | not the one you linked, kakobrekla | [22:18] |
kakobrekla | a | [22:19] |
kakobrekla | does mine work? | [22:19] |
DreadKnight | ye | [22:19] |
kakobrekla | ty | [22:19] |
DreadKnight | I can see any vid, but hate when there are internet restrictions full of bs | [22:19] |
DreadKnight | it's like youtube is saying "ew, you are in THAT country, ew, gtfo" xD | [22:22] |
DreadKnight | racist youtube | [22:22] |
kakobrekla | put on 3d coding glasses, maybe those can translate. | [22:23] |
DreadKnight | make sure you go patent that, quick | [22:24] |
DreadKnight | lol | [22:24] |
mircea_popescu | "I am currently living in a hotel room day to day and only have a couple days left before I will be homeless. This is bad because once I am without a place to live, it will only become harder to find one." | [22:29] |
mircea_popescu | omfg dank finally croaking into the abyss ? splendid. | [22:30] |
mircea_popescu | "I plan on recording a music video with a girl which will help me gain validity and virality." | [22:32] |
DreadKnight | I don't get people living in hotels; know a dude around here that does that and works at a supermarket, the math is not right | [22:32] |
kakobrekla | O_o | [22:32] |
mircea_popescu | DreadKnight banks won't lend to peons. owners won't rent to deadbeats. sink low enough, it's either a cheap motel or the park. | [22:32] |
DreadKnight | at least cardboards are free | [22:33] |
DreadKnight | boxes* | [22:33] |
DreadKnight | yeah, you're probably right, the guy is pretty deadbeat mircea_popescu | [22:34] |
DreadKnight | know a 40 year old something that was supposed to be making a MMO, spend about 10 years with 4 pc's in his face while having no real skill, trying to make others to work on his MMORPG for a share of the profits xD finally gave up and now making a trading card game using Unity3d | [22:36] |
DreadKnight | he's pretty much only eating ramen | [22:36] |
DreadKnight | made like a few crowd funding campaigns, all failed; raised 300 bucks tops which he spend on a crappy engine license and a mocap animation pack (while not having proper characters) | [22:37] |
mircea_popescu | "the traditional route : years of rejection and failure untill she's finally spit out the bottom of the porn industry" | [22:38] |
DreadKnight | :D | [22:38] |
DreadKnight | the dude's not even porn star material | [22:38] |
DreadKnight | now he talks money making strategies regarding his TCG while I haven't even seen a single screenie | [22:39] |
DreadKnight | "beta next month, beta next month" | [22:40] |
mircea_popescu | he should upgrade to two weeks | [22:50] |
* | gernika has quit (Quit: Page closed) | [22:51] |
* | DoctorBTC (~DoctorBTC@unaffiliated/doctorbtc) has joined #bitcoin-assets | [22:53] |
* | [1]bonusdz (~bonusdz@ has joined #bitcoin-assets | [22:55] |
mircea_popescu | !up [1]bonusdz | [22:55] |
-assbot- | You voiced [1]bonusdz for 30 minutes. | [22:56] |
* | assbot gives voice to [1]bonusdz | [22:56] |
* | bonusdz has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds) | [22:57] |
* | [1]bonusdz is now known as bonusdz | [22:57] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 29500 @ 0.00087332 = 25.7629 BTC [+] | [22:57] |
penguirker | New blog post: | [23:00] |
mircea_popescu | !t m s.mpoe | [23:00] |
assbot | [MPEX:S.MPOE] 1D: 0.00086525 / 0.00088746 / 0.00091599 (1003453 shares, 890.53 BTC), 7D: 0.00081991 / 0.00087484 / 0.00094217 (3673682 shares, 3,213.90 BTC), 30D: 0.00074501 / 0.00082959 / 0.00094217 (9715212 shares, 8,059.67 BTC) | [23:00] |
* | jborkl (~jborkl@2602:30a:2c51:e730:e8be:f5e:9c79:b252) has joined #bitcoin-assets | [23:01] |
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* | assbot gives voice to jborkl | [23:04] |
jborkl | | [23:05] |
assbot | 403 Forbidden | [23:05] |
mircea_popescu | onoes ? | [23:05] |
jborkl | lol | [23:05] |
jborkl | | [23:06] |
assbot | 403 Forbidden | [23:06] |
jborkl | the site is just refusing gribble | [23:06] |
jborkl | or assbot | [23:06] |
jborkl | I have spent more time trying eep people out than getting people in | [23:07] |
jborkl | eep | [23:07] |
jborkl | keep - screw it | [23:07] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 81 @ 0.01474 = 1.1939 BTC [-] | [23:08] |
mircea_popescu | | [23:11] |
assbot | Doug Stanhope - No Refunds - YouTube | [23:11] |
mircea_popescu | not bad | [23:11] |
jborkl | well, this will spawn a whole new wave of hacking attempts | [23:13] |
jborkl | but w/e, I have it all replicated anyway so its all good | [23:14] |
* | moiety has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | [23:16] |
penguirker | New blog post: | [23:21] |
BigBitz | Doug Stanhope +++ | [23:21] |
* | smidge has quit (Quit: sorry, but you've mistaken me for someone who gives a fuck...) | [23:21] |
* | assbot removes voice from bonusdz | [23:26] |
* | donpillou ( has joined #bitcoin-assets | [23:28] |
mircea_popescu | i wonder if he does private shows. | [23:29] |
mike_c | he's a comic. they do anything for money. | [23:29] |
mircea_popescu | isn't it comedian ? | [23:30] |
mircea_popescu | comic's the booklet neh ? | [23:30] |
chetty | squishy english | [23:31] |
mike_c | comic = comedian | [23:31] |
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* | RagnarsBitch has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) | [23:33] |
mircea_popescu | well lessee if he does bitcoin conference then., | [23:36] |
jborkl | hopefully he does not make fun up people patting each other on the back and jerking each other off in the sauna | [23:38] |
jborkl | otherwise he will only hear crickets | [23:38] |
mircea_popescu | "There's a kind of Olympic torch of extreme American comedy, which passed from Lenny Bruce, through Richard Pryor and Sam Kinison... to the late Bill Hicks. Stanhope is the latest, and equally brilliant, bearer." | [23:38] |
mircea_popescu | that's mabe a little thick | [23:38] |
mircea_popescu | jborkl how do you figure ? | [23:39] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4200 @ 0.00087332 = 3.6679 BTC [+] | [23:39] |
xanthyos | not a fan of kinison. i think he's hacky | [23:39] |
mircea_popescu | ""Ask anyone whose opinion matters, and they'll tell you Doug Stanhope is one of the top ten stand-ups in the world today. " dude there must be something to this seeing how i just randomly saw ten minutes of his act half hour ago and im already doing bookings. | [23:39] |
jborkl | most of the conference would leave, unless they don't know | [23:40] |
BigBitz | He's funny. | [23:40] |
assbot | [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 30132 @ 0.00087464 = 26.3547 BTC [+] | [23:40] |
mircea_popescu | jborkl last time we made fun of them, what'd change. | [23:40] |
xanthyos | bill hicks isn't dead. he's alex jones now. | [23:40] |
jborkl | huh, good point | [23:40] |
chetty | what happened to Carlin in that list of comics? | [23:41] |
mircea_popescu | << check out this guy lol. | [23:41] |
assbot | Bitcoin Asset Protection Law | [23:42] |
* | ADutchGamer has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) | [23:42] |
jborkl | Maybe they like getting laughed at while jerking off other dudes in the sauna, I never thought of it that way. MP you are always insightful | [23:42] |
mircea_popescu | jborkl you're probably confusing the bitcoin conference with whatever random derpage nobodies meeting in a parking lot. | [23:45] |
mircea_popescu | $conference | [23:45] |
empyex | mircea_popescu: Next conference starts in 8 months and 9 days. Estimated cost today: 2.22083887 BTC (Details: ) | [23:45] |
assbot | The conference, third edition pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu. | [23:45] |
assbot | [HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 45408 @ 0.00004703 = 2.1355 BTC [-] {14} | [23:45] |
* | CheckDavid (uid14990@gateway/web/ has joined #bitcoin-assets | [23:46] |
* | Quanttek (~quassel@2a02:8108:d00:870:3547:fb2f:554a:a4f1) has joined #bitcoin-assets | [23:50] |
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jborkl | Now that sounds like a good time | [23:54] |
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* | ADutchGamer ( has joined #bitcoin-assets | [23:57] |
Category: Logs