Advanced fucking

Tuesday, 20 January, Year 7 d.Tr. | Author: Mircea Popescu

Generally speaking, in order to be worth fucking a woman must be able toi both orgasm on command and refrain from orgasm without command. Some manual self-stimulation and a shortish delay may be involved with the former, but a woman that's convinced herself she can't bring herself off has rather ample mental issues sunken under the observable surface, with this bizarre notion playing the role of the iceberg's tip. In adult women that are otherwise emotionally and mentally stable the point may not be worth addressing, but if you're dealing with a delicious stripling or rambunctious fillyii it's probably advisable to get to the bottom of things. Also note that there actually exist women that enjoy a rather boyish sexual construction, and so may actually be unable to refrain, especially past a certain point. This is rare (and generally identified in the field by identifying that point - it's not a declaratory but an empirical matter).

The foregoing given, it is also the case that a competent woman will have learned to control her gag reflex, and so can comfortably swallow any item of the approximate size and shape of your erect penis (with the mention that depending on the exact conformation of her larynx and the shape and size of your penis, this may actually not be possible - don't force things because that's a delicate spot and a lot of horrifying damage may result). Whether she has or she hasn't, she can still choke herself on your penis, which is to say, place the head so that it obstructs her glotis and she can neither swallow nor draw breath.

The foregoing also given, it is a fact that asphyxia helps an orgasm along. Something about oxygen deprivation coaxes the brain into a muchly enhanced subjective experience of the behaviouriii in question, although the exact physiologyiv involved is unclear.

All the foregoing so given, we can now discuss a particularly satisfying sexual practice. Lie down on a comfortable surface - such as for instance a dead sperm whalev. Have the woman suckle on your penis for a bit, then tell her to come and choke herself while she's doing it. The sheer spectacle of her driving herself quite spastic over your penis is absolutely worth (You may help matters along by keeping the scruff of her neck firmly in place once she's in contractions.)

Be careful not to ejaculate while she's in the middle of it, however, because she will probably aspirate your secretions all the way into her lungs, rendering toxic pneumonia more than likely.

  1. "Must be able to" does not necessarily equal "always must", just like a person being able to drive does not imply the person necessarily spends every waking hour behind the wheel. []
  2. These terms of art will not be defined in the present tract. []
  3. The orgasm is an inborn primate behaviour. Not "a sudden discharge" nor a "physical and emotional sensation" nor a "point during sexual activity" nor "the moment of greatest pleasure". More generally, if you bother to review the various dictionaries available online you will no doubt be shocked, appalled and dismayed at the shocking, appalling and dismaying quality of the so called "definitions" on tap. I would be much surprised if you can find not a correct definition in each dozen, but a dozen correct definitions in total!

    I think languages commonly spoken by dogs, geese or horses actually find themselves in better repair. []

  4. Physiology is the [study of] normal functioning in living systems. Pathology, on the contrary, is the [study of] disfunction in living systems. Thus saying "that's physiological" is the expert's way of telling you not to worry, whereas "that's pathological" simply denotes abnormality - it's not a superlative. []
  5. Physeter macrocephalus. []
  6. Incidentally, this is why she must be able to orgasm on command : because it's her job and up to her. People have very little control over the internal states of other people, and so accepting the nonsensical proposition that her orgasm is your job is nothing short of accepting slavery. Unless this is your actual object (in which case you're much better served by an actual and plain understanding as to that effect), you do not wish to put yourself in such an absurd position. []
Category: 3 ani experienta
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  1. Mircea Popescu`s avatar
    Mircea Popescu 
    Friday, 6 March 2020

    Lol this poor article, quietly celebrating its fifth birthday and 100th or thereabouts implementation in practice, while everyone else is "out there, rubbing sticks together", to borrow a 90s expression. Tsk tsk.

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