BitBet (S.BBET) December 2015 Statement
Monday, 04 January, Year 8 d.Tr. | Author: Mircea Popescu
Received 12 new propositions, of which accepted 6, rejected 6.
Total bets in: 175, worth 154.45065918 BTCi
Revenue : 1.89623187 BTC, of which :
- bets resolved : 0.52910621ii BTC
- fees from refunds : 0.0 BTC
- advertising : 0.1 BTC
- house bets won : 0.98488819iii
- gracious donations to shareholders : 0.28223747 BTC
Expenditure : 1.04264518, of which :
- referrals paid : 0.20542712 iv BTC
- house bets made : 0.70000000 BTC
- Hosting : 0.13636363 BTC
- Taxv, 0.00085443 BTC
Profit : 0.85358669 BTC.
Next statement will be significant, apparently a lot of bettors prefer their bets to end on year-end. We're looking at a 3-4x increase in closed bets.
———- Graph:
- 52.91058782 BTC total pool resolved this month. [↩]
- 0.80000000 BTC worth of house bets were resolved during the current month. The house lost 0.06 and made 123% on THE TOTAL! Can you believe this shit ? [↩]
- Up 500% since last month. Still... affiliate revenue has for years been and remains throughout the one place people leave most money on the table of the entire BTC ecosystem. [↩]
- Owed to Bitcoin's Sovereign. [↩]
Category: S.BBET
Tuesday, 12 January 2016
Hash: SHA1
BitBet (S.BBET) December 2015 Statement
Received 12 new propositions, of which accepted 6, rejected 6.
Total bets in: 175, worth 154.45065918 BTCi
Revenue : 1.89623187 BTC, of which :
bets resolved : 0.52910621ii BTC
fees from refunds : 0.0 BTC
advertising : 0.1 BTC
house bets won : 0.98488819iii
gracious donations to shareholders : 0.28223747 BTC
Expenditure : 1.04264518, of which :
referrals paid : 0.20542712 iv BTC
house bets made : 0.70000000 BTC
Hosting : 0.13636363 BTC
Taxv, 0.00085443 BTC
Profit : 0.85358669 BTC.
Friday, 15 January 2016
I withdrawed 0.4548btc please check it for me,thank you
Sunday, 17 January 2016
hello,would u check it for me?Thank you
Sunday, 17 January 2016
Hmm I see here you're included in a transaction going out, but it hasn't been mined yet.
Tuesday, 19 January 2016
received now,thank u very much
Tuesday, 19 January 2016
Seems network's a bit iffy of late.
Tuesday, 19 January 2016
yeah the 0.4585 btc is still pending,Transaction not found,could u check it for me?
Wednesday, 20 January 2016
the 0.4585 is not received,please check it for me,it seems the pending is failed.
Wednesday, 20 January 2016
for some reason there seems to be a conflict of some sort, as the explorer claims it's doublespent by a transaction that doesn't seem to exist. Will have to look into this.
Thursday, 21 January 2016
Scampki certificate just expired?