Letters from the stupid country

Friday, 19 February, Year 8 d.Tr. | Author: Mircea Popescu

We shall divide this communique in two parts : the domestic, and the public. Thereby and insofar as the domestic part goes, we shall then discuss the two principal aspects :



And work.

And work.

Or, of course, vice-versa. Geddit, vice ? Geddit ? I'm versed!

Insofar as the public part goes, we will limit ourselves to pointing out that by my orders an exhaustive list of all the bars in Buenos Aires was constructed, with considerable effort - as you'd expect in a country this inept - and it turns out the count fits in three digits. Forget the previous installment of weird, we now have solid numbers : there's approximately 0.00005 bars/capita in Buenos Aires. As the expression goes,

gabriel_laddel MP has already reported that idiots in BA don't hustle on weekends. Hustle on weekends.
mircea_popescu This is actually a killer plan. Pretty much anyone can make bank here, given that these people can be readily approximated with plants.

To continue the amusement - a large number of these operations do not know how to use phones (let alone email - lol!), a vast majority are run by paranoidly inept twerps, and perhaps most importantly, the average floor space at their disposal is somewhere between 500 and 1`000 sq ft. Yeah, you read that right, yeah they call that "a bar" around here. So do the math yourself : there's less bar surface per capita here than there is on the fucking Space Station. Or in a train. Or at a nature reserve.

Please come rape them. Thanks.

Category: Zsilnic
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