This Nick Cave thing isn't even horrible.

Sunday, 11 December, Year 8 d.Tr. | Author: Mircea Popescu


Right ? Right. So Water's Edge :

They take apart their bodies like toys for the local boys because they're always there at the edge of the water. They come from the capitol, these city girls go way down where the stones meet the sea and all you young girls where do you hide down by the water, in the restless tide.

And the local boys hide on the mound and watch reaching for the speech and the word to be heard. And the boys grow hard, hard to be heard. Hard to be heard as they reach for the speech and search for the word on the water's edge. But you grow old and you grow cold. Yea you grow old and you grow cold

They would come in their hordes, these city girls with white strings flowing from their ears as the local boys behind the mound. Think long and hard about the girls from the capitol who dance at the water's edge, shaking their asses and all you young lovers where do you hide ? Down by the water, in the restless tide.

With a bible of tricks they do with their legs the girls reach for the speech and the speech to be heard. To be hard, the local boys teem down the mound and seize the girls from the capitol who shriek at the edge of the water, shriek to speak, and reach for the speech, reach for the speech to be heard. But you grow old and you grow cold, yea you grow old and you grow cold. You grow old.

Their legs wide to the world like bibles open to be speared and taking their bodies apart like toys. They dismantle themselves by the water's edge and reach for the speech and the wide wide world. Ah, God knows our local boys It's the will of love, it's the thrill of love. Ah, but the chill of love is coming on. It's the will of love, it's the thrill of love...

Ah but the chill of love is coming on.

My comments to which are already written, and shall be passed by reference : the love ; and the girls.

Category: Zsilnic
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