The Drafts Auction

Monday, 26 October, Year 7 d.Tr. | Author: Mircea Popescu

Seeing how the attempt to seed the draft cycle failed, let's try to seed again.

To go on the block Sunday, November 1st, at 6pm GMT, the following :

  • 3 Supplication of Berries Draft, q 100
  • 3 Supplication of Leather Draft, q 100
  • 3 Supplication of Mosses Draft, q 100
  • 3 Supplication of Snails Draft, q 100
  • 3 Supplication of Stones Draft, q 100
  • 3 Supplication of Thorns Draft, q 100

The total base value for this being 180 coppers, the auction will start at a record breaking (the other way) 200 coppers. See you then!

Category: S.MG
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2 Responses

  1. Mircea Popescu`s avatar
    Mircea Popescu 
    Sunday, 1 November 2015

    And here's the log :

    (13:10:11) >Love cautiously, enjoy vicariously, dream reasonably, tread
    lightly and die quietly.
    (13:10:50) Mod says: Auction? Or am I too late?
    (13:11:31) Mircea says: hey there
    (13:11:35) Mircea says: nah just startingh
    (13:11:50) Mod says: ah cool!
    (13:12:02) Mircea says: heya foxy
    (13:12:42) Mircea says: awww $@!$ i got the wrong supplications
    (13:12:50) Mircea says: i will return briefly in my shorts!
    Sun 01-Nov-2015 13:17:32 Mircea Mircescu
    (13:17:32) >Gravitation is not responsible for your great tumble - after
    all it tried to prevent your climb every step of the way.
    (13:17:39) Mircea says: ok here we go
    (13:17:47) Mircea tastes the parchment
    (13:17:51) Mircea says: yay! gasoline!
    (13:17:54) Mod says: Thanks Foxy
    (13:18:09) Foxy says: np, thanks for the building :)
    (13:18:25) Mircea says: so first and foremost, i would like to
    congratulate foxy and daniel for their diligent work
    (13:18:35) Mircea says: in consideration of which there's some books for
    (13:18:43) Foxy says: yay
    (13:18:49) Mircea says: to wit :
    (13:19:07) >Mircea Mircescu dropped 3 DSBU Mysteries.
    (13:19:13) >Mircea Mircescu dropped 3 CSGA Mysteries.
    (13:19:25) Mircea says: see ? names changed.
    (13:19:43) >Mircea Mircescu picked up 3 CSGA Mysteries
    (13:19:46) >Mircea Mircescu picked up 3 DSBU Mysteries
    (13:19:56) Foxy says: I see
    (13:20:00) Mircea says: so then foxy, trade me
    (13:20:02) Grenadine says: what's a book do, again?
    (13:20:07) >Foxy asks to trade with you.
    (13:20:09) >You agree to trade.
    (13:20:18) Foxy says: grenadine, it gives you xp and...possibly the skill
    (13:20:22) >Mircea gave Foxy 3 DSBU Mysteries.
    (13:20:22) >Trade complete
    (13:20:22) Mircea says: it teaches skills
    (13:20:24) Foxy says: thanks!
    (13:20:28) Mircea says: my pleasure
    (13:20:33) Mircea says: daniel not around is he ?
    (13:20:34) Grenadine says: aha cool
    (13:20:47) Mircea says: and maybe one day you get a skill book named for
    yourself, grenadine :D
    (13:21:01) Foxy says: the faith /altar one :D
    (13:21:04) Mircea says: ok well, without further delay, let us proceed to
    the centerpiece official auction !
    (13:21:20) Mircea says: i have before me a pile of drafts as follows :
    (13:21:25) >Mircea Mircescu dropped 3 Supplication of Thorns Drafts.
    (13:21:29) >Mircea Mircescu dropped 3 Supplication of Mosses Drafts.
    (13:21:33) >Mircea Mircescu dropped 3 Supplication of Leather Drafts.
    (13:21:37) >Mircea Mircescu dropped 3 Supplication of Snails Drafts.
    (13:21:40) >Mircea Mircescu dropped 3 Supplication of Stones Drafts.
    (13:21:44) >Mircea Mircescu dropped 3 Supplication of Berries Drafts.
    (13:22:02) Mircea says: these elegant, gasoline drenched parchments slash
    burlap sack sections
    (13:22:15) Mircea says: going on the block for the minimum price of 100
    (13:22:18) Mircea says: do i hear 100 ?
    (13:22:21) Foxy says: 100
    (13:22:27) Mircea says: and 100 heard.
    (13:22:28) Mod says: 150
    (13:22:33) Mircea says: that's 150! right there!
    (13:22:34) Grenadine says: wasn't starting price 200?
    (13:22:36) Grenadine says: anyway, 200
    (13:22:37) Foxy says: 200
    (13:22:44) Mircea says: 200 heard twice, i guessyou split them
    (13:22:47) Mod says: 250
    (13:22:53) Mircea says: 250 going once!
    (13:22:57) Grenadine says: 500!
    (13:23:01) Mircea says: 500 heard.
    (13:23:11) Mircea says: and going once!
    (13:23:12) Mod says: 600
    (13:23:17) Mircea says: 600 heard!
    (13:23:24) Grenadine says: 1000
    (13:23:27) Mircea says: that's almost zero cents per parchment
    (13:23:30) Mircea says: 1k heard!
    (13:23:45) Mircea says: this fabulous sum of one pound of copper!
    (13:23:48) Foxy says: 1200
    (13:23:48) Mircea says: going twice!
    (13:23:56) Mircea says: 1200 heard. anyone got more ?
    (13:24:03) Grenadine says: 2500
    (13:24:08) Mircea says: gooo o hey. 2,5k
    (13:24:12) Foxy says: 3k
    (13:24:16) Mircea says: and 3k heard
    (13:24:20) Grenadine says: 5k
    (13:24:26) Mircea says: things are getting serious!
    (13:24:30) Grenadine says: lol
    (13:24:31) Mircea says: 5k going...
    (13:24:38) Mircea says: almost enough to buy a drink!
    (13:24:40) Foxy says: 6k
    (13:24:51) Grenadine says: 10k
    (13:24:53) Mircea says: and 6k to the chicken eating lady over there
    (13:24:59) Mircea says: 10k to the eulorean juicer
    (13:25:05) Mircea says: going... once!
    (13:25:15) Mircea says: anyone want these drafts above 10k ?
    (13:25:22) Foxy says: 12k
    (13:25:27) Mircea says: 12 k heard!
    (13:25:34) Mircea says: and going... once
    (13:25:37) Grenadine says: 15k
    (13:25:44) Mircea says: 15k heard even!
    (13:25:52) Foxy says: 20k
    (13:25:53) Mircea says: remember ladies and one gent : these are some rare
    vintage copies of
    (13:25:55) Mircea says: 20k heard!
    (13:26:04) Grenadine says: 50k
    (13:26:08) Mircea says: there's six piles! there's three iterms in each
    (13:26:12) Mircea says: o mai gerd 50k heard
    (13:26:13) Foxy says: :)))
    (13:26:16) Foxy says: and dismal q
    (13:26:20) Foxy says: 55k
    (13:26:32) Grenadine says: 75k
    (13:26:33) Mircea says: 55k heard! that is more than what they started at,
    by 55k!
    (13:26:46) Mircea says: seventy five thousand nothings! oh i mean farthings
    (13:26:47) Foxy says: 90k
    (13:26:48) Mircea says: going once.
    (13:26:59) Grenadine says: 150k
    (13:27:01) Mircea says: and nine hundred thousand billion uh i mean 90k
    (13:27:04) Mircea says: 150k!!! HEARD
    (13:27:05) Mod says: 175k
    (13:27:12) Mircea says: wow say that again so i can hear it twice!
    (13:27:22) Mod says: 175k, Sir!
    (13:27:22) Mircea says: 175k heard ladies and one gent!
    (13:27:29) Mircea says: going twice
    (13:27:31) Grenadine says: 250k
    (13:27:42) Mircea says: a quarter million copper coins! for the win ? is it ?
    (13:27:48) Foxy is out
    (13:27:48) Mircea says: going ... going...
    (13:27:56) Mircea says: anyone has more idle copper rumbling in their sacks ?
    (13:27:58) Mod says: Good bid Ms. Sippycup, I'm out.
    (13:28:07) Grenadine says: whee!
    (13:28:14) Foxy says: congrats grenadine
    (13:28:15) Mircea says: grenadine sips the cup! SOLD! for 250k coins!
    (13:28:20) Grenadine says: tyty
    (13:28:21) Mod says: Congrats!
    (13:28:27) >Mircea Mircescu picked up 3 Supplication of Thorns Drafts
    (13:28:28) >Mircea Mircescu picked up 3 Supplication of Snails Drafts
    (13:28:31) >Mircea Mircescu picked up 3 Supplication of Mosses Drafts
    (13:28:33) >Mircea Mircescu picked up 3 Supplication of Stones Drafts
    (13:28:35) >Mircea Mircescu picked up 3 Supplication of Leather Drafts
    (13:28:37) >Mircea Mircescu picked up 3 Supplication of Berries Drafts
    (13:28:38) Foxy says: plan to keep them or will you sell any?
    (13:28:44) Mircea says: i will require to be traded now!
    (13:28:52) >Grenadine asks to trade with you.
    (13:28:55) >You agree to trade.
    (13:29:22) >Grenadine gave Mircea 1000000 Copper.
    (13:29:22) >Mircea gave Grenadine 3 Supplication of Thorns Drafts, 3
    Supplication of Snails Drafts, 3 Supplication of Mosses Drafts, 3
    Supplication of Stones Drafts, 3 Supplication of Berries Drafts, 3
    Supplication of Leather Drafts, and 710000 Copper.
    (13:29:22) >Trade complete
    (13:29:27) Grenadine says: sweet
    (13:29:40) Mircea says: and that completes our fabulous auction for today!
    (13:29:49) Mircea says: now, anyone want to auction anythjing privately ?
    (13:29:55) Grenadine says: Foxy prolly sell some, will wanna check outs
    firs tho'
    (13:30:14) Foxy says: Mircea, you first?
    (13:30:28) Mircea says: alrighty, i will be selling now some LBN
    (13:30:31) >You started checking your storage with Heina.
    (13:30:38) Mircea says: which as you know is the fuel powering foxy's bot
    (13:30:43) Mircea says: to mine tinies.
    (13:30:44) Mircea says: let's see here
    (13:30:48) >You started checking your storage with Heina.
    (13:30:51) >Mircea Mircescu dropped a Craft-Table.
    (13:31:05) >You got 4000 Little Bit O' Nothing from the storage.
    (13:31:08) >You struggle under the weight of your inventory and must drop
    (13:31:08) >Mircea Mircescu picked up a Craft-Table
    (13:31:11) >Mircea Mircescu dropped 4000 Little Bit O' Nothings.
    (13:31:28) Mircea says: so i have before me 4k litte bits of nothing, q 187
    (13:31:56) Mircea says: and i'd like to start the bidding at 180k.
    (13:32:01) Mircea says: do i hear any offers ?
    (13:32:03) Foxy says: 180k
    (13:32:07) Mircea says: 180k heard.
    (13:32:16) Mircea says: and going once.
    (13:32:31) Mircea says: anyone want lbn more than foxy's 180k ?
    (13:32:43) Mircea says: sold! to foxy, for 180k
    (13:32:46) >Mircea Mircescu picked up 4000 Little Bit O' Nothings
    (13:32:48) Foxy says: hooray
    (13:32:51) Mod says: Nice foxy!
    (13:32:51) Grenadine says: wd foxy :)
    (13:32:51) Mircea says: trade me
    (13:32:56) >Foxy asks to trade with you.
    (13:32:57) >You agree to trade.
    (13:33:08) Mircea says: thank you
    (13:33:11) >Foxy Foxster dropped 442 Little Bit O' Nothings.
    (13:33:13) >Foxy gave Mircea 180000 Copper.
    (13:33:13) >Mircea gave Foxy 4000 Little Bit O' Nothings.
    (13:33:13) >Trade complete
    (13:33:16) Mircea says: hey Grenadine got your change, trade me
    (13:33:18) Foxy says: thank you!
    (13:33:22) Mircea says: next will be some cft!
    (13:33:23) >Grenadine asks to trade with you.
    (13:33:24) >You agree to trade.
    (13:33:31) >Mircea gave Grenadine 40000 Copper.
    (13:33:31) >Trade complete
    (13:33:35) >Foxy Foxster picked up 442 Little Bit O' Nothings
    (13:33:38) >Mircea Mircescu dropped a Craft-Table.
    (13:33:46) >You started checking your storage with Heina.
    (13:33:47) >You started checking your storage with Heina.
    (13:34:01) >You got 4000 Coarse Frangible Thread from the storage.
    (13:34:04) >You struggle under the weight of your inventory and must drop
    (13:34:04) >Mircea Mircescu picked up a Craft-Table
    (13:34:10) >Mircea Mircescu dropped 4000 Coarse Frangible Threads.
    (13:34:17) Mircea says: so i have before me 4k cft, q 203
    (13:34:27) Mircea says: which is a very good quality for a cft to be, if i
    do say so myself.
    (13:34:59) Mircea says: the starting price for this rare and valuable
    indeed bundle of provisioning that any miner wants will be 1.8mn
    (13:35:07) Mircea says: do i hear any bids at 1.8mn ?
    (13:35:10) Foxy says: 1.8mn
    (13:35:15) Grenadine says: 1.9
    (13:35:23) Foxy says: 2mn
    (13:35:23) Mod says: 2M
    (13:35:24) Mircea says: 1.9mn heard!
    (13:35:26) >Free Movement
    (13:35:26) >You have no target selected.
    (13:35:30) Mircea says: 2 mn heard!
    (13:35:33) >Dynamic Follow
    (13:35:33) >Free Rotation
    (13:35:34) >First Person
    (13:35:34) >Third Person Follow
    (13:35:45) Grenadine says: hi Grundin
    (13:35:45) Mircea says: who wants this bundle for 2.05 mn?
    (13:35:51) Grundin says: me
    (13:35:52) Grenadine says: 2.05mn
    (13:35:54) Grundin says: 2.1
    (13:36:01) Mircea says: 2.05 heard! and 2.1 heard
    (13:36:02) Mod says: 2.25
    (13:36:06) Mircea says: 2.25 heard!
    (13:36:09) Grundin says: 2.5
    (13:36:14) Mircea says: 2.5!
    (13:36:22) Mircea says: anyone going over 2.5 ?
    (13:36:29) Mircea says: 2.5 going once.... going twice...
    (13:36:40) Foxy says: 2.55
    (13:36:43) Mircea says: last call for this truly large and nice and good
    bundle of
    (13:36:45) Mircea says: 2.55 heard!
    (13:36:50) Mod says: 3M
    (13:36:51) Mircea says: and going once.
    (13:36:59) Mircea says: 3 mn heard from the sourdough miner over there
    (13:37:11) Mircea says: 3 going once. wo can beat 3m ?
    (13:37:15) Mircea says: going twice!
    (13:37:27) Mircea says: andSOLD to first time auction winner mr mod six!
    (13:37:32) Mod says: Thank you!
    (13:37:35) Grenadine says: nice catch Mod
    (13:37:37) >Mircea Mircescu picked up 4000 Coarse Frangible Threads
    (13:37:38) Foxy says: well done mod!
    (13:37:40) Mod says: :]
    (13:37:41) Mircea says: please trade me!
    (13:37:50) >Mod asks to trade with you.
    (13:37:51) Mircea says: make sure you don't have any in your inv
    (13:37:53) >You agree to trade.
    (13:37:59) Mircea says: as it will mix
    (13:37:59) >Mod Seis dropped 791 Coarse Frangible Threads.
    (13:38:20) >You notice that the item is being guarded by Mod Seis
    (13:38:29) Grundin says: yes drop it :)
    (13:38:32) Mircea says: oddly you seem to be guarding it ?
    (13:38:42) Mod says: ohdang, just a sec then.
    (13:38:47) >Trade declined
    (13:38:49) >Mod Seis picked up 791 Coarse Frangible Threads
    (13:39:04) >Mod asks to trade with you.
    (13:39:05) Mircea says: uh Light of the Crystal, what was that happened here
    (13:39:10) >You agree to trade.
    (13:39:14) >Trade cancelled
    (13:39:24) Mircea says: dude where did my grass go!
    (13:39:43) Mircea says: this skulldugery can not stand!
    (13:39:46) Mod says: Huh? I just stored 791 of my CFTs into Draggenfort
    (13:40:01) Mircea says: but i had a bag in front of me! where is it!
    (13:40:09) Mod says: strange, I don't see it either.
    (13:40:23) Mircea says: this will require some investigation, one moment
    (13:40:28) >You must select a target to attack.
    (13:40:42) Grundin says: maybe it god dropped below the earth, try /pickup
    (13:40:42) Mod says: Ok. It's not in my inv, at least I don't see it -- I
    don't think I picked it up on accident.
    (13:40:54) Grenadine says: who auctioned the peyote?
    (13:41:02) Grundin says: or /drop 9999 thingsname
    (13:43:20) Mircea says: oh i see what happened o god
    (13:43:24) Mircea says: will need a moment to fix this I will return shortly
    (13:43:31) Mod says: np
    Sun 01-Nov-2015 13:44:24 Mircea Mircescu
    (13:44:24) >Does the name Pavlov ring a bell ?
    (13:44:40) Mircea says: trade me mod
    (13:44:44) >Mod asks to trade with you.
    (13:44:46) >You agree to trade.
    (13:44:56) >Mod gave Mircea 3000000 Copper.
    (13:44:56) >Mircea gave Mod 4000 Coarse Frangible Threads.
    (13:44:56) >Trade complete
    (13:44:59) Mircea says: thank you
    (13:45:00) Mod says: Thank you!
    (13:45:05) Mircea says: next, improved ghoes!
    (13:45:10) >Mircea Mircescu dropped a Craft-Table.
    (13:45:12) >You started checking your storage with Heina.
    (13:45:13) Foxy says: so what had happened?
    (13:45:13) >You started checking your storage with Heina.
    (13:45:25) >Foxy Foxster dropped 325 Coarse Frangible Threads.
    (13:45:25) >You got 100 Improved Cruddy Hoe from the storage.
    (13:45:30) >Mircea Mircescu dropped 100 Improved Cruddy Hoes.
    (13:45:32) >Mircea Mircescu picked up a Craft-Table
    (13:45:43) Mircea says: so i have before me this large pile of tools : 100
    improved cruddy hoes
    (13:45:52) Mircea says: each and every one of them over 29000 durability.
    (13:45:59) Grundin says: mircea you'll sell me other tools separately or
    this is it?
    (13:46:09) Mircea says: yes.
    (13:46:14) Mircea says: those are plain.
    (13:46:24) Mircea says: the stuff you already gave me materials for
    (13:46:39) Mircea says: ok so. starting price for this bundle being 4m, do
    i hear anyone say anything ?
    (13:46:49) Grenadine says: 4mn
    (13:46:49) Foxy says: 4m
    (13:46:52) Grundin says: 5m
    (13:46:54) Mircea says: 4m well heard
    (13:46:57) Mircea says: 5mn heard even!
    (13:47:05) Mircea says: anyone going above 5mn ?
    (13:47:08) Mircea says: 5mn going twice...
    (13:47:11) Grenadine says: 5.5
    (13:47:15) Mircea says: 5.5 heard!
    (13:47:30) Mircea says: do i hear more than 5.5 for these cruddy, it's
    true, but otherwise IMPROVED hoes ?
    (13:47:37) Mircea says: 5.5 going twice...
    (13:47:47) Mircea says: hoes and riches, cmon!
    (13:47:55) Mircea says: and sold, to the fruity lady over there!
    (13:47:57) Mod says: haha'=
    (13:48:01) >Mircea Mircescu picked up 100 Improved Cruddy Hoes
    (13:48:07) Mircea says: please to trade us
    (13:48:10) Mod says: Congrats Ms. Sippycup
    (13:48:11) >Grenadine asks to trade with you.
    (13:48:12) >You agree to trade.
    (13:48:31) Grundin says: may your ho'ing be productive
    (13:48:31) >Grenadine gave Mircea 5500000 Copper.
    (13:48:31) >Mircea gave Grenadine 100 Improved Cruddy Hoes.
    (13:48:31) >Trade complete
    (13:48:36) Mircea says: thank you.
    (13:48:38) Grenadine says: thx all
    (13:48:47) >Foxy Foxster picked up 325 Coarse Frangible Threads
    (13:48:49) Mircea says: next on the block, a murky concoction, one second
    let me get thjem out
    (13:48:54) >You started checking your storage with Heina.
    (13:49:13) >You got 9 A Mysterious Rock from the storage.
    (13:49:19) >You got 9 Smelly Murky Something from the storage.
    (13:49:28) Foxy says: I kind of need to go in a few minutes, but will be
    back in 40min to sell some tlc, eps and enums
    (13:49:29) >You got 3 Supplication of Murky Delights from the storage.
    (13:49:32) >You got 3 Supplication of Mysterious Rocks from the storage.
    (13:49:35) >You started checking your storage with Heina.
    (13:49:48) Mircea says: so! going on auction are :
    (13:50:02) Mircea says: 3 SUPERIOR, let me underscore, superior!
    supplications of murky delights
    (13:50:12) Mircea says: of q 194
    (13:50:24) Mircea says: plus no less than NINE smelly murky....somethings.
    q 203 each
    (13:50:26) Grenadine says: are these all the supplications you're doing
    (13:50:27) Grenadine says: aha
    (13:50:30) >You struggle under the weight of your inventory and must drop
    (13:50:30) >Mircea Mircescu picked up a Craft-Table
    (13:50:45) >Mircea Mircescu dropped 3 Supplication of Murky Delightses.
    (13:50:52) >Mircea Mircescu dropped 9 Smelly Murky Somethings.
    (13:50:58) Mircea says: as you can see.
    (13:51:15) Mircea says: the opening bid for this will be 250k. do i hear
    250k ?
    (13:51:19) Grenadine says: 250k
    (13:51:24) Mircea says: 250k heard!
    (13:51:31) Mircea says: and going... once
    (13:51:38) Mircea says: going twice...
    (13:51:48) Mircea says: anone care to murk above 250k ?
    (13:51:52) Foxy says: 275
    (13:51:59) Mircea says: 275 heard
    (13:52:00) Grenadine says: 300k
    (13:52:04) Mircea says: in the nick of time
    (13:52:06) Mircea says: 300k!
    (13:52:11) Mircea says: 300k going once...
    (13:52:14) Foxy says: 325k
    (13:52:18) Grenadine says: 350k
    (13:52:19) Mircea says: and twic... 325 heard
    (13:52:25) Mircea says: and 350. going once!
    (13:52:31) Mircea says: and twice.
    (13:52:38) Foxy says: 375k
    (13:52:43) Mircea says: last call for the murky pile of objects at 350
    375k heard
    (13:52:46) Grenadine says: 425k
    (13:52:53) Mircea says: 425 heard even better!
    (13:52:58) Foxy says: wd grena
    (13:52:58) Mircea says: 425 going once
    (13:53:14) Mircea says: and twice. and unless you're willing to do
    without, say now!
    (13:53:24) Mircea says: sold, to grenadine, for 425k!
    (13:53:30) Grenadine says: lovely
    (13:53:42) Mod says: wd Grenadine!
    (13:53:44) >Mircea Mircescu picked up 3 Supplication of Murky Delightses
    (13:53:45) >Mircea Mircescu picked up 9 Smelly Murky Somethings
    (13:53:50) Mircea says: please trade me
    (13:53:52) >Grenadine asks to trade with you.
    (13:53:54) >You agree to trade.
    (13:54:24) >Grenadine gave Mircea 1000000 Copper.
    (13:54:24) >Mircea gave Grenadine 3 Supplication of Murky Delightses, 9
    Smelly Murky Somethings, and 570000 Copper.
    (13:54:24) >Trade complete
    (13:54:26) Mircea says: thanks
    (13:54:29) Mircea says: next on the block!
    (13:54:32) >You started checking your storage with Heina.
    (13:54:47) Mircea says: no less than nine mysteriouys rocks, quality 100
    (13:55:11) Mircea says: and another 3 supplications, of myusterious rocks,
    also superior mind you!
    (13:55:13) Mircea says: q 194
    (13:55:22) >Mircea Mircescu dropped 3 Supplication of Mysterious Rockses.
    (13:55:27) >Mircea Mircescu dropped 9 A Mysterious Rocks.
    (13:55:34) Mircea says: see how tiny and cute the rock is ?
    (13:55:43) Mircea says: doesn't it make you want to take it home and make
    it your pet rock ?
    (13:55:51) Mircea says: so then. this auction starts at merely 100k!
    (13:55:55) Grenadine says: that's a groundpimple.
    (13:56:00) Mircea says: who wants the tamaguchi set at 100k ?
    (13:56:10) Grenadine says: 100k here
    (13:56:14) Mircea says: heard 100!
    (13:56:18) Foxy says: 125k
    (13:56:23) Mircea says: 125k head even louder!
    (13:56:34) Mircea says: the more you say the louder i hear by the way!
    (13:56:38) Grenadine says: 200k
    (13:56:38) Mircea says: 125 going twice...
    (13:56:44) Mircea says: 200k heard!
    (13:56:49) Mircea says: and going once
    (13:56:51) Foxy says: 225k
    (13:56:55) Mircea says: and even twi 225k heard
    (13:57:02) Grenadine says: 300k
    (13:57:06) Mircea says: who wants these o wow 300k!
    (13:57:13) Mircea says: 300k going.... once
    (13:57:18) Mircea says: ....aaaaaand twice....
    (13:57:25) Mircea says: last call for the family of pet rocks!
    (13:57:38) Mircea says: sold! to the new master auction winner, Grenadine !
    (13:57:45) Mod says: Nice bid!
    (13:57:53) >Mircea Mircescu picked up 9 A Mysterious Rocks
    (13:57:55) >Mircea Mircescu picked up 3 Supplication of Mysterious Rockses
    (13:58:03) >Grenadine asks to trade with you.
    (13:58:04) >You agree to trade.
    (13:58:15) >Grenadine gave Mircea 300000 Copper.
    (13:58:15) >Mircea gave Grenadine 9 A Mysterious Rocks and 3 Supplication
    of Mysterious Rockses.
    (13:58:15) >Trade complete
    (13:58:18) Mircea says: thanks!
    (13:58:26) Grenadine says: phew this is a long auction eh?
    (13:58:30) Mircea says: immense lol.
    (13:58:34) Mircea says: but i think i am out.
    (13:58:39) Mircea says: anyone else wanting to auction anything ?
    (13:58:41) >You started checking your storage with Heina.
    (13:58:44) >You started checking your storage with Heina.
    (13:58:45) Foxy says: yes
    (13:58:53) >Foxy Foxster dropped 100 Two Leaf Clovers.
    (13:59:04) Foxy says: nice and round, 100 *2 leaves of clover
    (13:59:09) Foxy says: some of them still attached
    (13:59:15) Mircea says: hahaha
    (13:59:20) Mircea says: 150k!
    (13:59:29) Grundin says: 200k
    (13:59:32) Foxy says: at the wonderful quality of 167 given someone shits
    in q repeatedly
    (13:59:35) Foxy says: 200k heard
    (13:59:41) Mircea says: 220
    (13:59:50) Grundin says: 250k
    (13:59:53) Foxy says: 220
    (13:59:55) Foxy says: 250 heard!
    (13:59:57) Mod says: 275k
    (13:59:57) Mircea says: 280
    (13:59:57) Foxy says: oh my
    (14:00:00) Foxy says: 275 even
    (14:00:01) Foxy says: 280
    (14:00:08) Mircea says: 300
    (14:00:09) Foxy says: who gives more for lucky clovers
    (14:00:12) Foxy says: 300!!
    (14:00:19) Mircea says: lol i just overbid mysef ?
    (14:00:27) Foxy says: seems so
    (14:00:32) Foxy says: no idea why lol
    (14:00:37) Mircea says: lol. anyway.
    (14:00:42) Mod says: That's good enough for me anyway.
    (14:00:46) Mod sits down
    (14:00:50) Foxy says: going once
    (14:00:58) Foxy says: going... twice
    (14:01:00) Mircea says: by the gods im gonna win something for once.
    (14:01:04) Foxy says: anyone else?
    (14:01:13) Foxy says: Mircea!
    (14:01:15) Foxy says: seems so

  1. [...] at the same time increasing the material base : the occasional auctions. To take as an example the most recent one, goods worth in total 180 coppers were sold to the highest bid of 250k coppers. This means that the [...]

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