Wednesday, 08 May, Year 5 d.Tr. | Author: Mircea Popescu
Last weekend (well... Sunday) was the Orthodoxi Easter. The tradition in these here parts is that the weak but cute shall be slaughtered for Easter (and every other day). Consequently :
Notice the questionmark on the label of the bottle of wine. It is aptly placed there, for indeed the bottle would ask a question of you : what is it ? There you go Alice, make yourself heard.
Unrelatedly, my salvia bush bloomed. You've ever seen bloomin' salvia ?
Now you have. (And I take it you also know what the white flowers growing in the middle of the path are ?)
———- Sorta like Jewish, but Christian. The story goes that in the year four hundred something a buncha beardy people got into some controversies - such as whether the body of Brian should be leavened or unleavened - which were resolved by the quite traditional recourse to "fuck you". The stronger group opted for "everything as before", which didn't work out too well for them - this being the reason you've never heard of them since. The weaker group embraced change and consequently you think of it as "Christendom", even though they're a bunch of schysmatic Westerners. [↩]
Category: Zsilnic
Thursday, 9 May 2013
Fraere ortodocsia a cazut ca Constantinilargestigaoazele.