Cabinas Genesis y otras ostras.
Saturday, 27 October, Year 10 d.Tr. | Author: Mircea Popescu
Hai c-am furat un negativ...
Touch the screen & save your kidneys!
Above : dead bird by ex hydrant in expired port d'autrefois. Zic ca-i bine.
Below : the face of what the fuck. Seriously, is that a dancing whale in a tutu ?! What's with the lampshades ???
Above : it's hard to put in words the profound meanings & deeper implications of orcdom for the benefit of they unfamiliar. Here's ten thousand's worth.
Below : astro-atmospherical phenomena as seen from MP's floating astro-atmospherical observatory. Spherical especially.
Zic ca-i... bine.
Category: La pas prin lume