#trilema maintenance

Friday, 24 November, Year 9 d.Tr. | Author: Mircea Popescu

A chain of eventsi that led me to examine #trilema's metadata producedii a bunch of changes (which we will be listing below) as well as the lingering suspicion that the neglected "I'll fix it when I get to it" thing is still not fully right and proper, even now, 2048 days later when I finally got around to it (which is why this article exists -- fell free to add your cents in the lower box). Holy shit I typed in >512 words just to get through the first sentence.

But we persevere :

  • The entry message used to be "http://trilema.com" for reasons by now unknown through lossage into the mists of time faulty illuminated by the distant pharos of a very selective memory. It has meanwhile become "To speak in #trilema you must be voiced. If you have a RSA key registered with deedbot, send !!up to it in a private message, decrypt the challenge string and return it with !!v ; else politely ask one of the voiced people to voice you." as you can no doubt tell from the first note. I think this is a net improvement.
  • Chanserv apparently has a "URL" item, which has been set with the old value of the entrymsg item.
  • I added channel mode C, which disables CTCP for the channel. Good riddance, I never liked those..

If you're curious, here's what INFO says :

-ChanServ- Information on #trilema:
-ChanServ- Founder : mircea_popescu
-ChanServ- Successor : freenode-staff
-ChanServ- Registered : Apr 25 07:51:06 2012 (5y 30w 4d ago)
-ChanServ- Mode lock : +ntc-slk
-ChanServ- URL : http://trilema.com
-ChanServ- Entrymsg : To speak in #trilema you must be voiced. If you have a RSA key registered with deedbot, send !!up to it in a private message, decrypt the challenge string and return it with !!v ; else politely ask one of the voiced people to voice you.
-ChanServ- Flags : SECURE GUARD
-ChanServ- *** End of Info ***

And that has been all for today's edition of #trilema maintenance, see you again in... well, five or so years, I guess.

  1. I joined #lisp whereby I was unimpressed except perhaps by one single solitary item worth the mention (a logger), that evidently wasn't made by or for them ; but nevertheless I asked the owner whether he wants to add #trilema, which he did (we are using the masculine singular pronoun here to annoy people who think others besides men may own things) posthaste while simultaneously pointing out that zher's transsexual and that Freenode wants logged channels to say so in the topic -- are you happy with the chainitude of this chain of events yet by the way, cuz we're not nearly done, to wit : I changed the channel topic (removing the celebrated Plan for Wealth as spurious -- it's not so much that nobody wants to be rich but rather that people have much simpler problems much closer to home on the road towards mental independence) and adding the logging warning, but in the proces also realised that the current metadata as it exists is deeply inadequate, which led me to a revision of the whole stack. So there we go. []
  2. Here's how that production goes :

    mircea_popescu anyone remind me how to set the contents of the pm one receives upon joining up on a channel ?
    fire mircea_popescu: /msg chanserv set entrymessage
    mircea_popescu ty

    mircea_popescu fire "-ChanServ- Invalid parameters for SET."
    mircea_popescu here's my string : "/msg chanserv set entrymessage To speak in #trilema you must be voiced. If you have a RSA key registered with deedbot, send !!up to it in a private message, decrypt the challenge string and return it with !!v ; else politely ask one of the voiced people to voice you."
    fire mircea_popescu: my bad, /msg chanserv set #chan entrymsg
    mircea_popescu oh ty.
    fire i'm sure i've used "entrymessage" before
    mircea_popescu i set it years ago and entirely forgot how o.o

    mircea_popescu fire : "-ChanServ- Invalid command. Use /msg ChanServ help for a command listing."
    mircea_popescu from "/msg chanserv set #trilema To speak in #trilema you must be voiced. If you have a RSA key registered with deedbot, send !!up to it in a private message, decrypt the challenge string and return it with !!v ; else politely ask one of the voiced people to voice you."
    fire mircea_popescu: add "entrymsg" after the channel :p
    mircea_popescu ah ok

    mircea_popescu fire bingo. tyvm.
    fire ^.^
    mircea_popescu that saved me an hour of manuals grepping...

    Other than a handy manual in "how to correctly ask for help / report problems (these two are the same thing)", the above should also be instructive as to the hell we live in. Too many ideal objects to ever fit in anyone's head, and so we're stuck depending on each other's heads for survival. []

Category: Meta psihoza
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