NSFW - Well, what's in a picture ?

Tuesday, 06 November, Year 4 d.Tr. | Author: Mircea Popescu

Take this one :


It comes from some obscure tumblr called pornaroids. There's a million tumblrs out there (understatement of the hour) and most of them are filled to the brim with tits, cocks, lips (vulvar and otherwise), so what's in a picture ?

Moreover, who ever heard of the sort of noobish stupidity of putting the actual picture on a white field, like those idiots just starting out with MS Paint used to do back in 1912 - you'd ask for an image, they'd send a 1920x1618 (don't ask) white field with a 49 x 52 thumbnail somewhere sorta in the upper left corner. A picture!

And yet... this isn't exactly a white field now is it. It wasn't computer generated, it's not pure white nor is it an actual digital pattern. Someone took a picture of another picture that was ensconced in a photo album. That's right, a photo album. Did you ever use one of those ? I never did, and I collected stamps for fucks sake. I had special filing albums for 10`000 or so stamps, and I placed the stamps there in the lines religiously, when I was nine. But never, nine, nineteen or fifty nine was I bothered yet with placing photos in photo albums. Yes, I am going to keep italicising photo album, it's just too ridiculous to let it mingle with the rest of the text.

Nobody outside of really old women, really stupid housewivesi and really disturbed individuals in general use photo albums, and yet that pink fingerprint in the corner is a dead giveaway. You see, that's a fingerprint that's been dusted. The tell tale nuance of the iodine reaction could not be mistaken. The fingerprint is where someone would normally touch the pages of a photo album to turn them, and so indeed we have proof : this was a photo album!

It was a photo album that the police confiscated, forensics dusted for fingerprints and it was then presented as evidence in court (hence being itself photographed). Quite the something for an inane picture of some broad about to swallow some douche's manhood : this is crimescene material that somehow was leaked from the evidence vault and made its way to the Interwebs. Specifically, tumblr.

So, what's in a picture becomes moreover, what was around this picture ? Anyone care to venture guesses ?

  1. Why do you think this rhymes with lowlife ? []
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12 Responses

  1. vintage

  2. " just to ridiculous" e too* nu to.
    strange chestii pacilisea. facem ca monica badescu, nu mai stim romana, o dam pe ,,como se dice?"
    pe langa asta, ce mai faci bre?

  3. Mircea Popescu`s avatar
    Mircea Popescu 
    Tuesday, 13 November 2012

    Ca bine zici. Vezi aici.

  4. aha. naspa. s-a dus pe sfanta pula cum ar veni

  5. Mircea Popescu`s avatar
    Mircea Popescu 
    Tuesday, 13 November 2012

    Cultura mica, oameni putini... ce poti sa speri ?

  6. All good things come to an end. Ai primit plangeri sa readuci fainul la vechea-i valoare?

  7. Mircea Popescu`s avatar
    Mircea Popescu 
    Tuesday, 13 November 2012

    Apai plingeri. Ce treaba au plingerile ?

  8. cine este cel mai tare,
    cel mai faimos aicea,
    cel mai bazat si mai mare?
    psycho mircea, psycho mircea!

    el a impuscat mortal un fotograf
    doar pentru ca o sala nu i-a dat,
    a bagat in beton un securist
    si in lac l-a azvarlit pe trist
    doar pentru ca nu stia scrie corect.
    psycho mircea n-are nici un defect,
    sclavele in beci le tine,
    afacerea si-o conduce foarte bine,
    face bani, pardon bitcoini

  9. Mircea Popescu`s avatar
    Mircea Popescu 
    Wednesday, 14 November 2012

    Acuma baga si-n engleza.

  10. aha. naspa. s-a dus pe sfanta pula cum ar veni

    S-a dat batut, el, Mircea.

  11. traducerea aproximativa: http://www.albundy.net/lyrics_pdad.php


  12. Mircea Popescu`s avatar
    Mircea Popescu 
    Tuesday, 20 November 2012


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