Forum logs for 02 Feb 2012

Saturday, 23 November, Year 11 d.Tr. | Author: Mircea Popescu
pentarh S3052 r2d2 [00:00]
Joric damn, it'll take a hour to transfer everything to mtgox [00:00]
Someguy123 damn it [00:00]
Someguy123 market is stablizing at 6 [00:00]
Someguy123 almost [00:00]
* matthew_ (~matthew@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [00:01]
sailingtim yeah almost [00:01]
sailingtim 5.9 [00:01]
Someguy123 ughh, soemone needs to buy at 5.7 now [00:02]
Someguy123 so I can earn my BTC back [00:02]
Joric some day it'll hit 30 and fall back to 0.1 i want to be on mtgox when it happens [00:02]
* smickles_ (4746a953@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [00:02]
* Framedragger ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [00:02]
deegy i still don't have my 0.7 [00:03]
Joric i bought at 7.13 [00:03]
Someguy123 [00:03]
Someguy123 uhhhhh [00:03]
* gogo7901 has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [00:03]
Someguy123 mtgoxlive is broke. [00:03]
Cory We'll surpass that today, Joric. [00:03]
Cory Joric: Er, minus a dollar maybe. [00:03]
Mqrius Someguy123: [00:03]
rawrmage lol [00:03]
rawrmage Cory: you know something I don't? :) [00:04]
* paulzag has quit (Quit: changing servers) [00:04]
Cory Haha, I misread the number. [00:04]
* Metabank has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [00:04]
Someguy123 GUYS, BITCOINS ARE ONLY 5.7 ON BTC-E! [00:04]
Staatsfeind Someguy123: Don't shout. [00:04]
Someguy123 >buy on btc-e [00:04]
Someguy123 >sell on mtgox [00:04]
deegy will no one send me 0.7 for $4.50 paypal [00:04]
Someguy123 PROFIT. [00:04]
Mqrius Someguy123: Go, then. [00:04]
Mqrius No one has money on btce [00:04]
* paulzag (~paul@Optimus.PakiShell.Net) has joined #bitcoin-otc [00:04]
Joric Someguy123, how? you have to transfer fiat money as well [00:04]
* smickles has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [00:05]
* bgupta has quit (Quit: bgupta) [00:05]
phraust heh, first time i've been int he green on bitcoinica. [00:05]
Joric if only there were interchangeable btc-usd coupon codes ) [00:05]
benjamindees yeah [00:05]
* bgupta (~bgupta@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [00:06]
* bgupta has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [00:06]
blognewb so [00:07]
Someguy123 [00:07]
blognewb what explains the sudden surge again [00:07]
Someguy123 [00:07]
Someguy123 4000 BTC transfered just in that block ^ [00:07]
blognewb did this cause the increase? [00:07]
Someguy123 and that was at the same time mtgox went crazy [00:07]
Joric 6.12 [00:08]
blognewb Fuck i was holding on waiting for the price to go down 5.1 [00:09]
copumpkin Someguy123: 4000 btc isn't all that much [00:09]
blognewb Someguy123 are you in UK [00:09]
Someguy123 blognewb yeah [00:09]
blognewb Someguy123 well we cant use btc-e in the us [00:09]
HunterTheBunter one person decided it was time to buy 35k btc (or small group) [00:09]
blognewb HunterTheBunter what was that map, does that mean the buyer is from dallas? [00:10]
Someguy123 blognewb I sold at 5.8 [00:10]
Someguy123 then it went up to 6 [00:10]
Someguy123 so now I've LOST money if i try to buy now [00:10]
rawrmage do we have to go through this againm [00:10]
blognewb Someguy123 well you dont sell at 5.8 unless you got btc for 2cents [00:10]
rawrmage stfu your definition of lost is wrong [00:10]
HunterTheBunter blognewb the map? sorry which map? [00:10]
ocminer anyone likes to buy a used carpet ? [00:11]
HunterTheBunter my guess is this person is in Australia [00:11]
HunterTheBunter just woke up here :) [00:11]
blognewb HunterTheBunter [00:11]
blognewb Who bets this will go down the next day [00:11]
Mqrius blognewb: I'll take that bet for 3 bitcoin. I don't think it will touch 5.5 tomorrow. [00:12]
* jkmco (56001573@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [00:12]
blognewb Mqrius not that much [00:12]
M4v3R it probably will, unless another person decides it's buy time [00:12]
* dserrano5 has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [00:12]
blognewb Mqrius it's already down to 6.02 :) [00:12]
blognewb gimme your btc [00:12]
Mqrius Huh? 6.02 != 5.5? [00:13]
blognewb i didnt say down to 5.5 [00:13]
Mqrius I did [00:13]
blognewb itll go back down probably 5.8 [00:13]
blognewb 5.6? [00:13]
HunterTheBunter blognewb wow how does that map know where transactions take place? from issuing client ip addresses? Even so, 4k transaction wouldn't be a 35k buy on mtgox [00:13]
blognewb karl rove just found about btc [00:13]
copumpkin HunterTheBunter: they're completely independent [00:13]
* Shaded (~Shaded@unaffiliated/shaded) has joined #bitcoin-otc [00:14]
blognewb why cant i use btc-e fuck [00:14]
phraust i thought the location was where the block was submitted from. [00:14]
blognewb M4v3R do exchange sites charge fees for transfering your btc out? [00:14]
sailingtim anyone know a site that does visa to btc? [00:14]
M4v3R blognewb: I don't know any exchange that does it [00:15]
Someguy123 wow. [00:15]
Someguy123 while it's rising on mtgox [00:15]
Someguy123 [00:15]
deegy i want 0.7 bc [00:15]
Someguy123 it's dropping like fuck on btc-e [00:15]
M4v3R Mt Gox limits how much you can withdraw in a day though [00:15]
M4v3R lol [00:15]
blognewb any US based members here tried using btc-e yet? [00:15]
phraust I use it. [00:15]
phraust for litecoin. [00:15]
Someguy123 blognewb how is it blocked in the US? [00:15]
sailingtim is there anyone that can sell me btc for moneypak? [00:15]
blognewb phraust can u use dwolla in btc-e [00:16]
Someguy123 blognewb you use paypal for btc-e [00:16]
phraust nope. [00:16]
* benjamindees has quit (Quit: Leaving) [00:16]
Someguy123 or your VISA [00:16]
blognewb Someguy123 i thought paypal does not allow btc trading [00:16]
Someguy123 blognewb they don't [00:16]
Someguy123 ;) [00:16]
sailingtim visa? on which website? [00:16]
phraust LR, Webmoney, Interkassa and Paxum are listed as USD options [00:16]
MBS Free $5 amazon/paypal if you have an iphone/android and a US number or [00:16]
blognewb Someguy123 come on man serious [00:16]
Framedragger sailingtim: you can use a visa after you verify it on, and fund your mtgox account via it. [00:16]
Greed Wouldn't happen to have the BTC yet, would you, someguy123? [00:16]
* pentarh has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [00:17]
Someguy123 Greed not really [00:17]
* Shaded has quit (Client Quit) [00:17]
sailingtim so i can add funds to paxum from visa? [00:17]
Someguy123 waiting for market price to drop [00:17]
Someguy123 o_O [00:17]
Someguy123 got $30 in mtgox [00:17]
Framedragger sailingtim aye [00:17]
MBS could see if someone wants to sell bitcoins for clover :p [00:17]
Framedragger however, you will likely need to confirm your location identity. (I had to. went well. took a couple days.) [00:17]
MBS clover allows first $200 (though $100/m limit) in credit card deposits to be fee free [00:17]
MBS not sure if it counts as a balance transfer though [00:18]
* Maged-temp ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [00:18]
Framedragger *location and identity. [00:18]
M4v3R 5.99 [00:18]
Greed Going on a month. [00:18]
M4v3R probably will drop soon [00:18]
M4v3R a bit [00:18]
* hfgrgg (56001573@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [00:18]
blognewb M4v3R so you can do visa/mc payment on btc-e? [00:19]
blognewb you guys tried that yet [00:19]
blognewb YEY! [00:19]
M4v3R nope [00:19]
Someguy123 blognewb yeah you can visa [00:19]
blognewb oh fuck back to 6 [00:19]
* Maged-temp is now known as Maged [00:19]
MBS blognewb, no can just withdraw as paypal [00:19]
* sailingtim_ (616005db@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [00:19]
MBS well i guess as paxum you can add money to btc-e from cc [00:19]
blognewb MBS i mean deposit [00:19]
Joric bollocks! bloody market! [00:20]
* moblob ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [00:20]
MBS but not directly deposit with it [00:20]
Framedragger ..and 5.95 again. volatile as hell [00:20]
Framedragger *5.90 [00:20]
* btcpanhandler (4b4925f7@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [00:20]
blognewb ok im asking because i find their faq confusing [00:20]
sailingtim_ well can anyone trae btc for a moneypak? [00:20]
blognewb "The presently supported payment methods are : Visa, Mastercard, ...,,,," [00:20]
* jkmco has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [00:20]
MBS yeah alot of people do moneypaks [00:21]
Framedragger ah, has anyone used Liqpay lately, btw? [00:21]
btcpanhandler want to trade mtgox usd for LR [00:21]
* smickles_ has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [00:21]
* sailingtim has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [00:21]
MBS but yeah bitcoins are still 5.5 on btc-e [00:21]
btcpanhandler anyone have LR ? [00:22]
* Shaded (~Shaded@unaffiliated/shaded) has joined #bitcoin-otc [00:22]
Someguy123 MBS and it seems to be dropping [00:22]
blognewb LR? [00:22]
Someguy123 which is severely fucked up [00:22]
btcpanhandler liberty reserve [00:22]
* helo (~nathan@unaffiliated/helo) has joined #bitcoin-otc [00:22]
MBS but yeah, they only allow deposit from LR, webmoney, intercassa and paxum [00:22]
Someguy123 if I could add BTC-E funds [00:22]
Someguy123 via a mtgox code [00:22]
Someguy123 i'd be happt. [00:22]
Someguy123 happy [00:22]
MBS well btc-e has tiny volume [00:22]
MBS so couldnt really buy much anyway [00:22]
MBS but could make a few bucks buying then selling as soon as it arrived at mtgox [00:22]
sailingtim_ i have a visa card and i want btc.. whats the best and fastest way? [00:23]
Someguy123 MBS Last Price: 5.5 USD [00:23]
Someguy123 Volume: 1014.86 USD / 187.576 BTC [00:23]
btcpanhandler dwolla [00:23]
Someguy123 good enough volume for me. [00:23]
Someguy123 sailingtim_ btc-e or mtgox. [00:23]
* smickles (4746a953@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [00:23]
Someguy123 herp [00:23]
sailingtim_ how on mtgox? [00:23]
sailingtim_ i cant find it under adding funds [00:23]
btcpanhandler you cant [00:23]
MBS amazon gift cards is an option but idk if imsaguy has been here recently [00:23]
MBS ;;seen imsaguy [00:23]
btcpanhandler but you can on btc-e [00:23]
blognewb phraust [00:24]
MBS will lose some money going amazon gc route though [00:24]
phraust yo [00:24]
blognewb phraust how old is ltc? is it too late for me to join in the frenzy [00:24]
* paulzag has quit (Quit: changing servers) [00:24]
* moblob has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) [00:24]
phraust i dunno, iheard bout it a few months ago. I jsut set up aminer on [00:24]
phraust cpu mining, nogpu mining that I know of. [00:24]
sailingtim_ mmm it all would depend on how much money. id much rather just go directly via visa [00:24]
MBS btcpanhandler, he wouldnt be able to do it right away though cuz he would have to join paxum and do w/e there [00:24]
MBS sailingtim_, do you have an iphone/android and a US number? [00:25]
sailingtim_ yes [00:25]
btcpanhandler MBS, isnt the easiest way dwolla [00:25]
MBS not fastest though [00:25]
blognewb phraust wait you said you use btce for ltc? they do ltc too? [00:25]
MBS ltc price sucks these days, lol [00:25]
phraust yeah, ltc to btc and usd. [00:25]
phraust but yeah, it's pretty low. [00:26]
sailingtim_ mbs yes i do [00:26]
MBS could see if someone will take clover, a cell phone payment thing, no fees on first $100 this month [00:26]
MBS well first $100 deposited through credit/debit [00:26]
sailingtim_ clover? [00:26]
MBS 3% fee after that [00:26]
blognewb phraust what did you use to deposit usd to btce? if you dont mind me asking [00:26]
MBS or [00:26]
MBS my ref link :p [00:26]
phraust I didn't, I moved ltc to it. [00:27]
Someguy123 MBS sucks? [00:27]
Someguy123 it's going up [00:27]
MBS if i had more bitcoins i would sell for clover but not a huge miner :p [00:27]
phraust I just use btc-e for all the wierd othercoins. [00:27]
Someguy123 i sold at 0.001 a few days ago [00:27]
Someguy123 now it's at 0.004 [00:27]
Someguy123 =_= [00:27]
* paulzag (~paul@Optimus.PakiShell.Net) has joined #bitcoin-otc [00:27]
MBS ltc used to have a decent price, but almost worthless now [00:27]
Someguy123 MBS worthless? [00:27]
Someguy123 it's going UP [00:27]
Someguy123 and more UP [00:27]
phraust yeah, whenI first heard aboutit was a .01 or something. [00:27]
MBS well i havent mined in over a month [00:28]
Someguy123 phraust no that was due to bitcoins [00:28]
MBS moved like 12 random coins i had sitting in pool over and got .01 BTC [00:28]
Someguy123 bitcoin was worth just $1 back then [00:28]
MBS BTC was worth more than $1 [00:28]
* matthewBNC has quit (Quit: changing servers) [00:28]
phraust it was at around 3 i think. [00:28]
MBS was like 3.xx when i was selling [00:28]
phraust i'd just gotten back into it. [00:28]
btcpanhandler sailingtim_, i think you can use a cc on btc-e using payment method "" [00:28]
* phungi has quit (Quit: Lost terminal) [00:29]
bluefirecorp Anyone willing to accept my paypal payments for BTC.. I'll generate a key later. [00:29]
* matthewBNC (~matthew@Optimus.PakiShell.Net) has joined #bitcoin-otc [00:29]
bluefirecorp By later, I mean before the trade >.< [00:29]
bluefirecorp I have more forum rep than otc rep.. <.< [00:29]
btcpanhandler Anyone able to trade some LR for mtgox code [00:29]
btcpanhandler ? [00:29]
* moblob ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [00:29]
* MrTiggr has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) [00:29]
btcpanhandler small ammount [00:29]
MBS so found out discover card limit, $1500 :D, was expecting $1000 [00:30]
Someguy123 ughh [00:30]
Someguy123 bitcoin doesn't want to drop now [00:30]
Someguy123 can't even rebuy my BTC back at 5.9 [00:30]
* sfantu has quit (Quit: Leaving.) [00:30]
Someguy123 =_= [00:30]
MBS also got rejection letter in for chase freedom, only reason stated for rejecting me was high usage of only other card i had at the time (which is what i though, but surprised that was the only reason) [00:31]
MBS might try again in a few months if that $300 for spending $500 comes back, lol [00:31]
deegy will anybody give me 0.7btc [00:32]
Someguy123 deegy nobody will give you 0.7BTC [00:33]
amiller deegy, do you have anything to trade [00:33]
winsku u will just buy porn with it from silkroad [00:33]
amiller maybe you'd do an artwork [00:33]
winsku so no [00:33]
winsku :D [00:33]
* moblob has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [00:33]
* phungus_ (~phungus@unaffiliated/phungus) has joined #bitcoin-otc [00:34]
sailingtim_ i just downloaded clover [00:34]
amiller deegy, i'll give you 0.7 if you make a funny drawing based on this picture [00:35]
* M4v3R has quit (Quit: M4v3R) [00:35]
* kakobreklaaa ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [00:35]
* phungus has quit (Quit: Lost terminal) [00:35]
* btcpanhandler panhandles 16Eqe2b2n6mZX3ULyGsRJEmdPii1ZWNeh2 [00:35]
* InstantBTC ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [00:36]
* paulzag has quit (Quit: changing servers) [00:36]
deegy i have paypal money [00:36]
deegy DEAL [00:36]
* hngryhngryhippo ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [00:36]
blognewb has anyone here tried buying at then moved it to mtgox without any issues? [00:36]
* phungi (~phungus@unaffiliated/phungus) has joined #bitcoin-otc [00:36]
phraust i've sold ltc for btc, thenmoved that to mtgox [00:37]
* phungus_ is now known as phungus [00:37]
amiller okay i'll give you 0.7 for 0.7*$6.2 in paypal money [00:37]
* kakobreklaa has quit (Read error: Operation timed out) [00:38]
amiller we have deal? [00:38]
* moblob (~kamma@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [00:38]
deegy yes [00:38]
deegy certainly [00:38]
amiller that is 4.34 to be precise [00:38]
amiller alright then [00:38]
MBS LOL [00:38]
MBS [00:38]
amiller please pm me your credentials [00:38]
amiller ;;getrating deegy [00:38]
amiller you should register, man [00:39]
sailingtim_ how can i do clover to btc? [00:39]
btcpanhandler amiller, [00:39]
deegy i will register as soon as i work it all out [00:39]
* paulzag (paulzag@Optimus.PakiShell.Net) has joined #bitcoin-otc [00:39]
amiller okeydoke [00:39]
btcpanhandler 16Eqe2b2n6mZX3ULyGsRJEmdPii1ZWNeh2 [00:39]
* Snapman_ has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [00:39]
* Snapman ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [00:40]
btcpanhandler anyone know how to delete addresses? [00:40]
amiller you can delete the private key, that's about all [00:40]
amiller there's no way to make a btc address 'bounce' payments to it later on [00:41]
amiller they're just no longer redeemable [00:41]
gfinn there are at least two tools for editing wallets [00:41]
gfinn coinsplit and another one written in python [00:41]
Valalvax Well, actually, you could [00:41]
HunterTheBunter oh wow someone really wants to play in the 6-7 range [00:42]
* markac has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [00:42]
Valalvax But not the way you're thinking of [00:42]
Valalvax You'd have to retain the private key etc and just have a program set to forward/reverse all transactions to it [00:42]
* markac (~markac@unaffiliated/vragnaroda) has joined #bitcoin-otc [00:42]
* ChanServ gives voice to markac [00:42]
Valalvax ;;ticket [00:43]
Valalvax ;;ticker [00:43]
smickles .o twitter shitlukejrsays [00:43]
markac "I will do anything in my power to abolish Public Schools." ~ Luke-jr (@shitlukejrsays) [00:43]
* Clonedead ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [00:43]
* Woundead has quit (Disconnected by services) [00:43]
smickles D: [00:43]
luke-jr no u [00:43]
btcpanhandler WTB LR for mtgox usd [00:43]
Staatsfeind lol [00:44]
smickles i wanted to see something else by now [00:44]
Valalvax .o twitter shitlukejrsays [00:44]
markac "I will do anything in my power to abolish Public Schools." ~ Luke-jr (@shitlukejrsays) [00:44]
Valalvax Oh, it doesn't rotate? How boring [00:44]
Mqrius Not sure if trolling or actual quote =.= [00:44]
* sailingtim_ has quit (Quit: Page closed) [00:44]
blognewb What do you guys use to load money to Paxum? [00:44]
gfinn markac: how is that relevant? [00:44]
joecool loll [00:44]
joecool luke is an epic troll [00:44]
Valalvax Markac = bot [00:44]
BTC_Bear gfinn: lol [00:44]
grubles Mqrius: my guess is it's an actual quote [00:45]
Mqrius Valalvax: But still, does he say that? Is it taken out of context? [00:45]
blognewb Can I just withdraw BTC from btc-e to my btc wallet then move it to mtgox from there [00:45]
Staatsfeind luke-jr: Is that an actual quote? [00:45]
btcpanhandler blognewb, sure why not [00:45]
gfinn whose bot? [00:45]
* matthewBNC has quit (Quit: changing servers) [00:45]
smickles Staatsfeind: he's denied it in the past [00:46]
gfinn vragnaroda, oh [00:46]
btcpanhandler wts mtgox usd for LR or BTC [00:46]
Staatsfeind gfinn: I run it but it's just a clone of the bot in ##english. [00:46]
* ovidiusoft has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) [00:47]
btcpanhandler wanting to sell mtgox usd for LR or BTC [00:47]
Cory luke-jr: What do you think about Public Schools? [00:48]
Cory <@luke-jr> jjjrmy: I will do anything in my power to abolish them. [00:48]
Cory It was in #eligius Jan 16. [00:48]
gfinn staatsfeind: is that not a position you agree with? [00:48]
grubles not surprised that is an actual quote [00:48]
gfinn cory: that's not quite an exact quote [00:48]
blognewb Liberty Reserve, Paxum, Webmoney, Interkaasa ... which one do you recommend? [00:49]
* gribble gives voice to Maged [00:49]
Cory gfinn: Mine is. I guess the Twitter guy fixed up the quote a bit. [00:49]
Staatsfeind gfinn: I find it amusing. I would like to see them abolished but probably not in the same way as luke-jr would. [00:49]
jurov anyone knows what's happening with cryptox? still at 5.5$/btc and no trade for several hours??? [00:49]
ocminer i'm selling 25 btc @ 5.60 ppusd… [00:49]
luke-jr Staatsfeind: yes [00:50]
smickles jurov: low volume? [00:50]
luke-jr Staatsfeind: I think parents should be held responsible for providing their children with education. Primarily directly. [00:50]
gfinn and in what way would luke-jr like to see them abolished? [00:50]
luke-jr it shouldn't be government-operated or sponsored [00:50]
luke-jr *maybe* sponsored as welfare at most [00:51]
gfinn luke-jr: "held responsible" by whom? [00:51]
smickles ocminer: sorry, i would if i could D: [00:51]
grubles how does an uneducated parent educate their children? [00:51]
* paulzag has quit (Quit: changing servers) [00:51]
luke-jr grubles: yes [00:51]
luke-jr grubles: by learning themselves [00:51]
jurov smickles: it says volume:9712 , perhaps per day [00:51]
Cory Compulsory education should probably be abolished. [00:51]
ocminer smickles: no prob, i got time :) [00:51]
Staatsfeind luke-jr: I don't think that's where we're inclined to fundamentally disagree. (Directly is a methodological disagreement, not a fundamental one.) [00:51]
* lunks ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [00:52]
gfinn "free and compulsory" [00:52]
gfinn what a phrase [00:52]
Staatsfeind grubles: > implying that the current system is educating them [00:52]
grubles ok [00:52]
* cyphunk ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [00:52]
MBS would be lolzy to see children whos parents never taught them to speak, only to work [00:52]
Cory Hilarious! [00:53]
gfinn MBS: it does not pertain to this topic though [00:53]
grubles so the uneducated parents are supposed to use the system you are trying to abolish in order to abolish the system in the first place? [00:53]
Staatsfeind grubles: I also think parents are responsible for the medical care of their children, but I don't think they need to all be doctors. [00:53]
gfinn since children are generally expected to know how to speak before entering public schools [00:53]
gfinn grubles: you're assuming using the public school system is the only way to acquire an education [00:54]
btcpanhandler WTS mtgox usd for LR [00:54]
btcpanhandler or btc [00:54]
luke-jr MBS: I don't think that's possible. [00:54]
Framedragger On that note, WTS WMZ for BTC/mtgox. [00:54]
grubles gfinn: no im just going by what vrag said [00:54]
MBS why not? [00:54]
* lunks_ ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [00:54]
grubles grubles: > implying that the current system is educating them [00:54]
gfinn grubles: that is not what vrag said, so no, you're not [00:55]
luke-jr MBS: people will communicate, no matter what you do [00:55]
luke-jr they can't work without that [00:55]
chsados mtgox down? [00:55]
MBS pff [00:55]
* paulzag ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [00:55]
* lunks_ has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [00:55]
grubles gfinn: on the contrare, that is what he said [00:55]
btcpanhandler WHYY WMZ [00:55]
MBS you overestimate communication needed for farmwork [00:55]
* matthewBNC ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [00:55]
* lunks_ ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [00:56]
gfinn grubles: are you intentionally misunderstanding him? [00:56]
* lunks has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [00:56]
Staatsfeind grubles: I think most parents can themselves provide a primary school education (that's about K-6 in the U.S.). By about that age, I don't think most parents can, and children should start considering their options, but government shouldn't have shit to do with it, generally. [00:56]
Ken` !ticker [00:56]
Framedragger btcpanhandler: I've had them for a long time (a small amount, actually), would like to get rid of them eventually.. [00:56]
bluefirecorp Staatsfeind: No, horrible idea :P [00:57]
* chsados has quit (Quit: Leaving) [00:57]
bluefirecorp Oh wait. [00:57]
* chsados ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [00:57]
bluefirecorp wrong person.. >.> [00:57]
grubles gfinn: wtf are you talking about? he said 'using the current system' to educate which i would assume is the public school system [00:58]
* Txyru` (~Txyru@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [00:58]
* cyphunk has quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) [00:58]
gfinn eh... yes... [00:58]
chsados a5m0 u still here? [00:58]
gfinn but he didn't suggest that parents should use it [00:58]
gfinn as you say that he did [00:58]
MBS why should parents be required to take care of their children, they can take care of themselves damnit [00:58]
chsados mbs.... u dont think parents should take care of their children? [00:59]
gfinn not that using a system to abolish itself is necessarily always a bad idea. it's just completely unrelated to what he actually said [00:59]
MBS im sorta trollin :p [00:59]
grubles i was talking about how uneducated parents would educate their children [00:59]
Staatsfeind If/when I have children, they will not go to public school for more than a year or so, and that year or so, they'll go there primarily to learn just how fucked up it is. [00:59]
grubles anyway, im not in debate mode [01:00]
MBS grubles, duh, by teaching them what they know (alot of which is probably incorrect) and about jesus [01:00]
Staatsfeind No, Jesus shit's abuse. [01:00]
grubles MBS: when did you change your nick to MBS, luke-jr? [01:00]
gfinn staats: heh [01:00]
joecool lol [01:00]
MBS lol [01:01]
gfinn grubles: staatsfeind was merely saying that your question contained an implication [01:01]
MBS though it would be cool to teach your children specialty shit [01:01]
MBS like raise a child from birth to be worlds best sniper or something [01:01]
* lunks_ has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [01:01]
* traviscj has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [01:02]
luke-jr Staatsfeind: at age 12-14, you're an adult and should be looking into educating yourself [01:02]
grubles be the best quarterback for the football team [01:02]
grubles which people already do [01:02]
phantomcircuit and a buyer appears [01:02]
grubles luke-jr: why is 12-14 so magical [01:02]
Staatsfeind I disagree with 12-14-year-olds being adults, but they are capable of deciding for themselves what kind of education they need. [01:02]
luke-jr grubles: that's when you become an adult [01:02]
grubles luke-jr: according to jesus? [01:02]
Staatsfeind grubles: It is well past the age of reason. [01:03]
luke-jr grubles: according to how Jesus made nature [01:03]
Staatsfeind According to biology. [01:03]
Joric mtgox doesn't believe in its own market, its chart still has high 5.62 [01:03]
grubles i thought you were a 'man' when you can grow a full beard [01:03]
MBS grubles, nah i mean like totally devoted to that task [01:03]
luke-jr this extended childhood nonsense has only been going on like 100 years or so [01:03]
luke-jr maybe 200 [01:03]
grubles lol [01:03]
grubles you know why? [01:03]
MBS like teaching him physics of a bullet, and about human anatomy, and engineering of the gun [01:03]
luke-jr because atheistic society sucks [01:03]
grubles because everyone's lifespan has been extended [01:03]
grubles not thanks to god [01:03]
Staatsfeind Rising affluence. [01:03]
grubles but thanks to medicine and science [01:03]
luke-jr who cares about lifespan? [01:04]
* rdponticelli has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [01:04]
* MBS sends luke-jr to the farm [01:04]
Staatsfeind grubles: No, even people that could expect to live longer didn't have such expectations in the past about the age of majority. [01:04]
Staatsfeind It's pretty cut-and-dry as affluence. [01:04]
smickles the atheist society which i keep company with does not such :P [01:04]
helo luke-jr: what bitcoin library/client do you use as a base for your bitcoin network interaction machinations? [01:04]
smickles *suck [01:05]
grubles i care about lifespan [01:05]
helo offtopicness be damned! [01:05]
grubles i wouldnt want to die in my 30s thanks to tuberculosis or something [01:05]
Staatsfeind grubles: That's fine, but it's orthogonal. [01:05]
luke-jr helo: huh? [01:05]
Staatsfeind Are you trying to claim that people live longer because you're a child until you're 40 now? [01:05]
grubles no i was simply asking what makes a person an adult [01:06]
MBS JESUS [01:06]
Staatsfeind MBS: stfu [01:06]
MBS better behave, or jesus is gunna rape you [01:06]
helo luke-jr: for eligius, for example... do you just use a customized bitcoind to broadcast your transactions, receive new blocks, etc? [01:06]
luke-jr helo: yes, I just upgraded from 0.3.23 to 0.6 last night [01:07]
luke-jr 0.6 + 8 patches [01:07]
luke-jr 0.3.23 was like + 50 patches [01:07]
helo neato [01:07]
luke-jr wait, sorry [01:07]
luke-jr 0.6 + next-test + 8 patches [01:07]
luke-jr <.< [01:07]
* Spyrorocks`` (~Txyru@ has joined #bitcoin-otc [01:08]
* Txyru` has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [01:08]
btcpanhandler framedagger, you still want to trade wmz for mtgox [01:09]
luke-jr dumpblock, eligius_sendfee, hub_mode_irc, free_relay, eligius_blocker, rpc_accept_txn [01:09]
grubles luke-jr: want a 5970? [01:09]
luke-jr grubles: gratis? [01:10]
* RadiumCat (~meow@unaffiliated/radiumcat) has joined #bitcoin-otc [01:10]
helo a religiously-motivated desire to extend innocence/chastity has nothing to do with adult being 18 [01:10]
RadiumCat helloooo! :D [01:10]
btcpanhandler WTS mtgox USD for WMZ or LR or BTC [01:10]
* agricocb has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [01:10]
* wistukb ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [01:10]
Joric i've seen macosx bitcoin client today it's really the prettiest, others look as ugly ass [01:10]
grubles luke-jr: lulz [01:10]
luke-jr helo: certainly not, that has had the opposite effect [01:10]
* rdponticelli ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [01:10]
luke-jr helo: 14-20 are like the prime child-bearing years [01:11]
luke-jr mix those hormones with extended childhood and fornication is obvious [01:11]
helo unfortunately not the prime child-rearing years... [01:11]
Staatsfeind wistukb: Where are you? (What city/town?) [01:11]
rg what does this have to do wiht bitcoin [01:11]
btcpanhandler still want to trade wmz for mtgox? [01:12]
btcpanhandler WTS mtgox USD for WMZ or LR or BTC [01:12]
grubles im kind of creeped out that you know this much about making babies [01:12]
Staatsfeind rg: Are *you* complaining about off-topic talk now?!?! :o [01:12]
luke-jr helo: that's society's fault [01:12]
Staatsfeind grubles: Seriously? You know he has 14 kids, right? [01:12]
RadiumCat babies :D [01:12]
* minimoose has quit (Quit: minimoose) [01:12]
grubles Staatsfeind: how the hell would i know that [01:12]
* danieldaniel_ (~danieldan@unaffiliated/danieldaniel) has joined #bitcoin-otc [01:12]
Staatsfeind grubles: he's married and doesn't believe in condoms./ [01:12]
amiller do you want to see my babby mining rig [01:13]
luke-jr helo: raised right, people can be mature enough for child rearing by 14 [01:13]
Ukyo Stop ACTA in Europe, February 11th‏ [01:13]
helo probably so... [01:13]
helo peace [01:13]
Joric just got 4.2 btc bounty for building bitcoin armory on osx! i'm getting really close to a hundredaire [01:13]
luke-jr grubles: you weren't at the Tampa meetup? [01:13]
grubles luke-jr: there was no tampa meetup [01:13]
RadiumCat hello luke-jr :) [01:13]
amiller i want to go to a tampa meetup [01:13]
luke-jr amiller: you too⁇ [01:14]
grubles Staatsfeind: eesh [01:14]
* traviscj ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [01:14]
amiller ya i'm like in orlando n shit [01:14]
matthew_ where do you find the list of outstanding bounties? [01:14]
Staatsfeind grubles: (I think it's actually four.) [01:14]
grubles Staatsfeind: so luke-jr's family is like the Dugger family? [01:14]
grubles [01:14]
Staatsfeind I don't get that reference but it sounds funny. [01:14]
gfinn there's a big difference between 14 and 22 [01:14]
* pierregh1 has quit (Quit: leaving) [01:14]
gfinn or 23 or whatever it is [01:14]
luke-jr grubles: I wanted to make a video explaining why BIP 16 sucks, but I realized I'm never alone long enough! [01:15]
Joric two dads? [01:15]
Joric how come [01:15]
amiller apparently there's an orlando meetup tonight at a bar [01:15]
amiller you can pay your bartab in bitcoin [01:15]
luke-jr Orlando is too far [01:15]
grubles luke-jr: that sucks, aren't you around my age? [01:15]
luke-jr plus, bars are bad news [01:15]
Staatsfeind grubles: Oh gawd, that's nauseating. [01:15]
luke-jr grubles: no idea your age [01:15]
grubles im 23 [01:15]
luke-jr I'm 26 [01:15]
* deegy has quit () [01:15]
RadiumCat luke-jr, can you donates me few bitcoins please? [01:15]
grubles Staatsfeind: i know...they have their own tv show [01:16]
Joric i'm... not really old [01:16]
luke-jr RadiumCat: why? [01:16]
* gribble gives voice to Framedragger [01:16]
RadiumCat i'm poor [01:16]
grubles +1 on orlando being too far [01:16]
RadiumCat and starving [01:16]
grubles especially for drinking [01:16]
Joric RadiumCat, that too [01:16]
* nelisky_ (~nelisky@unaffiliated/nelisky-/x-0749711) has joined #bitcoin-otc [01:16]
luke-jr almost everyone is in Tampa [01:16]
luke-jr we should meetup here [01:16]
danieldaniel_ who wants to buy some uranium? [01:16]
luke-jr the 1 or 2 people in Orlando can drive [01:16]
grubles there's no bitcoin bar in tampa though [01:16]
amiller i don't mind going to tampa [01:16]
luke-jr grubles: bars are NG anyway [01:16]
luke-jr right to carry is suspended in bars in FL [01:17]
grubles luke-jr: i assume youll want to meet in a Church basement or something? [01:17]
luke-jr no [01:17]
smickles far enough north and I could possibly come :D [01:17]
Staatsfeind lolwtf [01:17]
RadiumCat luke-jr, ok how about i give you 1 bitcoin and you give me 10 in return? [01:17]
Staatsfeind Can't go there because you can't carry? [01:17]
luke-jr RadiumCat: do you buy drugs? [01:17]
grubles do you carry a gun into church [01:17]
grubles im pretty sure they dont allow guns in church [01:17]
RadiumCat luke-jr, no sir, i'm a good christian [01:17]
Staatsfeind grubles: I have. :þ [01:17]
luke-jr grubles: why would I ever *not* carry a gun? [01:17]
copumpkin grubles: gotta shoot the devil if he sneaks in [01:17]
grubles lol good god man [01:17]
luke-jr grubles: do you know how many trolls stalk me? [01:18]
copumpkin luke-jr: :( [01:18]
gfinn grubles: who is "they"? [01:18]
* nelisky has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) [01:18]
* nelisky_ is now known as nelisky [01:18]
grubles gfinn: the holy trinity [01:18]
Joric ' where do you find the list of outstanding bounties?' there's none, they are pretty random [01:18]
RadiumCat luke-jr, please, just 1 bitcoin, so i can feed me kittens :( [01:18]
gfinn grubles: then you are incorrect [01:18]
luke-jr RadiumCat: feed your kittens to your children? [01:19]
Staatsfeind And by kittens, she means poort starving good Christian children in India. [01:19]
Staatsfeind *poor [01:19]
grubles luke-jr: you should carve crosses into your rounds so god can blow their brains out extra hard [01:19]
Cory luke-jr: Have you ever had a confrontation where you were glad to have had your gun? [01:19]
RadiumCat luke-jr, no, why do you say that? [01:19]
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luke-jr RadiumCat: I hear dogs taste good. Not kittens? [01:19]
* btcpanhandler has quit (Quit: Page closed) [01:19]
matthew_ Joirc: oh okay. It should be on the wiki or something [01:20]
copumpkin meow [01:20]
RadiumCat luke-jr, :( [01:20]
Staatsfeind luke-jr: I thought you said eating pussy was abuse. :þ [01:20]
RadiumCat ok how about i give you two mouses [01:20]
smickles lol [01:20]
RadiumCat you give me a bitcoin in return [01:20]
RadiumCat fair, no? [01:20]
Joric slightly related [01:21]
grubles so it's cool if i bring my serbu super shorty into church? [01:21]
Staatsfeind grubles: Why not? [01:21]
RadiumCat luke-jr: what church do you go to? [01:21]
Cory ... [01:21]
RadiumCat he's ignoring me :`( [01:22]
* traviscj has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [01:22]
grubles the church of satan [01:22]
* CoryBNC ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [01:22]
RadiumCat ohnoes [01:22]
Framedragger well, btcpanhandler sent a bogus mtgox voucher code and disappeared right after that. [01:22]
Framedragger Serves me right for trusting people with no rating. [01:22]
luke-jr RadiumCat: QoAS [01:22]
amiller well i'm not gonna bother going to night but i'm fucking stoked there's a burger joint around here that's btc-friendly [01:22]
RadiumCat luke-jr: what's QoAS? [01:22]
luke-jr RadiumCat: Queen of All Saints [01:23]
grubles im genuinely curious about this: what are your thoughts on mega churches? [01:23]
amiller i'm curious to see if luke-jr is for real, i'd go to a tampa meetup. [01:23]
luke-jr grubles: define [01:23]
grubles luke-jr: ones with the minister that drives a bentley around [01:23]
Joric someone's trying to take 175 BTC out of bitscalper [01:23]
luke-jr grubles: huh? [01:23]
RadiumCat luke-jr: is that a real church? [01:23]
luke-jr RadiumCat: yes? [01:23]
RadiumCat or you're making it up for lulz [01:23]
* UNOE1 has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) [01:23]
luke-jr I think that's what it's called anyhow [01:23]
luke-jr never really paid attention to the church name [01:23]
RadiumCat i'm curious [01:24]
luke-jr one I went to before was called Mary Immaculate [01:24]
luke-jr or maybe Mary Immaculate Queen [01:24]
luke-jr I forget [01:24]
luke-jr :x [01:24]
gfinn you're concerned about being stalked but you give out the name of your church on irc? [01:24]
RadiumCat :/ [01:24]
gfinn then again [01:24]
gfinn it probably doesn't narrow it down all that much [01:25]
Staatsfeind I used to go to St. Patrick's. [01:25]
Joric can't believe dashjr is a real surname [01:25]
grubles Staatsfeind: St. Patrick's Pub? [01:25]
RadiumCat i want to convert, dont know how tho [01:25]
RadiumCat or whether me muslim parents will tolerate [01:25]
Framedragger ;;rate btcpanhandler -10 Bad voucher code, logged off immediately after the TX. If this was a mistake, please find me on #bitcoin-otc. [01:26]
joecool grubles: i think you misunderstand, luke is not one of the megachurch born-again people [01:26]
grubles i never said he was [01:26]
Staatsfeind grubles: I don't think grubles thought that. :/ [01:26]
luke-jr RadiumCat: where you at? [01:26]
RadiumCat luke-jr: pakistan :( [01:26]
amiller convert to secular humanism [01:26]
luke-jr you might get killed [01:27]
joecool ^^ [01:27]
RadiumCat i know, that's why i dont know what to do :( [01:27]
amiller you only get one life, make it count. that's the only rule [01:27]
joecool luke-jr: funny thing, one of our paki programmers was the only person to wish me a happy easter [01:27]
Staatsfeind RadiumCat: But you'll have everlasting life in heaven! [01:27]
luke-jr RadiumCat: best route is convert and become a martyr, but that takes a lot of courage [01:27]
RadiumCat i know! :( [01:27]
smickles luke-jr: :o [01:27]
RadiumCat i dont want to die a muslim :/ [01:27]
RadiumCat can i have 1 bitcoins now [01:28]
luke-jr [01:28]
joecool loll [01:28]
luke-jr fine [01:28]
luke-jr address? [01:28]
grubles Staatsfeind: are you telling me what i think? [01:28]
RadiumCat luke-jr: :) [01:28]
RadiumCat you're nice [01:28]
grubles are you inside my head?!? [01:28]
RadiumCat that gesture alone was enough [01:28]
danieldaniel_ RadiumCat: want some uranium? [01:28]
danieldaniel_ I can sell you some! [01:28]
RadiumCat thank you, and may god bless you [01:28]
danieldaniel_ [01:28]
luke-jr [01:28]
RadiumCat danieldaniel_: i have plenty [01:28]
danieldaniel_ D: [01:28]
RadiumCat let me know if you want some [01:28]
danieldaniel_ o.0 [01:28]
RadiumCat and i'll delivar :p [01:29]
joecool danieldaniel: reminds me i need to buy some heavy water [01:29]
danieldaniel_ *walks away slowly* [01:29]
joecool luke-jr: can a priest use heavy water for holy water? [01:29]
RadiumCat luke-jr: may God bless you, kind sir. [01:29]
* BTC_Bear sends RadiumCat some Lithium Bromide [01:30]
luke-jr joecool: afaik [01:30]
RadiumCat میینی [01:31]
RadiumCat that's thank you in pakistani language [01:31]
* sgornick has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds) [01:31]
joecool (squiggle) [01:32]
RadiumCat luke-jr: what do i do :( [01:32]
RadiumCat i've heard you baptise people [01:32]
RadiumCat please save me [01:32]
RadiumCat do a online baptisation :( [01:32]
luke-jr RadiumCat: [01:32]
grubles #religion [01:32]
luke-jr RadiumCat: can't baptise online -.- [01:32]
RadiumCat ohnoes [01:33]
joecool RadiumCat: if you get killed for wanting to be baptised it still counts... called baptism of blood [01:33]
joecool just fyi [01:33]
luke-jr joecool: not necessarily [01:33]
luke-jr joecool: it just means you're not guilty of neglecting Baptism [01:33]
RadiumCat ahh [01:33]
copumpkin I was baptized in blood [01:33]
copumpkin I am a viking [01:34]
copumpkin bloodthirsty and vengeful [01:34]
copumpkin my gods have no mercy [01:34]
RadiumCat luke-jr: do you have any church in pakistan? [01:34]
luke-jr RadiumCat: I don't know of any churches in Pakistan [01:34]
joecool RadiumCat: luke-jr lives in florida, it's mostly born again churches and scientology churches [01:34]
RadiumCat luke-jr: :( [01:34]
RadiumCat ohnoes [01:35]
RadiumCat are you a scientologist? [01:35]
joecool no lol [01:35]
RadiumCat i'm talking to you thinkings you are chrisitanings [01:35]
joecool he's traditionalist roman catholic [01:35]
pirateat40 RadiumCat, keep religious talk out of OTC [01:35]
RadiumCat luke-jr: are you a christianins? [01:35]
* Disconnected (Connection reset by peer). [01:38]
* Now talking on #bitcoin-otc [01:38]
* Topic for #bitcoin-otc is: OTC marketplace for Bitcoin trading and exchange. || || Bot's control sequence is ';;'. || Start with the ;;guide || Before you trade, talk to people, and check user ratings. || Beware the FRAUDSTERS. ;;fraud || Trade Options: || Bitcoin VPS: || Support bitcoin-otc! 1F1dPZxdxVVigpGdsafnZ3cFBdMGDADFDe [01:38]
* Topic for #bitcoin-otc set by nanotube at Mon Dec 19 23:38:55 2011 [01:38]
* tDa ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [01:39]
rg ;;ticker [01:39]
* Dark_Apostrophe has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [01:39]
RadiumCat luke-jr: how many babyings have you got? [01:41]
* daqlex ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [01:42]
* maynard3k (47d49175@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [01:43]
RadiumCat :( [01:43]
RadiumCat nobody talks to me [01:43]
RadiumCat is it cos i iz a cat? [01:43]
grubles yes [01:43]
grubles a radioactive cat [01:44]
RadiumCat :( [01:44]
RadiumCat i dont hurtings anyone? [01:44]
luke-jr RadiumCat: 4 so far [01:44]
RadiumCat i sittings in my corner [01:44]
RadiumCat luke-jr: :) [01:44]
daqlex hi everybody, i would like to buy btc using paysafecard, anybody interested ? [01:44]
* Bemmu (u841@gateway/web/ has joined #bitcoin-otc [01:45]
RadiumCat luke-jr: please do a online baptisation for me [01:45]
grubles obvious troll is obvious [01:45]
RadiumCat you dont have to do the whole shabang [01:45]
RadiumCat just few words here n there [01:45]
luke-jr RadiumCat: impossible; surely you can find someone local [01:45]
RadiumCat hey, i'm not trolling :( [01:45]
RadiumCat why impossibru :( [01:46]
luke-jr RadiumCat: anyone can do it, it doesn't need to be a Christian [01:46]
gfinn you don't even have to baptize him, just sprinkle [01:46]
RadiumCat oh? [01:46]
grubles just get a holy dropper and drop a couple drops on his skull [01:46]
RadiumCat if guys from dimmu borgir did that on me, would tha count as baptisation? [01:46]
grubles that should save all that holy water [01:46]
luke-jr RadiumCat: "I baptise thee in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost." in any language; intent must be to "do what the Catholic Church does for Baptism"; matter must be natural water, touching at a minimum your head [01:47]
RadiumCat ah [01:47]
RadiumCat but i'm not very tall [01:47]
gfinn natural water? [01:47]
Mqrius Yes, because god cares about some arbitrary ritual -.-' [01:47]
gfinn as opposed to synthetic? [01:48]
RadiumCat hehe [01:48]
luke-jr gfinn: as opposed to imaginary ;) [01:48]
RadiumCat luke-jr: wht if mr. lemmy from motorhead said that thing in english [01:48]
RadiumCat would that work? [01:48]
luke-jr RadiumCat: yes, if the intention and matter were correct [01:48]
RadiumCat and touched me head with a bottle of JD [01:48]
luke-jr [01:48]
RadiumCat no? [01:49]
Mqrius JD = Jesus Dew? [01:49]
RadiumCat it's water now [01:49]
RadiumCat :( [01:49]
luke-jr RadiumCat: note that except in danger of death, you need to learn the Faith first, etc [01:49]
RadiumCat i want lemmy as my pope :( [01:49]
RadiumCat oh [01:49]
RadiumCat where do i start [01:49]
RadiumCat i want to readings [01:49]
luke-jr an approved Catechism would be a good place [01:49]
RadiumCat cate what sorry :( [01:49]
luke-jr [01:50]
RadiumCat but thats in baltimore [01:50]
RadiumCat i'm in islamabad [01:50]
luke-jr where it was made is irrelevant [01:50]
gfinn luke-jr: aren't we all in danger of death every moment of our lives? [01:50]
RadiumCat and i gots no visa [01:50]
RadiumCat :( [01:50]
RadiumCat americans dont like us [01:50]
RadiumCat they shoot our kittens with pink pistols :( [01:50]
luke-jr gfinn: potential != danger [01:50]
bougyman that's bullshit, RadiumCat [01:51]
bougyman i love you [01:51]
RadiumCat aww :) [01:51]
RadiumCat thankoo [01:51]
luke-jr [01:51]
RadiumCat but i want luke-jr to love me too [01:51]
luke-jr I love everyone. [01:51]
RadiumCat but probably he hates me cos i am a kaffir [01:51]
luke-jr even my wife >.> [01:51]
Cory <.< [01:51]
luke-jr >.> [01:51]
luke-jr hmm [01:51]
RadiumCat :) [01:51]
luke-jr Cory looked automated [01:51]
* Cablesaurus ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [01:51]
* Cablesaurus has quit (Changing host) [01:52]
* Cablesaurus (~IceChat77@unaffiliated/cablesaurus) has joined #bitcoin-otc [01:52]
gfinn cory has always been automated [01:52]
* sgornick (~steve@unaffiliated/sgornick) has joined #bitcoin-otc [01:52]
* ChanServ gives voice to sgornick [01:52]
RadiumCat luke-jr: thank you sir [01:52]
Cory I had always thought that always been automated was interesting, gfinn. Haven't you? [01:52]
RadiumCat may you live longer than jesus [01:52]
luke-jr lol [01:52]
Staatsfeind lol [01:53]
gfinn not inherently [01:53]
RadiumCat you're cool, luke-jr :) [01:53]
pirateat40 Motion to dismiss? [01:53]
grubles he's laughing because no one can live longer than jesus [01:53]
BTC_Bear seconded [01:53]
smickles second [01:53]
BTC_Bear Table the issue until Armageddon [01:54]
grubles even jesus can't live longer than himself, that's why he was like 'fuck earth' and flew up to heaven [01:54]
* emmanuelux has quit (Quit: @+) [01:54]
* ChanServ gives channel operator status to pirateat40 [01:54]
* pirateat40 sets ban on *!*@unaffiliated/radiumcat [01:54]
smickles fliping [01:54]
* pirateat40 has kicked RadiumCat from #bitcoin-otc (You're not welcome here!) [01:54]
* ChanServ removes channel operator status from pirateat40 [01:54]
* einstein14 has quit (Quit: Quitte) [01:54]
luke-jr that was rude [01:55]
pirateat40 why thank you [01:55]
luke-jr nanotube: pirateat40 is abusing power [01:55]
smickles is that what you meant by dismiss? [01:55]
pirateat40 Im an abusive SOB [01:55]
smickles really? [01:55]
grubles tattle tail [01:55]
* hfgrgg has quit (Quit: Page closed) [01:55]
* maynard3k has quit (Quit: Page closed) [01:55]
luke-jr I don't think BTC_Bear nor smickles intended to kick him [01:55]
amiller i disapprove of that ban [01:55]
amiller i didn't realize that's what the motion was either [01:56]
Staatsfeind I did ask her not to be too disruptive, but she does seem genuinely interested in bitcoins. [01:56]
smickles amiller: i think it was only a kick [01:56]
luke-jr [18:54:39] ⁂ pirateat40 sets mode: +b *!*@unaffiliated/radiumcat [01:56]
smickles oh [01:56]
amiller rabble rabble anyway [01:56]
luke-jr more importantly, he lied [01:56]
grubles ye better think twice about questioning the ol pirate [01:56]
luke-jr RadiumCat *was* welcome here [01:56]
pirateat40 Luke, if i let him back in, don't you come running to me to kick him [01:57]
Staatsfeind pirateat40: *her [01:57]
pirateat40 who knows [01:57]
Staatsfeind I know. [01:57]
pirateat40 they are all HIMS [01:57]
Staatsfeind That's why I said her. [01:57]
smickles flip [01:57]
pirateat40 random_cat [01:57]
pirateat40 vs RandomCat [01:57]
pirateat40 odd [01:57]
gfinn pirateat40: unless you know [01:57]
Staatsfeind She's also StrontiumCat. [01:57]
luke-jr pirateat40: why not? [01:58]
grubles all cats were not created equal [01:58]
luke-jr just because he hasn't done anything to warrant a ban yet doesn't mean he won't later [01:58]
pirateat40 All cats suck! [01:58]
* ChanServ gives channel operator status to pirateat40 [01:58]
smickles :o [01:58]
* pirateat40 removes ban on *!*@unaffiliated/radiumcat [01:58]
* ChanServ removes channel operator status from pirateat40 [01:59]
* cyphunk ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [02:00]
* gribble gives voice to amiller [02:02]
luke-jr pirateat40 is a cat. [02:02]
Coolty ^ [02:03]
amiller [02:03]
* RadiumCat (~meow@unaffiliated/radiumcat) has joined #bitcoin-otc [02:03]
grubles a cool cat [02:03]
RadiumCat herro [02:03]
RadiumCat :) [02:03]
Coolty RadiumCat: jesus sends his apologies [02:03]
RadiumCat my bum is still sore [02:03]
RadiumCat cant sit [02:03]
RadiumCat :( [02:03]
rg | away : Fluxx - auto forwarded your PM because someone is a faggot snitch [02:03]
rg thats GammaG [02:03]
* InstantBTC ( has left #bitcoin-otc [02:03]
rg ahah [02:03]
* sgornick has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [02:04]
Staatsfeind rg: what? [02:04]
rg staats: someone who scammed in here [02:04]
rg we stalked him/her to their other irc network [02:04]
rg and channels [02:04]
* Justasic (~Justasic@unaffiliated/justasic) has joined #bitcoin-otc [02:04]
rg so they just /nick and hide [02:04]
rg when you msg them [02:04]
Cory Haha [02:04]
Staatsfeind rg: Just Rizon or some other one(s), too? [02:05]
rg just rizon [02:05]
rg i bety ou hang out on rizon [02:05]
rg for gaynime [02:05]
rawrmage hey I can buy a gram of strychnidin-10-one for $3.50 [02:06]
rawrmage coom [02:06]
Staatsfeind I use a tracker that has a channel on rizon. [02:06]
rawrmage cool* [02:06]
Staatsfeind I'm almost never there, though. [02:06]
rawrmage anyone want some strychnine? [02:07]
Staatsfeind rg: What's his nick there? [02:07]
rg right now Fluxx [02:07]
rg but usually 'GammaG [02:07]
rg Gammerz [02:07]
rg Homosexual [02:07]
rg MakiNami [02:07]
rawrmage he kicked me from all the channels I joined on my stalker client that he was in [02:08]
rawrmage "suspected bot (shitlisted)" [02:08]
rg yeah [02:08]
rawrmage just because I had joined and didn't say anything [02:08]
rg we'll just have to keep stalking [02:09]
rg its obvious we wont get any money back [02:09]
rg but we can piss that person off [02:09]
rg i msg'd him/her and let him know all the moneypaks were reported stolen [02:09]
rawrmage lol [02:09]
rawrmage nobody wants strychnine? :( [02:10]
* kall has quit (Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.) [02:10]
amiller its rat poison aint it [02:10]
* eldnord has quit (Quit: eldnord) [02:10]
Staatsfeind .wik strychnine [02:11]
markac "Strychnine ( /ˈstrɪkniːn/; also US /ˈstrɪknaɪn/ or /ˈstrɪknɪn/) is a highly toxic (LD50 = c. 16 mg/kg in rats, 1–2 mg/kg orally in humans[1]|), colorless crystalline alkaloid used as a pesticide, particularly for killing small vertebrates such as birds and [...]" - [02:11]
* copumpkin has quit (Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.) [02:11]
* agricocb (~agricolc@unaffiliated/agricocb) has joined #bitcoin-otc [02:11]
Staatsfeind amiller: ^ ☺ [02:11]
RadiumCat :( [02:11]
RadiumCat mouseykillers :( [02:11]
rg who is this Cat person [02:13]
rg i like to say meow but hate cats [02:13]
* Shakaru (4a3d6f9e@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [02:13]
* RadiumCat eats rg [02:13]
* RadiumCat spits out the bones [02:13]
RadiumCat that was yummy. [02:13]
Staatsfeind RadiumCat: i don't think rapeghosts have bones. [02:13]
RadiumCat O_O [02:13]
rg oh we have bones [02:13]
rg a love bone [02:13]
phraust meow? ME WOW! [02:13]
bruzum gah [02:14]
amiller i love ghosts but hate rape [02:14]
amiller also vice versa [02:14]
bruzum noo many pills [02:14]
bruzum ambien [02:14]
bruzum crayc [02:14]
bruzum crazy [02:14]
bruzum too [02:14]
RadiumCat you 'r' is slightly misplace, bruzum [02:15]
* eldnord ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [02:16]
RadiumCat misplaced* [02:16]
* seco (~seco@unaffiliated/seco) has joined #bitcoin-otc [02:16]
RadiumCat moooeow! [02:17]
RadiumCat :( [02:18]
RadiumCat toodles! [02:18]
* RadiumCat (~meow@unaffiliated/radiumcat) has left #bitcoin-otc ("bye!") [02:18]
rg s 1 [02:19]
bruzum no its not [02:21]
bruzum rg: how much is a vps [02:21]
* sgornick (~steve@unaffiliated/sgornick) has joined #bitcoin-otc [02:21]
* ChanServ gives voice to sgornick [02:21]
* Turingi has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [02:21]
rg bruzum: go checkout [02:22]
rg it should be lower right now [02:22]
* Shaded (~Shaded@unaffiliated/shaded) has joined #bitcoin-otc [02:24]
* moondino_ has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [02:24]
smickles rg: go check out [02:26]
smickles it should be blank right now [02:26]
smickles ;D [02:26]
* je_fro has quit (Remote host closed the connection) [02:26]
* BTC_Bear has quit (Quit: Leaving...) [02:32]
smickles ;;bc,price [02:35]
smickles :o gribble says to buy! [02:35]
rawrmage lol [02:36]
* BTC_Bear (~BTC_Bear@unaffiliated/btc-bear/x-5233302) has joined #bitcoin-otc [02:36]
* nelisky has quit (Quit: nelisky) [02:36]
* Geno__ (6b03c876@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [02:37]
* copumpkin (~copumpkin@unaffiliated/pumpkingod) has joined #bitcoin-otc [02:37]
* ChanServ gives voice to copumpkin [02:37]
* BTC_Bear has quit (Client Quit) [02:40]
* BTC_Bear (~BTC_Bear@unaffiliated/btc-bear/x-5233302) has joined #bitcoin-otc [02:40]
smickles oh gawd, does anyone else's wife just have to watch 'american idol' [02:40]
bruzum i dont let my watch it [02:43]
bruzum mine [02:43]
* cyphunk has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) [02:43]
* rasengan (~rasengan@pdpc/corporate-sponsor/ has joined #bitcoin-otc [02:45]
* DeLorean719 ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [02:45]
* gribble gives voice to DeLorean719 [02:45]
* Gaglia has quit (Quit: Gaglia) [02:45]
BTCHero rg thanks for messing with that scammer [02:46]
mircea_popescu o hey nice jump [02:46]
Staatsfeind Has he really done anything to mess with him so far? [02:46]
Staatsfeind Or is he just following him? [02:46]
BTCHero harassing it seems? [02:46]
* smickles is out of the loop [02:46]
jcpham2 pass the airplanes, smickles [02:46]
jcpham2 just say no [02:47]
smickles lol [02:47]
* Graet puts loop aroud smickles [02:47]
smickles i'm done with them for now jcpham2 :D [02:47]
* jcpham2 stalks you [02:47]
* smickles is stalked [02:47]
jcpham2 i was behind you on the plane [02:47]
jcpham2 i ran my finger through your hair once [02:47]
smickles jcpham2: i should of asked you mom to have you stop kicking my seat [02:48]
rg fuck yeah [02:48]
Graet oh gawd, does anyone else's wife just have to watch 'american idol' << i dont know what mine watches, she just gets pissed at the time i spend "tap tap tapping away" [02:48]
smickles **should have [02:48]
rg i have a $5 off at the pizza plcae [02:48]
rg fuuuuuuuuuck yeah [02:48]
* eatm789 (18ff0308@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [02:48]
* minimoose has quit (Quit: minimoose) [02:50]
NxTitle ;;getrating NxTitle [02:50]
* Dudely ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [02:51]
NxTitle ooh, not too bad [02:51]
Cusipzzz rallymode [02:51]
NxTitle ;;gpg auth NxTitle [02:51]
smickles . [02:51]
jcpham2 who you mean to tell me those 6.75 orders went through [02:52]
jcpham2 nope [02:52]
NxTitle ;;gpg verify [02:54]
NxTitle o.O [02:54]
NxTitle ;;gpg verify [02:55]
NxTitle there we go [02:55]
Staatsfeind NxTitle: You can do that in PM, too. :þ [02:55]
NxTitle that's true :P sorry, it's been a hell of a long time since I authenticated [02:55]
NxTitle my last reps were from many months ago [02:55]
NxTitle anyways, I'm looking to buy the humble bundle at $6 for 2 BTC [02:56]
smickles ;;getrating NxTitle [02:56]
Cory Staatsfeind and his thorns. [02:56]
NxTitle ooh, btc up to $6 [02:56]
novusordo :D [02:56]
NxTitle I'm still giving 2 BTC for it however [02:56]
dwon NxTitle: sold [02:57]
MBS lol nationstates [02:57]
MBS 2 days 6 hours ago: Following new legislation in Tunundium, crowds of flag-burning protesters tend to accidentally become crowds of burning protesters. [02:57]
NxTitle dwon: basically I want world of goo with it too :P [02:57]
* OGII has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [02:57]
NxTitle and it's $5.99 needed - do you mind paying $6.50 for it instead? I'll still pay 2 BTC [02:57]
MBS im guessing imsaguy or imsaguy2 still isnt here, anyone wan to buy $7.54 in amazon gcs? [02:57]
rg i dunno where imsaguy is [02:58]
MBS NxTitle, ill take 2 bitcoins for it :p [02:58]
rg hes been messing with his new video cards [02:58]
rg i think hes in nerd land [02:58]
dwon NxTitle: works for me [02:58]
rg trying to get them going [02:58]
NxTitle MBS: lol, only if dwon rejects :P [02:58]
NxTitle dwon: cool [02:58]
MBS ill take 1.9 BTC [02:58]
NxTitle ;;getrating dwon [02:58]
NxTitle ;;getrating MBS [02:58]
NxTitle actually, sorry dwon [02:59]
NxTitle don't pay for it :P [02:59]
Cory 1.8! [02:59]
dwon lol [02:59]
NxTitle I'm going with MBS due to his high rating [02:59]
NxTitle sorry :( [02:59]
NxTitle ;;getrating Cory [02:59]
dwon damn, ok [02:59]
NxTitle uhhhh, holy shit Cory xD [02:59]
Cory MBS is good for it. :) [02:59]
NxTitle though I'm good with MBS - 2.0 BTC [03:00]
dwon I'm still buying the humble bundle, though. For myself. [03:00]
NxTitle indeed, but I want the steam keys as well [03:00]
smickles NxTitle: what are you trying to do? [03:00]
NxTitle smickles: buy the humble bundle for BTC [03:01]
smickles so, for ex; i buy the bundle w/ my cc, you give me btc and i give you ... steam keys? [03:02]
* OGII ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [03:02]
Dudely Who is selling BTC for MP? looking for 100-150btc [03:02]
Cory You can have the bundle sent to their email, smickles. [03:03]
* smickles is unfamiliar with the bundle [03:03]
* eatm789 has quit (Quit: Page closed) [03:04]
MBS after purchase it gives you a link with download links and steam (and sometimes desura) keys [03:04]
jcpham2 ;;getrating [ident Dudely] [03:04]
* jcpham2 is now known as dirkdizzler [03:04]
winsku hmm [03:06]
smickles hmm, indeed [03:06]
winsku my bitcoin software takes forever to synchronize with my internet [03:06]
winsku any help ? [03:06]
MBS you just installed bitcoin? [03:06]
winsku yeah [03:06]
winsku i downloaded the chain already tho [03:06]
MBS it will take at least an hour probably [03:06]
dirkdizzler tomorrow? [03:06]
MBS oh [03:06]
winsku just cant find where to place it [03:06]
MBS oh [03:06]
winsku MBS [03:07]
winsku it has took like 10hours now [03:07]
winsku got to 70 [03:07]
winsku then i stopped [03:07]
dirkdizzler 70 blocks? [03:07]
dwon Yeah, it takes a lot longer than an your. [03:07]
winsku now its at 5 :D [03:07]
dwon s/your/hour/ [03:07]
winsku 70% [03:07]
MBS C:/Users/winsku/AppData/Roaming/bitcoin/ [03:07]
winsku MBS thanks ! [03:07]
dirkdizzler what just happend [03:07]
MBS make sure to stop bitcoin before moving dat files in there [03:07]
smickles dirkdizzler: ? [03:08]
dirkdizzler smickles how many strangers did you talk about bitcoin with in your travels [03:09]
smickles dirkdizzler: 4, one on each flight [03:09]
rawrmage lol [03:09]
dirkdizzler did you ram it down their throats [03:09]
Namegduf Trapped on an airplane. [03:09]
Namegduf Unable to move. [03:09]
Namegduf Not even Internet access. [03:09]
smickles dirkdizzler: no, i presented it in a way which made them genuinely interested [03:10]
Namegduf The guy next to you... is going to convert you to bitcoins. [03:10]
dirkdizzler i normally go up to strangers and shove one of those plastic cauasius whatever coins in their mouth and scream bitcoin bitch! [03:10]
smickles Namegduf: wifi on plane, and i didn't 'preach' it, we discussed it [03:10]
Namegduf I was joking, smickles. XD [03:10]
Namegduf It was an amusing thought. [03:11]
smickles oh, lol, sry [03:11]
BTC_Bear That's why they sell alcohol. [03:11]
dirkdizzler are you guys mining bytecoins yet? [03:11]
* fhd (a57c8b61@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [03:11]
Staatsfeind Namegduf: long time no see [03:12]
Joric only megabytecoins [03:12]
* DeLorean719 has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds) [03:12]
* fhd has quit (Client Quit) [03:13]
* pp7 has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [03:15]
Cusipzzz whoa, bitcoin article on yahoo finance [03:19]
smickles link? [03:20]
Cusipzzz god, so many errors in it [03:20]
Cusipzzz [03:20]
dirkdizzler actually it came from investopedia verbatim [03:22]
Joric yeshhh [03:22]
Joric soon... [03:22]
dirkdizzler but i think yahoo has more reach [03:22]
Cusipzzz much more [03:22]
dirkdizzler so i withdraw [03:22]
dirkdizzler and you are correct [03:23]
smickles Cusipzzz: i read the same text somewhere else earlier today... hmm, where was that [03:23]
Cusipzzz haha... Good Wife is on CBS, the max price is wrong, and a bunch of other nagging issues. But hey, all publicity is good publicity, right? (see: kim kardashian) [03:23]
dirkdizzler i don't think that article uses the term "hacker currency" [03:23]
dirkdizzler but I'm not digging that terminology [03:23]
* csshih has quit (Quit: kapoof!) [03:24]
Cusipzzz at least he didn't call it a ponzi [03:24]
dirkdizzler yeah ponzi is another gawker throws around [03:24]
* csshih (~craig@unaffiliated/csshih) has joined #bitcoin-otc [03:24]
dirkdizzler or whoever [03:24]
Cory "One of the ideas behind digital currency is to remove the market effects of traditional currency..." [03:25]
rawrmage lol [03:26]
Staatsfeind wtf [03:26]
* pirateat40 knows about ponzi's. [03:27]
smickles huh, after that quote, i dont like btc anymore :? [03:27]
rawrmage lol [03:27]
gigavps can't trust that pirateat40 [03:28]
pirateat40 Never Trust A Pirate [03:28]
pirateat40 NTAP [03:28]
dirkdizzler ;;tell givavps [ident dirkdizzler] [03:29]
* copumpkin doesn't trust the pirate with any more than 5% of his coins [03:29]
dirkdizzler your 6950'sa re rocking steady broither [03:29]
Graet good advice pirateat40 :) [03:30]
Graet TRUST MEEEE!!! [03:30]
Graet :P [03:30]
* Framedragger has quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) [03:30]
rawrmage can anyone loan me 6 btc until, um, 2/11 [03:32]
NxTitle how much would we be getting back? [03:32]
dirkdizzler how much interest [03:32]
dirkdizzler i require 1 million percent, is this acceptable? [03:32]
rawrmage how does 2% sound [03:32]
dirkdizzler and what is you address [03:32]
rawrmage :P [03:32]
smickles 2% apy? [03:33]
Graet november? or do you do that backward date thing rawrmage ? [03:33]
* moblob has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) [03:33]
dirkdizzler give me your address before i change my mind [03:33]
rawrmage Graet: i do that backward date thing [03:33]
rawrmage dirkdizzler: 2%? [03:33]
Cusipzzz lol euro dates [03:33]
dirkdizzler sure man [03:33]
rawrmage dirkdizzler: 1C4tMKm3xiTyNp4jkitEpTMa6tfQ7nVHc5 [03:33]
Graet oh ok :) [03:34]
* Dudely ( has left #bitcoin-otc [03:34]
dirkdizzler f2e1a9f7cc51f9388d903ea4f8a184c87edeac259704f68bd2475c168da396b7 [03:34]
rawrmage repayment address? [03:34]
dirkdizzler 13sqatmLFpbZX2aVLPHkVSh5KXoAJQP34E por favor [03:35]
rawrmage k [03:35]
dirkdizzler ty [03:35]
rawrmage let it hereby be known in the annals of #bitcoin-otc that I owe 6.12 bitcoins to be repayed to 13sqatmLFpbZX2aVLPHkVSh5KXoAJQP34E on february 11, 2012 [03:35]
rawrmage repaid* [03:35]
seco guess im too late, if i also offer with free interest, and also higher amount possible to later date? :D [03:36]
NxTitle jeez, I wish I could only have 2% interest on loans [03:36]
* h4ckm3 ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [03:37]
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smickles NxTitle: it wasn't 2% apy [03:38]
Staatsfeind rawrmage: In the future, you should specify interest in ‰, instead of %. :þ [03:39]
rawrmage Staatsfeind: lol [03:39]
Staatsfeind ‰ is a cooler symbol. ☺ [03:39]
NxTitle is that a question mark or am I lacking unicode? [03:39]
Staatsfeind Also, it's likely to confuse retards. [03:39]
Staatsfeind NxTitle: It seems you're lacking unicode. ☹ [03:39]
Staatsfeind .u ‰ [03:40]
markac U+2030 PER MILLE SIGN (‰) [03:40]
NxTitle ah [03:40]
smickles is that 65% interest, or did i do my math wrong? [03:40]
NxTitle thanks markac [03:40]
Staatsfeind smickles: No one's lending BTC for a year at a time; calculating interest rate in per annum terms would be silly. [03:41]
Cusipzzz 2% compounded infinitely [03:42]
* frauf ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [03:42]
dirkdizzler yes i require 2% ad infinitum [03:42]
Cusipzzz lol [03:42]
dirkdizzler i hope that was made clear in the terms [03:42]
NxTitle I can loan out 10 BTC for a year, but you have to pay me back 4 BTC per month [03:42]
rawrmage lending btc for a year would be crazy because you'd have no idea where the price would be :P [03:42]
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rawrmage it would suck to have taken out a loan for 10000 btc a year ago or something [03:43]
rawrmage for 1 year [03:43]
NxTitle rawrmage: it would suck to have bought a pizza for 10000 BTC a year ago or something [03:43]
novusordo lol [03:43]
dirkdizzler or even worse, sex [03:43]
Staatsfeind rawrmage: Yes, but the reason is irrelevant; it doesn't happen. Because it doesn't happen, stating interest rates in per annum terms is foolish, regardless of the reason it's not lent out for a year at a time. [03:43]
dirkdizzler imasgine if you spent 10k btc on sex [03:43]
rawrmage NxTitle: not really [03:43]
NxTitle dirkdizzler: but you can't shove bitcoins where you'd normally shove bills [03:44]
Staatsfeind dirkdizzler: You mean like on a marriage? :þ [03:44]
NxTitle rawrmage: unless it was an orgasmic pizza [03:44]
dirkdizzler yeah, like 10k btc a year ago might be meaningless sex, today it's like marriage [03:44]
rawrmage NxTitle: one you just lose potential profit, the other you still have to repay the same amount of btc for a greater usd value now [03:44]
NxTitle yeah, but it may be less [03:45]
NxTitle and, people might also just keep money in BTC rather than exchanging it [03:45]
rawrmage maybe [03:45]
smickles Staatsfeind: i thought someone said something like "i wish all my loans were 2%", that had something to do with my motivation to consider this 2% in 'regular' terms [03:45]
rawrmage .wa 2‰ in % [03:45]
markac 2\\:2030 1\/1;2\\:2030 1\/1 = 0.2% [03:46]
rawrmage mhm [03:46]
rawrmage interesting formatting there [03:46]
smickles lol [03:46]
dirkdizzler spend all bitcoins on gambling, internet sex, and illegal drugs in 2012 [03:46]
seco not a good base to ask for a loan :D [03:48]
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rawrmage lol [03:49]
smickles aw, it was 66.36%... poo [03:49]
rawrmage invest in drugs [03:49]
rawrmage :P [03:49]
* benjamindees ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [03:50]
seco over 200% rate of return hehe [03:50]
seco ill prefer investing into culture: [03:51]
seco but no legal party accepts bitcoin :-/ [03:52]
dirkdizzler there is a war on drugs i hear [03:52]
blognewb which among the wallst cc is the least evil..? any comments on getting a chase credit card? [03:54]
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rawrmage people shouldn't go to war when they're on drugs, dirkdizzler [03:55]
* gribble gives voice to DeLorean719 [03:55]
Cusipzzz blognewb: check - there are some good chase incentives.. airline tickets, 100$ cash, etc for new cc accounts [03:55]
blognewb Cusipzzz you know the minimum credit score [03:56]
Cusipzzz blognewb: no idea, sorry. they might just give lower limits to lower scores, but not sure on the min for aceptance [03:56]
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a5m0 chsados, i'm here [04:00]
* llanox (6319be38@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-otc [04:01]
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blognewb OMGawd [04:03]
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rg s 1 [04:10]
rg ;;ticker [04:10]
* gribble gives voice to paulzag [04:11]
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llanox Anybody like iTunes here? [04:13]
pirateat40 Kick him [04:14]
pirateat40 KICK HIM [04:14]
paulzag ;;getrating dwon [04:15]
llanox Jeez [04:15]
Staatsfeind lol [04:15]
llanox I'm not particurarly found of iTunes either I'm just trying to get rid of some iTunes cards [04:15]
llanox *fond [04:15]
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dwon llanox: So, you're saying your iTunes cards are not all that valuable? [04:16]
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smickles woah, i have almost as many btc now as i did when they were 30ish usd each. it's 'like' the most i've ever had [04:18]
blognewb fuck i could have gotten that free hard drive [04:18]
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Woofcat I think it was MBS who resold Kimisurfi boxes? [04:20]
* moblob ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [04:20]
MBS yeah im reselling kimsufis [04:20]
Woofcat What datacenter are they in if you know off hand. Also, what was your BTC pricing again? [04:21]
MBS well its owned by ovh, so in their datacenters [04:21]
MBS [04:21]
Woofcat Yeah, however ovh has France, England iirc. [04:21]
MBS 5/12/15 BTC [04:21]
Woofcat and a few. [04:21]
Woofcat ;;ticker [04:22]
MBS all their servers are actually in france though [04:22]
MBS right now a 7 day wait on the atoms though :( [04:22]
Woofcat Quite the premium for in theory anonymous use. [04:22]
MBS well could cut it down a bit now since BTC price just rose [04:22]
smickles gentoo is slowly becoming the only distro i can reliably install D: [04:22]
phantomcircuit Woofcat, all ovh servers are physically in france [04:23]
MBS and not really completely anonymous use, still have to make an account with ovh [04:23]
phantomcircuit oh [04:23]
MBS its just they wont ask for your id and address info [04:23]
Woofcat phantomcircuit, cool. the only OVH box i've ever rented was in France. [04:23]
phantomcircuit already covered that [04:23]
MBS oh lol [04:23]
phantomcircuit they have an irish subsidiary for tax purposes only [04:23]
Staatsfeind haha [04:23]
MBS now today the 16Gs have a 1 week wait as well [04:23]
MBS only the 24Gs still have the "1 hour wait" [04:23]
phantomcircuit MBS, well the 1 hour wait is bullshit as well [04:24]
* Joric has quit () [04:24]
MBS yeah [04:24]
MBS but generally it will be by next morning in france [04:24]
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phantomcircuit it's 1 hour wait between the hours of 9am-11am,1pm-4pm monday-thursday, 9am-11am friday [04:24]
phantomcircuit then they all go and get drunk [04:24]
phantomcircuit (i believe this to be literally true) [04:25]
MBS also the billing can get confirmed quicker if you store your money as their points [04:25]
smickles <- makes me want to drink [04:25]
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Staatsfeind I really ought to write a blog. [04:26]
phantomcircuit Woofcat, btw might as well spam you with this [04:26]
Woofcat Yeah, phantomcircuit I've debated the whole VPS thing to run like a tor exit node or something. [04:27]
pirateat40 vragnaroda, you would mess up the grammar somewhere and it would be over. [04:27]
Staatsfeind phantomcircuit: Are you still reading the manual? :Þ [04:27]
Woofcat However, if I get a kimi box it will be to replace my hetzner box which is used for the seedinf [04:27]
phantomcircuit Staatsfeind, i've graduated to fixing their shit code [04:27]
Staatsfeind pirateat40: I don't claim I'm infallible. [04:27]
Woofcat And until the VPS boxes start having like TB's of space and bandwidth [04:27]
Staatsfeind phantomcircuit: Ooh, well, that's good. [04:27]
Woofcat not really a replacement option [04:27]
pirateat40 vragnaroda, but I claim that you are.... and don't you mess with my vouch for you. [04:28]
MBS but yeah woofcat, pretty much would do for $25/$65/$80 in BTC [04:28]
BTC_Bear Staatsfeind: Call it: "WTF You Retards" [04:28]
Staatsfeind lol [04:28]
phantomcircuit Woofcat, i run momentovps and basically im not gonna enforce bandwidth rules until i start having to pay for more bandwidth [04:28]
MBS maybe a little less once my capital one card comes in so that there would be no international fee [04:28]
Woofcat phantomcircuit, where is momento located? [04:28]
phantomcircuit ovh [04:28]
Staatsfeind BTC_Bear: That might be a common theme, but it wouldn't be mostly about English usage. :/ [04:28]
Woofcat phantomcircuit, AUP? [04:28]
MBS Woofcat, im guessing you would want one of the atom boxes? [04:29]
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phantomcircuit Woofcat, [04:29]
Woofcat MBS right now I'm running a i7 with 16GB of ram [04:29]
Woofcat 2 TB drives [04:29]
* _chsados_ ( has joined #bitcoin-otc [04:29]
MBS ah so probably the 16G or 24G then [04:29]
Woofcat and 10TB traffic limit [04:29]
MBS price? [04:29]
Woofcat Uhh [04:29]
pirateat40 ;;rate vragnaroda -5 Doesn't believe that his grammar is good enough for a blog. [04:29]
Woofcat let me get the euro. [04:29]
phantomcircuit Staatsfeind, i had to patch libvirt so that wiping an lvm partition doesn't result in the entire hosts page cache being flushed, they weren't using O_DIRECT :/ [04:30]
MBS dont remember what cpus the 16G get, might be sandy bridge but not sure [04:30]
Staatsfeind lol [04:30]
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Woofcat 41.18 € [04:30]
Woofcat admittedly I did pay like a 150Euro setup fee [04:30]
MBS ouch [04:30]
phantomcircuit Staatsfeind, libvirt the product of a billion dollar company cant handle wiping a fucking partition properly [04:30]
MBS yeah the kimsufi 16Gs are 40 EUR [04:30]
MBS though no setup fee, lol [04:30]
Woofcat MBS yeah, setup fees suck. However I really enjoy my DC. [04:31]
* chsados has quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds) [04:31]
MBS is it possible to transfer the hetzner boxes [04:31]
phantomcircuit MBS, i5-2300 [04:31]
Woofcat as it's not all piracy etc. [04:31]
MBS ah ok [04:31]
pirateat40 Woofcat, i know about piracy. [04:31]
Staatsfeind BTC_Bear, pirateat40: It'd probably be mostly about politics. [04:32]
pirateat40 Ewww [04:32]
blognewb [04:33]
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MBS yeah my score is going to be kind of erratic for a while soon [04:34]
smickles Canada's Criminal Code limits the interest rate to 60% per year. :o [04:35]
Woofcat Yeah [04:35]
Woofcat that's why I loan money at 59.99% compounded daily. [04:35]
smickles :D [04:35]
Woofcat The largest loan I have given so far this year was $10,000 [04:36]
MBS right now only have one card and alot of student debt [04:36]
smickles you're canadian Woofcat ? [04:36]
Woofcat How I love people needing money [04:36]
imsaguy Here I am [04:36]
Woofcat smickles, yeah. [04:36]
MBS 80% utilization now, though still showing 99% on reports for now [04:36]
Staatsfeind Well, it might be useful to, at some point, have some kind of formalized credit reporting in here. [04:36]
Woofcat Lol, we just need to build assets held into gribble. [04:37]
Woofcat as people with like a car and a house are far less likely to steal $50 [04:37]
Woofcat then someone who owns nothing and is 14 [04:37]
smickles ;;seen mrpointer [04:37]
MBS just got denied for chase freedom, got $2000 on a capital one student card, $1500 on discover student, and got rejected for AMEX ZYNC, but got counteroffer for the $500 limit version with autopay (limit goes away if you actually use it a few months) [04:37]
Woofcat Also, anyone want to hear some shitty news? I had my home inspection done. The fucking attic was wet and musty. [04:37]
smickles mrpointer was last seen in #bitcoin-otc 1 week, 2 days, 0 hours, 11 minutes, and 15 seconds ago: ;;ident smickles [04:38]
Woofcat So there goes $10k in ripping off the shingles and the plywood [04:38]
smickles ^ not looking good [04:38]
Woofcat anything with mold etc. Getting ripped out [04:38]
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smickles yeah, mold sucks for property owners in civilized countries [04:39]
MBS Woofcat, you know you have always wanted a convertable house [04:39]
* Woofcat sighs [04:39]
* redrocket has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [04:39]
Woofcat the home inspection was going so fucking well at first [04:39]
Woofcat like 'new gutters' was the largest item [04:39]
Woofcat for $1800 [04:39]
Woofcat open the attic and just .... fuck me [04:39]
Woofcat So I am asking the sellers to drop like $10k and rip off the roof [04:40]
Woofcat and replace it. [04:40]
* h4ckm3 has quit (Quit: Leaving) [04:41]
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phantomcircuit MBS, LOL [04:42]
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novusordo a retractable roof would be amazing [04:42]
novusordo picnics in your house ftw [04:42]
Staatsfeind phantomcircuit: Apparently, OS X actually renders 01f4a9! [04:43]
phantomcircuit poop? [04:43]
phantomcircuit yeah [04:43]
phantomcircuit they have an extensive poop collection [04:43]
MBS lol [04:44]
Staatsfeind Well, thank copumpkin for that screencap. [04:44]
* Raccoon` has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds) [04:44]
MBS hmm [04:44]
MBS Staatsfeind, is there a way to hack font into windows? [04:44]
phantomcircuit i have monospace installed [04:45]
phantomcircuit and also [04:45]
phantomcircuit monospace [04:45]
Staatsfeind MBS: Huh? [04:45]
phantomcircuit EVERYTHING MUST BE STRAIGHT [04:45]
imsaguy ;;seen occulta [04:45]
NxTitle who said anything about sexual orientation [04:45]
MBS like copy fonts from OSX [04:45]
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gfinn of course there is [04:46]
Staatsfeind Well, that's not just a font thing. [04:46]
* cryptoxchange (~Ken@unaffiliated/cryptoxchange) has joined #bitcoin-otc [04:46]
MBS why not, im assuming its unicode [04:46]
Staatsfeind That's the OS providing color, too, so I don't know if it's actually part of a proper font or if it's just the OS saying here's this extra-font character with special rendering. [04:47]
smickles i'm beginning to think that 'gay' and 'straight' are unrealistic social constructs [04:47]
MBS so if you had apple color emoji font installed on windows i dont see why it wouldnt work [04:47]
Staatsfeind It's already treating it as a special case; I just don't know how special they're treating it. [04:47]
* redrocket (~redrocket@unaffiliated/redrocket) has joined #bitcoin-otc [04:49]
MBS oh wait windows doesnt support full color fonts [04:49]
MBS wonder if their is a feature request for windows 8 :p [04:49]
smickles hmm, how are credit cards able to charge a higher rate than the defined maximum in the state where i am? [04:50]
Staatsfeind *there [04:50]
Staatsfeind smickles: Issuing them in another state. :þ [04:50]
benjamindees they argue that they aren't subject to state laws [04:50]
benjamindees been doing it for a while actually [04:50]
MBS oh wait [04:51]
MBS Unicode Emoji fonts are included with Windows Phone 7.5 and the Windows 8 Developer Preview. [04:51]
smickles s/able/allowed to/ [04:51]
MBS already done i guess, lol [04:51]
gfinn allowed to to? [04:52]
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smickles lol, .. YES [04:52]
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smickles cryptoxchange :( [04:55]
smickles they need to get back to me already [04:55]
* cryptoxchange (~Ken@unaffiliated/cryptoxchange) has joined #bitcoin-otc [04:55]
smickles i'm about ready to start complaining in public, grr [04:56]
gfinn about to start? [04:56]
smickles i dunno [04:56]
smickles cryptoxchange: what relationship do you have with [04:57]
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phantomcircuit smickles, he's legit [04:59]
smickles phantomcircuit: i don't doubt it, but support is taking nigh on a week now [05:00]
phantomcircuit i heard something about someone being sick? [05:00]
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_chsados_ this is a little .... odd [05:02]
gfinn odd? [05:02]
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Staatsfeind _chsados_: you must be new around here :þ [05:03]
_chsados_ lol well i just now took a closer look at luke [05:04]
_chsados_ he seems VERY OCD [05:04]
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* phungus is now known as phungio [05:05]
* phungi is now known as phungus [05:05]
gfinn what, because he actually bothers with an educational plan? [05:05]
Staatsfeind _chsados_: Actually, that's probably the sanest thing I've seen from him. [05:05]
Staatsfeind I like that table. [05:06]
gfinn i guess he could just send his kids off to the state's centers and forget about them. [05:06]
_chsados_ gfinn, its much more than an education plan [05:06]
Staatsfeind It needs some fleshing out, but it's not bad. [05:06]
gfinn chsados: no, it's much less. it's incomplete [05:06]
Staatsfeind Too much superstitious bullshit, but at least he made that easy enough to excise. [05:06]
_chsados_ "standing and walking" [05:06]
_chsados_ "brust teeth" "dusting" [05:07]
gfinn it's not bad [05:07]
_chsados_ lol [05:07]
Staatsfeind luke-jr: That chart's not that bad. [05:07]
_chsados_ the concept is intrigueing [05:07]
_chsados_ riding vehicular toys LOL [05:07]
phraust I was just about to start archery with my eldest. [05:07]
* moblob has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [05:07]
_chsados_ archery is really fun [05:07]
MBS bleh well this sucks :| [05:08]
MBS We have not yet received the mail-in portion of your rebate; please allow 21 days from the mail-date for the rebate to be entered into our system. [05:08]
_chsados_ one of my fondest memorys from summer camp [05:08]
MBS been right around 21 days, lol [05:08]
MBS i guess if it doesnt show in a week or so, will bitch to newegg [05:08]
phraust yeah, about the best thing I took away from boy scouts. [05:08]
phraust but seeing as it's all mormon propaganda now, out of the question for him. [05:08]
gfinn phraust: you live in utah? [05:09]
* Someguy1234 has quit (Read error: Operation timed out) [05:09]
phraust At the moment. [05:09]
phraust But the mormon church runs the boy scouts. [05:09]
smickles i lucked out and had a secular scout troop [05:09]
phraust fuck them up the goat ass. [05:09]
Staatsfeind Mormons constitute 30-something% of the BSA. [05:09]
gfinn phraust: they do? [05:09]
gfinn the whole BSA? [05:09]
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