More beat around Whore Street

Monday, 02 February, Year 7 d.Tr. | Author: Mircea Popescu

Me Do you know what the original purpose of this drink was?
Her Vaginal douching.

Me No, but you're surprisingly close.
Her Some sort of disinfectant for wounds.

Me No, also close though.
Her It was used in some kind of holy water sprinkler and sprayed on adherents of a bizarre religion.

Me No. Somewhat close, but not as much as the first two.
Her It was used in a bath. Like a spa treatment.

Me No. Close again, but further than the first.
Her Rectal douching.

Me No.
Her Eyeball washing.

Me No. Do you know how this shit would feel in your eyes?
Her Well it wouldn't feel great in your cunt either.

Me I wasn't agreeing with that one.
Her It was used as a treatment for a throat ailment.

Me No. Close. Do you give?
Her No!

Me You'll never guess it. You're not European enough.
Her A cheese bath.

Me A cheese bath?!
Her Yeah, a cheese was flash-immersed in--

Me No.
Her It was added to clotheswashing, like laundry.

Me Nope.
Her It was a cure for a psychological issue.

Me Not psychological exactly.
Her So I've got it then --female frigidity.

Me Almost exactly.
Her Female hysteria?

Me Also almost exactly.
Her It was used as part of a devirgination event, like a--

Me So it was.
Her I thought I'd never guess it!

Me You haven't!
Her What?! You just gave me a "so it was"!

Me Yeah, but that's not specific, it's like asking what baseball is and you saying it's some sort of a sporting event.
Her Oh, come on! It's specific!

Me If you give up I can tell you.
Her If I "give up"?! What, like I'm going to deduce hit-and-miss every last detail of the precise ceremony involved?

Me You know giving up is not a crime.
Her How is it giving up?! You said I'd never guess what it was originally used for, I've gotten that it was used in a devirgination ceremony. The difference between "gee I dunno" and this is like at least eleventy spheres.

Me Okay. It was used so that when a gentleman forcibly kissed a maid, her experience was strictly distinct from all her other experiences of being forcibly kissed. Which is why it has a papal fucking blessing. It's an instrument of rapey male privilege.
Her It's just liquor.

Me No, actually, it's a digestive.
Her So how is that not liquor ?

Me No but that's not the point, you're insisting a car's a geometric shape. Well sure it has a geometric shape, but that's not what the car is. Everything had fucking alcohol in it, that's all they knew how to make : tinctures. This just happens to be rape tincture.

Category: Trilterviuri
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2 Responses

  1. Congrats dude, you've just made some obscure liquorish shit the aspirational drink of the red pill generation. A new absynth for a new crop of idiots. I hope you've loaded up on Alberti Benevento shares at least.

  2. Mircea Popescu`s avatar
    Mircea Popescu 
    Monday, 2 February 2015

    Uh... I guess it does say "s[ocieta] p[er] a[zioni]" but it doesn't seem to be listed anywhere.

    Anyway, I didn't bother. And for the record : I wouldn't drink too much of this stuff. It's very sugary, for one thing.

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