Why you need Bitcoin, simply put.

Saturday, 05 October, Year 5 d.Tr. | Author: Mircea Popescu

Consider the following piece from the Institute for Justicei :

United States v. $35,651.11 (The cash in the account of Schott's Supermarket)
Feds Seize Family Grocery Store’s Entire Bank Account

IJ client Terry Dehko and his family have owned and operated the Schott's Market in Fraser, Michigan, for 35 years. The Dehkos had $35,000 taken from them by federal law enforcement officials through a process known as “civil forfeiture."

Can the government use civil forfeiture to take your money when you have done nothing wrong—and then pocket the proceeds? The IRS thinks so.

For over 30 years, Terry Dehko has successfully run a grocery store in Fraser, Mich., with his daughter Sandy. In January 2013, without warning, the federal government used civil forfeiture to seize all of the money from the Dehkos’ store bank account (more than $35,000) even though they’ve done absolutely nothing wrong. Their American Dream is now a nightmare.

Federal civil forfeiture law features an appalling lack of due process: It empowers the government to seize private property from Americans without ever charging, let alone convicting, them of a crime. Perversely, the government then pockets the proceeds while providing no prompt way to get a court to review the seizure.

This is the simple reality of the matter : it's not that the rogue government of the United States might simply steal your money. It's that it does. It's not that it does it occasionally. It does it all the time. All. The. Time.ii Entire counties in the US are organised as highway robbery dens, whereby the local police stop people passing by on the highway and simply steal any cash they have on them.iii This is how the respective county finances itself, with part of the loot distributed to the highwaymen as "prizes".

This is why you need Bitcoin : because if you don't hold Bitcoin, the rogue US government will simply steal your money. No ifs, buts or maybes about it : if you have any money that can be stolen, the US government will steal it. Everything that's not nailed down is as good as gone. Start nailing shit down.

In closing, let's glance back to the classics.

Petulantiam, libidinem, luxuriam, avaritiam, crudelitatem sensim quidem primo et occulte et velut iuvenili errore exercuit, sed ut tunc quoque dubium nemini foret naturae illa vitia, non aetatis esse. Post crepusculum statim adrepto pilleo vel galero popinas inibat circumque vicos vagabatur ludibundus nec sine pernicie tamen, siquidem redeuntis a cena verberare ac repugnantes vulnerare cloacisque demergere assuerat, tabernas etiam effringere et expilare; quintana domi constituta, ubi partae et ad licitationem dividendae praedae pretium absumeretur. Ac saepe in eius modi rixis oculorum et vitae periculum adiit, a quodam laticlavio, cuius uxorem adtrectaverat, prope ad necem caesus. Quare numquam postea publico se illud horae sine tribunis commisit procul et occulte subsequentibus. Interdiu quoque clam gestatoria sella delatus in theatrum seditionibus pantomimorum e parte proscaeni superiore signifer simul ac spectator aderat; et cum ad manus ventum esset lapidibusque et subselliorum fragminibus decerneretur, multa et ipse iecit in populum atque etiam praetoris caput consauciavit.iv

  1. A reputable public interest law firm with half a dozen Supreme Court cases under its belt. []
  2. To the tune of 4bn USD during fiscal year 2012 according to their own reported data. This comes to about ten dollars per capita during that interval and excludes the larger sums stolen by state and local "officials". []
  3. Then you wonder why some random woman with a small child in her car ran away from the police. Well, she ran away from the police because in her experience, supported by the experience of everyone she knows as well as more broadly by the experience of a majority of citizens, the police are worse than the criminals they are supposedly protecting from. []
  4. "His insolence, lust, extravagance, avarice and cruelty were at first hidden and therefore excused as youthful folly, but then increased in frequency gradually leaving no doubt in anyone's mind that their source was a rotten character rather than simply young age.

    After darkness fell he would disguise himself and go around the inns or prowl the streets causing mischief, and through no harmless pranks either since he would beat up citizens walking home from a meal, stabbing those who resisted and pushing them into the sewer. He broke into shops and stole goods which he then sold at auctions he held in the Palace as if in a marketplace, and then squandering the proceeds.

    In such fashion he often ran the risk of losing his sight or even his life, being once beaten within an inch of his life by one Senator whose wife he maltreated. This taught him never to venture out after dark without an escort of praetorians following him at a distance, unobserved.

    In daytime he would have himself carried to the theatre in a sedan chair and watch from the top of the proscenium as the pantomime actors brawled, urging them on and joining in when they came to blows and threw stones and broken benches, hurling missiles at the crowd, on one occasion fracturing a praetor’s skull." []

Category: Bitcoin
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3 Responses

  1. Donald P. Reagan`s avatar
    Donald P. Reagan 
    Saturday, 5 October 2013

    Suetonius is not a bad choice.

    Revocavit et praemia coronarum, quae umquam sibi civitates in certaminibus detulissent. Et cum interdixisset usum amethystini ac Tyrii coloris summisissetque qui nundinarum die pauculas unicas venderet, praeclusit cunctos negotiatores. Quin etiam inter canendum animadversum matronam in spectaculis vetita purpura cultam demonstrasse procuratoribus suis dicitur detractamque ilico non veste modo sed et bonis exuit. Nulli delegavit officium ut non adiceret: "Scis quid mihi opus sit, " et: "Hoc agamus, ne quis quicquam habeat."

    d. Starting on or about December 17, 2012, through on or about January 10, 2013, the UC and the Vendor communicated via the Internet to negotiate the sale of one kilogram of cocaine. Payment was to be made via Silk Road, insuring that ROSS WILLIAM ULBRICHT, a/k/a "Dread Pirate Roberts," a/k/a "DPR," would collect a fee for the transaction. The Vendor provided the UC with an address to which to ship the cocaine, an address which federal agents later determined was the residence of the Employee.

    Anyone spot the difference?

  2. Mircea Popescu`s avatar
    Mircea Popescu 
    Saturday, 5 October 2013

    One difference could be that Suetonius spells 71 consecutive Latin words correctly, whereas the High School Equivalency Diploma'd FBI agent fails to make the distinction between insure and ensure.

    Another difference could be that drugs are bad mkay whereas purple tints are just evil. Also "drugs" are addictive, which cocaine is not but that doesn't matter for the foregoing reasons.

    Another difference could be that the super-duper market place where "hundreds of kilograms of drugs" were being traded for "1.2 billion dollars" took no less than three weeks to close the sale of one measly kilogram of cocaine, an exceptionally large sale for that venue which nevertheless is basically the minimum requisite for any of the one hundred or so parties being thrown in LA every given weekend to which analphabet FBI agents aren't invited unless in their night-time entertainatorial capacity (come to think of it, I wonder what proportion of FBI agents moonshine as hookers at the present time, and of those what number actually makes better money in that second line of work - especially now that daddy govt's a little broke). Nero's contraband purple sold the same day.

    And I guess further differences could be found, but unfortunately they'd all be differences without distinction.

  1. [...] information in the normal course of their business racket, they can and will freeze your account steal "your" money on a whim. So, fuck you one or two [...]

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