The Drafts Auction
Monday, 26 October, Year 7 d.Tr. | Author: Mircea Popescu
Seeing how the attempt to seed the draft cycle failed, let's try to seed again.
To go on the block Sunday, November 1st, at 6pm GMT, the following :
- 3 Supplication of Berries Draft, q 100
- 3 Supplication of Leather Draft, q 100
- 3 Supplication of Mosses Draft, q 100
- 3 Supplication of Snails Draft, q 100
- 3 Supplication of Stones Draft, q 100
- 3 Supplication of Thorns Draft, q 100
The total base value for this being 180 coppers, the auction will start at a record breaking (the other way) 200 coppers. See you then!
Category: S.MG
Sunday, 1 November 2015
And here's the log :
(13:10:11) >Love cautiously, enjoy vicariously, dream reasonably, tread
lightly and die quietly.
(13:10:50) Mod says: Auction? Or am I too late?
(13:11:31) Mircea says: hey there
(13:11:35) Mircea says: nah just startingh
(13:11:50) Mod says: ah cool!
(13:12:02) Mircea says: heya foxy
(13:12:42) Mircea says: awww $@!$ i got the wrong supplications
(13:12:50) Mircea says: i will return briefly in my shorts!
Sun 01-Nov-2015 13:17:32 Mircea Mircescu
(13:17:32) >Gravitation is not responsible for your great tumble - after
all it tried to prevent your climb every step of the way.
(13:17:39) Mircea says: ok here we go
(13:17:47) Mircea tastes the parchment
(13:17:51) Mircea says: yay! gasoline!
(13:17:54) Mod says: Thanks Foxy
(13:18:09) Foxy says: np, thanks for the building :)
(13:18:25) Mircea says: so first and foremost, i would like to
congratulate foxy and daniel for their diligent work
(13:18:35) Mircea says: in consideration of which there's some books for
(13:18:43) Foxy says: yay
(13:18:49) Mircea says: to wit :
(13:19:07) >Mircea Mircescu dropped 3 DSBU Mysteries.
(13:19:13) >Mircea Mircescu dropped 3 CSGA Mysteries.
(13:19:25) Mircea says: see ? names changed.
(13:19:43) >Mircea Mircescu picked up 3 CSGA Mysteries
(13:19:46) >Mircea Mircescu picked up 3 DSBU Mysteries
(13:19:56) Foxy says: I see
(13:20:00) Mircea says: so then foxy, trade me
(13:20:02) Grenadine says: what's a book do, again?
(13:20:07) >Foxy asks to trade with you.
(13:20:09) >You agree to trade.
(13:20:18) Foxy says: grenadine, it gives you xp and...possibly the skill
(13:20:22) >Mircea gave Foxy 3 DSBU Mysteries.
(13:20:22) >Trade complete
(13:20:22) Mircea says: it teaches skills
(13:20:24) Foxy says: thanks!
(13:20:28) Mircea says: my pleasure
(13:20:33) Mircea says: daniel not around is he ?
(13:20:34) Grenadine says: aha cool
(13:20:47) Mircea says: and maybe one day you get a skill book named for
yourself, grenadine :D
(13:21:01) Foxy says: the faith /altar one :D
(13:21:04) Mircea says: ok well, without further delay, let us proceed to
the centerpiece official auction !
(13:21:20) Mircea says: i have before me a pile of drafts as follows :
(13:21:25) >Mircea Mircescu dropped 3 Supplication of Thorns Drafts.
(13:21:29) >Mircea Mircescu dropped 3 Supplication of Mosses Drafts.
(13:21:33) >Mircea Mircescu dropped 3 Supplication of Leather Drafts.
(13:21:37) >Mircea Mircescu dropped 3 Supplication of Snails Drafts.
(13:21:40) >Mircea Mircescu dropped 3 Supplication of Stones Drafts.
(13:21:44) >Mircea Mircescu dropped 3 Supplication of Berries Drafts.
(13:22:02) Mircea says: these elegant, gasoline drenched parchments slash
burlap sack sections
(13:22:15) Mircea says: going on the block for the minimum price of 100
(13:22:18) Mircea says: do i hear 100 ?
(13:22:21) Foxy says: 100
(13:22:27) Mircea says: and 100 heard.
(13:22:28) Mod says: 150
(13:22:33) Mircea says: that's 150! right there!
(13:22:34) Grenadine says: wasn't starting price 200?
(13:22:36) Grenadine says: anyway, 200
(13:22:37) Foxy says: 200
(13:22:44) Mircea says: 200 heard twice, i guessyou split them
(13:22:47) Mod says: 250
(13:22:53) Mircea says: 250 going once!
(13:22:57) Grenadine says: 500!
(13:23:01) Mircea says: 500 heard.
(13:23:11) Mircea says: and going once!
(13:23:12) Mod says: 600
(13:23:17) Mircea says: 600 heard!
(13:23:24) Grenadine says: 1000
(13:23:27) Mircea says: that's almost zero cents per parchment
(13:23:30) Mircea says: 1k heard!
(13:23:45) Mircea says: this fabulous sum of one pound of copper!
(13:23:48) Foxy says: 1200
(13:23:48) Mircea says: going twice!
(13:23:56) Mircea says: 1200 heard. anyone got more ?
(13:24:03) Grenadine says: 2500
(13:24:08) Mircea says: gooo o hey. 2,5k
(13:24:12) Foxy says: 3k
(13:24:16) Mircea says: and 3k heard
(13:24:20) Grenadine says: 5k
(13:24:26) Mircea says: things are getting serious!
(13:24:30) Grenadine says: lol
(13:24:31) Mircea says: 5k going...
(13:24:38) Mircea says: almost enough to buy a drink!
(13:24:40) Foxy says: 6k
(13:24:51) Grenadine says: 10k
(13:24:53) Mircea says: and 6k to the chicken eating lady over there
(13:24:59) Mircea says: 10k to the eulorean juicer
(13:25:05) Mircea says: going... once!
(13:25:15) Mircea says: anyone want these drafts above 10k ?
(13:25:22) Foxy says: 12k
(13:25:27) Mircea says: 12 k heard!
(13:25:34) Mircea says: and going... once
(13:25:37) Grenadine says: 15k
(13:25:44) Mircea says: 15k heard even!
(13:25:52) Foxy says: 20k
(13:25:53) Mircea says: remember ladies and one gent : these are some rare
vintage copies of
(13:25:55) Mircea says: 20k heard!
(13:26:04) Grenadine says: 50k
(13:26:08) Mircea says: there's six piles! there's three iterms in each
(13:26:12) Mircea says: o mai gerd 50k heard
(13:26:13) Foxy says: :)))
(13:26:16) Foxy says: and dismal q
(13:26:20) Foxy says: 55k
(13:26:32) Grenadine says: 75k
(13:26:33) Mircea says: 55k heard! that is more than what they started at,
by 55k!
(13:26:46) Mircea says: seventy five thousand nothings! oh i mean farthings
(13:26:47) Foxy says: 90k
(13:26:48) Mircea says: going once.
(13:26:59) Grenadine says: 150k
(13:27:01) Mircea says: and nine hundred thousand billion uh i mean 90k
(13:27:04) Mircea says: 150k!!! HEARD
(13:27:05) Mod says: 175k
(13:27:12) Mircea says: wow say that again so i can hear it twice!
(13:27:22) Mod says: 175k, Sir!
(13:27:22) Mircea says: 175k heard ladies and one gent!
(13:27:29) Mircea says: going twice
(13:27:31) Grenadine says: 250k
(13:27:42) Mircea says: a quarter million copper coins! for the win ? is it ?
(13:27:48) Foxy is out
(13:27:48) Mircea says: going ... going...
(13:27:56) Mircea says: anyone has more idle copper rumbling in their sacks ?
(13:27:58) Mod says: Good bid Ms. Sippycup, I'm out.
(13:28:07) Grenadine says: whee!
(13:28:14) Foxy says: congrats grenadine
(13:28:15) Mircea says: grenadine sips the cup! SOLD! for 250k coins!
(13:28:20) Grenadine says: tyty
(13:28:21) Mod says: Congrats!
(13:28:27) >Mircea Mircescu picked up 3 Supplication of Thorns Drafts
(13:28:28) >Mircea Mircescu picked up 3 Supplication of Snails Drafts
(13:28:31) >Mircea Mircescu picked up 3 Supplication of Mosses Drafts
(13:28:33) >Mircea Mircescu picked up 3 Supplication of Stones Drafts
(13:28:35) >Mircea Mircescu picked up 3 Supplication of Leather Drafts
(13:28:37) >Mircea Mircescu picked up 3 Supplication of Berries Drafts
(13:28:38) Foxy says: plan to keep them or will you sell any?
(13:28:44) Mircea says: i will require to be traded now!
(13:28:52) >Grenadine asks to trade with you.
(13:28:55) >You agree to trade.
(13:29:22) >Grenadine gave Mircea 1000000 Copper.
(13:29:22) >Mircea gave Grenadine 3 Supplication of Thorns Drafts, 3
Supplication of Snails Drafts, 3 Supplication of Mosses Drafts, 3
Supplication of Stones Drafts, 3 Supplication of Berries Drafts, 3
Supplication of Leather Drafts, and 710000 Copper.
(13:29:22) >Trade complete
(13:29:27) Grenadine says: sweet
(13:29:40) Mircea says: and that completes our fabulous auction for today!
(13:29:49) Mircea says: now, anyone want to auction anythjing privately ?
(13:29:55) Grenadine says: Foxy prolly sell some, will wanna check outs
firs tho'
(13:30:14) Foxy says: Mircea, you first?
(13:30:28) Mircea says: alrighty, i will be selling now some LBN
(13:30:31) >You started checking your storage with Heina.
(13:30:38) Mircea says: which as you know is the fuel powering foxy's bot
(13:30:43) Mircea says: to mine tinies.
(13:30:44) Mircea says: let's see here
(13:30:48) >You started checking your storage with Heina.
(13:30:51) >Mircea Mircescu dropped a Craft-Table.
(13:31:05) >You got 4000 Little Bit O' Nothing from the storage.
(13:31:08) >You struggle under the weight of your inventory and must drop
(13:31:08) >Mircea Mircescu picked up a Craft-Table
(13:31:11) >Mircea Mircescu dropped 4000 Little Bit O' Nothings.
(13:31:28) Mircea says: so i have before me 4k litte bits of nothing, q 187
(13:31:56) Mircea says: and i'd like to start the bidding at 180k.
(13:32:01) Mircea says: do i hear any offers ?
(13:32:03) Foxy says: 180k
(13:32:07) Mircea says: 180k heard.
(13:32:16) Mircea says: and going once.
(13:32:31) Mircea says: anyone want lbn more than foxy's 180k ?
(13:32:43) Mircea says: sold! to foxy, for 180k
(13:32:46) >Mircea Mircescu picked up 4000 Little Bit O' Nothings
(13:32:48) Foxy says: hooray
(13:32:51) Mod says: Nice foxy!
(13:32:51) Grenadine says: wd foxy :)
(13:32:51) Mircea says: trade me
(13:32:56) >Foxy asks to trade with you.
(13:32:57) >You agree to trade.
(13:33:08) Mircea says: thank you
(13:33:11) >Foxy Foxster dropped 442 Little Bit O' Nothings.
(13:33:13) >Foxy gave Mircea 180000 Copper.
(13:33:13) >Mircea gave Foxy 4000 Little Bit O' Nothings.
(13:33:13) >Trade complete
(13:33:16) Mircea says: hey Grenadine got your change, trade me
(13:33:18) Foxy says: thank you!
(13:33:22) Mircea says: next will be some cft!
(13:33:23) >Grenadine asks to trade with you.
(13:33:24) >You agree to trade.
(13:33:31) >Mircea gave Grenadine 40000 Copper.
(13:33:31) >Trade complete
(13:33:35) >Foxy Foxster picked up 442 Little Bit O' Nothings
(13:33:38) >Mircea Mircescu dropped a Craft-Table.
(13:33:46) >You started checking your storage with Heina.
(13:33:47) >You started checking your storage with Heina.
(13:34:01) >You got 4000 Coarse Frangible Thread from the storage.
(13:34:04) >You struggle under the weight of your inventory and must drop
(13:34:04) >Mircea Mircescu picked up a Craft-Table
(13:34:10) >Mircea Mircescu dropped 4000 Coarse Frangible Threads.
(13:34:17) Mircea says: so i have before me 4k cft, q 203
(13:34:27) Mircea says: which is a very good quality for a cft to be, if i
do say so myself.
(13:34:59) Mircea says: the starting price for this rare and valuable
indeed bundle of provisioning that any miner wants will be 1.8mn
(13:35:07) Mircea says: do i hear any bids at 1.8mn ?
(13:35:10) Foxy says: 1.8mn
(13:35:15) Grenadine says: 1.9
(13:35:23) Foxy says: 2mn
(13:35:23) Mod says: 2M
(13:35:24) Mircea says: 1.9mn heard!
(13:35:26) >Free Movement
(13:35:26) >You have no target selected.
(13:35:30) Mircea says: 2 mn heard!
(13:35:33) >Dynamic Follow
(13:35:33) >Free Rotation
(13:35:34) >First Person
(13:35:34) >Third Person Follow
(13:35:45) Grenadine says: hi Grundin
(13:35:45) Mircea says: who wants this bundle for 2.05 mn?
(13:35:51) Grundin says: me
(13:35:52) Grenadine says: 2.05mn
(13:35:54) Grundin says: 2.1
(13:36:01) Mircea says: 2.05 heard! and 2.1 heard
(13:36:02) Mod says: 2.25
(13:36:06) Mircea says: 2.25 heard!
(13:36:09) Grundin says: 2.5
(13:36:14) Mircea says: 2.5!
(13:36:22) Mircea says: anyone going over 2.5 ?
(13:36:29) Mircea says: 2.5 going once.... going twice...
(13:36:40) Foxy says: 2.55
(13:36:43) Mircea says: last call for this truly large and nice and good
bundle of
(13:36:45) Mircea says: 2.55 heard!
(13:36:50) Mod says: 3M
(13:36:51) Mircea says: and going once.
(13:36:59) Mircea says: 3 mn heard from the sourdough miner over there
(13:37:11) Mircea says: 3 going once. wo can beat 3m ?
(13:37:15) Mircea says: going twice!
(13:37:27) Mircea says: andSOLD to first time auction winner mr mod six!
(13:37:32) Mod says: Thank you!
(13:37:35) Grenadine says: nice catch Mod
(13:37:37) >Mircea Mircescu picked up 4000 Coarse Frangible Threads
(13:37:38) Foxy says: well done mod!
(13:37:40) Mod says: :]
(13:37:41) Mircea says: please trade me!
(13:37:50) >Mod asks to trade with you.
(13:37:51) Mircea says: make sure you don't have any in your inv
(13:37:53) >You agree to trade.
(13:37:59) Mircea says: as it will mix
(13:37:59) >Mod Seis dropped 791 Coarse Frangible Threads.
(13:38:20) >You notice that the item is being guarded by Mod Seis
(13:38:29) Grundin says: yes drop it :)
(13:38:32) Mircea says: oddly you seem to be guarding it ?
(13:38:42) Mod says: ohdang, just a sec then.
(13:38:47) >Trade declined
(13:38:49) >Mod Seis picked up 791 Coarse Frangible Threads
(13:39:04) >Mod asks to trade with you.
(13:39:05) Mircea says: uh Light of the Crystal, what was that happened here
(13:39:10) >You agree to trade.
(13:39:14) >Trade cancelled
(13:39:24) Mircea says: dude where did my grass go!
(13:39:43) Mircea says: this skulldugery can not stand!
(13:39:46) Mod says: Huh? I just stored 791 of my CFTs into Draggenfort
(13:40:01) Mircea says: but i had a bag in front of me! where is it!
(13:40:09) Mod says: strange, I don't see it either.
(13:40:23) Mircea says: this will require some investigation, one moment
(13:40:28) >You must select a target to attack.
(13:40:42) Grundin says: maybe it god dropped below the earth, try /pickup
(13:40:42) Mod says: Ok. It's not in my inv, at least I don't see it -- I
don't think I picked it up on accident.
(13:40:54) Grenadine says: who auctioned the peyote?
(13:41:02) Grundin says: or /drop 9999 thingsname
(13:43:20) Mircea says: oh i see what happened o god
(13:43:24) Mircea says: will need a moment to fix this I will return shortly
(13:43:31) Mod says: np
Sun 01-Nov-2015 13:44:24 Mircea Mircescu
(13:44:24) >Does the name Pavlov ring a bell ?
(13:44:40) Mircea says: trade me mod
(13:44:44) >Mod asks to trade with you.
(13:44:46) >You agree to trade.
(13:44:56) >Mod gave Mircea 3000000 Copper.
(13:44:56) >Mircea gave Mod 4000 Coarse Frangible Threads.
(13:44:56) >Trade complete
(13:44:59) Mircea says: thank you
(13:45:00) Mod says: Thank you!
(13:45:05) Mircea says: next, improved ghoes!
(13:45:10) >Mircea Mircescu dropped a Craft-Table.
(13:45:12) >You started checking your storage with Heina.
(13:45:13) Foxy says: so what had happened?
(13:45:13) >You started checking your storage with Heina.
(13:45:25) >Foxy Foxster dropped 325 Coarse Frangible Threads.
(13:45:25) >You got 100 Improved Cruddy Hoe from the storage.
(13:45:30) >Mircea Mircescu dropped 100 Improved Cruddy Hoes.
(13:45:32) >Mircea Mircescu picked up a Craft-Table
(13:45:43) Mircea says: so i have before me this large pile of tools : 100
improved cruddy hoes
(13:45:52) Mircea says: each and every one of them over 29000 durability.
(13:45:59) Grundin says: mircea you'll sell me other tools separately or
this is it?
(13:46:09) Mircea says: yes.
(13:46:14) Mircea says: those are plain.
(13:46:24) Mircea says: the stuff you already gave me materials for
(13:46:39) Mircea says: ok so. starting price for this bundle being 4m, do
i hear anyone say anything ?
(13:46:49) Grenadine says: 4mn
(13:46:49) Foxy says: 4m
(13:46:52) Grundin says: 5m
(13:46:54) Mircea says: 4m well heard
(13:46:57) Mircea says: 5mn heard even!
(13:47:05) Mircea says: anyone going above 5mn ?
(13:47:08) Mircea says: 5mn going twice...
(13:47:11) Grenadine says: 5.5
(13:47:15) Mircea says: 5.5 heard!
(13:47:30) Mircea says: do i hear more than 5.5 for these cruddy, it's
true, but otherwise IMPROVED hoes ?
(13:47:37) Mircea says: 5.5 going twice...
(13:47:47) Mircea says: hoes and riches, cmon!
(13:47:55) Mircea says: and sold, to the fruity lady over there!
(13:47:57) Mod says: haha'=
(13:48:01) >Mircea Mircescu picked up 100 Improved Cruddy Hoes
(13:48:07) Mircea says: please to trade us
(13:48:10) Mod says: Congrats Ms. Sippycup
(13:48:11) >Grenadine asks to trade with you.
(13:48:12) >You agree to trade.
(13:48:31) Grundin says: may your ho'ing be productive
(13:48:31) >Grenadine gave Mircea 5500000 Copper.
(13:48:31) >Mircea gave Grenadine 100 Improved Cruddy Hoes.
(13:48:31) >Trade complete
(13:48:36) Mircea says: thank you.
(13:48:38) Grenadine says: thx all
(13:48:47) >Foxy Foxster picked up 325 Coarse Frangible Threads
(13:48:49) Mircea says: next on the block, a murky concoction, one second
let me get thjem out
(13:48:54) >You started checking your storage with Heina.
(13:49:13) >You got 9 A Mysterious Rock from the storage.
(13:49:19) >You got 9 Smelly Murky Something from the storage.
(13:49:28) Foxy says: I kind of need to go in a few minutes, but will be
back in 40min to sell some tlc, eps and enums
(13:49:29) >You got 3 Supplication of Murky Delights from the storage.
(13:49:32) >You got 3 Supplication of Mysterious Rocks from the storage.
(13:49:35) >You started checking your storage with Heina.
(13:49:48) Mircea says: so! going on auction are :
(13:50:02) Mircea says: 3 SUPERIOR, let me underscore, superior!
supplications of murky delights
(13:50:12) Mircea says: of q 194
(13:50:24) Mircea says: plus no less than NINE smelly murky....somethings.
q 203 each
(13:50:26) Grenadine says: are these all the supplications you're doing
(13:50:27) Grenadine says: aha
(13:50:30) >You struggle under the weight of your inventory and must drop
(13:50:30) >Mircea Mircescu picked up a Craft-Table
(13:50:45) >Mircea Mircescu dropped 3 Supplication of Murky Delightses.
(13:50:52) >Mircea Mircescu dropped 9 Smelly Murky Somethings.
(13:50:58) Mircea says: as you can see.
(13:51:15) Mircea says: the opening bid for this will be 250k. do i hear
250k ?
(13:51:19) Grenadine says: 250k
(13:51:24) Mircea says: 250k heard!
(13:51:31) Mircea says: and going... once
(13:51:38) Mircea says: going twice...
(13:51:48) Mircea says: anone care to murk above 250k ?
(13:51:52) Foxy says: 275
(13:51:59) Mircea says: 275 heard
(13:52:00) Grenadine says: 300k
(13:52:04) Mircea says: in the nick of time
(13:52:06) Mircea says: 300k!
(13:52:11) Mircea says: 300k going once...
(13:52:14) Foxy says: 325k
(13:52:18) Grenadine says: 350k
(13:52:19) Mircea says: and twic... 325 heard
(13:52:25) Mircea says: and 350. going once!
(13:52:31) Mircea says: and twice.
(13:52:38) Foxy says: 375k
(13:52:43) Mircea says: last call for the murky pile of objects at 350
375k heard
(13:52:46) Grenadine says: 425k
(13:52:53) Mircea says: 425 heard even better!
(13:52:58) Foxy says: wd grena
(13:52:58) Mircea says: 425 going once
(13:53:14) Mircea says: and twice. and unless you're willing to do
without, say now!
(13:53:24) Mircea says: sold, to grenadine, for 425k!
(13:53:30) Grenadine says: lovely
(13:53:42) Mod says: wd Grenadine!
(13:53:44) >Mircea Mircescu picked up 3 Supplication of Murky Delightses
(13:53:45) >Mircea Mircescu picked up 9 Smelly Murky Somethings
(13:53:50) Mircea says: please trade me
(13:53:52) >Grenadine asks to trade with you.
(13:53:54) >You agree to trade.
(13:54:24) >Grenadine gave Mircea 1000000 Copper.
(13:54:24) >Mircea gave Grenadine 3 Supplication of Murky Delightses, 9
Smelly Murky Somethings, and 570000 Copper.
(13:54:24) >Trade complete
(13:54:26) Mircea says: thanks
(13:54:29) Mircea says: next on the block!
(13:54:32) >You started checking your storage with Heina.
(13:54:47) Mircea says: no less than nine mysteriouys rocks, quality 100
(13:55:11) Mircea says: and another 3 supplications, of myusterious rocks,
also superior mind you!
(13:55:13) Mircea says: q 194
(13:55:22) >Mircea Mircescu dropped 3 Supplication of Mysterious Rockses.
(13:55:27) >Mircea Mircescu dropped 9 A Mysterious Rocks.
(13:55:34) Mircea says: see how tiny and cute the rock is ?
(13:55:43) Mircea says: doesn't it make you want to take it home and make
it your pet rock ?
(13:55:51) Mircea says: so then. this auction starts at merely 100k!
(13:55:55) Grenadine says: that's a groundpimple.
(13:56:00) Mircea says: who wants the tamaguchi set at 100k ?
(13:56:10) Grenadine says: 100k here
(13:56:14) Mircea says: heard 100!
(13:56:18) Foxy says: 125k
(13:56:23) Mircea says: 125k head even louder!
(13:56:34) Mircea says: the more you say the louder i hear by the way!
(13:56:38) Grenadine says: 200k
(13:56:38) Mircea says: 125 going twice...
(13:56:44) Mircea says: 200k heard!
(13:56:49) Mircea says: and going once
(13:56:51) Foxy says: 225k
(13:56:55) Mircea says: and even twi 225k heard
(13:57:02) Grenadine says: 300k
(13:57:06) Mircea says: who wants these o wow 300k!
(13:57:13) Mircea says: 300k going.... once
(13:57:18) Mircea says: ....aaaaaand twice....
(13:57:25) Mircea says: last call for the family of pet rocks!
(13:57:38) Mircea says: sold! to the new master auction winner, Grenadine !
(13:57:45) Mod says: Nice bid!
(13:57:53) >Mircea Mircescu picked up 9 A Mysterious Rocks
(13:57:55) >Mircea Mircescu picked up 3 Supplication of Mysterious Rockses
(13:58:03) >Grenadine asks to trade with you.
(13:58:04) >You agree to trade.
(13:58:15) >Grenadine gave Mircea 300000 Copper.
(13:58:15) >Mircea gave Grenadine 9 A Mysterious Rocks and 3 Supplication
of Mysterious Rockses.
(13:58:15) >Trade complete
(13:58:18) Mircea says: thanks!
(13:58:26) Grenadine says: phew this is a long auction eh?
(13:58:30) Mircea says: immense lol.
(13:58:34) Mircea says: but i think i am out.
(13:58:39) Mircea says: anyone else wanting to auction anything ?
(13:58:41) >You started checking your storage with Heina.
(13:58:44) >You started checking your storage with Heina.
(13:58:45) Foxy says: yes
(13:58:53) >Foxy Foxster dropped 100 Two Leaf Clovers.
(13:59:04) Foxy says: nice and round, 100 *2 leaves of clover
(13:59:09) Foxy says: some of them still attached
(13:59:15) Mircea says: hahaha
(13:59:20) Mircea says: 150k!
(13:59:29) Grundin says: 200k
(13:59:32) Foxy says: at the wonderful quality of 167 given someone shits
in q repeatedly
(13:59:35) Foxy says: 200k heard
(13:59:41) Mircea says: 220
(13:59:50) Grundin says: 250k
(13:59:53) Foxy says: 220
(13:59:55) Foxy says: 250 heard!
(13:59:57) Mod says: 275k
(13:59:57) Mircea says: 280
(13:59:57) Foxy says: oh my
(14:00:00) Foxy says: 275 even
(14:00:01) Foxy says: 280
(14:00:08) Mircea says: 300
(14:00:09) Foxy says: who gives more for lucky clovers
(14:00:12) Foxy says: 300!!
(14:00:19) Mircea says: lol i just overbid mysef ?
(14:00:27) Foxy says: seems so
(14:00:32) Foxy says: no idea why lol
(14:00:37) Mircea says: lol. anyway.
(14:00:42) Mod says: That's good enough for me anyway.
(14:00:46) Mod sits down
(14:00:50) Foxy says: going once
(14:00:58) Foxy says: going... twice
(14:01:00) Mircea says: by the gods im gonna win something for once.
(14:01:04) Foxy says: anyone else?
(14:01:13) Foxy says: Mircea!
(14:01:15) Foxy says: seems so