BitBet (S.BBET) October 2015 Statement

Sunday, 01 November, Year 7 d.Tr. | Author: Mircea Popescu

Operational results

Received 13 new propositions, of which accepted 8, rejected 5.

Total bets in: 204, worth 173.45596180 BTC BTCi

Revenue : 1.84993821 BTC, of which :

  • bets resolved : 1.08847589ii BTC
  • fees from refunds : 0.00200000 BTC
  • advertising : 0.1 BTC
  • house bets won : 0.65946232iii
  • gracious donations to shareholders : 0 BTC

Expenditure : 1.03122435, of which :

  • referrals paid : 0.00398973iv BTC
  • house bets made : 0.80000000 BTC
  • Hosting : 0.22641509 BTC
  • Taxv, 0.00081953 BTC

Profit : 0.81871385 BTC.


Business as usual.

We're still looking for competent affiliates, competent affiliate managers, competent advertising professionals and especially competent bookies.

There's money to be made here, and you're not going to be making it by waiting.

  1. Graph:
    bitbet-intake-oct-2015 []
  2. 108.84752401 BTC total pool resolved this month. []
  3. 1.50000000 BTC worth of house bets were resolved during the current month. []
  4. Affiliate revenue is probably the one place people leave most money on the table of the entire BTC ecosystem. []
  5. Owed to Bitcoin's Sovereign. []
Category: S.BBET
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8 Responses

  1. can not open mpex now,ddos?

  2. Mircea Popescu`s avatar
    Mircea Popescu 
    Wednesday, 4 November 2015

    Nah, trade engine ran into issues, it's down temporarily.

  3. kakobrekla`s avatar
    Friday, 6 November 2015
    Hash: SHA1

    BitBet (S.BBET) October 2015 Statement

    Operational results
    Received 13 new propositions, of which accepted 8, rejected 5.
    Total bets in: 204, worth 173.45596180 BTC BTCi

    Revenue : 1.84993821 BTC, of which :
    bets resolved : 1.08847589ii BTC
    fees from refunds : 0.00200000 BTC
    advertising : 0.1 BTC
    house bets won : 0.65946232iii
    gracious donations to shareholders : 0 BTC

    Expenditure : 1.03122435, of which :
    referrals paid : 0.00398973iv BTC
    house bets made : 0.80000000 BTC
    Hosting : 0.22641509 BTC
    Taxv, 0.00081953 BTC

    Profit : 0.81871385 BTC.

    -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
  4. When you say "competent bookies", do you just mean people who would propose more interesting and well-designed bets? Because the money to be made by doing that is failry insignificant.

  5. Mircea Popescu`s avatar
    Mircea Popescu 
    Friday, 13 November 2015

    No, I don't mean idiots, aka "people with ideas". I mean professionals, aka people with money.

    The point (of this discussion, and of life in general - not most of it, ALL of it, without exception whatsoever) is not for someone to sit around and "be creative" in the sense of pulling things out of their ass that'll supposedly be so great and valuable they'll make someone/everyone money. On the contrary.

    So : people who have money and are ready to propose and defend lines. Not someone to go "o hey, I think etsy is interesting let me make a bet about it maybe a producer discovers me and I get my face used next to the cow's in the supermarket, advertising crap". Someone to go "This is 3:1, and if you think differently I have a million dollars to back the 3:1 up".

  6. I would post affiliate links if your affilite program was at leat 1 year long

  7. Mircea Popescu`s avatar
    Mircea Popescu 
    Tuesday, 1 December 2015

    Feel free to promote any of the scammers lying about how they track for a whole year instead.

  1. [...] to think about it, BitBet's been similarly looking for bookies, with very similar results : if it's like a nobility title, with a sinecure attached, then perhaps some white zombie would [...]

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