MPOE, October 2012 Statement

Saturday, 27 October, Year 4 d.Tr. | Author: Mircea Popescu

Operational results, MPOE

Overall trade 45`494 contracts, of which -17`543 +10`613 CALL, -10`778 +6`560 PUT.

Revenue : 12`755.59310383 BTC, of which :

  • contracts sold : 9`643.90438788 BTC
  • contracts exercised : 3`111.68871595 BTC

Expenditure : 13`906.82979786 BTC, of which :

  • contracts bought : 8`694.03693124 BTC
  • contracts exercised : 4`082.85992217 BTC
  • capital expenses : 1`129.93294445 BTC (12`318.77 × 9%)

Loss : -1`151.23669403 BTC

Operational results, MPEx

Revenue :

  • Revenue from sales fee : 120.31566629 BTC (Rulaj total : 60`157.83314808 BTC)
  • Revenue from new accounts : 510 BTC

No expenses.

Profit : 630.31566629 BTC

Shareholders table

Total shares : 1`000`000`000, of which :

  1. Mircea Popescu, 971`367`807 shares,
  2. Third parties 28`632`193 shares.

Total dividend : 630.31566629 BTC.

Bondholders table

Total capital : 12`318.77, of which

  1. 1swAzHw1zTWqoi5184VinvUxLWnBskPVW 4`294.81049389 BTC @ 9%
  2. MPCD.x 500 BTC @ 9%
  3. 1CqQiHmp2T3TWXZx3J7yueDxH5rVnZ9A94 2`000.00000888 BTC @ 9%
  4. 16yqE5GW2iLnXvCX3SHe6r5UbRFAuARond 598.00000888 BTC @ 9%
  5. 1D7YtrxnyK3ug3Rvp9jX66T8kVzWww9Jr8 4`925.95948835 BTC @ 9%

Loss applicable to bonded capital : 1`151.23669403 BTC
Loss per BTC : 0.093453867.

MPBOR valid 27 October through 30 November: 9%.

Final bondholder list :

  1. 1swAzHw1zTWqoi5184VinvUxLWnBskPVW 3`893.4438452 BTC
  2. MPCD.x 453.2730665 BTC
  3. 1CqQiHmp2T3TWXZx3J7yueDxH5rVnZ9A94 1`813.09227405 BTC
  4. 16yqE5GW2iLnXvCX3SHe6r5UbRFAuARond 542.114595584 BTC
  5. 1D7YtrxnyK3ug3Rvp9jX66T8kVzWww9Jr8 4465.60952547 BTC
  6. Mircea Popescu (creditor of last resort)


Last day BTC drop ruined an otherwise prosperous month. Could have been a lot worse, most long PUT and short CALL positions were closed before Thursday. For the first time in its history MPOE used over 10`000 BTC in capital to hedge its positions this month (and MPBOR took a large leap as a result).

MPOE.ETF was mostly unwound this month, good call on the part of the operator. From what I understand about 80% of shareholders were repaid before GLBSE imploded.

Also in the news, MPEx introduced the STATJSON command and users can now download copies of the MPEx database for extra security.

Category: MPEx
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3 Responses

  1. wtf?

    Trilema = trilemma
    Zic că le place dixstincţia mea. = they say about likeing my distinction
    Credite: 4. Ce e asta ? = Credits: 4. What's this?

  2. Mircea Popescu`s avatar
    Mircea Popescu 
    Saturday, 27 October 2012

  1. [...] 2012 ; March 2012 ; April 2012 ; May 2012 ; June 2012 ; July 2012 ; August 2012 ; September 2012 ; October 2012 ; November 2012. ———Total capital required by MPOE to cover all its positions [...]

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