Stampila aveti ?

Wednesday, 30 June, Year 2 d.Tr. | Author: Mircea Popescu

Am cazut intr-o discutie interesanta pe bloguri, pornind de la Adrian Mihalcioiu si urmarind legaturile spre un amplu material publicat de Marius Mistretu. Problema in discutie e birocratia intr-o aplicare particulara : originea hartiilor.

Inainte de-a trece la comentarii, vreau sa adaug o bucatica de informatie factuala din experienta mea proprie. Acum niste ani am dorit sa deschid un cont la un broker oarecare, acreditat pe Bursa din New York. Intrucat contul urma sa fie deschis in numele unei companii, si nu al unei persoane, si intrucat compania respectiva era inregistrata intr-o tara nevorbitoare de limba engleza, brokerul mi-a cerut o traducere dupa Articles of Incorporation, care ar fi un fel de act constitutiv in gandirea saxona. Aveti dinjos ce i-am trimis :


I, the undersigned Mircea Popescu, a Romanian citizen, son of xxx and xxx, born on xxx in Cluj-Napoca, county Cluj, Romania, residing in xxx, as sole proprietor,


in conformity with the dispositions of Law xxx with regard to Corporations, with its ulterior modifications and additions, that xxx shall be hereby duly incoprorated.

CHAPTER 1 – Name, juridical form, corporate residence, and duration

ART.1. Corporate name.
The corporation will be known as xxx.

ART.2. Juridical form.
The corporation xxx shall be a xxx person in law, under the form of a Limited Liability Corporation, authorised to act comercially according with this present Statute, with the Law xxx, as ammended and modified, and any other controlling legislation.

ART.3. Corporate residence.
The principal residence of the corporation is in xxx.
The corporation can change its residence to any town or locality within xxx, provided legal conditions are met.
The corporation can open subsidiaries, agencies, or affiliates in any town or locality,provided legal conditions are met.
The corporation will register any such subsidiaries, agencies or affiliates with the xxx prior to their beginning activity.

ART.4. Duration.
The company is incorporated with no limitation of lifetime.

ART.5. Scope of activity :

DECLARED FIELDS : 1. Manufacturing
2. Commerce and trade
3. Services
5. Import and Export



Secondary activities :
(complete list of all available activities follows)

CHAPTER 2 – Stocks
(rules governing the acquisition, disposition, issuance and registration of common stock if issued etc)

CHAPTER 2 – Management

ART.12. Corporate board.
All leadership and governance responsibilities reside with the Sole Proprietor Mircea Popescu, who specifically will
Approve the personnel schema
Approve the yearly financial statements and the profit/loss account
Hire and fire personnel
Establish salaries and other material benefits for employees
Select and revoke the CEO
Bring modifications to this present Statute or dissolve the Corporation
Represent the Corporation in any dealings with third parties
Execute, within the confines of the law, of the Corporation's business
Control the entire activity of the Corporation
Approve or dissaprove mergers or any other associations with third parties.
The Sole Proprietor will make all decissions, in lieu of a Board of Directors, until such a time that he shall name such a Board of Directors.

ART.13. Corporate officers.
The CEO of the Corporation shall be the Sole Proprietor Mircea Popescu, until such a time that the Board of Directors, if named, or otherwise the Sole Proprietor of the Corporation, shall appoint a new CEO.
The CEO will :
(follows list of CEO responsibilities)
The CEO is named for an unlimited term, with the option of receiving an extension by decission of the Board of Directors, if named, or otherwise the Sole Proprietor of the Corporation.

(Further details about CEO and other officer's activity follows)

ART.13. Final Dispositions.
The present Act of Incoporation is completed by the legal dispositions of Law xxx, as ammended and modified, the Uniform Commercial Code and the Civil Code. The dispositions of this present act can be modified by additional Acts, by the law.
Dressed in xxx, in 3 copies, today, xxx



Closing of atestation nr xxx, as to the date, the identity of the parties and the contents of this present Act, Year xxx, month of xxx, day xxx,

Before me, xxx, Legal Counsel, listed in the Professional Table under the id xxx, came Mr. Mircea Popescu, a Romanian citizen, son of xxx and xxx, born xxx in Cluj-Napoca, county Cluj, residing in xxx, who, upon reading the Act, agreed, swore and affirmed this present Act, and signed all copies.

As per art 4, Law xxx

Legal Counsel,

(signed and stamped)

Ca sa ne intelegem : cu originalul in fata am scris aceasta traducere intr-un sfert de ceas, am trimis-o pe meil si aia o fost toata povestea. Asa cum o vedeti, cu prescurtari prin text. Nu tu copii, nu tu faxuri, nu tu apostila lui peste prajit, nu tu taxe si nu tu timbre. Si nici stampile. Si nici alte tampenii oarzane. Iar originalul fusese creat cu cateva saptamani inainte de-un avocat oarecare, tot intr-un sfert de ceas, nu caaa. A sezut omul frumos pe scaun, mi-a pus un set de intrebari - pesemne completand un template - a tiparit trei hartii, m-a pus sa semnez si aia o fost.

Pentru ca da, omul este izvor de probe intr-o lume sanatoasa la cap, ca alt izvor nici nu poate sa existe. Si pentru ca nici un sistem legal civilizat nu porneste de la presupozitia ca are de-a face cu un mincinos. Atitudine care are intre altele rezultatul remarcabil de-a stimula cinstea, si nu necinstea in cetateni, dupa principiul "noblesse oblige" mai degraba decat dupa neaosul "daca tot te uiti la mine de parca ti-am furat ceva, mai bine ti-as fura".

Exista un motiv pentru care singurele afaceri ce continua sa existe in Romania sunt cele ce pur si simplu n-au incotro : retail-ul, ca aici e populatia, nu le poti vinde hapt din Turcia, exploatarea resurselor naturale, ca nu poti extrage marmura de Simeria direct din Germania, si umane, ca nu poti duce lohnaritele-n Costa Rica. Tot restul traieste in legislatii mai sanatoase la cap, si acolo vor si ramane, in timp ce Romania isi continua netulburata lupta de-a incerca sa croiasca o realitate care sa se potriveasca cu hartiile.

PS. Si firma din SUA la care am fost asociat avea stampila. Stiti la ce se folosea ea ? La un singur lucru : aplicarea pe stock certificates emise. Atat.

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