And in things that "didn't happen" today : here's 192 cracked github keys (some hotties in "tech" included, yes).

Friday, 11 May, Year 10 d.Tr. | Author: Mircea Popescu

In continuation and as expression of the general policyi of The Most Serene Republic, Trilema is proud to offer publicly today an extension of the fetlife meatlistii.

Please find below compiled for your perusal pleasure the github meatlist, a collection of equally worthless meat (claiming "tech" inclinationsiii this time).

For your convenience the list below is divided in two sectionsiv :

The Hotties

Gu Huiqin Alice (archivedv)

aliceguguFriends with Wan Wenli (swwl1992, "Observing a historical process", Singapore) ; Xie Chenhong (xch91, National University of Singapore Singapore) ; Klughertz Jonathan (klugjo, "Has laptop. Will code.", Credit Suisse Singapore)
Compromised key : 1, 2

Carissa Chen (archived)

carissachenCarissa has no friends. Just sayin'.
Compromised key : 1

Chan9ry.ian (archived)

wcwebWorks at in Foshan, China. As best as can be discerned her job is being the supplier of .us locus.
Like all females on github, she has no friends. Because.
Compromised key :

innergap (archived)

innergapCompletely useless, but what can you do.
Compromised key : 1

The Notties

Cassie Shum (archived)

cassiendWorks at ThoughtWorks, New York.
Friends with Vinood Katuwa (venoodkhatuva12, "BigData DevOps Engineer Python Linux Enthusiast Shell-Script Programming Ethical-Hacktivist Cloud Googler Black Console Mad abt Automation Love A.I. Knowledge" from AccionLabs Ontario, Canada) ; Dave Cameron (davcamer, DigitalOcean) ; Dahlia B. (dlbock, of bigcommerce) etc.

Compromised key : 1

Tamara Chu (archived)

sabrichuSort-of works at Eventbrite in Frisco, but lightly on the works and heavy on the sitting around.
Has one friend who totally isn't her ex bf, stalking her... "work".
Compromised key : 1

Johannes Schindelin (archived)

dschoWorks at Microsoft ; Git for Windows maintainer. 1,088 contributions in the last year. Friends with a lot of people. Herp.
Compromised key : 1

Song (archived)

songhanSong is as much a dumb fuck as he's butt-ugly ; butt nevertheless a model catamite, and so will join MIT as assistant professor in July 2018, ass apparently everyone at Stanford is tired of his services. (Song specializes in thigh and pelvis architectures for efficient deep penetration.)
Approximately 0 contributions (to anything), however a hefty list of 861 followersvi. Because UStards, what.
Compromised key : 1

Rick Duggan (archived)

rickduggan"CEO @ Concierge Software Design / CTO @ Input Strategic Partners. VegasTech Community Leader. Entrepreneur. Mentor. Advisor." no less, at least according to the dude himself. Las Vegas, NV.
1,371 contributions in the last year, friends with ~nobody.
Compromised key : 1

Ricardo Martinelli de Oliveira (archived)

rimoliveSenior Software Engineer, USG.RedHat.
Friends with 55 retardsvii, 238 globs of vomit regurgitated so far -- and it's barely May!
Compromised key : 1

Curtis Spencer (archived)

jubosWorks for Facebook in San Francisco, CA. 41 friends.
Compromised key : 1

Yuri Lukyanov (archived)

lukyanovMajor contributor to, eg, erlexa (Amazon Alexa Signature Verifier in Erlang) ; various haskellisms. Some access to private repos.
Compromised key : 1

Michael Goerz (archived)

goerzPostdoctoral researcher at @mabuchilab, working on quantum network modeling and optimal quantum control, Stanford University, Stanford, CA.
682 contributions in the last year, 38 friends.
Compromised key : 1

Friedger Müffke (archived)

friedgerOfficially affiliated with AAC2013, BruGTUG, gdg-wisdom, gdg-x, GlobalAndroidDevCamp, GoogleDeveloperGroups, openintentsm and VHackAndroid. 446 contributions in the last year, 118 friends.
Compromised key : 1

Sean Stanard (archived)

seanstanardThis paerticularly ugly fucker works at Data Ridge Applications in Washington, DC.
As you might have expected, he has no friends.
Compromised key : 1

Luis Antonio Rodríguez (archived)

rockrdzKid works for some bookprinter, has ~nothing to do with software, but at least his teeth aren't straight.
Compromised key : 1

Claudio andres giraldo (archived)

andres18281From Colombia.
Friends with José Moreira (cusspvz, "Want to pay me a cup of coffee? BTC: 1KVXAKkU5Yh5xm9g1YvzkWxmBnRT97yC9w") and other such wetbacks.viii
Compromised key : 1, 2, 3

Pham Tuan (archived)

phamtuanchipNeet from Vietnam. Mildly active.
Friends with Neal Fultz (nfultz, "Computational statistician, programmer and data scientist.") ; Jacob Gadikian (faddat, "I tinker with blockchains: * Mining * Staking * Witnessing * Mine Automation") and various people from the list.
Compromised key : 1

Steven Walter (archived)

srwalterNeet from Lexington, KY ; as you can see he enjoys typically neetish facial hair. Not entirely inactive.
Friends with the usual suspects and some rural yokels.
Compromised key : 1

Nikolai Muhhin (archived)

santailNeet from Talinn. Does nothing all day long, 75% of his friends list is made up of people on the list of people that are friends with people whose ssh keys got raped.
Compromised key : 1

Svetoslav Chernobay (archived)

slavachProfessionally slovenly orc.
Compromised key : 1

magicst0ne (archived)

magicst0neNobody on a stick.
Compromised key : 1

Kushnir Andrew (archived)

kushnirandrewSome kid from the bay area.
Friends with Claudio Santoro (ovflowd, "Campus Expert at @github (:octocat:), Researcher at @uiot (), @docker Ambassador, Passionate Gamer () and Lead Engineer at @mudeeco") and no one else.
Compromised key : 1

Chris Weber (archived)

cosmicdreamsSoftware Engineer at The Nerdery, Minneapolis, MN
1,653 contributions in the last year. Friends with all kind and manner of dorks. Have fun now.
Compromised key : 1

Mike Lin (archived)

linmxySome kid from Singapore. 34 contributions. 100% of his friends are people from the list of friends of people on this list.
Compromised key : 1

CJ (archived)

imcjNeet/"php architect" from ShangHai, China. 31 friends, 112 contributions in the last year.
Compromised key : 1, 2

Jason B. Herald (archived)

jasonheraldNeet from Christiansburg, VA. Friends with Leam Hall (LeamHall, "Author, Linux/Ansible guy. Coder for games and text wrangling.") ; Marius Gripsgard (mariogrip, "Living in the Ubuntu world, @ubports and @Halium developer") and various previously seen dorks. Github user #392.
Compromised key : 1

Clayton Brand (archived)

clay-to-nWorks at Stasis Labs, Los Angeles.
Friends with the Bitcoin beggar ; Shane Mileham (shanemileham, "Giving motivated people the best tools in the world to succeed and be happy") ; Seandon Mooy (erulabs, "DevOps @ RunKit / Node.js developer) etcetera.
Compromised key : 1

Jonathan Clarkin (archived)

jclarkinNeet from Ottawa, Canada.
Don't you find it disturbing that the ~only way these losers have to get females in the same shot is to have daughters ?
Compromised key : 1

Jonas Weber (archived)

thriqonAnother offensive mug of another offensive neet.
Friends with a bunch of nobodies and the bitcoin beggar.
Compromised key : 1

Roberto Arcomano (archived)

bertolinuxWorks for one helluva garage "firm" in Caselette, Turin, Italy. Red Hatting and whatnot, because what are orcs for.
Compromised key : 1

Charles Forsyth (archived)

Friends with Rui Carmo (rcarmo, "I fix things other people designed broken. @Microsoft @Azure Solution Architect, Mac user, Linux sysadmin, @python, @golang and @clojure developer" from Microsoft Lisbon, Portugal) ; Eric Van Hensbergen (ericvh, "Fellow at Arm Research ( @ARM-software @arm-hpc ) Previously researcher at IBM and Bell-Labs." from Arm Austin, TX) and a selection of the other previously listed dorks.
Compromised key : 1

Travis Elkins (archived)

telkinsMeth abuser living in some garret somewhere. Produced no less than 1,828 inconsequential pieces of useless nonsense this year alone!
Has no friends. Stay off meth, especially the varieties you can afford.
Compromised key : 1

teletautala (archived)

teletautala"fullypwnd -- This program is designed to identify operating system and running services and find exploits for those services and attempt to connect." Don't worry though, it does neither work nor make much sense.
Compromised key : 1

Chase Lambert (archived)

theicfireIf I told you his brain works would you believe me ?
No ?
Compromised key : 1,2

Martin Parsiegla (archived)

speaNeet from Berlin. Negligible contributions.
Friends with Daryl Eisner (ucsdmath, "☕️ UCSDMath Framework support for various in-house applications and testing.") ; Ronit Sajeey (ItzLevvie, "❤ FreedomOP SrA / ROM Developer for OnePlus 5 ❤ #WindowsInsiders") ; Ben Bieler (benbieler, "Currently working @scandio. Mainly doing Node and Scala awesomeness. React, Angular 2 and Java.") ; Marco Bunge (mbunge, "My name is Marco Bunge. My toolkit consist of a combination of PHP, NodeJS, JavaScript, HTML, CSS.") and so following.
Compromised key : 1

Ryan Parsley (archived)

ryanparsleyNeet from Cincinatti, Ohio. 457 contributions in the last year.
Friends with Dave Dziak (JavaTheHutt, "Bootcamp Advocate at Cincy Code IT"), the bitcoin beggar and various obscura.
Compromised key : 1

Ward Bekker (archived)

wardbekkerNeet from Amsterdam.
Friends with Andy (m-2k, "Coolhacker. Oldfag. Bitard. Fuckin Coolboy. Fullstack Developer.") ; Wojtek Gawroński (afronski, "Software Developer and BEAM enthusiast, IT Geek and Computer Science nerd, Post-rock and Sci-Fi fan, @silesian-beamers and @functional-miners organizer.") etcetera.
Compromised key : 1

ghimus (archived)

Compromised key : 1

David Lyons (archived)

dmlyonsUseless dork, friends with ~same set of useless dorks.
Compromised key : 1

Asterios Katsifodimos (archived)

asterioskWorking at TU Delft in Berlin, Germany.
Compromised key : 1

jgabrielygalan (archived)

jgabrielygalanNeet, 129 contributions. Friends with the bitcoin beggar!
Compromised key : 1

Victor Alencar (archived)

valencarDoes cloud/ruby bullshit for acquia in Sao Paulo, Brazil.
813 contributions in the last year, 5 friends of which nobody ever heard. Except for you, of course, you read Trilema.
Compromised key : 1

LO-RAN (archived)

lo-ranFrench neet, entirely inconsequential.
Compromised key : 1

ajcannane (archived)

Compromised key : 1

Jacob (archived)

jsaurWorks at Kiva in Frisco.
Friends with Connor Jackson (conrjac, SalesForce Developer, UK) and Chikwama (Chikwama, Cryptographic asset marketplace,
Blantyre, Malawi, Port Elizabeth, South Africa). About as inconsequential as that list sounds.
Compromised key : 1

Igor Mysak (archived)

Compromised key : 1

Le Quang Hai (archived)

lehai0609Some kid from Vietnam -- which apparently also still exists.
Compromised key : 1

Kevin Herr (archived)

kherr9Some kid from Chicago. 40% of his friends are people from the list of friends of people on this list.
Compromised key : 1

Imre Mehesz (archived)

imeheszNeet. 21 friends (including the bitcoin beggar).
Compromised key : 1

Aidan Lawn (archived)

aidanjlFrom Vancouver, BC.
Compromised key : 1

Guillermo Garcia (archived)

ggarciaWorks at "RealidadFutura", Madrid.
Friends with the bitcoin beggar and various nobodies.

Compromised key : 1

Chris Ackad (archived)

cackadWorks at CHAI Reaserch Goup, University of Sydney, Australia but is still a friendless virgin!
Compromised key : 1

Irving Rocha (archived)

hardsoftrejolegendsWorks at Vepxr Games, Av. Universidad 3000, Copilco, Coyoacán, 04510 Ciudad de México, Distrito Federal.
Friends with FelixSion (pisual, DSN Pisual 首席设计师、蟾宫折桂科技有限公司技术总监、月牙堂科技有限公司技术总监、Stargazer(观星者)首席设计师).
Compromised key : 1

Julian Zubek (archived)

zubekjYet another teenage dirtbag, baby.
Like you.
Compromised key : 1

Moriyoshi Koizumi (archived)

Works for opencollectorix. 606 contributions in the last year and a hefty list of friends.
Compromised key : 1

Joshua Scarsbrook (archived)

Overactive nobody from New Zealand. Works for "CROWLaboratory", ie "Cybersecurity Researchers of Waikato". Yes, it's quite as hysterical as it sounds, the indigenous cargocults of nowhere.
552 contributions in the last year, none of which were read by anyone yet (wanna be the first ?).
Friends with Bas Mechazawa ("Beep Boop, I'm a robot from the future here to take your American jobs. PGP: 0xDC840F6E") and the usual suspects.

Compromised key : 1

Integrum Technologies, LLC (archived)

Of Chandler, AZ. Enjoys the dubious distinction of having managed the largest number of popped keys on the entire list.
Compromised key : 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17

Christian Neff (archived)

Dicks around with php for an obscure outfit called "iceflame-net" in Stuttgart, Germany, "protects websites from spam and other attacks" bla bla.
Compromised key : 1

Abhishek (archived)

Works at VMware in Palo Alto

Friends with a certain Peng Xiao (xiaopeng163), CCIE #39317 NETWORK CONSULTING ENGINEER and SDN Python Developer @ciscochina and Instructor @udemy ; working at Cisco Systems Beijing, China
Compromised key : 1

Adrian Popa (archived)

Romanian neet ; 134 contributions.
Friends with nobody of any consequence.
Compromised key : 1

Dong-bum, Kim (archived)

Works at LGE, Seoul. Friendless virgin.
Compromised key : 1

johan damm (archived)

Works for Teleopti in Stockholm. 41 contributions in the last year.
Friends with Otto Remse (mollyporph, "Functional Data-Focused Polyglot PGP") ; Stephen Wan (stephenwan skyscanner, Shenzhen) and the usual suspects.
Compromised key : 1

Anjelika Lynne Sanchez Amog (archived)

No friends, no pic, prolly fat etcetera.
Compromised key : 1

Aleksey Simakov (archived)

Works at Yandex in Moscow but has no friends. Sad. Well, there is a certain Gleb Smirnov (gvsmirnov
"Bayesian Conspiracy (probably)", The Multiverse) so you know...

Compromised key : 1

Dmitry Chernyak (archived)

Works at SkyCover Company, some russki nothing-much.
Friends with some of the lulzers seen before as well as Yurii Rashkovskii (yrashk, "Check out SIT (Serverless Information Tracker)").
Compromised key : 1

Fritz (archived)

Neet with 173 contributions in the last year.
Compromised key : 1

Thomas Braibant (archived)

Friends with the various retards seen already, as well as Agnes Siekierska (AgnesAubay, "Talent Acquisition@AubayUK. AubayGroup are a Consultancy with 5K+staff in 20+ offices across Europe. We work mostly in Finance/Banking,Insurance&Tech/FinTech.") ; Zhangsheng Lai (zunction, "training my neural networks" at NVIDIA @NVAITC @SUTDBrainLab Singapore) ; Catalin Hritcux (catalin-hritcu, Researcher at Inria Paris) ; Simon Cruanes (c-cube, "Computer scientist in computational logic, automated theorem proving, and formal methods. Seasoned OCaml programmer.", @AestheticIntegration Austin, TX) ; UnixJunkie (Post-doc researcher in chemoinformatics - JSPS international research fellow, Kyushu University Japan) ; Nicolás Ojeda Bär (nojb, LexiFi SAS Paris, France) and so on.
Compromised key : 1

Dmitry Batkovich (archived)

Works at JetBrains in Saint-Petersburg, Putinlands.
Compromised key : 1

Blake Burkhart (archived)

"Security Bug Bounty Hunter", an' member of github's "relevant" GitHubBounty group.
Friends with KevinHock ("0.01x engineer. Working on taint tracking python") ; Alexandre Nicastro (AlexxNica "Entrepreneurship • Research • Art • Science • Engineering • Security • Artificial Intelligence • Blockchain • Bots • Bodybuilding") ; Dread Knight (DreadKnight, "Full time indie game developer, all about bringing people together and making awesome free open source game projects.")
and assorted such retards.
Compromised key : 1

bdandoy (archived)

Rando php-ruby dork.
Compromised key : 1

Don Browne (archived)

Friends with Emma Black (StephenBlackWasAlreadyTaken, "My name is Emma, not stephen). She could have at least had the decency to spell it with ph.
Compromised key : 1

chowwinston (archived)

70 contributions last year ; care to check which were actually made by "him" ?
Compromised key : 1

Damian Monogue (archived)

Friends with a buncha nobodies.
Compromised key : 1

Au mai interpretat : Ankush Aggarwal (archived, key) ; Athlete Grannyxi (archived, key) ; Bad Caféxii (archived, key) ; 5084PM (archived, key) ; allydhall (archived, key) ; betty-mmg (archived, key) ; bingmo01 (archived, key) ; BlueSystem Sàrlxiii (archived, key) ; Brian Tracey (archived, key) ; caffecocha (archived, key) ; Carlosxiv (archived, key) ; charlie-bz (archived, key) ; Chris Gell (archived, key) ; CristianJulianS (archived, key) ; David J Muir (archived, key) ; Daniel Branton (archived, key) ; DIANA229 (archived, key) ; 人生如戏全靠演技 (archived, key) ; Frederic LAURENTxv (archived, key) ; geyuqiu (archived, key) ; gorkanadeploy (archived, keys 1,2,3,4,5,6) ; Green222 (archived, key) ; gregdamian (archived, key) ; gunnarthor78 (archived, key) ; Jason Harab (archived, key) ; hlf0319 (archived, key) ; howjosh (archived, key) ; huanzisunny (archived, key) ; Issei Murakami (archived, keys 1,2,3) ; inDstudio (archived, key) ; Janho (archived, key) ; jasmineli4444 (archived, key) ; johliger (archived, key) ; John Wentworth (archived, key) ; josemn (archived, key) ; jtmckay (archived, key) ; julie-zhu (archived, key) ; JustWFan (archived, key) ; KalleMX (archived, key) ; kazem (archived, key) ; Kris Raney (archived, key) ; Kristoffer Egefelt (archived, key) ; lawiet8910 (archived, key) ; Leandro (archived, key) ; Leonid Mosenkov (archived, key) ; LinaCarolina (archived, key) ; luciamg (archived, key) ; Lukas Klappert (archived, key) ; Johann Maier (archived, key) ; masuda (archived, key) ; Scooter McPuffy (archived, keys 1,2) ; maxchursin (archived, key) ; max.tian (archived, key) ; mcgawn (archived, key) ; Mark Jones (archived, key) ; mjcallaghan (archived, key) ; mnsaleem (archived, key) ; Moaad (archived, key) ; mshahrukh (archived, key) ; Tony Murray (archived, key) ; N Wharton (archived, key) ; octopuses (archived, key) ; pmc-amano (archived, key) ; QiuyuanTian (archived, key) ; ReachingOurGoal (archived, key) ; reenashah (archived, key) ; richardkyeung (archived, key) ; Rob Gordon (archived, key) ; runcho (archived, key) ; sanjeevs1 (archived, key) ; Andy (archived, key) ; SOA2012-101078505 (archived, key) ; Stanley Zheng (archived, key) ; taekmin (archived, key) ; temporaneo (archived, keys 1,2) ; Tetranima (archived, key) ; theixle (archived, key) ; TimGutwald (archived, key) ; Viktor Kojouharov (archived, key) ; ventureamk (archived, key) ; wadewarrens (archived, key) ; xpertoffice (archived, key) ; yannickkuhn (archived, key) ; Laszlo Marak (archived, key)

Meanwhile disappeared from github : Anna Bitly (key) ; chabeligian (key) ; kyakumoto-ez (key) ; YoungB2 (key).

Congrats to the winners!

PS. If you're unhappy with the proportions of hotties vs notties -- talk to the "tech" subculture/fanfic, not to me.

  1. Ie, general disenfranchisement as a step towards the eventual Reddit bags. []
  2. Horny chicks with kink experience []
  3. Strictly speaking, about as fantasmagoric as the "kink" in the other case, but what can you do, a world of fakers. []
  4. The original -- extensive, and quite well documented! -- materials sent my way were structured on an entirely different section plan, based on considerations of whether the keys were cracked because afflicted with usg.redhat's efforts at subverting debian or through other avenues ; but I dispensed with it, because it's none of your fucking business.

    To quote :

    III. This dispute has made the people who don't like you stronger, and the people who do like you weaker. It's not just that the poor datacenter lost a customer it couldn't really afford to lose (and if you think independents can afford lost custom in 2015 you should probably run for a wall). It's not just that very badly written legislation makes it impossible for them to even conduct business.x It's also that I went and hired a bulletproof host nowxi. The dollars that used to go to Phoenix NAP so Phoenix NAP could pay the sort of derps who derp on Facebook about how spooks are people too and wives aren't the chattel property of their husbands a salary, and pay the US Congress taxes do not go to Phoenix NAP anymore. Consequently, there's less money for derps to derp on Facebook about how spooks are people too and wives aren't the chattel property of their husbands, and less money for the US Congress to enforce - and in short order even pass - legislation.

    Instead, those dollars now go to some people who principally work to tear the entire derps-and-Congress assemblage down. And so soon enough more spooks won't be people and more wives won't have clits, and an Internet hero is you for having made it all not merely possible but outright necessary!

    Well done, if this was the goal, but somehow I suspect the matter wasn't even considered at all, so used is the muppetry with their imaginary lala-land where there's no alternative, and the powerful will submit to whatever indignities rank stupidity may come up with. Wake up and smell the coffee, yo. That wet dream is not actually how the world works. I have the option whether to pay any tax or not. I have the option whether to follow any law or not. Stop wasting your time with posturing and start polishing the knob, because otherwise in a decade or two it'll be you in the reservations and the Indians calling the shots.

    Bear this in mind for next time you feel the itch to "handle" reality : a) you will fail and b) your failure will have costs for you, which costs b.1) mount down the line and b.2) you are at no point capable of paying.

    Disobedience and misbehaviour are not free options that you write to yourself. They're very fucking costly, and the cost will break your back. []

  5. If you're curious how this was done,

    cat atest.txt | while read line; do submitid=$(curl -A "The Most Serene Republic" "" | sed 's%"/><div style=%\n%g' | sed 's% method="post"><input type="hidden" name="%\n%g' | grep "submitid" | sed 's%submitid" value="%%g'); curl -m 20 -k -A "The Most Serene Republic" --data "submitid=$submitid" --data "url=$line" "" >> archiving-results.txt; sleep 7; done


  6. List continues : page 2 ; page 3 ; page 4 ; page 5 ; page 6 ; page 7 ; page 8 ; page 9 ; page 10 ; page 11 ; page 12 ; page 13 ; page 14 ; page 15 ; page 16 ; page 17. []
  7. Page 1, page 2. []
  8. No, he never got anything, in spite of plastering the address everywhere. Must suck. []
  9. In other lulz : uses an invalid security certificate. The certificate is only valid for the following names: , , , , , ,

    Here's the dump :

    $ openssl s_client -showcerts -connect
    depth=1 /C=US/O=DigiCert Inc/ EV RSA CA 2018
    verify error:num=20:unable to get local issuer certificate
    verify return:0
    Certificate chain
    0 s:/ Organization/ Francisco/O=Weebly, Inc./
    i:/C=US/O=DigiCert Inc/ EV RSA CA 2018
    -----END CERTIFICATE-----
    1 s:/C=US/O=DigiCert Inc/ EV RSA CA 2018
    i:/C=US/O=DigiCert Inc/ High Assurance EV Root CA
    -----END CERTIFICATE-----
    Server certificate
    subject=/ Organization/ Francisco/O=Weebly, Inc./
    issuer=/C=US/O=DigiCert Inc/ EV RSA CA 2018


  10. I think I actually know his mom. []
  11. Fake profile. []
  12. Idem. []
  13. Nobody in particular offering to make you a website. []
  14. Some infantile dorkitude with "special forces" whatever. []
  15. 74 contributions in the last year. []
Category: Meta psihoza
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3 Responses

  1. w00000w M1rc34, y0u 4r3 4 l337 h4x0r.

  1. [...] And if you haven't, I wonder what you're doing here. No really, I'm curious, you're invited to explain if you wish. Anyway, here's a bunch of references, for reference: 1, 2, and last but not least, 3. ↩ [...]

  2. [...] You're not even a thing, let alone a person -- which is why you must be quarantined, socially distanced, ultimately plastic wrapped. [...]

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