Hair, the musical

Thursday, 27 March, Year 6 d.Tr. | Author: Mircea Popescu

Check out this glorious image, released by Best-Korea's Best-Broadcaster KCNA as support for something or the other and widely used by nonbest-media (such as the BBC) to illustrate a recent story about how Best-Korean Best-Students are best-required to wear the bestest hairdo of all time, which used to be known as "The Chinese Smuggler" back in the day a few years ago :


It supposedly depicts a contingent of military leaders. In it we observe :

  • Two actual professionals, scrunched in the bottom right corner, their faces clearly depicting, in order from right to left : just how well things are going for the best-army of the best-country in the world and just how fucking drunk one has to get to make it through these parades.
  • No less than 7 babes directly visible, plus a couple less tall and less babe-y babes crying behind the Best-Hairdo's Esteemed Neck, and probably a few hidden by His Best-Portliest-Figure. These chicks look like they've just powdered their noses. Heavily.
  • Scrunched in the top and far left sections, an indisctinct number of indistinct men of varying indistinct ages. The straggler - breaking out of formation to better expose himself to the gaze of Best-Leader should fortune decide Best-Leader looks behind him - is a middle aged man telling us a story. A story of competitive pressure in which not being a tall babe with a well powdered nose is a serious drawback. Those young athletes up there in the peanut gallery can't all be faggots. Some of them are men, just like I am, just like Best-Kim aspires to be and likes to pretend he is. What's keeping them from forcing ten nine eighti seven six five inches of hot man meat down Best-Kim's Best-Throat ? And moreover, how long will it work ?

It's funny to see capitalism scrunching out of a publicity shot of the best-socialist regime everii, something Obama merely dreams of dreaming of.iii And to top it off the whole thing looks like publicity shots for a musical!

Can't wait for the next act. And incidentally... if anyone is doing this entire "world policing" thing : wouldn't you say that for as long as you're not bothering North Korea bothering anyone else is at best hypocritical ?

I know, I know, you can't mess with the Chinese anymore than a dog can mess with a lion, but still, things are what they are, neh ? What exact privileged interest does China have in Korea that Russia doesn't have in Crimea ? I'm missing something here, aren't I ?

Or perhaps you are.

  1. Jesus god Azns already. []
  2. Even leaving aside the straggler middle aged guy, why do the girls' faces look a) white to various degrees but b) much whiter than the men's ? This wouldn't be some sort of differentiating pressure of capitalist substance, would it ? I'm sure that the shorter girl with smaller tits and grotesque features stands just as good a chance of participating in best-Kim's best-orgy as any other, no ? []
  3. US students must take the same anticonceptional medicine Obama takes, that's a few tweaks away from sporting the same hairdo, wouldn't you say ? []
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4 Responses

  1. Those young athletes up there in the peanut gallery can’t all be faggots. Some of them are men, just like I am, just like Best-Kim aspires to be and likes to pretend he is. What’s keeping them from forcing ten nine eighti seven six five inches of hot man meat down Best-Kim’s Best-Throat ? And moreover, how long will it work ?

    About six months, ye prophet that are a prophet.

  2. Mircea Popescu`s avatar
    Mircea Popescu 
    Tuesday, 21 October 2014

    He showed up recently after six weeks off, but by the way his "2nd in command" was looking at him, Best Korea has new leadership.

  1. [...] you know how they say, time fixes all. [↩]Another term of socialist art. This thing. [↩]Here's a famous scene of an old socialist standing up and telling Romania's dictator [...]

  2. [...] of the Confederacy one paid about a dime out of a dollar they made, give or take. Think that in the best korea you currently inhabit, out of a dollar earned on your work by "the company", it will first pay [...]

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