Eulora boardroom leaks
The thing with corporate officers is that they can't keep secrets to save their lives, have you noticed ? Everything leaks like a sieve, with a tiny bit of effort and the right app their wives can read their work emails before the shareholders do.
Minigame is no different, obviously, because we're totally just as inept and incapable as the usual crop of scammers, spammers and assorted retards befouling the world with their malodorous presence. Consequently, here's a chunk of a recent boardroom conversation, leaked by unknown reality winners that somehow had the fucking sense to avoid faux "news" outlets and so preserved their anonimity.
diana_coman altfel pt partea de autentificare: eu tot citesc pe tema si din urma si din ce citesc din aia imi pare ca nu pricep cum exact "alegem"i
mircea_popescu ce anume alegem ?ii
diana_coman pai intai daca folosim chei simetrice sau otp si hash; si de care exact in orice caz; din log am vazut ca sponge si duplex constructions alea au cam fost ceva-ceva discutate si in general considerate insuficiente pe diverse coordonate desi nu mi-e tocmai clar cat de adanc au fost evaluate concret; altminteri cat e descris ca "ce ar fi bun" e tot la capitolul "inca nerezolvat" deci naiii
mircea_popescu mda. nici mie nu mi-e clar ca de-aia am si lasat-o-n aer asa. da' plm, nimic nu-i mai prost decit ce-avem acuma.iv
diana_coman deci logic vorbind cum vad eu acum am ca optiuni cam asa: ori dau cu banul si zic luam x si vedem ce facem ca oricum tot vrem sa-l schimbam cu ce o fi cand-e-gata-ce-vremv
mircea_popescu adica la
diana_coman ori altminteri adun un x, y, z si ma apuc sa le evaluez la un fel macar stim pe ce baza le-am ales; evident nu-i clar ca totusi castigam mult asa dat fiind ca la final tot "vrem sa-l schimbam cu ce o fi cand-e-gata-ce-vrem". e si chestia cu pensia, davii
mircea_popescu ca aia e problema aici, repede se invata lenesu' cu gaura-n coperis. ce punem cam aia va si fi, nu se deranjeaza nimeni sa faca ceva altfel. nici daca arde ; darminte daca n-arde.viii
diana_coman daaa. teoria lui "e numa' temporar" de ma apuca pe mine pandaliile. ca stiu din experienta cu temporaru' asta cum ramane fix asa urmatorii 50 de aniix
mircea_popescu nu ma astept sa fie evaluabil diano. tot cacatu' cu evaluatu' e facut de mintile imbecile ale "democratiei moderne" in sensu' ca sa obosesti tu cautind, nu in alt sens.x
diana_coman eh bun, deci atunci dam cu banul ca na, macar e mai ieftin deci?xi
mircea_popescu cam daxii
diana_coman atunci ce sa zic, eu as merge mai degraba pe OTP si hash in ideea ca macar nu mai importam si AESxiii
mircea_popescu e o idee. cum il facem, hash-extended sau full ?xiv
diana_coman hmxv
mircea_popescu concret : fie R un bitfield random. hash-extended e asa : pentru a trimite X mesaje, se calculeaza hash pe n fragmente R/X. full e asa : se calculeaza hash de (R + hash precedent) pe n fragmente.xvi
diana_coman da, am zis hm ca incerc adica sa urmaresc mental daca gasesc anume un fel de alegere cu care sa fiu macar impacata daca nu mai multxvii
mircea_popescu oricum nu-i ce judeca aici, dat fiind ca noa, nu exista nicaieri publicata slabiciunea unui hash function. nu ~taria~, ci slabiciunea. deci orice proces e fundamental incomparabil cu oricare altul.xviii
diana_coman mda; de aia am zis "macar impacata daca nu mai mult" ca prea mult stiu ca nu existaxix
mircea_popescu in fine, cre' ca voi publica discutia, macar de rusinea lumii daca nu de altcevaxx
diana_coman eh, cine mai are rusine acum, ca si aia costa prea mult se parexxi
mircea_popescu mda. plus ca e si drepturile omului...xxii
diana_coman cam curg din aia, daxxiii
mircea_popescu a, apropo, ti-am povestit luzlu' lumii cu justitia-n romania ?xxiv
diana_coman nu cred sau nu realizez la ce faci referintaxxv
mircea_popescu noa. deci romania are o problema ca dureaza un proces ani. da' nu de ieri, sau de pe vremea comunistilor. in imperiu' austro-ungar erau mai multe cazuri rezolvate prin moartea partilor decit prin decizia judecatorilor.xxvi
diana_coman lol! nu stiam, dar are sensxxvii
mircea_popescu da' de cind i-o colonizat imperiul bruxellezic, subsidiara incorporata a wash dc, ii cam fute-n gura pe teme diverse, gen ca de ce un copil o sunat la urgenta ca-l bate tac-su de 5 ori in 3 ani pina s-or urnit astia, si similar, ca de ce plm dureaza in medie 21 de luni o sentinta. asa ca ei ce-or facut ? pun pe rol numa' cazuri ce is rezolvate gata, si le rezolva in 6 sapt. DAR, ca sa intrii pe rol, e o comisie speciala la fiecare curte.xxviii
diana_coman ahahhaha
mircea_popescu si dureaza... noa, cam 20 de luni asa.xxix
diana_coman loooogicxxx
mircea_popescu se caca astia bruxelistii acuma cum plm sa o rezolve pe asta. practic vorbind in anul fiscal 2016 o costat romania mai mult sa aiba guvern + parlament decit daca nu avea deloc.xxxi
diana_coman cred ca la capitolul "solutii sa zicem ca ei da' sa facem tot ca noi" nu prea au sanse sa bata ei romanii ca na, antrenament lipsaxxxii
mircea_popescu da' ma rog, astea nu-s teme-n discursu' "public" din romania de pe facebook, dat fiind ca motivele dinsus.xxxiii
diana_coman da, care discurs public, cine sa tina discurs oricum, ca public sau in closet macar, da' sa chiar fie discurs, lasatixxxiv
mircea_popescu ase m-or obosit cum il luau toti in gura pe javra de quintus. tata chestia ii sa mori batrin, la romani, aia e de baza. in rest...xxxv
diana_coman apai na, s-a "descurcat" cel mai mult (adica pt mult timp aka batran) dintre toti gen, eu asa vadxxxvi
mircea_popescu exact asa si e. "asta clar ca n-o facut nimic, altfel nu supravietuia. roaga-te pentru noi, ba asta, politrucu delegat de securitate." sfinta biserica a nedoritorilor de activitate.xxxvii
diana_coman mai pe scurt si din vechime zis a lenesilor de put, ce maixxxviii
mircea_popescu pai acuma le da deodorant pe cartela.xxxix
diana_coman a?xl
mircea_popescu sa nu mai puta.xli
diana_coman mda, anti-putoarea de lene, mdaxlii
mircea_popescu ai facut apropo o evaluare de load la rsa ala din strabuni ?xliii
diana_coman n-am facutxliv
mircea_popescu noa, cam alea-s actionabile acum -- pune rsa, ala curatat de alf de-am discutat in trilema, si vezi cit costa ; pune o implementare si de hash-otp, si vezi cam ce inseamna per kb.xlv
diana_coman cam aia ziceam cu: diana_coman> ori altminteri adun un x, y, z si ma apuc sa le evaluez la un fel macar stim pe ce baza le-am ales; evident nu-i clar ca totusi castigam mult asa dat fiind ca la final tot "vrem sa-l schimbam cu ce o fi cand-e-gata-ce-vrem". ca de evaluat ca si tarie mumu. singura evaluare e de...efort genxlvi
mircea_popescu cel putin la ora actuala.xlvii
diana_coman ok, pun asta in lucru atunci si zic cand am concret chestiuneaxlviii
———- Otherwise as far as encryption goes : I keep reading on the topic, both in the logs and generally. The more I read the more it appears I don't understand what is the meaning of this "choosing". [↩]
- What is this chosing again ? [↩]
- First if to use symmetric keys or else otp+hash ; and what kind exactly in either case. From the log I've seen sponge and duplex constructions somewhat discussed, but in general with the idea of insuffiency in various perspectives though I couldn't say it's obvious just how thoroughly they were evaluated in fact. Otherwise everything described as "would be good" is without exception in the "not yet done" pile, so... [↩]
- Yeah. Can't say anything's clearer to me, which is why I left it ambiguous. Though nothing's worse than what we currently have. [↩]
- So logically, from what I can see, the practical options are either flip a coin to pick something and manage it afterwards since we're trying to change it out later when what's good is actually available... [↩]
- Which is to say after we retire... [↩]
- Or otherwise I pile up all the x, y, z and attempt to evaluate them somehow at least to know on what basis we chose. Evidently it's not clear this delivers any benefits seeing how it's supposed to be changed later anyway. And yes, the retirement point also stands. [↩]
- That's the problem here, quickly do the lazy become inured to the hole in the roof. What we end up sticking in there will stick, who will bother themselves to make something properly. Not even if it's burning, let alone if it's not burning anymore. [↩]
- Yeeeah. The theory of "just a temporary fix" gives me hives, I know from experience how's this "temporary" work in practice for the next half century. [↩]
- I do not expect an evaluation to be possible, Diana. The whole "evaluation" bullshit is made by the imbecile minds of ourdemocracy, in the direction of tiring you out with it and no other. [↩]
- Ok, so we flip on it, as it's the cheapest ? [↩]
- Pretty much. [↩]
- Then how about we do otp-and-hash, at least not import AES on top of everything. [↩]
- That's a thought. How do we go, hash-extend or full ? [↩]
- Hm. [↩]
- Concretely : let R be a random bitfield. For sending X messages, hash-extend is "calculate hash of n fragments R/X" while full is "calculate hash (R + previous hash) n times. [↩]
- Yeah, I said hm because I'm trying to figure out if I can see some kind of choice I can live with rather. [↩]
- I doubt there's anything to reason about. There's no work done whatsoever on a weakness of a hash function. Not on the ~strength~, but on the weakness. So any process is fundamentally incomparable to any other. [↩]
- Yeah, I'm discussing purely psychological factors, I know there's nothing... [↩]
- Whatever, I think I'm publishing the conversation, at least to shame the whole world if nothing else.
This, by the way, stands. This article, like a bunch other on Trilema, stand to the irredeemable shame of the entire world. There is no way out of this, as far as the past is concerned. [↩]
- Eh, who has any shame left, it's too expensive to be afforded. [↩]
- Myeah. Plus there's also human rights... [↩]
- From which the problems rather flow, indeed. [↩]
- By the way, did I tell you the lulz about the Romanian justice system ? [↩]
- I don't think so, or it's not coming to me right off. [↩]
- Romania has a problem whereby a court case takes years. This isn't since yesterday, or the communist regime. The Austro-Hungarian empire enjoyed more cases resolved by the death of the parties than by a judgement being entered. [↩]
- Lol! I didn't know, but I'm not surprised. [↩]
- But since teh Bruxellian Empire (incorporated subsidiary of Washington, DC) colonized them, they're kinda getting fucked in the gaping maw on various topics, such as why the fuck did it take that kid calling teh emergency hotline five times over 3 years cuz his daddy beat him, and similarily, why the fuck does a court case take on average 21 months to resolve. So what did they do ? Only enter into the docket those cases already resolved, and deal with it in 6 weeks. However, to get into the docket, there's a special commission by every court. [↩]
- Which takes... you know, 20 months or so. [↩]
- Obviously. [↩]
- Now teh Bruxellians are shitting themselves to come up with some approach for this novel problem. Practically speaking, in FY 2016, it cost Romania more to have a government + parliament than it'd have cost not to have them in the first place.
This, by the way, is kinda the fucking point of having penal clauses against the State : to make it unsustainable, or rather, to expose it to the sad truth of its pointlessness. [↩]
- I very much doubt they've a chance when it comes to "solutions to the problem of saying what they want to hear and doing what we want to do", for lack of practice. [↩]
- But whatever, these aren't the topics of the "public" discourse of facebook-romania, given the above stated reasons.
No, really. Thinking your "public" sphere happens on facebook is a lot like thinking your transportation happens on uber. You'd have to be uber-fucking-stupid to buy it. [↩]
- What public discourse, and who'd be speaking, publicly or even in their own closet, but at least a discourse, let me be. [↩]
- They so fucking tired me with the cocksucking of that Quintus hyena's corpse. The whole thing with Romanians is to die old, that's it. Otherwise... [↩]
- Well, he "managed" the most (ie, for the longest time, hence old) of all, that's what I see it coming down to. [↩]
- Exactly so. "This one clearly did nothing, otherwise he wouldn't have survived, ora pro nobis, you, the king of collaborationists. The holy church of they undesirious of activity. [↩]
- Shorter and older, of they lazy enough to stink. [↩]
- Eh, now they get deodorant on scrip. [↩]
- Hm ? [↩]
- So as to stay lazy but not stink anymore. [↩]
- Oh I see. [↩]
- Did you do profiling for that ancient RSA btw ? [↩]
- Did not. [↩]
- That's what's actionable now, stick the cleaned RSA alf pointed out to and see how much it costs. Similarily for a hash-otp implementation, see what it means per kb. [↩]
- That's what I meant above. As far as evaluating strength, good luck. The only thing left is... effort, like. [↩]
- At least for now. [↩]
- Ok, I'ma have this worked on then and will say when there's data. [↩]