Sfaturi de agatat gagici - distractia continua

Wednesday, 02 May, Year 4 d.Tr. | Author: Mircea Popescu

{mircea_popescu} Q: "What is the best attitude to have when trying to attract women?"
{mircea_popescu} A: I am the prize. I like what I see so far, so I'll give her an opportunity to show me that she's worth my time and effort. If she rejects me, she's a fool. I'll just go find the next lucky chick and let her have what this chick is throwing away.
{mircea_popescu} omg they r copying me ?!
{AnonHB} no, they are superficializing you.
{mircea_popescu} a

Eu sunt oarecum defect in sensul de anormalitate. La cap ma refer.

Cind eram copil si toti copiii se invatau sa invete la comanda eu invatam ce aveam eu chef. Citeam pe-acolo, ei toceau la Istorie eu citeam Gibbon. A, ca n-are legatura cu ce se studiaza la scoala ? Fix fis, ma interesa pe mine cit va intereseaza pe dumneavoastra guvernu' din Belize. Ni se dadeau liste de lecturi ? Nu le-am citit niciodata. Uneori nimereau pe ce aveam eu chef sa citesc, alteori nu nimereau. Problema lor. La facultate un prof ne-o declarat ca daca nu citim nustiuce ne pica. Io n-am citit macar ce-i pe lista aia dupa titluri, nici de curios, am luat zece la examenu' ala. Si asa mai departe.

Chestia asta suna paradisiac poate, da' are defectu' notabil ca mintea mea-i invatata sa-si urmareasca interesele dupa cum ii curg ele, ceea ce are si dezavantaje. De exemplu dupa amuzamentu' cu ciudateii cu HB-urile m-am apucat de-un ciclu de citit din PUA astiai. Sa-mi ingaduiti sa va prezint selectii.

Gunwitch Guide Pre-release
Copyright © 2002

Sa se noteze ca nu doresc sa-i fur omului ideile sau ceva, is ale lui si-l reprezinta.

I’ll tell you a little about myself, my name is Allen Reyes (known as ‘gunwitch’ on ASF). In case you wonder my name is derived from the fact that I am an avid hand gunner as well as a 10-year practitioner and student of seduction and PU (pick ups), "real" witchcraft, magick, state manipulation and all ranges of the "influence" sphere. I started out using simple psychology, then NLP (neural linguistic programming), and eventually evolved a much simpler understanding of women and methods of dealing with them, which has been gained through psychology and human study, but even more so through years of interactive analysis.

What "simpler understanding" you may ask? Well after YEARS and YEARS of study, fieldwork, and seductions, the thing that led me here was that I conquered my weight problem. I am 5'7" (5'9'' in my "field" boots) and used to weigh a "power lifter styled" mix of muscle and fat that was 240 lbs. Not a pretty picture to look at, hence my study of seduction. I finally got down to a leaner, muscular 185lbs. This is when I noticed a massive change in dealing with women. They made it easier - less testing, less flake outs, and less overall resistance to my sexing them.

Mai clar de-atita nu cred ca se poate. Un grasan de-ala fixist cu trasu' cu pusca si preocupat de magie "reala" (oare de ce in ghilimele ?) si alte cacaturi comparabile. Un vrajitor acolo la el in Kentucky sau unde. Americanii numesc chestia asta red-neck.

Beta (inferior less attractive) males who happened to be intellectually superior set up misogynistic arranged marriages, barter systems for financial ownership of wives, religious persecution and moral persecution for women who enjoyed sex with the alpha (superior more attractive) males, as a means of being able to secure sex for themselves with no alpha competition.

Today, religion, moral conduct, and societal expectations cannot RULE the female sex drive, nor her instincts and her desires by force. This leads us ALL to a problem. Women seek and choose long term relationships with only the most desirable of men. They often try to entrap the alpha male into unnatural sex commitments, while giving the beta male no sex because they want to have one partner, and do not want it to be a beta male. Kinda backfired on them cheeky little shit heel betas didn't it?

Povestea lui e cam ca povestea negrului. Deci, niste "beta" adica inferiori au reusit sa domine niste "alfa", adica superiori. Cum este posibil ca aia inferiorii sa-i domine pe aia superiorii ? Nu se explica. Pur si simplu si-a ales cetateanu' in mintiuca lui niste nume pentru roluri si le pune acuma sa joace cum scrie el scriptu'. Ce daca ipso definitio beta aia din scenariu' lui ar fi alfa de fapt ? NU MAI TOT PUNETI ATITEA INTREBARI!!!

The lone wolf.

Approaching single, lone women will be the staple of you sexual diet. Attempting to seduce women while in the company of others, her friends, your friends, and other people in general is often a dumb idea. “WHY”, you ask? Read section 2 again. They want sex, they want sex NOW with almost any guy who isn't obese or deformed, but they do not want the world to know, and they will start to think "if I do this what will it make THEM think", rather than "do I trust this guy" "am I attracted to this guy" and "what is he making ME feel sexually". Reading this material from the standpoint of applying it at a party or in front of 2-3 women at a time will make it seem unworkable. So read from the perspective of you and a single lone (isolated) woman, or distanced from others (semi isolated), and it will come into focus.

O explicatie alternativa ar putea fi ca cetateanul are imperioasa nevoie sa discute exclusiv cu defecte, da' ce stiu eu.

Your initial state when seeing women you want is very important: the right one will cause you to approach them, the wrong one will panic and confuse you - preventing you from taking any action to ever meet them. If you do not meet them you almost certainly CANNOT have sex with them. Your internal state when you first see an attractive woman must be one of sexual enthusiasm, horniness, and unapologetic desire.

Pe teoria ca e bine sa te bagi in seama cu o erectie la tine. Nu se stie niciodata, adevaru-i ca face impresie buna.

Si iata cum incepem sa intelegem necesitatile in care se misca cetateanul : un grup de fete de care se apropie un ciudatel de-asta cu cortu' la el sa se bage in seama va bufni probabil in ris. Naspa. O femeie singura e probabil prea ingrozita ca sa zica altceva decit chestii dragute, ca vorba ceea, nu te pui cu nebunu'.

When you first see your lone wolf, in a bar, a coffee house, a dept store, a bank, the gym -ANYWHERE - (I like the magazine racks at dept stores, where I can stand there and wait ‘til some Cosmo magazine reading hottie comes into what feels to her like your space, and feels like she’s approaching, then boom I’m on it "so what ya reading?"), anyway ANYWHERE you see them you must imagine having sex with her, visualize it, feel the desire and lust.

Am intrebat gagicile. Chestia asta e cam pe primele locuri din ce nu suporta la barbati. Or fi ele defecte, nu stiu. Ce stiu e ca-i garantat penibil si indiscutabil stupid sa stai la raftu' cu reviste ca operatu' de prostata la urinal, cite sase ore sau ceva. N-ai si tu o treaba de facut, o pusca de curatat, ceva motor pe-o folie undeva care te-asteapta ?

Ted Bundy, the infamous serial killer/sociopath didn't feel fear or panic when he saw a target. He felt rage, sexual perversion and desire to kill, hence NO fear to approach them, of course wanting to have sex isn’t the same thing, but its still more effective than feeling fear or confusion about your desires and direction.

Ted Bundy. Asasinu' ala, sociopatu. Despre ala vorbim. Tipu' ala e modelu' cetateanului.

Daca va doriti sa futeti atunci va doriti, dupa mintea acestui sfatuitor, sa fiti ca un fel de Ted Bundy.

El este. Si pentru el - fara posibila umbra de indoiala - functioneaza.

  1. Ca sa scoatem problema din drum, aveti aici o discutie lamuritoare apropo de ce cred pe tema generala,

    20:21:16 {gheorghe} deci mircea_popescu citesti literatura de PUA, nu-ti mai merge cu femeile in ultima vreme?
    20:21:46 {_Cristian} literatură de PULA
    20:22:02 {_Cristian} o fi vrând să meargă în Croația
    20:22:06 {mircea_popescu} ce gheorghe, obiectezi contra educatiei ?
    20:22:54 {gheorghe} totusi, ce ti se pare in neregula cu ce zic aia?
    20:23:37 {mircea_popescu} ai citit articolu' de care discutam sau zici in general ?
    20:23:58 {gheorghe} in general
    20:24:03 {gheorghe} si ce articol?
    20:24:21 {mircea_popescu} in general n-am nimic impotriva, da' nu ma pot abtine sa nu observ ca daca am vorbi de medicina ei ar fi babele tamaduitoare.
    20:24:23 {gheorghe} ma refeream la bucatile pe care le-ai postat aici
    20:24:36 {mircea_popescu} e ok sa abordezi realitatea empiric, da' rezultatele vor fi pe masura puterii tale de abstractizare.
    20:25:15 {gheorghe} pai majoritatea lumii abordeaza problemele astea empiric
    20:25:33 {gheorghe} tu faci statistici sau ce?
    20:26:07 {mircea_popescu} majoritatea lumii nu-i nici calificata nici indicata sa teoretizeze pe teme de interes pentru altii.
    20:26:48 {gheorghe} si cine e? sorta?
    20:26:59 {gheorghe} cu doctorat in phihologie
    20:27:03 {mircea_popescu} pai sora-mea e cu grasancele, ce treaba are ea cu fututu' ?
    20:27:14 {gheorghe} deci nici macar ea...
    20:27:16 {_Cristian} ea însăși fiind o grăsancă? :-) )
    20:27:21 {mircea_popescu} neah
    20:27:28 {gheorghe} nu e ma, a gasit freud pix :) )
    20:27:45 {mircea_popescu} bai gheorghe da' incurci. deci, odata ma intrebi de majoritate, pe urma ma intrebi de exemple concrete. fis.
    20:27:50 {mircea_popescu} nu majoritatea, ci o oarecare minoritate.
    20:28:19 {gheorghe} bine dar presupun ca intelegi ce vor sa zica
    20:28:27 {mircea_popescu} pai io inteleg, sigur ca inteleg
    20:28:44 {gheorghe} si atunci e o problema cu teoriile lor?
    20:28:46 {mircea_popescu} si ma rid, ca in felu' in care zic le transpar diversele fisuri, lipsuri scl.
    20:29:03 {mircea_popescu} apere-i domnu' sa dea peste fo' pizda competenta pusa pe trolism
    20:29:05 {mircea_popescu} ca acolo si mor.
    20:29:44 {mircea_popescu} iar in rest, poblema e ca daca mergi la vinatoare cu pusca de vaci vei veni acasa cel mult cu scroafe
    20:29:51 {mircea_popescu} in general cu diverse vite.
    20:30:31 {gheorghe} da poate scopul lor nu e sa agate pizde competente
    20:30:42 {mircea_popescu} nu contest.
    20:30:47 {gheorghe} ci doar sa aiba ce fute de ep-o zi pe alta
    20:30:49 {mircea_popescu} nu propun sa fie interzisi sau ceva acuma
    20:31:17 {mircea_popescu} e poate chiar un pas necesar, la douazeci de ani mai bine pua de-ala decit cine stie ce itist obosit.
    20:31:27 {gheorghe} clar


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20 Responses

  1. lexy229`s avatar
    Wednesday, 2 May 2012

    9.2 Do you brag around women? Well stop it if you do. If she isn't attracted to you, and even if she is, this isn't moving things into any kind of a sexual encounter. It is a waste of time and energy to brag, as everyone can see it when someone does it, and takes the claims made as lies, even if they are true. BE SEXUAL, as this serves to project without words that you are good in bed, well endowed, and worthwhile enough to be this confident. Of course don’t put yourself down either. This is very powerful knowledge that I’m giving you here, which few people know, and since I have a 130 IQ I can decipher this type of thing.

  2. Mircea Popescu`s avatar
    Mircea Popescu 
    Wednesday, 2 May 2012

    Lol are you woman hear you roar ?

  3. lexy229`s avatar
    Wednesday, 2 May 2012


  4. E bine ca uneori mai si recunosti "Eu sunt oarecum defect in sensul de anormalitate. La cap ma refer" :P

  5. Anonimosu`s avatar
    Anonimosuinsigna de prim sositinsigna de tehnolog 
    Wednesday, 2 May 2012

    Allen Robert Reyes, 32 was sentenced to five years probation by Klamath County Circuit Court Judge Dan Bunch. He faces five years in prison if he violates the terms of his probation.

    Related charges of attempted murder and first-degree assault were dropped against Reyes in the incident that sent Amber Lynn Tripp to the hospital with a gunshot wound to her face. Cole Chase, Klamath County deputy district attorney, said the lack of credibility of witnesses contributed to the plea deal.


  6. Mircea Popescu`s avatar
    Mircea Popescu 
    Wednesday, 2 May 2012

    Ai de capu' meu...

  7. Un succes, s-a updatat la alfa, inb4 curva Zeta din puscaria.

    Drop tha soap.

  8. Mircea Popescu`s avatar
    Mircea Popescu 
    Wednesday, 2 May 2012

    Cre' ca mai degraba o iesit din beta...

  9. The lone wolf.

    Approaching single, lone women will be the staple of you sexual diet. Attempting to seduce women while in the company of others, her friends, your friends, and other people in general is often a dumb idea. “WHY”, you ask? Read section 2 again. They want sex, they want sex NOW with almost any guy who isn’t obese or deformed, but they do not want the world to know, and they will start to think “if I do this what will it make THEM think”, rather than “do I trust this guy” “am I attracted to this guy” and “what is he making ME feel sexually”. Reading this material from the standpoint of applying it at a party or in front of 2-3 women at a time will make it seem unworkable. So read from the perspective of you and a single lone (isolated) woman, or distanced from others (semi isolated), and it will come into focus.

    Tl;dr daca nu sunt singure ai deaface cu competitie si sugi.

  10. Mircea Popescu`s avatar
    Mircea Popescu 
    Saturday, 12 May 2012

    Pai alta data sa read ca sa nu te repeti mai stingaci asa.

  11. Notorious Pickup Artist Who Shot Woman In Face Cops Plea To Felony Weapons Charge

    Allen Reyes, 32, copped to unlawful use of a weapon during a Circuit Court hearing in Klamath County, Oregon. Reyes, who has been in custody since his January 1 arrest, was sentenced by Judge Dan Bunch to time served and was released today from the county jail.

    Reyes, known as “Gunwitch,” shot Amber Tripp, 21, in the face during an alcohol-fueled party at a Klamath Falls apartment. Pictured above, Reyes was charged with attempted murder, felony assault, and unlawful use of a weapon, and jailed in lieu of $750,000.

    Ted Bundy gen.

  12. Mircea Popescu`s avatar
    Mircea Popescu 
    Sunday, 27 August 2017

    See #5 above.

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