MPOE, November 2012 Statement

Saturday, 01 December, Year 4 d.Tr. | Author: Mircea Popescu

Operational results, MPOE

Overall trade 114`763 contracts, of which -45`344 +29`070 CALL, -20`011 +20`338 PUT.

Revenue : 25`553.98115344 BTC, of which :

  • contracts sold : 23`577.52108954 BTC
  • contracts exercised : 1`976.4600639 BTC

Expenditure : 27`515.29937379 BTC, of which :

  • contracts bought : 21`642.46998797 BTC
  • contracts exercised : 1`788.83386582 BTC
  • capital expenses : 4`083.99552 BTC (41`252.48 × 9.9%)

Loss : −1`961.31822035 BTC

Operational results, MPEx

Revenue :

  • Revenue from sales fee : 198.9709646 BTC (Total trade : 99`485.48229977 BTC)
  • Revenue from new accounts : 240 BTC

Expenditure : 5 BTC, of which :

  • Advertisingi : 5 BTC

Profit : 433.9709646 BTC

Shareholders table

Total shares : 1`000`000`000, of which :

  1. Mircea Popescu, 958`400`705 shares,
  2. Third parties 41`599`295 shares.

Total dividend : 433.9709646 BTC.

Bondholders table

Total capital : 41252.48, of which

  • 16yqE5GW2iLnXvCX3SHe6r5UbRFAuARond 1`832.00000888 BTC
  • 1swAzHw1zTWqoi5184VinvUxLWnBskPVW 3`893.4438452 BTC
  • 16yqE5GW2iLnXvCX3SHe6r5UbRFAuARond 542.114595584 BTC
  • 1D7YtrxnyK3ug3Rvp9jX66T8kVzWww9Jr8 4`702.0161672 BTC
  • 1CqQiHmp2T3TWXZx3J7yueDxH5rVnZ9A94 1`813.09227405 BTC
  • 1A2hqHVSUERAT3t1yJ7ggYCQccvH6pZGZm 2`000.00000888 BTC
  • Mircea Popescu (creditor of last resort) 26`469.813100256 BTC
  • Loss applicable to bonded capital : 1`961.31822035 BTC
    Loss per BTC : 0.04754425.

    MPBOR valid 30 November through 28 December: 9.9%.

    Final bondholder list :

    1. 16yqE5GW2iLnXvCX3SHe6r5UbRFAuARond 1`744.89894245 BTC
    2. 1swAzHw1zTWqoi5184VinvUxLWnBskPVW 3`708.33297766 BTC
    3. 16yqE5GW2iLnXvCX3SHe6r5UbRFAuARond 516.34016372 BTC
    4. 1D7YtrxnyK3ug3Rvp9jX66T8kVzWww9Jr8 4`478.46233504 BTC
    5. 1CqQiHmp2T3TWXZx3J7yueDxH5rVnZ9A94 1`726.89016169 BTC
    6. 1A2hqHVSUERAT3t1yJ7ggYCQccvH6pZGZm 1`904.91150845 BTC
    7. Mircea Popescu (creditor of last resort)


    MPOE carried ~45k CALLs short and ~20k PUTs long on the book for most of the month. This significant level of exposure nevertheless failed to cause much trouble, in spite of BTC/USD prices on the rise this month. Significant increase of capital needs and another MPBOR rate hike, yet the effective risk-free rate seems to be somewhere in the 4-6% range however.

    1. Forum contest. []
    Category: MPEx
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    2 Responses

    1. Total 114763 din care Call, -20011 +20338 Put

    1. [...] ; April 2012 ; May 2012 ; June 2012 ; July 2012 ; August 2012 ; September 2012 ; October 2012 ; November 2012. ———Total capital required by MPOE to cover all its positions during the month. [...]

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