Adevaratul patriotism

Friday, 09 December, Year 3 d.Tr. | Author: Mircea Popescu

Hai sa va dau un exemplu :

[08:44] {mircea_popescu} hey, i run a charity to clothe the russians -->
[08:44] {mircea_popescu} can i have some donations pls ?
[08:44] {cocktopus} hawt
[08:44] {mircea_popescu} that white cap in the back, we did that!
[08:45] {mircea_popescu} guy was bareheaded before we came along.
[08:45] {+copumpkin} CS instaquiz for 0.04: name this lemma used to prove a language is not context-free
[08:45] {cocktopus} and the cigarette too?
[08:45] {mircea_popescu} no
[08:45] {Namegduf} Argh, I should know this one.
[08:45] {+Cory} copumpkin: Are you thinking these up yourself?
[08:45] {Namegduf} I've done this.
[08:45] {+copumpkin} I'll actually accept two answers
[08:45] {+copumpkin} Cory: yeah
[08:45] {+Cory} That's awesome.
[08:45] {Namegduf} Pumping lemma
[08:45] {Namegduf} That's it.
[08:45] {mircea_popescu} pumping ? :D
[08:45] {mircea_popescu} ahaha shit
[08:45] {+copumpkin} yep!
[08:45] {Namegduf} 1KoomdKmG1UTpjn8CPKsZbTiQ3AHemJsfo
[08:46] {cocktopus} pump and dump
[08:46] {mircea_popescu} pumping and ding.
[08:46] {+copumpkin} sorry guys, instaquiz is over for tonight:
[08:46] {+copumpkin} (I sent Namegduf his winnings)
[08:47] {Namegduf} Thanks.
[08:47] {+copumpkin} :)
[08:48] {+octopusdarling} thanks again copumpkin
[08:48] {cocktopus} mircea_popescu: can i raid your imageboard
[08:48] {+copumpkin} octopusdarling: no problem!
[08:48] {mircea_popescu} sure.
[08:49] {mircea_popescu} what do you want to do anyway
[08:49] {cocktopus} i dunno, i just found it
[08:49] {cocktopus} i think i shall lurk
[08:49] {mircea_popescu} ok, i got an instaquiz : 0.1337 for anyone that comes up with 7 ways to say whore in romanian.
[08:49] {mircea_popescu} enjoy.
[08:50] {+copumpkin} curva, tarfa, dama, prostituata, lele
[08:51] {mircea_popescu} 3rd just means lady and 5th is really older sister.
[08:51] {+copumpkin} dammit
[08:51] {mircea_popescu} so you're 4 short :D
[08:51] {+copumpkin} lied to me
[08:51] {+imsaguy} I thought whore was pretty universal?
[08:51] {mircea_popescu} (ftr, there's at least 49 ways)
[08:52] {+copumpkin} femeie de moravuri uşoare
[08:52] {+octopusdarling} curvă târfă prostituată lele dama destrăbăla femeie de moravuri uşoare
[08:52] {mircea_popescu} if you say dama de lux = lady of luxury or dama de consumatie then yea it would be ho
[08:52] {mircea_popescu} femeie de moravuri uşoare << periphrase.
[08:52] {mircea_popescu} we want words!
[08:53] {+copumpkin} dammit, my resident romanian on IRC is offline
[08:53] {+octopusdarling} curvă târfă prostituată lele dama destrăbăla buleandră ţoapă
[08:54] {+octopusdarling} threw an extra one in there in case
[08:54] {+copumpkin} fleoarta
[08:54] {mircea_popescu} toapa just means valley girl practically.
[08:54] {pirateat40} Its bed time, night guys.
[08:54] {mircea_popescu} nn pirate.
[08:54] {+copumpkin} night pirateat40
[08:54] {+copumpkin} good luck tomorrow
[08:54] {+octopusdarling} nn
[08:54] {pirateat40} :)
[08:54] {+copumpkin} necinsti
[08:54] {+copumpkin} plingari
[08:54] {+copumpkin}
[08:54] {mircea_popescu} destrăbăla { not a word, missing an ending.
[08:54] {mircea_popescu} lmao
[08:54] {mircea_popescu} those sorta mean to rape
[08:54] {+copumpkin} ticalos
[08:54] {mircea_popescu} that's asshole (not the body part, the type o person)
[08:55] {+octopusdarling} manifestare?
[08:55] {+copumpkin} didn't fleoarta work?
[08:55] {mircea_popescu} manifestation ? lol
[08:55] {mircea_popescu} it would, very obscure but yes cop
[08:55] {+copumpkin} man, I like being obscure
[08:55] {mircea_popescu} involuntarily :D
[08:55] {+copumpkin} how about Cățea? it's a stretch
[08:56] {+copumpkin} Maică-ta e o curvă jegoasă
[08:56] {mircea_popescu} it carries none of the conotations of bitch really.
[08:56] {mircea_popescu} yo momma's a dirty whore
[08:56] {+octopusdarling} femelă or haită?
[08:57] {mircea_popescu} the first means female, the later means pack
[08:57] {mircea_popescu} as in a pack of wolves
[08:57] {+copumpkin} muistă
[08:57] {mircea_popescu} yep.
[08:57] {+copumpkin} traseistă
[08:57] {mircea_popescu} yep
[08:57] {+copumpkin} have I won yet?
[08:57] {mircea_popescu} someone got the motherlode.
[08:57] {+octopusdarling} i think you did
[08:57] {mircea_popescu} i dunno, show me your 7.
[08:58] {+copumpkin} muistă traseistă fleoarta and the 4 you awarded me earlier
[08:58] {mircea_popescu} good enough for me. addy ?
[08:58] {+copumpkin} whee! 1QGfFTpmNu6STMknNDY6A2oJcqcJ1og8G
[08:59] {+copumpkin} got it!
[08:59] {mircea_popescu} if you spend it in a brothel you make double brownie points.

Asa se face, draga. 0.1337 BTC sunt undeva la 1 leu sau doi. In schimbul acestui leu sau doi am obtinut mai mult interes autentic pentru limba si cultura romana din partea unor oameni reali decit a obtinut vre-odata o institutie a statului roman in toata istoria respectivei chestii. Sigur, ICRNY. Impartiti numarul de vizitatori la buget, si vedeti daca va da supraunitar sau subunitar. Si aia inca-s printre cei mai competenti, Romania are zeci de ambasade care o freaca degeaba, sinecuri si locuri caldute de parcat mastodonti. Citi bani cheltuie Udrea si pe ce anume ?

Da-n fine, oricum nu ne asteptam noi sa cheltuie statul banii in mod eficient. Revenind la chestiuni mai pedestre, cine traduce dialogul e un om bun, si cine completeaza cu restul de 42 de sinonime pentru cel mai important concept din cultura romana e un om cultivat.


Category: Zsilnic
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5 Responses

  1. Deci 2 lei + cat ceri tu pe 15 minute de munca.
    Cred ca mai sus putem neglija mai degraba aia doi lei. Deci costul nu-i ala de-l zici.

  2. Mircea Popescu`s avatar
    Mircea Popescu 
    Saturday, 10 December 2011

    Cind ai dreptate apai ai.

  3. Romanians, occupy Bitcoinlandia!

  4. sau... Romani, va ordon, treceti... la treaba.

  5. Mircea Popescu`s avatar
    Mircea Popescu 
    Saturday, 10 December 2011

    In frunte cu Nicolae Futu-i Ancu'.

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