The problem of too much money

Monday, 26 November, Year 4 d.Tr. | Author: Mircea Popescu

No such thing, right ? Heh. Let me illustrate how this goes :

Engineer : Hi, I would like to make a car and need financing.
Financier : How much would you need ?
Engineer : Well... about 5k I think.
Financier : Tell you what, you're our beloved Engineer and we trust you. So we'll give you 50k.
Engineer : O gosh jolly. Well in that case... I won't make a car anymore. I'll make a talking tin woman.
Financier : You have any experience with making tin women ?
Engineer : Not really... but I've always dreamed of trying it, ever since I was a kid!
Financier : Do you have any reason to suspect a tin woman can even be made in the first place ?
Engineer : Not really, so why not ?
Financier : Sounds legit. Here's the 50k.

Does that sound legit to you ? It doesn't, does it. It sounds motherfucking insane on a stick, doesn't it. Well... that's kind of unfortunate, because it happens to be exactly how inflationary economies work (to revisit that old topic). We have the problem of way too much money, useless stupid unwanted money that nobody knows what to do with.

Take the example of LTCM (Long Term Capital Management). A douche by the name Meriwether got kicked out of Salmon Brothersi and not wanting to enter any regulated trade he set up shop as a hedge fundii. He hired Scholes, of Black-Scholes fame and Merton, of Merton Model fame, and a bunch of other people.

The idea was quite slick and pretty workable : Each year there's a new issue of 30 year Treasuries. These are very liquid, being "on the run". Last year's treasuries, being "off the run" aren't quite as liquid. Because of this, they're a little cheaper than their 30 year counterparties would imply. Factually there's not much reason for this difference, the two make the same, come from the same issuer etc. They're equal instruments in pretty much all aspects, but they're still distinct and as such there's discrepancies in price. The idea was to arbitrage this difference.

LTCM collected over one billion dollars in capital. If you've been following up to here you probably have a question in your mind : what in the world were they going to do with a billion of their own money ? Good question. The fund had access to heavy leverage, as high as 100:1 in many cases. One billion leveraged 100:1 means one hundred billion, and turn it any way you please there's not going to be room for deplyoing a hundred billion in capital for the purpose of arbitraging minute differences between the 29 y T and the current T. There just can't be.

So they started dicking around with stock options, betting on mergers, the works. At some point they were the main seller of vega on the S&P 500, which was in great demand (precisely because the market knew anyone selling it is going to bite a steel girder).

The crater left behind their implosion still stands. The cause of that crater ?

Financier : How much would you need ?
Engineer : Well... about 5k I think.
Financier : We'll give you 50k.

Why ? Because there's money, fake, bullshit, useless, fiat money constantly being pumped into the economy. This money is a fucking burden of the first degree on the shoulders of the people who do capital allocation, which is to say the investment bankers, fund managers and all the rest of the "evil" "financial elite". You see, the curse of money is that you have to do something with it. You can't simply take the Seinfeld out and "Why should my money work for me ? Let my money relax, I've worked hard enough for it."

So what are youare you going to do with it ? Tin women, that's what.

The problem inflationary currency bestows upon capital allocators is insolvable. They are given money of no certain value (pretty much the only sure thing about the paper currency is that it is, literally, burning in your hands, it ticks away like a bomb, it blows in the wind like dust - all this while you're holding it) and have to do something with it. They always, always, always, absolutely always have more than is in fact needed.

The end result ? Well... certainly not more nigger homeowners, certainly not more teenage responsible mothers, certainly not more of the hungry clothed and certainly not more of the shivering fed. There's just as many homes and homeowners, teenagers and parents, food and clothes as there were before. Those things of the real world are inelastic, and as discussed in the linked article no matter how much "money" Bernanke helicopters into the state of New York, not one single turkey is going to materialize out of thin air. Money does not make prosperity, money simply measures prosperity that already and independently exists.

The end result is nothing else than a horde of poor unfortunate fucks running around like headless chickens trying to stuff bills where they don't belong, trying to give engineers that need 5k to build a car 50k instead and generally speaking wreaking all sorts of havoc.

Capital misallocation is the magic word. Inflationary systems produce it, necessarily, unavoidably and unerringly. Capital misallocation is the feared word. Its effects are the Holodomor, its effects are the collapse of Socialism, both in Russia and Eastern Europe, its effects are without exception and without possible salvation unmitigated disaster.

Capital misallocation is actually the principal reason inflationary models do not hold, do not work and do not help. Let capital allocators allocate capital, rather than impersonate headless chickens. We'll all be better off for it. Including the hungry, the cold, the ethnically colored and the lusciously hipped. Everyone'll be better off, just leave the currency be.

  1. For allowing some subordinate to make a false bid on US Ts, then to cover it up, then spending four months dicking around with the rest of the big whigs on the topics of who shall call whom to report it, all the while allowing the subordinate in question to retain his position, make another fake bid, get investigated and land Meriwether a 50k civil penalty. []
  2. Which are, or at least were, pretty much immune to any regulation, on the theory that if rich people want to waste their money let them and if they don't let them do their due diligence themselves as they can afford it and should know better. []
Category: Actiuni si Optiuni
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42 Responses

  1. Omega Peter`s avatar
    Omega Peter 
    Monday, 26 November 2012

    Aparent toti stim ce sa facem cu ei, deloc

  2. Best article yet; the popular focus on inflation when talking about central bank money printing is too simplistic. The misallocation story is much more to the point. I did not fully understand it when Detlev Schlichter tried to describe the misallocation problem in his book; your way is much easier to understand. I hope "tin women" becomes a new shorthand for the effects of fiat debasement.

  3. Mircea Popescu`s avatar
    Mircea Popescu 
    Wednesday, 28 November 2012

    @Paul Troon Hehe I guess that's a distinct possibility.

  4. Thank you for writing this. Brilliant and insightful, easy to understand. I will be sharing widely.

  5. Mircea Popescu`s avatar
    Mircea Popescu 
    Monday, 17 March 2014

    My pleasure.

  1. [...] this is a problem of Zerg being “people.” A problem somewhat related to the problem of too much money : when you construct a welfare state so the scum of society doesn’t starve, because “they’re [...]

  2. [...] Ponzi schemer in the history of the world. Bernie Madoff will be but a footnote of his. [↩]The problem of too much money pe Trilema. [↩]Turns out you don’t want a playground that’s too safe. [...]

  3. [...] SV State Religion is, of course, the rewarming of socialist ideals in a bezzle-flavoured wrapper of too much money and technological salvation. [↩]This is the conflation of absence of evidence for evidence [...]

  4. [...] referring to other documents, semantically organizing the world's knowledge, it got as full-bore tin-woman as you might expect with very bad results). Eventually, some well-intentioned asshole (funny how it [...]

  5. [...] times you have to look backwards to bring light to a problem of the present. Too much money is a problem. There would be quite a number of ways to shortcut bringing and ISP into existence by throwing [...]

  6. [...] I don't see having more fiat demonimated capital on hand leading to any effect other than it getting flushed into all sorts of tin women and away from Republican [...]

  7. [...] credit cards wreak havoc on the economy. They destroy capital allocation by burdening everyone with even more money. I would love to get rid of my card, perhaps in style., but I don't know if that would be prudent. [...]

  8. [...] you possibly imagine, the previous article on the problem of too much money has created a lot of debate. All this debate had little to do with the article's main topic, [...]

  9. [...] is possibly the last chance to take those piles of fundamentally worthless US dollars and use them for something with any sort of future value. ———There's an [...]

  10. [...] banks are pushing around "to provide liquidity" are the very core of the "too much" part in the too much money problem of fiat, they're that money which only exists as long as nobody seriously intends to spend it. You know all [...]

  11. [...] situation, which is exactly what money is supposed to buy, but let's not get into this discussion again. [↩] Category: SUA care este Comments feed : RSS 2.0. Leave your own comment below, or [...]

  12. [...] costs is that this is a burden that will actually have to be borne - Bitcoin isn't Bernankoin to just keep printing worthless fiat paper. So yes, indeed I could have a more refined system in place, that better [...]

  13. [...] The "problems Bitcoin faces". Like you know, the imaginary problem of "deflation", as if Bicoin was in fact deflationary. Here's a hint : it isn't, and no amount of repeating a falsehood will make it count. As if the dollar can in fact survive the problems its inflationary nature bestows upon the economy. Here's a hint : it couldn't possibly. [...]

  14. [...] behind this system being that a Put is simply a promise to deliver strike dollars, and fiats being extremely easy to obtain it's not particularly difficult for a well connected, well capitalised party to simply cover this [...]

  15. [...] much more modest Bitcoin monetary mass is about 10 million. The application of the same proportion would seem to [...]

  16. [...] I buy parts. Like fucking sane people. [↩]A problem somewhat related to the problem of too much money : when you construct a welfare state so the scum of society doesn't starve, because "they're people [...]

  17. [...] the other, in The problem of too much money Why ? Because there’s money, fake, bullshit, useless, fiat money constantly being pumped into the [...]

  18. [...] and its exact workings, the precise manner in which it wages an attrition war it can't lose against fiat currency, and the welfare state dependent upon that fiat currency, can be readily expanded to other fields. [...]

  19. [...] There's nothing more corrosive to a state, and a society, and ultimately a culture, than fake money. It's the curse of fucking doom, you don't even need enemies if you got that. undata It makes [...]

  20. [...] sitting in a room doing needlework was cheap, for whatever reasons (such as overpopulation and generally inflation) female education flowers and men count as [...]

  21. [...] that's a different discussion. [↩]And this isn't the only problem meta-existance brings. See tin women for another. [↩]How did you think Athens failed ? [↩] Category: SUA care este [...]

  22. [...] also have money is a key factor in the success of any Ponzi scheme, and a required contributor to financial misallocation and economic instability (you know these as "growth" and "social mobility", because you're so very [...]

  23. [...] is the important point : not "how much" as some sort of absolute term (which absolute is necessarily meaningless) but, in the Bitcoin fashion, how much as a relative share of the total. One that did not control [...]

  24. [...] thousands of "different" spamsites scattered across 50 or so language spaces. [↩]They're way, way oversupplied. The reasons they're oversupplied are not hard to understand : the US Government exists as a focus [...]

  25. [...] for you. ———English as a single language. [↩]Add that VC's have money (no, they don't), and that they matter in the world (no, they don't) and tons and tons of other things. [↩] [...]

  26. [...] think Fred Wilson is good for anything other than wasting wealth away ? He ain't. I'd know. You think he's a business man ? He's a businessman of that kind. You think [...]

  27. [...] to get your telescope correctly calibrated for this topic. One's that one with the tin women : the problem of too much money ; the other's the sad story of how the US ignored the warning and then lost its future : The future [...]

  28. [...] trying in the same manner : making "businessmen" out of hand puppets through liberal application of imaginary money ; making "soldiers" out of cowardly capons through liberal application of Pulizer prostitutes ; [...]

  29. [...] 2013] A concise explanation of the functioning of inflation in socialism is unearthed. While in no sense novel, this snippet will nevertheless prove extremely influential in shaping Republican thinking for many [...]

  30. [...] Yes the relation to tin women is very [...]

  31. [...] with the word "money" (as fucking if) will necessarily result in the useless, obnoxious shit piling in the way but also finding its way everywhere, including in hats, upturned or not, held out or not, by [...]

  32. [...] term. As a result the abstract downstream of a node was moved, to make way for socialism's ever-inflating needs of self-representation, while the concrete downstream was neglected in place. The result is [...]

  33. [...] long abandoned any semblance of meaning. [↩]It's not just okay. It's absolutely needed by the tin women society of morons. Here, listen to this sample of out and out imbecility : America's reckoning [...]

  34. [...] you've never the fuck seen anywhere else, it's utterly post-pantsuit meaningful in terms of the meanings of pantsuit currency. Obviously it's no fun to be blitzed constantly and consistently, without let [...]

  35. [...] twitter reference was not in the slightest misplaced : the imbecility machine's been working its wonderous inflation, and so now the problem's aggrieved : far from the legions of tarabostes, little knownii nobles [...]

  36. [...] 2010, etc. about the fundamental imbalances caused by the FED fixing interest rates too low, i.e. the problem of too much money, that would ultimately lead to massive price corrections that'd likely result in a big bunch of [...]

  37. [...] ———And that's a grand of last decade's money, easily twice if not outright thrice the value of today's sad fiat. [↩]Sadly I didn't screenshot, but the girls did giggle at, this recent [...]

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