
Saturday, 06 October, Year 4 d.Tr. | Author: Mircea Popescu

I assume he's spending user deposits. Maybe he's using his own money, but I don't think he has enough to cover lawyer fees. He said in the meeting that he wants BitcoinGlobal to pay for the lawyer."

Wow... nice theymos, nice... He just "assumed" it.

Needs to be preserved for posteriority.
That's exactly the kind of things I was talking about when people state their opinion/speculation as facts... Seriously...
Theymos wouldn't say that without a good hunch. He knows how much GLBSE has in total.
Seems rather convincing to me too.
Yeah, but he doesn't know.
Well, we don't know if the moon is hollow. Sometimes an assumption is reasonable.
"His name is Nefario. How could you people not see this coming?" this is so retarded. What's this, a coloring book ?
You don't start executing someone for murder, than investigate if he was the murdered.
BTC-Mining: Well Nefario is disobeying GLBSE's bylaws. He is technically already violating policy left and right.
Yes, but he hasn't stolen anything... the first claim by theymos was stating it as a fact, when he was just speculating. He hasn't been proven to have stolen anything*. It should have been stated as such that it was an opinion/guess and why. Not put it forward as a fact. An opinion is not a fact.
Here are the facts:
1. GLBSE has had very little revenue ; very little profit if any
2. Assuming the funds available are just user funds and he wants to spend some of them for lawyer fees, then it is reasonable to think he is embezzling funds.
BTC-Mining Things presented as fact but w/o acompanying documentation should be read as opinions. Something's not a fact by virtue of carrying a "fact" tag given by the author.
No... in my book you write them as "I think/believe/would guess that X because Y".
You can write it any way you please, but unless it's "here's so and so and here's the proof" it ain't a fact.
Not simply state X. It confuses people as having been witnessed by the claimer.
I guess it's a difference of approach.
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Well the thing is, by formulating it as a fact, one could believe theymos actually saw that funds were being moved away from the reserve.
Maybe he did.
There's a reason the English language has words such as "could, might, guess, believe, think, etc." He later said "I assume he's spending user deposits. Maybe he's using his own money, but I don't think he has enough to cover lawyer fees. He said in the meeting that he wants BitcoinGlobal to pay for the lawyer."
I am just finding it hard to be empathic towards someone who closed down a mutually owned company without clear consent
You're comitting the exact converse of the error you protest it seems. Theymos saw something, did he ?
Acknowledging he might be using his own money, and that he just claimed he stole fund because he didn't think Nefario had the money for a lawyer.
Now look. if i go into a house with a girl and come out with a body have you witnessed a murder or not ?
Well that's the problem. You haven't, but in your place I have, and i doubt we'll ever agree on this point.
Okay... so assuming you didn't see what you think you saw and there was no body, you'd go around claiming a murder?
Well what did i see ?
It depends how large the building was.
I'd probably report it stating I saw someone carrying what seemed like a body out of a house. I wouldn't go stating I saw a murder.
____Atlas_____ 100 sqft
Yep, murder. If the building is 100 sqft. If it's a large complex I would have doubt.
Well BTC-Mining you're in a very studied minority, and i don't think you're particularly right, either.
I state what I see for what it is. If I'm just speculating, I'd present it as such.
In any case and whatever happend, nef should've known there's lots of negative gossip in the community if there are no clear statements from him, lol
BTC-Mining when you look at your computer do you see something that seems like a screen or an actual screen ?
I would say I see an actual screen.
Right. Because why ? Maybe you're wrong. Maybe it's something else.
Because I can see it up close and I know it to be a screen.
How close ?
Eh... you'd want a distance at which I'd claim or not claim to have seen something?
Fact of the matter is, knowledge is always assailable from a purely nominalist perspective. How you draw the lines is arbitrary. Gotta learn to live with people's many lines.
I try to look at the relevance of right and wrong in this case and to me any libel in this case is easily undone. So, really, the whole argument is non notable.
Yes. But that you decide to claim what you saw or not as a body, you still can't say you witnessed a murder.
BTC-Mining for the same reason you decide you saw a screen I decide I saw a murder. I judged myself close enough. But Atlas has it, it's not really a notable argument.
Eh, I suppose. You could reasonably assume a murder was committed.
The reason natural languages are natural is that you always have to begin communication by negotiating terms. There's never going to be a workable version were we instantly understand what the other means just by reading the words.
But you saw a body being carried out. As such you cannot claim that you saw the person carrying said body murdered someone. You can only guess or propose said person as the probable murderer. You can state the first as a fact, and the second as a proposition.
I never claimed I saw the guy murder someone. I just claimed i saw a murder.
Okay. So in your example it's fine then.
Yes, but it only becomes fine after you overcome your initial interpretation of what I said, which will always be the case no matter who or what.
But theymos, on the other hand, apparently didn't saw anything.
I like how we have deep philosophical discussions. This is Socrates grade stuff here.
But theymos still stated like it was set in stone "He is also illegally using user deposits to pay for his lawyer." without even seeing anything.
Well theymos is also an idiot. I was just using this as a convenient example. I'm not defending theymos wtf.
Well the whole argument was about how how presenting an opinion/guess as a fact is bad if you didn't directly witness the fact, as it creates confusion for the listener. Or at least that's what I was stating until you interupted me to say that anything presented as a fact is an opinion.
Yeah. Moreover, about how there's little choice in the matter : you're always going to create confusion. It's part of communication.
Yes, always going to be some confusion.
A fact is merely a unified vision of an arbitrary number of individuals.
Which is why we don't take forum shit *that* seriously. To keep our sanity. Especially if no corroboration or proof is offered.
I'm simply stating I'm quite astonished at the sheer amount of hearsay/opinion/etc. presented as facts instead of for what it is...
Perception is reality. Reality is facts. If a civilization agrees 2 + 2 = 5 it might as well be.
When I'm talking to people in person, I'm used to people being much clearer and honest about what is their opinion and what they claim as facts.
BTC-Mining you probably spend a lot of time in an academic environment.
I'm spending time with Canadians.
Haha ok
Wittgenstein thought that most of what people say to one another is never fully understood.
midnightmagic did he say this ? or just think it ?
That is likely true, midnightmagic. As a absurdist-nihilist, it's hard for me to get into these kinds of arguments.
I suppose according to stereotypes, that makes perfect sense...
mircea_popescu: Every conversation he had was apparently full of, "But what do you MEAN?" At least according to this book I read called "Wittgenstein's Poker"
Wovon man nicht sprechen kann, darüber muss man schweigen.
.tr :en :de of the crooked reeses of women no straight cock was ever made
mircea_popescu: "der schiefe reeses der Frauen nicht gerade Schwanz war jemals gemacht" (en to de, translate.google.com)
Sounds legit.
Whereof one cannot speak, thereof one must be silent. Sounds pretty dogmatic to me
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2 Responses

  1. was ist reese

  2. Mircea Popescu`s avatar
    Mircea Popescu 
    Sunday, 7 October 2012

    Ein dingle-dongle ticolensic.

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