The title is in the pudding

Tuesday, 22 January, Year 5 d.Tr. | Author: Mircea Popescu

Operating expenses were minimal in 2012 and the company also paid monthly bitcoin dividends to ‘public’ shareholders which represent 10% of the total 100,000,000 outstanding shares. To invest in the operator and bet on the house, SatoshiDice shares are traded on the MPEx bitcoin stock exchange under ticker symbol S.DICE (see August 19th, 2012 Prospectus). At the current exchange rate of $17.00 per BTC, SatoshiDice is a company valued at $8.9 million.


I would guess sometime soon someone's making it into that other thing Forbes is known for. Erik ? It's on, baby! First at #1 wins.

Category: Zsilnic
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