Şi era una la părinţi şi cu sergentul zece, editie bilingva

Wednesday, 22 February, Year 4 d.Tr. | Author: Mircea Popescu

Am gasit (pe eternul fain, bineinteles) o capodopera literar-poetica a literaturii romane contemporan-moderne care imi pare atit de reusita si valoroasa-n unicitatea ei noetica incit nu pot ingadui sa privez cultura lumii de contactul cu meandrele sonetului.

Pe cale de consecinta, mi-am permis, cu slabele mele puteri, sa traduc in editie bilingva franco-engleza acest pisc sine guanon al implinirilor textuale din partea locului. Fara alte fade introduceri, purcedem :

And she was one in parents avec le sergeant dix.
By Gigi Kant

From field, home, from the plow it was upon a time
Pour echapper a le joug turc une fille trop belle.

All footman corps in fluffy hats with softly golden hair
Portant sandales, gilet, coulottes sur les epaules nues.

Whomever on their road did meet blazed with further fury
Restait immobile, s'en attira, s'evia dans la mer.

And her, speaking with him asleep, did should : - Have ye no fear!
Oh, douce prince de ma nuit, dans sa poitrine de bronze!

He'd listen trembling and through large mouth sang
Et s'en lancea a foudre rempli d'admiration.

How beautiful it came to be a skull of unbeliever
A moi, Catalin, maintenant ou jamais. Vive la Moldavie!

And in passing lithely grabbed her the sargeant called Mandrakei
- Mais qu'est-ce que vous voulez, Catalin? Nous sommes allés gaiement.

„Allah! Allah!“ the turks cry out sliding down on a ray
Nous mimes le drapeau roumain et ma vie il eclaire.

When suddenly grapeshot on the windowsill
Rompt la tête de Cobuz couronnée de roseaux.

Cobuz the shepherd of Calafat was extinguished in pain.
Et nous jouons le bal-musette en le village où il expire.

But that moustacheless sargeant sighing adeep did cry
- Le roumain a sept vies. Pourquoi viens pas ? Viens alors!

Slide downwards, candid Cythere, Amen and God help it.
Va t'en forêt et va dans la redoute turque!

Oy Vey! My lord, how through the skies his wings flew
Et comment ils couraient a rainures en autant de moments!

And he keeps going and he went, with a wide gash in his forehead
Jete de son haut lieu ci-dessus pour être un epervier de montagne.

Hyperion saw from on high romanians of ancient breed.
Il suffit de mettre un bras sur le cou et le chapeau sur l'oreille.

A page carrying step by step the fearsome hatchet
Batard errant de la forêt seigneuriale.

He sniffed the silver flowers, they struggled in the blood.
Sur le cheveu de deux enfants. Personne ne se plaint.

When my face bends downwards through thousand bayonets
Penchons-nous gourmand, ci-dessus au parapet.

And so that it through be this your arm broken,
Quand je t'embrace m'inclinant, je tournerai au combat.

But it doesn't fall as it used to through the engorged Danube

Dar nu mai cade ca-n trecut prin Dunărea umflată.
- Qu'est-ce toi qui importe, motte de poussière, de ce Plevna maudite?

Sper ca se intelege. Precum vedeti rimeaza. Sa ne vedem cu totii sanatosi de Boboteaza!

  1. Appele Matragoune en son idiom natale. []
Category: Cuvinte Sfiinte
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2 Responses

  1. Danube ca Danube, dar de ce "the sargeant called Mandrake"? Eroul Matraguna o merita si el sa-l cunoasca mapamondul sub numele original...

  2. Mircea Popescu`s avatar
    Mircea Popescu 
    Wednesday, 22 February 2012

    Pai cred ca s-a facut abuz de traducere.

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