The nigger, a practical exercise.

Wednesday, 19 February, Year 6 d.Tr. | Author: Mircea Popescu

It all started as all good things start these days : on irc.i Like so :

    mircea_popescu: I don't recall such insolence in quite a while.
    pankkake: Must be weird to be called self-absorbed by MP
    mircea_popescu: This guy is a sort of chewed gum attached to someone's boot.

    There was also a pretty dogged pitch for his startup, which will get all kinds of warm huzzahs from the intersection of MRAs, Bitcoin fans, NSA critics and Redditors. I was pretty amazed that he went for it. He flat out said that he wants his startup to be funded and wasn't sure if it'd be possible after all of his, and I replied that it realistically wasn't going to happen without the say-so of someone like me, and I wasn't inclined to give some VC the nod on this. On reflection, I'll be explicit: If you're a venture capitalist, and you invest in Pax's startup without a profound, meaningful and years-long demonstration of responsibility from Pax beforehand, you're complicit in extending the tech industry's awful track record of exclusion, and it's unacceptable.

    This. This is what the fucktard said.

Check out the gatekeepers to the future, ladies and gents : a nigger. The VC freakshow wasn't enough.

A nigger, and I use this term, to be perfectly clear, quite derisively, steeped in hate, spite and contempt, but in the sense explained in the earlier Fried Chicken article :

This is all besides the point, obviously. You may not know this, or not have realised it yet, but that’s what Rhonda the Nigger is paid for. She’s not there to give any sort of meaningful comment on anything whatsoever, she’s not there to think, she’s not there in any sort of independent capacity as any sort of independent agent. She’s simply there as a trained monkey with a very simple Pavlovian reflex : Mention of “black” -> offended. Mention of “race” -> offended. Mention of “fried chicken” -> offended. She’s given a list like that, and she gets offended. Should she get multiply offended the term of art is “deeply offended”. That is all. That is what she does.


I imagine if I were a black guy that happened to live right in Colorado and had to deal with racism in my daily life - like for instance not being able to marry some girl because her daddy don’t approve because her daddy is a racist moron, or like any other of the myriad ways racism can fuck up the daily lives of ordinary citizens - I’d be pretty pissed off at Rhonda the Nigger. She’s not just wasting a bunch of tax money, but she’s actually using me as a meal ticket. She probably knows what she’s doing, and if she doesn’t she god damned well should. In either case she doesn’t care, because hey, she’s getting paid, and besides, outside of an independently wealthy Romanian blogger who doesn’t give a fuck about the whole thing nobody can even voice all these issues, because Rhonda the Nigger and her racist special interest friends have gotten the language, and public expression, and the political process pretty well fettered.

I’d be pretty damned pissed, because what Rhonda the Nigger is doing is in no way different and in no way better than the old blackface sketches they did depicting black people as niggers generally, universally and indiscriminately. At least those were done by unsympathetic white folk, rather than by absolute worms who also happen to have been born black, but instead chose to live their lives as niggers.

This is what makes some random nobody a nigger : not the dark hue of his skin, but the contemptible hue of his mind. And exactly the same thing is what makes the anon nobody a contemptible, discardable piece of human offal.

Yet... yet I'm a charitable billionaire, as per my definition of charitable of courseii. As a result :

@anildash Your self-absorbed inanity is unbearable. Here's a challenge : defend the SJ crap. in public. Against me.

@Mircea_Popescu "the SJ crap"?

@anildash "Social Justice".

@Mircea_Popescu haha, that's an insanely broad category. But essentially it's defending basic empathy, so you're not going to be convinced.

@anildash No, essentially you're trying to press platitudes into very narrowly construed and quite transparent political interest.

@Mircea_Popescu what's my political interest?

@anildash Derpage like … Basically, feeding the delusion you're somehow me, and you somehow enjoy my privileges.

@Mircea_Popescu so you don't think the typical pattern of affront-apology-redemption involves people vouching for the person who offended?

@Mircea_Popescu have you spent any time in the U.S.? Do you know how our public cycles of redemption work?

@anildash You're nobody and you can't vouch for as much as a fart, is the point. Pretense to the contrary notwitstanding.

@Mircea_Popescu then why did you seek me out unsolicited to cry at me?

@anildash I offered you a chance to redeem your idiocy. Which, granted, is unwarranted generosity on my part, but hey. I am known for that.

@Mircea_Popescu I know you don't understand, but I owe you nothing. I know how much you crave my attention, my love, my time. I'm sorry.

@anildash Dude get over yourself. Seriously. Nobody could be bothered to piss on you if you were on fire on a roadside.

@Mircea_Popescu hey, if you're into getting pissed on & it's your measure of importance, I'm not judging you. Good for you.

The salient points being that the nigger in question, in spite of his pretense to the contrary,

  1. can not actually find anything in an "insanely broad topic" to defend. It's very broad, you see, but equally unsubstantiated. Should you require me to introduce sense to you, I can do so at any level and to any degree of complexity you have the time and intelligence for. Like so. Should you require a random nigger to introduce his nonsense to you, he'll sit there paralyzed because... well... out of an "insanely broad" topic there's not actually anything defensible he can on the spot fish out.
  2. mostly tries to sidestep substantive issues as a discursive approach. Which obviously doesn't work well at all extemporaneously, he needs to be specifically prepared to manage it even somewhat seamlessly. This is quite typical of scammers and con men generally, by the way : you can go to a teacher and say "teach me" but you can't go to a scammer and say "scam me". The scammer needs to be prepared, needs an angle before he may proceed.
  3. if pressed, falls back on very strong conservative ideas. He doesn't owe me anything, you see. You owe plenty to whatever pet project of his on the grounds of you know, some putative duty of everyone to everyone he's imagined just for the occasion, for that angle. And you should definitely be taxed on this basis. But otherwise, he definitely doesn't owe me anything. Isn't this funny ? Yo, idiot, you owe me everything. Because I'm smart and you aren't, because I'm powerful and you aren't, because I am your superior and you are my inferior. Because I am privileged, which means all these, and you are not, which means all these. You just don't "know" it yet, which is to say you imagine you can get away from your duties by simply denying them. Guess what... it dun work that way. Not even for niggers, even if they are only half-human.

So there you have it. Nigger, found, lynched, forgotten unburied. To be used as a template.

Update, Feb 23rd. Actually... dead corpse walking :

As you'd expect of him, @anildash gets it exactly wrong. The correct response is to ALWAYS write "blue sky" in your check memo field. Always

@Mircea_Popescu of course I'd thought of that, but it would only screw the small businesses & independent contractors I work with.

@anildash And then they couldn't ask for more govt misspending instead of tax rebates, right?iii The only thing it'd hurt would be the USGbanks.

@Mircea_Popescu no, then it would delay payment to my friends whom I work with, which I'm not interested in doing.

@anildash All it takes for evil to survive is derps not being interested in doing anything about it.

@Mircea_Popescu how much do you know about my efforts around policy reform? You think the memo on a check is the best way to fix policy?

@anildash I will venture a guess that I know more as a % of yours than you of mine. That aside, yes, it'd be the best way to fix that policy.iv

@Mircea_Popescu anyway, I appreciate your newfound crush on me. Keep spending your time thinking about me! Sorry I can't reciprocate.

@anildash Your pattern of "engage with shitty argument that worked before, get destroyed, harp emotionally" isn't working so well.

@Mircea_Popescu I think you're assuming I care as much as you do. I don't, dude. I'm sorry I don't meet your emotional needs.

@anildash One day you'll have to decide if you care or don't care. You're turning into a Tea Partier under my very eyes over here.

Anyway, you got it from Progressive Press first : I care. I intend to use this certificate in the future.

  1. Wanna bet I can start all my articles from now on this way ? []
  2. Which I see others are appropriating for their own needs. Good for you, others. Next time, mention your source. []
  3. This is in reference to his proposition that the way for companies to "do the right thing" would be to ask for government housing rather than tax rebates. Because you know, nothing can be better than giving government more resources to mismanage. That's the right thing. In Soviet Lalaland, at least. []
  4. It's shocking to me that anyone involved with any sort of IT, even as remotely as this guy, can even for a second not notice that primitive Bayesian approaches to "security" are uniquely stupid. Not only because they fail to deliver the benefits they supposedly would, but because they actually hurt whoever implements them, by bothering the wrong people. What, some terrorist somewhere was caught because he said "blue skies" ? Who ? When ? Where ?

    What if spam filtering worked like this ? "Sorry, but you've mentioned both your aunt, money and Africa in the same email, so therefore it can't be sent. As per Anil Dash regulation #5487-49, No people in Africa are allowed to talk about their aunt and money in the same email."

    What if AOL worked that way ? Not that it didn't TRY TO, hence the Scunthorpe problem. But even AOL has meanwhile recanted that stupidity. Why should the USG be permitted to be stupider than 1990s AOL ?

    It is quite unsurprising to me, however, that he tries to equivocate on me by referring to "policy" generally. Because hey, maybe I'm as fucking stupid as the average fare of the libertard, and I don't notice the difference. This approach kind-of shows the man for one of these no-substance-all-discourse Brejnev-like aparatchiks : he's not interested in anything other than a particular result, and this severely limits his ability to engage in intelligent discussion. The fundamentalist's brain rot, as its known. []

Category: Meta psihoza
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5 Responses

  1. Mircea Popescu`s avatar
    Mircea Popescu 
    Sunday, 23 February 2014


  1. [...] if you can't... the stakes are exceedingly high, you realise. Like the last time, like every other time, the stakes are your whole life. Can you, or can't you ? Is it, or isn't it ? We proceed! Moo: [...]

  2. [...] I come in with my sluts and the staff wants its picture taken with them. The relationship between the male as imagined by the cucks and Hooters waitresses is about the same as the relationship between Hooters waitresses and my [...]

  3. [...] dumb bald fuck you wouldn't have ever heard about if it weren't for Trilema. They're different from the pantsuit riff-raff, or at least distinguishable ; they're a large majority of the truebeliever socialist, though [...]

  4. [...] going that way. It'll necessarily morph into something quite like Gran Torino : the Calebs and Dashes of the world yelling on mute at a demographic that's disinterested in them or anything to do with [...]

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