Ce inseamna sa fii iubit

Thursday, 19 January, Year 4 d.Tr. | Author: Mircea Popescu

{mircea_popescu} so how does someone go about getting a .bit ?

{phungus} mircea_popescu: install namecoin from the repo
{imsaguy} mircea_popescu: its in the wiki

{mircea_popescu} ough, i need to install shit ? ;/

{vragnaroda} There's got to be some BTC-accepting site that will register a .bit for you.
{weex} if you have namecoin it's fairly simple but takes a couple hours i think

{mircea_popescu} http://register.dot-bit.org/ - payments accepted : bitcoins (BTC)
{mircea_popescu} Advantage : no configuration, no need to exchange bitcoin with namecoin
{mircea_popescu} a apparently there's a registrar

{vragnaroda} I'm sure there are several.

{weex} can you download the privkey it's assigned to?
{vragnaroda} mircea_popescu: But, you still need to set your system up to resolve .bit or work around that.

{mircea_popescu} i don't care about myself, really.
{mircea_popescu} after all i can access myown websites.
{mircea_popescu} what is this, 1.5 btc a year + 1 btc hosting which you have to get ? poppycock.
{mircea_popescu} what happened to 0.005 btc.

{imsaguy} just use the namecoin client
{weex} mircea_popescu: how many domains you want to register?
{imsaguy} the namecoin client lets you do it for nmc which are stupid cheap
{imsaguy} .006 last I heard
{weex} 0.006btc/nmc

{mircea_popescu} o, it costs one nmc or else 1.5 btc with these schmucks ?!
{mircea_popescu} what the hell!

{weex} but they register it for a year which requires multiple updates
{weex} so they have some sw built i guess

{mircea_popescu} give me back traditional monopolistic pricing jeez.

{imsaguy} lol

{mircea_popescu} so basically the marginal cost of me installing shit from repo on one hand or alterantively paying ridiculous fees for a domain just limited .bit adoption. in case anyone actually parses this.

{Ukto} hmm
{Ukto} I'd be happy to host some pub .bit dns servers
{Ukto} for the fun o it

{mircea_popescu} do they i was gonna ask
{mircea_popescu} do they pay me if i host dns ?
{mircea_popescu} i could charge i dunno, a .1 btc fee per domain per year. shouldn't be a problem paying that i guess ?

{Ukto} s'pose i should try to find that script I saw to suck dns entries out of the nmc system
{weex} they're also taking some currency exchange risk in giving it to you for a year

{mircea_popescu} not really. they can change the btc back on the spot. it's not like im taking credit.

{vragnaroda} mircea_popescu: If I really cared about .bit, I'd try to run a .bit registrar for BTC as close as possible to breaking even until a decent competitor came along.
{vragnaroda} But, I don't really care about NMC.

{mircea_popescu} exactly.
{mircea_popescu} it's innerving how often we keep agreeing of late.
* mircea_popescu peeks to see if v checks make sure it's not really spelled with an u.

{vragnaroda} If it's one error once in a while, I let it slide.
{vragnaroda} (Unless you're being a dick.)

{EvanR} anyone know where i can get silica gel packets
{Coolio-} how many do you nee
{copumpkin} EvanR: I keep a stash lying around to eat them
{Coolio-} d
{copumpkin} EvanR: I can send you some
{vragnaroda} EvanR: Go to the 7-11 and open all the packages of beef jerky.
{EvanR} need it for a 5 gallon bucket
{weex} no copumpkin! that's what you're NOT supposed to do.
{copumpkin} oh whoops
{vragnaroda} orly
{copumpkin} I always get that kind of thing wrog
{weex} are they good?
{copumpkin} omnomnom
{EvanR} im going into power saving mode, and the storage unit doesnt allow food (not that i would store food in there)
{EvanR} so im putting all my dry food in a 5 gallon bucket

{mircea_popescu} its not an error silly.
{mircea_popescu} ahahaha copumpkin what are the effects ?

{EvanR} bitmunchies should sell silica gel packets
{phungus} EvanR: I think you can buy them on Amazon
{EvanR} who runs that
{EvanR} phungus: if i give you btc will you buy them on amazon for me
{phungus} so you can find that dude who will buy anything on amazon for you
{phungus} lol
{phungus} hmm
{EvanR} who is that dude

{mircea_popescu} what is a power saving mode ?

{EvanR} mircea_popescu: eliminate all costs
{phungus} EvanR: I think it was on the orderbook but I'm not sure now

{mircea_popescu} so you're gonna hang yourself ?

{phungus} EvanR: if I had extra cash I would right now
{phungus} no it's a good idea
{weex} EvanR: saving human power to run more mining equip?

{mircea_popescu} i like costs.

{EvanR} mircea_popescu: staying alive is damn expensive, but its way less expensive than rent and car payments
{pigeons} i think i already squatted mircea_popescu.bit

{mircea_popescu} evil pigeons
{mircea_popescu} im going to sopasue you.
{mircea_popescu} evanr no but i mean, isn't the solution making more money ?

{phungus} lol he eats them

{EvanR} mircea_popescu: not an option in the 10 days i gave myself to move out to avoid spending all my money

{mircea_popescu} name_new 0.01NMC name_firstupdate 0.05NMC (Price Calculator)
{mircea_popescu} so its 0.06 nmc and the nmc is 0.006 btc ?

{weex} all the good/evil brands have been squatted

{pigeons} http://explorer.dot-bit.org/n/4688
{mircea_popescu} ahahaah pigeons what evilry is this!

{Cory} EvanR: I'll buy stuff on Amazon for BTC.

{mircea_popescu} listen, how much does it actually cost you to register a domain ?
{mircea_popescu} gmornin cory :)

{Cory} Hey mircea_popescu! :D
{EvanR} Cory: ... nevermind it wont get here in time ;)
{Cory} All right.

{mircea_popescu} how fast do you think humidity works evanr

{EvanR} anyone know where i can get it locally
{EvanR} mircea_popescu: my address is invalid in 10 days
{pigeons} mircea_popescu: http://dot-bit.org/tools/domainCost.php
{EvanR} and im not filling out a forwarding thing with usps
{EvanR} gubmint need to stay outta my biz
{Cory} Craft stores sell silica powder to dry flowers.
{pigeons} or buy lots of shoes and look in the toe area

{mircea_popescu} pigeons so get a coupla domains for me and set them to redirect, ill pay you a btc for it, how about that.

{copumpkin} mircea_popescu: dunno yet
{pigeons} mircea_popescu: no problem

Cite entitati cunoasteti care sa fie suficient de importante cit sa se oboseasca cineva sa le squateze numele ? Hm ?

Si pe de cealalta parte, puteti de-acum sa va conectati la megaimperiul transgalactic al carui nume nu il vom pomeni si pe domeniul alternativ trilema.bit, perfect imun la "confiscari" si alte balarii. Ceea ce ar inseamna ca suntem primii. Din nou.

(Sumar pentru nevorbitorii de limbi straine :

  • eu investighez chestia cu TLD-ul independent de ICANN
  • cu care ocazie descopar ca e nevoie de-o intreaga infrastructura care nu-i neaparat gindita pentru utilizatori, ci mai degraba pentru fani
  • si respectiv ca niste baieti destepti incearca sa cumpere chestii de 0,002 centi pe care sa le vinda pe 20 de dolari (1`000`000%), cu care ocazie avem o confirmare in plus (daca mai era nevoie) ca toate tehnologiile noi promit sa rezolve probleme pe care sfirsesc fara exceptii prin a le agrava.
  • Un cetatean maninca desicant de siliciu in timp ce altul isi pastreaza mincarea intr-un badog de cinci kile dat fiind ca "face economii". Ceausescu nu a fost singurul.
  • Un alt cetatean care se crede priceput cu maiestria nu stie ca exista si innerving si unnerving, cu sensuri mai degraba opuse.
  • Un al treilea cetatean s-a apucat si a inregistrat mircea_popescu.bit de prin Noiembrie.


Category: Oda Superbiei
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15 Responses

  1. Mue fraere sa-l rascumperi acuma, oameni vizionari. Fail: http://namecoin.us

    ps: why buy fictional domains?

    presupun ca .bit asta e noul .onion cu tor, care defapt trimite catre un hash imputit al unei adrese reale .com gen.

    Namecoin...namecheap?! Hmm.

  2. Mircea Popescu`s avatar
    Mircea Popescu 
    Thursday, 19 January 2012

    Prea multe presupuneri fac pustanu' de ris, zice o vorba din batrini.

    Toate domeniile sunt "fictionale", ce-o mai fi insemnind si aia.

  3. mata

  4. Mircea Popescu`s avatar
    Mircea Popescu 
    Thursday, 19 January 2012

    Incearca si "fictiv".

    Si-n rest cind reusesti sa-ti spargi capu' cu domeniul ciocanul.org sa-mi trimiti poze.

  5. Firefox can't find the server at http://www.trilema.bit.

    Ping request could not find host trilema.bit. Please check the name and try again.

    Unable to resolve target system name trilema.bit.

    -- pana se trezesc si serverele DNS sa includa domeniile .bit va mai trece ceva vreme ..

  6. Mircea Popescu`s avatar
    Mircea Popescu 
    Thursday, 19 January 2012

    Nu-i probabil ca le vor include vre-odata. Exista solutii, daca folosesti dns-uri "aware" sau daca rulezi resolvere speciale.

    Ideea nu-i ca-i functional sau util. Ideea-i ca exista, si in caz de nevoie ne pisam pe ei.

  7. Mda, ar merge mai bine daca ar fi cineva capabil sa tina un bridge dinala DNS to namecoin cum era namecoin.us. Sincer, nici nu mi se pare ca ai nevoie de mai mult, tld .bit e vis umed de putoi. Daca poate internetul sa tolereze cacaturile inutile de url shorteners, nu vad de ce n-ar tolera gateway-uri DNS.

  8. Mircea Popescu`s avatar
    Mircea Popescu 
    Thursday, 19 January 2012

    Da' namecoin.us parca mai merge si acum.

    .bit etc au utilitate, degeaba te razvratesti ca vor exista mai incolo.

  9. Domeniile bit nu se înregistrează pe un an? Şi în cât timp se propagă dns-urile?

    1, 2, 3, 4, 5

  10. Mircea Popescu`s avatar
    Mircea Popescu 
    Friday, 20 January 2012

    E un sistem ceva mai complex bazat pe update-uri, mi se pare ca domeniul tine doua luni de la ultimul update (care nu te costa nimic, tre' pur si simplu sa incluzi comanda-n chain).

    DNS-urile se propaga intre citeva minute si o zi (in sensul ca proxy-ul principal care le gestioneaza ruleaza scriptul de colectare cam o data pe zi) dar multa lume le vede instantaneu. Chestia e ca nu le poti rezolva pur si simplu, dat fiind ca DNS-urile comune nu au abilitatea de-a recunoaste extensia. Ai aici o explicatie ceva mai amanuntita : https://ssl-proxy.my-addr.net/myaddrproxy.php/http/dot-bit.org/HowToBrowseBitDomains Solutia cu dns masquerading e cam cea mai simpla.

    Toate-s ale mele, trilema, dtng, polimedia, fain.

  11. Unde-i Freud să zică că site-ul din imaginea nr. 3 e pe .bit ?

  12. Mircea Popescu`s avatar
    Mircea Popescu 
    Friday, 20 January 2012

    Mie de exemplu nu-mi rezolva gee.bit.

  13. @lowthus: da' n-am inteles unde bati.

    .bit e la fel de fictiv ca .onion si ai nevoie de un plugin ca sa functioneze.

    si nu stau eu sa ma agit cu firefoci si extensiile pulii, de are la 2 zile o noua versiune de updatat, gen de la ff la .0.0.2, ca au descoperit ei nu stiu ce bug extra minor.

    ce e pe bit alea, vreun nou mue sopa, mue sua, totul e gratis si toti suntem socialisti sau ce?

    ps: ce rezolutie mica ai.

  14. Mircea Popescu`s avatar
    Mircea Popescu 
    Friday, 20 January 2012

    Un nou mue sopa, mue sua. Si-atit. Prea amesteci conceptele.

  15. Lasa ca chantarzii si anoniprostii-s 95% socialist, vrem download gratis si alte cacaturi.

    Oricum motivul pentru care protexteaza astia dramatic, wikipula si etc, e ca dupaia o sa trebuiasca sa scoata banu' la licente pentru "fair use" ce au ei acolo, de fura imagini, video si sunet pe bucati mici.

    Ie democratie, ie liberalism, bogatii decid. Mbun. SUA eterna anticomunista, muie la rusi, mue socialism, etc. Cunoastem istorie. Daca nu cunoastem, asta e, luam avionul si ne mutam in lolkorea, ne jucam acolo la lagar de-a teoria cum sa stam toti in puf.

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