Adevaratul patriotism
Hai sa va dau un exemplu :
[08:44] {mircea_popescu} hey, i run a charity to clothe the russians -->
[08:44] {mircea_popescu} can i have some donations pls ?
[08:44] {cocktopus} hawt
[08:44] {mircea_popescu} that white cap in the back, we did that!
[08:45] {mircea_popescu} guy was bareheaded before we came along.
[08:45] {+copumpkin} CS instaquiz for 0.04: name this lemma used to prove a language is not context-free
[08:45] {cocktopus} and the cigarette too?
[08:45] {mircea_popescu} no
[08:45] {Namegduf} Argh, I should know this one.
[08:45] {+Cory} copumpkin: Are you thinking these up yourself?
[08:45] {Namegduf} I've done this.
[08:45] {+copumpkin} I'll actually accept two answers
[08:45] {+copumpkin} Cory: yeah
[08:45] {+Cory} That's awesome.
[08:45] {Namegduf} Pumping lemma
[08:45] {Namegduf} That's it.
[08:45] {mircea_popescu} pumping ? :D
[08:45] {mircea_popescu} ahaha shit
[08:45] {+copumpkin} yep!
[08:45] {Namegduf} 1KoomdKmG1UTpjn8CPKsZbTiQ3AHemJsfo
[08:46] {cocktopus} pump and dump
[08:46] {mircea_popescu} pumping and ding.
[08:46] {+copumpkin} sorry guys, instaquiz is over for tonight:
[08:46] {+copumpkin} (I sent Namegduf his winnings)
[08:47] {Namegduf} Thanks.
[08:47] {+copumpkin} :)
[08:48] {+octopusdarling} thanks again copumpkin
[08:48] {cocktopus} mircea_popescu: can i raid your imageboard
[08:48] {+copumpkin} octopusdarling: no problem!
[08:48] {mircea_popescu} sure.
[08:49] {mircea_popescu} what do you want to do anyway
[08:49] {cocktopus} i dunno, i just found it
[08:49] {cocktopus} i think i shall lurk
[08:49] {mircea_popescu} ok, i got an instaquiz : 0.1337 for anyone that comes up with 7 ways to say whore in romanian.
[08:49] {mircea_popescu} enjoy.
[08:50] {+copumpkin} curva, tarfa, dama, prostituata, lele
[08:51] {mircea_popescu} 3rd just means lady and 5th is really older sister.
[08:51] {+copumpkin} dammit
[08:51] {mircea_popescu} so you're 4 short :D
[08:51] {+copumpkin} lied to me
[08:51] {+imsaguy} I thought whore was pretty universal?
[08:51] {mircea_popescu} (ftr, there's at least 49 ways)
[08:52] {+copumpkin} femeie de moravuri uşoare
[08:52] {+octopusdarling} curvă târfă prostituată lele dama destrăbăla femeie de moravuri uşoare
[08:52] {mircea_popescu} if you say dama de lux = lady of luxury or dama de consumatie then yea it would be ho
[08:52] {mircea_popescu} femeie de moravuri uşoare << periphrase.
[08:52] {mircea_popescu} we want words!
[08:53] {+copumpkin} dammit, my resident romanian on IRC is offline
[08:53] {+octopusdarling} curvă târfă prostituată lele dama destrăbăla buleandră ţoapă
[08:54] {+octopusdarling} threw an extra one in there in case
[08:54] {+copumpkin} fleoarta
[08:54] {mircea_popescu} toapa just means valley girl practically.
[08:54] {pirateat40} Its bed time, night guys.
[08:54] {mircea_popescu} nn pirate.
[08:54] {+copumpkin} night pirateat40
[08:54] {+copumpkin} good luck tomorrow
[08:54] {+octopusdarling} nn
[08:54] {pirateat40} :)
[08:54] {+copumpkin} necinsti
[08:54] {+copumpkin} plingari
[08:54] {+copumpkin}
[08:54] {mircea_popescu} destrăbăla { not a word, missing an ending.
[08:54] {mircea_popescu} lmao
[08:54] {mircea_popescu} those sorta mean to rape
[08:54] {+copumpkin} ticalos
[08:54] {mircea_popescu} that's asshole (not the body part, the type o person)
[08:55] {+octopusdarling} manifestare?
[08:55] {+copumpkin} didn't fleoarta work?
[08:55] {mircea_popescu} manifestation ? lol
[08:55] {mircea_popescu} it would, very obscure but yes cop
[08:55] {+copumpkin} man, I like being obscure
[08:55] {mircea_popescu} involuntarily :D
[08:55] {+copumpkin} how about Cățea? it's a stretch
[08:56] {+copumpkin} Maică-ta e o curvă jegoasă
[08:56] {mircea_popescu} it carries none of the conotations of bitch really.
[08:56] {mircea_popescu} yo momma's a dirty whore
[08:56] {+octopusdarling} femelă or haită?
[08:57] {mircea_popescu} the first means female, the later means pack
[08:57] {mircea_popescu} as in a pack of wolves
[08:57] {+copumpkin} muistă
[08:57] {mircea_popescu} yep.
[08:57] {+copumpkin} traseistă
[08:57] {mircea_popescu} yep
[08:57] {+copumpkin} have I won yet?
[08:57] {mircea_popescu} someone got the motherlode.
[08:57] {+octopusdarling} i think you did
[08:57] {mircea_popescu} i dunno, show me your 7.
[08:58] {+copumpkin} muistă traseistă fleoarta and the 4 you awarded me earlier
[08:58] {mircea_popescu} good enough for me. addy ?
[08:58] {+copumpkin} whee! 1QGfFTpmNu6STMknNDY6A2oJcqcJ1og8G
[08:59] {+copumpkin} got it!
[08:59] {mircea_popescu} if you spend it in a brothel you make double brownie points.
Asa se face, draga. 0.1337 BTC sunt undeva la 1 leu sau doi. In schimbul acestui leu sau doi am obtinut mai mult interes autentic pentru limba si cultura romana din partea unor oameni reali decit a obtinut vre-odata o institutie a statului roman in toata istoria respectivei chestii. Sigur, ICRNY. Impartiti numarul de vizitatori la buget, si vedeti daca va da supraunitar sau subunitar. Si aia inca-s printre cei mai competenti, Romania are zeci de ambasade care o freaca degeaba, sinecuri si locuri caldute de parcat mastodonti. Citi bani cheltuie Udrea si pe ce anume ?
Da-n fine, oricum nu ne asteptam noi sa cheltuie statul banii in mod eficient. Revenind la chestiuni mai pedestre, cine traduce dialogul e un om bun, si cine completeaza cu restul de 42 de sinonime pentru cel mai important concept din cultura romana e un om cultivat.
Friday, 9 December 2011
Deci 2 lei + cat ceri tu pe 15 minute de munca.
Cred ca mai sus putem neglija mai degraba aia doi lei. Deci costul nu-i ala de-l zici.
Saturday, 10 December 2011
Cind ai dreptate apai ai.
Saturday, 10 December 2011
Romanians, occupy Bitcoinlandia!
Saturday, 10 December 2011
sau... Romani, va ordon, treceti... la treaba.
Saturday, 10 December 2011
In frunte cu Nicolae Futu-i Ancu'.