January 17, 2021 | Author: Mircea Popescu
S.MG incoming and outgoing
Incoming Outgoing
Description Value Description Value
Deposits 0.0 Loot pool provisioning 0.0
Server 0.05870513i
Payroll 0.44561474
Total 0.0 Total 0.504319876
    S.MG assets
    Account 01.10.2020 Net change 31.12.2020
    Cash 8`446.69023968 0.504319876 8`446.185919804
    Tangibles 309.16706794 0.00003215 309.16703579
    Intangibles and goodwill 79.28853731 0.00003215 79.28856946
    Total assets 8`834.641525054
    S.MG liabilities
    Account 01.10.2020 Net change 31.12.2020
    Player holdings 119.77933214 0.0018542ii 119.78118634
    Shareholder equity 8`715.36651279 0.506174076iii 8`714.860338714
    Total liabilities 8`834.641525054

      S.MG has a total of 88`096`605 authorised shares outstanding.iv The shareholder equity per share implied value is thus 0.00009897 BTC.

      Provisional statement, will be considered accepted within one week of publication. Make any observations or corrections below.


      Closing a decade, ain't that fun! And what a shitty decadev it was, too!

      As far as Eulora v2.0 development is concerned, we're in a position where (finally!) encrypted communication with key burning works now. We're also building a substantial (ada-based) graphics pipeline toolchain (large parts of it started life back in the days of exploration, as mere bash scripts and assorted materia obscura) that is progressing nicely. I fully expect the Endless Lands thing to be fully deployed this year ; and as large a part of everything else as humanly possible.

      Whether anyone else will be allowed to play it though... now that's a different matter. I'll... think about it, let's say.

      1. The dollar and other fiat crap collapsing this quarter has greatly improved our balance sheet outlook. From a financial perspective Eulora is pretty much eternal at this point. []
      2. Corresponding in current fiatola to a movement of $66 or thereabouts, which (considering it's the delta of player activity) ain't even close to nothing!

        Speaking of nothing : I've re-installed Rift yesterday ; it still works on Wine just as well as back then! Nothing else works like back then though, I'm the only one playing on the only remaining PvP server. Do you know what death penalty is like, on the only PvP server ?

        Nothing. I mean it, there is no penalty. Nothing at all. I've made level 38 since yesterday, of which levels 33 to 38 in a few hours playing the King's Breach team instance solo. Yes, that's right, my build, put together out of things a first toon on an account found in the environment, still can beat the god damned party instance two levels over! Meanwhile everyone is hanging out, talking "politics" as they understand it.

        "Help" the "it's too hard" folks some more, why don't you. Certainly the world's greatly improved since giving that repugnant crowd the reins.

        tl;dr Eulora has weathered the shit decade way the fuck better than Rift has. And it cost less to do, too! []

      3. Coulda been worse, har har. []
      4. S.MG has Special Stock Warrants outstanding, representing a total of 105`448`912 shares for a total value of 10`549.6605 BTC (thus a par value of 1.00047), alloted to the following RSA keys :

        # Fingerprint Shares BTC Par
        1 6160E1CAC8A3C52966FD76998A736F0E2FB7B452 88`096`605 8`809.6605 1
        2 E72DCCB73A5E06694C5CD781D5196EE6390F999E 15`430`000 1`543.0 1
        3 EA0FAD90985B3025576A5061454B0FC0BC07B87E 1`400`000 140 1
        4 5015BD3D0AE659C8B8632F31CF2950F23C844002 192`307 25 1.3
        5 FC66C0C5D98C42A1D4A98B6B42F9985AFAB953C4 150`000 15 1
        6 57EE94EA6F2049A47DAFA8568F4CE8F777BC59F9 150`000 15 1
        7 260FA57BCE677A5C04BF60BA4A75883CC1B1D34C 20`000 2 1
        8 BBB0A99950037551F533850A677ABD62D0AEE7D7 10`000 1 1
        T 105`448`912 10`549.6605 1.00047

        SSW certificate blocks corresponding to employee compensation used to be formally issued in January, using the meanwhile... obsoleted deedbot infrastructure (mostly s'as to have some kind of use for it, I guess). I don't intend to bother with automatic issuance of RSA-signed certificates going forward, thoughit remains available at the interested parties' request. []

      5. I mean the epithet literally : the interval made very acute, and very visible, the painfully pointed difference between man and pressed shitboard, to the (perhaps unsurprising) stinking up of the whole place. All this vaguely human-shaped shit so readily mistook for alter-ego back in the day, back when the vantage stood at such substantial distance as the previous millenium so readily allowed. To rewrite the old joke, "back then eram si noi aloof-er". []
      Category : S.MG  | One response.