Old style bullion balance. It weighs little grains of gold.

En Buenos Aires a ocho dias del mes de Noviembre de mil ocho cientos noventa, reunidos en la Oficina Inspectora de Banco Nacional des Garantidos el Contador de la Nacion Sr. Augustin Dillon encargado de ella y como representante del Presidente de la Contaduria General de la Nacion...

The Great Book of Suckers, practically speaking.

In accordance with article 2(4) of the convention dated 1st May 1933 between the governments of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Argentine Republic and pursuant to Law no 11893 dated the 31st day of July 1933 sanctioned by the honourable Argentine Congress
Nos. A 0001 to A 3500 Bonds at £1000 = £ 3,500,000
Nos. B 3501 to B10500 Bonds at £500 = £3,500,000
Nos. C10501 to C75764 at £100 = £6,526,400

Maybe not ~that~ fuertes.

The story of the Peso Fuerte is roughly a recapitulation of the adventures of the French Republican Assignats, two centuries later. As de Gaulle well noted during his only visit, there's a lot of similarities between the two countries.

Instrument for extraction of the oldest tax in the world : the sucker tax.

5 Peso in gold, 1995 Anniversary Edition.

100 Drachma, Armenia, 1995 UN Anniversary Edition

5 Francs, gold, 1995 UN Anniversary Edition

50 Yuan, gold, 1995 UN Anniversary Edition

2 pounds, gold, 1995 UN Anniversary Edition

50 Rubles, gold, 1995 UN Anniversary Edition

The last computer that fit in someone's head. Sort-of.

5 pesos, gold, Centenary of Jorge Luis Borges birth, 1999

5 pesos, gold, Centenary of Jorge Luis Borges birth, 1999

5 pesos, gold, Centenary of Jorge Luis Borges birth, 1999

5 pesos, gold, Commemoration of general Guemes' death, 2000

5 pesos, gold, Commemoration of general Guemes' death ,2000

5 pesos, gold, Bicentenary of general Urquiza birth, 2001

5 pesos, gold, Bicentenary of general Urquiza birth, 2001

5 pesos, gold, Half-centenary of Miss Maria Eva Duarte de Peron's death, 2002

5 pesos, gold, Half-centenary of Miss Maria Eva Duarte de Peron's death, 2002

Random round, because why not, amirite?

Someone won the Special Olympics for being retarded.

Actual coca leaves, once used as currency. I'm skipping the cocoa beans and cowrie shells, part of the same exhibition, because you've probably seen those.

8 reales, silver coin, cold struck at Potosi (Argentina's first mint), after a Spanish design

Obverse of above.

4 reales, same provenance.

Obverse of above.

4 escudos, Potosi, gold, 1789

Obverse of above.

4 reales, Potosi, 1811

Obverse of above.

4 reales, Potosi, 1811

Early republican coinage (as United Provinces of La Plata), 1813

Remnants of Argentina's first inflationary bout : the 1813 gold peso gave way to the 500 paper peso within a couple of decades.

And it kinda went downhill from there...

The Bank oif Buenos Aires promises to pay the bearer on sight 17 pesos or one ounce of sealed gold upon presentation of 17 of these bills.

And yet another inflationary bout. There's 5k and 10k too!

1840 confederation gold coin.

Reverse of above.

Paper pesos, temporarily fuertes.

Lady quasi-butt, depicted with all the skill and guile of somebody that's never seen one.

The first and only tit in the whole parade. You'd think they use goats for the purpose or something.

Infant butt a lot more prevalent. Catholic country, heh. And speaking of which... what are they doing with that thing!

0.1 pesos, 1891 vintage. Argentina's last successful period, soon to be utterly ruined by the very inept Peron imbecile.

Mission accomplished. Forward!

Ah, glorious socialism!

Line study for etching. This was done by hand at the time.

Destroyed coinage (left) and bills (right).

And here's a little something for alf : the Kabuki laundromat!
Thursday, 30 April 2015
Re No. 25: the fuck is that?! Musta been Take Your Daughter to Mint day....
Thursday, 30 April 2015