Cat on a Hot Tin Roof

Monday, 30 January, Year 4 d.Tr. | Author: Mircea Popescu

Cat on a Hot Tin Roofi este cel mai bun film din lunga istorie a cinematografiei. Urma sa scriu "unul dintre cele mai bune", eventual "poate cel mai bun". L-am revazut special pentru a transa acest aspect si da, e cel mai bun film din lunga istorie a cinematografiei. Sunt convins de asta si aceasta convingere are oarecari sanse sa supravietuiasca aceste nopti.

Meritul filmului este in primul, indiscutabil primul rind piesa. Tennessee Williams e un dramaturg pe nedrept necunoscut in partile noastre. Ar trebui probabil studiat in scoala, e de-a dreptul si net egalul unui Caragiale. Are alt gust pentru umor da-n rest e chiar atit de bun.

Exista niste diferente intre textul piesei si scenariul filmului, in sensul ca relatia dintre Brick si Skipper fu complet curatata de orice posibile referinte la homosexualitate (chit ca daca esti un om cit de cit trecut prin lume-ti da atita lucru prin minteii) si in sensul ca rezolvarea conflictului e mult mai cathartica-n film, imprejurare de pe urma careia produsul cistiga. E, cu alte cuvinte, unul din rarele cazuri in care filmul bate cartea (si nu, nu cred nici intr-un caz ca piesa ar fi macar pe-aproape de cea mai buna piesa din inca si mai lunga istorie a teatrului). Chestia amuzanta este ca Williams a urit pur si simplu versiunea asta, stringind oamenilor sa se duca acasa ca-i un film prost si chestii.

Piesa a fost scrisa din capul locului cu Burl Ives in minte. Rolul i se potriveste exceptional, sau el se potriveste rolului exceptional, sau in tot cazul potrivirea intre cei doi e magnifica. Chestia amuzanta este ca Burl Ives era pina la momentul filmarii in principal un cintaret de country. Dupa film a devenit, si-a cam ramas, actor. Rare cazuri de-astea de actori lansati cu catapulta, nu ouati si nici inmuguriti.

Paul Newman e un actor foarte, foarte bun. In situatia pur teatrala-n care se gaseste, jucind adulescens amator exclusiv in perechi ba fata cu meretrix ba fata cu senex iratus se descurca exceptional, e probabil cel mai bun rol al lui - in pofida faptului ca nu i-a placut scenariul (chestie care ar putea dovedi ca executantii nu au de ce sa-si puna probleme apropo de partitura pe care-o executa, o idee periculoasa). Elizabeth Taylor straluceste, dar nu da totul din ea. De fapt nimeni in afara de Richard Burton n-a fost capabil s-o faca sa dea totul din ea. In Butterfield 8 (filmul ei urmator) joaca mai bine. Madeleine Sherwood merita o mentiune pentru modul nesuferit in care reuseste sa fie nesuferita, e un rol secundar dar se achita cu asupra de masura.

V-as zice doua vorbe despre Richard Brooks da' n-am idee ce. Suspectez ca-n filmul asta a jucat mai degraba rolul de producator delegat, straduindu-se sa-i calmeze pe actori in raport cu cerintele de la centru si sa nu le stea-n cale.

Si-n final, daca sa-l vedeti ? Pai, depinde. Daca sunteti orbi mai bine sa-l ascultati.

  1. 1958, de Richard Brooks cu Elizabeth Taylor, Paul Newman si Burl Ives []
  2. Merita poate mentionat ca Cukor a refuzat sa regizeze tocmai pentru ca fusesera scoase referintele la homosexualitate, o mica batalie politica de mare amploare-n alte vremuri. []
Category: Trilematograf
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18 Responses

  1. [...] nenorociti s-or trezit incarcati cu bani si averi pe care nu le-or facut ei. E greu blestemul asta, revedeti clasicii cu-ai lor 28`000 de acri de al' mai roditor pamint din partea asta a riului [...]

  2. [...] n-ar fi cum de-ar raspunde exact asa masculinitatii eroului ? A ? Chestiile astea se prezuma, nici Cat On A Hot Tin Roof nu-i, teoretic vorbind, despre un fost hobo's whore care ajuns la senectute om bogat are a [...]

  3. [...] nu e chiar clara treaba da' bag de seama ca nu se potriveau ei chiar asa bine, sau ca s-o citam pe Ida, "the rocks are right [...]

  4. [...] And if you're curious the whole libretto is published by Stanford. [↩]In the words of that other cat, You can be young without money, but you can't be old without [...]

  5. [...] of a film, and that film is certainly one of the greatest films ever made. Yes, way up there with Cat On A Hot Tin Roof, Last Tango in Paris or Some Came [...]

  6. [...] herbijud1estoids My fav. movie with him in it is Charlie Wilson's War, but I guess its a subject matter thing. I think Rambo 4 and Charlie Wilson's War should be mandatory viewing for all american citizens :P mircea_popescu Wtf. Why not Some Came Running and Cat On A Hot Tin Roof. [...]

  7. [...] earnestly say "bad", because he imagines he's too educated to take a piss or something. [↩]Cat on a hot tin roof is quite relevant. Gooper does not get the farm. Quoth he : Gooper Pollitt: You said I never loved [...]

  8. [...] now you know. [↩]You ever see Cat on a Hot Tin Roof ? - Something hasn't happened yet. - What's that? - A click in my head. - Did you say, "click"? - [...]

  9. [...] problem with the former approach is, in the immortal words of Tennessee Williams, Mendacity! You won't... you won't live with mendacity, but you're an expert at it. The truth is [...]

  10. [...] Anyway. This guy does what poor people do, and passes the buck. But it's not okay for him, the story goes, because he's rich. And rich people, as you know, are very much guilty for being rich, because being rich is bad mmmkay. So his one son commits suicide, and then his other son huffs and puffs like an idiot, until the poor guy, thoroughly disgusted by the scum he's leaving behind, gets a little bit of fast acting colon cancer to the headii. Yes, exactly like that other guy thoroughly disgusted with the scum he's leaving behind, the one in the good play. [...]

  11. [...] have you seen Cat on a hot tin roof ? Big Daddy, a man from an earlier time, had madeix the greatest farm this side of the river Nile, [...]

  12. [...] top mouth, while in fact the bottom mouth's the self-obvious and quite transparent driver. Hence kitten's quite very strong One more crack, queenie, just one, and I will not only spit in your eye but I [...]

  13. [...] top mouth, while in fact the bottom mouth's the self-obvious and quite transparent driver. Hence kitten's quite very strong One more crack, queenie, just one, and I will not only spit in your eye but I [...]

  14. [...] in Mean Streets, and there only) or Byrne -- in Miller's Crossing. The truly strong alternatives, Paul Newman, E. G. Robinson, James Cagney and... well, that's it. That's it! They're strong alright, but... [...]

  15. [...] closely. Sadly I can't find it, and so I can't linking. A woe. [↩]What, you didn't see the son-father scene for what it was ? Why, because you imagine there's a difference between "liar" and "faggot" ? [...]

  16. [...] the "we don't live together, we occupy the same cage, that's all" rugrat she's shagged up with "works" with "special needs children". Should be good for at least [...]

  17. [...] female characters in all fiction. I don't know I can readily find her equal. There's of course Kitty, there's a few more contenders, [...]

  18. [...] female characters in all fiction. I don't know I can readily find her equal. There's of course Kitty, there's a few more contenders, [...]

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