You can reach the yearly and monthly archive lists of Trilema articles by adding a year, or a year and a month after the domain. Thus will list the archive for year 3 d. Tr. whereas will list the archive for the month of March, 2019. Now hack those urls!i

Just in case you're too lazy to type and absolutely must click, here's a convenientii list of archives that I don't really intend to maintain on a very tight schedule :

---------------- 2021 ----------------
January (26)

---------------- 2020 ----------------
December (21) ; November (34) ; October (53) ; September (23) ; August (33) ; July (21) ; June (18) ; May (25) ; April (27) ; March (1477) ; February (17) ; January (11)

---------------- 2019 ----------------
December (12) ; November (1500) ; October (24) ; September (21) ; August (46) ; July (83) ; June (11) ; May (15) ; April (10) ; March (24) ; February (23) ; January (16)

---------------- 2018 ----------------
December (11) ; November (12) ; October (14) ; September (15) ; August (19) ; July (18) ; June (22) ; May (25) ; April (27) ; March (29) ; February (23) ; January (23)

---------------- 2017 ----------------
December (22) ; November (30) ; October (40) ; September (33) ; August (26) ; July (22) ; June (12) ; May (32) ; April (29) ; March (27) ; February (27) ; January (37)

---------------- 2016 ----------------
December (50) ; November (29) ; October (33) ; September (30) ; August (38) ; July (36) ; June (31) ; May (34) ; April (34) ; March (31) ; February (24) ; January (27)

---------------- 2015 ----------------
December (24) ; November (29) ; October (39) ; September (24) ; August (32) ; July (26) ; June (30) ; May (40) ; April (38) ; March (34) ; February (45) ; January (50)

---------------- 2014 ----------------
December (38) ; November (43) ; October (43) ; September (40) ; August (33) ; July (39) ; June (40) ; May (39) ; April (45) ; March (43) ; February (34) ; January (55)

---------------- 2013 ----------------
December (35) ; November (56) ; October (51) ; September (39) ; August (28) ; July (36) ; June (34) ; May (33) ; April (34) ; March (38) ; February (53) ; January (54)

---------------- 2012 ----------------
December (50) ; November (53) ; October (50) ; September (65) ; August (80) ; July (150) ; June (77) ; May (104) ; April (83) ; March (109) ; February (124) ; January (147)

---------------- 2011 ----------------
December (119) ; November (130) ; October (102) ; September (1708) ; August (116) ; July (164) ; June (139) ; May (112) ; April (114) ; March (138) ; February (104) ; January (99)

---------------- 2010 ----------------
December (103) ; November (98) ; October (93) ; September (104) ; August (101) ; July (107) ; June (111) ; May (113) ; April (145) ; March (89) ; February (67) ; January (66)

---------------- 2009 ----------------
December (41) ; November (51) ; October (59) ; September (64) ; August (52) ; July (45) ; June (43) ; May (62) ; April (57) ; March (59) ; February (55) ; January (44)

---------------- 2008 ----------------
December (2)

As you can see, I've never actually missed a month (really, I don't think I ever missed a week) so... go me!

PS. Since I've meanwhile also taken out the categories listing on the sidebar, here's a centralizer : 3 ani experienta ; Actiuni si Optiuni ; Activism ; Adnotations ; AICMF ; Bitcoin ; Breaking News ; China care este ; Cocietate si Sultura ; Concursuri ; Criptograme ; Cuvinte Sfiinte ; Evenimente ; F.DERP ; F.MPIF ; Gandesc, deci gandesc ; Job Board ; La pas prin lume ; Lifespiel ; Logs ; Meta psihoza ; MPEx ; Oda Superbiei ; Politica si Prostie ; Prz arhscrt ; Rautati si Mizerii ; Rota ; S.BBET ; S.MG ; S.NSA ; S.QNTR ; S.WOL ; SUA care este ; Trilema Presei ; Trilematograf ; Trilenciclopedia ; Trilterviuri ; Trolloludens ; Zsilnic.

In fairness I must say I don't suspect these of being even potentially useful ("Trilematograf" perhaps excepted). I guess I should replace them with some other mechanism, but as things stand I have no idea what that'd be. And besides -- as the man once said,

Refuz ca micul meu volum pentru neghiobi si gura-casca pe banderola sa-l rezum. De vor sa stie ce si cum, sa faca bine sa-l citeasca!

  1. Speaking of url hacking : Trilema also redirects to any article once you've given a set of first letters, so for instance takes you to If the string is ambiguous (ie, multiple articles match it), the earliest will be delivered. []
  2. Article count in paranthesis. []
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8 Responses

  1. Mircea Popescu`s avatar
    Mircea Popescu 
    Saturday, 11 April 2020

    This change removes a significant chunk of bloat, owing to how drop-down menus work (not to mention can finally ditch the js that was doing the onselect).

  2. Good

  3. mr joejpn`s avatar
    mr joejpn 
    Tuesday, 6 October 2020

    hi,when yours come to the japan,,contact at 807015472803,to be afriends

  4. Mircea Popescu`s avatar
    Mircea Popescu 
    Tuesday, 6 October 2020

    'ey bimbo, call the fellow would you.

  5. Yes, Master!

  6. Mircea Popescu`s avatar
    Mircea Popescu 
    Thursday, 8 October 2020

    Meanwhile in other spurious datapoints, the textual content of Trilema apparently stands at 1`407`158`580 bytes ; whereas the non-textual content (pictures, the occasional film/audio etc) weighs a mere... 4`809`571`167 bytes. A negligible pile, if one is to take say the complexity of the genome, whereof it is supposedly derived.

  1. [...] were 42 GB then it'd take 500 hours ?! But on the other side, fuck it, a) who wants 50 GB worth of data and what the fuck for and b) let that be the problem, that Eulora has 50 GB in assets, poor us ; [...]

  2. [...] also has a ROI, computable, scalar : 2`000`000%. That's not so much ; seven digits fail to impress in context. A girl recounted for us the story of her step-mother, for decades romantic partner of her widowed [...]

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