The big day.

Sunday, 10 January, Year 8 d.Tr. | Author: Mircea Popescu

Let's do some selective quoting :

11:22:33 diana_coman mircea_popescu, 2k bottles ready for you
11:24:12 mircea_popescu o hey. im in tyown diana_coman
11:24:24 diana_coman yay, 1 min to get them then
11:24:44 mircea_popescu sweet, by the time im done making all this cft ima do the dg then the io...
11:24:51 mircea_popescu i'm so booked here it's crazy, 10days +
11:25:07 diana_coman heh, loads of things to do in fact, isn't it?
11:25:11 mircea_popescu yuppers.
11:25:15 mircea_popescu i've not gotten to mine all year.
11:25:28 diana_coman uhm?
11:25:31 mircea_popescu 2000 * 1.15 * 1.25 * 4070 that right ?
11:25:48 diana_coman right
11:25:50 mircea_popescu 11.701 mn, were we settled otherwise ?
11:25:58 mircea_popescu uh why did you close it ?
11:26:04 diana_coman I didn't!
11:26:11 mircea_popescu doh i must have clicked the wrong x ;/
11:26:15 diana_coman that's why I was uhm-ing earlier -thought you closed it
11:26:34 diana_coman we were settled as far as I know
11:27:00 diana_coman nice
11:27:01 mircea_popescu check it out, exact change! :D
11:27:05 diana_coman have any cft for sale already?
11:27:12 mircea_popescu yup how much do you want ?
11:27:20 diana_coman if I get back to mapping, I'll get as much as there is really
11:27:23 mircea_popescu i got 8k @152
11:27:30 diana_coman bring it on, lol
11:27:34 mircea_popescu trade me.
11:27:42 diana_coman I even got back into shredding
11:28:02 mircea_popescu 8317 * 1.52 * 1.25 * 180 = 2844414
11:28:43 mircea_popescu incredible how much rope one can buy for a few bottles huh :D

So that was 11.7 mn worth of LTF I bought and 2.85 mn worth of rope I sold. Total trade figure for the day, 14.55 mn ECU.

13:13:01 mircea_popescu trade me!
13:15:47 mircea_popescu 366 * 29997 + 401 * 9999 ?
13:16:17 mircea_popescu 14988501 call it 15 even
13:16:25 danielpbarron ya
13:17:03 mircea_popescu sweet. thanks.
13:17:11 danielpbarron you're welcome and thank you

That was a whole bunch of low quality Leaky Treebark Flask and Particularly Promising Branch blueprints. Total trade figure for the day, 29.55 mn ECU.

14:08:58 diana_coman mircea_popescu, do you have any high q shards
14:08:59 diana_coman ?
14:09:03 mircea_popescu srs ?
14:09:06 diana_coman yes
14:09:11 mircea_popescu yeah i think i do
14:09:13 mircea_popescu well, 150ish
14:09:27 diana_coman that's good enough for me, as I would make them lower than that anyway
14:09:35 mircea_popescu aite lemme just level this and ill look
14:09:41 mircea_popescu how many do you need ?
14:09:46 diana_coman aha, ping me
14:09:50 diana_coman heh, have some 9k?
14:09:59 mircea_popescu possible actually.
14:10:02 mircea_popescu making your own ft ?
14:10:26 diana_coman yes
14:10:47 diana_coman since apparently I am better at cooking anyway, makes more sense
14:11:21 mircea_popescu guess so huh
14:18:50 diana_coman ahahaha, turns out there is another wm spot still on the beach there , but closer to water, lolz
14:21:35 mircea_popescu im still on the cusp ;/
14:22:34 mircea_popescu ha-ha! level!
14:24:19 mircea_popescu diana_coman 9999 srs q 150.
14:24:25 diana_coman yay, on my way
14:25:56 mircea_popescu trade me
14:26:49 mircea_popescu 454×9999×1.25×1.5 = 8511648.75
14:27:13 mircea_popescu cheers
14:28:02 diana_coman yupee
14:28:38 mircea_popescu sooo... today, i bought 15mn worth of bps from daniel, bought 12mn worth of bottles from you, sold you like 8.5mn worth of this and what was it, 800k worth of thread...
14:29:03 mircea_popescu closing in on 40mn worth of trade in one day over here.
14:30:10 diana_coman it's not over and there is cr coming and ibs
14:30:16 mircea_popescu o damn right you are!
14:30:57 mircea_popescu ima blog it lol

As the man says, total trade figure for the day, 38.06 mn ECU.

18:44:17 mircea_popescu (9999 * 1.51 + 9999 * 1.52 + 8122 * 1.48 + 5661 * 1.52) * 1.25 * 255= 16231467.1875
18:45:04 mircea_popescu (9636 + 9223 + 9914 + 9223 ) * 66 = 2507736
18:45:16 mircea_popescu 13.723 mn net.

Exported 16.23 mn worth of Indistinct Bark Shavings, imported 2.5 mn worth of Crumbly Rock. Total trade figure for the day, 56.79 mn ECU. At current rates the conversion is 221`622.22 ECU to the dollar, which means that in fiat terms the virtual character in question did two hundred and twenty six dollars' and a quarter's worth of custom today.

A warm salute goes out to all the world's salesmen that didn't manage that much on this here January the 9th.


Category: Trolloludens
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