What does desperation look like ?
The man principally known for his muchly beloved dress-up routine at conferences and other public gatherings, and principally responsible for a shedding of value the likes of which the world rarely sees - about five billion or so over the course of a year, with its attendand suicides and general human misery is pushing a certain agenda.
That agenda is doomed, because I'm no Boehneri. The politicos involved seem to have not fully grasped this yet, for whatever reasonsii, and so are willing to risk the ridicule and expose their top tier propaganda tools to the unfortunate position the Financial Times finds itself in currently.
A. Bitcoin is not a commodity. It certainly wasn't "turned" into one. It certainly will not be turned into one. (BTW: you missed your turn, boys. Too late now.)
B. Gavin has no responsibilities in Bitcoin. He is however responsible. Not for Bitcoin's success. Other people did that, he's merely a plowing fly when it comes to Bitcoin's success. He is however responsible for much simpler things : some kid's brains splattered all over Astoria, for starters.iii
I guess the best closing is repeating a point clearly not repeated enough :
A person with competency in a field reads a [media] item on that field, and finds it full of holes and altogether nonsensical, then flips the page and treats some other item on some other field he has no competency in as if it were sensible and meaningful, somehow magically forgetting his experience minutes ago and somehow magically failing to infer that a broken pipe is probably broken in all lights.
If you understand an iota of Bitcoin, you've just discovered how altogether and completely stupid, pointless, meaningless and drivel-driven the FT is. Save your subscription, buy something useful instead. Doggerel of the sort can be had for free, no need to pay money for it.
———- Imagine, for the sake of this conversation, a Congress that exclusively consisted of people owning a million dollars or more in property, and their representatitives. Do you see much room for unbalanced budgets, high taxes or welfarism ?
So there you go. [↩]
- The usual reasons, ie, their own idiocy. Look at what the Russian driven Swiss Franc cap removal has done to Europe, and tell me more about how dangerous the toothless US alliance has been for Putin. Seriously, he is going to lose office over the "sanctions" ? How about he keeps his office and pretty much every US politician in the Eurozone gets thrown out instead ?
Who could have predicted such an outcome! Outside, of course, of everyone with a clue looking at the matter. [↩]
- And yes, he will hang for it, but that's little matter : so will plenty of others. [↩]
Friday, 16 January 2015
Haha, splendid.
He's come a long way, baby.
Friday, 16 January 2015
Amusingly enough, he got warned back in October. But hey, why not ignore the warnings of the elements and then pretend like the Winter took one by surprise.
Monday, 21 November 2016
Mey comentui la off topic nu ca eu mias bate eu capu cu genu ala de detali decat ca ziceam si eu asa. Daparut dadatroll Revista Vata revista serioasa domne. Canda pare si Mircea Popescun revista din astea de oameni inteligenti. Atatam avut den trebat.
Monday, 21 November 2016
Nu prea apare ca Mircea Popescun are chestii de zis, ori in reviste de oameni inteligents apar aia care au dentrebat.
Monday, 21 November 2016
Ce cancer e pe linku ala duamneeee
Monday, 21 November 2016
Noa, o citit si giuu pe 9gag si facebook pe-acolo si-o simtit cum se umfla tarita-n dinsul, ce mare chestie. La mai mare. Ce! Cu putin noroc isi gaseste gagica, job, chiar si ceva chirie mai ieftin-asa si gata-i om. Da-ti numa' seama, de Lauze ala cel putin ar fi mindru.
De fapt si io-s asa putin mindru-n coltu' pulii.
Monday, 21 November 2016
Bai, deci.
O citit Harms? N-o citit Harms. Stie ca n-o citit Harms? Nu stie ca n-o citit Harms. Crede ca ignoranta e postcultura? Crede. Mai da-i si-n pula.
Monday, 21 November 2016
Lol. Bre, fiecare face cit poate el, si i se pare bine aia ca altfel ce pula, s-ar sinucide tati insuficientii adica tati si gata ? Ce te bate norocu' pe tine, pina altu' fute grase tu fute slabe sau iepe sau ce futi tu, ce-are.
Monday, 21 November 2016
Si nici o vorba despre Robotzi....
Monday, 21 November 2016
E, n-or fi avut dildau pe facebuci pe-acolo.
Monday, 21 November 2016
Mey eu atatam avut de spus sin afara de aia si ca dadatroll e singuru din tot articolu la carea trebuit sa se dea un exemplu ca asa definiti din astea nu ar fi mers. Ce nam inteles e ca dece la pus la prostironie cacuma ca miam luat si bacu nu cred ca se mai pune problema cas prost.
Monday, 21 November 2016
Ca ce l-ai luat, tehnician mecatronist ?