MPEx (S.MPOE) February 2015 Statement
Monday, 02 March, Year 7 d.Tr. | Author: Mircea Popescu
Revenue : 318.80550504 BTC, of which :
- Revenue from sales fee : 68.80550504 BTCi
- Revenue from new accounts : 250 BTC
Expenditure : 25.27215012 BTC, of which :
Profit : 293.53335492 BTC
Either fiat's trying to kiss a frogskin webwallet eleven billionty million times in the hopes it somehow turns into a MPrince, or else someone somewhere genuinely belives a pointless website has a legitimate way to put to use a whole lotta dough.
But other than that Business as usual.
- Total trade : 34`402.75252014 BTC. [↩]
- This is still the spots we're buying on BitBet. [↩]
- Owed to Bitcoin's Sovereign. [↩]
Category: MPEx