F.MPIF, May 2014 Statement

Monday, 02 June, Year 6 d.Tr. | Author: Mircea Popescu
F.MPIF incoming and outgoing
Incoming Outgoing
Description Value Description Value
Cash BTC deposited 213.15567101 Profit Center 2 100.00000000
Equity adjustment 0.5899785 Profit Center 3 113.15567101
Total 213.74564951 Total 213.15567101
    F.MPIF assets
    Account 01.05.2013 Net change 31.05.2014
    Cash 155.15567101 89.35538147 244.51105248 BTCi
    Tangibles 58.00000000 128.22448175 186.22448175 BTCii
    Intangibles and goodwill 0 0 0
    Total assets 430.73553423
    F.MPIF liabilities
    Account 01.05.2014 Net change 31.05.2014
    Shareholder equity 426.90132052 3.83421371 430.73553423
    Total liabilities 430.73553423

      F.MPIF has issued 1`000`000 further shares, bringing the total to 2`000`000. The total assets per share implied value is thus 0.00021536 BTC. The cash+tangible assets per share implied value is thus 0.00021536 BTC.

      Miscellanea :

      Nothing remarkable to report on the operational front - everything is proceeding as planned. Bad accounting has misrepresented the assets of the fund by 0.5899785 BTC in the previous period, resulting in issuance of 1mn shares 0.27% cheaper than they should have been. This goes to underline the importance of good accounting in financial matters - all fund holders are encouraged to actively verify all the fund's accounting so as to help avoid such occurrences in the future.

      I am actively looking to expand the PCs, but it won't be done willy-nilly.

      1. 12.77359396 BTC (12.77326991 held as BTC, 0.000324055 held as 0.65 RON) in PC1 ; 166.97404975 in PC3 ; 36.08185877 in PC4 ; 28.68155 in PC5. []
      2. 0.02807175 (14035.87588299 ATC* 200 satoshi each) in PC1 ; 150.47241 in PC2 ; 14 BTC in bets made by PC4 ; 21.724 (0.00021724 * 100`000 F.MPIF) in PC5. []
      Category: F.MPIF
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      5 Responses

      1. Mircea Popescu`s avatar
        Mircea Popescu 
        Monday, 2 June 2014
        -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----
        Hash: SHA1

        F.MPIF: Panacea: 2014.05;

        Balance start: 150.00000
        Balance end: 150.47241
        Perf. allo.: 0
        NAV: 150.47241
        Balance gain: 0.47241

        Positions all: 18 Pips gain: 50.6
        Positions won: 12 Pips won: 108
        Positions lost: 6 Pips lost: -57.4

        Positions history: http://bit4x.com/panacea/history/
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      2. Statement from PC5:
        -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----
        Hash: SHA1

        F.MPIF May 2014 trading statement
        Date: June 1, 2014

        Beginning Balances:
        BTC: 50
        F.MPIF: 0 shares
        Total: 50 BTC

        Ending Balances:
        BTC: 28.68155
        F.MPIF: 100`000 shares (21.724 BTC at 30-day average trading price)
        Total: 50,40555 BTC (0.081% gain)

        Date        Transaction             Fees      BTC         Balance BTC     Balance F.MPIF
        May 1       B 200`000 @ 0.000215    -0        -43         7               2000000
        May 1-17    S 100`000 @ 0.00021725  -0.04345  +21.725     28.68155        1000000

        Summary: Whole activity consisted from buying shares directly from IPO (which practice became then disallowed - only trading outside of 1% of NAV is now allowed for marketmaker) and reselling them just below the second offering. Otherwise, neither spread nor liquidity allowed for more elaborate strategy.

        Notes: I decided to use this as opportunity to dogfood next CoinBr version and publish trading data automatically in real time. Of course this is exactly such a plan that tends to slip schedules, it is still in progress.
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      3. Mircea Popescu`s avatar
        Mircea Popescu 
        Monday, 2 June 2014


      4. Are PC1/PC4 salaries going to be carried as a liability on the books?

      5. Mircea Popescu`s avatar
        Mircea Popescu 
        Tuesday, 3 June 2014

        Yes, but only starting next month (for the current month).

      Add your cents! »
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