A new Lordship List ?

Friday, 24 April, Year 7 d.Tr. | Author: Mircea Popescu

As reported by Mike's excellent tool, the current list is as follows :

Rating To To Avg. To Count To Rank Timestamp Notes
1 justusranvier 1.9 13 337 Aug. 12, 2014 #bitcoin-assets
1 mthreat 1.3 8 832 Aug. 12, 2014 #bitcoin-assets
1 fluffypony 1.7 40 109 Aug. 12, 2014 #bitcoin-assets
1 dignork 1.4 17 363 Aug. 12, 2014 #bitcoin-assets
1 fabianb 1.7 12 402 Aug. 12, 2014 #bitcoin-assets
1 mod6 2.0 27 137 April 11, 2014 #bitcoin-assets
1 joecool 2 38 84 April 11, 2014 #bitcoin-assets
1 punkman 1.0 22 362 April 11, 2014 #bitcoin-assets
1 nanotube 3.6 205 2 April 11, 2014 #bitcoin-assets
1 davout 2.1 22 159 April 11, 2014 #bitcoin-assets
1 dub 1 7 1,050 April 11, 2014 #bitcoin-assets
1 artifexd 1.3 8 830 April 11, 2014 #bitcoin-assets
1 diametric 1 3 1,886 April 11, 2014 #bitcoin-assets
1 chetty 1.8 8 601 April 11, 2014 #bitcoin-assets
1 pete_dushenski 1.1 18 439 April 11, 2014 #bitcoin-assets
1 namworld 1.8 24 177 April 11, 2014 #bitcoin-assets
1 pankkake 0.9 14 703 April 11, 2014 #bitcoin-assets
1 apocalyptic 1.4 54 87 April 11, 2014 #bitcoin-assets
1 thestringpuller 1.9 15 297 April 11, 2014 #bitcoin-assets
1 mike_c 2 15 277 April 11, 2014 #bitcoin-assets
1 jurov 1.9 38 95 April 11, 2014 #bitcoin-assets
1 moiety 1.4 10 605 April 11, 2014 #bitcoin-assets
1 bingoboingo 1.7 35 119 April 11, 2014 #bitcoin-assets
1 nubbins` 1.7 27 163 April 11, 2014 #bitcoin-assets
1 thickasthieves 1.9 23 172 April 11, 2014 #bitcoin-assets
1 asciilifeform 2.1 21 173 April 11, 2014 #bitcoin-assets
1 ben_vulpes 1.7 30 148 April 11, 2014 #bitcoin-assets
1 mircea_popescu 2.0 112 16 April 11, 2014 #bitcoin-assets
1 kakobrekla 1.9 79 37 April 11, 2014 #bitcoin-assets

As far as substractions are concerned, I'd propose taking off justusranvier, fabianb, dub, joecool, nanotube, namworld, pankkake, apocalyptic, moiety, thickasthieves, broadly on the grounds that they don't seem specifically alligned with the Republic to any degree. Haven't been seen around in ages, aren't doing anything whatsoever - keeping them on the list probably bothers a lot of other people who would meet a similar bar but aren't actually on the list. Nanotube's exclusion specifically is important because he has an immense downstream list, and it happens a shade too often that people we don't know can self voice on the grounds of that relationship. None of these would, at least to my mind, be exclusions with prejudice, which is to mean exactly what it means in court : should they later find the time, interest and inclination to contribute substantially (as I have no doubt any actually could), there's going to be more revisions.

As far as additions are concerned, I'd propose cazalla (Qntra editor in chief.), danielpbarron (Lots and lots of logistics work.), trinque (Current deedbot maintainer.), mats (Lots of paralegal work, other open projects.), hanbot (MPOE-PR, F.MPIF manager etc.).

Comments welcome!

Category: Bitcoin
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16 Responses

  1. Seems solid, especially the additions.

  2. Substraction suggestion: justusranvier.

  3. Mircea Popescu`s avatar
    Mircea Popescu 
    Friday, 24 April 2015

    That's a point.

  4. Do I get a discount on shoes or something w/ membership?

  5. Mircea Popescu`s avatar
    Mircea Popescu 
    Monday, 27 April 2015

    You probably get a discount on your lion taming class, to be held at Colliseum, room 404, date TBA.

  6. I am aligned with the additions/subtractions proposed.

  7. I'll back this set of changes as well.

    For the record, I'd not personally propose either justusranvier or moiety for removal, though not for any particularly good reasons on either account.

  8. I am abstaining.

  9. David FRANCOIS`s avatar
    David FRANCOIS 
    Tuesday, 28 April 2015

    Yeah, maybe the proper way is not to vote but to wot.

  10. Mircea Popescu`s avatar
    Mircea Popescu 
    Tuesday, 28 April 2015

    So far this isn't even voting, more like MP absolutism.

    How'd WoT work in such a way to avoid teh well documented problems of democracy ?

  11. David FRANCOIS`s avatar
    David FRANCOIS 
    Tuesday, 28 April 2015

    > So far this isn't even voting

    Fair 'nuff

  1. [...] I finally did a bit of house cleaning, and coincidentally also yesterday the 2015 Lordship List revision was implemented. Consequently when btcalpha recalculated the WoT last night, there were some [...]

  2. [...] rewards will be a 10 BTC payment from me, as well as a honoris causa position in the very Lordship. Let the party begin! ———Moreso than anything else. [↩]This denotes that it [...]

  3. [...] to ill-meaning, thrice cursed, running dog intimations to the contrary of this here contrary, my previous proposals were actually carried and became law, as reported by Mike's excellent tool [...]

  4. [...] eagerly and batedly awaits this, and nothing else! ———24th of April, Year 7 : A new Lordship List ? ; 9th of February, Year 8 : The Lordship list, third year. ; 31 March, Year 9 : The Lordship list, [...]

  5. [...] lordship list. [...]

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