What's popularity look like ?
Friday, 06 May, Year 8 d.Tr. | Author: Mircea Popescu
You might wonder. This :
It's easy when you're big in Japan...
Category: Oda Superbiei
Saturday, 7 May 2016
What site is that? You might laugh or castigate me, but I signed up with fetlife, but not really getting anywhere, half the cunts just want to meet up for "munch".
Saturday, 7 May 2016
So what's the problem with that. Eat something, it won't kill you.
Sunday, 22 May 2016
@cazalla That is collarspace.com.
Sunday, 22 May 2016
Yeah, I figured it out by Googling "The Largest BDSM.." but thanks all the same.